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Latest revision as of 06:48, 12 January 2015

Monster Reborn
Date of Scene: 12 January 2015
Location: Desert Mountains
Synopsis: Union vs Mad Maxizer MkII (Epic Machine Boss Battle)
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 368, 425, 491, 568, 681, 684

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
-- Desert Mountains, Evening --

    The compound was still there, exactly where it was previously reported to be. Whatever Tesla Armadia has been after in the secrets lost beneath the sands, she must be taking her sweet time finding it if the length of the holiday truces wasn't long enough. But that's just to the benefit of the heroes aspiring to get to the bottom of the matter, now isn't it?

    The previous intrusion hasn't been taken for granted, though. The chain-link fences have been replaced with full barricades, with laser 'bars' across the tops instead of the old classic barbed wire. Atop many of the support columns between the sections stand search lights and defense turrets.

    One section of wall has some graffiti on it. Apparently one of the local vagabound cyberpunk gangs wandered through, and got pissed off that they couldn't manage to break into such a wicked installation.

    Heavy machinery can be seen rising above the height of the walls, still churning away at getting into whatever forgotten complex lay below. Modular bunkers and depots lie scattered about, a larger hanger-like structure built up towards a back corner of the operation, power tools screaming and machinery groaning as the gremlynx minions go about their work. Cybertronic wolf commandos patrol the grounds with guns at the ready, humanoid wolves unbothred by the setting nightime.

    If the Union wants to bring this operation down, they better bring some pretty big guns for the show.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    The Union wasn't the only group that had interests in making sure the Fed wasn't able to create something dangerous. It would seem the Hall of Justice also had some issues with what was going on outside the borders of Runeterra, and as such, decided to send one of their champions, who was CLEARLY NOT UNION ALLIED, to have a look around. After all, magic worked wel agains technology, right?

    The one sent? A particular foxy lady who didn't much care for most of the Confederacy. She approaches the facility slowly, trying to maintain distance from any of the lupine-themed troopers patroling around. Maybe she'd get lucky and some other folks would happen to show up at just the same time. Which would be completely coincidence. It was not because she was Union. NOT ONE BIT.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Did someone say big guns?

Union has those, sometimes in spades.

Speaking of such big guns. Driving across the rocky plains of the desert, one can easily see the big rig rolling along. What is strange about this big rug coming in, is that not only is it off road, but the vehicle is moving at far greater speeds then a normal big rig should ever exceed at.

That could mean only one thing about this vehicle-- it was either heavily modified.. or it wasn't from earth. This becomes more obvious as it goes over a hill at that speed and then at the height of the jump, that very semi becomes a giant red and blue robot that many may be familiar with.

Even if he did have some differences between himself and the one Optimus Prime that roamed with the Union some time ago. Such as age, bit more sleek, and as Tesla Armadia knows-- far more aggressive.

As his feet impact the ground, the desert floor shakes from the impact, before he then just starts to walk toward the facility. He reaches around and pulls out his rifle. A low hum can be heard from it as it charges up. Oh yes, Prime sees the defenses, he can see the patrols, and he knows more Union are on the way, if not already here.

However, he wants to make it very clear. "Tesla Armadia." He says with a calm voice as his battle plate activates. "You are to cease your operations and surrender at once. Refusal to do so will provoke action to be taken. Will you and your cohorts comply?"

Natasha (425) has posed:
It's good Natasha doesn't have to try and go through the fence, she can just go fly right over it. Looks like Tesla should have sprung for rocket-mounted eagles or something. Of course that doesn't mean the turrets and search lights don't pose any problems. They would likely pick up an abnormal amount of heat. Still, upon hearing Optimus's voice she doesn't attack yet.

She figures Tesla's response is going to be no. Even Natasha isn't that naive. Still, she doesn't want to get in trouble by attacking early. So she simply waits patiently for now.

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     What's that? Danger? Machinery? A powerful operation being concocted by someone of dubious morality, probably up to No Good(tm)? Something that might lead to serious bodily injury, maybe even death? Secrets better-kept buried being unearthed by a potentially-amoral individual for possibly-nefarious reasons? Sounds like a job for the Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger! Sign him up!

     ...no, that's not a metaphor.


     "It'll be good for you! Go on, get out there! See the sights! Live a little! ...then die, I guess. It saves time. Anyway, they need help, you're a superhero, have fun!"

     Etranger shoves Shukou Tateyaku into the teleporter. The Unlosing Ranger barely has time to protest before she waves at him, a broad and innocent smile on her face, and throws the switch. Shukou is treated to a moment of the entire world collapsing around him, his body being torn to atomic shreds and dispersed, and those same atomic shreds being flung across vast and cosmic distances.

     Then he is treated to another moment of assembling somewhere near the Union forces.

     It hurts. A lot.


     A young man in glasses and a red tracksuit spawns in near the Union. Behind him is a semi-translucent young man with brown hair, a yellow jumpsuit, and a red scarf, who also happens to have no legs. The young man in glasses steps forward.

     "H...hero, change!"

     "NO!" The ghost shouts, suddenly floating next to him. The ghost crosses his arms over his chest. "You won't be able to power the belt like that! You need heart! Spirit! Gusto! Force of will! You know! You need something cool! Awesome Ranger!"

     Shukou scratches the back of his head. He looks from Optimus Prime, the giant transforming robot, to Ahri, the awesome fox lady. He looks down at himself - a scrawny nerd in glasses, wearing a weird belt.


     "Don't think!" Pirohiko replies, "Just do it! Throw yourself headlong into danger without regrets! That's part of being a hero, too!"

     "Ah..." Don't think, huh? Shukou closes his eyes. He takes a stance with his arms, pointed outwards diagonally over his chest.

     His eyes open. His expression looks slightly different. More confident?


     Shukou rotates his arms over his head, locking them into place on the opposite side of his chest.


     The belt on his stomach - a strange-looking device with a stylized V - starts spinning. A light overtakes Shukou, filling the room. Theme music starts to play.


     In an instant, Shukou is no longer Shukou Tateyaku. Instead, he stands there in a form-fitting white-and-red jumpsuit, with a brilliant yellow translucent faceplate over his glasses. A cape flows around him as he moves forward.

     Actually, what happened was that the Hero Changer...oh, nevermind. It's long and technical and you don't even care.


Deelel has posed:
There a sleek form moving across the groubnd at rather high speed it's some sort of ground craft it's small but it's set up is alien and it does not seem to have any spot welds or signs it wasn't put together in one go. Deelel's light cycle is moving at high speed and following up Prime's arrival at this point she doesn't seem too bothered for the moment she's a bit of a ways out, hopefully Prime? Will be able to talk things down.

Then the Unlosing Ranger arrives and she's just what the heck is that human on?! Wait is he some kinda Kamen Rider?

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
Normally there probably wouldn't be anything in a desert tall enough to leap off of to gain enough altitude to fly in. But in this case, he just used speed to do it. Lots of thermals around once he could get up to speed.

The gargoyle had been atop the trailer of the big rig, and when he reached the proper speed, flared his wings and took to the skies. Now it was a simple matter of gliding silently into the base itself. It seems that several of the other Unionites weren't going to be doing things subtle, which will allow Brooklyn to move in quietly past security. Not that he expects things to stay quiet for long, but at least he'll be able to flank in from behind once the stuff hits the fan.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
You know those video games where you have to play Dodge The Spotlights or you get shot full of unpleasant things? That's what approaching the compound is like. Or suppose to be like, at least, for people on foot. There's a really good chance that Optimus' loud landing and proclaiming for surrender is grabbing a lot of security's attention, meaning there's the off-chance that even if a spotlight does light up someone sneaking towards the walls there's not going to be anyone to see them.

Optimus gets his answer. It's pretty much the answer he expects. That is delivered not in words but in several of the defense turrets turning towards the Autobot and opening fire with fairly standard laser blasts. The number he did to that mecha was more than enough to get him registered in reference files as a high priority threat. The area around him isn't going to be spared any scattering of fire, either. Though the basic defenses don't appear to have any sort of fancy tracking. They just point and start shooting.

Some of the turrets swing upward instead, and start peppering the airspace overhead in strafing fire. It's even less aimed that the blasted being fired at those on the ground, opting for satuation over accuracy to reducing the open space to maneuver in, so don't get sloppy! Commandos inside start scrambling for positions, ready for the inevitable penetration of the exterior barriers. Alarms begin their screaming wail.

Somewhere else a holoscreen flares to life with the image of a comm-officer unit. You can tell because that robo-wolf just has one big visor over its face that keeps flashing --ALERT-- like a visual aid LED screen. Yes I totally just ripped off Tele-Vipers. No, I don't care. "Overseer! Major Alert! Union Forces are attempting to invade the perimeter!" An inset window opens up showing the turrets firing away at Optimus and company.

"The Autobot too, huh? Interesting." Tesla had to be sitting somewhere moderately small and inclosed, with the almost creepy way the light glow of the holo-screen played across her features. "I see the auto-response protocol to demands of surrender worked perfectly." A flick of her fingers and the inset screen expanded so she could get a better look, despite the good chance it wasn't showing all the present enemies. "Not that they'll hold off that lot for long." A pause, and then she smirked smugly as she steepled her fingertips together, the ominous glow still reflecting off her glasses. "Perfect timing, too."

Somewhere in unknown darkness, a reborn beast takes its first new breaths...

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Well. Getting INSIDE this place may be a little more difficult than expected. The walls are big, lasers for deterents aren't as easily dealt with, and *FLASH* oh wait, that was actually really easy! The vixen smirks, silently thanking whatever summoner is observing her right now before she starts sneaking around inside the perimiter wall looking for ... something. ... You know maybe she should ask THE INSTITUTE WHO CLEARLY ISN'T THE UNION what she should be looking for. .. ... Yeah. Radio out, quick hiding spot, words into said radio.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The reply is not a surprise to Optimus Prime honestly. Given a reputation he seems to be slowly building up as being a Prime who isn't afraid to kill if the right buttons are pushed. As the weapons open fire, the Autobot Commader quickly darts to the left, and then to the right. Moving between the laser blasts as he ever moves his way closer.

As he shifts his weight again, his rifle comes up to aim and he fires at the defense towers, attempting to take them off line. Though as he opens fire, he has to spin on his heel in order to avoid a laser shot that skims by the armor panel along the side of his face, scorching the blue metal ever so slightly from the heat.

Though as he comes back around he takes a few more shots, before moving to strafe of to the side, dragging the weapon fire for any poor patrols who may be to dumb to actually /get out of the way/ from their own weapons. "Excuse me!" Is all he has to say them as he moves, activating the energy axe in his other hand as he tries to actually head even closer in.

It is pretty obvious what he plans on doing with that axe.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Well, so much for getting any free attacks off as the guns fire upward at Natasha. Bullets don't usually have much of an effect on her, but that doesn't mean getting shot doesn't hurt. Still, her getting shot at means there's less firepower to deal with the firepower on the ground. Fire is thrown from the girl's hand as she tries to destroy the spotlights and the turrets.

"You know if you weren't a bad guy you wouldn't have to worry about your things being destroyed!" That's mainly how she's justifying this. Plus, she's not hurt any people in the process just interfering with the Confederates plans.

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     "That's it! You did it! Winning Ranger!" Pirohiko whoops as the Unlosing Ranger's henshin goes off without a hitch. Then he pauses. "...wait, that's not the right song. Is it calibrated right?"

     Shukou stares at the ghost with a helpless shrug. Pirohiko rubs his ghostly chin. "Maybe it's- oh, hey! Look out for those lasers! Helpful Ranger!"

     "Wait, wha-"

     Shukou only narrowly avoids certain death as a scattered laser brushes so close to him he can smell the ozone. His eyes widen as Pirohiko crosses his arms behind the Unlosing Ranger.

     "Good work! A hero should always be quick on his feet. Otherwise he might be killed by something like a passing laser beam! By the way, bad guys love to use lasers for some reason! You can always tell if a base is evil by how many lasers it uses."

     Shukou is not listening. Shukou is rapidly dodging laser beams for his very life. As the Union forces close in, Shukou hurries along after them, because standing still is a really bad idea right now. He also doesn't scream, because that would be super unheroic, and he knows he's not supposed to scream. Etranger impressed upon him that import until he couldn't scream at all.

     He screamed a lot in the lead-up to that moment, though.

     Pirohiko floats along behind the Unlosing Ranger. The lasers just pass through the ghost. "Hey, you should go for one of the turrets! Turrets explode dramatically, it's the perfect thing to pose on top of! Before it blows up. Or in front of, after it blows up! Besides, you should be able to punch a turret, right? If you believe in yourself, you can! Inspiration Ranger!"


     His body moving on its own, Shukou just kind of lunges forward. He dives and dashes through the lasers like a man possessed by something greater, his reflexes and speed at least legitimately superhuman as he charges forward. He races up the side of one of the turrets, and delivers a mighty punch!

     ...a...really...weak mighty punch. Shukou stops and stares at his fist, then at the turret.

     "Maybe you can lift it!" Pirohiko shouts encouragingly.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    That is a lot of anti-air fire. Brooklyn is shocked by how much heat is coming up towards him. He rolls and folds his wings up, doing his best to dodge the incoming fire. He has to drop lower than he would like to get himself out of harm's way.

    Rolling over again, Brooklyn comes down and lands on top of one of the cannons. These things have nobody shooting them, so this should be easy enough. Using his enhanced gargoyle strength, he begins to yank on the turret. He roars out, eyes glowing white, as he pulls the turret to the side, and brings it's field of fire over one of the other turrets, blowing it sky high.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is having to move widly to avoid the hazard as he's closing in, she sees the base is opening fire at htis point and gtets the messag theya re here to fight, so that's how its going to go get close she's trying to get in at this point and knows she's going to have to get closer to do any more help here.

She takes note of the unlosing Ranger and recalls the report now, ah that man she thinks. She'll have to ask more she also sees some sort of winged humanoid up in the air, but for now. She picks up speed and a wall of light forms behind the bike as it closes.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
o/~ Oh, take me higher, all the way to the sun. Down to the wire, fighting's only begun. o/~

The darkened desert sky is light up as Optimus's blasts and Natasha's fire blast several of the defense towers. 'Unlosing Ranger' tries to punch a turret... and gets a 'ding' for the effort. But fortunate for him, the barrels can't point down that close to itself to vaporize him. Optimus' axe won't have much trouble tearing a chunk out of the wall, either. Bits of flaming construction material rain down from the destruction, sending the cat-gremlin workers scrambling for cover. Except for a couple that stop to stare at the explosions, pointing and going "Oooooooo" like they were fireworks. Until part of a turret falls on them. It's okay, they're generic labor, Tesla can clone more.

o/~ It's closing in on you, closing in on you. Run from the fire raining down on you. It's closing in on you, closing in on you (ooh ooh) and no way out. o/~

Ahri easily bypasses the walls via help from her administrators. But once she's inside it doesn't take long for the armored wolf-borgs to take note of her and bring their rifles to bear... Only to have to scatter when the Gargoyle forcefully turns one of the turrets and it sweeps across the ranks before facing another turret and blasting it. Personel try to get out of the open field, but light walls make that kind of difficult.

o/~ I will persevere. I will resist you here. I will interfere.
I'm not the only son. My will will be done. A dissent begun. o/~

All around Tesla multiple screens come to light. A metallic reverbrance rattles through darkness, turbines roaring to life like a great beast's lungs to drive dynamos and fill long silent electronics with power. Exhaust fumes ignite briefly, flashes of fire visible within the darkness beneath the the hanger. Followed by more prominate glow as floodlights flash on like the eyes of an awakening beast.

o/~ It's closing in on you, closing in on you. Run from the fire raining down on you. It's closing in on you, closing in on you (ooh ooh) and no way out. o/~

Then the hanger almost literally explodes away from itself, sending yet more material crashing around. Engine and airhorns alike roaring in anger as the source barges out of the resulting cloud of debris, bladed wheels thundering as they tear the roughed ground beneath them.

o/~ Gonna make it through, I'm gonna make it through. Divide by zero like a wrecking crew!

Fumes blare from the huge exhaust stacks and ignite in the air overhead. Vulcan autoguns scream to life, peppering more fire into the air at Natasha and at Brooklyn on the walls. People on the ground aren't directly attacked, but they still have to watch out for just getting run over by the cyberpunk nightmare tearing across the compound. Because it's aiming to give Optimus Prime a proper hello, courtesy of the big spiked, bladed ramming prow on the front! "Optimus Prime, we meet again!" Tesla's voice over the loudspeakers sounds almost too cheerful, in a twisted way.

It's closing in on you, closing in on you (ooh ooh) and no way out! o/~

Ahri (491) has posed:
    The lupine guards get a finger-waggle of a hello before Ahri blinks, glances up, takes on a sheepish look, and points directly toward the turret that Brooklyn turns to rain down on the mechs. "Um.. Duck?" Too late. "Thanks!" She hollars out before things get to exploding. A lot. All over the place. Bits of hangar come crashing down all around, enough to send the kumiho scrambling for cover. Seeing the mechanical monstrosity that bears down on prime, however? "Well. That's ugly as Urgot," she mutters.

     In the wake of the machine, Ahri comes rushing out in the wake of it with the intention of assisting biggest bot with scrapping the thing. It doesn't seem like she had any intention of leaving Optimus Prime unaided. She was just looking for something inside to break. That thing? Looks big and important enough. "Hey! Minion-for-brains! This is a team effort, I'll have you know!" Ahri calls out before testing the waters, hurling her, now ignited, spirit orb Tesla's new ride.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha does her best to dodge the gunfire but can't help but to get hit a few times in the process. She kind of got distracted by the flames coming out of the flames coming out of the Mad Maxizer. "Wow, that's kind of neat! But I'm still going to have to stop you!" Of course she would like anything with flames shooting out of it, but she's still going to destroy it.

She lobs more fire downwards at the exhaust, trying to overheat the machine from the inside. If there's one thing that the girl knows it's about setting things on fire.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    Brooklyn grins down at Ahri and gives her a thumbs up, before he makes sure to disable the turret he had landed on before leaping off to try to avoid more fire. He's not as successful this time, as he takes a blast to the torso and gets tossed through the air. He crashes down into the sand, just in time to see Tesla's new machine rise up.

    "Well that thing makes most of what Xanatos throws at us look small.." He mutters to himself. If fighting Xanatos as much as he hs taught him anything, a machine that size will have to have some kind of weakness. Unfortunately he's not Lexington, so it might be harder for him to find out where the weak point on that is. One thing he knows for sure is it's certainly not that sawblade that's the weak point, so he decides to stay away from that. Quickly scaling one of the walls, he gets some air and leaps. He does one quick pass over the machine, using it's exhaust to give him some extra lift, before he comes around. Spotting one of the broken peices of exploded turret, he swoops down and snatches it up, before flaring his wings to get air, turning around in midair and hucking the broken peice of machine like a spear, trying to hit one of the various weapons on the vehicle with it.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The Autobot Commander tears down the wall and then swings out his arm in attempt to take down another tower, before leveling his rifle at another turret. The green energy blast sails across the dark sky for its target.

Though his reign of terror on the base comes to a near halt when Tesla makes herself known with the cyberpunk construction roaring out and laying out its own firepower. This taking Optimus Prime by slight surprise as he steps back. Those true blue optics narrowing slightly.

"I suppose our last encounter was not enough to get the message. This will be the end of the line!" As the Maxizer rolls right in, even as it comes under assault by others. The Cybertronian goes running right in and then makes a hard slam of his foot.

The ground shakes under the impact of sudden stopped momentum as he shifts his weight around. The Cyberpunk mech rolls right by, the blade scratching across Prime's back side, scrapping up some of the metal. Though it allows for Optimus as he comes back around to level of his rifle right on the machine.

The rifle charges up before it fires a heavy energy blast right for the machine. Now lets see how fast Tesla can move that thing...

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:



     Fortnately, the turret can't outright vaporize him. Shukou drops to the ground as it fires, his hands over his head. The noise this close is utterly deafening. The flaming construction material falls around him, only narrowly missing his face. By the time Shukou feels it's safe to peek up, the immense metal monstrosity comes rolling out of the compound, so he gets an eyefull of that.

     He would really like not to have seen that.

     "Hey! Get up!" Pirohiko urges, "You can't be a hero lying around all day! You should set an alarm properly!"

     "D-didn't you forget to-"

     Pirohiko waves his hands in front of his face. "That's not important right now! Don't-Focus-On-Small-Details Ranger!"

     Shukou groans and springs to his feet. That metal monstrosity...well, it's metal. And it's huge. And it's...metal. And Shukou is small and weak. And there are giant robots and stone gargoyles and crap. They probably have it covered, right?


     Still...it's not like he's totally without power. Shukou's someone who has to fight. He doesn't have to fight because 'other people might not be able to take care of it', and he doesn't have to fight because others don't have power. Rather, he has to fight because he's someone who has power. With great power, comes great responsibility, and the Unlosing Ranger's power...well, it may not be /great/, but it's...it could be. Maybe. With time. And effort. And determination.

     Shukou stands up and dusts himself off. Okay! He can do this! He may not have...any weapons...or a lot of strength...or...anything...but there's got to be someting he can do to save the day. There's always a way to help.

     Shukou's eyes flicker with a sudden determination.

     He crouches down and gathers up a bunch of rocks. They're not huge rocks, maybe slightly bigger than his head. But they should be big enough. He adds each of them to his inventory with a blink. Then he takes off, racing down the grass after the cyberpunk thing. While Optimus is about to shoot it, he takes a different approach.

     The Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger, with his pockets full of rocks, runs up the back of the giant cyberpunk machine in a show of what is either incredible bravery or immense and catastrophic stupidity and shoves about thirty rocks the size of a human head into the smokestack of the machine.

     "YELL SOMETHING COOL!" Pirohiko shouts. Shukou frowns.



     Pirohiko considers this for a moment.

     "YES! Finisher Ranger!" Pirohiko offers him a massive, spectral thumbs up, "That's a great attack! Walk the path of victory with the cobblestones of promised bravery!"

     Shukou, hesitantly, returns the thumbs-up, his hand shaking a little bit.

     Pirohiko pumps his fist and whoops. It makes SHukou feel a little better.

     Unfortunately, if this thing is about to explode or get shot, he's on ground zero, soooo....he might not feel good for much longer!

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is now in the thick of things putting her light wall to use to cutting things up. She takes a moment and the bike starts to become transparent it becomes wireframe and then it vanishi into a baton she's now packing a disc she's pulled off her back ans starts using the base's terrain to get about launching the powered disc where able.

She then is foprced to leap up into the air to avoid some attack or another even as the unlosing rager seems to be doing the tradational attack call outs which Kamen Rider are wont to do at time and hopefully that might help give her a bit of a distraction to get some more strikes.

She has to wonder about Brooklyn who is he? What is he? She's never seen somewthing like him before but he's quite effective she has to admit.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Even as Optimus turns, even as he brings his blaster weilding arm into range, Tesla makes her move as well. "On the contrary." As the blast is building the other arm grabs onto Optimus' arm, scythe-like claws digging in for grip to shove the Autobot's aim upward and the blast screaming off into the desert night. "You have no idea how much I learned." The grappler arm heaves, intending to throw the Cybertronian off to the side. Followed by trying to bury the dual saw blades into him, each of the discs spinning in the opposite direction to maximize metal shredding potential.

Fumes ignite again, sending bigger flames surging into the air as head ripples down the exhaust stacks. But vents open up on the sides, expelling the build-up before it can pass farther into the machinery with a smokey hiss. Looks like she expected those to be a target. At least as far as someone trying to backburn the fumes.

The thrown turret slams the top of the machine's bulk, knocking one of the vulcans askew with the impact. Which prevents it from trying to turn on the Ranger as he makes a crazed dash across the top of the machine to throw... a bunch of rocks?! into the smokestack? Then vents open to expel build-up again... but that only works on heat and fumes. The rocks are also blasted into the vent but are too big to fit through the openings, until enough pressure blows the whole vent off that sends smoke and now really hot rocks scattering away with the force, the backwash causing the top of the stack to actually split and peel outward from it with a thunderous scream... was he still standing near that thing when it backfired? That was probably loud -and- dangerous.

A spirit ball hits the side, jarring armor and leaving blister marks in its wake. A couple of strikes from an ID disc afterwards smash it off.. And reveal more layers of armor and infrastructure underneath. The problem wasn't going to be causing damage to the Mad Maxizer... Doing enough damage to stop it though, -that- might be a problem. Endurance was definately a top priority with this version.

"I suppose you all came to stop me from retrieving what lies beneath the dunes here, hmmm?.. Oh don't worry, I haven't ignored the -rest- of you either."

As Tesla is using the arms to deal with Optimus in the front, the rear hatch hisses open. Out of it surges a number of smaller appendages, the twisting and wirthing of their multi-segmented construction making them move akin to a large mass of tentacles. Tentacles tipped with various nasty impliments screeching to life. The mechanical versions of some school girl's horrible nightmare they scatter and surge out.
Saws and blades surge at Brooklyn like living dissection tools.
Tendrils with spinning bores for tips thrust down at Ahri and Deelele.
A couple with clamps on the end lunge at Natasha, trying to grab her and then slam her into the ground.

Don't you just hate those bosses that spawn additional parts that -also- need to be destroyed?

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     Shukou is, in fact, standing near the thing when it backfires. The Unlosing Ranger has only a moment's notice for the thunderous scream to catch him unawares. He's caught in the heat ventillation.

     Shukou falls backwards, burned to a crisp. Pirohiko floats over to him and frowns, floating there as the flames cool. The V-belt blinks several times.


     There's a flare of light, and the Unlosing Ranger vanishes into the emergency teleporter. Pirohiko hovers there for a moment, looking over at the Union.

     "A-ah, I know what it looks like, but don't worry - he'll be okay! He'll be stronger for the experience!"