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Latest revision as of 08:48, 13 January 2015

Barbed Conversation
Date of Scene: 12 January 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Cassandra Dolet and Souji Murasame have a talk.
Cast of Characters: 627, 671

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Nighttime at Alexander Academy was more of a 'suggestion' than frequently enforced, unless you were a guy sneaking into the girls dorm or interrupting Landon al Cid (applies if you run into Cirra Constantine only, to be fair.) Also being a good ninja (and as part of the practical applications of not getting seen/getting caught; thanks teachers-) Cassandra Dolet was fond of creeping out of the dormitories at night to head out to the quad area, even now in the cooler months of the year, not that any month isn't Comfortable to any student that may come to Alexander Academy.

Sitting out at one of the fountains in a suit that no student has ever seen her before, Cassie has a few books spread around her, a state of the art magitechnology computer device, and either a bunch of homework or the accounting books. Hard to tell at this point.

She is ... not being particularly quiet, either, either because she knows the patrol routes of anyone coming through or due to confidence in her abilities. Who knows? It's mainly notable that she's singing a sea shanty softly. Friggin' Levitani.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
And then you run into someone who doesn't follow patrol routes and comes and goes as he pleases.

He does not hide his approach. To be stealthy is to be ashamed of your actions. He walks forward with purpose and dignity, stopping to stand over Cassandra and looks down at her with a measured, studied gaze.


The name is spoken in greeting, the inflection giving a note of acknowledgement as one of the speaker's peerage, something offered precious few on Chocobo. Those who speak with him out of business operations know he prefers to remain conservative of word when possible, letting subtle shadings of tone speak for him.

But the fact remains that Souji Murasame is standing in a dark plaza, looking down at Cassandra.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
It's almost like the patrol routes are the only thing Cassie is worried about.


She doesn't even look up. She flips a page in her book, in the papers on her left, and then types something rapidly in the computer for a few seconds, before it comes to an abrupt, beeping stop as she realizes what she said and *who is standing there*.

Cassie looks up, slowly.

"... Murasame." She says. The inflection in her voice is a tinge of surprise, but also an acknowledgement of the rank and title of the person she's speaking too.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
There is a nods as Cassandra replies to him. His expression is still intent as he observes her reaction. "I was not aware that you preferred working outdoors here." His tone is curious, perhaps even probing. "I would think a comfortable desk would be more suitable."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"You are correct. A desk would be more suitable." Cassie replies. "However, I do not like being inside much. I am fond of being outside, and here, by the fountains, is calming and relaxing for me, even if the light is problematic." She adjusts her seat, continuing to do her paperwork around her words.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It's at this point that Souji looks up, over at the fountain as she speaks of them. There is a short pause, and then he replies, "I can see how the flowing water would be to your liking. The trip home must be too long for a daily commute?"

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassie tilts her head up, actually looking at Souji as she considers her words. "No." She says calmly. "But my father is not home all the time. It is lonely there without him. At least here, even if it is not home, where the waves beat upon the sands, I have my friends. I go home to visit with father when I can." Her voice has a gentle, sad edge to it, but she doesn't labor on the point too much.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"I see." Souji does not press the point. He is cold, not a douchebag.

To her.

"If I may inquire, what are you working on?" he asks, indicating the computer and the papers with an inclination of his head.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
That's almost scary.

At his question, Cassie silently offers up a piece of paper. Upon quick reading, and then a closer glance down, Cassie has business maths homework going on. Strangely appropriate for her, although she certainly wasn't taking any sort of class like that previously... which explains why to Souji it might be very easy work, but to her, requires one AM homework runs where she won't get disturbed.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks over the offered papers with a glance, and then hands them back. "I see you are adding to your courseload." He comments without rancor. "Are you sure you will be prepared?" He asks, his tone not mocking, but inquiring.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassie shakes her head the briefest bit, but says, "Yes, I think I will be prepared." Nonetheless. Kind of two things at once there, Cassandra. The dancer leans back against the fountain, throwing one arm over it languidly so her fingertips dip into the water.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks on impassively as she gives her answer. "I am concerned for you. You were not prepared for the situation and now you are having to catch up from behind. It is a great burden to manage in such a short timeframe."

He sits down on the edge of the fountain, looking out across the Academy grounds in a dignified manner. "There are many changes coming in the air. Unusual situations and events never before seen. The order of the places we love are going to be disrupted, changed greatly."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"I thank you for your concern." Cassandra says very politely. She actually does sound thankful; which might be strange, all things considered. "I am doing my best to bear this burden, and I think I am doing well for it. Perhaps not traditionally so, but..."

She watches where he's looking, her eyes also gazing out at the darkened Academy. "Correct. Many of us are doing well adapting with the change. Others... are not."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
There is some silence as Souji seems to consider what next to say. Everything is peaceful with the silence of the flowing water and the competent Ninja and Thieves prowling around the dorms.

"Do you believe the Shivans are going to go to war?" He asks. "And how do you think the Academy will respond?"

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"I believe war is being planned, and it is not a pleasant thing that will happen, if it does occur." Cassie answers, honestly. She spots some of her fellow ninja classmates, gesturing slightly to let them know they need to shape up a bit.

"I believe that Alexander Academy will remain as neutral as they can be, as we are a collection of students and teachers from every plate... Kamon's Odin, Levitani, Ramuhan, Cirra's a Shivan... and everything else inbetween."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Hmm. We'll see. The Light Warriors have a habit of meddling." Souji grimaces at that. "What are your feelings on that.... club? Surely you don't believe that they are prepared for what they are doing."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"The Light Warriors are a unique and interesting group who have unique methods that have nonetheless caused many interesting things to happen, some bad, some good." Cassie says, neatly sidestepping his actual question.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"I see." Souji says, frowning again. "You don't want to get involved in the dispute. I suppose I can't blame you." He stands, then, and looks back at Cassandra. "Very well. In that case, I should take my leave from you, Dolet." He looks away. "We all have much to do before we rest."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassandra stares at Souji, smiling slightly. "There is no dispute, I think. The Light Warriors do their own thing, unless you are wishing to petition the Headmaster to shut them down, in which case, I wish you much luck, Murasame." She looks down. "You are asking barbed questions. What is your intent in the extraverse, Souji?" She drawls his name softly.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji pauses, and looks back to Cassandra. "As always, to utilize the resources and contacts possible in the Multiverse to benefit the Murasame Family to the fullest extent. Through the Family, Galianda will be enriched much as they always have."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"Now that's a 'pretty' answer that isn't an answer at all." Cassie drawls. "Thanks for the insight, though, Murasame."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Unlike yours, the details behind mine are on a need-to-know basis. Why would I reveal our movements like that?" Souji looks (and sounds) irritated at this point. "I would have thought you would understand such a thing, Dolet." He turns away. "Study hard, Dolet. You will have much to adapt to in the future."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"Oh, no, I found exactly what I wanted, thank you - well, you told me what I wanted to know." Cassie reassures him. "Thank you for your words and kindness, Murasame. Have a wonderful night."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
He stops again, and turns back to Cassandra. The irritation he revealed is gone, behind the stoic mask he wears almost all the time now. "You are welcome." He says smoothly, and bows to Cassandra politely. "I wish you a pleasant evening as well." It is at this point that he finally takes his leave of Cassandra, letting her get back to her work.