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Latest revision as of 08:48, 13 January 2015

Waterfalls In Crystal
Date of Scene: 06 January 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Cassie, Akurusu, Yaako, Cirra, Kyra, Landon, Lyria, Noiela, Quentyn, and special guest Hero Prinny go out on a ship to preview the newest found dungeon in the depths of the Levithan isles.
Cast of Characters: 538, Ayako Hasekawa, 626, 635, 642, 647, Lyria Mason, 671, 675, 676

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
There was one thing to be said about efficency, there was quite another to be said about Cassandra Dolet using her rank to get her father to agree to give her a good sized sailing ship. To be fair, as a Levitani, she was one of the few he trusted to use a ship without one of his personal ship captains... although said captain was on board, just not on the top deck.

Instead, having ferried the group through the Great Span and into Bridgeport, Cassandra flashed her ID a few times and the group was ferried onto the 'Lady Alianore'. Cassie herself is standing at the wheel, hands on it as the group sets out on high speed towards the very less well explored but still nominally safe areas of the Tenebrous Deep.

"Welcome to Levitani." She tries not to sound smug, sailors drifting around the group as they react instinctively to the sea.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    The sea! Water, water everywhere! Of course, being a Water Spirit, Ayako loves any sort of large body of water. And while being on a boat isn't exactly her style, she nonetheless still enjoys being around so much water. "Kyaaaa! It's the sea~!" Her hand ball up into fists and are placed in front of her body as she smiles brightly. "I didn't know there was a place like this on Galianda! So much water everywhere! It's so wonderful!" Of course, Ayako at the moment looks like a normal, if cute, hume wearing the Alexander Academy's school uniform.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Class trip! And how often is there an excuse to visit Leviathan? Quentyn's probably at the tail end of the group of students as they board Cassandra's vessel, careful to stay out of the way of the sailors... yet he can't help but grin as he watches the ship operations, occasionally jotting something down in his notebook.

    But maybe that grin fades just a little as his eyes settle on the deep water, not exactly sharing Ayako's enthusiam. Quentyn looks over to Noiela and asks, "Um... can I try a spell I've been practicing?" On you, probably implied.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Smug Levitani? Not Lyria she's just happy for /any/ reason to get to go back to her plate it's home after all and being on chocobo always put a bit of a damper on her being away from the water. She was perhaps by extraversal standards slightly underdressed until one might uncover that the outfit was inded for both in and out of water use.

"Ah it's so good to be back I was starting to get harbour bound on Chocobo. Yes welcone."

She pauses looking hard at Ayako.

"You really are a water spirit. I can feel it."

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon al Cid has been to Leviathan before. There really isn't anywhere on Galianda he hasn't visited, as far as continents go. Each of them had its own unique charm, a charm that really can't be expressed anywhere else. Shiva was beautiful for its icy perfection (and one doesn't have to lok far to find out why Landon feels something like /that/), Ifrit was a fiery and tempestuous landscape that felt firmly alive, the view from Bahamut's Aeries is unmatchable, Titan's crawling cities...

     ...the less said of Odin, the better.

     But aside from Ramuh and Shiva, the place Landon feels most at home is Leviathan. He's spent a lot of time on the open ocean, particularly during vacations with his family when he was younger. A lot of fond memories stir to life as he watches the waves go by.

     "Your hospitality is most appreciated, Lady Dolet," the Prince of Ramuh observes gently, a distant smile on his lips.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Elbows pressed against the rail, the hooded extraversal spends little attention on the sailors passing by, the cogs in the machine keeping it steady. A book wedged securely and discreetly into the nook of her arm, the little expression she shows is a subtle wonderment quirking the corners of her eyes and mouth into open amazement at the spanning horizon.

A steady scrutiny that is disrupted by the quiet askance of Quentyn, in his usual reticence. "Uh, pardon me? I...suppose you may, Westwind." A gloved hand is raised, curling her fingers back to point straight out into the currents and land far below, curving smoothly away like the exposed flesh of an apple to part in graduated shades to deeper water. "Do...do you know much about the reigon?" Unlike Ayako, her enthusiasm is more implied than outright, revealing itself in the concentrated hunch of a person who probably itches to begin jotting the moment it becomes a possibility.

From the steady roll of the ocean waves, to the rush of salted air it felt almost like home.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    A WEIRD monster has been spotted in Leviathan recently. It was a penguin...with two peg legs and a fanny pack. It was easy to spook off...but eventually one with a RED SCARF was noted to have appeared.

    However, Prinnies are masters of disguises. Don't let anyone tell you that is a lie (it is), because it is not a lie and even if my fingers say that it is, it is not (it is a total lie).

    Why this is important right now is that there is that the Hero Prinny, with a Large oversized mustasche over his beak and a Sombaro is walking along the deck of the boat.


    "Dood, the only thing we are going to find here is fiiiish. If we wanted fish, we could just work for Master Etna, dood."

    "Yeah, dood, that's true, but she told us to find burried treasure under the sea in this world that opened up dood. What more can I do, dood. Just split up, and we can find it...or try and get our money back for that stupid treasure map that was totally fake dood!"

    "Geeze, dood, you need to relax...and it was totally a legit strategy dood!"

    "Ugh, whatever dood, just go get it, dood!" And the other Pri-TOTALLY NORMAL GUY runs off, leaving the Her-TOTALLY NORMAL GUY standing there after having announced he was totally doing something secret aloud in a normal speaking voice. In a horrible disguise.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn taps his pencil against his chin. "Um... a little. This plate was created by Leviathan, one of our First Gods. Sometimes he's also called the Tenebrous Deep, like this plate, and um..." Quentyn looks around at the others. "Um...Probably some of the Levitani could tell you more..."

    Quentyn hesitates just a moment, but then the usual telltale signs of aether gather around the mage and then swirl around Noiela... at first nothing happens, even Quentyn himself looks like he isn't sure it worked. But the Tactician might find her feet more ably leave the deck... and floatingly stay off it when they do.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason looks over to Noiela with a very wide smile on her face she's not met the extraversal before b ut she seemed to be in quite the good mood and noticed she seemed to be liking being on the water.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself already. Do you spend much time on the water? I'm Lyria by the way!"

the tattooed young woman seems pretty chipper, the totally normal person and not a Prinnies who get looked at but she shrugs.

"Quentyn, Cirra."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    A post production text and pointer flashes over Cirra's head as Landon thinks about icy perfection.

    The Shivan Judge stands quietly on the deck of the ship with her arms crossed. It's her job to watch out for Landon's safety, but it's also a school trip, which means she's here as a student... this time.

    Eyes narrow at sombraro wearing short...people on boat. Hmn.

    "Do we have a destination in mind, or are we just...touring?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako hums softly to herself, with a slight bounce to her step. Class trip, class trip~. She inclines her head to the side gently as she looks over at Lyria. "Oohh? You can tell?" Her hands move behind her back where her two hands grasp each other. She leans forward slightly. "Eh heh... but I don't know you." Ayako smiles brightly and cheerfully, "I'm Ayako Hasekawa, and like you said, I'm a Water Spirit! Please call me Ayako!"

    And then closes her eyes halfway and over to the... totally normal people. Totally Normal. Yes. "Hmm..." And then Ayako mouths the word, 'dood'. Followed by a giggle. She then notices Noiela starting to float and then claps her hands together cheerfully. "Oh oh, look, you're floating you're floating, Noiela!"

    "And that's a good question! Where are we going, anyway?"

Akurusu Yami (676) has posed:
A door from the lower decks opens, revealing a gaunt looking figure, his skin pale white, dark paint around his eyes and across his face (giving him a vaguely skeletal appearance.

He blearilly stares around as he steps up onto the fore-deck, naked as the day he was born, modesty withstood solely by the fact that he's apparently using some variety of snare drum to obscure his shame, or rather, protect the decency of the scene.

"...we're on a boat? When the f*** did we get on a boat?! HEY, BOSS! I thought we were trying to not get on the boat!"

A tall, dark haired figure, Akurusu Yami, steps up from the lower decks.

He gazes at the sun overhead with hateful disdain and raises a hand to shield his eyes, "...for f***'s sake...we slept it off in the damn boat!!"

A few groans can be heard from beneath, but a blonde woman steps up, pausing for a moment to stretch in the sun, as she's apparently wearing a bikini designed to resemble skulls...

"...you brought a bikini?" Aku intones to his companion.
She just shrugs with a dark smile.

He steps up onto the deck, pausing to look at the naked man, "Put some f***ing threads on Dysentery. We ain't here to make everyone puke, at least not yet."

Metal shod boots crunch on the deck, as he steps up and looks around at the gathering, "So what the f*** are we doing here anyway? Learning about rum, sodomy and the lash? Cause you ain't my type and I don't see no booze."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassie's mouth opens and closes at the Prinnies. On either side of her, everyone becomes aware of two people, both of them clad similiarily, as Fuu and Sei make their way around the heiress, Fuu sticking nearby her as Sei silently trails after the prinnies. He'll make sure nothing goes badly, working with Cirra if he needs too.

Cassie glances over her shoulder at the door leading down below deck, a smile crossing her face as she greets Akurusu. "I was going to set us on sail towards one of the unsettled islands nearby." She comments. "My papa mentioned that there seemed to be some ruins nearby it that I could scope out, see if I could make it a big adventure for the DCorps and what Alexander students want to come help clear it out. Papa doesn't mind any of you, um, extraversals either. S'why he gave me the Alianore instead of the Grace."

"If there's anyone that doesn't have any swimming gear, trust me, I have plenty available in multiple sizes. Y'don't want to fall off or go swimming in your normal gear, specially if you're in armor or something similiar. You'll just drown. I mean... less it's you, Miss Ayako."

She's pretty sure Ayako can't drown.

She glances at Landon. "You're welcome, my Prince." She says with a small smile.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:

    Kyra is completely on board with this. Literally. Even in spite of apparently being involved in a fight of some magnitude last night, she seems to be in pretty good spirits right now, having worked through her latent frustration over how the encounter with the Senator's new Grail War had gone down via furious music remixes. She wobbles around on the top deck with her classmates, occasionally checking her phone so she can see how many likes her new remix is getting. Just likes. She doesn't even bother loading the comments because she's not a /moron/.

    She doesn't pay all that much attention to anything-including Aku because FUCK THAT GUY!!!!-until Cassie says the R-word. "Ruins, huh? /Unexamined/ ruins that don't have a /rating/ yet?"

    She pointedly makes no comments about swimming gear. Maybe she actually came prepared? Then again, she has her hoodie up right now and seems less than interested in soaking up any measure of sun.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes quickly as a person with only a snare drum comes up from the lower decks. And then another person. And then a blonde woman wearing a skull bikini. "Uhh..." She then smiles cheerfully at them. "Hello! Are you all alright? Because that's quite a bit of swearing all of a sudden."

    She then turns towards Cassandra. "Un. I can't drown. And if anyone is in danger of it, I can help them out of it as well." Followed by a happy smile. "Thank you for letting me come along, Cassandra!"

    Ayako's hand then raises up. "If anyone's feeling seasick, please let me know. I have some healing water to help with that, if they need it."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason looks to Ayako and nods grinning a bit.

"I'm a Geomancer aside from being a machinest so yes I can tell and no probolem Ayako."

A Geomancer a curious thing to call one's self when refering to water.

"Humm I'm aready set for swimming, it's been too long since I swam here. That's the worst thing about being at the school, for me."

Well yes it's even worse than an Angry Mr. Greene to her. She's also unaware of the metal heads onboard and she then looks over to Kyra with a very bif grin on her face.

"Humm the Roadshow's here?"

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela opens her mouth to demand further details, when her boots are treading cushioned air and it is now a wide circle of surprise. "Uh, you..." An invisible lightbulb reflected in the glimmering depths of her shaded stare turns on, "Float! You mastered it." Lifting her knee gently, the Tactician tests her newfound resistance to gravity in a slow crawl over to where the white mage is situated, sparing a sidelong glance at the conspicuously disguised...completely usual and unremarkable hatted figures on deck, arm raised in a jaunty saltue for the water spirit.

"Yes, appears my weight loss regime was a sterling success..." She attempts to call out, delight then rapidly fading at the first ominious crunch of booted trouble slinks on deck, spinning round in slow motion. Eyes widening, she regards the boat crashers with a cultivated blankness of expression, all smiles and colour seeping away unmourned.

"Ah...more out of realm people." Over her shoulder, "Thank you Miss Dolet, for the opportunity." Calm, if one overlooks the faint stiffening of her back. Whether it is due to petty emotions over the ease Cassandra manages to interact with the Prince or more their rather blunt spoken horde of newcomers, or even the unmistakable reference to swimsuits and the horror of ditching her coat for other clothes that sound ominiously lightweight is for people to figure out.

Clatter, thunk. Her book so neatly squashed in her grasp, falls. Gingerly, the girl attempts to twist and bend on air, feet kicking the air and coat fanning out as she flips on to her belly to retrieve it.

Akurusu Yami (676) has posed:
Akurusu Yami rubs his chin, "Ruins, huh? Sounds like it might not be a total waste of my time..."

The naked fellow retreats back below, as another pair make their appearances. One of them appears to be somewhat larger and portly, the other is narrow in frame, and despite his yank red hair is somewhat more of a 'pretty boy.'

Akurusu just looks at Cassie.

He looks at his vaguely armor-like equipment, spikes and all, "I'll be fine. If I'm gonna die or drown, I'm going to look the part while I do it."

The blonde scampers back, grabbing her other two compatriots by the shoulder and dragging them back below decks, "I brought something for the rest of you to we... Damnit Dysentery! A hat doesn't count as clothes! Put something on your scrawny ass!"

Aku closes the door to the lower deck, before looking at Lyria, "The Altimate Lucavi Roadshow were temporarilly incapacitated last evening and mistakenly took shelter here."

He steps over towards the rail, "...Dysentery might want to try getting seasick. He thinks that once he gets a disease, he masters it and it can no longer effect him."

He turns to look at the Ayako, "You'll probably have to fix his stupid ass. So I apologize and thank you in advance."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    It works! Quentyn couldn't look happier, at least for a few seconds. 'mastered' brings back a little hesitance to the white mage's features. When Noiela starts to try to retrieve her book, Quentyn starts to offer a hand the tactician might use as an anchor, but suddenly has second thoughts and pulls it back.

    "Um, hang on..." Quentyn starts to cast another spell... this time dispelling the float effect! Or so he tries, anyway.

    Quentyn looks over at the others to take in the speech, wincing a little at the swearing, but like he's all on board with exploring ruins, but swimsuits... not so much.

    Well, he has Float.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The TOTALLY normal dood stares at the guy following him.

    "Hola, �c�mo est�s hoy, dood?" The TOTALLY NORMAL GUY says towards the following gentleman.

    However there are RUINS of UNDISCOVERED potential. He considers this...but now will he keep his disguise under water?

    The Hero Prinny has an idea...but first...

    When you look back, the Hero Prinny now has a large fishbowl over his head.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I see your band is as ...charming as ever." Cirra turns away from Dysentry with a roll of her eyes. As the topic of the ruins comes up, Cirra raises an eyebrow. Then frowns at the mention of swimming.

    "...I don't have any swimming gear with me."

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon beams behind him at Cirra. "Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Surveying a ruin for Dolet...besides, most of us are all C-Licensees. We ought to be perfectly capable of handling ourselves in these numbers, oughtn't we? I'm certain it'll be alright."

     Some might criticize him for his lackadaisical attitude towards something like this, but the truth is that Landon really does believe in the people around him. He offers Noiela a wave. "Ah, Cirra, have you met Lady Noiela?"

     He in general tugs on Cirra's hand a bit, dragging her into the group. He's really enthusiastic again, to be out on the open water. It reminds him of vacation days, after all, before he had to care about uppity Shivans (not Cirra) and dangerous factions forming and the Extraversals crisis. He's delighted.

     He doesn't comment on Cassie's phraseology, instead just tugging Cirra towards the middle of the group. He bows poliely to Barbie Barbariccia and the others as they walk past, then turns to Akurusu. "Come now, no need to be rude, is there? We're all peers here."

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    Without being prompted, a Prinny near Cirra holds up a bathing suit.

    It is made for someone who lives in the underworld, which is to say black with reds, and riske is all get out. "Straight from the Netherworld, dood! That's gona be five hundred Hel."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako giggles brightly at Noiela's 'weight loss regime' joke. And then curiously watches Noiela try to pick up her book while she's floating.

    Her amber gaze then turns towards Akurusu. She quietly mouths the words, 'Altimate Lucavi Roadshow'. So... that's a thing, huh? Ayako then shakes her head slowly while making a gentle sound of disagreement. "Mmm~... It's alright. I don't mind something like this." Her head inclines to the side gently. "So... umm... pardon me being an extraversal, but... who are the members of Altimate Lucavi Roadshow?"

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela lands with a loud slap on the deck, the dispel having worked with aplomb. Setting off a bomb of pain twanging in her knees, knocking the deck. Minus ten points for any contest that might exist if only in her fevered nightmares between her and other pale haired, ivory skinned women of few colours.

Wincing, she staggers upright, book acquired and protectively pinned against her chest. "Hn." Quick yank to cover the hair spilling out from under her now crumpled hood. "In one piece."

Belatedly catching the waved greeting from his highness, she signals back a flick of the wrist passing as a wave if one squints, pausing briefly for the rather unusual fishbowl attached to the entirely square and humdrum Prinny.
A quiet squeak of amazment however does slide from her parted lips when the swimsuit is brandished, taking one step back. Then another, trying unsuccessfully to escape. Before they come for her.

Quentyn is spared. For the present.

Akurusu Yami (676) has posed:
Akurusu Yami watches the ocean for a moment...

Eventually the rest of the Altimate Lucavi Roadshow make their reappearance. Blud is wearing what appears to be a onesy style swim-outfit, that gives an overall resemblance to a crab or turtle.
Buzzsaw's in what appears to be a very tight speedo with five purple splotches on it and Dysentery, at long last has been forced into what appears to be a pair of tattered looking trunks, each with what appears to be representations of zombies clawing at his junk.

Aku perks as Ayako questions...

"We are the children of a world of darkness."

Dysentery grins and steps forward, producing his drum from...somewhere.. "I am dysentery! I drum out the tunes at the end of time, the death rattle of a world!"

Blud sidles up, chortling, "I am Blud, I play the keys and the tunes to which the world is compelled to dance, I am a Dominator of musical tone!"

Barbie smiles and seems to float into place behind him, "Barbie Barbaccia, back up vocalist and beauty amidst the world of darkness... My song is carried on the winds of devestation.

Buzzsaw rises up, now with a flaming red bass guitar, which seems alit by fire, "I am Buzzsaw. I am the Prince with the warm and yet firey line. If the others have struck you down, don't worry, I will stand you back up again to face me."

Aku takes his place in front of them, "And I. I am Akurusu Yami. And together, we are the Altimate Lucavi Roadshow."

The band immediately kicks into gear, playing a song similar to well (http://youtu.be/Lm0VxM_BE-k) and blocking out the normal BGM until halted.

"That, is who we are."

He then looks at Landon and nods, looking back to the group, "Its their boat, be f***ing polite!"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra looks down at the Prinny holding up the bathing suit, her eyes look intently, like she's going to burn through the Prinny.

    "I don't have any 'Hel', only GP." Her is pulled by her hand towards the middle of the group, "You don't have to pull-" but Landon is enthusiastic, which means she's getting involved if she likes it or not.

    "I havet had the pleasure of meeting her, no." She looks at Noila, "Cirra Constantine, Judge, and the Prince's bodygaurd."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn winces, oops. "Sorry--" he murmurs hastily. "Um, I'll fix..." His voice might get drowned out by the Roadshow but that doesn't stop him. The white mage starts casting another spell! Uh oh. If uninterrupted... a Regen spell is cast at Noiela, albeit a pretty weak one.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny holding the suit near Cirra shrugs.

    "That's okay, GP is worth money too, because it's gold." The Prinny doesn't seem to be particularly careing...or smart.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"You know, I'm ... I'm kind of okay with where everything is going." Cassie says with a laugh. She lifts up her radio device. "Captain, you're free to come up and take the wheel." A older man emerges from down below, the stark image of Cassie, except his white and silver hair has gone salt and peppery, but with the same sort of build and eye color.

One of the sailors looks up. "CAPTAIN LYNDON ON DECK!"

Cassie offers her father a salute, before she heads into one of the side rooms on deck, coming out in a blue and white striped bikini. The ship by now has nearly made it to the ruin in question, and about five minutes later, "Anchors away!" Is shouted.

"Welp, that's my cue." Cassie dives off the side of the boat.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason wathces the whole deal with the totally not a Prinny go down but zhe's keeping back from it for the moment. She grins for a moment she looks to Cassy as she jumps off. She takes a moment and leaps off the deck right after her without a second thought.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako quietly notes the rather loud way Noiela landed on the deck and winces slightly. She walks over to her and applies some purple healing water to Noiela's legs after noting how Noiela staggered back up.

    And then blinks her eyes quickly as she turns back to Akurusu-no. The Altimate Lucavi Roadshow's Introduction. With a capital I. Because wow. Ayako freezes in place as she takes that introduction in. She doesn't even blink. After a very pregnant pause, she resumes blinking-and remembering to breathe. Yes, because that's what humes normally do. "A-ahh." And then (perhaps unexpectedly) claps her hands together happily. "Oohh... very nice!"

    And then blinks her eyes quickly when Cassandra and then Lyria dive off the side of the boat. "A-ahh...?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Oh no. Someone asked who the band was. Kyra knows exactly what's coming because she's seen these 'colorful' metalheads around before. Though no bard herself, she does keep a pulse on music trends around campus and there were few more infamous than the Altimate Lucavi Roadshow.

    Kyra reaches down into her collar and pulls up from around her neck a big fat set of headphones. It's one of those ridiculously expensive models at that. The headphones go over her ears so she can pipe in the sweet, sweet sounds of electronica through the predicted metal grandstanding.

    She crosses her arms over her chest and looks nonplussed for a few moments. Once she believes it's over, her own headphones are removed. "So are swimsuits required?" she calls out after Lyria and Cassie as they leap over the side.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela bends deeply at the waist for Cirra, keeping at arms length just on the off chance the Prinny is deaf and on the prowl for suitable buyers when a burning itch builds up sharply in her knee, spreading outwards like a fire to attack her joints so her bow turns into a doubled over wheeze that she just about salvages, pulse thudding noisily to the beat.

Standing upright with one arm folded behind to rest lightly on the boats stern, she attempts to smile. A thin thread of red snaking her hairline, drips down to be absorbed by her collar.

"I have heard much about your skill and dedication. Good to know the Prince has such fierce defenders. Excuse me, throat dry." Unpinning an inner pocket, her hand plucks out a thin glass bottle and down it goes, gulped with a quiet murmur of gratitude as Ayako applies healing to her scraped knees. That, upon closer inspection seem to be growing worse, like some unseen hand were prodding the ripped skin further apart with malicious glee.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Are you alright?" The Judge asks Noiela as she well...bleeds from her impact with the ship's deck.

    Cirra looks torn. She doesn't have a swimsuit and therefore cannot accompany the group, but she doens't have Hel and the Offered swimsuit by the Prinny looks ... a bit bare.

    "Ah." she pauses, "You don't have a business liscense, do you? I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate your goods under article twelve paragraph B of the inter-plate trade agreement."

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny looks suddenly frightened.

    The Hero Prinny stares at Cirra as she extorts the bathing suit out of his friend.

    "I thought only demons were that evil, dood." The Helpless Prinny loses x1 Demonic Bathing Suit.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon is torn away from Akurusu and the Altimate Lucavi Road Show's performance. He glances at Noiela's cuts and bruises growing along her hand. He frowns. Cirra harassing the Prinny is given a second thought, mainly because this is actually kind of important.

     "You seem like you're injured. Is something wrong?"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra turns towards the stairs down and looks back over her shoulder "I /could/ throw him off."

    "The plate, not the boat." and disappears below decks.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    "Uh, you don't wana throw us dood, that would be bad." A beat, "I mean, I don't know what you are talking about dood, we are totally normal people, senior."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn frowns, only momentarily distracted by those jumping off. But his eyes go back to the tactician. A fall and scrape couldn't be that bad, could it? Well, the white mage, fully clothed and with no apparently inclination to change, simply hangs out near the railing for a few moments... expression a little guilty.

    But the boy does work up the courage to walk over to Noiela and Ayako. Hastily but quietly, "Um, sorry I should have given you more warning about the dispel um..." A little less quickly, "Um, I can use a more powerful cure." Quentyn nods.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako quietly continues to treat Noiela's knees... and then blinks her eyes quickly when she bleeds slightly by her hairline. "A-huh? Noiela, what's wrong?" Her hands cup in front of her body and quickly fill with purple healing water. "You're starting to bleed a lot!" Ayako quickly applies more healing water to Noiela's wounds to try to stop the bleeding.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason bursts out from under the waves a moment or two after she dives in and she's now riding on a pillar of water as she rides up on a pillar of water seemingly calm and collected but she seems concerned about Noiela.

"Miss Noiela are you all right?"

Akurusu Yami (676) has posed:
Akurusu Yami hrms as he hears the ship has reached its location...

He looks at the Roadshow, taking a moment to extinguish Buzzsaw's bass guitar, before he steps over to the edge of the boat.

"You lot stay behind. I'm going to go check out these ruins..."

He steps off the side of the boat, and promptly sinks like well, like a /heavy/ metal rocker.

As he lands, too heavy to be buoyant, he begins to walk towards the island along the ocean floor.

His body will need oxygen, eventually, but he continues walking... Its only a bit further to the shore.

A razor-jawed iron-spiked sea pike rushes towards him, its maw opening to sample of the Son of Titan.

Akurusu glares beneath the salt stinging his eyes, draws Malefessor and with a single almost off-handed blow, shatters the fish's skull.

Amidst the aureole of blood that surrounds him, he strides to the beach, a variety of predatory beasts biting into his hard flesh, attracted by his scent and the blood tainting the sea.

As Aku strides forth onto the beach, numerous sea creatures remain locked to him, only for him to pull them free, seemingly unminding of his bloodied state, and leaving them to expire gasping on the hot sands.

He drops the pike as well.

"There. Now we have some f***ing seafood after we check out these ruins."

Noiela (647) has posed:
"W...westwind?" Noiela covers up her hand, rapidly turning the colour of a swollen and overripe grape when the white mage scuttles over, invisible tail hanging between his legs. At Landons query, she rattles out a quiet affirmative before twisting round and grasping Quentyn by the arm. A deathly level tone, thickening as the effect of his Regen is felt. "Do not...if you want to live. Now. Dispel your magic." Louder, lifting a hand to discreetly cough. "Everyone, it's...uh, a slight...allergy."

In an undertone, audible only to Ayako and Quentyn she mutters very distinctly the word 'thunder'.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    At first Quentyn looks puzzled but, straightening at the uttered word, he does what he's told first an foremost, aether gathering and then a Dispel breaking the Regen effect. And yet... he keeps looking at Noiela. The sort of look of slowly dawning realization. That leaves him blinking and his mouth slightly open for just a few seconds. Then he looks down and away, murmuring a single word, a question, under his breath.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes slowly, not quite understanding what is going on with Noiela. "An... allergy?" Her head inclines to the side gently.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Inhaling sharply, Noiela draws another potion to guzzle down as her ears catch his murmured accusation, single word ringing in her ears to bring a healthy amount of blood not decorating her knees and face in full force. Smartly, she rasps out a further explanation for any keen listeners, pointedly looking away from the healer.

"Must have...mismatched a few ingredients on the list for a regenerative potion. Thank you for stabilising me, Westwind." Addressing him without once glancing in his direction, voice brittle with forceful cheer.

Lightly clapping hands that are scabbing over in accelerated restoration, she plasters on a smile that does not reach the coldly darkened eyes.

"Please, I'll explain at greater length after...this beautiful and untamed setting deserves a more focused view, Miss Ayako...everyone."

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
As everything goes on, the sun brightens, and the ruins are revealed. Cassie, treading water, doesn't seem to be neither harmed nor much in danger - her eyes are locked onto the sight past Akurusu, and she lets out a breath. On the ship, Lyndon lets out one as well; like father, like daughter - they both know a very, very good view when they see one, especially in these parts of Galianda.

Akurusu has 'washed' up on a beach made up of actual white sand that no footsteps have ever seemed to touch; the water here is a beautiful, crystal blue, able to see down in the depths and the people and creatures swimming in it for many, many depths. There are palm and coconut trees that form a large border around the beach area about a hundred feet in, and there are areas that look like paths.

More importantly... or rather, more interestingly, is the sight above and beyond the trees.

There is what seems to be a large glass and crystal building, nearly a palace, with many parts of it broken, and vines of all types and seaweed crawling across it. There are large mountains that surround the building, with cascading waterfalls, one of which has started destroying adn going through the building itself.

There are also the clear and obviously dangerous noises of various creatures and animals in the leading jungle.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn simply nod-nods his agreement to the suggestions. He tries to pull away from Noiela somewhat urgently but, small-statured mage that he is, not with all that much force. His eyes are on the railing, as though he intends to go over. To the ruins! Right?

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako nods her head slowly. "A-alright." She smiles softly and then takes a few steps back and lets Noiela recover on her own. She walks quietly back to the railing on the deck and gazes outwards-although she does give Noiela a glance now and then.

    And then the sun brightens, revealing the view. "A-aahh..." Ayako stares at the large glass and crystal building. "W-wow... So... those are the ruins... huh?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra has disappeared for a few moments.

    When she reappears, she too is finally in a two-piece white bathing suit decorated with red triangles. She's also decked out in a belt around her waist, which carries a few pieces of her usual gear-potions, two of her guns, stuff like that. The Luna's Resolve is not one of the two guns.

    She stops at the railing for a long moment as the ship comes up on the island with the breathtaking crystal ruins. Kyra spends a few seconds whipping out her phone and taking pictures.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Once Landon is quite certain of Noiela's well-being, and the well-being of Akurusu, and he's glanced at Quentyn to make sure he's not going to jump off the side and drown himself over his own self-imagined worthlessness, the Prince of Ramuh bothers to look at the ruins. He's the kind of guy to prioritize other people over himself.

     It's breathtaking. Even the waterfall is magnificent. Like Kyra, Landon takes a few moments to snapshot the whole affair.

     "Truly a magnificent sight," he observes, "Imagine, an untouched, unlicensed ruins. Although..."

     Landon sighs. "Legally, we aren't permitted to go in there. We could be expelled. Or...well, killed."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra rejoins everyone on the deck of the ship wearing the appropriated swiming suit.

    It is more straps then it is solid pieces. the fact that somehow maintains modesty is probably magical in nature.

    "This will do. Though next time I'd appreciate some warning that we're going swimming."

    "We also have a legal ability to do the initial survey and report the location. So long as we don't enter the ruins themselves."

    The Judge dives into the water. Shivan's aren't known for swimming, since all their water is frozen, but Cirra does pretty well.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Hero Prinny, as if on cue, immediately can be seen swimming towards the ruin, with a giant fish bowl on his head, litterally trying to go deeper into the mysterious ruin with obviously lots of gold!

    "Reincarnation here I come, dood!!"

Akurusu Yami (676) has posed:
Akurusu Yami looks back at Landon and the others as they appear...

He looks at the beautiful, crystaline ruins in front of him.

His interest seemingly waning until he gets told he's not permitted to go in.

"...eh, you only live once."

He starts heading towards the ruins...

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason has no issue with being soaked, she seems pretty happy with that all things considered and she looks over at Kyra with a grin on her face.

"Your looking good Kyra!" 5R
She pulls a phone out from somewhere and gets a photo, befoire she makes for the ruins.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     The Prince surreptitiously takes a shot of Cirra. As the Hero Prinny goes running, Landon groans and strips off his shirt, then dives in after him and Akurusu.

     Law Cards are waterproof.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela twists round, loosening her hold on Quentyn the moment he begins to struggle in order to fully lean and drink in the view of the crystal ruins, its beauty to be glimpsed in snatches amongst the shattered shards and vines aiming to smother the multifacted 'scales' that glimmer so promisingly.

Kyras ensemble causes her to shiver, drawing the heavy folds of her coat closer together, responding automatically to Landons observation with a quiet "Indeed...to think, what treasures lie within kept safe by walls that have stood the test of time...w..." Trailing off, she points to the receding Prinny.

"Permission to borrow one of your suits...one that covers the body fully?"

Then everyone begins to rush in, she decides modesty is overrated and deliberately glossing over the shirtless image engraved into her brain, sheds coat, undercoat and boots in a flurry of activity to dive in, but not before curtly ordering Quentyn to cast Float.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles softly and hops over the railing of the boat and... there's no splash. And then walks over to the island. That is, she walks on the surface of the water as if it were solid. Why yes, she still is dressed in her uniform. She softly sighs dreamily as she walks over to the beach. "Aahh... such wonderful water."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    In his haste to get away from the whole situation, Quentyn, still in his full kit and complete clothed, climbs up the railing while aether's already gathering around him... probably to cast Float? But, at the last second as Noiela orders the spell, it's directed to her instead.

    Unfortunately, it's a dud! She'll float for a second or two before coming back down to... well, whatever she's over.

    This probably gives Quentyn slight pause at trying the spell again on himself.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Landon goes shirtless and Cassie is temporarily significantly distracted.

On the ship, Lyndon goes :