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Evening Research
Date of Scene: 14 January 2015
Location: Post-Discord Equestria<PDE>
Synopsis: Toph and Luna meet in the Everfree forest and discussions regarding rocks and dreams are had.
Cast of Characters: 20, 337

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Stupid babble on the radio. It's a bit annoying at times, yet it's bound to happen with different people who think differently. It doesn't mean that Toph has to agree, which often happens with stubborn teenages. So she decides to do something else in order to get her mind off of things.

    The forest is quiet at least, and the soil here seems interesting too. The blind girl is currently crouching, letting her hands run through the earth near one of the clearings. The silence and fresh air is also enjoyed, nothing beats nature, to feel the life of the forest around. Sure, young girls shouldn't be alone in the forest during the evening, but then again, Toph isn't exactly a weakling or unable to take care of herself. Besides, she isn't planning on staying out too long either, as she does have a curfew. But it's not like she needs to head home this very instant, right? Not when she can still learn things from the ground and check what kind of minerals are here.

Luna (337) has posed:
     As Toph studies the soil, she would find that it shows signs of rich mineral and gem content. And if she can feel such things, it would feel...magical. Like, small levels of power radiate from it.

     The next thing it shows is that something is approaching. Actually, a few somethings. Somethings that smell quite bad and snarl menacingly. Timber Wolves. Which in Equestria is entirely different from other worlds. They are wolves that are actually made of wood. Wolves that have claws as strong as iron wood and as sharp as knives. Wolves that are very territorial. They howl a hunting call as they near Toph, and soon they are within striking distance, gnashing teeth and claws!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The mineral content in the earth here is certainly different from other places she has been. And while she can't sense magic of any kind, she can tell that there is something unique about the earth. With one hand full of earth she brings it up to her face and smells it, closing her eyes. Perhaps she can find some gems or rocks nearby that she can bring with her home for further study there and to increase her ever growing rock and mineral collection.

    Though she can't help but blink and tense a bit as she feels something approaching. Something... weird. It doesn't feel like flesh and blood, but it moves as if it is. It is rather hard to sneak up on the blind girl despite her handicap, especially when said stalkers are on the ground. But still, the earthbender isn't worried as she rises up to her feet, letting the earth fall back to the ground as she takes in her surroundings, the number of timber wolves and where they come from. So this is why nobody else is out, huh?

    The howling is a bit unnerving, but she stands her ground, waiting as they draw closer... and it's clear that they are not going to ignore her. Which gives her little choice.

    Within moments she's slipped into a defensive stance, and she kicks her right foot down into the ground, causing a series of earthen spikes to shoot up from the ground, aimed to knock the wolves back and away from her. Her expression is serious, and she stands ready, feeling each step that every timber wolves take, easily reading where they are moving. Now let's see if they get the hint that she isn't an easy meal.

Luna (337) has posed:
     The Timber wolves are knocked back by the earth spikes, whimpers and whines of distress escaping them. One is even hit directly and falls apart. But, there are still four more to deal with. And they are undeterred by the fall of their cohort. They race around the earth spikes, their steps and snarls making them pretty hard to miss, and their stench not hurting either.

     After making their way around the spikes, they all dive at Toph at just about the same time, their powerful wooden jaws open and their claws outstretched.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, one of them seems to fall apart. But there are more of them to deal with. This requires patience and careful observation. So Toph waits and listens, feeling them race towards her... and then they leap! At that moment Toph brings her arms back and then throws them upward, erecting a wall right between her and the wolves. What follows is a forward push with both hands without even touching the wall, but even so it is sent forward to knock into the timber wolves to hopefully knock them back or apart. "This is getting old, guys..." she mutters. She has better things to do than to mess with the local wildlife who thinks that earthbender is on the menu!

Luna (337) has posed:
     The wildlife has little better to do than try to eat Toph, however! But, their leap is met with walls of rock, which shatters the rest of them when they impact the walls. Luckily, timber wolves are not that tough for an elite.

     It is just after they have all shattered that there is a flapping of wings followed by the thud of hooves hitting the ground. "Oh! It seems you have things in hand." says a voice Toph might recognize. It's Luna! She approaches Toph, smiling lightly at the sight of her defeating the wolves. "However, we should not stay. Timber wolves can reform given enough time, and there are several other dangers in the forest at night."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There is a huff from Toph when she feels the wolves fall to pieces as they hit the wall, and she brushes off her hands. Easily handled...

    Yet she blinks, bracing herself when she hears something approach... from the air? That is far harder to deal with, and it looks like she's about to defend herself again. At least until she hears the familiar voice and then registers Luna's shape as she lands. Immediately her expression and body language relaxes, and she offers a friendly grin to the alicorn. "Oh, heya Luna!" As for her having things handled? "Yeah, I know how to defend myself. I don't think I would be able to live it down if I let some wild animals get the better of me, huh?"

    No, staying might not be a good idea. But still... "Sure, I was just hoping to find some interesting rocks and such here. I wasn't intending to camp out here, I think Pepper would have a heart attack if I did. I can imagine there are safer places to spend the night anyway..." she muses for herself, then blinks and turns slightly towards Luna with an arched eyebrow. "What are you doing out here anyway since it's so dangerous...?"

Luna (337) has posed:
     "Ah. Well, we have many rocks. Although, I am not sure which outsiders would find interesting. If you would like, you may visit the quarry. I am sure they have a wide selection of rocks to choose from." Luna says, then smirks at the question. "It is part of my duties to patrol the area around Everfree during the night, to ensure the creatures of the forest do not encroach on our territory or attempt to ambush travellers as well as keep an eye out for any enemies that might wish to do the citizens harm."

     Luna spreads her wings, then looks around before back at Toph. "Would you like a ride to town or the quarry?" she asks in a warm tone.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The quarry sounds like an interesting idea, and Toph nods in approval. "A quarry might be the best place to find a decent rock with the minerals that this place seems to have," she agrees. Trust an earthbender to not just settle for any rock! And with Toph who is able to sense the earth better than other earthbenders, she is certain to be picky.

    So her job is to be night patrol...? Well, if she says so. Toph nods her head at the explanation. "So they are a real problem, huh?" The wolves were pretty aggressive, after all. Are the others animals as vicious too? It might be good to head off before the wolves pull themselves together.

    But when Luna offers her a ride? The blind girl's eyes widen, and she winces slightly. "Eeeeh, I can walk. I... don't like flying," she explains a bit nervously. "Is the quarry far from here?"

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna nods at the question about the wolves. "It is not just timber wolves, either. There are many types of dangerous creatures that call this forest home. Without patrols, they would gain the boldness to attack our town, and the ponies there are not equipped to battle those creatures." she explains.

     When Toph declines the offer of a ride and explains, Luna nods gently, then looks off toward the town. "It is not far, at least by flight. I am unsure how fast you are, so I cannot say how long it might take to reach on hoof." Blink. "Er...foot." She giggles softly. "If you wish to travel by land, I will walk with you." She waits for Toph to indicate she is ready, then she takes off at a brisk trot.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It makes sense that most ponies wouldn't be able to defend against aggressive creatures. And if the timber wolves are bad, what about the other things that live here? "Is it a big problem, or do you have it under control?" Toph inquires. The question about how fast she is, she grins. "I can be faster than most people can be!" she states, and when Luna begins to trot, Toph kicks into the ground... and it rises slightly underneath her as she moves her feet, pushing her forward as she rides it in a wave following Luna. "So you deal with all of the night stuff, huh?" It's a bit weird to think about. But it's good to have something to discuss on their way to the quarry. "I think I remember you talking about it on the radio a while ago?" Or does she remember incorrectly?

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna's eyes widen when Toph starts riding the very earth to follow her. "Oh my! That is quite an impressive skill!" Luna says. She speeds up her trot to a full run, seeing how fast Toph can move, and at a full run Luna is two to three times faster than the usual running human. "Yes. Along with my duties of patrolling the area, I also tend to the dream health of the Everfree ponies. I help guide their dreams toward positive resolutions." she says as they move along. It takes only a minute or two to clear the forest, and once clear of it there is quite a different landscape. The alabaster walls of the town are in the distance, and all around it in a huge, no doubt pony-made clearing, is a massive grass field with a few trails leading away from the town. Not far from the town walls is the quarry, clearly marked by the large hole in the ground and the wooden cranes.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even as Luna gets into a full run it seems that Toph is able to keep up for the most part, nearly as fast as the alicorn as she rides the earthen wave. Luckily the earth settles down after her, leaving very little trace of the earth having been manipulated. "It's simple when you're an earthbending master!" Toph grins in response, obviously liking the genuine praise.

    Yes, Toph was sure she had heard Luna talk about dreams before, and now she confirms it. There is a pensive look on the girl's face as she seems to ponder something. Then some hesitance before she speaks up. "... do you know anything about nightmares?" she asks carefully as they near the town and the quarry, which is easily visible to Toph through the earth. She changes her course, heading towards the quarry. A place where she can sense a high concentration of minerals, exactly what she was looking for. Once they reach the quarry she kicks the earthen wave again, and it flattens out as the teenager leaps forward, landing in a crouch and sending small cracks through the ground before she rises to her full height. "Man, I can't believe I missed this place when I first got here...!" she states, inspecting the area through her feet.

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna considers a moment when asked that question, her run slowing to a stop at the edge of the quarry. "I know a good deal about them, yes. They are what I try to eliminate from the citizens' dreams, after all." she says before taking the path down into the quarry. She watches Toph manipulate the ground again and smiles. "Magics from outside of Equestria are rather interesting. I am not sure I have heard of any ponies who could do anything with the earth like you just did." she says.

     This place would be easy to miss in Equestria. Although it does have a high concentration of minerals, it is really only slightly more than other areas. Because Equestria has no heavy industrialization, the need for gems and precious metals for things other than pretty baubles and coins is almost non-existent. Or, it is just that gem and mineral rich. Either way, the main thing this quarry offers is a deep cross-section of the land, allowing searching for special rocks at many different depths.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Eliminating nightmares is a good thing indeed, and Toph has had enough of them to know just how bothersome they can be after a while. She nods in agreement and follows Luna down into the quarry, feeling the earth underneath her feet and searching for just the right amount of minerals in one place, which might be where she can find the rocks she needs for her research. It is a bit weird how others find her bending so strange, really... But Toph doesn't mind talking about it. It is something important to her, after all. Her true freedom and what enables her to live her life to its fullest. "Few earthbenders can do what I can do, they don't understand it nor use it like I do. I did meet some ponies from another Equestria who were able to manipulate the earth, but then again I don't expect anybody to reach my level," the blind girl half-brags. Though her mind is a bit occupied it seems...

    Heading for an area that seems to have many gems, Toph dares ask another question of Luna. "Do you have any tips for dealing with nightmares? Like... is there a way to make them stop? Or at least become less frequent?"

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna nods at Toph's statement. "The earth ponies are able to manipulate the earth, to an extent, but they cannot force it to do their bidding. They can usually only encourage the growth of plants, feel imbalances in the earth, and other such more passive things. Unicorns could possibly learn to manipulate the earth in such a way, but it would take an extraordinarily talented unicorn to achieve such a thing."

     Luna smiles softly at the question about nightmares. "The key to defeating nightmares is dealing with the underlying issue that is causing those nightmares. But, without seeing a nightmare for myself I cannot determine what is causing it."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's a soft nod from Toph as Luna explains how things work in her Equestria. It differs from world to world, that is only natural and to be expected. "If you guys ever need, you know, help with earth stuff, you can always ask me. I don't mind helping out." No, Luna is part of the Union, and helping out is the right thing to do. Besides, Toph isn't one to let a chance to show off her bending slip her by.

    Defeating nightmares, huh? That makes Toph furrow her brow in thought, and she bites softly on the inside of her lower lip as she stops near a rock and lays a hand on it, checking it out to see if it's suitable. Though she looks rather surprised at Luna's next words. "You... can see into other people's dreams and nightmares?" she asks out loud, her expression surprised. Not to mention a bit uncomfortable on the alicorn's behalf. Having nightmares of one's own seems bad enough, but to see what lurks in other people's sleep seems... rather disturbing, really.

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna smiles warmly. "Your help is appreciated. I am sure when we start trying to build proper routes to other towns we will need help flattening the earth and paving the ground." she says, then blinks. "Er...I hope that was not insulting. I did not mean to imply that your powers would only be good for such menial tasks." she adds quickly.

     Luna nods as Toph questions her powers. "Yes. As mistress of the night, it is part of my powerset to see into the minds of those who are asleep. I can even make myself a part of their dream, which is how I guide them toward a good resolution. Fears are usually the reason for nightmares, and I can offer advice in the dream to the pony who is afraid."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It doesn't look like Toph is offended as she waves it off with a genuine grin. "No offense taken. I know what earthbending is useful for, and I would like to see anybody or anything who could flatten out earth as quickly or as well as I can. Earthbending isn't just for fighting, even though it's what I like best," Toph explains and then runs her hand over the rock she is paused next to. Hmmm, seems close, but from what she can tell there is somewhere even denser with minerals nearby. So she walks on, heading straight towards some smaller rocks that she crouches nearby. Hmmm.

    They have rather different powers the two of them, it seems. And just like how Toph can help this world if necessary, then maybe Luna can help her...? Toph picks up a rock and weighs it in her hand, then swallows. "I... have a reoccurring nightmare now and then. It's not a very pleasant one... even if I know that it's not real, even when it happens." She pauses and swallows where she's crouched, not rising up just yet. "Do you think that maybe... you know, your powers would work on my nightmares too?"

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna follows Toph around the quarry, watching curiously as she looks at rocks that to Luna have no special properties. They are just rocks. She smiles as Toph seems unoffended, then tilts her head as she listens to Toph's request. "It is possible. But...I have not viewed the nightmares of those from outside of Equestria. I cannot say for sure it would work." She pauses, then smiles. "The truth is, I have no special powers over the dreams. I just have the clarity of sight that the dreamer does not during a dream, and I can impart that along with my advice to the dreamer. The power to see into dreams may be magical, but the solutions to those nightmares are hardly ever magical."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sure, they might just look like rocks to a seeing person. But Toph is trying to find a rock that is rich in the unique minerals to this area. And it seems like she's found what she's looking for as she picks up a strange rock that seems a bit more colourful than the others.

    Would it work? It's not like it would make things worse anyway... right?

    "It's... tough to talk about it, really. What it feels like. And it's a very disturbing nightmare that I can't exactly talk about in detail either. Nor do I expect the solution to be magical, far from it," Toph agrees with a heavy sigh as she rises with the rock in hand. "This one will do."

    But before she turns to head out from the quarry, she does halt. "If... if we decide to try it sometime, would you promise to not tell anybody else about my nightmares?" she asks carefully.

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna looks at the rock curiously. "Is that one special? It certainly looks different from the others." she says, then headtilts. "What are you going to do with it?" she asks before Toph talks more about the nightmares. Luna smiles softly afterwords and nods. "Of course. I will keep your secret, regardless of the subject." She pauses. "Unless the solution to your nightmare is...something bad." she adds, then smiles again. "Whatever it is, I am sure we can handle it."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah," Toph nods and holds up the rock so that Luna can see it better. "It has more minerals in it than the others, so it's a bit different to bend. As for what I'm going to do... I'm going to study it more and learn more about the specific type of earth it's made from, and then play with it." It's easier to talk about the rock than her nightmares.

    That much should be clear as Toph is a bit more quiet about it. "Thanks... and I certainly hope the solution isn't bad. Though I can't see how the nightmare can become any worse, really... I mean, I told Goldie about it, and Pepper's step dad, he's a psychologist, but at the same time I don't think they understand how it's like, you know?" Toph smiles a bit sadly. It's different talking about it and actually experiencing it. But indeed, let's hope that they can handle it. It would make things so much easier.

Luna (337) has posed:
     Luna walks with Toph from the quarry to the warp gate, or the town if she wishes to stay there. "I am afraid I do not know exactly without seeing the nightmare. But, I can understand how relating such things to those that cannot truly experience your nightmares would be difficult." she says, then smiles. "Try to rest easy tonight. If you wish, I can visit your dreams tonight and try to ease them somewhat."