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Latest revision as of 23:04, 15 January 2015

Fundroid Workshop
Date of Scene: 14 January 2015
Location: Maine-2031
Synopsis: Seeking help from Maxine for her accent glitch, Fer apparently get's some assistance... but is that all?
Cast of Characters: 279, 516

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Fundroids. That was a... interesting moniker for someplace that worked on robots. Was it some kind of robotic mascot pizza parlor? She might even have thought that before doing anymore formal investigation into the place. Ferham didn't find it wise to show up at the establishment itself, instead looking through a directory and doing some casual investigation to find the lead roboticist, and thought it might be more prudent to confront her at her home.

     Thus, a 6-foot tall femmebot shows up at Maxine's door, giving a knock or requesting access over her intercom or vid phone, whichever she possessed. Ferham cuts an impressive figure in that armor of hers, the long high heeled boots, long clawed gloves, leotard, bird-crested helmet, wings... it would perhaps be a miracle if they didn't think she was osme kind of assassin, perhaps.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
This was Maxine's day off so fortunately she heard someone at her door before the neighbors have a chance to notice. A 6 foot tall woman in bird-themed armor, would likely attract some unwanted attention evenutally. She's just watching the news and waiting for Annie to get home from a friend's house. She knows right away it's not her daughter since she would already have clearance to enter. She stands up and makes her way to the video monitor next to the front door to see who's arrived and gasps a bit

She wasn't certainly expecting what looked like to be some kind of reploid at the door. "Hello, is there anything I can do for you?" The woman looks vaguely familiar but doesn't pin a name on her right away. She figures it's best to remain calm and not to sound like she feels threatened.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I was looking for some help, service," Ferham intoned, her voice deep and feminine, like a purr. She shifts the weight from one heeled boot to the other, a hand on her hip. She gestured to herself, leaning in a little. "I'm a robot, I was looking for someone that might be able to help me," she asked as if she was aware she didn't want to attract undue attention by being out there, either. So far, she wasn't exactly alarmed or seemed to be suspicious of this Sandberg yet, though she hadn't even gotten in the door.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's not fully trusting of her, but than again if she were here to kill her she would likely been more subtle about it or just break down the door. "I might be able..." She suddenly realizes who's she talking to. "Aren't you with the Confederacy?" It seems quite odd that she would come here of all places. She tries to keep somewhat of a low profile. "I'm not trying to sound disrepectful but I'm pretty sure there are scientists there who might be more suited for the job." She tried to phrase that without sounding rude. Still, she doesn't want the woman creating a scene and the police having to get involved. That certainly would be bad for all parties.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I heard you were good at what you do, so I decided to ask you for help with a problem I had," Ferham raised a brow, apparently not expecting to be recognized /that/ quickly. "If you'd like I'll just leave, and take my problem elsewhere, but I could use the help," she leaned back on those heeled boots of hers, looking up at the monitor again. Fer doesn't seem angry, or offended even, those green eyes of hers gazing into the screen where she's peering back at Maxine. "I just figured I might seek some expert help for my problem, is all," she raised her gloved hands a little, indicating she meant no harm.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I guess you say I'm experienced." Maxine doesn't like to brag too much. "I might be able to help if it doesn't involve fighting the Union." On the other than, there's no telling what the Confederates might do to her if she goes to them for help. She might be able to get some useful information about her if she does act against the Union in the future. She carefully disables the security lock on the door and it opens. "What's the problem you're having." She does her best to sound like she's not threatened by the woman despite the difference in size and power between them.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I was abducted and tampered with by a group of criminals calling themselves the Blindside group, I wanted you to take a look at me, I've... had a problem since," she looks away and as if on cue, suddenly her voice seems to shift. "As you can see, there are a few... glitches," she now sounds like she might be Hungarian, like the old Dracula movies about Transylvania. She sighed a little, shaking her head. "Among other things, I was looking for a second opinion, I consulted a technician from my associates but he was not able to isolate it," it sounds... interesting, to say the least. Like some sort of russian sniper woman, or the like.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, if it's a simple error with your vocal processing, I can likely fix it. But like you said, I'm assuming there's more to it than just that." Maxine moves out of the way so Ferham can enter, "It might be better to talk more about it inside. Can I get you anything?" She offers as she takes a better look at the reploid's exterior. "Do you have any idea what exactly this gang did to you?" It would certainly help near down the problem.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Thank you," Fer nodded her head and stepped past the matronly scientist, her heeled boots clicking. Her wings strightened out behind her and folded, allowing her to gain entry through the comparatively narrow doorway, unless Maxine's were designed with larger robots in mind. Ferham's physique does seem rather realistic, if the roboticist was curious. Definitely suited for harsh conditions and combat.

     "Yes," she said simply, making it seem like it was something a bit serious, and not casual at all. "I had a behavioral chip implanted into my neural network, they were trying to use me to assassinate a CEO of a corporation."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine closes the door behind her, so no one else sees what's going on. "A behavioral chip?" She wouldn't be surprised if the Confederacy put that in there. "Well, it might be a good idea to remove it, but it could have other effects on your personality." She sounds a bit heistant about doing so. "Was the assassination successful?" She can't help but to wonder a bit about that now.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "No, and the chip was removed, but it had... side effects," she gestured to herself. Suddenly, her accent seemed to shift again, randomly. "Like, y'know, this happened," her voice seemed to rise an octave or two, now sounding quite a bit... valleygirl-ish. If she hadn't been in all that armor, she likely could have pulled off the bimbo-esque look and voice very well. "So, I had something else like, put in it's place, and that's why I've been trying to look for alternatives," she didn't smile after speaking, which made the voice and the rest of her almost a bit... disjointed.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I can imagine it's an annoyance but if it's the only problem, it shouldn't be too difficult to take care of. I think most capable roboticists would be able to fix it." If the assassination chip was removed, Maxine's not quite sure why Ferham would go through all of the trouble of asking her for help. "That, and I'm kind of surprised that you would trust me enough to go for help." Considering what she could do.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You make robots, don't you? are they sentient?" Ferham seems to have lost the valley girl accent already, it seems to come and go randomly. "They haven't been able to pin it down," as if to answer her question, simply standing there still with a hand on her hip. "You seemed like someone I could try and ask for help, I suppose," maybe she was curious since Maxine didn't exactly seem like the mad scientist type, exactly? Or scientista, in this case. She didn't even rock the sexy scientist with that labcoat, even.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, some of them are sentient. Of course there's laws that limit how self-aware they can be." Maxine explains to Ferham. "I don't necessarily agree with all of them but I'm a scientist and not a politican." Of course she wishes things were different. "I suppose I can help, that doesn't sound like it would be a conflict of interest." She wouldn't be doing combat repairs or upgrading her anyway.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I see, that's unfortunate," Ferham sighed just a little with a nod. It wasn't just any old thing, bringing a 'bot online, that is. They were like kittens in a way, if you made too many sooner or later there would be too many. Making more was an important decision. "If you like, you can scan my neural net if you would like any insight into making yours, I likely shouldn't be trying to enhance other's technology before it develops naturally, but," she shrugged. She was supposed to be a 'bad guy' after all, right? "So, what can you do for me?" she turned finally, her voice normal, now.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
After taking a look inside Ferham, Maxine realizes she can't get the chip out without cause further problems. She does trying to adjust it so it's more consistant at least and makes a few more minor programming changes as she tries to stabilize her personality a bit. She figures to leave it up to the Reploid to decide if she wants to make more major changes with her life. It's her decision and it would be unethical to do so even if's techinically an enemy combatant.

She then reactivates Ferham and lets her boot up. "Sorry, I couldn't get the chip out but I reprogrammed it so you'll stay with one personality more." She wonder if any of the other changes she made would stick.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The... operation to check out the cause for the accent glitch is a bit involved. First, Fer had to shed her armor, which left her in her black spandex undersuit. Thankfully, she seemed to be able to 'flash' in and out of it, with the aid of an armor program. Made maintenance much easier. It gave Maxine an idea of just what she looked like beneath the armor, anyway, pretty much like a human, she even had shoulder-length black straight hair. The process in getting her neural net open was messy and likely better left undescribed.

     "Uhhn..." she seemed to rouse strangely, lifting herself up a bit before peering about at Maxine, as if she was unsure of where she was for a second. "I... feel a lot better," sure, the random accent glitch seems to have subsided, at least.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's a bit surprised about the amount of detail that went into making Ferham. She wasn't expecting that much effort for a robot designed for combat. "Well, I'm happy to hear that I was able to help at least." The information she's managed to gain from her was a bonus as well. It would be helpful if she has to work on any Reploids again in the future. "Is everything functioning normally?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Seems to be," Ferham blinked and looked over at Maxine, smiling a little. Her... demanor and body language seemed to have changed subtly, since Max was poking around in her head. She seems a fair bit more relaxed now, content even, somehow. "Everything's in the green," she stepped over gently--and would give Maxine a great big hug if she allowed it. "I hope it wasn't too difficult for you," she nods, reaching up to brush her hair back, as is concerned about her appearance. "Lets see... ah, what do I owe you, is this alright?" it seems she's trying to authorize a decent amount of credit transfer to Maxine's account, if she accepts it, anyway.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's a bit surprised as the taller woman hugs her, but allows it. "It was a bit difficult, but I've had to handle a lot more complicated. Don't worry about the money, my job pays fairly well." She refuses, not really in need of it. She's just glad that Ferham feels better and she needed the help. "Just take it easy for a bit, it'll take adjusting." If she causes less trouble for the Union that was a plus as well.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ohh, I see," Ferham gave a gentle hug, not crushing killer robot or anything, not at all. Stepping back, she seems a little disappointed that Maxine didn't want to take any money, as if Fer felt like Maxine deserved it. "Well, we should go shopping sometime, I think that's what I'm gonna do now," she grins a little and gestured to herself, as if the black undersuit didn't cut it. She waved a hand over her body and her armor program seemed to activate, leaving her clad in what looked like a pink tube dress and matching high heels. "Ahh, much better," she smiled.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine wonders a bit what she did was a bit too drastic, then again there's no promise it'll stick. "Sure, I don't do much shopping for clothing though since I'm usually working. Yes, you might want to hold onto that money for shopping." She nods, figuring she might need it. She's a bit surprised at her sudden change of clothing. Then again it might be a good idea for when she leaves.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh good, we can both go together," Ferham brushed her hair back behind her and let it fluff out naturally along her shoulders. Well, with that and the red hair, she was quite the looker, that had to be said. "Lets go then, my treat," she smiled, friendly, moving toward the door. Well, a little progress on her accent problem, but now it seemed like she had another issue to contend with, which was a shopping spree! God help her wallet.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I guess I could unwind some, I've been working hard and Annie shouldn't be back for a bit." Maxine nods and disables security so they can get out. Of course she's unaware of the new problem she might have caused, but at least it's better than Ferham trying to kill people. Plus, it's been a while since she's been clothes shopping, her old outfits were starting to get worn out.