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The Dungeon of Mystery
Date of Scene: 12 January 2015
Location: Trans-Dimensional Space?
Synopsis: A mysterious dungeon between worlds awaits exploration and adventure. What secrets await within? Our intrepid explorers endeavor to find out!
Thanks to: Oberyn for GMing!
Cast of Characters: 27, 151, 278, 634, 635, 652

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    It began innocently enough... a message, posted wherever its sender could reach throughout the Multiverse.

    There is a dungeon, and it needs exploring. I am an adventurerer who needs to explore dungeons. Who will join me?

    Those brave - and some may suggest foolhardy - enough to answer the call will have by now received an introduction, an invitation, and directions - leading to this place. A floating chunk of rock, seemingly in the middle of literally nowhere. Small clumps of grass stand eerily still, struggling to survive in a sunless nowhere. As far as the eye can see, there is only this island, and nothing more.

    But in the center, there is what could generously be called a large hill, and in the face of that is an opening large enough for a small group to march through. Where could it possibly lead? Let's find out!

    But first... there is a tent and a small campfire before that cave entrance, with an adventurer waiting nearby. Our party leader, ladies and gentlemen: Oberyn Levy, age sixteen, a schoolboy from Galianda, waits to greet his party.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch actually stops to investigate a patch of the scraggly grass. If it grows with a lack of sunlight, it could be useful. You know, with her boss wanting to cause eternal night and all that. But when she takes a bite out of a tuff it turns out to be rather bitter and she immeadiately spits it back out again. "Bleh. Too much ruffage!" Ugh. She's got to stop doing that directly. The pony rubs her muzzle off with the back of a forehoof and trots towards the tent proper.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    And all this is right up the alley of Academy students... it shouldn't be /too/ much surprise that the shooty healer shows up, in full adventuring kit and looking around the place and jotting down some notes in a notebook. If Jonothon shows up, he might recognize said notebook.

    Quentyn tucks it under his arm and makes his way over. Holds up his hand in a wave to Oberyn, coupled with a quick smile in greeting.

    Bramble, however, gets a bit of a different greeting. Quentyn startles, then quickly glances to her flank. He forces a tentative smile and nod in greeting, yet he still seems tense and somehow afraid of her.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Quietly, Oberyn makes a note to himself: "Next time, specify 'hands required'. Man, the extraverse is weird..."

    Out loud, however, he just calls out, "Ah! Welcome to... uh. The cave, I guess? I don't... I don't have a name for it yet. I think if I name it I need to get a license to explore it anyway. So, you're... not like, some kind of reformed monster or something, right? Not... not that there's... anything /wrong/ with that, I'm friends with /lots/ of reformed monsters back home... well, not lots, but... well... ... um... a-anyway. Let's... let's see here."

    Oberyn cracks open a travel, and quickly riffles through the pages before settling on...

    "'... Bramble Patch'? 's that one you?"

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Someone floats in and lands without so much of a 'thud' of her feet, like she just appeared from thin air if people weren't paying attention that she flew from the nearest warpgate.
    The first thing that Ainsley notes:

    "There is no tall foliage." This seems to mildly upset the lizard lady, mostly due to the fact that she can't sneak any snacks while people aren't looking. No, not a salad, but the skittering things that eat the plants.

    Once she has noted this, she stands with her eyes focused on Oberyn, blue orbs peering right through the boy like some kind of sentient lizard. She doesn't seem unfriendly. "I'm ready to go," she tells him, simply enough, and moves her attention off toward Bramble patch. The pony ge

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Some people know Audrey for hating fun and generally being all work and no play. That's not completely untrue but it's also not completely untrue she has hobbies on the side. Blood sports are one, and since Dungeon Running is a big deal, that means needing plenty of field experience taking up odd jobs and just exploring. This is why the seventeen or eighteen years old KIRIN supervisor is here, wearing the same dark blue uniform overcoat she tends to when on duty. Gunblade sheathed to her side, sleek mechanical gloves over her hands, the Heritor slash Monk is as ready as any other adventurer to dive into a mine.

    "Levy. Westwind," she greets the two people she does know, before glancing at the others. "This is certainly a diverse team you've assembled. Do you truly expect it to be this difficult?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
A hovercraft. Where the hell did Jono get a HOVERCRAFT?! Well it actually belongs to the Institute but given the inability to get around any other way Jono had to borrow it. He did ask permission first though. Eventually he'll get to where everyone else is. And offers a simple wave to the assembled adventurers. "'Ello."

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch's eyes half narrow at Oberyn. "Monster depends on who's definition you're going by." Though she sounds more amused by people already being weirded out just by her being here. It's a nice feeling to be able to just walk in and people start edging away. Nice feeling to her, at least. Bad girl image and all that. "Yeah, that's me. Don't make something of it." Then turns her attention to 'The Cave', and gives a snort through her nostrils. "Don't name it until afterwards. Then you can make sure it fits. You don't want to call it The Terrible Cave of Dark Despair and Utter Terror only to find it's full of pufferkittens or some stupid nonsense like that, after all."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Ainsley and Jonothon also get small smiles and waves from the white mage. Audrey does as well, though the gestures seem a lot less certain. He fiddles with his glasses, pushing them on the rim to be a little further up his nose.

    "Um, I don't think we need licenses if they're not in our world..." Quentyn actually kind of grins, excited but also anxious... anticipating the taste of forbidden fruits.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The fellow student's arrival is met with a little more confidence. "Oh, hey, I... I think I've seen you in the halls. ... white mage, right? Cool, I don't have to cover heals. So, if anyone asks, it's a /mine/, okay? So we don't catch heat over illegal dungeoneering. ... fft, like they'd catch us here anyway."

    Ainsley is a bit of a surprise: This hadn't been a school sanctioned outing, so even one of the extraversal teachers was a surprising - and worrying - sight. Oberyn has to consult his journal - bracing to run - before he can say, "... oh, um. W-welcome, miss Ainsley. I... hadn't noticed you were with us. I was afraid you were here to bust me."

    For Audrey's question, the answer is obvious. "It's an unranked dungeon. I've got a little bit mapped out and it doesn't /look/ that bad, but why take chances?"

    Hovercraft. What. "Aaand with everyone else accounted for, that makes you... Starsmore? That's an... interesting... ride you've got there. Graviga drive? ... no, extraverse 'science' mumbo-jumbo isn't it. Anyway, if that's everyone!"

    Oberyn turns to face the cave. "The... uncharted cave of something that we don't know what's inside but hopefully it's not pufferkittens well okay maybe a few because they sound adorable I think!"

    "So, I've only seen a little of the inside so far, I'm not sure what we're going to find. Just in case, I've got..." He dashes to the tent, and rummages briefly before returning with a satchel. "... some travel kits." Everyone gets a pouch: Party favors for all! Potions, ethers (the boring traditional sort, sorry), a couple of gold needles, a tuft of green herbs.

    "So, then. We can get to know each other on the way, I guess, but for now, adventure's waiting! Come on!"

    And with that, he's leading the way to the cave entrance.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley actually gives a soft laugh at the idea of tattling on Oberyn and the party over something like this. "And miss out on the adventure? Goodness no," she says to them, "I didn't decide to teach to enforce laws, I'll leave that up to... ahh, Judges, and the /appropriate/ faculty." She waves it off.

    When she receives items, she turns down the ethers, handing them off to someone else. It's a curious thing, but her explanation is just, "I don't need them." She does take everything else offered to her, though, quite graciously.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch sits on her haunchs for a moment, pouch held with one hoof as she opens the flap with the other and peeks inside. See, you don't have to worry about the lack of hands, boy.

Potions, typical. She's probably got stronger, but her alchemy is also more specialized. Ethers... actually, she's not sure if she can recharge her 'magic' in that regard, maybe we'll find out. Needles, whatever. She does sniff at the herbs, unable to decide if that's suppose to be for magic, or for a snack later.

In the end she straps it onto her saddlebags and trots after the others. "The hay are the needles for?" Better to ask now than find out the hard way later.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "That's correct; Extraversal dungeons are outside the norms of our world, so technically nobody can limit access to them. Of course, that also heightens the chances of getting in over your head," Audrey answers towards Quentyn, methodically, like she's rehearsed this before. She turns to look at Oberyn, giving a nod. "Fair enough. Practical thinking, I can respect that."

    She'll snatch a few potions, mostly, but otherwise lets it known she's already as equipped as can be expected. She treats these ventures very seriously, since they're pretty much her hobby. An idle answer to Bramble, too: "They cure petrification, in the event we encounter something like a basilisk or cockatrice. Though the effect is usually very temporary, even five seconds of vulnerability is five seconds too many."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono offers a friendly nod to Quentyn's wave. Though he looks confused at the word 'Graviga'? "Eh?" He looks to the craft. "...Dunno how it works actually," he admits. "I didn't ask. All I wanted ter know was... was it gonna blow up or fail?" Important stuff y'know?

He follows the others as they enter the cave-- er MINE. "Oh right. We gonna need ter fight things?" he inquires. He needs to know if he should keep his face wrapped up or not.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "Quentyn, white mage," he confirms while flashing a quick smile, then gesturing to his weapons as well. The larger of which seems a /bit/ large for Quentyn. "And gunner."

    Oberyn's words also lead to Quentyn giving Ainsley an anxious look-- But after all that Quetzal stuff she couldn't mind this, could she?-- and he looks relieved when the Professor confirms.

    Just before they set out, Quentyn takes a few steps over to Jonothon. He holds up the notebook tucked under his arm for a second, "Um... just wanted to say thanks and um, sorry I couldn't do more for the holiday just um... new to it and budget..." the boy half murmurs half rambles. But he just nods and leaves it at that. As they walk into the place, "Um. In Galianda there's usually monsters but I don't know about here."

    Audrey too gets a nod, as well as a tentative smile. "But it's what we train for. We have to, um, be careful, but the experience..."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Over his shoulder, Oberyn adds to the good needle talk, "White magic can fix a lot of problems, but... well, petrification and silence can take that away, so it's better to be prepared."

    "And yeah... we're probably going to need to be ready to fight our way through. Sounded like monsters in there, didn't go far enough in to see what kind."

    "Okay... left at the first branch here - right was a dead end - here the middle and left just loop so we need to go right... watch this drop here..."

    The cave is, at least early in, more like a tunnel, but it's easy to navigate. It will go quickly until it opens out. The party should make good headway until reaching the ominous FIRST ROOOOOOM man this place needs someone naming stuff.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn curls a finger and taps it against his chin. "The Cave of Darkness," he offers by way of a name. "Or um, Mine of Darkness." The white mage, meanwhile, pulls a magitek lantern out of his Adventure Bag (Just a bookbag really), clips it to his belt, and turns it on.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Oh, we have those in Equestria, too. Weird snake tounged chicken things with lizard tails." Bramble rolls her eyes a bit when Oberyn navigates them past the the dead end and loops. "Good, someone already checked the -boring- part." So it's just the Tunnel of Time Filler Walking. Whee. "Oh of course we're going to have to fight something. Just don't get yourselves killed by any traps, either." Isn't she just so cheerful? Really other than the green mane, the spikey shouldered vest, the spade-like thing strapped to her back, and the weird glowing gemstone in the headband she's wearing, she could be mistaken for some kind of packmule. Not that she's a mule. That's different from ponies. But the image is still there.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Not unlike Quentyn, Audrey has her own source of lighting in the form of magitek, specifically her gloves. The green, round screen atop her right hand lights up, bright enough to act like a torch while she holds the hand up, the other resting atop her sheathed sword.

    "That seems a little generic. Maybe we'll find something halfway in that'll help name it. One rarely builds a mine and then abandons it without good reason, so worst-case we can name it after what caused it to be deserted. Likely a large monster of some kind."

    As they go through the tunnels with Oberyn's guidance, Audrey watches for signs of monsters. Maybe territory or claw marks that she might recognize, or that would at least give a hint as to what's ahead.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "It doesn't seem that dark," says Ainsley, the creature whose general experience with adventure and dungeons is 'horrific dark despair hellhole,' as a general rule. She clasps her hands behind her back, keeping to the rear of the party for the most part, letting the more combat-inclined of them wander on ahead to see if it's safe. "'Lone Isle Cavern,'" she says aloud, musing on it. "No, I think I'll give my suggestion after we're done, actually. Inspiration may strike."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn has, of course, been using the Black Mage's Lantern: brief bursts of Fire and Thunder to light his way where needed because why not? Gotta grind magic skill somehow. However, after some time in the tunnels, he stops short. "... okay, this is as far as I've gone. Everyone gather in, this is where the /adventure/ starts..."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono waves a hand as Quentyn apologizes. "Oh, it's all right. We met like... what? Once? I didn't expect even a card." One gets the feeling he's smiling even if the bottom of his face is covered up. "Hope yer could get some use outta what I sent yer."

The confirmation of fighting from Quentyn and then Oberyn gets a nod. "Right then. Better do this sooner rather than later." He loosens the wrappings around his face. And then fire. So much fire. It seems to originate from somewhere in his chest and burn up around his head. Except it doesn't actually burn his clothes or hair and there's no heat coming from him. "Don't want someone ter hesitate at a critical moment."

Bramble Patch's oh so kind words or warning get a sidelong glance. With British snark in full effect, Jono notes flatly, "Thank yer SO very much. It's WONDERFUL ter know someone's lookin' out for me." Audrey's words of naming it get a nod, and Ainsley's suggestion prompts Jono to indicate Audrey and suggest, "I think she's got the right of it. Once we're further in yer may want ter name it somethin' less charitable."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "Okay, everyone stay close... there's probably, like, ghosts or something in here that'll want to split us up. Don't want anyone just disappearing for, like, a quarter of an hour and leaving us all without a tank or healer or whatever."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
= Forbidden Cavern =

on the precipice of adventure

    The island floating in space didn't seem nearly large enough to contain something quite like this... even with magical light, it is hard to see the far wall from the entryway. Places along the wall glitter in the distance, light caught by sparkling ores, small gemstones, or maybe just treacherous worthless shiny rocks.

    Openings in the walls can be vaguely made out. There's no telling where any might lead. Most look like natural openings, leading to more tunnels much like the one the party just passed through - this is just one of many rooms in a larger cave system, it seems.

    Part of the floor seems to ripple softly - a spring, perhaps, or something more ominous, but it is difficult to tell from a distance. The faintly echoing sound of water dripping suggests that this could well be the case, though.

    Dominating one corner of the large room is a massive stalagmite - reaching nearly to the ceiling and large enough that the entire party could form a ring and not quite surround it.

    There is a scurrying sound ringing through the cavern. The adventurers are not alone.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn does give a quick grin and nod to that; Notebooks he definitely has a use for. But the flaming head trick does get a blinkblink and stare from the white mage, then a tilt of his head. "I don't think I've seen a mage that can... or um, not mage, but um, that can do that..."

    In the end it's the scurrying that gets Quentyn to put away his notebook and unholster his PDW. But, you know, healer. He's only going to advance /with/ the party, not ahead of them.

    "Should we check out the big thing first..?"

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley's head turns as the sound of skittering reaches her ears, as they stand there in the first chamber of the cavern. Her hands raise up above her head, and a sound like an electrical wire buzzing hums as magic climbs up the lizard woman's arms. Then an arc of electricity forms between her palms, generating a small ball of electricity.

    A very, very bright ball of electricity.

    Ainsley is not taking chances. She keeps her eyes peeled for anything weird, covering blindspots with her very wide field of vision. So wide that she's actually impossible to sneak up on unless the thing doing it is completely invisible or very fast.

    "Beware," she warns the party, as she turns the ball of light to light up tunnels along the edge of the room, and then steps over to investigate the liquidy rippling effect.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Jonothon takes his wrappings off, causing Audrey to stare for a moment. She says nothing, which is probably far more impolite than apologizing for staring, but she also reasons that the guy is totally used to it by now. It is not quite every day you meet someone whose lower jaw is basically fire. Well, lower jaw and upper chest. It's very impressive, but also unsettling. Ugh, Extraversal people. Can't ever predict them. That's as good as it's bad.

    The Heritor stops on Oberyn's cue, looking ahead. "Brave to have come this far on your own when you're not a fighter. Ghosts?" Always has to be undead. Everywhere. Always. Audrey sighs and frowns. That's when they all get a good look ahead, at the cavern that's far larger than the host island would imply possible. Must be magic.

    What isn't?

    "Sounds more like insects than ghosts," she notes.

    Looks like there's plenty of different headings. She picks up a rock off the ground and lobs it towards the water, to see how deep it is. If it's just a bit, they can hop down and not care, unless people are afraid of water. "Westwind raises a good suggestion. If it's safe to hop down we should inspect the stalagmite."

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Sparkle sparkle sparkle. Is it an 'audible sparkle'? Impossible to tell seeing as this is a text format... What, only Pinkie is suppose to make breaks like that? Oh, fine. Sheesh.

"Well well, looks like 'mine' might be accurate after all." Bramble pulls the shovel off her back and trots over to the wall to start poking at one of the glittering portions. Ever see a horse use a shovel? Well you are now. "Stupid rock, cough up your riches!" Poke prod poke.. Then she stops as everyone else gets tense over the scurrying noises instead. "Don't tell me you're all getting jumpy at -sounds-. Caution is one thing, but at least wait until it's actually something worth being scared by to get all jittery!" And she's not? Then again she does live in an eternally dark and creepy forest, this is anything but creepy as far as she's concerned.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Not likely to, either," Jono replies to Quentyn's statement. "I'm a mutant," he explains. So that's probably not usual for the people of his world either. Ainsley's electric light first gets a wince-- geez that's bright!-- and then a visible double take and Jono blinks. It seems odd for a guy whose head is on fire to be surprised by anything. But he does nod politely, as if to say 'good show'.

Apparently yes... he is used to people staring, because Audrey's stare gets a rather ironic 'yup... thought so' look from him. He assures her, "Not ter worry. It won't burn yer." He looks at Bramble Patch though as she starts digging into the rock. "Oi... careful," he cautions. "Stuff that can't make sounds usually don't. If it can make sounds it can usually move around. An' if it can move around it can probably come after yer."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... brave? Nah. Just prepared. As long as you're ready to run it's not hard to sneak around."

    Oberyn, glorious leader that he is, sort of... waits for the party to form their plan, and prepares to follow along. Front line jobs required, he'd said. However, he does take a minute to do his combat prep: A brief muttering and a few gestures call forth a floating black-bound book in a burst of ethereal flames. And from somewhere - we won't ask where - he also draws what looks to be a collapsible pole. Training staff?

    And then one of the party members was on fire. "Are... are you okay ove-- WAIT. How... how can you even talk like... ... uh... ... n-no, it doesn't matter. Does healing still work, though? If... if you're undead or a demon or something, we need to know that."

    Come on you guys the cave is supposed to be scarier than the party.

    "... you don't... do much adventuring, do you? Lots of stuff makes sound just before it sneaks up and attacks. If you wait until you can /see/ a threat, well. Not everyone visits their second dungeon."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The wall being poked with the shovel resists having riches pried free. A pickaxe might be more fitting... but a few small chunks of shiny golden rock do fall free.

    Skittering intensifies.

    It sounds like a lot of fairly large somethings, at least, instead of one gigantic something horrific. With the echoing, it's hard to tell where it's coming from, but at least it doesn't seem to be coming much closer.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Boy, if you lived where I lived and jumped at every sound ever, you'd never get anything done." Bramble snorts softly. Then rolls her eyes and puts the shovel away as she trots after the rest of the group. "Fiiiine, we can dig up the sparklies later." She snags the couple of gold rocks that came loose with a hoof and stuffs them in a pocket. "Let's see what else there is."

It would probably be scary if, you know, she didn't live in what's essentially a haunted forest dungeon in itself.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "If it jumps out at us, I am going to fry it."

    Ainsley says that with a tense conviction, her tail lashing behind her as she holds that very bright ball of lightning in one hand around the cave. She floats up toward various points that might be higher than ground-level.

    But nothing leaps out at them yet. She makes a little 'hrrrrn' noise. She seems much more tense and active about this than when she was at Aztlan, as at least one member of the party can note.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks away from Ainsley, trying not to blind himself. He nods at the word 'mutant', apparently the not-mage word he was looking for.

    Quentyn looks over to Oberyn, "Um, he's a mutant but um... I haven't tried any white magic..." He looks back to Jonothon, eyes inquiring.

    Turning to wherever the skittering *seems* to be coming from, Quentyn decides to ditch his smaller sidearm in favor of the rifle. But he does sort of make sure there's party members between himself and the outer perimeter in as many directions as possible.

    "Um, anyone want buffs..?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono suddenly looks sheepish at Oberyn's question and raises a hand to the back of his head. "Nah. I still bleed." Which means he still has circulation somehow. Which means he's not undead. He does around at the intensifying of the skittering sound. Bramble Patch's words get a frown but he doesn't say anything about it at the moment.

Instead he nods to Ainsley's statement. "I think she's got the right idea." Not to worry Quentyn-- Jono's making sure to make a target of himself, and get between the outer perimeters and anybody who seems like they need protection from whatever might be making that skittering sound. Quentyn's question gets a nod. "If yer got 'em, may as well be prepared."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:



    The direction's getting a little easier to intuit: UP. Red glowing spots are becoming visible along the wall as well, and an unpleasant slurping hiss is starting to ring out irregularly. It seems the party has been spotted.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    As long as the monster doesn't actually suddenly leap out to interrupt them... Aether visible gathers around Quentyn as each spell forms, and Jonothon gets a series of 4 buffing spells. Each time the effect will envelope the front liner. He gets Protect (physical damage reduction shield), Shell (same but for magic), Stoneskin (absorbs some amount of damage wholely before it breaks), and lastly Blink (2~3 guarenteed dodges, but activation is random).

    This does take a little bit of time to cast and, focused on casting, the white mage doesn't notice what's above...

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "DINNER!!" Ainsley shouts with comical enthusiasm when she spots one of the sets of eyes up above. She flicks the ball of lightning at the nearest set of red eyes in the dark, creating a loud crackling noise as lightning arcs down the arm that threw the ball. When it impacts, there'd be a sound like someone just shoved their hand into a transformer box, the arc flash brightening the room much more, casting heat, light and a loud POP through the room. Ainsley shuts her eyes briefly so she doesn't get blinded.

    Ainsley laughs in embarrassment at what she shouted. "Hhhahah..."

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "Bugs. Of course," Audrey grunts.

    She unsheathes her gunblade, slaps a bright red casing in, and then angles the weapon up towards the ceiling. "Now we know why no one's mining here anymore, at least. But I wouldn't count on these being all we find in here. Where there's one kind of monster there's usually five more waiting in deeper levels. I've always been amazed at how much respect for territory those things tend to have when organized across several floors of a dungeon."

    Well, either way.

    She pulls the trigger several times, launching small fireballs from the tip of the gunblade towards the red eyes on the ceiling, trying to purge them with fire before it becomes a matter of fighting bugs in melee.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"So much for jump scares. Looks like the monsters are the ones SHOCKED to see us," Bramble Patch deadpans as Ainsley lights up the spiders with electricity. "Com'n, I've seen fleas twice as big as these things." Not that she doesn't help. She helps by pulling a vial out of her vest and tossing it at some spiders. To shatter when it hits and release some nausiating gasses. At least, nausiating to the spiders.

It was full of alchemical pesticide, after all.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn, for all his adventurous enthusiasm, is not paying the closest of attention to his surroundings... he's not really the most seasoned adventurer, and is more used to using stealth to make his way. However, a lightning ball being launched is unmistakable.

    "... we're...? GAAH! We're being attacked! ... will be. We're gonna be attacked! Ready, everyone!"

    For his own part, the monochromatic mage will join in the assault by flipping briefly through the pages of his floating tome, landing on a page and, glancing a few times at it as he casts, adds his own... "FIRA!"

    Let's see how the spiders like burning!

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Above them! Jono quickly tilts his head up when he finally gets a bead on where the skittering is coming from. Spiders. "Ugh... always has ter be spiders," he mutters. "S'pose it'd be too much ter ask for it ter be harmless butterflies jus' once." Quentyn's set of buffs get a nod from Jono. "Thanks," he offers before turning his attention back to the spiders.

Ainsley's statement gets a look from Jono. "...Suddenly I'm glad I don't eat." But since she just attacked them he has a feeling they're going to start coming down en masse. So he starts taking shots at them too! Well, once the brightness from Ainsley's blast fades. He actually raises a hand to shield his eyes from the brightness. Ow.

Now... this is liable to get smelly really fast between Ainsley's lightning frying and Jono's fire. Jono's fire actually isn't real fire. It hits with physical force but it spins like a mini tornado. So like being hit with a truck that has a rotary sander with very low-grit sandpaper attached.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Once Quentyn is done buffing, he shoulders his rifle but doesn't add to the barrages. Instead, he seems more concerned about not being directly under the creature (and so avoiding getting drenched in spider ichor, AGAIN).

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The lightning catches the first few spiders off-guard. They're not especially tough, and several fall from the wall, flash-roasted. Small sparks even jump from the body of one as it falls.

    The fireball shots crash among the spiders, and several more fall, wreathed in flames. One manages to keep its grip on the wall and scurries about - which is probably not a good thing for anyone involved, as it manages to spread the flame further as it goes.

    The alchemical pesticide manages to drop one spider, but the rest seem undeterred - if rather weakened. They begin to crawl down the wall. For a moment it seems more as if the wall itself is rippling.

    Oberyn's Fira catches several more spiders on fire, and creates an impressive - if not particularly effective - fireball as it catches the edge of the gas cloud. Oops?

    The unburning flames carve a line through the spiders' numbers, though not all of those that fall stay down. A handful - a funny term to use for creatures the size of small dogs - land on the ground next to the party and prepare to attack.

    The rest surge forth down the wall, fully ready to overrun the party. Even with four flavors of burning and the magic of Raid, this is quite a swarm.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "So many!" Ainsley shouts aloud as the spiders begin surging out at everyone. She doesn't seem at all bothered by them trying to get up close to the party, and instead she does something that an experienced fighter does instead.

    She draws out a longsword in a smooth movement and begins chopping, backing the chops with flashes of lightning or blasts of wind, like, say, some kind of Spellblade. Each chop is practiced, aiming for the joints so that she can dismember them, or stabbing so she doesn't get her weapon caught in their chitinous hides.

    She's aiming only for the ones who go for Quentyn or herself, leaving the others of the party to fend for themselves.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono doesn't appear to have any other weapons except his shootie not-fire blasts. But he wields that pretty well. It can either be in a tight focused beam that might actually pierce if it's made small enough... or a wider less focused beam that essentially is just a great big SMACK! He's using the latter to keep as many of the spiders off of the party as possible.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Lots of spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. Some of them on fire. Or poisoned. Or both.

Bramble Patch still isn't particularly impressed. More cautious than before, but still not really impressed. "Guess I'll just have to get rid of these the same way I get rid of the bugs at home." As spiders try to get closer to the group she digs out a couple of seeds and tosses them in front of herself. The Everfree Gem starts to glow with its corrupt magic, and in a swirl of unnatural whisps the seeds sprout and grow at an expodential rate. Into gnarled plants with blossoms that look more like toothy, reptillian maws. Which is exactly what they turn out to be, actually attempting to chomp down on and -eat- the spiders.

Did I mention Everfree's version of snapdragons are more like carnivoreous flytraps?

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Despite his efforts, one of the roasted spiders clobbers Quentyn in the side of his head/shoulder before bouncing off. The white mage shivers, then straightens out his hoody and glasses.

    One thing he doesn't do is fire his rifle. It looks like more of a single target weapon than something for taking on swarms... so instead he's keeping an eye on the party, and trying to stay away from the closer spiders... which should, with any luck, be easy with Ainsley's cover!

    "Thanks!" Quentyn calls to her.

    "Um... fall back to a choke point?" Quentyn suggests tentatively. Perhaps unneeded with Bramble's and others' crowd control. Then he adds, "Call out if you get hit or poisoned!" But if the party decides to hold their ground and no injuries need immediate attention, Quentyn will start on the same set of buffs for Ainsley as he gave Jonothon.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "There's... there's too many! There's only supposed to be eight at a time, there are /rules/ about this stuff!"

    Oberyn, it seems, has forgotten that not every dungeon is nicely regulated and maintained for adventurers. This is what happens when you venture out into the unranked wilderness...

    Mages do not melee. Do what you do best, right? So the best he can do to help fight off the swarm is fling another spell, in the hopes that it will scare them, kill them, slow them, whatever. Another consultation with the book, and this time he is flinging a wave of snow and ice, hoping to freeze the spiders in place - for good, with any luck. "Blizzara!"

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Spider Stu has not had the best day. That stupid dripping stalactite ruined his nice web again, Spider Sally isn't talking to him - again - and he got up too late to get a good spot on the ol' swarmin' wall. Life is not kind to Spider Stu.

    It seems as if things are looking up, as a bunch of plump, juicy warm-blooded things wander into his cave. They look /delicious/, and the awful spot on the wall means he is in just the right place to get there first. Finally, he's catchin' a break!

    He even manages to dodge that bright ball that takes out so many of his 'friends'. Jerks, serves 'em right. Those fireballs though...

    Now Spider Stu is having a bad day, AND he is on fire. There is only one thing left to him now.

    In his last moment he vows that he will spider punch every last son of a centipede who ever wronged him.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    It's no surprise there's more of them than can be roasted before they come down. Audrey didn't expect it to be this easy, although she's probably a bit overqualified for just a horde of spiders. Still, better not underestimate them just in case.

    She moves closer to Oberyn, mostly to tank for him. Though she doesn't intend to let any come close enough that tanking becomes necessary, if it comes down to it. The gunblade keeps letting shots loose, at least until the spiders are within sword's reach. That's when Audrey snaps the cylinder open, and in the same motion, ejects the red cartridge to slap an icy blue one in instead. As it shuts, she starts slicing, taking quick, expert cuts into the arachnids' ranks.

    It should not be surprising that the gunblade trails cold lines in the air behind it, freezing whatever it cuts solid, or at least attempting to, adding some punch to the Black Mage's own icy assaults.

    "I don't think they care about our rules any more than we cared about them coming in here without ranking it and verifying our qualifications," she asides to Oberyn.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Inamongst all the spider-shooting, Jono manages to catch Oberyn and Audrey's conversation. Between shooting at spiders he manages to ask, "'Ey. For the poor uninitiated sod who has no idea what you're talkin' about... what exactly are yer on about?"

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "They have a ranking system for ruins, catacombs and other assorted adventuring locations in Galianda," Ainsley explains in a scholarly tone of voice, and then gestures to the students for them to elaborate, if they like, before taking another chop at a spider.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Audrey nods towards Ainsley, and adds: "Dungeons that are ran for entertainment or official purposes like testing students follow strict qualification guidelines and encounter rules. Monsters are arranged in groups of specific sizes and challenge ratings in order to standardize the experience as much as possible. This eliminates inconsistencies which could result in two tests of the same rank having completely different difficulty ratings-- in other words, a situation where a student or sports team may pass through a dungeon because it's easier, not because they're good." Or presumably the reverse, where bad RNG may result in failure despite overqualification.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Your world is -weird- about dungeons," Bramble Patch remarks. She's got plenty of time to talk, it's her plant spawns that are doing all the fighting. And eating. Mmmmm, roast spider.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The bodies of the spiders seem softer than one might expect - not exactly the heavy armor plating one things of when thinking giant spiders. The first group falls quickly to Ainsley's blade, but more jump from the wall to replace them. They don't seem to have a plan or strategy - no swarm of spiders for any one party member, though the mages and their bodyguards will be kept busy - and Bramble Patch may find herself dismayed to find one spider unable to resist the urge to take up horseback riding.

    The unfire being flung by Starsmore is doing nicely at forcing the spiders down along one section of wall: those that don't move to dodge find themselves dropping, and leaving the assault.

    The snapping jaws of the plants thin out the swarm nicely as well - several spiders are caught in mid-leap, thinking to make a meal of some adventurer and instead becoming one.

    Oberyn's icy magic sticks several more spiders to the wall, trapped by frost and ice. Most won't be a threat even after they defrost, but some just look angry now.

    The ice shots are a bit more lethal, if not quite as good at stalling. Chilled spiders join smoking ones on the ground along the wall. They're starting to pile up now... looks like a certain teacher is going to have a buffet to come back to.

    The spider surge also seems to be thinning out substantially thanks to one irate arachnid weaving around, leaving a fiery trail of destruction in the midst of the spiders. Still alight from the fire shot earlier and still angry about it, it carves a one-spider trail of death, destruction, and fire. The movie rights are already under negotiation, and the spiders are about ready to pack it in.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Once the spiders have calmed down Jono can process both Ainsley's and Audrey's responses. His response is subdued. "Oh right." He can think of lots of reasons why that's a bad idea but now's not the time. Spiders seem to be mostly dealt with and that's the greater concern. "Everyone all right?" he asks.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch has a spider on her back. Though if the spider was expecting the sort of panic pack animals usually do when they have something creepy crawling on them, the spider has another thing coming. This is, after all, an intelligent being. Not just some dumb animal. Though she doesn't look too happy at the spider's -nerve- in doing so. "Oh for pete moss sake..."

Out of the vines woven into her vest two rather large ones sprout off from the shoulders, grab the spider, and shove it off. Backwards. So Bramble can properly kick it with her back hooves as it falls off.

"And THAT is why you DONT try to ride me!" Though that may be more of a warning to her companions.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "Perhaps it is weird to you. For us it's just common sense. Dungeons are used to test students, so it's important that there's a standard in place to make sure the challenges are consistent with one another. The same goes for professional Dungeon Running. It's a sport; it wouldn't do for two teams to compete in dungeons of different challenge levels," Audrey answers, mostly to Bramble Patch, as she sheathes the gunblade once the last of the spider has buggered off. Probably after taking a few more shots or slices, as needed.

    "Still, what we learn in them is pretty all-applicable. If this level is overflowing with spiders, then the next levels will have bigger, worse things. The nastiest will probably be in the furthest reaches."

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Well duh. The most dangerous thing is always at the end. What idiot puts it at the front? Why have a dungeon if you're going to just kill at the adventurers right away?" Bramble Patch just keeps the snarky remarks going. "It's the same principle as trapping a lair. There's no FUN in just shooting your intruder."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn peers up at the suddenly burning mess of spiders above - yikes, let's hope that those don't all fall down or we'll be calling this the Cave of Tripping Over Spiders - and delivers the voice of cautious survival: "M... maybe we should move on before they regroup. Now that we know those are here... I think we can get by them on the way out without trouble."

    Of course, that means first getting rid of the ones that are left. Now that they're down to just a few, flashy spells aren't the best choice... so instead he just hits one with a stick. Need to practice with that staff sometime, right? ... especially since he wields it rather like a baseball bat, rather poor technique there.

    "I'm kind of hoping we do find some big nasty monster further in though - at least those you can focus on fighting /right/ instead of just getting rid of a lot. ... so, the big stalagmite there, right?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Ainsley suitably buffed as well, the white mage just quietly follows along with the the party. "Um, well..." Quentyn hesitates, "Seems like the obvious choice but maybe if there's something else that looks interesting..." He shrugs.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... man... someone's gonna have to go through these things if we want to get any gil out of them. This is probably a small fortune. Um... miss Ainsley? You can probably hold off anything that'll come around, could you take treasure detail? I, um. I think I have a chart here... ... ah! Yeah. Salable parts of common monster types." Oberyn offers up a paper. Can't trust outsiders to know what's worth money back home without some help, after all.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"I'll leave the snapdragons here too, they'll eat any other spiders that get uppity." A few of the plants even somehow lick their 'lips' like the stamin were tongues as Bramble says that.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "I'd like to take a look, if only because it's a landmark that sticks out in an otherwise mostly empty room. Dungeon Running 101, landmarks are important. Unless they're not," Audrey says, as she dusts herself and starts heading for the aforementioned large piece of pointy rock.

    "And yes, I suppose this is all worth quite a bit of money. I wonder if the claim centers are going to start discriminating between Extraversal monsters and native ones, so there isn't a surplus of monster parts on the market."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Can't hurt ter look," Jono replies to the mention of checking the stalagmite. A smirk to Audrey. "Unless it does." He is indeed being a little bit of a smartass. As for extraversal monsters? "I imagine so. If yer got all that in place why not? Somethin' lese for someone ter keep track of. Make more jobs 'n all."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley looks up from poking a particularly fried spider with that sword of hers, making a face at the smell that permeates the room now. She looks off toward Oberyn for a second and then frowns at the offer a bit. "That would distract me if I'm going to be helping all of you deal with whatever is deeper inside this cavern," she points out, waving off the paper. "We can worry about that when we know it's all cleared out and it's safe to tally up all that we've found."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The trip to the large stalagmite passes without event - the skittering has subsided, and one could almost call what little remains sullen. Those who make the journey pass by several openings in the wall which seem like a lovely adventure for another day. Or possibly a bunch of dead ends, who can say?

    The cave landmark itself, however... is not as exciting as it might have seemed from afar. While there are parallel grooves along one face which could allow climbing, it doesn't seem like there is much up there. Nope, nothing at all of interest here.

    Well, almost nothing. Technically nothing, but interestingly /shaped/ nothing - because where one would expect a lot of cave floor, there is instead a spiraling stairway which, if one imagined the stalagmite continuing on through the floor, would be winding around it.

    The stairway is, of course, unlit... first one down might want to take a lantern or lightning ball or something along.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "Maybe not miners but um, /someone/ lived here once..." Quentyn comments. He's still got his lantern, but he won't be the first one down.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch glances over the edge at the stairs. "Yep, definately. Those ain't a natural formation. Someone's -made- a way down... But that just means someone's more likely to have hidden something down there, too!"

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "Well, nothing to it, then," Ainsley remarks, sheathing the longsword she had out and generating another ball of lightning. She then begins walking down the stairs, humming a little song to herself as she goes. Unperturbed, it seems.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's providing at least some light. His not-fire may not produce heat but it does produce light. He just doesn't have all of it showing. So it's like a flashlight shined straight up. Or a torch exclosed on all but the top side. As Ainsley starts down the stairs so does Jono. Though he's being careful not to get taken off guard by anything. Hopefully.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... wow, uh. I shouldn't be surprised that the cave is inhabited - I mean, most of them /are/, but... I didn't think that was an everywhere sort of deal..." Oberyn is staying close to the back of the group - not quite in the 'get picked off by monsters without anyone noticing' rear position but back a bit. He's not going to be the one to lead the way. Instead, he's... gonna take out a book and jot down a few notes along the way. Great.

    "I wonder what it is. Goblins? Tonberries? Some weird and unique extraversal creature that nobody's seen before? ... ... /moogles/?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch says, "Something with feet, obvious," Bramble Patch deadpans as she follows."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The stairs are at least blessedly deep: even four-legged party members can at least stand on a single step, if not particularly comfortably, along the way. It seems like it won't come to that, though - though there are cobwebs, there don't seem to be any creatures on the stairs except the party.

    Dotted along the way, however, there do seem to be small circular indentations in the wall. Each is empty, but they seem like they could have held something at one point.

    The stairs lead into a landing, empty save for a door hewn from solid stone. How... how do you even /open/ something like that?

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "Well... uh. To... to be fair. Most creatures that carve out homes kinda... kinda fit that description, don't they?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Or tentacles," Jono counters to Bramble Patch's statement. Once they get to the bottom of the stairs Jono walks to the door and starts poking around it. "...Huh." He's looking for a keyhole or other such thing-- keyhole, lock mechanism, deadbolt, something of that nature. He's decent at picking locks.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Not with feet -this- big," Bramble Patch adds after taking note of the size of the individual steps. Down and down, around and around they go. Until they finally come to the bottom. Yay, level ground! And door. Big door. Big stone door.

"Now this is a little more like it! Something that's a challenge other than creepy crawling things." She trots over to the door and gets up on her back legs to lean against it. Turning her head to put an ear against the side, she taps on the stone with her hoof. Trying to find whatever edge has the hinges or whatever it moves by on so they can figure out which way to open it with jamming it or something stupid.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "Giant acid whelks," Ainsley speaks up clearly as an example of something without feet that does what is described. She smiles at Oberyn. "Quite interesting, those things. Completely docile." She stares at the door impeding them, and looks at the indentations along the wall. "We might be missing the keys here." She steps up to one of the indentations, crouching to peer into it.

    She's got weird psuedo x-ray vision, so she tries to seek out a mechanism of some kind. If it's magic, though, she's out of luck.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    The white mage stops along the way to give the little recesses a cursory inspection. But unless there's anything of particular note, any salient features, his own notebook remains away in its bag.

    "I can shoot it..." Quentyn offers after an inspection or the door, hefting his rifle.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The door seems to be a solid slab, without any inner workings to speak of. There's something a bit strange, but it's hard to quite put a finger - or hoof - on it. A puzzle, or a trick, or maybe whoever lives here is just really strong and likes to show it off, perhaps.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... so... do we break the door down or something? Oh! Or is this one of those puzzle dungeons where you have to get all the keys and then the last door opens somehow and this is the boss room?" Oberyn pokes at the door intently, hoping to find some clues too. Unfortunately, he's not quite the trained dungeoneer he needs to be to compete with things like x-ray vision; yup, sure is a door alright.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Welp, there's more than one way to open a door!" Bramble pushes herself off the door but remains on her back legs as she grabs the shovel off her back once more. Despite not having fingers she manages to somehow twirl it before shoving the spade end between the rock door and the rest of the wall. Then grabs it with both her front legs and starts to pull and pry on it like a crowbar.

Just... she's not really super strong or anything to actually -move- the rock.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The door shifts as it is pried with the shovel: Lighter than it looks, maybe? Though it doesn't move much, it seems to shift upward slightly. It may have originally been dropped down from a recess in the wall.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Well. Looks like Quentyn doesn't get to try to explode the door today. Looks like it's not even needed! The white mage sits on the steps while the party works out opening the door, setting his rifle across his lap, his elbows on his knees, and then cupping his face in his hands. But his interest perks as the door starts to move.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
...Well then.

"Oh. That explains it." So he heads over to join Bramble in trying to pull on the door. Though he tries to grasp the door from the bottom and pull up. He doesn't have super strength either. And due to missing about a third of his body weight he's probably not going to be able to lift it alone.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Once Jono's got his hands on the slab and lifting as well, there's enough room for Bramble to let go of the shovel and just wedge her shoulders under the bottom edge to help push it upward. "Someone find a way to -keep- it up once we get far enough to get through it."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn is not... really the best pick for feats of strength. Aware that he's not going to do a whole lot except take up room if he tries to help with prying, he considers his own assets. Hey, he's still got his book out, right...?

    "I don't think anything I can cast will break that, but I'll try. First though, here. Don't... don't wear yourselves out too much." Another consultation with the Tome of Convenient Spells, and... "FAST!"

    What little assistance Oberyn can offer to the door crew amounts to a surge of black magic which should help them to feel quicker, stronger, ready to take on the... door. Uh. Yes, epic door boss fight, woo.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The door, for its part, is sliding open a little. Slowly, but it's moving. It doesn't seem as heavy as it should be, at least, but it's still pretty bulky. Another few people prying and it would probably go.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn isn't not really any better than Oberyn for feats of strength... so he just keeps sitting and watching. Being a mage has its perks!

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Once the spell is cast, Ainsley steps right on up to the door, and grabs it by the bottom edge. Then, using a surprisingly good posture for a creature with apparent scholarly inclinations, she helps to lift the stone door. She even gives a loud and bestial growling noise as she does this, ruining some of the feminine innocence she once displayed, if that was ever a thing.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... this isn't getting us anywhere. Uh. ... come on... Quentyn, right? We're gonna have to try to help. Didn't... didn't think I was becoming a mage so I could lift heavy stuff, but. Teamwork, I guess..." Oberyn walks over to join in the lifting as well - even a little help is good, I guess?

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The door scrapes up into its nook, still gradually, but much quicker with the additional power of haste, another competent lifter, and... one mage breaking a sweat to do nothing of visible value. At last, however, it shudders into place. There is no audible click or sliding, though... it probably isn't going to stay there if everyone moves.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn reluctantly rises and slings his rifle behind him again. But he carefully inspects the door, as though trying to think of some alternative to brute force. Then he just settles for brute force although, given it's Quentyn, there's not very much of it.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The added might of a noodly white mage is just enough to push the door up the last bit needed to trip a hidden spring, and... *click!*... it seems to now be securely in place.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
= Forgotten Library =

abandoned to the dust of ages

    As the door opens, light spills in from the stairwell landing to reveal... books. Stone shelving holds volumes and tomes of all sorts. Hardcover, paperback, bound in wood, leather, even a couple in stone somehow, they surround the entryway and continue on, well past the pool of light and on into darkness.

    Stone seats and tables are scattered among the shelves as well. Some are ornate, some rough, but the function is recognizable at a glance.

    Every footfall shakes loose a small cloud of dust - this, it seems, is a place which has not seen visitors in quite some time.

    The sound of ruffling paper can be heard from one of the dark corners of the room.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn, a little out of breath, but his eyes light up and, "/This/ is treasure." But he pauses at the sound of ruffling, pulling his sidearm into his hands once more.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Once he's finally out from under the door Jono winces. "Ow." Though he does look around, and notice... a library? Well he's not one of those who believe knowledge isn't valuable. But what all's here? And will any of them be able to read it? Also thank God he doesn't have sinuses anymore otherwise this dust would finish him.

Though as Quentyn reacts Jono pauses. Once he hears the ruffling he too turns in the direction it came from. "What's that?" Thankfully his voice won't disturb the quiet. NOT thankfully neither distance nor thing between him and whatever night be ruffling those papers is likely to hinder his mental voice...

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch may be a jerk but she can appreciate the 'treasure' found in old books like this. Just don't call her an egghead. She's not as bad about books as certain -other- Equestrians are. "Huh. Not gold or stuff, but who knows what sort of valuable stuff is in these." She picks up her shovel and returns it slung across her back, then trots over to pick a book off the shelf, flopping it open across her forehooves to blow some dust off of it.

And then drops the book as she starts sneezing from the dust. And sneezes again. And in general doesn't hear the rustling about because of her sneezing.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley just /squeals/ with joy when they find a library down here. She immediately finds the nearest shelf and rushes over to pick up the nearest book so she can give it a lookover, her eyes aglow with joy. The ball of lightning is kept suspended in the air above her tailtip, used as an improvised reading light. "Books~"

    Welp. She might not notice if anything attacks her in here, not unless someone warns her first.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn's reaction on entering the library is... well, probably pretty predictable for a mage. The ruffling of papers is unnoticed - someone's /always/ going through books in a library, it's no big deal, right? - in favor of wide-eyed awe.

    "Best. Dungeon. Ever. I wonder if there are any spellbooks in here? Ooh, or adventure stories - oh man reading about an adventure /in the middle of one/ how cool is that!" He begins to wander - careful now! Don't get away from the party! - in search of The Perfect Book, which clearly must be in there somewhere...

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    However, lost to Bramble Patch in her sneezing, but clearly apparent - and undoubtedly disappointing - to Ainsley in her reading... this library may not be quite the find it appeared to be.

    It's no wonder it's abandoned, when it's full of blank books.

    Well, maybe not full? Maybe it was just those two. Well, those two and the first one Oberyn picks up.

    The ruffling papers are undisturbed by the entrance of the party - whatever is the source seems not to care as long as it is left alone. For now, anyway...

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch keeps sneezing until her pet squirrel finally pokes out of her saddlebags to hand her a hankie. *SNRRHOOOOOOOOONK* After a big blow she rumples it up and tosses it back. "Thanks Cupel." Who.. just holds it out at forelimb length between two claws and makes an icky face before tossing it off to the side, and ducking back inside the pack. "Stupid dust..." Turns her head back to the others. "What's everyone gawking at?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn, while clearly excited for the find, is nonetheless a bit hesitant to just dive right in. "Um... did anyone else hear something..?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods to Quentyn's question. "Yeah. What d'yer suppose it is?" he inquires. He's not looked at the books so he doesn't know they're empty. He's also more concerned about what might be ruffling those papers. Because it might be dangerous.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley squints down at the book that LIED TO HER by being a book but lacking content. She shoves it back into the shelf in irritation, and huffs. She reaches to gather up the ball of lightning, and turns to walk through the library to investigate that paper rustling noise. "I defeated a book monster once," she says, confidently, "This should be trivial in comparison!"

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "It's just someone going through books in the back or something, it's like that in every library. I've /been/ that guy before, a few times. Get caught after closing, read 'til morning, whatever. Ooh! This one looks like a good... ... what." Oberyn is dismissive of the obvious incongruity of the situation, in favor of BOOKS!, but the blank pages that greet him are... clearly not what he expected.

    "... what is this, a library for Fighters...?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
".. Haha, they're empty... That's hilarious. That's... actually..." Bramble Patch snatchs up a blank book and stuffs it in the other saddlebag. Looks like an ancient lost tomb, but has NOTHING in it? That will make for a -great- prank to play on Twilight Sparkle some time.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    At first, Quentyn looks disappointed. Shoulders sag a little? "All empty..?" he murmurs. But then again... he pushes up his glasses by the bridge a little. Maybe this isn't such a loss after all. A blank book is just one that hasn't been written yet. Weight concerns mean he'll be conservative in what he tries to take, but the white mage nonetheless starts taking a few tomes, preferably impressive looking ones, to stick in his bag.

    But Quentyn does keep his eyes out. He gives an uncertain shrug and shake of his head to Jonothon. He keeps an eye on the books too, just in case any end up mimics or 'book monsters' as Ainsley put it.

    "But um... in a cave library?" Quentyn questions Oberyn tentatively. Still, he's not exactly in a rush to find out who, or what, is back there for himself.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "Sure! He's just a... cave... guy with a... blank book. Um. ... okay, you have a point. Hey, maybe whoever it is has one that's actually got stuff written in it, too! Or... maybe it's one of those book monster... things. Like in that one story. About that adventuring party. In an old... abandoned... libra-- ugh."

    It's one thing to want to be like the ancient heroes in old adventure stories, but to actually find yourself living what suddenly looks like a ripoff of one of those stories? Disappointed Oberyn is disappointed.

    "Well, whatever it is... we may as well go deal with it. Maybe it's friendly? ... ghost librarian?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"I can't decide if your unreassurance is amusing or annoying." Bramble Patch keeps up with the snarky remarks even as she keeps following the others.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn curls a finger and taps his chin as he considers this. Then, although it's only relatively loud for Quentyn and not actually that loud, the boy calls out in the direction of the noise, "Hello? Ghost Librarian..?"

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The shuffling sound pauses briefly, but there is no response from the corner.
    However, there is a strange feeling of... something. As if the air is heavier, somehow. It's no harder to move, or breathe, but sounds become muted, as if something is trying to enforce quiet in the library via some fell magic.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"...Okay that feels downright unwelcomin'," Jono reasons. He just... has this desire to keep his mental 'voice' down for whatever reason. Pause, and he looks to the rest of the group. "...Still want ter take a look?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch uuuuughs. "I've heard of weighty atmosphere but I don't think this is what they mean. If it really is a ghost librarian whatever, one of you nerds go talk to it."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quietly moving into position to follow/cover Jonothon, PDW in hand, Quentyn nods in answer.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "We're probably not going to get much further here if we don't, anyway." Oberyn looks like he have his own motives for meeting this librarian - ones which might involve blank books and things that are only really possible if he really is a ghost, and uncomfortable even then.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The discussion on whether to approach Ghooost Librarian oo~ooo is cut short, however, by... seemingly the discussion iself, and its subject. While barely audible, the papers had still been shuffling after the air of quiet descended... but after a few more words are exchanged, they stop. Not merely a pause this time.

    No footsteps are audible, no dust disturbed, but before long, a figure is upon the party.

    It takes the form of an old man in ornate robes, with a long beard and the high-crowned hat of an old-fashioned mage of some sort. When he speaks, however, the voice is deep, booming, and ominous. He sounds annoyed and quite ready to do something about it.


Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Doesn't really come off as encouraging to be quiet when you're the one shouting, you old geezer," Bramble Patch retorts with a snort. The snarky remarks just come with a natural quickness to her. Was he actually a ghost, or just ancient looking? Who knows, who cares. She adds in a mock-aside towards the rest of the group, "Maybe he's so senile he doesn't realize the books are all empty..."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Oberyn instinctively cringes at the loud voice of ULTIMATE LIBRARY AUTHORITY. "W-we were just... just... um. N-noticing all of the... unusual... b-books you have here, sir..."

    He may not have exactly aced Intro to Heroism.

    While he's mostly prepared for flight, though, the mage does seem to have a /little/ fight in him at least - he's shakily gripping that silly training staff - which is totally the right way to fight this out, right!?

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley hears the booming voice of an angry librarian. Which is entirely the wrong way go about it. She finds her way through the shelves and back to the party, with the longsword drawn once more. Her eyes focus cooly on the Librarian, her stance setting. She holds up one hand in a threatening manner, electricity crackling on it.

    "This is a poor excuse for a library, and a librarian that loses his temper is a poor excuse for a librarian," she says, clearly unhappy with this person's reaction.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's thought processes would be pretty shocking to those of sensitive natures at this point. Lots of unique, colorful, very British curses are running through his mind right about now. At least he knows how to keep his thoughts to himself so the rest of them won't hear him think them. He doesn't say anything yet but he tenses and stands more stably, expecting an attack.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    For the last (maybe) five or ten minutes, Audrey has been hanging around further back and talking on the radio a lot. From the sounds of it and occasional gleamed words it seems like she's having to help set up some security contract of some nature, although it sounds pretty routine. The sort of talk you'd hear someone in the process of renting out his rent-a-cops to someone else. Just, with a lot more military words and emphasis on technology.

    It is in time for the Ghost Librarian to have his outburst that the Heritor is back with the group, clicking her tongue in annoyance. She steps forward, at least, in front of Oberyn, adopting a martial stance rather than unsheathing her gunblade this time.

    "Stay behind me, Levy. I'll keep it occupied in close quarters."

    Not one for words, she does not attempt to soothe the ghost's fury.

    > Martial Arts
    [Holy Strike]

    Her fists shine a blinding white and she lunges in for a one-two. Why try to talk the ghost out? The undead don't tend to work like that. But then, maybe she's a bit too all work no play.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "You are trespassing in MY library! There is no courtesy, no decorum! BE GONE FROM THIS PLACE! Should you CONTINUE to disturb me...!"

    Customer service was not the ghost librarian's strong suit.

    Its tirade, however, is interrupted by the FISTS OF DIPLOMACY. The first strike catches it off-guard, and its eyes widen in pain and surprise. The attack doesn't seem to be too devastating, though... the fiend is composed enough to, moving with a speed seemingly impossible to a man its apparent age, produce a hefty tome from its robes and use it to block the follow-up swing.

    Thaaaat night have just made him mad. Ghost Librarian levels a furious glare at the party as an inexplicable wind picks up in the library. Stray papers start to flutter and swirl around, seeming to gravitate toward the librarian.

    As the paper collects, it seems to form into a cape. Fitting, if not intimidating. Curiously, writing seems to appear and disappear almost at random on the paper cape. Pape? Caper?

    As for the librarian himself, he seems taller. Less 'old' and more 'timeless', now. Still bearded and dressed like a scholar or mage, but with a monstrous cast to what can be seen of his face. As it bats at Audrey to push her back, it shouts, "... then I shall MAKE you be silent!"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Finally, someone that realizes sometimes you gotta skip talkin' and go right to beatin' sense into things!", Bramble Patch practically cheers when Audry goes to punch the crazy old librarian. Which he recovers from surprisingly well, but hey, it's the thought and action that counts. "Yeesh, do all eggheads get like this when they get old and crabby?"

Paper? Making a cape? Pfff. Oh hey, there's words now... or not... or there is... or... augh, too complicated. But if he summoned them to form a cape, maybe it's some fount of power for him.

Bramble Patch reachs into her vest and from some unseen pocket pulls out a bottle of almost fiery looking liquid. Pulls the stopper out with her teeth, spits it aside, and tilts it back with her head to gulp it down. When it's turned up like that one can see the label while she's doing so, that depicts a pepper. On fire.

Sure enough after she empties the bottle and tosses it away, Bramble Patch belchs with such force that it sends a large gout of flames at the freak librarian and his paper cloak.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "You shout an awful lot for someone in a library," Ainsley remarks skeptically at the ... book mage librarian??? There's very little in the way of actual aggression from her, though, not until one of the party initiates it. The lizard girl widens her eyes some. "I guess we can't avoid a fight now!"

    She gathers mana -- her own mana -- with a glow of electricity collecting from the air around her to her palm. Her stance sets and her mouth wilts into a frown. She aims the spell at the Ghost Librarian... and she fires the bolt of lightning at his cape, the lightning somehow branching through the air to aim at the new piece of decoration on this powerful mage. "Maybe if you explained why you're hiding in a spider-infested cave, this wouldn't have devolved into a fight!" she suggests, though she doesn't seem confident this will end in a diplomatic victory.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Well old man, scholar or mage, he can still knock people away if he tries, it turns out. It's not too surprising, considering it's some sort of weird corporeal spirit thing, not just a living wizardly librarian.

    Audrey is knocked back, mostly towards Levy, using her hands to shield her face and avoid taking a direct hit, using the residual holy magic for protection. She lowers her guard, glaring the ghost down for his threat. "You are the loudest one here, old man. Perhaps it is you who should be quiet." An idle glance is given Bramble, and Audrey shrugs. "Generally yes."

    Adopting her stance again, her hands burst into flames.

    > Martial Arts
    [Fists of Fire]

    Rather than a single powerful strike, this seems to be an effect applying to her fists instead, and it'll probably stick unless dispelled or otherwise cancelled. She lunges in again, although she's intentionally dancing around the fireball and lightning bolt hurled by the others, trying to hold the librarian's attention so the others can do the damage. That doesn't mean she's pulling her punches, though. Those hands are pretty much burning red and she's a shout away from going all Domon on the boss.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    More angry librarian voice! Oberyn flinches and nearly starts to cower... until the first punch is thrown. "... w-wait... does th-that mean... ..."

    The change is instant and dramatic. From frightened schoolboy to... well, frightened but also excited schoolboy on AN ADVENTURE. "... h-hah! Boss fight time! This looks like a cool one t-- what."

    The book block was not expected and dulls the excitement a little.

    "Okay, time to do my job then... um. It's pretty obvious what it's gonna be weak to but just in case..." With the obligatory chants and gestures, Oberyn tosses off a spell from memory before grabbing his floating book to look up the fire section. "LIBRA!"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's not going to give the thing the chance to hurt anybody if he can help it. So as Bramble unleashes her pepper breath on the librarian and Ainsley shoots lightning Jono follows suit with a blast of his notfire. It won't add to the burn from the breath attack and lightning but it shouldn't really make the old codger feel a whole lot better about himself and his chances.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Quite predictably, as the flame breath reaches the monster, it sets the cape of pages ablaze, and scorches its wearer. The writing doesn't stop flashing across the papers as they burn, though... they seem to simply appear in air where the paper had been previously. And with the papers themselves flying about, the cape seems to be repairing and renewing itself as quickly as it burns.

    The lightning striking the cape adds to the fire in several spots - it almost seems now like the monster is simply wearing a sheet of flames... and it's not terribly happy about it. Nor very talkative: "HROOOOOARGH!"

    With so much else going on, the monster can't bring the book shield to bear quickly enough to counter the latest barrage of punches - each presses it backward a half step, and some few draw a flinch. Its robes are somehow resisting the flames - the collective will of everyone in the room keeping his otherwise flammable clothes from disappearing, no doubt - but it's getting angry, and hurt, for sure.

    The blunt force of the not-quite-fire sends the beast reeling. As its robes take a moment to catch up beneath it, it is briefly visible that the creature is floating just above the ground, with long robes disguising the fact. No wonder it's moving about...

HP ?????/?????
MP ?????/?????
WEAK: Fire, Water            RESIST: Wind
ABSORB: Dark            IMMUNE: Earth, Silence

    Wait, where's a name like that come from?

    Well, looks like we're about to find out. Faced with so many attackers, its first line of defense seems to be that tome it has... when it opens, glyphs and runs seem to drift off the pages and collect around the monster. Some find theirselves caught on the burning cape, and form into a cohesive block which holds its form when when the paper it should be written on burns away and returns. At the right angle it's visible from both front and back of the cape, and looks like a spell. Even monsters living in the depths of a cave know you need to fire fire with Firaja...

    But wait, there's more! Even as its magical flames approach the party, it is eyeing Oberyn, and that /book/ of his. A hand reaches out, pointing vaguely, and... the words upon the pages seem to melt away into the air, and are drawn in toward Logovore. Is this what happened to the books in the library?

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    Quite predictably, as the flame breath reaches the monster, it sets the cape of pages ablaze, and scorches its wearer. The writing doesn't stop flashing across the papers as they burn, though... they seem to simply appear in air where the paper had been previously. And with the papers themselves flying about, the cape seems to be repairing and renewing itself as quickly as it burns.

    The lightning striking the cape adds to the fire in several spots - it almost seems now like the monster is simply wearing a sheet of flames... and it's not terribly happy about it. Nor very talkative: "HROOOOOARGH!"

    With so much else going on, the monster can't bring the book shield to bear quickly enough to counter the latest barrage of punches - each presses it backward a half step, and some few draw a flinch. Its robes are somehow resisting the flames - the collective will of everyone in the room keeping his otherwise flammable clothes from disappearing, no doubt - but it's getting angry, and hurt, for sure.

    The blunt force of the not-quite-fire sends the beast reeling. As its robes take a moment to catch up beneath it, it is briefly visible that the creature is floating just above the ground, with long robes disguising the fact. No wonder it's moving about...

HP ?????/?????                MP ?????/?????
WEAK: Fire, Water            RESIST: Wind
ABSORB: Dark                IMMUNE: Earth, Silence

    Wait, where's a name like that come from?

    Well, looks like we're about to find out. Faced with so many attackers, its first line of defense seems to be that tome it has... when it opens, glyphs and runs seem to drift off the pages and collect around the monster. Some find theirselves caught on the burning cape, and form into a cohesive block which holds its form when when the paper it should be written on burns away and returns. At the right angle it's visible from both front and back of the cape, and looks like a spell. Even monsters living in the depths of a cave know you need to fire fire with Firaja...

    But wait, there's more! Even as its magical flames approach the party, it is eyeing Oberyn, and that /book/ of his. A hand reaches out, pointing vaguely, and... the words upon the pages seem to melt away into the air, and are drawn in toward Logovore. Is this what happened to the books in the library?

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley squints against the light of the flames of the burning pages, frowning at the thought that they contained knowledge that is getting lost to the destructive hunger of fire. The longsword is raised toward the strange being before them... and then it begins casting spells and resisting the attacks of her fellow adventurers, prompting a thoughtful click of her tongue.

    Magic fire is directed toward her. She tries to repel it with a gust of wind, which serves to feed the flames and singe her just from the sheer heat that washes over her. Some of her feathers burn with a crackling hiss!!

    Once she spots what it's doing to Oberyn's book, her feathers poof out and pure horror shocks through her. Being familiar with a being like this, she charges in toward the Logovore, and reaches out with one of her hands toward its spellcasting hand. Trying to grab it by the wrist, she uses a pulse of debilitating electrical charge to try to interrupt the casting of its spell!

    And she growls at the Logovore as if she were a beast acting on instinct. Ainsley does not like things that eat books!!

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Wait the thing is weak to fire but it knows how to use fire magic too? Yessh! Bramble Patch scrabbles backwards as best as one with hooves can as fire magic is flung back at them. Some of the flames still lick about her, leaving scorch marks in her vest and bindings. But nothing actually igniting in fire on a lasting basis. Hah, she at least has alchemical enchantments against that!... Kind of necessary seeing as one of the off-world friends of her enemies is a giant flamebreathing weasel-man.

That it starts sucking the words out of Oberyn's book doesn't go unnoticed. So that's why everything is empty in here. More importantly, that gives her an idea! As she bounds off to the side from the group she snaps over her shoulder, "Cupel! Where's that botanical field guide I keep on hand?" The squirrel pokes his head out of her saddlebag enough to give her a look. "Yeah, I know it doesn't apply directly to this problem, but that's not the point. Give me it!" He gives her another odd look, but ducks back into the bag, and a moment later pulls the small guidebook out and tosses it over her head.

Bramble Patch skids to a stop to sit up and catch the botanical guide in her hooves over her head. "Hey, grizzly old library dude!" She wags the book back and forth. "Look what I've goooot~. Freesh new book -from outside-~"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"AUGH!" Jono raises his hands as the fire approaches him instinctively trying to guard what's left of his face from them. His own clothes are not protected by the universal wills. However the only thing that burns is his shirt. And there's not a whole lot underneath it except more FIRE anyway. Well more NOT-fire anyway. Which he tries to use to overpower the flames coming at him. As well as trying to hit the word-eater with another blast! Maybe he's a one trick pony but it's a trick he knows well.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Oh, that's fire.

    Audrey is engulfed in the flames. What people can't quite see is that her face gets scorched pretty badly. Rather than scream or back away, she simply slams her hands together, closes her eyes, and focuses. Her skin rapidly regenerates, and by the time the flames are gone, she seems as pristine as before the attack. On the bright side she acted like a human shield for Oberyn! If he didn't have his own defenses.

    The Heritor grunts, quite annoyed. And still feeling a lot of the pain from that, even if she's not showing it anymore. "Levy, put that god damn book away. And you, old man--"

    She flash-steps, reappearing behind the librarian. Two large, nasty-looking knives twirl out of her sleeves into her hands. They spin once, and she tries to double-backstab (the?) Logovore. "-- VIOLA!"

    > Instinct

    Blood red magic mixes in with the fire around her hands (which by now coats the knives, too), as the attack attempts to add the same damage Audrey suffered from the spell to the knives' edges. If you're going to get hurt, might as well have a technique to return the damage.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    One moment, he's looking up Fira so he can cast it. The next, he's staring at a blank book in shock and dismay. "My... ... my grimoire. My SPELLS!" Oberyn seems... well, honestly, to be overreacting a bit. You shouldn't be so furious and so... broken?... over losing a book, should you? His words are a hollow sort of quiet, but they drip with malice. "you shouldn't have done that. i'm gonna laugh and watch you die screaming."

    He doesn't /do/ anything to further this goal, though... just takes out a journal and a pen. The now-blank tome fades to nothingness as he starts to write - no sense in maintaining a calling if it's not useful for anything.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    The electric shock elicits a growl and the Logovore shakes its arm in pain, but with its word-stealing trick already in place it seems it no longer needs to focus on it; the writing from the pages flows toward it even without it continuing to point. As it comes closer, the writing seems to join the flickering text on the burning cape.

    The botanical guide doesn't seem to capture the monster's interest - its eyes flicker toward it in a manner one might describe as 'hungry', maybe even 'predatory', but it seems not to consider a textbook a priority right now. Those with sharp ears might faintly hear it murmur, "A snack for later...".

    More fire-that-is-not rushes at Logovore... already distracted by shocking, it isn't in a good position to brace for the attack. Buffeted by magical force, it issues a grunt and, much worse, the spellbook it was still holding is torn from its grasp. Ha! No more reading for YOU, buddy!

    And then the jabbing burning knives. They don't mention stuff like this in the job description. Some lifting, clerical skills required, must have tolerance for STABBINGS. Logovore positively /screams/ as the knives strike home. When they come free, they are coated in a rather thicker and darker substance than one would expect. Not a monster that bleeds nice normal blood, it seems.

    With the words stolen from Oberyn's book, however, it seems to have found new vigor. And new /magic/ - it repeats the words for the young mage's contribution to the stone door puzzle, casting Fast on itself. Because buffing when you're already losing is the best plan!

    Fortunately for the monster it's not the only plan it has. It also pulls a small crystal sphere from a pocket in its robes, and, without a single word or gesture, throws it toward the center of the party... whereupon it explodes into a sphere of icy cold magic, spreading frost along the floor and chilling the party.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
On now we're throwing spells? Hah. Ice spreads out in an expanding sphere, but Bramble yanks out another vial of her own and drops it at her hooves, causing the floor around her vicinity to shimmer with a protective glow that stops the ice from spreading. "Hah! I made potions of protection for general coverage instead of risking being wrong with a single elemental resistance. Noob." Who knows what human elite she picked that up from.

"Lemme show ya how a -real- alchemist does it, word muncher. Cuz, sucks for you, I don't NEED a book to tell me what to cast." That might be a slight jab at Oberyn, but it's not directly directed as an insult. The kid is clearly inexperienced after all. She pulls out two flasks, one with each hoof, and actually somehow twirls them like one might see a gunslinger do with their pistols. Despite not having fingers. Pony gripping physics is weird, yo. Then she mixes the two of them together, causing the contents one flask to start to hiss and bubble. Especially after she gives it a shake and lobs it at the Logovore. "Also, take note."

The vial explodes on impact, not with fire or such, but in a gush of caustic acid instead. Strong enough to start just eating through whatever it splatters on. "Fire isn't the only thing that burns!"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono gives a choked "Ghn!" at the force of the ball of ice detonating. But he digs his feet in and manages not to go flying. As a consequence, he might be a decent meatshield for anybody who needs it. It also manages to put the fire out that was still burning on him. Luckily extremes of temperature don't affect Jono so much anymore. Still, ouch!

Even if all the books are empty this is a library. If this thing shoots fire again it's liable to set fire to EVERYTHING and take them all down with him. This thing needs to go down quick. Jono pauses and seems to 'breathe in'. Now that most of the front of his shirt is gone he can fire a blast with the full measure of the hole in his chest. Which means Logovore gets a VERY LARGE beam of psychokinetic energy fired at it!

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    That's haste and ice alright. Audrey takes her eyes off the knives and decides to act quickly and let the party handle the damage burst. With the knives still coated in fire from the Fists of Fire effect (cross-compatible with small one-handed weapons, thanks to the interaction between Heritor and Monk), she twirls them once and footworks her way back around the librarian.

    She jabs towards the librarian's legs and arms, mostly aiming for the shoulder and knee joints. It'll probably hurt, sure, but the idea's to cripple him so that even with a speed buff he's not coming out ahead. It's pretty vicious.

    Then she ducks the hell out, getting hit by the ice spell, although able to avoid any major frostburns thanks to the fire around her hands. She's intentionally avoiding putting the knives away, because she'd like the blood checked later.

    She'll have found her way back to Oberyn before long, giving him a glance over her shoulder. "You really need to calm down. He'll probably drop mage gear for you."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Even with any sort of protection -- which is difficult to manage when Ainsley is in melee range -- the lizard girl just can't manage to defend herself when she finds an ice spell aimed for the party. When it goes off, the blast of cold just outright bowls her over, and she makes an awful shivering, shuddering of pain as she slumps against one of the shelves. Her head droops as if she's going to pass out, the sudden drop in body temperature hitting her very, very hard.

    It's bad enough that they're in a cave for any long period of time. She can barely lift her sword now!

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "You don't... you don't get it. I'll explain sometime, but..." Oberyn doesn't look up from his journal. Way to contribute, magey mcmagerson. Try CASTING SOMETHING, or even meleeing, don't just write your emo poetry or whatever, jeez.

    He does, though, dive for cover behind the guy who is made of fire, when the ice magic hits. Use the environment, right? He still winds up frosted to the floor and shivering, but... coulda been worse.

    The kid's writing pretty /fast/ though... he nearly has a page filled in already. Which seems to be his goal, as he tears it from the journal and holds it up.

    "Okay. You wanna eat magic? Fine. Here. Look at this. ALL of the magic. /EAT IT/."

    At which, the angry mage tosses it at the nearest spot of still-burning fire. Whoo, spiteful taunting.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    A liquid that burns... double weakness abuse! The acid vial strikes the Logovore squarely on the beard, and shatters on impact. So the beard was just for show? Armor plating? Regardless, the result is the same: a few shards of glass and a great splash of acid mostly over the monster's face! As it clasps its face in both hands - he ain't pretty no more! - faint wisps of smoke rise from between its fingers. The fiend staggers about, blinded.

    The kinda-fiery hyper beam simply bowls the monster over, with an audible cracking sound as it falls. Mages do not like being punched - even ridiculous word-eating monster mages. It even manages to crash into and shake a book shelf - a SOLID STONE book shelf, remember...

    Aaand stabbity stab stab. If the monster was planning to get up after those attacks, it's going to have a bad time with those holes in its major limb joints... bleeding from shoulders, elbows, and knees, it seems like it's going to have trouble putting up a decent fight now. Even the wind is dying out, papers no longer being summoned inward to feed its burning cape. (Where were those even coming from, anyway?)

    One sudden bright spot of hope, though. That page with the writing. While Logovore can only barely move, it feebly raises an arm to draw the writing from the page. Or is it a scroll now? Either way... it collects the text, and apparently this was a /much/ more statisfying meal than that silly old spellbook. Even injured as the monster is, it stands up, and gives a spirited cry! It is rejuvenated, and ready to take on ANY silly party now!

    And then the writing starts to flicker around the monster. With the cape gone, glowing runes simply seem to radiate from its form as it absorbs the spells on the paper, and begins to cast...

    Which would be about where it is enveloped in a blast of bright blue-white light. It is momentarily blinding, and when it fades away... there is no more monster, just a slumped corpse in a pool of black.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch stares as the moster sucks up the thrown spell page. She's about to snap at Oberyn when the book mage tries to cast it and then explodes instead. She blinks a couple of times. "You ... you wrote out magic that would backfire on the user?", is the best assumation of what just happened that she can come up with. "... Okay kid, that's clever, I'll give you that much." She reachs over to bop him lightly with a hoof. "Still a rookie, though." At least she's not being so rude about it. For the moment at least.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Slumped corpse! "...Did we win?" Jono inquires. He looks around... and sees Ainsley on the ground. It didn't occur to him at the time. Ice... reptilian... proooooobably not a good combination. "Bollocks..." He pulls his coat off and tries to put it around her. He does have blood circulation so he has a LITTLE bit of warmth anyway. Maybe he can try to warm her up?

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    When Jonothon does that, the disoriented Ainsley takes it as an excuse to try to grab him and pull him over for a hug so that she can borrow body heat from him. She doesn't shiver because she lacks the biological mechanism for that, and she does seem chilled and sluggish. Just giving her a coat won't work so well, so this rather embarrassing action is a better idea, barring someone lighting a fire near her.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "Self-destructive magic? I admit, that's impressive, Levy. And vicious. Perhaps I misjudged your qualifications," Audrey says, as she starts wiping the blood off her daggers and into a vial. She'll store everything afterwards, mostly to look around the room and 'corpse'.

    "One wonders what he was protecting if these books are all empty. There must be something hidden here, if only an important passage rather than an object."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... hah... hahahaha YES! It WORKED! SERVES YOU RIGHT!"

    Oberyn is enjoying this a little too much, but then... well, he has his reasons. NOBODY messes with his spellbooks! "... well... kinda? A spell that nobody would ever try to cast 'cause it doesn't make sense, and everything's put together wrong, but that spell wasn't going to check it just wanted to use it and... uh. Sure. Spell that was gonna backfire."

    "... wait. Miss Ainsley!" FLAWLESS WHITE MAGE INSTINCTS. "S-sorry, I should have... um. Here, maybe a Cure will help...?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"...Oof." Jono's a little embarrassed when he suddenly finds himself lizardhugged. But hey he's warm... what's left of him. Ainsley isn't going to get much warmth from his chest since... well he's missing a big part of it in a thick line down the center. But he'll make to pick her up anyway. Looking to Oberyn he notes, "I think it's the cold-blooded thing. A campfire might do wonders ter help."

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    As for the books, and the monster which fed upon them... members of the party may notice something curious. Some few books were knocked from the shelves during the struggle, and managed to land near the body of the Logovore. As its blood, such as it is, pools around it, some few volumes are touched by the liquid. And when they are...

    Well, Levy swore to one of his world's gods that he would re-scribe his spellbook with the fiend's blood. It seems this is a promise he'll get to keep: Where the liquid makes contact with a drained book, the text begins to restore itself, almost exactly as if by magic! The process is regrettably slow, though... there won't be any hoard of books to take home today.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"..." Oh, that's even better. After noticing the other books sloooooowly returning, Bramble Patch picks up one of her empty vials, and scoops some of the ink-blood in it. This is even better. Now she can freak Twilight Sparkle out with the 'blank' book, only to show her up by using the magic ink to restore some pages in front of her. Best prank to play on a bibliophile ever.

Oberyn Levy (634) has posed:
    "... this... this is gonna take forever, but, um. I... I think this is still our big haul from the run. We should take what we've got - those spiders should be worth a lot back home when we process them - and call it a day?" This sudden conservative lean in adventure party leadership is most definitely not in /any/ way related to Oberyn not having access to his fun spells until his grimore is restored, nope, not at all.

    "... I think I'm gonna stay behind for a while and work on restoring some of the books right now, though. You guys can use my tent out at the entrance, it's got some pretty neat DCorp monster-proofing just in case something wanders out. I've got a spare that should work in here."