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Latest revision as of 23:19, 18 January 2015

Magical Trade
Date of Scene: 18 January 2015
Location: Fables World
Synopsis: Mihk Lihzeh arrives in Fabletown, and the Fables make their first multiversal trade agreement.
Cast of Characters: 573, 585, 600

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Central Park is bustling with life as always, though there is one underpass that is a bit away from where most people stray. Still, there's a car parked there, awaiting the multiversal guest that has an appointment with the deputy mayor herself. Ever since this world unified there has always been a watchful eye on the warp gate, and with spells placed on the area there have fortunately been no mundys who have stumbled upon the warp gate here yet, which makes things easier for Fabletown in general.

    And now after several weeks of work, it seems that the witches on the thirteenth floor have finally been able to finish the task of making glamours for multiversal use. Not that they will be distributed here, that is too risky.

    So when Mihk eventually shows up she will be ushered into the car, which again wastes no time and speeds up, heading on through the streets of New York until it finally stops outside a gated apartment complex that rises up into the sky. When the miqo'te exits the car the driver does make sure that there are no people around, and he also does his very best to shield her as he leads her in through the gates.

    The trees and bushes inside here does allow some privacy, though it should be easy for Mihk to spot the lady who's standing there on the front steps of the Woodlands, Snow White herself. The woman offers a polite smile. "Welcome to Fabletown, miss Lihzeh. I trust your ride went well?"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk is wearing a hat! So that helps hide the ears. The fluffy midnight purple tail, however, is a bit more difficult. The Miqo'te does thank the driver as he shields her once they've arrived at their destination.

    Once Snow makes herself known, the Arcanist bows her head respectfully, then hefts the heavy satchel sitting opposite to her tome. "Miss White, thank you for seeing me, I can understand how busy a person of your stature must be, especially in times such as these." she replies, before straightening. "The ride was thankfully uneventful... but hopefully such things will become less necessary, though that may take considerable time, given the reaction your world has already had to the Multiverse."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "Not at all," Snow assures her guest, "I might be busy, but this multiversal business is important and I would like to oversee most of it myself."

    The woman can't help but let out a sigh however at Mihk's observation at this world's reaction to unification. "The mundys are not too used to such things happening. Which is why we are adamant about preserving our own secrecy. I thank you for respecting our laws and wanting to contribute. After this it will be less hassle for you however, and as long as you follow the laws of Fabletown you are free to come and go as you please. Now, please follow me inside."

    Inside they go, past what appears to be a slumbering guard who has his feet up on the reception desk, though Snow heads right for the elevators, holding them open for Mihk as she pushes a button to take them to one of the upper floors. Down a hallway they go, and Snow stops outside of a door with letters on it, stating it is the Business Office. And what an office it is.

    As the door opens it reveals a room that seems to be larger than the building itself, rising up higher than the hallway outside. Rows upon rows of bookscases disappear into the distance, and there are some desks and tables out on the open floor not too far. One of the tables seems to be occupied with several books, as well as a... winged monkey that seems to be digging through a small mountain of empty bottles. "I'm shure I put them here somewhere... *hic*!" he mumbles, his grubby hands tossing a bottle aside.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Dammit, Bufkin, I can only cover for you so much. You picked a really bad time to get into the... where did you even GET the booze this time?"

"Bar'n grill... ennof the Mulliversh," the winged monkey slurs. "Did you know ANY door can get you there?"

"Well that's just great. You're breaking curfew too? Christ, Bufkin, they're gonna be here any--" Bigby cuts himself off and whirls around as the door opens. Immediately he makes a completely futile effort to block the view of Bufkin with his body, putting on an awkward, uncomfortable grin that looks more like he has gas. "...Hi, Snow. Uh. Miss Lihzeh. Um, Bufkin was just retrieving your glamour from storage. We'll be really glad to get some more Multiversal trade going--"

From behind him, there is an enormous *BELCH*.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    "Sadly they remind me of the Alliance of my own world..." replies Mihk with a touch of bitterness. She follows Snow through the hallway, then blinks at the wolfman and the drunk monkey.

    Mihk just giggles softly, breaking that somber air she sported a moment ago. "Tis good to see some things are the same across worlds... this reminds me of home. Limsa Lominsa is a Pirate's city, with as many drunkards stumbling out of taverns as that entails." she steps forwards. "You must be Bigby Wolf. A pleasure." she says, bowing her head respectfully."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    It is an unamused look that crosses Snow's face as she sees just what is going on with the two other Fables. The giggle from Mihk is ignored as she steps forward and lets out the mother of all sighs. "Bufkin, I thought I told you..." A look is given to Bigby as she passes by him, then reaches out to pat the poor flying monkey on the back. Somehow it doesn't seem like this is a rare occurrence...

    Mental note, get Flycatcher to clean the floor. Again. Poor guy.

    At least Mihk seems able to make an educated guess, and Snow nods. "Mister Wolf has been at the forefront of dealing with the multiverse," she explains, then blinks when Bufkin straightens up and holds up a small box... that is partially covered by some of the contents that used to be in his stomach. "... knew ith was here somewhere!" he proclaims proudly, then shakes it a bit before holding it out to Snow. She in turn wrinkles her nose and retrieves a handkerchief from her pocket before she carefully begins wiping the box. "... thank you, Bufkin. Either way, we are interested in hearing what your community can do to help ours. As Mister Wolf stated, we are interested in trade considering there is always a shortage of magical supplies that our own community is in high demand of."

    Luckily the box is wiped neatly off and clean when Snow opens it and holds it out for Mihk so she can pick up the several tubes that are inside.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods, then finds an untainted table to set her satchel down upon. "As I stated in my letter to you, Miss White. The Arcanist Guild is very adept at intellectual avenues, and some of our number, myself included, have taken up study in both Botanical identification, and Alchemical science." she recaps, opening the satchel, and drawing out several parcels, and a few individual bottles, phials and flasks with various mixtures within. "These are samples of what the Guild can offer. Potions of restoration, invigoration, magical reguvination, as well as the base materials to make them."
    The parcels are opened carefully, and within are dried herbs of various types, fruits, nuts and berries, barks, and preserved innards of animals and Monsters. "Acquiring some of these items is dangerous work, especially this," a faintly glowing liquid in a tiny phial. "Diremites are not a monster one accosts lightly, as their venom is deadly... but highly useful when distilled."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Well I don't know about it being a pleasure, but hi," Bigby replies sardonically. When Snow gives HIM a look in passing, he returns one that clearly says 'what?' As if it's HIS fault the monkey can't hold his liquor. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes at the ceiling, then retrieves the pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and taps one out into his hand. He lifts it to his mouth, but Snow has time to swat it out before he lights it, if she's in that sort of a mood.

He cranes his neck to look over the offerings. "I'm sure /someone/ could find a use for distilled monster venom," he mutters, but he's thinking of more nefarious reasons than legal thaumaturgy. "Restoration potions? How well do those work? In my experience Healing magic's always been kinda unreliable."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Luckily for Bigby it seems that Snow intends on letting him have a smoke for now, and she even does her best to ignore Bufkin as he curls back on the desk to sleep through his drunken stupor. Chances are he will hear it later after the guest has left, however.

    For now she is more interested in hearing what the Arcanist Guild can offer Fabletown, and she sets the box of glamours down next to Mihk's items. There's an inquisitive look on Snow's face as she leans over the table a bit, carefully picking up the various bottles and flasks to inspect them. Not that it tells her much, but the witches in Fabletown's employ certainly will know whether they can use this or not.

    "If your guild can truly make healing items better than our own, then that would be greatly useful." Perhaps it might give the witches the knowledge they need to expand their own field. As for the rarer items, that is certainly nothing to scoff at. The deputy mayor nods in agreement with Bigby, knowing that a war can't always be won with noble methods.

    "Perhaps these aren't the same things that people want from the Homelands, but I would be surprised," not to mention disappointed," if the witches on the thirteenth floor can't make use of these items. Will you be able to provide us with a steady supply of these things, miss Lihzeh?" she asks Mihk. This does seem like a good deal...

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    "For the most part? Yes. But as I said, some of these items are very difficult and dangerous to acquire. The plant material is relatively benign of course, much of this comes from very careful exploration of the Black Shroud surrounding Gridania. We have sects within the area who feed us with a surplus of goods that we stockpile in dried form." She plucks a red potion from the set, and offers it to Bigby. "Potions of Healing are a common item amongst travelers equipment. Many vendors sell lesser versions in most markets and villages. Alchemists are able to produce more potent variants from fresh ingredients. They are not miracle cures, but can greatly assist the body's natural regenerative ability.

    "As for a steady supply, for the foreseeable future we can provide dried and fresh plant material regularly... monster and animal extractions much more rarely, as to acquire them runs the risk of exposing our Guild to the Alliance... this is not a situation we would like to come to pass."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby takes the red potion, and drops the hand holding his cigarette to his side for a moment to give the red mixture a curious sniff. "Swineheart'll want to experiment with these," he remarks. "If all they do is boost the body's regeneration they probably won't do much for me, but plenty of Fables DON'T heal like I do." He replaces the vial back among the collection with a tink of glass, and lifts the cig to his lips again. "Seems fair to me, Snow. If the 13th Floor can figure out how to use this stuff in their recipes we'd be saving a ton of money on components."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "Most Fables are resilient due to our very nature, and it takes a lot to kill us," Snow informs Mihk and explains further upon Bigby's comment. "However, it never hurts to be prepared. And I do understand the safety measures you need to abide you lest you reveal yourself to others." It's a very similar situation to their own. "We will take what you can offer and pay you what the witches deem the items are worth in glamours and other spells you can use. They do not work for cheap, and it costs us a fair bit to keep up the spells that we rely on ourselves."

    But yes, she seems to agree with the sheriff. "Yes. I can safely say we have a deal, miss Lihzeh. You have bought yourself some first grade glamours... use them well." The deputy mayor of Fabletown gestures to the opened box with the different tubes inside them. "They have been made to make you look human, though as close to what you look like now with some minor liberties. Open a tube, and the spell will be cast on you. It is resistant to most types of magic, and it as durable as glamours get. They do not last forever, and they can be broken. Which is why we supply you with several tubes. Once you are running low, come see us again."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    "Hmm, How long would each last... approximately? Hours? Days?" enquires the Miqo'te, tail swaying lazily behind her as she ponders that question. "I will inform the Guild Master of the arrangement. We can have one of our Hyur members comes with each delivery, should that be appropriate... I doubt a Lalafel, Elezen, Roegadyn or another Miqo'te would hide any better than myself." though Mihk herself has a very dusky, drow-ish cast to her.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"A good quality glamour like this, you should be able to get about a week out of it," Bigby muses. "Assuming you turn it off when you don't need it. Like when you're home, or asleep. /Constant/ use'll drain the enchantment faster." He glances to Snow for confirmation. This is his understanding of the magic, mostly from talking to Grimble who has to wear his most all the time. Of course it's easy for HIM, he can assume human form at will. Must be nice. "I understand it's just an effort of will to make it active or not."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "These?" Snow smiles. "Nearly a week if you use it wisely, like mister Wolf says."

    The arrangement makes sense as well, so Snow nods. "I assume your Hyur members look enough like a human to pass for one then? I am not familiar with the people from your worlds. Though I am certain Bufkin would like a book. Once he sobers up anyway," she asides with a glance to the desk where Bufkin is snoring away.

    "Will you be needing anything else? You can always contact me or mister Wolf on the radio if you have any questions, you know."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods and takes the tubes and secrets them away in her satchel, now it is lightened of its load of reagents and potions. "A week with proper care... excellent." she bows her head and offers a smirk. "Hyur are... for all intents and purposes, my worlds version of 'human', yes. They have a few quirks such as unique eye colouration and perhaps some odd skin pigmentations, but the vast majority could easily don local garb and pass idle inspection."

    "As for literature on the subject, I believe I could source a text or two for your... Familiar?" she asks, as she's unsure of Bufkin's relationship. "I have no further queries at this time... And I am still accustomizing myself to the linkshe--- Radio, the Alliance once had a network that used the Aether to transmit messages, using artefacts called Linkpearls. They were known as Linkshells as a network... but after the Calamity, all the active Linkpearls either shattered, or simply became inert chunks of crystal." she shrugs a little. "Something for another time, though, yes? I will take up no more of your time, Miss White, Mister Wolf."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby lets out a bark of loud laughter at 'Familiar,' causing Bufkin to stir and mutter in his sleep. "Snow's no witch, and Bufkin's no Familiar. He's just a-- well," he corrects himself, sobering slightly, "he's about the /only/ winged monkey to make it out of Oz, so there's that." And then he adds in a louder tone meant to disturb Bufkin's slumber, "A /Familiar/ would actually do his job instead of being wasted all the time."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "Bufkin is the librarian," Snow informs Mihk. "He is the only one who can make sense of this library as well as read most of it." Familiar... what an amusing thought, though she gives Bigby a pointed look at his laugh and words. "Not now." Sure, Bufkin didn't make an stellar first impression with Mihk, but there is no need to go this far when Bufkin can't even hear it, is there?

fBufkin himself scratches his butt in his drunken stupor before he rolls over and continues snoring.

    But it seems they are done for today. "Thank you for coming here and for this trading opportunity. Fabletown is grateful for what you have brought us, and we look forward to seeing you here again. If you head on down the driver will take you back to the warp gate so you can save the glamours until you need them."

    Turning to Bigby, Snow gestures to the items that Mihk brought them. "Could you bring these up to the thirteenth floor, please?"