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Who Is Logan Trieste
Date of Scene: 19 January 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: The Confederacy makes an attack on Pewter Museum, so that Lute and his allies can capture the Griseous Mirror's glass.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 20, 39, 188, 589, 626, 627, 643, 673

Lute (188) has posed:
     Pewter City, the city of stone. A place filled with quite a bit of unique stones and geological features, just at the foot of the famous Mount Moon. While the main reason people visit it is for the gym, it does have one notable location that the rest of Kanto doesn't have: The Pewter City Museum. Host to numerous artifacts. While the largest wings of the museum are devoted to geology, fossils, and space travel, it hosts a number of other artifacts as well. Incredibly rare treasures from across eons of time exist here.

     Which is part of why it has become a target for the Confederacy.

     Lute himself is currently walking through the museum, incognito. He doesn't look all that suspicious. He's wearing a hoodie sweater at the moment, with a Pokemon League logo on the back of it. He's wandering the museum, walking through the crowds, just scoping things out. Looking at the artifacts, acting like just a normal patron. Currently, he is in an area with various paintings from throughout the ages, admiring the artwork.

     The main attack force, though? It will be beginning to gather outside the Museum. Lute gave minimal instructions, though. First and foremost: Create as much havoc as possible. Second, try to avoid damaging artifacts that might be of use. And most importantly: Obtain the world's largest Helix fossil from the Museum.

     Of course, once the attack begins: The emergency call will go off almost immediately. This could turn into quite a scuffle, with the force that is to be present.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji Murasame is present, though he might not be immediately apparent. His associates have been deployed, both Jinx and Helba given Haste spells to speed their movement (and attack speed, much to Jinx's enjoyment, likely). He stands atop the Museum itself, arms folded as he watches over the situation silently. He is not making himself obvious, but those who look carefully might notice him. He simply watches the proceeding havoc, keeping track of the situation through his associates.

When he is needed, he will appear.

Jinx (39) has posed:

    However SOMEONE has spraypainted a massive piece of vandalism all across one of the apartment buildings across the streetfrom the local police station.

            JINX WUZ HERE ----->

    The arrow is pointing to the Museum. There's also someone cackling happily in one of the bushes outside said Museum. "THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME."

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Miko Fujimoto has been helping Lute so far. Or at least on one mission, and she is determined to continue doing so. She hasn't used her magic in... Months, honestly. She had been using it as a crutch. A way to vent anger and hate and feel strong even when she wasn't. Buw now, she has worked on 'her' enough that she has an idea of what's really important to her. Who she is, who she wants to be, and what the right way to go about it is. She still totally thinks killing the enemy is okay. Hurting them, tormenting them, whatever. But she has a very clear line she has drawn in regard to who falls on her doo-doo list, and who is on her list of people to protect with her life.

She's just a teenage girl. Barely 18. Going through university with her free time rather than hatching Confederate schemes. But she is stronger now thanks to the Confederacy, and she has the power to help them in return. She doesn't have many friends. But for all his antics, Lute is a treasured comrade. The realization that he was her friend was as much a surprise to Miko as it was to Lute. But he might be dying, for all she knows. After all the things she has done in her magical girl form to hurt others, she'd still have to be some grade-a scum to abandon her senior in the Confederacy when he was in need.

Even if it means exposing a secret that she has been keeping from everyone other than the ranking officers of the Confederacy.

"Ah! Who could have drawn such vandalism! It's very noticeable and vandalous!" Miko calls out in mock surprise as she points at Jinx's handiwork. She's wearing some jean shorts, a black shirt, and a baseball cap, because she is definitely a native of this world, and definitely as fashion-challenged as everyone else in this place. Totally. She even has an (empty) pokeball. "Someone should definitely investigate this!" she announces, perhaps needlessly, before vacating the area.

And heading for the museum.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena lets people GET LOUD.

    She was half of a plan, while Jinx made lots of noise, Helena exercises her ability to be subtle. Casting several spells to soften her noises, make her feet light as a feather, and to blend into the darkness around her. Combined with her natural skill with stealth, seems to blend into the darkness without hardship. She looks around, after landing on the roof of the museum, walking slowly to an alternitive access point, before slowly disabling the security and stepping inside. From here, she moves towards the control room. After all..if there is no footage, then both plans can go off without a hitch...if not..

    Well at least than one plan can, lets just hope it's the important one.

    Helena is patient, waiting for guards to pass her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What the crud is Jinx thinking anyway, messing up a wall? Since when did that loose cannon settle for something small like that? This reeks of suspicious nonsense, but still, with nothing else to do and a request for backup, even though she thinks it's a bit overkill, Toph Beifong heads out and makes her way to Pewter City. At least the city seems like a decent place.

    With stone all over the place it's somewhere an earthbender can feel at home, especially Toph. Though she isn't exactly familiar with this place... While her feet take in the area upon first stepping out of the warp gate she frowns slightly. There are a lot of people present, but still... there are some things that catch her attention. Like the fact there is somebody up on the museum roof. There is nothing yet that seems outright suspicious, however...

    "Do you guys see anything?" she asks of the other Unionites as they arrive. Maybe the graffiti is a clue in itself? Just where is Jinx hiding?

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory has learned from these sorts of events. If she wants to help, she has to do it carefully. Which is why she and an array of robots split up upon departing the warp gate. A handful of frisbee-shaped (and sized) 'Saucer' surveillance drones, equipped with full radar, lidar, x-ray, and other electromagnetic spectrum sensors (and some sound-based ones) zip up into Pewter's airspace to quickly establish an overhead map to be beamed back to Rory's tactical network.

    As she herself seeks out a building near the museum to hole up in, clutching only some kind of weapon with a liquid or gas tank attached to it in her arms...

    A crude robot heads for the Museum. Two insect-sized drones - literally designd to resemble dragonflies to the untrained eye - also zip for the entrance to scope out just what the HECK is going on.

    Rory is not a warrior. But she CAN be a tactician. Not the kind of tactician that can dual wield swords and magical tomes unfortunately, though.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Graffiti didn't really....seem like something that needed response from a few Elites, even if it was an Elite doing the graffiti. Still, there was the good thought that this might be a trap for something far more sinister! On top of that, well...Kyra hasn't been to this world yet. She's curious! And clearly if this is just a case of graffiti then it will be wrapped up quickly and she can spend a little time looking around.

    Kyra arrives alone but she's quickly looking to get in the proximity of the other Unionites since that's usually how her battlefield tactics work. "Mmm, nothing yet. Haven't seen that Jinx girl in person before but I'm guessing we're looking for someone really...trigger happy, right?"

    As she moves, Kyra reaches beneath her hoodie and pulls a needlegun free.

Deelel has posed:
So something was going down in the land of Pokemon again to so speak. It seemed like it was a minor thing but generally? It never is when elites re involved in some fashion. The basic was coming in on a ground vechile it looks like a motorcycle of some sort but it's sleek and there are no seams which seems to hint it was somehow was formed at once.

As it closes on the museam it would come to a halt and be near one of Rory's drone,s which would get an interesting feet. The bike starts to become transpartent like it's wireframe and then it just fades awya leaving a woman clad in cargo pants and a body suit she grabs a rod which appears to have been the control o the bike, puts it on her leg and goes for another rods which forms into a staff.

"Keep alert I don't think there's just one here."

Lute (188) has posed:
     With Jinx's graffiti, the police were about to respond. And then talking on the broadband, they decided 'fuck it.' As such, they're just blocking off the streets near the museum, to try and keep people out of the way. Elites, of course, will be let through. Just a random psychopath from another world is above the paygrade of these officers.

     Helena is having a relatively easy time of getting to the security areas. There aren't a lot of guards. Most museums don't have massive security staffs, after all. There are about four security guards on duty right now, most likely.

     At the control room itself, the door is locked. An electronic keypad is on the door. There is also a spot to swipe identification or something.

     Rory manages to scout the area /fairly/ well, getting a map rather fast. Likely she would spot Souji on the roof as well, and perhaps Jinx too.

     At the least, the paint points directly to where Jinx is planning to go. The Museum. And the Museum is also what the police are blocking off.

     Lute, meanwhile, remains inside. He's simply walking along now, pretending to look at the various paintings. Slowly making his way to his true goal. He's waiting for the cameras to go out, and for the boom to happen.

     Oh come on, where is the explosion?

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena smiles...well, this isn't too hard.

    Her hand runs along the door, she casts a spell, sending mana from her body into the door itself.

    It will leave a trail, but so will turning the camera's off, she just has to make sure they don't get to USE the camera's again. Darkness flows into the door, it is subtle...at least initally. Helena focuses pure entropy into the door's locking mechanism, aiming to corrode it with years of wear and tear all at once, rust ing out the metal bits and having the electronic parts fail.

    She pushes the door open once it is disabled.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The first explosion is a pair of fireworks launched into the sky, loaded with hex tech, that explode in a massive array of sparkles and light, which reselve themselves into... A word? No, two words. NO. Two a<span style="color:ronyms!

            c#10ff14">A C A B</span>
            F T P

    And then the real action starts, as Jinx herself pops out of the bushes, using both Souji's HASTE and GETS REALLY EXCITED as she charges in at the main gates of the Museum, carrying a rather heavy looking... massive coil gun. How is she even carrying that?
    She moves it to the underslung position, CACKLES MADLY, and kicks the trigger. There's a massive warping discharge of air combusting in front of the projectile, before it rips through the front windows of the Museum, glass and fire and fragments of wall everywhere.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
All these insidious plans! All these distractions! All these fireworks! But one person here has the most DIABOLICAL of all schemes. Miko Fujimoto, aka 'Fairy Trainer Miko', arrives at the Museum entrance... And parks herself right next to it, facing in such a way that anyone who attempts to go in through the front doors will enter her line of sight. And she will challenge any such person to a pokemon battle.

Even if they have no pokemon.

That might bog down the entrance as well.

Devious, right? Of course, she has no pokemon herself, but she has a companion who might be able to fake it.

She is fighting to keep a straight face and also to not get too nervous about this plan, because her durability as a person is about average for a teenage girl and if she actually gets attacked herself she is pretty much doomed.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji has no unusual hiding methodologies. He's a Samurai, not a Thief. He simply is standing out of the way, observing the incoming response team.

One of them in particular causes him his eyes to squint behind his Moogle Glasses, and he raises a hand to the side of his head in an unconscious reflex to send a message.

He does not immediately move to help or hinder anyone in particular as of yet, however.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With the police blocking off the streets in a specific area it is far easier to figure out where the action is, and Toph motions for the other Unionites. "Come on, this way!"

    The explosion catches Toph by surprise, and she winces. "What the /crud/?!" she exclaims. It didn't feel like anything got blown up, so she can only assume... "Fireworks?" she asks of Kyra and Deelel, not slowing down. And then is when she feels the vibrations of massive firepower. As well as hearing them in addition to the familiar cackle of a certain freak.

    Toph charges past the police blockade, and as she does so she kicks the concrete there, causing part of it to peel up in front of her before she /leaps/ at it, and it wraps itself around the young girl into makeshift armor, just in case. Since Jinx /did/ invite her to fight the other day, she can't come whining later!

    Perhaps Jinx hears the approach of the Unionites, but even so Toph focuses on feeling the metal in the coil gun that Jinx carries, and then yanks her hand back in an attempt to yank the weapon away from her with metalbending. While she might insult Jinx a lot on the radio (because Jinx totally started it!), but as she did commentate on the fight Jinx had against Corvo last year, she is well aware of just what the older girl is capable of with a weapon in her hands.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    It seems that Kyra has zero issues with following the lead of the blind girl. She knows enough about Toph that she knows she can take care of herself. Kyra herself isn't in much of a rush until she hears a very clear explosion off in the direction of the museum. Excited: "Sounds like it. And there aren't even mine!"

    After Toph takes off, Kyra is not far behind, though she cannot match the speed of the Earthbender. That's perfectly fine since she herself doesn't want to be the one to engage Jinx.

    Though she catches up and begins to start up the magic for a Protect spell, something distracts her.

    An angry look crosses her face and she looks around, frowning, scanning the tops of nearby buildings. "...where /is/ he..."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Mageetism and bending can only get you so far, missy. As Toph starts to yank at the gun, Jinx's red eyes light up, a happy giggling laugh on her lips as that effort twists and tugs at her gun. Her very finely made and fancy Murasame Industries vehicle mounted coil gun.
    The Loose Cannon's eyes widen... and suddenly the coil gun is gone, replaced instead with POW POW. "OH LOOK! IT'S TIME TO DANCE. COME ON MUDBRAIN!" And then she's firing happily downrange, peppering the field near Toph with bullets and flak. "AAHAAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHAH!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     The door to the security room is opened by the spell, breaking apart due to a lot of the rusting. As it opens, though, there is a large security guard sitting on a chair, observing the monitor. He turns in his swivel chair, and looks at Helena, blank faced. He is finishing his bite of donut, before he starts to talk.

     "...Look, missy, I don't know how you got in here, but. You gotta leave. Now. This ain't public space."

     And he reaches to a taser, pointing it towards Helena. Yeah he doesn't even have clearance for a gun.

     As for Lute, he is now standing in front of a strange display. It is a simple, finely crafted piece of glass. The labels on it state it is the 'Glass of the Griseous Mirror', seperated from the rest of it. Despite being glass for a mirror, it is black in color, and has strange swirling patterns within it.

     Lute just smiles, looking at it. And waiting for the cameras to be cut.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit, her grip on the damn thing is tight! When the coil gun is suddenly gone however Toph can't help but blink behind the concrete armor, and then she senses more metal there as another weapon appears. "I don't /dance/, slugmonkey!" she counters as she feels Jinx aim in her direction and bullets hitting the ground. Some of the rounds hit her armor, making cracks in it and grazing her, but Toph doesn't back down as she brings her arms up, and the ground in front of the museum rises up into an earthen wave that threatens to crash down and into Jinx with the intent of knocking her back into the wall of the museum!

    ... it's a good thing she can probably fix most of the stuff around here, huh?

Deelel has posed:
There's an explosion she hits the ground quickly and is then back on her feet in fairly short order.

"Yes tghere was a blast."

The Basic is back on her feet now and is peering in. She's fairly quick to catch up after Kyra and Toph as she bolts after the two moving at a fairly good clip the staff has since been reduced to a baton again to make it easier to run.

She does take notes of the drones that are flitting about she's seen them before and suspects it might be Rory but she'll figure that out later, for now they need to figure out just how many hostiles are here.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    CONCRETE ARMOR. That's FANCY. Sorta like Malphite.
    The wall of dirt and rocks and shit is also like Malphite, but Jinx is suddenly wondering what Toph would look like with a massive doofy rock face when that wall of crap slaps into her, shoving her backwards towards the wall of the museum.
    She scampers up though, trying to get up and over the wave, and... wait she's not riding it out. She's slapping something into the mud and rocks and crap and then running. There's a dull beep beep beep from somewhere in the rocks, before the KABBOOOOOM. An earth shattering KABOOM rocks the front of the museum, as the plastique Jinx just jammed in there detonates, blowing a massive hole in the wall, the rock wave, and lifting Jinx off her feet, tossing her into a car.

    Jinx is laughing.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Oh dear. Miko will have a strange encounter soon enough! Because her eyes will meet not some wandering trainer or do-gooder but...

    A humanoid robot. A walking mess of polished metal with little in the way of discernable facial features. It's accompanied by two smaller drones on wheels, the topsides of which have an array of strange protrusions and thumb-sized holes into nowhere. The robot is carrying a weapon of some sort. Would possibly seem like a small flamethrower given the tank attached to it, but there's no pilot flame...

    The robot and its companions halt near the entrance... and the robot, which has been moving VERY mechanically, suddenly develops a more human-like demeanor. It speaks!

    ... A voice that's been heard on the radio, no less. "Please move, miss? There's trouble in there!"

    But Rory White is not sleeved into that robot. She is seated comfortably in an alley several buildings away from the museum, with a few more of those wheeled drones nearby. The aerial Saucers continue to hover over the city and beam maps to her...

    And in her drone-jamming funk, Rory 'blinks' so to speak. What in the world, was that a hardlight cycle?

    HARDLIGHT technology? What the heck!

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena smiles as she stands, walking seductively towards the guard.

    "We can do this one of two ways...if you let me do what I need to do..." She says, bending over JUST slightly...hinting at just a TASTE of cleavage... "Then it will be worth it to you..."

    "But if you don't..." She grins, in a way that promises pain without end. However, she doesn't wait, once she uses Boobaga, she slides in, closing the distance and moving to STEAL the gun with THIEF skillz.

    She then jabs forward, under his belly. SPARK SPARK SPARK.

    While repeatedly tasing the Guard in the most horrible of places, she starts messing with the controls, aiming to start taking cameras off line.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It's about when Deelel begins pushing forward into the entrance of the museum, and Kyra looks around, wondering where she is, that Souji spreads his hands and falls backwards on the roof of the museum.

There is a crash of glass as he plunges directly through a convenient skylight and flips, landing neatly on his feet, bowed forward.

Slowly, he straightens. "You cannot proceed forther. I will not allow it." Souji says with stoic impassivity.

One hand is placed significantly on the hilt of his weapon. "If you attempt to pass me I will be forced to stop you."

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Miko remains motionless and silent when addressed. Standing right off to the side of the entrance, facing across the path needed to go through the doors. It's totally possible to walk right by her! But... There is that odd sense like doing so will be committing to an irreversible course of action! She glances in Robo-!Rory's direction, trying not to look too surprised by omgosh robots, and whispers out the side of her mouth. "I can't talk to you unless you walk in front of me." And of course, if the robot and drones do so, they'll be in for a surprise.

In the form of Miko suddenly springing into activity and yelling, "I LIKE FAIRY POKEMON BEST. LET'S BATTLE~!" She takes up a dramatic pose in such an instance and pulls out her sole, completely unoccupied, pokeball. The Sacred Fairy and dream pixie, 'White Rose', is currently fluttering around invisibly and intangibly, but she'll show herself when the moment is right!

Of course, Miko has no idea the real person controlling these robots isn't here. She just assumes the robot is a person too!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Unlike her supervising officer Toph doesn't bring super fancy high tech metal armor with her to a fight. Not that she needs it!

    As the blind girl feels Jinx hit the wall she pulls her arms back, getting ready to punch out again and make the earthen wave slam into Jinx once more, but then the girl goes and crawls up it...? Wait, what is that she jammed in the--

    The explosion catches Toph by surprise and she cries out as she tumbles back, rolling over herself twice before she catches her footing. Jinx might be laughing, but if Toph wasn't clad in concrete she would have seen the young teenager /frown/. "Just fucking /great/, you looney queen!" Toph cusses, then spreads her arms. The various debris left over from the explosions reacts, and Toph punches out in succession with both hands. The various rocks and remnants of the wall all fly towards Jinx. No, the earthbender isn't out for blood, but that doesn't mean she will go easy on Jinx!

Lute (188) has posed:
     An explosion outside to draw attention. The security cameras are off and the guard is now collapsed and unconcious due to Helena's actions. Alarms are blaring at the moment, due to the destruction of the front facade of the museum. This? This is the perfect time to enact the heist.

     Lute punches into the case holding the Mirror Glass. It bursts apart, and he grabs ahold of the artifact. Alarms are going off already, so it's not like there will be more going off, now.

     He slips it under his arm, and starts heading towards the back, towards a fire exit.

     And, with the front wall of the building blown off? Something is visible. The main display of the museum, right now. The World's Largest Helix Fossil. Larger than most Helix Fossils by a far amount, it is bigger than some /people/.

     Of course, there is a lot of other loot for the Confederates to grab at if they can chase off the Union and Syndicate as well.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    About to step into the library next, though still keeping an eye on Toph to do that 'support' thing she's generally so good at, the phone call she had just received seconds before continues to bother her. She knew Souji was here-but why?

    The sound of breaking glass within the museum attracts Kyra's attention and, following beyond Deelel's line of sight into the museum, she spies the heir of the Murasame corporation. "What the...okay, now this is going a little TOO far, Souji Murasame! You might be class president but that doesn't mean you have some kind of /right/ to regulate my extracirricular activities!"

    She walks into the museum, unzipping her hoodie as she does so, grabbing one of the darts held in her bandoliers. Her eyes drop to the hand resting on his sword-he...wouldn't, would he? Dared to turn back, Kyra refuses and attempts to just walk past him.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel :finds that there's someone in the way as skylight above is broken. so9meone lands with a good deal of style for a moment. She tilts her head, she has a bit of an odd look on her gace at his statement that she will not pass.

"You think that? Are you just all talk or do you got game human?"

She moves to get the staff and reform it, the hard light takeing shape into the sort of staff often used by security programs. The ends humm to life and glow a faint blue matching the crucitlines on her skin and clothing exactly.

"I'll give you one chance to back down and depart."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Uwah! We're going ALL THE WAY MALPHITE HERE.

    Jinx manages to dodge two of the strikes, the car that's already got a Jinx Shaped Dent in it getting ROCKS THROUGH THE WINDSCREEN. Hope they've got Elite Insurance.
    The bluenette is moving though, tanking two more punches as she skids to a stop, plantts her feet, gets cracked across the chest with yet another punch, and depresses the trigger on PowPow.
    There is no running this time, no fancy footwork. She's revving the minigun as hard as it can go. "IF YOU CAN'T STOP THIS, MUDBRAIN, THERE ISN'T GOING TO BE A FIGHT!" Bullets hose out of the rotary gun, and the Loose Cannon's eyes are glowing bright in the night.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    What in the WORLD.

    The Case Morph Rory's jammed is incapable of any serious expression, because it wasn't made to be very expressive! But it wobbles weirdly where it's standing when Miko throws down the gauntlet.. so to speak. "Wh... what... Pokemon? I don't.. HUH?!"

    The Case-Rory swivels to face Miko. "B-battle?! Um, there's... there's a crime occuring right now. You... I..."

    Her entire brigade of advancing drones just HALTS there.

    LOGIC ERROR. This does not compute!

    And in the alleyway, Real Rory makes one heck of a scrunched, unnatural face. She's so bad at this emotions thing!

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena grins as she tases the poor guard a few more time. She giggles as he twitches, but sadly, has to stop the fun.

    Slowly she walks towards the back, and back down towards the floor. Only to see, near the entrance, Souji is facing off against both Kyra and some person she doesn't really know too well. She was sure she was at the last thing she was at...but what was her name..?

    'Are you just all talk..'

        'I'll give you one chance...'

    Did she just threaten Souji?

    Helena's eyes narrow, and she runs, full speed towards Souji, it is a matter of personal pride now. She moves, flipping over Souj and landing right behind Deelel with a perfect three point stance. Before aiming to take advantage of her flanking. Aiming to drive a knife into her back.

    "You will ADDRESS him as MISTER Murasame, pleabian! You will say PLEASE and THANK YOU and you will POLITELY address him." She says, looking towards Kyra, "Hi."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"This is not about your extracurricular activity." Souji says simply. "It is about my obligations, of which you seem to be ignorant." As Kyra seeks to push past, Souji reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Slow." He says, simply, channelling magic into the classic Time Magic to create a slow-time field around Kyra.

As Deelel challenges him, Souji turns and sets himself. "You have no concept of what you are dealing with."

This is, however, just a distraction to set Helena up for the backstab. He turns towards Kyra and walks forward, putting himself in her way again. "The Light Warriors are not here to protect you, Kyra. Leave this place. You cannot battle me alone." Or can she?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit, why won't Jinx keep still? Toph kicks into the ground, and without moving her feet she /rushes/ forward as Jinx stops running, betting it all on a straightforward move. Dirt goes flying as Toph charges through the grass, though she meets resistance as the hail of bullets knock into her. If it weren't for the armor, then there's no doubt about how it would have ended. Luckily the young earthbending master is as resilient as they come, though this assault means that she is pushed back and away from Jinx. And the armor is starting to crack too, it won't be able to block it forever!

    So Toph kicks her heel into the ground and raises a thick wall between her and Jinx. The armor is crumbling and falling off at this point, so Toph tries something else as she focuses on the already broken car...

    The door is torn off with a creaking sound, and the metal moves midair as it threatens to wrap itself around Jinx.

Jinx (39) has posed:

    Jinx lets out a surprised squeak as a car door slaps into her, tumbling ass over teakettle into the bushes again an-

    And vanishes. In the bushes! HOW DOES SHE DO IT?

    It's not for long though as she gets more requests from wherever and pops out. Pow Pow has been swapped out for Fishbones, and Jinx sticks out her tongue at Toph, swatting her ass in a taunt. "CAN'T CATCH ME, IDIOT!" She then starts launching a volley of rockets across the parking lot, walking them up the side of the Museum AWAY FROM THE FOSSIL, but up to where some unbroken bits of the big friendly main sign of the place remain lit.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Well, yes, of course there's a crime going on. That's why she's stalling! But explaining that would contradict the point of doing so. "That's unfortunate, but the rules specify that if you walk in front of a pokemon trainer then you have to battle!" She spins around and points dramatically at Robo-Rory and her two 'Steel-type Pokemon'. "So leeeeet's battle!" She is super embarrassed by what she is doing, but she is DETERMINED to do her part by holding up access to the front entrance with random encounters!

Then she frowns and snaps her fingers. "...Or are you trying to disrespect my culture? The culture of this nation you are in right now!?" Ohhhh, she went there.

She really hopes things are going well indoors.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Hi Helena." Kyra says casually, then double takes, "...Helena?! What are you doing here?" There is actually the sound of slighy fear in her voice at that, especially when she seems to get in THAT MOOD and attacks Deelel.

    "Don't fuckin' touch me." Kyra grumbles irritably, shrugging her shoulder at Souji to shake his hand off. The spell takes, though, and she immediately takes notice since everything around her seems to speed up. Clearly the work of /time magic/. "What, /your/ obligations? Well I have obligations too!"

    Lifting her hand, slowly, she places it against her chest and activates a Dispell, removing the Slow spell that Souji placed upon her. Though at the same time, Souji is easily able to outwalk her and place himself in her way again. "...who says I even need to fight you, Murasame? Because I sure as hell did not come here to do that." She picks another dart from her belts and loads it into her needlegun as she tries to just walk /around/ him again.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel can be pretty brazen but then again she's a basic whose standing up against her system's controller. She stares them down and she turns to Helena for a moment as she moves in and lands infront of her she keeps her weapon ready at this point. She faces down Helena for a moment as she drops in, she looks her over. HElena comes in attemping to shank her and she moves the blade catching the center mount for her ID disc which is one of the most armored setions of her back it keeps her fgrom going down but it was still a nasty hit. There's no more words now as she attemps to bring about her staff and strike Helena with it. She need sto be careful another hit like that could be very bad.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Of course she would have a Dispel handy. Souji's irritation does not show on his face, but such is the problem of trying to deal with a prepared White Mage. Souji holds out an arm to one side to block Kyra's path. "So what did you come here to do? What do you expect to accomplish?" He says. "Who are you even working for, Kyra? What point is there in doing this? If you say you have obligations, elucidate."

He is still not attacking her, thankfully. It seems Murasame is exceptionally reluctant to use force on Kyra for some reason.

Lute (188) has posed:
     With the group up front doing such a /great/ job, Lute is now out the back door. He keeps walking for a bit, trying to get a bit away from the museum.

     And then he starts /running/, with the Mirror. This? This is going /incredibly/ well.

     Of course, he isn't aware of Rory's probes throughout the city. So this could get people to spot him.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Won't she ever stay /still/?!

    Toph brings the car door down to the ground, clenching her fist as it crunches up in a whiny protest. It's not like Jinx can hide in the bushes however, who does she think her opponent is, somebody who is dependent on visual sight or something? Even if she recognizes the metal shape of Fishbones, Toph does frown as Jinx tries to taunt her. "You're the one messing with public property here, you loud brat!" Toph calls, then frowns when the rockets start coming. Another kick to the ground and dust whirls up, hopefully making it harder for Jinx to aim at her, though with the rockets it might not matter too much...! Either way the blind girl runs up the street along the side of the museum and does her best to bend herself some cover to stay safe, though the rockets do hit way too close for comfort, sending blasts of force and earth alike at the earthbender. Falling over as one rocket strikes right next to her, Toph cries out and hits the road, though she raises her head. All in all she looks annoyed and determined as she wipes away some dirt and blood from the side of her face.

    Well, if Jinx makes such a challenge, why not go for it? The blind earthbender reaches out with both her hands, then tears them apart, seeking to creature a deep fissure underneath Jinx to stop her from running!

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Silence is ALSO acceptable.

    Helena moves, weaving back and forth away from Deelel, the staff glances her, but it isn't a direct hit, and she rolls with it. However, Deelel can tell if she DOES manage to get a solid hit, it will be painful for her. She lands back, away from DLL and grins slightly.

    She spins the blade once, and makes a motion with her hand.

    The strike from earlier glows, and Helena starts attempting to litterally drain LIFE from DLL into herself. Helena, somehow, looks healthier if this takes effect, and also significally stronger...while the inverse will be true for DLL.

    "Thank you for your contribution."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Countermagic! Kyra is happy to have it, especially during moments like these when her class president decides to be a troll. "I came here to back up the Union elites." Kyra points out, "That's my obligation here." Kyra stops before Souji's outstretched arm and looks to him, a scowl on her pale face. "Though now that you mention it."

    She looks around the rest of the museum. It was pretty wrecked now, yeah, with the front completely missing. However, there weren't any other 'Elites' wrecking stuff in it from what she could tell. Perhaps there was no purpose in being in the museum itself? Now in backing up Toph on the other hand... "Though speaking of that, 'scuuuuuuse me."

    She turns around and walks /away/ from Murasame, back to the entrance where Toph and Jinx are having it out. "Hey! Hey Toph! How are you holding up? Do you need the heals?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "...uh-uhhhhhh..." 'Let's battle' is perhaps the last thing Rory's prepared to try and reason through. "Oh... Pokemon! ... But I'm not a trainer!" Silently thanking her Muse for refreshing her on what a Pokemon and Pokemon trainer is, Rory regains some of her composure. "...Would your culture really support a duel while a museum is assaulted? That's not sensible at all, miss!"

    And oh boy does her broadcasted voice sound... lopsided. So much ... DRAMATICS! It's left her off-kilter.

    Then she notices how much time she's wasted. "Ah, no, what are you even doing standing here with explosions going on?!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx falls from sight into the fissure, a yelp of anger and frustration as she looses her footing and slips through the crack.
    Then there's another trio of Rocket Explosions as Jinx digs out a rough staircase for herself, charging up and out of the dirt hole with bright red eyes. She's gunning for Toph, but isn't about to miss the assistance pending for the Earthbender.
    Fuck. Non-lethal. She's okay with that though, as she drops Fishbones in the sling and lifts up her STUN PISTOL. There's a heavy charge of electricity, and then... "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAP!" she cries out in time with the energy blast which arcs across the carpark, aiming to disrupt Kyra's motions and nervous system.

    This does, of course, leave her open for another attack.

Deelel has posed:
the strike Helena got in might be something strang the damage are has a glow to it bleedning formw here it's seemd to crack. Deelel ot he other hand is sitll going and nothinking about it and she feels something a warning comes up of some sort of energy drain. She visably pales a little bit like over all even her cloething does a little bit. That's when Deelel shifts about and attemps to drive the powered end of her staff into Helena.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When Kyra calls out Toph isn't slow to snap back as she gets back on her face. "Stay back unless you can fight her!" Jinx is dangerous and unpredictable, after all. But too late, Jinx has blasted her way out of the fissure, and... oh damn.

    Her eyes widen in shock as she realizes what Jinx is up to, and she throws her arms forward in a split palm motion, sending a series of earthen spikes towards Jinx in a far more serious attack.

    Still, is somebody escaping at the back of the museum? Picking up the vibrations is a bit tough with all the stuff that's going on around here, but yes, she does pick up somebody retreating from the area. Too bad that she has her hands full with Jinx here.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Miko puts her hands on her hips, fighting to keep her facade from breaking down any further as she stammers out, "W-well, if you're in such a hurry to get out of here, maybe you should hurry up and battle me! You have two friends right there who could help, don't you? I only have one!" Scrambling to remember the basics of pokemon she skimmed over for this role she says, "P-plus mine is a Fairy Type, and yours probably count as Steel Type! My Pokemon's weakness!" When questioned on why she's here while explosions are going off, etc. she puffs herself up and walks right up close to Rory-bot, and says, "Look, man! ...Woman! ...Bot! I have been standing here for FIVE WEEKS waiting for someone to walk by. DON'T TAKE THIS FROM ME!"

She doesn't know if this is still necessary, but she's milking it for all she can.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji may or may not happen to have the Troll Song in his private music collection. He will never tell.

He walks alongside Kyra, frowning significantly as she decides to help Toph out.

Souji simply shrugs and turns to gesture towards Jinx. "Haste." He pronounces, an orange clock forming around Jinx to speed up her actions and DPS.

Toph will /surely/ appreciate that.

He doesn't interfere with Jinx trying to taze Kyra. Guess he doesn't mind if Someone ELSE uses nonlethal stuff on her.

Or maybe he just have very few nonlethal options.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena's eyes widen.

    She jumps back, but the tip dispurses, causing her to catch the wave of light...better that than getting hit directly.

    She rolls, landing in a stance and looks around her. Then...Helena grins...

    Helena's suped up state seems to disappear...and she touches the ground. Toph can feel SOMETHING travel across the ground for a brief moment. However, it's like...she can only feel it because it DISTURBS the earth. The earth can not stop it, because it is somehow some stange form of energy. It travels out, towards the Dragonite, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, and...the helix fossil.

    "Hail Helix." She says, as the fossil explodes...revealing a giant Omenyte.

    They all start going NUTS, aiming to start wrecking people, things, aiming to cause a massive rukas. Including trying to litterally run over Deelel...

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Wake up, forgotten pokemon, come serve your new mistriss! MASS ANIMATE!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx is about to get right back to shooting Toph after she watches the bolt of electicty fly at Kyr-

    And she's totally blindsided by the spike of rock that slaps right though her defenses and through her belly, sticking out the other side with a gout of candy red blood. And then she's hasted. She coughs up a froth of spittle, and snarls. "NOW YOU HAVE FUCKED UP." She shakes out her bangle again, and the Murasame Heavy Industries coilgun crashes to the carpark. Jinx kicks the recharger lever, the machine whirring up again. She can hear madness going on behind her in the museum, but she can't be fucking bothered right now. She lifts up the gun again and-

    KTHOOOOM. A pencil sized bolt of metal is accelerated to a very small fraction of c, aiming to bowl Toph right the fuck over, if not put a hole through her and the car behind her.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's okay Toph I can get you from over here!" Kyra calls out cheerfully, leveling a palm. What this really gets her is instead some impressively fast healer aggro as the spell is exchanged in the opposite direction of the oncoming blast o taser. Kyra can feel it coming-being from Ramuh, it's a life-long skill residents develop over time (knowing when about to be struck by lightning). It does indeed hit her, her hair becoming frayed and her body spasming before she falls to the ground. "Nggh."

    It'll take her a moment to get up. Until then she gets to watch Souji casting Haste on Jinx and Helena animating the pokemon fossils in the museum.

Lute (188) has posed:
     At this point, Lute notices the cameras in the sky. That... hrm. That's annoying. Either way, though, at this point? He can likely get out of here. Everyone is busy dealing with the UNDEAD POKEMON now.

     And so, Lute tosses out a Pokeball, opening it up. A Gardevoir appears. It's preparing to Teleport. Lute looks up.

     He smiles at the sky cams, pulls his hood back, and uses his free hand to flip off the camera.

     He'll be teleporting away in just a moment.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Wha--" Rory's still flabbergasted, but the mounting illogical activity is getting to her. And where only she can see, her Muse is speaking to her.
    <She is probably working with them as a scout or distraction, Rory.>


    "... Ugh. What a waste of time this is. Sorry, but you're not making any sense... especially since this is a city full of people!" Now she's letting some anger through into her speech. The Case looks up... then spins about and starts running in a very mechanical, paced style away from the museum and around it. The wheeled robots follow... but only until the first corner. "Calculating... Lute's too far to catch... I blundered... again!" Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What is that going on? The energy that travels through the ground feels wrong, and Toph turns her head slightly towards the museum. Though it's not too hard to figure out what's going on, and she lets out an annoyed sound. What do these dunderheads think they are doing? There is little time to think about that however as Jinx is getting her coil gun ready once more. Toph braces herself and bends up another wall, excepting a hail of bullets once more. Instead the metal bolt is fired with enough force to penetrate the wall, cracking it and hitting Toph in the side, knocking the girl back into the car with a loud cry. Wincing as blood starts coating the side of her tunica, the earthbender grabs at her side, then gestures with her hand and screams as she pulls out the metal bolt. "K-Kyra!" She can feel the healer getting back on her feet, and right now they need to stop those damn Pokemon in the museum before they hurt people.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is now moving in on Helena with the staff, her Disc would cause too much damage here she thinks. Still Helena is proving to be quite the threat, the lack of trash talking is however a nice change. However things are getting nuts she can only watch as thhe fossile is reanimated and she just /stares/

"...It had to be necromancy..."

She leaps up into the air gently landing on the Omenyte and then leaps off making an attempt to drop kick Helena and hopefully distract her control of the undead pokemon but she could very well miss.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And that's all quite enough for Jinx, who staggers forward, losing the strength to carry the coilgun. The weapon clatters to the carpark, and she along with it, slumping to the side and just sorta taking a nap. She coughs occationaly, trying to lie so her lungs don't fill with fluids.

    This is likely not the first time she's tried to avoid a dirt nap.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Gradually, the feeling in her limbs starts to return. Until it fully does so, Kyra drags herself down the museum entrance over to the fallen Toph. Eventually she is able to stand and stumble over to the blind girl. She flops down and reaches for the wound in Toph's side. It was pretty bad-but traumatic injuries were what white magic was meant for. Her hand glows white, blinding (if only to Kyra) as the white magic flows into the Earthbender. "Cura!" Immediately, the damage reverses itself, though the memory of the pain of such a wound will remain.

    Following that, Kyra turns her attention to the undead pokemon. Being a white mage and those being undead puts her into a very rare position. A position where she can HEALBOMB THINGS TO DEATH awww yeah.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Uh-oh! Super logic of robot brain has determined that all this illogic may have a logical explanation! And now Rorybot is running for it! "H-hey, wait! You can't run from a trainer battle! It's against the rules!" Probably pointless to keep up the ruse now, and it sounds like Lute has successfully escaped. So, Miko just pulls her baseball cap down over her eyes and tries to super inconspicuously sneak her way out of the area.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena grins...

    With the undead creating a mess, she checks out, moving to Grab Jinx, and of course, helping her get her weapons...

    And then GTFOs.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At least it seems like Jinx has been taken down for now, and the others are leaving. Even so Toph stays still, pressing a hand to the wound as she tries very hard to not focus on the pain. Damnit, this hurts...! Luckily Kyra is there, and Toph lets the healer take over and work on the injury. It does help though, and Toph nods in gratitude, her expression still pained, but it's not as strong as her determination as she forces herself back up, swallowing. "Thanks... now let's stop these things...!"

    Lute might have gotten away with the mirror piece, but they aren't done here until people are safe!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Once Souji has confirmed that Lute has escaped, as well as the others, Souji turns away from Toph and Helena. "Be safe." He says, simply, and walks away. He clearly has no doubt a White Mage and an Earthbender can handle a few quick-resurrected undead.

Holy is Super EFfective, after all.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The museum is left in ruins. The Feds, escaped with what they came for. Repairs will be made.

     But, back at base. Lute holds the mirror. And... He simply /laughs./