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Latest revision as of 07:22, 21 January 2015

A Business and Social Call
Date of Scene: 19 January 2015
Location: Void - Space Ways
Synopsis: Kotone swing by Rory's ship to catch up and do a little business.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 673

Rory White (673) has posed:
    The Cognizant Odyssey has returned to the platform it used to dock at before. The door will open to admit Kotone on approach too, if she doesn't send some kind of signal to do it. Apparently she's been granted basic access to such things as a guest!

    But Rory's nowhere to be seen in the entrance foyer/lounge - which, as before, is experiencing microgravity...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa enters on in and does send a signal to say she's here. She notices the access rights she's been given and ggrins a bit. She is nearly caught off guard by the microgravity but she is able to not bounce around too much.

"So I was thinking of a few things I needed and given you noted you can produce a lot of things I wanted to talk to you first about it!"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    The holoprojector comes to life, displaying a holo-Rory in miniature like before. "Within some limits, but yes! What can I do for you, Kotone?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Well I'd been looking for a portable external computer with a good deal of space. I'm looking for something I can use as a mobile storage unit or not open myself up to cyberattack in certain situyations and I was curious what sort of mechanics tools you might have on file heck I'm curious about clothes from your world as well."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    The holo-Rory's eyes widen... and for the first time in a while she shows a big, cheery, childish smile! And actually uses body language! If you count sort of leaning forward to be enthusiasm! "Really? Then you're in for some surprises, I think. That's so commonplace... this way, please! Take the first left turn and climb into the passenger boom."

    And as Rory points... if Kotone has the basic AR functions on, a blinking path appears to guide her.

    The passenger boom is rotating! There's gravity here, if... very BOUNCY, Mars-grade gravity. The compartment is full of all sorts of stuff. Lab equipment is neatly tucked into secure cabinets, one table has a bunch of weird things bubbling in beakers... and being attended by a drone...

    Further in, the Fabrication machine - an industrial grade one - is nestled into a whole half of the compartment. It's several cubic meters!

    And the holo-Rory has moved here now. She's pointing at the Fabricator!

    "It's not instant or anything, but an Ecto, clothes, tools, that's easy! In an hour or two you'll be... swimming in stuff? What a strange phrase, how do you swim in tools..."

    Apparently her Muse was making phrasing suggestions!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grins right back at her friend and the AR functions are on she does trust Rory and doesn't have her body set in lockdown fort lack of a better tem. She follows along and watche s things are now a bit more settled grvity wise and she looks about at eveyrthing and lets otu a low whistle she pauses looking at teh fabber and gives it a look over.

"I see and this makes my shops 3D Printer seem like a child's toy. Can I get a link to some options I know one thing I'd want the ecto as you call it to be comptable with the various operating systems I use in my work and that are common in the multivese. Hey I can wait for that that's still crazily fast. One of thse things could be used to rebuild a community and even keep it fed I suspect."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "I've got an Ecto somewhere in the inventories here... Rolan, where was- oh!"

    The drone that was previously attending some experiments further back heads to a cabinet, pinches out a small PDA-like device, and trundles on its treads over to Kotone to offer it!

    And Rory's apparently linked into it, because it brings up a searchable directory of all the available blueprints the Fabricator can make and estimated times to make it. More advanced costly stuff is greyed out - apparently Rory'll have to sign off on big projects...

    "You're right. That's one of the things I'd like to see happen! Actually it has been happening... these devices have made it possible for any group of people to head off somewhere and start a new community. They can make food, clothing, tools... and are almost perfect recyclers. I'm learning to work with their blueprints. Very complicated work... it's not going well."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa accepts the Ecto and gets to work looking over what items are in the ship's datbase she listens for a moment. She's busy looking through the various ectos for the moment and pondering things as she does to.

"Pretty impressive there's a few other worlds with tech like that but they horde it claiming some non interferance directive which is pretty poorly set up. But that's neither hear nor there. It is impressive and likely will be of use if we do work with the foltilla and it's funny I need to get I think a second home off my world. I don't want to leave things back home that would cause trouble you know?"

She also issues an order for some smart clothing and she finds an ecto model that would fit with her normal outfit and look like a bangle it also got a n option for a second display unit which she finds useful and issues the build oder she does however pause at a multi tool.

"This things impressive I'd not have to cart around a full kit, but ... why to half these things look like iblobs...?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "i...Blobs?" Another mystifying comment. Rory frowns a bit, but Rolan soon brings her up to speed. "Oh. The shapes? It's for ergonomics!" Rory chimes, sort of... swooping over towards the Ecto for dramatics. "... Setting up a second home will definitely be doable. All you need is a power source. Solar power, big enough batteries, a nanofab, and some other amenities... that's not hard, but while these don't need much skill to use they DO need materials. So long as we can refill, I won't argue at all! This technology should be freely available for everyone, after all. ...But what do you mean by trouble?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "We might be making our first baby steps into micromachiners or nanotechnology as you'd call it but we do not have anything like this this. There would be people who'd try to steal advancved technology a lot of corps are pretty cut throat. You have a point this might be something to look into later, and that? Well I'm pretty sure we could got scavaging somewhere or another right? As for the iblobs seriously they look dorky amd even as cyberized as I am I preer having both wireless and manual controls on anything I use."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Steal...? ... Why steal when you can just ask for it?" This doesn't compute at all. Rory makes a weird quizzical face up at Kotone. Answers! They are needed!

    "... Uhm... there's some retro models, if you search a bit more. I think? Never had to use them." So she's not sure!

    ... But sure, some geeks have made old-style screwdrivers and other things if you dig hard enough in the database...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Yes, because your society is far more open source than mine it won't cross their minds they could just ask for it I just don't want to take added risks and somethings might be illegal too. There's some pretty heavy weapons laws where I live I admit."

She's flicking about looking then pauses.

"Wait you can make anything if you have the specs like ... say een really out moded parts for something like a car or a truck...?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Uhh... there are some old retro automobile models that've been open sourced, but... erm..." Rory makes a rather sheepish face, then gestures with open arms to signify the machine's size. "Assembly required. Actually making a full one would take hundreds of part fabrications. Though yes! If there's designs. But Nanofab blueprints need to be specially made. The AI designers can only get you so far. So... it's not like we can just stick something in, have it analyze it, and immediately have a working blueprint... sorry."

    She then nods. "Weapons laws are all about practicality at home. Nobody minds if you walk around with a sword or pistol, but a rocket launcher... THAT could put a hole in the habitat. Bad!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Well I do restoration work for old vechiles and being able to fab parts I can't find enough of would be good right? It was just an idle thought really. Ah fair enough it was just a thought right? ?As for things well there is one thing I want to give you the specs for."

She sends Rory a file with the data on the cyberbrain life support unit.

"There detials are in there along with how to use it. I guess murder doesn't have such ... a stigma in a socity that's pratically immortal by most standard,s humm?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "You could learn to make the blueprints! ... It's just a complicated profession, not as simple as it sounds..." She shakes her head a bit. "Maybe - hmm..." Rory skims the file MUCH, much faster than one might expect. her eyes seem to glaze over for about five seconds...

    "... That's going to take some study. I barely understand how normal Cyberbrains work and this is a cybernetic interface instead of a virtualized substrate..." JARGON!

    She ends up making a ponderous face at Kotone next... and... shrugs her shoulders?

    Seems she's starting to get a bit better at communication after months of loneliness! "It's... Rolan tells me the best analogy is, it's like breaking a leg. Although... it's highly unlikely anyone would die unless they took serious brain damage. A Nanobandage can keep even a grievously injured person stable long enough for a Healing Vat to finish mending the injury. ... So some people even host very bloody duels with archaic weapons for fun. ... I don't know why it's fun though!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Tht's something well it was just a thought I guess nothing's that easy and I figured sooner would be better than later right? I rather be prepared right? I'm giving people whom I spend a good deal of time with such just ot be on the safe sid and that's got to be beyond any medical tech I can think of."

"Maybe such tech could have kept me from being what I am now but ... I can't look back at the past really."

She pauses for a moment

"So I don't think I ever shown you my online avatar have I?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "An avatar? No you haven't. Do you do a lot of Mesh - er... net work?" Rory blinks a few times, only to lean in expectantly with earnest eyes!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grins for a moment "Well I have a few and yes my society is about as wired up as yours is from what I can tell. Ugg pop ups in your heard are a serious pain. So mind if I connect to your ship's networka nd show you?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Oh. Rolan filters most of that out for me!" Rory exclaims. Then nods quickly. "Go ahead. You already have access!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa nods for a moment finds a spot to secure herself and then closes her eyes as she moves to connect into whatever VR space awaits her on the otherside.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    The Cognizant Odyssey's basic simulspace happens to be an old wooden ship on the open seas! Except the sea is full of stars and the grand play of astronomy - the formation and death of stars and galaxies - in a smooth time-lapse.

    And only accessible because of the compatability package that Rory gave earlier.

    Kotone's access to the Simulspace is going to feel pretty weird because of all the differences. The sensorium? Not perfectly mapped. Even FullDive would be less disorienting than this.

    Thankfully, the ship's not rocking.

    Unsurprisingly, Rory's Simulmorph is just a copy of her real one's appearance.

    This simulspace probably sees very little use. Although... it's almost certainly one of several small Simulspaces. This? This is the 'lounge' simulspace.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone's avatar takes shape in the Conizant Odyssey she's a bit taller than Kotone's in her morph as Rory would think of it short white cropped hair, clearly an gynoid sor to dealr wearing a form fitting outfit but it doesn't ahem go into indencent. She rises up and seems a bit unsteady for a moment.

"Okay ... this is ... little off putting."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory's already there... and probably a bit shorter than Kotone's avatar, though not by much. She hurries over a bit clumsily, then circles around Kotone... "Why so different from your normal appearance? ...Although it is quite stylish!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa tilts her head a little bit as Rory looks her over.

"Simple to keep myself more unknown when I'm online privacy isn't really a thing then there's issues like stalkers and the like really. Besides It's kinda fun to make your self different right. So you were saying your fellow Argonatus would like to study me right?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Uh... online privacy." Rory's defiitely pondering on just what that means. It doesn't mean a lot to her. "I suppose it is! Working with bodies doesn't mean as much to me. But I do like this one, it's artistic!"%R    Then she quiets down, tilts her head... and nods quickly. "Seeing how another world's developed would interest plenty of Argonauts. Although it probably wouldn't be a very exciting experience."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Fair enough I know but I figure I could poke something online while they took a look at me and yes. There's still also a portion of the population with no agumentation what so ever too. Also I'm glad you do have fun with it. We must be pretty confusing sometimes then again we confuse ourselves quite a bit right. Honestlty I'm glad you stuck your nose out into the wider universe. I'm happy to have you as a friend."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    THAT renders Rory silent for a bit... but soon enough she sprouts the warmest smile ever! "Mhm. The same goes to you! ... It was very lonely for a while, but look what happened when I started looking around." She'd be hopping with joy if she was that expressive. As it is she loks kind of like she wants to, but her shoulders just sort of scrunch up.

    "... Are we really that confusing though?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "I was refering to humans we confuse ourselves then again your more human than some people born as such are."

She's meaninc a complimenbt and she thinks a bit more.

"I admit I'm not sure how well socially I'll do in your world I'm pretty conservative really or might be backwards by the social standards all I know about your woerld is the files you have shared and just speaking with you. Far as that goes."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Well... the Argonauts won't be too bothered one way or the other as long as you're polite, I'm sure. ... Most?" She's... not so sure. What kind of social skills does SHe have really? Not too good. "... ah... I don't know all that much myself, Kotone! Society is a very strange thing to study. People are... strange to me. Sometimes even frightening!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I guess your right and I should see what open source information I could bring them. I figure it might be a nice gesture right? Also I get why the study could be useful. One culture might catch something with thier mind set another might miss, I mean we have nanites that can render radioactive materials inert in a matter of hours or days."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Information's the most respected currency at my home station!" Rory chimes merrily, even eagerly, while seeing fit to stand up straight and tall with her hands slipping behind her back. It's not such a natural gesture... far too practiced. But she's trying! "... wait..." Then her eyes open again, she blinks a few times. "... that's a pretty specialized usage. It would... probably be a 'game changer' in the Earth reclamation project too!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at Rory for a moment

"I thought I mentioned this, the old world powers started slinging nukes for a bit in the third world war. Till their subornates stopped the madness. There was a brekthough 9in an R&D project in japan and thus the Japanese miracle was born."

She pauses for a moment tilting her head and humms.

"That tech is however souly in Japan's hands, before you go thinking they are being greedy? They don't charge for it and have ... so far deployed it for any nation that has asked for their help in a clean up. So..wait this could help you?"

She seems more than shocked at this revation, and for the bringing of information she'll get a pile of public domain stuff to bring with her.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "It... might." Rory explains after making sure all of these details are filed away. Rolan's on that one though, thankfully!

    "... Earth faces much more environmental devastation than just radioactive contamination though, unfortunately... the soil is definitely contaminated. But most wildlife and plant life was also wiped out, the ice caps have long since melted, countless nanoswarms of all sorts roam the air and land... and on top of this nothing can get through the planetary defenses in orbit. I'm sure that's only the start of the troubles. But any progress is good progress!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Wait nanobot swarms like ... grey goo?"

She looks actually spooked at this point.

"Man if a lot of the anti cyberization people found out about your world and what happrned to that earth it would just be fuel for the fire the argument. So it's just one bit but it's hope right maybe your earth cna be cleaned out and reclaimed."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Yes and no. If it was a full 'grey goo' situation then the surface of Earth would be in much worse condition. But yes. Nanite swarms capable of ripping apart anything in their path... they're TITAN technology. nanites able to make more nanites at that kind of speed and scale isn't within the reach of current technology! .... And anything able to make nanites has heay protections against that from happening." Rory quickly explains... then nods, smiling. "... It is where my sister was born. I'd like to see it restored! I've never seen it how it once was except in the Multiverse and vids!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks honestly shared and then notes

"This sounds like the technolgocial cousin of the Filth I and ... others have been trying to combat. Look I have seen things I thought impossible so in time I think something can be done if your world's willing to take outside help. AS for that? Your welcome to come visit my earth. I know Japan and the west coast norhtenr, North America best and wait sister?! You never told me about that'll I'd love to know more sometime..."