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Latest revision as of 04:56, 23 January 2015

Checkup at Maxine's
Date of Scene: 22 January 2015
Location: Maine-2031
Synopsis: Fer checks in on the good doctor and gives her a rundown of how she's doing.
Cast of Characters: 279, 516

Ferham (516) has posed:
     It had been a few days since Ferham had seen Maxine about her little accent glitch, and in the meantime she'd taken Annie out shopping as a favor. Now it appears the fembot has returned for a bit of a return visit, apparently keeping in touch with the roboticist. There would be a hail to Maxine's outside vidphone, though the matronly scientista would perhaps have an interesting surprise in store for her when she finally got to the screen. It's Ferham... but, she might be just a tad hard to recognize first, thanks to what looks like a blonde dye job, eyelash extensions, some turqoise eye shadow and what looks like pink lipstick over pouty bee-stung lips. Light glitters off a wide diamond chip choker necklace affixed to her neck.

     "Oh hi there! is it okay if I come in? I just came for a visit," is... the voice a little higher than Fer's normal speaking voice? it seems so.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
It takes Maxine a moment to reach her videophone, she's just got home from work. There's clearly a bit of surprise as she reaches it as she sees Ferham? She removes and adjusts her glasses a bit not quite believing what she's singing. Maybe she's went overboard when trying to fix the voice chip, she was just trying to stablilize her personality a bit not completely transform her.

Knowing the reploid was waiting for a response she quickly unlocks the door, "Come inside, I see you've decided to go for a new look today." The scientist didn't look much different from the last time they met, except perhaps a bit more tired.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Thanks!" and there is the sound of clicking as Ferham waltzes in. She's wearing a red dress, with what looks like dark pantyhose over her legs and feet perched in a pair of pink 6-inch stiletto heels, click-clacking as she strides in. She's also got a slender strapped tiny leather purse over one arm. This is a bit different from the armored fembot Maxine had likely remembered. Her hips swayed as she walked, and her gait and hand movements seemed dainty, demure.

     "Do ya like it? Me and Annie went shopping the other day, because I thought it'd be fun for her, I was surprised to learn she didn't start sentient!" yes, that valley girl-esque accent seemed to persist. Maybe it was a kind of permutation thanks to her glitch and the work that had been done before?

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I'm a bit surprised. I'm glad you had a chance to meet Annie." Maxine sounds sincere was she says that. "Are you having any difficulty since the repairwork?" She's starting to think her tweaking might have caused further problems. Still Ferham doesn't seem to be complaining about it, maybe she's just being overly worried.

"No, I didn't intent her originally to become sentient. Someone else reprogrammed her and it went from there. I certainly don't mind though." She smiles as says that.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham smiled and moved to put her purse down and get the door closed behind her, quite a bit polite, before turning to face Maxine and answer her. "Difficulties...? hmm, don't think so, what sort of difficulties do you mean?" hrm, is she even ditzier than she was before she left, somehow? Maybe there was /too much/ tweaking, though the full extant still remained to be seen.

     "Ohh, I see. Yeah she said she wasn't to start out... so someone upgraded her AI, then? You can't make sentient AI on your own?" those long dark lashes of hers batted lightly, peering curiously at Maxine. "As for me, I've been great, I even got a part-time job," she smiled sunnily.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I can but there are legal restrictions. The government doesn't want AI's to be created with too much self-awareness." Maxine begins to explain. "I mean Annie's existance is at least bending the rules, but it would be unethical to reprogam her back to being non-sentient. I'm not sure if it's even possible at this point." There's likely more to than even she can understand.

"A part-time job? Where are you employed." That as her curiousity and concern. It might not to hurt to keep an eye on Ferham to see if her personality causes any issues.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Indeed, I wouldn't be very happy if something like that happened to her, either," Ferham nodded, apparently she can understand matters of importance just fine, so there's that. Fer looked around for someplace to sit, next--crossing her legs as she did so. "Oh! I was walking by an office on the way home in Urbania and a man stopped to ask me if I wanted a job at a modeling agency! so I took it," she nodded, taking her purse over to go through it and bring out what looked like a folded piece of magazine paper.

     "Here," she held it out. It was an advertisement featuring Fer, wearing what looked like a leopard print teddy with what looked like attached garter straps for stockings. Would appear she'd gotten a job modeling... lingerie? Wuh oh.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine turns visibly red as her hair as she sees the advertisement. Sure, she's seen lingerie ads before but the fact Ferham is acting like this after her adjustment is clearly making her uneasy. "Did you enjoy it?" She stutters a bit as she says that. "And feel free to sit where you like." She notices she's just standing there.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Thanks! and I had a lot of fun! it pays, course," Ferham found herself a seat and pushed her purse back around her arm, crossing her legs. Yep, the model in the advertisement is her, leopard print teddy, garter suspender straps, fishnets, thong, heels. She's grinning sunnily in the pic too, as if she's having a lot of fun. "The photographers are really nice, I don't even think they know I'm a Reploid, either," she smiles a bit and winks, leaning back against the chair. "Are you okay? you look a little bothered," she tilts her head, peering at the motherly scientist. "Was that too much information, or whatever?"

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I'm glad to hear it pays decently at least and that you enjoyed it. That kind of work certainly isn't for everyone." Maxine certainly couldn't picture herself as a lingerie model, for more than one reason. "I'm just a bit surprised that's all. I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" She certainly could use something, as she's still a little red.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh no, it isn't," Ferham shook her head, smiling. "Pays alright for how little work it is, all I gotta do is put things on and pose somewhere," she nods, smiling as she was offered a drink. It must have made her felt familiar, more at ease. "It's not too odd, is it? and sure, I'd like that, hmm... twisted tea, or something? Or maybe coffee?" she shrugs a little, dangling one of those pink stiletto pumps as she sits with her legs crossed daintily. She seemed happy enough, so there was that.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine makes her way into the kitchen fixing some coffee for Ferham and getting herself a strawberry soda. "Even if I were interested in that line of work, I'm a bit too old." She hasn't heard of too many 40 year old lingerie models. "That and I rather stay out of the spotlight." Likely why she's a scientist and not a businesswoman or anything. She returns offering the coffee to Ferham.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ahh, thank you," Ferham smiled and sipped lightly at the coffee, likely being mindful of the temperature. Also probably didn't want to muss her lipstick either. "Hmm, I can see that. But you never know, maybe they need a mother-type model?" Ferham shrugs, apparently letting the matter lie for the moment, brushing her long blonde hair back with a hand, absentmindedly. "So, how have things been at fundroids lately?" course, Fer hadn't even talked about her old job since Maxine worked on her, likely not a coincidence there.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine tries to hide her embarrasment as Ferham says that, "I don't think I have the right type kind of body. I'm kind of short." From what she's seen most models are fairly tall. "Things have calmed down now that the holidays are over. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend more time with Annie." She hasn't been around as much as she likes.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It's okay, you can just put on some heels, they help a lot with height," not that Ferham had any problem with that to begin with. She was already six-feet tall, /before/ the 6-inchers she was wearing. She lifts a foot daintily to show hers off to Maxine. "Oh that's great, I'm glad someone is able to take care of her like that, she said she was alone at times, and just had her Pokemon," she nodded a little glumly. "I guess your job keeps you away from home a lot?"

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I don't think I would be tall enough even with those heels. Not to mention trying to stay balanced." Maxine doesn't seem too disappointed about not being a model. "Yes, she was staying with someone else before I was made aware of what happened with her. Yes, I have a lot of responsibilities at work. She comes with me there sometimes." She nods as she takes a sip from her soda.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Mm, are you sure? it's pretty easy," Ferham rose from her seat, and stood up and made a lap around the room for Maxine in those procatively tall stiletto heels, effortlessly at that, as if to show her how easy it was for her, but the display was might make some women jealous, just a bit. "Ahhh, they just take a bit of practice, is all," she sat herself back down, taking her coffee back up again. "Ahh, that's good, I think about her. She's so young, physically and mentally, I haven't known many AIs like that before," she shook her head a little.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I'm sure you don't have to worry about balance. That and it's likely a lot less painful if you fall. I don't have anything protecting me." Maxine points out she's pretty squishy. "Though I have to admit I'm a bit envious. I wish I was more durable." She feels like somewhat of a liability physically. "Well, aren't most reploids designed for combat or civilian work?" She doubts there would be many reploids that were young mentally.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Many are developed for industrial or civilian use, yes," Ferham nodded, sounding a bit more like herself just then, before smiling again. "Nothing really protecting me either, really, hon," she grinned a little, sipping her coffee. Well this had been an interesting development, at least one could call it that. With Ferham seemingly enjoying this new state too, it might not even make Maxine feel like having a crisis of conscience, either. "There are some juvenile models, but I didn't run into many back where I came from," she shook her head a little. Hmm.. would memories of such stirr up others in her?

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"That's what I thought. Well, you're still more durable than a human though right?" Maxine would hope so. "I mean I do have some power armor but it's not practical for me to wear it a lot." It's likely to draw unwanted attention if she wore it on this world. "How accepting of reploids are humans where you're from?" She can't help but to be curious about that now.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh, well, we don't have the same rights as humans back there, so kind of like other places... but I have the same rights as other people back in the confederacy and some other places..." she blinks and nods. "Yes, I am, my skeleton is reinforced lightweight titanium, obviously I don't tell many people that, especially when I'm out around lots of humans, but..." she shrugs, sipping her coffee, tossing a bit more of it back. "Ohh, you have armor to keep you and your AI safe, huh? that's good!" she seemed pleased by that.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I take it you don't see me as a threat then." Maxine's with the Union. Then again Ferham could likely hurl her through a window without too much difficulty. "Yes, I rather not fight but I do realize it's unavoidable at times." She knows that not everyone will listen to reason. "I do think humans and AI should have the same rights, but I'm not a politician so I don't think I can convince many people directly." She knows her influence is limtied.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Of course not, why would I wanna do that?" Ferham even laughed a little as if this was amusing, shaking her head. "I don't attack people just because they don't work for my organization, that's kind of psycho... or malfunctioning type behavior," Ferham apparently had no intention of doing such. "Besides, you tried to help me, I appreciate that," she nodded. "Yes, just one person can't change that much, on their own," she sighs. "I wish all humans and AI could be friends, potentially, but some just don't think of synthetics that way..."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, we're with opposite factions." Maxine's quick to point out, "There's only so much I can to help though without creating a conflict of interest. I can't agree with what the Confederacy is doing but, I won't kill anyone simply for being a member of it." Of course it's pretty unlikely she would kill anyone to begin with.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well just to let you know I'm not going to do anything to you while I'm here, alright?" Ferham got up from the seat she was on, moving over to Maxine to give her a hug and stepped back. "Well, it's been a good visit, we should talk more later, alright?" she nodded, taking her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. "I'll come back soon, hopefully I'll have a full catalogue filled out by then," she smiled and waved to Maxine before heading toward the door...