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Latest revision as of 07:04, 27 January 2015

Have you seen my Master
Date of Scene: 27 January 2015
Location: Pine Core
Synopsis: Tomoe is out just to clear her head in the Pine Core, but she then runs into an Archer in Lincoln Green, whom has lost his Master.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 690

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe sometimes needed to get away from things, she often needed to think about what she was, or what she was doing in the Multivese. There were actual Saints, Knights of the Round Table and more running about? She she's just a derpy exchange student bystander when you cut away her avatar but right now she's more at home as that Avatar asn looking for all the world like some kind of ight the Alf moves foeward along path in the forest at a fairly sedate pace she just seems to be taking her time and isn't too bothered by the chill in the air.

Archer (690) has posed:
Archer, on the other hand, was very much on the job for his little forest adventure - or, at least as on the job as a semi-Masterless servant could be. Without any clue where his Master was, he had just kept walking and walking, looking for any sign of someone who could help him out with his search. Internally, he chided himself for going off into this forest. Sure, it's the terrain he's used to. And sure, it's nice out... but hell if he'd seen anyone else around here.

Or... wait. Who's that? The Heroic Spirit in green squinted as he saw Tomoe off in the distance. Hell, even if she didn't know where his Master was, it'd be nice to just have someone to talk to after spending so much time wandering in the forest. He quickened his pace, making his way over to her.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is heading own the path she's clearly a knight or something akint o it from the look to be sure, and the crosses on he armour may hit to her affiliation either way she seems to be not aware she's being wtched as she contiunes down the path she's clearly not lookin for a fight even if she clearly armed with a sword across her back. She seems more interested in the forest itself.

Archer (690) has posed:
Archer rests a hand on his hip, playing it casual. "Hey, you!" he calls out, "Goin' on a hike, I take it? 'Course, most hikers don't gear themselves up for a fight, so I could be wrong."

He starts towards her, smiling in an easygoing fashion. "See, I'm new in the area myself, so I guess you could say I'm goin' on some kinda expedition." He flashes her a grin. "The name's Archer. Hi."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe halts and looks at archer.

"The world's a dangerous pace it's often foolish to go out into it unarmed I found to be perfectly honest I admit. I see so just pssing through or looking for your fellows I'm Tomoe the Iron Lily."

There is however a look on her face that she seems to know the term Archer.

Archer (690) has posed:
He grins again. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Tomoe. Mind if I call you Lily? No? Well, anyways."

"The person I'm looking for is my Master - that's to say, the magus that summoned me into existence. Normally," he continued, "I'd end up right next to them, but for whatever reason, I ended up in some goddamn field somewhere. Nobody else in sight." He smirks. "As you can imagine - well, I can't do my job if I don't know where my Master is."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks to Archer and nods to him for a moment

"Yes I get that part so if your looking for your Master and he summoned you. That would mean possibloity hummm. Are you involved in a grail war?" She looks to Archer with a good deal of intrest curious about his response.

"I'm afraid I haven't run into anyone before you, Archer."

Archer (690) has posed:
Archer scratches the back of his neck. "Welllll.... there's the thing," he says, "I have no idea. I might be? Dunno why the hell else someone would be able to summon a Servant, if they weren't in a Grail War."

He shrugs. "Really, I got no idea. It beats me, so I'm trying to find out where my Master is, and at the very least get some answers."

"But until then..." He sighs. "Well, don't worry about it. Nobody else I've talked to has seen a Master around, either."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "I see I get that part but wait do you even know your Master's name this is pretty odd from what I'm aware of the grail and Servants." Odd that this elf? of a woman knows but hey strange world and all right?

"Do you know your masters name or what he looks like I might be able to help you find them. If you like and we should move on rather than hanging about here..."

Archer (690) has posed:
Archer rubs his forehead, trying to concentrate. "...Nope, nope, aaaand nope. No idea." He shakes his head. "I don't got any idea who my Master is, what they look like... whoever it is, it's a blank."

He scowled to himself. "Freakin'... just my luck, eh? Oh, well." He nodded to her and continued. "Yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to go find somewhere with a lot of people. Just ask everyone I run into."