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Latest revision as of 13:09, 28 January 2015

Purging the Taint
Date of Scene: 27 January 2015
Location: Earth-1111
Synopsis: Nasa comes to Beli to finally rid herself of the demonic influence plaguing her for so long.
Cast of Characters: 238, 367

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Journeying to Purgatorio is a strange thing. The only entrance is a lake in the middle of a particular forest where the blue clouds of Paradiso and the red clouds of Inferno don't hang in the sky. One of the few places in the world, really. The lake is unmistakable when it's seen, however, for it gives off an air both holy and unholy, no doubt contributing to the abnormal lack of any wildlife in the area. Nasa would then have to step into the lake herself, until she's entirely submerged.

    The world around her fades, and for a moment, there's a strange sense of displacement. Then everything changes.

    Nasa then finds herself perfectly dry on the beach of a gigantic mountain separated into seven layers, each level connected by a stairway carved into the steep mountain's face all the way up to the flat plateau at the top. The sky is locked in an ever-present twilight, with a black sun on the daylight eastern horizon and a white moon in the western night. Thousands of spirits linger around the mountain in vaguely human forms, loitering around the beach, climbing the stairs, lingering on the various levels of Purgatorio's long, long climb. It's quiet, save for the lapping of waves on the shore and the gentle sea breeze. Not a single other island is anywhere in sight on the horizon.

    Beli, meanwhile, stands waiting at the beach a few feet in front of where Nasa should appear, her wings and halos hidden for now. She looks almost normal like this, and she rocks back and forth on her heels with her arms folded behind her back. Waiting, thinking.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Walking into a lake was not the strangest thing Nasa has done in the past few days while wandering the fae forest, so when the directions told her to do such... she quite happily did, stepping into the lake silently. Really, stepping into the water was a relief, as the lack of wildlife reminded her far too much of her own personal faerie forest.

     Once in the beach of the mountain, Nasa looked around curiously, her eyes shifting over each detail quietly, taking it in as fast as she could on a reflex. She takes a soft breath, scenting the air. On some level, being in a place like that was ... uncomfortable. She was completely out of her element and in a strange place, but also she knew that Beli was there. Her ear turned towards Beli before her gaze finally did.

     Nasa quietly made her way over towards Beli, her wings fluttering to help her hover just about an inch above the beach. A part of her was terrified of letting go of the taint. What if she would get weaker, what if she would lose all of her powers? But it was necessary. She really believed it was. She dips her head into a bow towards Beli, dropping to the ground as she did. "Nasa greets, Beli-person." She murmurs, her head straightening as she looks up, attempting to meet Beli's eyes with a small smile. "Appreciates you to being willing to help."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli offers a soft, warm smile when she sees Nasa arrive and stops her idle rocking. The rephaite is so much taller than her guest; she decides it might be a good idea to kneel for now to be at a closer level to Nasa for the moment, and so she lowers herself to the sand, on her knees with her hands in her lap. "Hello, Nasa," she greets in her soft voice, each syllable backed by the gentle ringing of small bells and the dull rumbling of a dormant volcano. "I am certainly willing to help. It is...something I can sympathize with, really. And if I can do more to benefit my allies, then that is even better."

    A glance is given to the spirits nearby. The ghostly forms seem to be gravitating away from the pair for now, though, and Beli rises to her feet once again. Her wings extend from her back, spreading out to either side in their broad darkness, and her halos manifest behind her head. Both are suddenly tinged with blue as she shifts to her angelic presence: a cyan sheen over each black feather, and a burning blue flame in the center of each halo.

    Beli's expression grows a little more serious, then, as she looks down at Nasa. "So you are certain about this, then? It should not harm you to go through with this, judging by my experiences in the past, but...it will not be pleasant. I should do it all at once, I think, just to make sure it does not fight it and try to come back." Concern flits over her expression. "You will be different afterward, too. I do not know the extent of the taint you want to remove, but you may need time to adjust after it is done. You might even be unable to do several things you have been able to, depending on how it works."

    Her right hand lifts, then, hovering over Nasa. Gently, but firmly, Beli continues. "With all that in mind, are you certain you want to do this, Nasa?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Yes, Nasa was a shorty, though when Beli knelt, she was given somewhat of a quizzical look from Nasa. Nasa was used to being shorter than people, really, so her kneeling down was ... different! She didn't seem to mind it too much. Nasa gives a small smile, restraining herself slightly to avoid giving a toothy grin, unsure how the residents of the area might react. "Is part of why Nasa does want to get purified... so that can to benefit allies better. Does feel like needs to cleanse self, to get rid of all darkness that does to make Nasa so tempted by bad things, yes." Nasa murmurs softly.

     As the forms moved away, Nasa's ears somewhat reflexively tilted in their directions. As always, she was almost... on edge, like she expected to be attacked at any time. A side-effect of the taint, Drow treachery and suspiciousness, expecting the former and subject to the latter. And why the Drow rarely ended up closer than allies. Nasa tilts her gaze along Beli's form as the halos manifest, noting the change as they tinge cyan. It was fascinating in a way.

     The question of certainty is given an immediate, resolute nod. "Yes. Is certain. If... if is different, then is sure is good way, if is to being without the taint. If loses powers, then... is still to being better, because power granted by that darkness is to being bad." Nasa says with another firm nod. "Drow were to being tainted by a demon lord that did to breed with them. Power from him is power that does to taint."

     Nasa tilts her gaze up towards that hand that was hovering over Nasa, her purple-edged eyes glowing faintly as she looks up at the hand. "...Is it to going to be bright? Should Nasa to close her eyes?" She asks quietly.

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli's smile turns a little sympathetic, almost sad, when Nasa talks about temptation. "...I know what you mean," she replies softly, before she rises to her feet again.

    Nasa's determination is admirable, certainly, though Beli can't help feeling a certain sadness from it. Is she not at least half demonic herself, with powers spawned from selfishness, corruption, and hatred? She's certainly dealt with the temptation to use them for those purposes herself, more than once...but she's managed to resist, so far. Ever since joining the Union, at least.

    "I understand," Beli replies, nodding gently. "And...it should not be too bright. But close your eyes, just in case...and brace yourself, as well. If you feel I need to stop, or if it feels like it stops hurting, tell me and I will take it away."

    As soon as Nasa's ready, Beli begins. Cyan flames flow down from her hand like burning water and wash over Nasa's form to pool on the ground beneath her. The flame itself holds a comforting warmth, but only to any part of Nasa that does not have an embedded demonic taint. As the flame's heat seeps through her body, it reacts to the presence of any unholy power, scorching it away with an intense burning sensation. Nasa isn't physically burned by the fire unless any physical traits are brought on by that demonic presence, but the feeling of that holy cleansing is impossible to ignore.

    As much as it hurts, however, Beli continues pouring the seraphic fire over Nasa's form. At least only the initial purging would be the worst: as the demonic taint is scoured away, the fire's gentler effects start to become more apparent. As much as it blazes against the unholy, it is soothing anything lacking a demonic presence, caressing and comforting with the gentle warmth of a loving embrace that pushes away the lingering traces of pain that come from that cleansing.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa shifts her gaze towards Beli for a few moments, her ears shifting a bit, perking up now and then, before beginning to fold down slightly as she listens to Beli. Not in an upset manner, but she was definitely a little nervous, even with all her determination. No matter how she acted, Nasa was still a relatively young drowess, and the unknown was still more than a bit scary for her.

     Nasa gives a slow nod when she says it shouldn't be too bright, her eyes beginning to slide closed as she begins to brace herself, breathing slowly as she began to work her way through some of her teachings to keep herself calm. As the fire began to wash over Nasa, at first she began to panic, to press her magical resistances out, possibly hindering it... but then she quickly began to force herself to pull it back, to suppress the magical resistance and attempt to accept it.

     It burned. Nasa had been fairly thoroughly tainted during her time as a lolthian priestess, and she had never gotten properly cleansed of that taint, not to mention she was something like 1/16th demoness. Her demonic blood felt almost like it was boiling away, and she was beginning to change gradually, as some of the 'curse' began to lift. Her skin grew lighter, and though it was not visible, the red in her eyes began to recede, leaving only purple.

     Though Nasa had put up a strong front, she was also scared, her eyes closing a little tighter as a couple of tears flow down her cheeks. The thought that, perhaps, on some level, she may just burn away played through her mind. But ... as the taint began to burn out of her, she began to feel less and less unpleasant. Soothed and contently warm. Nasa's eyes slowly opened as the pain began to fade, looking silently up towards Beli with her purple eyes. Things did feel different. Her mind felt clearer. Her thoughts less nervous and expecting to see enemies in everything. Even the light seemed less intense.

     As the pain finally flushes fully out of Nasa's system, she takes a slow breath, murmuring quietly, "...It does naut hurt anymore." As she spoke, her voice sounded almost more musical, less harsh and rough, closer to the beautiful voices that fae are told to have.

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli keeps her gaze fixed on Nasa for the entire time the cleansing happens. A slight frown settles on her features as she feels Nasa resisting, but she keeps going; even as she begins to notice tears forming and rolling down the fae's cheeks, she continues the downpour of seraphic fire. It's working, at least as far as she can tell. The vampire girls that were saved from D's world had to undergo something similar, so at least she has something to go on there. Not that it makes the pain any easier.

    As soon as Nasa tells her it's done, the cyan sheen over Beli's wings and the flames in her halos immediately flicker away, taking with them the remnants of her seraphic fire. She sinks back down to her knees to get a better view of Nasa, looking at the strange shift in eye color and the notable change to the fae's skin. Concern lingers on her features...but it seems like everything worked, just as she'd hoped.

    Carefully, so as not to startle her, Beli reaches out to wrap her arms around Nasa in a gentle, comforting embrace. She's brought close, if she allows it, and Beli's wings fold onto her back as she lets out a slow, relieved sigh. "...congratulations, Nasa," she murmurs softly. "That was very, very brave of you. How do you feel now...?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Luckily, Beli was someone who Nasa had trusted, otherwise she may have been more than just slightly resisting briefly! Nasa's gaze shifts a little bit, watching as the cyan flickers away. Nasa holds still as she was examined. Another change of note, was that the pattern of her wings is less... tattered. The designs were less like spiderweb and more like designs traced along them, forming what almost looked like small moons and stars here and there, with remnants of the spiderweb still seeming to hold them together-- though more like connections than anything caught.
     As Beli wraps her arms around Nasa, Nasa's wings fold down slightly, flattening against her back to avoid getting crumpled or anything of the sort. Where Beli would be met with awkwardness and hesitence before, instead Nasa lifted her arms to wrap them around Beli in return, her eyes half-lidding as she leans a little into the hug with a slow, content exhale. "...Is nice ... to feel a hug that does not leave fear that Nasa will find a dagger in her back." Nasa mumbles as her first response, her eyes opening to look towards Beli's face, watching her curiously.

     "... And... lighter, in a way... mind is clearer. Less full of hatred and anger and suspicion of everything." Nasa murmurs softly, her ears twitching slightly as they tilt towards various sounds. Her control over her emotions began to slip though. Emotions bottled and suppressed for years upon years all began to come tumbling out, and Nasa buries her face against Beli as she simply began to cry. All the 'weakness' she had hidden out of fear, all the joy she had suppressed because showing it meant someone could take it from her. It was overwhelming, wonderful, and terrible all at once. "...Appreciates you." She manages to get out in between sobs.

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli leans back enough to meet Nasa's gaze. The look in her eyes is soft, caring; there's a deep-seated kindness to her that comes more naturally than any other emotion, and now it colors every motion she makes and every looks she gives. She honestly cares, and she listens to Nasa's soft murmurs until the fae finally lets every emotion come tumbling out at once.

    The demonic angel doesn't disturb Nasa further. She lets Nasa lean into her, lifting a hand to gently run her slender fingers through the girl's hair. Her wings extend just slightly, enough to come around Nasa in a dark, comforting shield as she vents her fear and sadness. A soft, comforting hum rises from her chest, too, a gentle sound given strength by her demonic rumble and beauty from her ringing bells. She is otherwise silent, however, for she of all people knows what Nasa must feel, and she lets the fae vent every last bit of it that she needs.

    Only when Nasa seems to calm down does Beli shift, pulling back enough to look down at the girl and offer another warm, gentle smile, letting her hands come to rest on Nasa's shoulders. "I hope this is the start of things becoming much better for you, Nasa. You deserve better. I...know what it is like to be unable to trust, but maybe now you can." Her smile warms a little further. "And if you need somewhere to call home, somewhere safe, you can always come here. I will help you however I can, with whatever means I can."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa shifts slightly at the hand through her hair. A gesture that she was not entirely used to; the wings wrapping around her in that comforting shield... they were wholly alien things to her, but they were alien things she found that she did not mind at all. "...This... wants to share this. Wants to show drow that this that would to normally being called weakness isn't. That is better life than is down there..." Nasa mumbles softly as she's held close, listening to that demonic rumble of a hum.

     Nasa takes a small breath as she listens to Beli, watching her face as she pulls back and smiles, resting hands on her shoulders. Her ears perk slightly with a bit of curiosity at this gesture, and then Beli speaks. Nasa's lips spread into a smile, uncaring who saw her teeth now. She had gotten good at smiling without their sharpness being threatening anyway. "...Yes, Nasa thinks ... is going to get better." She pauses. Words that she deserves better were things she hadn't thought of before, but then she'd been barely aware of better. And the offer of home... Nasa's cheeks actually tinge a lighter shade of purple. "...Appreciates it. Does like the sound of that."

     Nasa takes a deep breath, looking up towards Beli's face and working on gathering herself. "Has been lost for a long time. Lost in self, lost in what wants to do. Focused on surviving. Is still a little lost, but this... does help." She gives a firm nod, her fingers shifting a bit. She could already tell some things were missing. Her spell-like abilities were gone, and some of the strength granted by her demonic blood. But it was a small loss compared to what she felt now.

     "Will do what can to help you, too." Nasa says with a firm nod. "...But then that was probably going to happening anyway, after what did to seeing the other day with beast-thing."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli's hands give Nasa's shoulders a gentle squeeze. The knowledge that she's helped someone so much is...certainly a relief to her. After all her efforts in the last several days, to have been able to be purely beneficial to someone, especially to such a degree, is a pleasant change.

    "I think you would do well with the girls that were saved from Castlevania," she remarks. "They were not able to return to their home after I cleansed their vampirism, since D was certain their families would not trust them. But they have been able to enjoy their time here, and they help encourage the spirits that are still making the climb up Purgatorio. I think they might appreciate someone like you."

    The rephaite gives a soft sigh, letting her hands fall to her lap again. Her smile fades, but only slightly. "It will take a while to find yourself. I know; I was...lost for decades, before I found my purpose. Everything was so confusing then, but...it has gotten better. I am still uncertain about the things I do, about /myself/, but...I have a cause to uphold, and people who rely on me. You will find your place in time. Or make one for yourself."

    A frown settles on her features, then, at the mention of Behemoth. "...that was...something that troubles me. I will appreciate any help you will be willing to give against Inferno and Paradiso, but do not put yourself at too much risk. You need some time to get used to your new situation, as well. You are different now; you would not want to jump into fighting without knowing what you are now capable of, would you?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     An ear tilts towards one of Beli's hands, as if she could hear something from it. It was partially curiosity, partially just reflex from the subtle noises of the action. Nasa absently tilted her head afterwards to rest a head on the hand, listening to Beli, possibly looking quizzical, though it was unintentional. "Ah, that ... does to sounding like is good they have a place for them here, yes. Nasa does know her family is kind of ... well, would to naut accept her anymore. Especially after what did just happen, so maybe is similar situation... though mirrored in way? Nasa's family would naut to accept her because she is naut monster." She wrinkles her nose slightly.

     "Is still confusing a lot for Nasa. So many things that is hearing that is contrary to what was taught growing up... is unsurprising, but... decades of teachings are hard to forget, yes." Nasa mumbles softly, rubbing at her cheek absently to brush away at some of the dampness. "Things like you did to doing when Nasa cried were to being unheard of down in Underdark." She shifts slightly, giving a little nod. "Has idea of what wants to do. Though will have to figure out how is going to do it. Does naut want revenge anymore." She murmurs thoughtfully, and then... mention of the behemoth.

     "A-ah... uhm... apologizes. Was fine, did have plan to take care of self, but did... well. Could hear their screams, did remind Nasa of the slave pits of Underdark when a slave did to make mistake. Would to not have let self be hurt too badly, but did get little too focused..." She takes a small breath, before giving a nod. "Yes, will to rest and get to knowing self again. Already can to feel that can nau longer use inherent spells." She murmurs, shifting her fingers again. "Will be careful. ...Though will also to naut stop searching for heart of forest, does want to find it as soon as possible, so that can to bring life back to it."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli sighs softly at the word of Nasa's home and family. "...living one's entire life in a certain way will make it difficult to even imagine that other ways could exist," she murmurs softly. "I did not think it was possible to find a place where others would not hate me for what I was, or think that I could not possibly do anything of worth. I was not willing to accept what the Multiverse showed me for quite some time, but...I have adjusted, since then, and have almost forgotten what things used to be like. At least enough to not think that they are true still."

    A gentle smile returns to her lips, and her hand lifts to give Nasa a gentle ruffle of her hair. "And what you did was extremely brave. You helped save them and make sure they would not suffer anymore. Now we just need to help the other thousands, right?" There's a light grin of good humor. The task ahead of her is daunting to Beli, incredibly so, but she manages to treat it with some levity now and then. "I would be very happy to have your help again. And I would gladly help you in your own efforts, Nasa, if there is anything I can do. I do not know if I can help with your search, but when the time comes...I will give my strength."

    Beli rises to her feet, then, straightening out her skirt briefly as her wings fold over her back again. "For now, though...I think we both might need some rest. There is a garden on Purgatorio's peak that I think you may enjoy settling into. I do not really have any beds or anything set up, but...if you do not mind the grass and flowers or the trees as your bed, then you would be very welcome to come up there."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "...Yes. Is very much like that. When first came to surface, was so scared too. Did to hear so many stories of how surfacers would to react to Nasa growing up. Probably to scare Drow children from wandering to surface..." Nasa shakes her head a bit. "Stories were to being partially true. But ... yes. Is glad that did come to Multiverse too. If was just in the wilds, would probably have to probably turned into monster to destroy monsters." Nasa mumbles, her tone a little saddened. Being in the multiverse had taught her a lot.

     "Yes! Just do to need to help the other thousands." Nasa says with a resolute nod, flashing a wide, toothy grin. It wasn't the most ridiculous thing Nasa wanted to do eventually, after all! As her hair is ruffled, Nasa's head moves a little from side to side loosely from the movement, her ears perking up a bit. "Would appreciate it! Does think has gotten as far as can alone, really... is good at getting through illusions, but having someone else there to say 'Hey this does to look familiar' is good at very least." She nods slightly.

     And then the offer of the garden, Nasa's wings almost immediately spread, getting ready to flutter and lift her up gracefully. "Does sound beautiful~. Also... did to survive alone in forest for long time. Grass and flowers does to sound like luxury bed compared to some of things has slept on or around!" Nasa says with a firm nod, giggling. Though sleeping in fallen trees was not entirely uncomfortable, it also wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world ever!