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Winter Nights In New York
Date of Scene: 27 January 2015
Location: New York City-2015
Synopsis: Brooklyn is on a nightly patrol when an unusual event catches his attention. How will he handle a princess in his hometown?
Cast of Characters: Sarracenia, 684

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    Night time in Manhattan. A snow storm has rolled through the city and snow covers the ground. The plows have been working overtime and the city is returning to normal despite the snow. The gargoyles do particularly like this time of year. More snow means less crime, which means more time to do things they like to do. Right now Brooklyn himself is actually perched on a rooftop with his phone in his talons. Lexington designed these things to be able to withstand gargoyle talons, and he seems to be playing a video game while listening to the (by New York standards), quiet night. The cold doesn't seem to bother him much, because he hasn't bundled up or anything.

    Despite his gameplay, he is trying to keep his ears open for anything out of the ordinary. Muggings do still happen, particularly on this stretch of road. He stopped one here just the night before as the snow started to fall, and he wonders if those crooks would be dumb enough to try it again. Best way to prevent it is to be ready.

Sarracenia has posed:
     As he plays his game, Brooklyn's sharp ears might pick up a shrill shriek of 'Hey! My purse!!' Probably not an uncommon cry in this city.

     What follows after, though, might be unusual. Just after enough time for the offender to yank the purse and run, there is what sounds like an explosion down below, followed soon after by another and another. If the man is still running, he is likely fleeing for his life by now!

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    'Hey my purse!' is a standard cry for help in this town and it always prompts Brooklyn into action. He jumps up onto the edge of the roof and that's when the first explosion happens. Explosions are not a normal thing...Well not as normal as purse snatchers at least.

    He folds his wings up and dives off of the roof, trying to get down there where the explosions are coming from. Something like that is a major issue, explosions in his city are not something to be ignored.

Sarracenia has posed:
     When Brooklyn gets down to ground level on the correct street, he would see...probably the strangest sight this town has ever seen. Or at least up there. The criminal in his black ski mask is running as fast as he can down the road, through alleys, across parking lots, trying to get away. And behind him is...a woman. Carrying a hammer as big as she is. She is wearing a long dress, but that doesn't seem to be slowing her down, and she is wearing a thick, fur-trimmed jacket for warmth in the winter weather. And, there appears to be a crown on her head.

     As she chases the frantically fleeing criminal, she swings her hammer. Each time is a miss, but each time it hits the ground it creates a crater several feet wide. "GET BACK HERE, YOU BARBARIAN! THAT PURSE IS MINE! IF YOU DON'T GIVE IT BACK, I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU!" Needless to say, the criminal is not going to stop, but he is either to frantic or too intent on the payoff from stealing from someone with a crown to just drop the purse.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    At the rate this is going, Brooklyn might need to save the robber himself instead of the person being robbed. The gargoyle swoops down over the scene, peering at the hammer wielding woman for a moment, before he dives at the thief. The idea is to grab the guy in his talons and haul him up into the air, away from the crazy woman, as well as getting the purse back. Plus if he saves this guy's life, well that's a bonus. Maybe this'll teach him to stop robbing people.

    Brooklyn will deposit the man on a rooftop nearby and then swoop back down, purse in hand, to try to calm the woman before she does any more damage.

Sarracenia has posed:
     When Brooklyn swoops down, the woman's eyes widen. When the man is carried off, she screams out, "HEY! BRING HIM BACK! I HAVEN'T HAMMERED HIM YET!!" She disappears from sight as Brooklyn flies up to the rooftop, still yelling after the gargoyle.

     When he starts back down, he might be surprised to see that the woman is flying upward at him! And she has apparently changed her clothes. She is now in a full body animal suit. If Brooklyn has seen a raccoon, it looks much like that. Pointed ears, striped tail, brown fur, except her face is where the raccoon's face would be. And she still seems pretty angry.

     When she gets in range of Brooklyn, she would call out. "Hey! My purse! Give it back or get smashed!"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    "Whoa whoa, easy!" Brooklyn calls out, as he holds the purse out in one of his hands, "I was trying to get it back from this guy. It's your's, trust me, I don't want it." That's probably going to get interpreted incorrectly, but he doesn't think about it as he says it.

    "Listen you can't just go around smashing guys. Yeah that dude probably deserves to get punched in the face a few times, but that hammer of your's might have killed him." Brooklyn is still pretty concerned about anybody getting killed in his town, particularly from someone who he suspects is from somewhere in the Multiverse.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The woman looks like she is about to say something about him not wanting her purse, but his second sentence brings her to a stop. "...but...none of the other people I smash die." she says. Once she stops moving forward though...she just starts to plummet. "Aaaaah!"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    People usually die when you hit them with a hammer, or so Brooklyn would think. He'd probably say something to that effect, but he never gets the chance. She starts falling, and Brooklyn dives down after her.

    What is it with people in his world and falling off of buildings? The red gargoyle swoops down under her to try to grab her before she can turn herself into street pizza, "Don't worry, I gotcha!" He calls out, as he tries to grab her in his arms and bring her back to a solid surface, probably a nearby rooftop.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The woman is caught easily by the gargoyle, and quickly wraps an arm around his neck as he carriers her. Once they are safely on the rooftop, she looks up at him, still in his arms. "Hey...you saved me." she says, her eyes gaining a particular sparkle as a light blush tints her cheeks. She wraps both arms around Brooklyn's neck, then giggles. "Well, I guess I can't be choosey about who my hero is." she says, a dreamy look on her face. Until, she remembers he also saved the criminal. She blinks, then hmphs and hops out of his arms. "Hey! You saved that criminal, too!" she says, resting her hammer over her shoulder and crossing her arms over her chest. "Are you a good guy or a bad guy?"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    He blinks a few times at her reaction, and then she hops out of his arms, "Well, I didn't understand the situation that was going on at the time." Brooklyn says, responding to her comment about saving the criminal, "And I'd like to think I'm a good guy. My job is to protect this city, and I'd say I do it pretty well." He glances back at the roof where he left the crook, "Besides, I think that guy learned his lesson. Or at least he will learn it if he figures out how to get down from that roof."

    He turns to look back at her, "So what brings you to town, anyway? Especialy this late at night.." Taking in her look, and ignoring the hammer for a second, "Trying to find a show on Broadway?"

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia looks Brooklyn over as he speaks, then hmphs softly. "Broadway? What's that?" she asks, then smirks lightly. "No, I came here because I heard that this city has wonderful shops which are open at all hours. So, I was going to do some shopping. But, that hooligan stole my purse before I made it to my first shop!" She huffs in annoyance, then hmms.

     "You...what are you? You do not look human. Are you some sort of magical guardian?" the woman asks. The tail of her suit flicks lightly, then continues to sway and twitch as if it has a mind of its own, much like a cat's tail. Which is interesting, considering she did not wear this outfit into the city.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    "Not magical...But I am a gargoyle. My name is Brooklyn." He hrms, "So what's with the getup? That wasn't what you were wearing when I saw that guy getting chased by you...And it lets you fly?" He asks, "I mean otherwise you couldn't have gotten up here to begin with, right?" He asks, "Uh right, Broadway is a place where they have lots of theaters that put on shows and such. Most folks get dressed up for them."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia seems confused by the question about her costume. "What do you mean? There was no other way to fly after you, and I didn't know a monstrous creature like you would actually come back and give my purse back." she says. She doesn't sound like she thinks him creepy or disgusting or scary, just like she is stating a fact. He is what most people would consider a monster. "So, yes. This outfit allows me to fly. It is called a Tanuki suit. In my world, there are many such items that bestow powers on the person who uses them."

     She considers a moment, then reaches into her purse and ruffles around a bit before pulling out...a fire flower! It is a cute little flower with eyes in the center of its steadily color-shifting petals. Those petals shift between colors of a typical fire: red, orange, and yellow. "Here, catch!" She throws it at Brooklyn. If he catches it, it would disappear in a burst of sparkles which would settle on his body before changing his clothing's color-scheme to match the three colors of the petals with white accents.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    Catching the fireflower, Brooklyn is surprised when it suddenly vanishes, and his gear changes colors, taking on the reds and oranges and whites of the flower. He's a bit shocked, "Whoa...That was kinda weird.." He says, as he looks at his gear, "But still cool...What did that do?"

    "I feel kinda funny..But not in a bad way." He says, as he holds out one of his talons. He definitely feels more powerful already, "So your world has this kinda stuff and people can just get a hold of it whenever they want?"

Sarracenia has posed:
     After a moment Brooklyn would realize he knows what the flower did. It gave him the power to cast fireballs simply by thrusting his hand forward! And he also knows that the fireball will bounce off of inanimate objects until it hits an animate one or gets about 50 feet from him. In either case, it explodes in a burst of fiery destruction.

     "Yep. My kingdom actually manufactures such items and ships them out to whoever wishes to purchase them. The only weakness is that if you are hit too hard, the item will pop. So, if you are a good fighter, the item can last a long time. If you are not...you might only get a few shots out of it. The same is true for the outfit I am wearing."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Awesome." Brooklyn says, as he tosses a fireball up into the air, so he won't hit anything or anyone, and the explosion won't do any real damage, "I might have to see about ordering some of these...This is really cool.." He says, as he tests it by firing a second one.

"I didn't get your name though, sorry. It was rude of me to try to talk business without even finding out who I'd be buying these from.."

Sarracenia has posed:
     The fireball tossed up into the air goes up several feet, then falls back toward Brooklyn. As does the second. But both are hit by the woman's hammer before the impact. "Be careful with those!" she says, giggling. "You are supposed to fire them horizontally. They are affected by gravity, but they just keep bouncing until they hit something." Speaking of hitting, the two fireballs went flying off into the distance where they exploded harmlessly above a building. "They only bounce a couple of feet up even if you dropped one from the top of this building. It is rather curious. But, they are quite dangerous."

     Sarracenia blinks as Brooklyn mentions that they haven't been introduced. "Oh! You are right! You have not been honored with my name yet!" She gives a cute twirl, which is probably cuter when she is in her dress, then gives a wink as she ends up with one hand on her hip and the other held out as if expecting a kiss on it. "I am Princess Sarracenia Sundew, Crowned Princess of the Sundew Kingdom." She giggles just a bit, then smiles. "And you are?"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"My name's Brooklyn." He replies, as he makes sure to not shoot off any more fireballs, "I'll make sure to be careful with it when I do launch any more...Does it have any kind of time limit on it or anything?" He asks, as he moves towards the edge of the building for a moment, "Also while I'm thinking about it, if you do want to go shopping, I'd recommend you change back to your other outfit. Don't take this the wrong way, but people would look at you kinda weird in that getup...They'd look a lot weirder at me, though. If they didn't just run away."

Sarracenia has posed:
     "Brooklyn? Is that not a section of this town?" the princess asks, then looks at her outfit before at Brooklyn's. "They have no time-limit, but if you get tired of it for some reason you can consciously remove it. Just hold out your hand and imagine your powers going back to their item form, and it will happen." she says. She holds out her hand to demonstrate. The outfit she is wearing shimmers, then disappears and in her hand forms a small item that looks like a mix between a bear and a raccoon. "And, there you go. You can reuse the item so long as it is not destroyed in battle or by being replaced by another item."

     She looks over the edge of the building, then at Brooklyn. "Do you know any good shops in this town? Clothing or costume shops?"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Yeah it's part of the town too." He responds, as he nods. He opts to not get rid of it yet, but might just hold onto it for now, "Well I'm not much for shopping...But you would be thinking of 5th Avenue, if you want clothes shops. Nothing but the most expensive clothes and accessories in the city there."

He grins a little bit, "As far as costume shops, there's a couple in the northern part of town that are open all year, but a lot of places only open up for Halloween."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia nods at Brooklyn's suggestions, then headtilts. "So...people run from you? Why? You are not scary. Actually, you are a bit goofy looking. Are the people of this world easily scared?" she says, smiling. Apparently she doesn't think he should be insulted by being called goofy looking. "How do you do your shopping if people are scared of you? Are they just repulsed, or do they actually flee?" she asks as she slips that tanuki item back into her purse. Then...she slips that gigantic hammer into her purse. And the purse doesn't stretch or rip or show any signs of distress.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Most people tend to scream monster and run away. Or throw stuff at us, I suppose." He says, watching as she slips that thing into her purse, "You know if you had stuff like that flower and that in the purse, I can see why you didn't want someone to get away with it."

He chuckles a bit, "We have some friends who can still go shopping for us. Plus with the Multiverse now, we've got ways to get out and get supplies."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia hmphs, crossing her arms over her chest. "These people are really sheltered if you are scary to them. I guess none of the really scary things of the Multiverse have made it here." she says. At the comment about her purse, she nods. "Exactly. And just think how bad it would have been for this city. There are not just tools like the ones I've showed you. I keep a large supply of explosives in there, too. You never know when some monster or elite will descend on you."

     She seats herself on the edge of the roof and looks up at the stars. "Are you the only gargoyle who can come to life? I mean, there are lots of gargoyles, even in my world, but they are all just carved from stone."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Oh...Well I mean, I didn't come to life, like that.." He says, "I was born like this, but there's others, my clan protects New York..I don't know if there's any others besides us, though.." He thinks he shouldn't give too many details. Gargoyles are naturally secretive. Too many times they've trusted the wrong people and it's backfired.

"Most of them are still stone, though." He says, as he grins, "We try to do our best to keep the city safe, but with the Multiverse there's so much more area to cover.."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia nods. "Yes, the Multiverse is huge. It is impossible to protect against everything. But, luckily, most threats stay on their own worlds." she says as she watches the stars. "So...you are protectors." She glances over at Brooklyn. "Heroes..." she adds, then her smile turns just a bit suggestive. "Do you save people often? Even in this multiverse, I have found very few who would actually risk themselves for a princess, much less a random stranger."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Well we try to." He says, "It's what Gargoyles have always done. We're guardians, we have always been and always will be." He hrms, "We used to have a princess we protected at the castle...When we still had a castle to protect."

He hmmms a little bit, "I'm curious what you do in the multiverse. Other than being a princess, of course. That one's kinda obvious."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia ooohs at the prospect of castle protectors. "I see." she says, then hmms. "What do I do...well, I do whatever I want, really. Although my main goal is to find my hero so we can live happily ever after, besides the occassional kidnapping by a tyrant koopa or other such powerful enemy who wishes to make me his queen." she says, as if that is a perfectly normal dream for any princess.

     "Other than that I spend my time shopping or exploring, anything to keep from having to return to my humid jungle home. It is so dreary!" she adds, huffing at the end. "And there are so many deadly creatures! We have no tourism at all. No one wants to visit my kingdom. And no one has ever tried to kidnap me! All the other princesses get kidnapped, but not me!" She actually seems upset by this, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
Okay, that's somewhat worrying, he would admit. Someone who wants to get kidnapped? That's sorta odd, but he'll roll with it for now, "So you want to get kidnapped? So someone can rescue you?" He asks, just making sure he's not misunderstanding her statement.

"I guess you couldn't just hire someone to kidnap you.." He says, "And then someone to come rescue you.."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia nods in the affirmative at Brooklyn's questions, then hmphs indignatly at the very idea of hiring kidnappers and heroes. "Well, I could hire someone to kidnap me...but I cannot hire a hero. That defeats the entire purpose! My hero must be a selfless individual who saves me simply because it is the right thing to do, or because I am just so beautiful that he or she or it must save me. We cannot fall in love properly if I am saved because I paid someone to save me!" she says, turning away with arms folded over her chest and head turned up in a haughty fashion.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Hey I didn't mean any offense by it." Brooklyn says, "Just trying to offer suggestions, is all. So have you gotten kidnapped and nobody came to rescue you? Or have you not even gotten kidnapped?" He's just trying to be friendly at this point, after all.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The princess's head lowers, as do her arms. "...no one has ever wanted to kidnap me, much less save me..." she says softly. "Even the big lizard creatures who call my world home and have made a living out of kidnapping princesses have never attempted to kidnap me." She sighs heavily, sounding like this is a very sensitive issue. "Am I not pretty? Why is it that Peach and Daisy have been kidnapped multiple times and had their heroes save them, but I have not?"

     She turns her head just enough that she can look at Brooklyn over her shoulder. "...is there something wrong with me?"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"I don't think so." Brooklyn says, "I mean I'm probably not the best judge of human prettyness, but I can definitely say that you're not bad looking."

He cosiders for a moment, rubbing the underside of his beak. "Maybe you're just going about it the wrong way...Usually when people kidnap someone it's to get something they want, not just to get the person...Maybe you just need to have something somebody wants? Like what would someone ransom you for, if they kidnapped you? Money? Land?" He really wants to help, as odd as the request is.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia seems to perk up again as Brooklyn says that. "Well, I suppose I should be flattered if even a gargoyle thinks I am pretty." she says, then turns back toward him. "Hmm...I suppose that would make sense, but...I never heard of Bowser or Tatanga making any such demands of the kingdoms they kidnapped from. It was only because the princesses were so lovely that those creatures wished to make queens of them."

     The princess starts pacing the roof, pondering this issue. "...my family is already very rich, and we deal in items that are considered arms on my world. Not to mention our airships. If there were anyone who wished for money, they would have little reason not to kidnap me. So..." Her face falls again. "...what is it?" Her fists clench. "Why does no one want a princess as amazing as me?!"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"I can't say I know." He says, though she seems to be getting kind aagitated. He thinks he should defuse the situation a bit, "I'm sure in time somebody will give you what you want, getting kidnapped and getting rescued. Sometimes it just takes paitience."

He's not sure if that's the right way to put it, but he's going to try just the same, "This is just a thought, but why don't you put out an anonymous request to the Syndicate for someone to kidnap you and make a big deal about it. Once they make a big deal about it, someone's sure to come save you because that's what heroes do."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia shakes her head. "I do not wish to be quite that obvious about it. The hero must believe he has found a true princess in distress." she says, then smiles softly. "But, it is kind of you to suggest solutions. Many people simply call me insane and tell me to go away. Why is it so insane to wish to find my hero?" she says, then stretches her arms over her head. "So...what do you do when you are not protecting the city? Or, I suppose I should say when you are not actually rescuing someone."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Well, I guess I do like playing video games." Brooklyn replies, "And ridning my motorcycle. That's a huge blast." He says, with a grin, "I should probably get going though.." He says, as he glances at the time. The sun'll be up soon and the last thing he wants to do is give away to this lady that he turns to stone in the daytime, "Trust me, if you're patient, you'll get your hero to save you. Count on it." He says, offering her a wave, before he mounts the roof's edge and takes off.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia ooohs at the mention of a motorcycle. "Motorcycles are so rugged..." she says, hands held in front of her in a motion close to a swoon. As he says he has to leave, the princess's face turns pouty a moment before she smiles again. "Yes, I have duties to which I must attend. It was nice talking with you, Brooklyn." she says as he heads for the edge of the roof. As he takes to the skies, she reaches into her purse and shuffles around inside it before pulling out a flare gun. She fires a flare into the air, and a small airship, about the size of a fighter craft, soon appears. She hops aboard, and the airship flies off toward the nearest warp gate.

     "Be patient...hmm...that is not one of my strong suits." the princess muses to herself as her airship flies away. She watches Brooklyn until he is gone from sight. Which doesn't take long in the darkness.