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Latest revision as of 15:07, 31 January 2015

An Offering Of Service
Date of Scene: 20 January 2015
Location: The Citadel - Front Gates
Synopsis: Gaius Van Baelsar offers Mantigora a position within his Legion.
Cast of Characters: 522, 583

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Sun was still rising as the morning was casting itself over the Multiverse. A the Citadel the park was quiet this morning, though the flowers were starting to open and some already were. Though why the Legatus should choose a place of peace is unknown.

He could have invited Mantigora to the Dreadnought; Pride of Garlemald in the Multiverse. But no, he choose this very place instead.

The Legatus also didn't make himself easy to locate, as he was a bit further in, with his hands behind his back. Head from toe in that armor of his and holding a box, along with a scroll in his hand. His view seem to be set on a running waterfall which was located near a table.

Curious location and why he was so focused on the water could be anyone's guess given seeing his face was impossible thanks to that helmet of his and his eyes hidden by the void lens. Mystery of mysteries.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Off the general path, but not too difficult to spot when one knows what they are looking for. The armored form, in itself, was fairly distinct after all. Why here instead of somewhere near his 'home'? All things considered, Mantigora figures it was to prevent interruptions. Or possible eyes and ears seeing/hearing things they are not suppose to. A bounty hunter had to be at least decent at reading people, but it didn't take an expert to notice the way some of his peers were ... uncomfortable with this ghost of the past that has proven to be very much real recently.

She wasn't cloaked by the Draken's movements had that natural grace of a predator that made them hard to notice until they walk up next to you. Though all she does is give the armored man a polite nod and greeting. "Legatus." Wouldn't want to break that thoughtful reprive. "Interesting choice of scenery for the early morning."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Water easily makes idle chatter." Van Baelsar admits as he turns with simple ease on his heel to face Mantigora. "I figured also such a location would be easier to access then the rigmarole of having one of my men dispatched to come get you."

The Legatus then goes to place the small box and scroll on the table. There was a pen attached to the scroll as well. "Yet we are neither one for idle chatter, so let us get to the matter shall we?"

"You have been a great aid to me lately, only one other Confederate has been of such a high esteem service and she too was offered, including gladly took it. Though I know you have great matters of your own and can not be so easily brought into full service.. I still desire to make you an offer, Mantigora."

The Legatus then goes to open the scroll. It is your normally place and balances check. The typical double check legal nonsense to make sure someone understands what they are getting into. What is odd about it though, is its handwritten. Possibly his own.

Gaius then rests then pen on top of it. "The service I offer to you is more off the books then actual on, as such you will not be working with the Garlemald Empire or my Legion but directly with /me/, unless you desire to do so, but even that can be done by personal choice and not by orders of."

"You will be give access to though the Dreadnought and if required a personal room aboard for any stays you may need. As working for directly me, you do not take orders from any within my Legion, though I request you give them proper respect as I care not for drama to unfold aboard my ship."

"You also will have the choice, as you do now, to decline any assignment given to you. The only difference is-- unlike where you are paid at job completion, you will be get salary from me directly, so long as the contract stays active."

"If a matter comes up where your own people require you at any point-- you can handle such matters without my consent or concern. As again, you are in the dark operations and not of direct service." The Legatus motions to the paper. "This is rather quick summary of what that entails and you will also gain access to the Legion's comm frequency."

"Any Questions?"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora chuckles softly, all too familiar with such matters of getting a meeting together when it comes to military protocols. Not that she would have any reason not to have responded. But it was certainly an easier approach to the matter. "Less fuss, more right to the point of the matter," she agrees. A spined brow raises a bit as he turns to the table, but other than a flick of her tail briefly brushing against the grass she makes no sound, letting him continue. An offer of a job?... yes, and no, something a bit more than 'just' a job.

A fangy grin parts her lips. "It would seem I have made an impact with my services." She shifts to read over the scroll, folding her hands behind her back while doing so. Taking note of it being handwritten rather than some formal printed format, but doesn't let that distract her from actually checking it over. The last thing you do in this profession is sign anything without reading it. Even with people you trust. Or work for. Even the noble members of Dominion heirarchy have a tenacity for being vage in their words so they can take advantage of it later.

The only problem would be ... Nope, he already took care of that, covering the possible need to attend to matters 'back home' without issue if require. The man thinks of everything, as one of his position should when possible. She unfolds her hands to pick up the pen, though for a moment just flicks it between her fingers as she turns back to the man. "You know I would not work with them as I have if I did not respect your men for the job they do for their country... In other words," she takes a moment to translate the military and legal jargon into more practical terms, "you want my continued help in dealing with 'problems' as has been, but with contract directly to yourself rather than simply being allies between fellow Confederate empires."

Just making sure she's got everything straight. See previous thought about not signing anything you don't make sure you've got all the specifics known.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"That would be correct," Gaius says with a gentle nod of his head. "Though it is because of your willingness to do so already, even before such a contract written is what has grabbed my attention. Including the willing fact to work /with/ my men."

The Legatus then looks to her directly. "You have done much in the service of and some without proper pay. I am a man, just as my nation, whom believes that all deeds should go rewarded. That the more work one is willing to put into something, the greater the reward should be."

"Merit-- goes a long way in Garlemald." Gaius explains at last before he places his hands behind his back once more. "And you have earned a great deal of it in my eyes."

"That said, at any time you can null-n-void this agreement with no repercussions to you. As I can do the same as the employer.. but I see little reason I ever would do such." The Legatus tilts his head. "As the only man I have to fear is that of the Emperor and he trusts me to do as I shall by my own credibility."

"Payment is also negotiable, but it will increase after a year of service. If you /do/ take an assignment that has you act as a bounty hunter and thus payment on complete. You will /still/ be paid the amount including the salary." Gaius explains that part as well, just encase that was a hidden concern or even a thought.

"Perhaps in time though, once matters settle on your own world or when you believe able. We could even speak later one day of you being part of the Legion itself, instead of an agent in the shadows of." The Legatus then tilts his head. "Though such a time may be for.. quiet awhile I imagine."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Compared to some wars faught in the multiverse the conflict on Nexus is still young. It could be over easily, but the way events have played out prevent that." Mantigora shrugs her shoulders. She does the jobs she's contracted for, other than the honor of blood her people have to the Emperor the ins and outs of that part of the war mean little to her. She kills who she is paid to kill. "In the shadows is where I often work best. Some problems require methods that .. are not in the options for a proper soldier."

"From such different worlds -- literally, cosmicly -- and yet such similarities cease not to amuse me." Mantigora flicks the pen between her fingers again, this time to turn it the right way so she can sign the scroll. Then stands and holds the hand with the pen to her chest in a manner of salute. "It would be of my honor to continue aiding you in the efforts of protecting and florishing the nation and emperor you serve." A pause, and then that big fang-baring grin returns as she hands the pen back to Gaius. "Getting paid for it is a wonderful additional benefit though."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Legatus can only smirk softly under his helm, though it is all hidden by it and including his voice masks over it. "Agreed." He then takes the pen from her and pushes the box toward her. "That has the frequency and security lock information that can be added to your own comm once you return home."

Then the Legatus extends out his right hand, "I look forward to the continuing future with you, Mantigora"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora tucks the box under her arm and takes the hand in her own, tail giving a pleased twitch behind her along with the handshake. "We have enemies that think we are unable of working together save for our own short goals. It will be arrangements like this that will prove them wrong... Preferrably just before they're getting crushed underfoot, but we both know how difficult it is to just -kill- those called Elites." But that just makes them all the more interesting to hunt and challenge as far as she's concerned.