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A Celestial Duel
Date of Scene: 30 January 2015
Location: Azuma
Synopsis: Dominic and Kyra meet Oinari for a duel and information.
Cast of Characters: 85, 626, 655

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The journey to the Celestial Plane, Takamagahara, is as long as it was before. A straight climb up the path that cuts through the dark forest of Koryu, whose trees grow dense in the looming fog and make the entire surface of the tallest mountain in Azuma a vague, shifting shadow. The path lined with bright red torii gates is the brightest part of Koryu; outside the path, in the forest that abhors any sunlight, one can only occasionally see the rustle of black feathers or the gleam of dark eyes belonging to the kotengu. At least any travelers would be safe on the path for the long, long climb up.

    Finally, the path leads to the large portal of pure jade that sits on the clearing at the mountain's peak. The portal is guarded by nearly a dozen kotengu, crows with a vaguely humanoid outline and wearing clothes and weapons almost in mockery of a civil appearance, but the menacing, glaring, croaking youkai would step aside at the request to meet with Oinari, allowing free access to the portal.

    And on the other side of the portal is the beautiful land of Takamagahara, a landscape of floating earth high above the clouds, each island of lush grasses and blooming peach trees linked by carefully-carved wooden bridges. The sun still hangs in the sky, beaming down on the beautiful landscape and casting a radiant gleam over the great golden palace that sits on the largest central island of the celestial plane. Colors fill the air thanks to the large, serpentine dragons that fly without wings and whose rainbow scales shimmer in the sunlight, and the hou-ou birds of billowing multicolored feathers who perch in the peach trees and glide through the sky. It almost seems like no place in the world could possibly be as bright and vibrant as this one.

    Dominic and Kyra would not need to travel far, however, for Oinari kneels beside a clear pool only one island away from the entrance. She was beautiful enough inside the palace, though out here among the flowers and sunlight, she seems even more so; almost as if this sort of environment is more natural to her than the palace halls and hard tiles. Even so, she still wears her golden, fur-lined robes that drape off her shoulders, and the flowering pins and brooches that keep her dark hair partially bound up, when it doesn't billow down her back and around her shoulders. On the ground beside her is a sword, too: a broadsword about the size of a claymore, though with a much shorter guard and nine sharp branches coming off the steel blade on either side. It's clearly not the same one Dominic saw the other day, however. For one, the radiant orb on the hilt isn't there, and it doesn't seem /quite/ as excellently crafted. A replica, then, to be used for practice without the need for taking out that powerful artifact.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"I think you're really going to like this place," Dominic notes, coming out of the portal. The landscape is lovely and there are a wealth of opportunities to help people.

The Fencer is here, wearing his usual attire and with his sword at his side. He adds, "I appreciate you coming in case I get injured, as well." He nods his head a few times and then looks around at the amazing scenery they get to view as soon as they come out of the portal.

"Do you see?" He asks her eagerly. He keeps an easy pace, careful not to move faster than Kyra. Oinari gets a wave and a call, "Ah! Lady Oinari! I have returned with a friend of mine."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    For Kyra, the journey even before they step into the tengu-guarded portal has been a pleasant one. As it is the first time she's visited this world, she's thoroughly enjoying the sights, occasionally stopping to take a picture of the landscape. Even the tengu get photographed-barring threats from the youkai, that is. If anything, her excitement is probably slowing down poor Dominic a little.

    Her awe only increases once they pass through the portal at the impossibly colorful and beautiful world. "Wow." she gasps. "I've never seen anywhere so....uh, hmm, what's the word? Pure, maybe? Just...wow."

    From the look of it, and perhaps contrasting strangely with Dominic, Kyra seems to have come right from her classes at Alexander Academy. She still has her uniform on...which as far as visible parts goes only really consists of the skirt. Her white hoodie, which is the same hoodie that Tomoyo made for her and featured in the commercial, covers whatever mandated blouse or shirt female students are meant to wear. Kyra's leather boots, decorated with silver chains, don't seem to be part of the uniform but she wears them anyway. Amongst all the beauty, the punk looks more than a little out of place.

    When they finally arrive by the clear pool and the woman that Dominic will duel today, Kyra is quick to shove her phone (the means to which she was taking pictures) back into the pocket of her hoodie. "Hi." she greets, waggling her fingers at Oinari.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Oinari turns her thoughtful attention away from the gleaming carp swimming in the pool before her to instead look toward Dominic and Kyra as they arrive. She offers the two of them a soft, welcoming smile before she pushes herself to her feet, straightens out her robes, and turns to face them.

    "Welcome back, Dominic," she greets in a warm, serene tone, smiling to him in his eagerness. Every time she speaks, a radiant orb in the center of her tongue is made obvious, gleaming bright and brilliant. "A friend, you say? Well, I have no reason to deny friendly visitors."

    The kitsune turns to Kyra and smiles, then offers a slight, yet respectful bow. "Greetings. I am Oinari, leader of the kitsune of Azuma. It is a pleasure to meet you, certainly." Once she straightens up again, her head tilts slightly to one side in curiosity. "Another person interested in learning more about our land, I take it? We have leisure to speak here, as you wish, if there is anything I may offer you."

    Her attention turns to Dominic again, looking him over once. "Do you need a sword, Dominic? I am afraid I could not bring the original, but I had a replica made of the weapon you were so interested in, so you could see how it handles."

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"It is truly beautiful. I am glad you have chosen to accompany me," He states, a hand coming up to rest on Kyra's shoulder and squeeze it a bit. He may have dragged her to this partially to get her in a more positive place after that whole affair yesterday. Exploring is a nice way to distract yourself from the woes of life.

"Ah, yes, the replica. It is of a fine make, even if obviously not so much as the sword it is based on," He laughs slightly, rubbing his hands together out of nervousness. And then he takes off his beret and his cloak he wears, folding them up to hang them off a tree branch, "I will accept the replica. Who did you wish to have me face off against?"

He may be expecting some male kitsune or warrior type. Those are usually the ones that a village sends to face off against a challenging warrior and represent them. He adds, waving to Kyra, "Kyra is an excellent alchemist and an amazing healer. I thought she could be of great help during these times for your world."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Although the predicament that Ainsley identified weighs heavily on her mind, in here the effect is certainly lessened. Kyra is definitely easy to distract, especially with a locale as beautiful as this. Dominic made a wise choice. His comment draws a cheeky grin from Kyra, "Well someone needs to cheer you on~" she teases.

    Looking to the kitsune fully now, Kyra nods her head. "I'm Kyra Hyral, one of Dominic's classmates. From what I heard he and a few of my other friends came here to visit your world, interesting in helping! I'm not a great swordsman or warrior or anything but like Dominic says, I am great with /the science/. This place is very pretty, by the way. Just being able to look around it is enough."

    She pushes the hood down from her hoodie since this place had enough shade-her skin is extremely pale.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Oinari smiles to Kyra again. "Yes, several people came with him recently to inquire about our situation and see how they could assist. Another person willing to offer aid is always welcome, especially if it broadens the capabilities available to us. Healers are always welcome; what exactly does your alchemy entail?"

    Dominic is given a curious glance, then a warm smile. "Actually, I had intended to use it myself, so that you could see the result of my own training. And I, then, would be your opponent." She gives a soft, musical laugh at that, then steps over to the base of a nearby tree. "I thought you were interested in that, after all. Though if you are too intimidated to face /me/, I could certainly find someone to have a duel with you instead."

    At the tree, she reaches down behind it and plucks up a steel broadsword, similar in style to her own but far simpler, and without the branching blades. This she carries over to Dominic, flips so that she's carefully holding the blade, and offers him the handle. "Though, if you wish to use the replica of that sword you were so interested in, I suppose I could use a simpler blade instead and let you make use of the replica. Do you have a preference in that matter?"

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"Ah, it has been some time since I wielded anything but a rapier, or a katana once," A hint for Kyra on a long-standing mystery. He looks at the broad sword as she holds it out to him and then carefully takes it by the hilt. He unbuckles the sword that was around his waist and sets that with his others, since he won't need the rapier.

"And you shall be my opponent? I see," A vexed look comes over his face for a moment, conflicted, "I will attempt not to harm you. I hope you will go easy on me so as not to embarass me in front of the Lady Hyral." He gives a humble smile and a gentle laugh.

Of course, a moment later his entire stance and posture shifts as if a totally different fighter. One foot slides forward and the other shifts to a more firm standing position. He holds the sword in both hands, taking a slow breath out and then lowering the blade so that the tip rests in the ground and he holds it down and low.

"I am still unsure how I can help your village, myself, but I will do what I can. Also, you may attack when you are ready."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Alchemy, biochemistry.." Kyra invokes the word for it that she uses more often. "It can replicate healing with potions. There are also a large number of offensive uses that mimic other branches of magic...well, with the exception of some time magic spells, I'm still figuring that out. Then there's the viruses and bacteria. Those are used to debilitate people with illness. I'm...not sure how the latter would help out. Generally people are pretty uncomfortable with those being used, period."

    She falls silent for a moment, interested in Dominic's reaction when Oinari tells him that she will be his opponent. There's a small grin on her face, followed by a giggle. "No, don't go easy on him at all." she laughs, "That way I can take care of him afterwards."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Oinari doesn't seem very troubled by the methods Kyra lists off. Healing, magic replication, viruses and illnesses...the kitsune only nods thoughtfully and considers them before speaking again. "Certainly an interesting set of skills. Are you also capable of the reverse, creating substances that can counteract certain poisons? I ask because of one of the beasts Kagenashi released, Omukade; a centipede the length and breadth of a river, who infects air, earth, water, and anything else he touches with his venom. We know that human saliva is a toxin to him, but we have not found an antidote for his venom yet."

    Her attention shifts back to Dominic, then, and his vexation seems to summon a light smile from her. She even gives a brief laugh, light and musical. "Oh, you do not need to worry about harming me. I am quite powerful and resiliant, after all. I will be able to manage whatever injuries you may give me, should things become problematic." Her smile brightens with amusement as Kyra chimes in, but she gives Dominic a brief nod as she takes her multi-branched sword in both hands and lifts it in front of her. "We will see how it goes, I think. Perhaps you will surprise me, and I will not /need/ to go easy on you. Get ready, then."

    A moment of silence settles over them before Oinari moves. Despite the weapon's clear heft, she handles it with a surprising grace and strength, lifting it in a quick upward slash at Dominic before twisting and quickly bringing it around for a horizontal slice to match. She's not really aiming to strike, that much is clear; more to test Dominic's response, and see how he handles his own sword.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"She wishes me harm so that she can be the one to heal me. I am unsure how healthy that mentality is," Dominic says, chuckling a bit as he grips the sword in both hands. It's all in good fun and he knows Kyra doesn't wish him any harm that she doesn't threaten to inflict herself to keep him from working.

While Oinari explains a giant centipede (and Dominic wonders what crafting materials such a creature might drop), Dominic takes a few moments to get ready mentally. Kyra already knows his secret, Oinari wouldn't care or know who to tell either way. That means that, while rusty with large weapons, he doesn't have a reason to pretend he's just a Fencer.

As she steps in towards him with the two-slash combo, Dominic easily plants the tip of the sword into the ground and uses it as a leverage point so he can backflip out of the way of her attacks. The upward slash barely misses him, while the horizontal slash goes clean under.

As he lands from the backflip, he springs off the ground a bit and thrusts straight forward with the tip of the blade, almost immediately transitioning from dodge to counter-attack in an agile display despite the size of his weapon.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Perhaps in the multiverse biological warfare was more acceptable. Kyra speaks like she expects people to get uncomfortable when she admits that she can create organisms meant to get people very, very sick. "Reverse engineering? Oh yeah, pretty common way of creating vaccines and antidotes. I wouldn't be much of physician if I couldn't do that...well. I'm not a physician /yet/ but when I graduate and finish the medical programs I will."

    She takes a breath and finds herself a seat to watch the duel, settling down on her knees with her feet folded underneath her. "If I had a sample of the Omukade's venom, I can probably create an anitvenom to it. Knowing that human saliva is toxic to him definitely helps-it gives me a starting point, though I would want to study the poison first to understand it better."

    Dominic gets a big bright smile. Does she REALLY wish he'd get hurt so she can take care of him? It's...hard to tell, actually. "Go, Dominic, go!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Oinari certainly seems impressed with Dominic's skill. Not one to overcommit, however, she's able to step back just after her second swing, buying her enough space and time to react to his immediate counterattack. It's here that she's able to display her own quick thinking, as she reacts to the thrust almost right as it happens. A graceful twist puts her sword in position not only to block, but to catch Dominic's sword in the curve of one of her blade's branches and proceed to deftly twist it aside and out of the way. The strange sword's design seems manageable even as unweildy as it looks, and Oinari appears to know how to make the most of it.

    Rather than follow up with her sword again, however, Oinari instead suddenly ducks and twists, sweeping one leg out to try and trip Dominic before twirling upright again and taking a brief leap back, whether or not she actually gets the Fencer off his feet. Even with her luxurious robes, she seems capable of quite some agility.

    She stays back, either way, taking a quick breath and glancing aside to Kyra again. "I believe that could be arranged, though you may have to get the sample yourself, from the source. Omukade resides in the region of Seiryu; he was last seen assaulting the town of Seta, and that town's guardian, Tawara, should be able to help you with information. The town has been experiencing difficulties lately, however. Perhaps you both should pay it a visit?"

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
The sweep manages to catch Dominic in the back of his legs as he takes a moment to pride himself in the fact that Kyra is cheering for him. A mistake on his part to underestimate the skill of the kitsune he is facing off against.

However, almost as soon as his back hits the ground, he is springing back up onto his feet and reading his sword again. The simultaneous parry and trip meant that Oinari had enough room to back away from him and prevent him from an immediate counterattack. While she takes a moment to talk to Kyra, Dominic figures out how to proceed.

"You are very skilled," Dominic notes, immediately before stepping in towards her again, "And I would be happy to accompany Kyra and any others who wish to help to the village." He agrees with the assessment of him and Kyra helping out.

With a surprising speed, the sword comes up over his head and then down towards Oinari in a cleaving strike. The follow-up isn't a second sword-strike, though. Dominic uses the sword that is in the ground as a pivot-point and attempts to dropkick the kitsune with both feet before landing on his own right after.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I don't see a problem with that." Kyra says casually, as if fighting monsters was a natural part of every day life for her. "I would not do that alone, no, but I don't have to, clearly." Obviously, the latter is pointedly directed at the handsome fencer and his admission that he'd accompany her.

    From her hoodie, she pulls out her phone again and fiddles with it, making a few notes for later-name of the town, name of the town's guardian. "Difficulties? Besides getting attacked by giant, super-poisonous centipedes?"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    "Ruined crops," Oinari replies briefly, before turning her attention to Dominic again. That compliment inspires a pleased smile, the kitsune offers a nod of gratitude in return. She doesn't respond further yet, though, nor does she clarify her earlier response to Kyra. She's still in a duel, after all.

    That cleave descends on Oinari, and the kitsune responds with an agile leap backward to deftly clear herself from the strike. Unfortunately for her, she didn't expect Dominic to be so agile: the dropkick catches her off-guard, and with a grunt of surprise, she stumbles back several paces from the impact against her stomach before forcing herself to a halt with braced feet. She winces slightly, but it comes with a smile as she lifts her sword again. "...well done. You are quite skilled yourself, Dominic."

    She glances back to Kyra, then, to briefly continue. "Seiryu is the region of eternal spring, dominated by the element of wood. The forests are lush with fruit trees, but recently they have started rotting in greater and greater number. The villagers have been unable to find the source so far, and it is significantly impacting their food stores."

    With that, Oinari looks back to Dominic and releases a brief, weary sigh. "One of many, many problems around Azuma these days, unfortunately. I wish I were not so confined myself."

    She moves forward...and seems to clear the space between herself and Dominic in hardly an instant, with only a single step. Rather than strike with the blade of her sword, however, she delivers a quick, firm jab of the hilt against his chest, meant to wind him and strike away his balance.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"You very much do n-oof," Dominic is cut off as the hilt of a sword is jammed into his chest while he responds to Kyra after Oinari has finished. The impact of it staggers him a bit and he lets out a faint wheeze. A hit that strong probably bruised a rib or two, and he backs up to get some distance.

He takes a deep breath and then steps in towards Oinari, "Is yours the only tribe left that Kagenashi has not targetted?" He asks in a serious tone.

Planting a foot on the ground, he swings a cleaving horizontal strike towards the fox woman, only to follow it up a moment later by releasing the sword from one hand and grabbing it with the other, using the momentum of the moving blade to attempt to sidestep around her and come in for a second horizontal strike.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    'Ruined crops' draws a frown from Kyra. Unless there is a monster causing that, it didn't seem like it was a problem she could handle. Then again, if the centipede was poisoning the crops...

    Her thoughts are interrupted as she witnesses the dropkick landing upon the woman, knocking her back. A grin flashes upon the white mage's face. Dominic was putting in an impressive showing so far.

    "Oh, that seems like a pretty serious anomaly. It could be a fungus or other invasive organism destroying the flora. It's definitely something we could look into while there...I assume they'd be alright if I took samples? Unless that kind of thing works differently here." She makes another few notes to herself on the phone alongside the first few.

    Though no sooner than Oinari has recovered does she seem to be RIGHT THERE in Dominic's face. Kyra let's out a soft gasp: "Fast!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    "I believe no one should mind, if it would help find the cause of the problem," Oinari replies to Kyra in the moment it takes Dominic to recover. Her attention doesn't leave the Fencer, though. That hit should only stun him briefly before he's on the offensive again...and there he goes.

    The first swing is met with Oinari's sword, lifted so that Dominic's blade clashes against her own with a ring of metal on metal as it passes. His agile sidestep, however, is not quite so direct. Fortunately, Oinari's mind is as swift as her limbs, as alert as she is now: the second it takes her to see where Dominic is going leaves enough time for her to twist to face him and lift her own sword to meet his. Golden robes billow, and the air fills with another metallic clang as Oinari catches Dominic's blade in the branches of her own again, stopping it just before its edge would reach her arm with her hand braced against the flat of the blade.

    Concern starts to settle in her expression. "No; there are several villages and towns in Azuma. All Kagenashi needs is a kitsune at the next level of power before she moves on, and there are many across the island. But those of greater power are much fewer in number than their younger kin, and as I am the only nine-tailed kitsune currently in Azuma, she will eventually have to come to me. If I were to risk leaving Takamagahara, I would also risk giving her an opening to completely bypass her steady growth."

    Oinari suddenly shoves against Dominic's sword, but only enough to get it out of the way for a moment as she ducks under it. In her crouch, she takes a step across to the side opposite Dominic's sword arm and spins, using the momentum of her twist and subsequent rise to fuel the upward swing of her own sword she aims at him next.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"But you are not the only soul whom she could prey upon, are you?" Dominic asks as she answers him, staring at her evenly, "She could circumvent just as easily were she to find the existence of your blade. She, herself, is skilled at subterfuge from what I have heard. How much do you trust those around you?"

When their lock breaks and she comes in to spin, Dominic moves in a fluid and practiced way. The tip of her sword scrapes along his shirt, leaving a deep gouge in the fabric and a thin cut along the Fencer as he gracefully slides backwards, "And I mean that with no sentimentality. How well can you believe none who know of its existence would betray you?"

"She may not need to kill someone of your power, merely steal a weapon," He cautions, sliding backwards across the ground. A gloved hand drags through the grass to bring him to a stop and he stands up, "In politics and games of power, betrayal is the most feared piece on the board."

He makes no motion to attack further.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "That'd make things easier for me, yes, if I can take samples back to the Academy to study in their lab space. Or the Union lab space. I might be allowed in some of the areas though I don't anticipate needing anything beyond what's available to me at the Academy. You never know, though, when dealing with material from other worlds. Granted, I am excited at the opportunity to study the biology of this place!" Kyra beams.

    Falling silent, she continues to watch the duel with interest, letting out another quiet 'ooh' as Dominic's blade is parried away. The subsequent light wound does not go unnoticed either, a white mage like herself having spent training to take notice of people getting wounded in battle. Often she sees a person's wounds before they themselves realize they have them.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Just when Dominic slides back, so does Oinari, opening up the distance between them further and casting a gentle storm of colorful petals into the air from where she lands. Her sword remains lifted and her posture braced, but...just as he doesn't move to make another attack, neither does she. The frown crossing her beautiful features is enough of a sign that she's thinking more on his words than the duel.

    Finally, she straightens into a more relaxed posture and lets the tip of her sword come to rest on the ground. A sigh passes her lips, a breath both weary and uncertain. "...kitsune - and even nogitsune, as well - hold a bond that nearly no other race that I have seen shares. We can only survive with the companionship of our own kind. To harm another kitsune or nogitsune strikes as deeply into our soul as the sword used in the act. No kitsune or nogitsune in their right mind could bring themselves to knowingly kill another of their kind. That is why no nogitsune survives for more than a few years, maybe decades at the most, before turning back to the side of good. And that is...why Kagenashi troubles me so. She has not /killed/ any of us, but she has endured for perhaps more than a thousand years now, alone, and willingly causes us harm as she steals our power."

    Her frown deepens with frustration. "I have known the kitsune I watch over and work with for centuries. They are family to me, and I am the same to them. To harm /me/ would be an agony none of them could endure; that much I know for a fact of those closest to me. And to betray me would be an even deeper wound, for they would be ostracized and shunned by all kitsune in the process. The kitsune I trust with my life; other youkai...I do not allow to even enter Takamagahara, since Kagenashi's reappearance."

    Golden-brown eyes shift down to look at the replica in her hands. "There are too many guards for her to enter here safely. And even if she did, there are too many precautions for her to face. At least now. Assuming she gains even more power, the chances of her attempting to come /here/ grow greater and greater..."

    The kitsune falls silent after her words trail away. Whatever her thoughts are, they bring with them a subtle tinge of vexation and melancholy to the air around her.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
"Perhaps she has found a way to circumvent such social obligations via the creation of alternate social ties?" Dominic ventures as a guess. He lets his posture relax and then leans on the sword a bit, finally letting himself show some level of injury as his open wound gently begins to stain his shirt.

"It is also not merely the Kitsune who know your secret. Those outside your village have that information, and information has a way to spread. As the son of a politician, no secret is air tight," He smiles a bit to Oinary as he uses the sword as a support and slowly catches his breath, "I mean you no offense, simply... remain on guard."

He smiles even wider and says, "And thank you for our duel. I appreciate that you went easy on me and did not rough me up too terribly."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra pushes herself up to her feet now that it seems that blows are no longer being traded. With Dominic's rather pointed questions, she seems to sense that maybe the wind has been taken out of duel. "Dominic may be onto something. Maybe she found something outside this world to replace it. Maybe like-minded evil kitsune to bond with?" Reaching up, she unzips the front of her hoodie to reveal that the inside of it is lined with pockets and all of those pockets are filled. She selects a vial filled with green-hued liquid.

    Calmly, Kyra strolls up to Dominic and presses the vial into the fencer's hand. He is lucky today, he would realize, since this doesn't involve her sticking him with a dart or syringe.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Oinari listens, but remains silent in her thoughts for some time. The thoughts that pass through her mind crease her brow and render her as still as a statue, until at last she releases a slow, relenting sigh and lifts her head toward her companions again. "You make valid points. I will remain cautious...or, at least, more so than I already have been. These times require a great deal more caution than I am used to."

    It's then that she seems to actually notice Dominic's wound. She's about to say something, but Kyra steps in with medicine at the ready. That earns a faint return of her radiant smile again. "I only regret injuring you as much as I did. You are a skilled swordsman, and," she adds, looking toward Kyra next, "clearly a skilled medic. I feel certain both of you are destined for quite the adventures in the future. Fortunate for me - or, rather, all of Azuma - that our island is part of them."

    Oinari takes a moment to set her own sword down among the grass and flowers beside her, then folds her hands in front of her and dips into a low, respectful bow. When she straightens up again, her gentle, serene expression has returned. No doubt something she's had plenty of time to practice in her position, keeping up appearances for the sake of those who look up to her. "Thank you both for coming today. It has been a pleasure to meet you, and a greater pleasure to have your advice. These are dark times that approach, but...I believe that the light of peace will return in time, thanks to you and your allies. And if there is anything I may do for you, you need only ask, as I will no doubt be in your debt soon enough."