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(Genghis Rex gets acquainted with Smaug)
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Latest revision as of 18:50, 6 February 2015

The Meeting of the Scales
Date of Scene: 05 February 2015
Location: The Citadel - Residential Islands
Synopsis: Genghis Rex gets acquainted with Smaug
Cast of Characters: 114, 689

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex and Ankylo's personal ships tear across the relatively quiet residential islands belonging to the Confederacy. Neither knows this area well as they spend most of their time either on their Battle Fortress or deep beneath the Tarpits of San Diego in their subterranean headquarters.

*SNORT* "Are you SURE you wanna bother another DRAGON, Bossasaur? You remember what happened to the last one." *SNORT* *SNORT* Ankylo asks over Rex's radio.

Rex frowns dissapointedly, "The Copper's fate is unknown. It is my hope that we can help him one day should he return. His departure had nothing to do with me."

*SNORT* "You're right Bossasaur, I'm sorry." *SNORT*

"Enough! We are over HIS island ..." Rex taps a few buttons on his control panel, data streams across his main display, "Massive life form down there. This is definitely it ..."

*SNORT* "Why do dragons like being alone so much?" Ankylo queries.

"Maybe the same reason I spend so much time away from the likes of you. I simply have a penchant for INTELLIGENT conversation."

"You know what they say about talking to yourself?"*SNORT* Ankylo chides.

"Silence! Let us set down and speak with this new Confederate."

The two Tyranno vessels lower to a small beach on The Lonely Island.

Smaug (689) has posed:
    The island is as described, however, since that cannot be seen here, this is what the island looks like: There's a tiny strip of sand around the edge, then trees, then a large clearing with a massive cave entrance at the center. Since the Tyranno ship can scan the interior, they would see the entrance spirals downward into a massive chamber. However, seeing as there is a flying METAL ship coming down onto -his- island, the 'massive' lifeform inside is rising, moving, and headed toward the cave entrance.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex stands at the entrance of the cave, arms folded, taping his own shoulder, "Of COURSE he'd not make this easy."

Ankylo says joyfully, "We'll just call him out!" Then, in a sing song voice, Ankylo shouts into the cave, "OHHHHHH SMOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAGGGG. SMOOOOOOAAAAAAAAGGG. COME ON OUT SMOGGY WOGGY!" *SNORT*

Genghis Rex places a claw over his face, "Just stop ... please."

Ankylo looks to his commander, "Hrm?"

Rex sighs and places a claw on Ankylo's shoulder, "It is time like this, that I wonder how you ever managed to make your way out of your own egg, let alone live as long as you have ... I mean, Truly, you must have some indomitable combination of luck, fate, and the highest blessings of at least 3 or 4 greater deities, to actually get yourself out of bed in the morning without smothering yourself by accident!"

Ankylo smiles, "THANK YOU!"

Rex *BONKS* Ankylo on the top of his boney head, "NOTHING MORE OUT OF YOU", then strides into the cave, shaking the pain out of his fist.

Smaug (689) has posed:
    Well, considering that the dragon had begun to make his way out from the chamber far below, Rex would not have to venture very far before catching sight of the dragon. Big? Yes. Intimidating? Maybe. Woken up because of a ship landing on -his- island?


Yes. Probably woken up due to ship. There's an anger to his voice, a snarl after his call, and a weight to his steps that screams 'I'm going to rip something apart'. Maybe, since Rex has experience with dragons, he will know a good way to keep him from devouring Ankylo the moment he gets close. In fact, when Smaug's golden eyes settle on the pair, his steps toward the cavern entrance don't even slow.

        "It's SMAUG."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex blinks with surprise as the Dragon comes forth with far more vigor than he'd expected.

Ankylo says cheerfully, "See here he is! Hi Smog!"

Rex quickly reaches over and *SLAMS* Ankylo's mouth shut, looking up at the oncoming, clearly agitated dragons, "HELLO HELLO, Great SMAUG ... please forgive my companion. His egg was dropped before he watch hatched."

Ankylo tries to speak, "MPPH IFF MHHHHPHMMNN!"

Rex gives his lieutenant and deadly serious look. Akylo's eyes go wide.

"It won't happen again" Rex assures the new arrival.

Smaug (689) has posed:
    Oh hey, it seems saying his name -properly- slowed his rage-fueled walk toward the entrance. He comes to a stop, looming over both of them, and slooooowly lowers his head toward Ankylo. Eyes narrow. "You. Be Silent." Snort. And then his head turns toward Rex. "So. scaled one, tell me why you landed your metal boat on my island."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex tries his best to place a large wall of diplomacy between himself and the aggravated Dragon, "Heh, um, Hello. Uh, yes ... anyhow, I noticed a report that a new Dragon had allied himself with the Confederacy. I usually make it a point to introduce myself to my scaled brethren and try to make their transition as easy as possible. Kinda of give you a friendly face so to speak, thankfully devoid of hair. Heh."

Rex reaches deep down inside himself and finds his confidence hiding in the sole of his right foot, "I am Genghis Rex, King of Reptilon, Commander of the Tyrannos and Lieutenant to the Confederacy! I am here to welcome you to our happy little family ... for better or worse. It is an honor to meet you, Smaug! I apologize if I'm leaving out any honorifics, I am unaware of your rank in your own world. A king perhaps? An Emperor?"

Smaug (689) has posed:
    Discovering that his reputation has preceeded him, the large dragon's anger seems to cease boiling, and instead has become a mild simmer. As Rex continues, it's possible that Smaug's anger about being awoken has faded completely. ... Hopefully Ankylo won't ruin this.

    "I was told that my assistance days earlier had been reported on. I was not aware of how fast news travels, here. You have heard correctly. I have, for now, decided to assist this 'Confederacy' in its efforts, here." He leaves out the reason why, though the scars across his shoulder may hint at the reason as they are very fresh, and only very recently fully healed over. "You fancy yourself a king, do you?" he actually sounds interested. As for Smaug's own titles, he does not seem to have a response for this. He SHOULD be King Under The Mountain... "I have no need for titles, Genghis Rex." But he -wants- them.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
"Fancy?" Rex's irritation starts to show itself, "I fancy nothing! It is my birthright and those who tried to deny it from me perished as a result! Were I not king by birth, i would be so by tooth and claw!"

Ankylo chants, "Yes, oh mighty Genghis Rex, King of Reptilon. His royal Scaliness!"

Rex contains his rage and waves a hand to silence Ankylo, "Enough!" he takes a deep breath, "We are not here to talk about *ME*, Smaug. I'm here to learn more about you. Why hide away in isolation. There are worlds upon worlds here and treasures beyond your wildest imagination. There is far more for you to see and do here in the multiverse that while away at the bottom of a hole ... I mean it is a very nice hole, I suppose, but you COULD do much better ..."

Smaug (689) has posed:
    The dragon listens. Waits. They finish. "I do things in my time, Genghis Rex. I have no need for the rushing about like so many lesser races with their short lifespans." There would not be any talk of his injury. He would not admit to being struck down by a Black Arrow, nor the amount of time it took to recover from the wound. However, during all that time, once he had awoken...

    "I do not simply cower in this hole in the ground at all times. I have flown the skies of these countless worlds. I have seen, and smelled, the places I will take as my own. Do you truly think these sniviling scaleless beasts will slow -me-?" A snort. "I will take what I wish. They will NOT be able to resist, me." Well, he certainly still has his pride.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex smiles and chuckles a bit, "Ahh, good. You're a conqueror then. I like those, we get quite a few around here. None quite as renown as myself, but still quite impressive."

TheTyranno leader gestures an open claw up and down Smaug's impressive form, "We have many Dragons in the confederacy. Recently I had the pleasure of trying to assist one known only as The Copper. He was a king by his own claw as well ... and yet he was badly crippled and blind in one of his eyes through a lifetime of conflict. He became king of his people in spite of these disadvantages."

Rex's gesture stops, pointing to Smaug's shoulder, "My medical officer was evaluating treatment for The Copper when he up and disappeared. Disappointing to say the least, but not totally unusual in the Multiverse. Happens more often than you'd realize, I'm afraid. Do YOU require medical attention, my brother?"

Smaug (689) has posed:
At this point, it seems Smaug is content to listen, and respond. "I have heard there are other dragons in this faction, I have not seen any of them." Poor Meriax. Un-noticed. Perhaps it will change? "And what manner of creature are -you-?" the dragon asks, giving Rex an apprasing look. "I do not believe you a dragon.." No wings! Though, asking about requiring medical attention earns Rex a narrowed glare. "Why do you ask?"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex notices Smaug's reaction and withdraws his claw and says nothing about the injured shoulder. Smaug seems to not wish to discuss it, and has given Rex an opportunity to speak about his favorite subject, himself.

"A dragon? Me? No, not at all" He smiles wickedly, "My people are DINOSAURS, and we existed long before any silly mammal dreamt up the legends known as dragons. To MOST humans, dragons are merely the bones of my people arranged improperly."

"You, Smaug, my friend are legend, but WE, we created the legends and we dominated this world and others for 300 million years!"

"Mammals ... their time is a blink of an eye compared to mine, and we will still be here LONG after their meager existence passes in history!"

He slaps the badge on his chest and grows into his full Tyrannosaurus form, "We are not Dragons, Smaug." He says in a deep rumbling baritone, "We are that which dragons are made of!"

Smaug (689) has posed:
    A transformation! Behold a mighty Tyrannosaurus! Smaug seems... complacent. If he's impressed it is not showing through the 'mask' of indifference across his face. "So. Genghis Rex," he begins, voice seeming to turn frigid despite the fiery rage that may be boiling beneath. "You seem to be under the delusion I am naught but legend and fantasy? When I am standing before you. Right. Now? You did not -make me-, Rex. You did not make Scatha, Ancalagon, or any of the most powerful beasts to ever walk the earth and fly the skies of all Middle Earth!"

    And his voice gets much, much louder. "We were created by the -gods- of Middle Earth! We could stand against entire armies! The maps of the worlds would change at the falling of just ONE of my kind! And you think that you're kind should impress me?! Show me a mountain that you made fall! Show me a kingdom that you incinerated alone! Show me a hoard of treasure so vast that no single thief could haul it away in a single night! Show me all of these things and THEN you may call yourself as legendary as my own!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex bursts into laughter and then leans in, "I LIKE you. You are fiery and bold, but you are mistaken."

He holds up a two fingered claw, "Not all worlds are the same and in my world, unfortunately so, you are a fantasy, while in others ... so am I. Such is the nature of the multiverse. I DOES take some getting used to."

"Do not find insult in my words. I am QUITE happy that you are not a fantasy and I am also certain that your terribleness is as overwealming as you say."

"I have not razed mountains, nor do I have a hoard of gold, but I have a world that belongs to me and me alone. Whether that impresses you or not is of no concern to me. I do not seek your approval, dear Smaug. My people are few and we have lost our world. But we are strong. We are brotherhood and brothers are difficult to find in this place of hairy humans and wandering abominations. We merely seek others like ourselves ... more brothers for the brotherhood ..."

Smaug (689) has posed:
When Rex bursts into laughter, Smaug nearly unleashes a gout of dragonsfire upon him. The Tyranno's only saving grace are his two claws, and the explanation that follows. No fire follows, though it is clear that the anger caused will take a few more moments to fade. "And why is it that there are so few of you, Genghis Rex?" he asks first, though he follows up with, "And you did not answer my earlier question.." Why did he ask about a medical evaluation, anyway?

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex mutters, "I was tricked. Deceived by a rival. Sent here to this multiverse and torn from my home. A clawful of my closest followers came with me. We are trapped here ... for now. Isolated from our home. But we will find it again one day. One day soon, and then I will regain my birthright."

Rex catches Smaug's gaze and flicks his eyes to the Dragon's injured shoulder, "It looks painful ... it can be healed ... that is all I meant."

Smaug (689) has posed:
    The dragon goes eerily quiet at the mention of his shoulder. However. Rex has been... entertaining, even if he has managed to irritate the dragon. So. "This is a reminder," Smaug explains. "It has healed, Genghis Rex. Scales will grow, blood will not be lost, but these three scars will remain. This Confederacy's medical staff is the reason why I am able to speak to you even now. These. DAMNABLE Humans and their WINDLANCES and their BLACK ARROWS..." he snarls, recalling, maybe even reliving for a brief moment. "I -will- take that insufferable city and kingdom for myself!" He calms, slightly, "When the time is right.."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex reverts back to his base form, "It would appear that we have both been denied something we hold dear. Which is why I am here. I would not be here at all if I didn't have anything to offer, and what I offer is the *Brotherhood of the Scale*. A bond that no wretched human nor their idiotic mammalian derivatives can break. My resources become yours, yours become mine."

Ankylo steps forward and hands Rex something small, something gold.

Rex turns and present it to Smaug, "For your Hoard. I will happily help you lay waste to those that injured you ... I have my own dragon, you see. His flesh is metal ... lets see a lance or arrow pierce that."

Rex smiles genuinely, the ring glittering in his palm, "Think it over. When you wish to speak to me again, simply speak to the ring ... I have so much I would love to show you."

Smaug (689) has posed:
    The offering of this small, golden, ring seems to be enough to cause any and all of Smaug's rage to suddenly vanish. An offer of something golden has been made, and it is accepted. "How small," he muses, however its not meant as an insult. "I will accept this, Genghis Rex." This is a very obvious statement. It was gold. He would not reject it under any circumstance. "I want to see this 'metal dragon', soon. If this works in the same way the trinket I received to speak with the Confederacy, than you can contact me when you are available."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex nods and says simply, "We will speak again soon. Until then, all my best."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex shoos Ankylo into his craft, then slimbsinto his own ship. Twin turbines whine to life as the two oddly shaped ships lift off and climb for the sky in a display that's probably quite unique for the Middle Earth Dragon. Mahcine can be wonderful things, no?