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Tagger's Delight ft Snow White and Dresden
Date of Scene: 05 February 2015
Location: Chicago-667
Synopsis: Snow, Harry and Inga discover some very rude magic and save a dewdrop trapped by said rude magic
Cast of Characters: 206, Inga, 600

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Sunny skies and a balmy 2 degrees in Chicago. A light dusting of snow yesterday adding to a decent snow cover on the front yards of the houses around the Evanston Gospel Church in one of the northern suburbs of Chicago. Winter in Chicago is never quite the same as in New York. Not only because the city gets more snow but because Chicagoans don't seem to mind it quite as much as New Yorkers. But it's only a couple of inches, really.

    Enough for Harry to be even trying to track someone through it, at least, hopefully. Though he's about to have a partner, maybe more than one if people show up. Harry is stamping his feet a little bit and rubbing his hands in thier gloves. Nearby, a police car with Evanston markings sits with its lights off, a uniformd cop leaning up agianst the ride with a thermos and a hot sandwich of some sort. The man looks to be about Harry's age, but stockier, like the light crime rate of the area might have contributed to that.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    It is a good thing that she brought a decent winter coat, Snow muses for herself as she dares the cold weather of the windy city. Still, it's important to build up multiversal contacts for the sake of Fabletown. And Harry Dresden has helped out Fabletown before, so the deputy mayor feels she does owe him some assistance.

    The fair woman might be recognizable only by those dark locks and clear blue eyes, most of her lower face obscured by the long scarf she has wrapped around her neck and chin. Her own hands, while gloved, are also stuffed down the pockets of her winter coat to help protect her against the cold. She recognizes Harry easily enough and walks over, offering a nod in greeting. "I must say, New York seemed cold enough when I left it." Her eyes glance at the police officer, and she offers another nod to him as well. "Is there a specific link you are going after since you think that whoever sprayed those magic tag signs actually does have magic...?" she inquires. It would be useful to know, after all.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The officer's eyes lift at the sight of the very pretty lady, and Harry snorts. "Way out of your league, Billeb."
    The officer shrugs a bit. "Whatever you say, Mr. Wizard. We'll get you around back, come on." And the officer starts trudging through the snow towards the back of the church's attached buildings. "Come on, I'll show you. Actuall should be easy enough for a layperson to work with, and... well." He shiffs and rubs at his stubble. "I'm not actually sure how much magic you're able to swing around, so this is a learning experience."

    The site at the back of the church has been cordoned off at least, and maybe for some good reason. Another officer is just finishing up taking pictures of the site, but... manages to steer far clear of Dresden with his digital camera phone thingy on the way back to the squad. On the ground there are dull red stains splotched all over, with the signs of what might have been a magic circle on the ground at one point in time. Ritual magic, with stubs of candle wax still visible. Smells like... vanilla and cake and CLEAN LINEN. Someone broke out the good Yankee Candles for this.
    On the wall there's... well, someone spraypainted something very rude here involving a cross and a butt, along with some sort of runic writing underneath that... which pulls slightly at the attention of people who look at it.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The officer's tag makes him out to be a Lieutenant, and Lt. Billeb snorts and points at the mess. "Padre came round this morning to clean out the playground and found this on the back of the curch. Wasn't here last night when they finished up day care, and there was snow cleared from the spot where the candles and crap were. Chief said it looked spooky enough to call in some help and Dresden comes recommended."

    Harry snorts as he kneels down sniffing at a candle. Sandalwood. "The Chief used to work with SI in Chicago, did his time chasing spooky crap. So. I'm not entirely a kook to them."
    "Naaaa, just mostly a kook, Mr. Wizard."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    If Snow noticed the look from the officer, she doesn't let either of the men know. When it comes to those things she is as cold as her namesake.

    For now she follows them through the snow and to the back buildings. The sight is peculiar but not very alarming, and Snow narrows her eyes slightly as she studies the remains of the magic circle before her eyes shift to the wall and the graffiti there. "It seems I was correct in my initial assessment that this was juvenile," she notes with a huff. Seriously, what is this going on?

    "What do you gather this is, Mister Dresden?" she asks. Perhaps it would have been useful to have Bigby here for this, there are few things who can fool him and his sharp senses.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Dresden sniffs a bit, and stands up. "Well it's got the basics of your standard magical circle type of crap. Might just be some pagans having a party night, but... those runes are pretty precise. Can't tell the spell from the circle, someone's stamped most of it out so i can't really tell what was the... the symbols for the inside. Was anyone else through here, Chad?"

    Of course he's a Chad. The LT sniffs. "Just the Padre and the lady who shovels the walk. And us."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:

Snow White (600) has posed:
    So they have a few people they can talk with, is it? The deputy mayor of Fabletown looks pensive as she reaches a hand up to rub at her chin. "Where is the Padre?" she asks Chad. "It might be useful for us to split up to gather info. Perhaps they have additional information necessary to solve this." Is he inside the church, perhaps?

    Still, Snow does throw a glance around the area to see if she can spot anything besides the magic circle and the graffiti.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Closer examination will show some items that Might Be Important. A glint of sunlight through the trees catches a scattering of... little tiny airplane liquor bottles poking out of a snowbank where they look like they've been tossed.

    Also those runes catch Snow's eyes again, dragging at her attention for a moment or two, like... they want to be read, but... who can actually pronounce what's written there?

    Harry grumps. "Sorry, didn't do introductions. Lt Billeb, this is Snow White. Snow, this is Lieutenant Billeb."

    The officer blinks a bit, rubs at his eyes. "I'm just going to assume you mean that like a code name or something. Uh, yeah, he's over this way." And then he heads off in the direction of the Rectory to roust up the pastor.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    What are those tiny bottles doing there? Snow cants her head slightly as she steps forward, making sure to not step on anything that might be a clue. "There are some small bottles over here," she states, not moving to pick them up as she points them out to Harry and the officer. After joining Bigby on some investigations she knows better than to tamper with evidence.

    The runes themselves do not offer much to Snow, and while she might have magical properties as she is a Fable, she herself is not familiar with magic nor how to use it. Still, maybe there's somebody who can read this?

    "Good day, lieutenant," Snow greets him. Let him believe that it's a code name, that makes things simpler. "Thank you." At least she doesn't hesitate in following him to see the pastor and perhaps learn if he has any information that can clear up this vandalism.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The LT leads the pair over towards the Rectory attached to the church and knocks on the door. There's a bit of fumbling back there, before...
    He's a young-ish fellow of the Happy Young Christian variety of pasterhood, it would seem. He's also got a foot in the door to try and keep a pair of cats from running outside. "Hello officer! Is.. is this the consultant you were calling? I thought there was only one of them."
    The man sticks out his hand. "John Westphal, nice to meet you both. What Can I do for you?"
    Harry looks over at the cats and then back to the Pastor and smiles. "Why don't you come out here so you're not letting them out." ...He is noticably trying to not enter the Rectory.

Inga has posed:
It can be assumed that Inga grumbled about entering the church, but she's over it before long. However she may feel about Christianity, vandalizing a sacred space still ruffles her feathers. Once she could arrange a ride (goodness but taxis are convenient!) she'd arrived and begun to look around. Where were Harry and Snow White?

Inga stands at the site of the crime, leaning on her staff as she frowns at the runes. Even dressed in clothes she'd bought at Macy's she looks old fashioned, wearing a long skirt and sweater with a belt around her waist from which hangs a dagger, a leather pouch, a talisman of finger bones carved with runes...definitely a witch.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Curious. Snow remains calm and offers her hand so the pastor can shake her hand. "Miss White. The pleasure is all mine. We were wondering if you knew anything about the incident outside the building?" she asks, then glances at Harry. Does he have something against cats or something? She herself does not mind them, but let's see what the pastor can offer them of information before they decide what to do further.

    "Any information at all would be helpful. Were you here last night?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Pastor Wetphal blinks a bit and scoots outside to speak to the pair of Elites, even as the LT spots Inga and starts shuffling over there, grumbling about weirdos. "Ah, I was actually. Though I don't remember anything waking me up in particular, besdes the cats. Just lots of noise between Kepler and Brahe. I would call it fitting but they fight so much at night these days it's getting rather concerning." This guy really likes his cats.

    Harry seems much more at ease with the Pastor outside, and smiles. "What time was that, if you can remember?"
    "Ah, 2-ish? I only sort of glanced at the clock before I threw a pillow at them to shut up."

    LT Billeb wanders over to Inga, but stops, seeing she's... a witch. Like, mostly like a witch. Also she's on his list of 'people with Dresden', so he crosses his arms skeptically. "You're the viking lady, then? Lt. Billeb."
    Something about this seems familiar to Inga. There's blood, like recent blood. It was scrubbed, but the familiar tang of... chicken blood? manages to work past the awful scented candles to Inga's seer's nose. Also those runes... they're not Norse, but something similar or just as old. And... they really want you to look at them.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    So it seems that the good pastor himself didn't notice anything specific last night, huh? Snow nods at that, filing the information away as she considers her options. Just what would Bigby look for in this situation? Kepler and Brahe... heh, curious names for cats. Still, if they are looking around... "Would you mind if I took a look inside, Pastor?" Who knows? There were strange clues outside, but perhaps the perpetrator was inside as well? The pastor was asleep, and perhaps there was a reason why the cats made a noise during the night? It doesn't hurt to ask at least. Perhaps that it itself can give a clue as well.

Inga has posed:
Inga turns as Lt. Billeb approaches, watching him warily for a moment. As he describes her as the 'viking lady' she lets out a small sigh, deciding it isn't worth it to correct him. "Inga Freyasdottir," she informs him, bowing slightly. "A pleasure to meet you. I assume Mr. Dresden and Ms. White are inside already?" she asks.

Inga looks back to the runes, moving closer to examine the blood closer. Some kind of bizarre blood mage sense tells her it is not human blood, at least. "Chicken?" she muses to herself, frowning thoughtfully. "The runes...not Saxon...Ogam?" she muses to herself.

Furthermore, these runes seem to call out to be read...Inga looks away then, frown deepening. "Some kind of compulsion spell perhaps?"

Lt. Billeb has probably reached his threshold for weirdness at this point, but wait! Inga's not done! She pulls the small knife rom her belt and pricks her finger with it, reaching up to draw a rune of her own upon her brow to increase her magical sight.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The pastor smiles. "Of course!" And once again jams his foot in the door to stop the cats from getting out as he cracks it open enough to let Snow in.
    Harry looks at the threshhold of the Rectory and his lip twitches under the stubble. "You go on in there, Snow. I'll just... I'll keep looking out here."

    Inside, it's a tastefully apportioned place, not massively decorated... unless you count cat toys and cat trees and bibles and Jesus Portraits to be interior decorating. This guy really likes his cats. "I'm not sure what you'll find in here that will help though, I thought the police had things handled outside."
    Kepler and Brahe come tear-assing around the corner from the back door to the living room, and then start wrestling on the floor over a catnip mouse.
    The Pastor turns and smiles. "What can I do for you?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The LT shrugs. "Chad. Nicetameetcha. They are though..."
    Harry is looking around the porch of the rectory. Huh.
    The knife nearly gets the LT to pull his gun, before she's poking her own finger and smearing blood around. "Ah, cripes, you guys really are... that. Hnn." He refains from using 'magic' or 'pagan' or 'kook'.

    The Sight flashes across and the reasoning for the draw on the Runes is immediately noticable. They're Calling Words. Not liek a calling Card, but they're being left as a message to something... or someone else. It doesn't feel like an Outsider or The Filth though, something more down-to-earth. Terrestial nonsense then. Fae or something similar.
    The circle also glows faintly, as well as the blood that... trails up towards the rectory.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Concern crosses Snow's face when she looks at Harry. "Are you okay, Mister Dresden?" Is there a specific reason why you won't come inside? But she does slip in, studying the inside carefully. At least there is a theme here, which means that any clues should be easier to spot. If there are any... Even so, the Fable makes her way around the room, though her attention is briefly caught by the cats as they wrestle over the mouse.

    "When did you first learn about what happened outside, Pastor?" Snow inquires further. Perhaps the pastor has noticed something without being aware of it being significant?

Inga has posed:
Inga's eyebrows wrinkle as she takes in everyone once more with her magical sight heightened. "Interesting," she says, her eyes following the trail of blood. Well, that is likely where Harry and Snow have gone anyway. She should meet up with them and share her findings.

Inga looks to the Lt, the intensity of her thoughts still plain in her eyes.

Its a scary sort of look.

Until she smiles. Must have realized she looked a little craaazyyy... "A trail to follow," she informs him, then sheaths her knife and walks off to follow it.

The click-clack of her staff heralds her arrival. "Ah, there you are," she says to Harry, approaching.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:

    The blood trail... leads to the side of the Rectory, and to a window that... huh, Snow's looking out of at about the same time that Harry and Inga wander over following the trail.

    The Pastor blinks at the people outside. "Well, like I said, I heard the two cats fighting over something and I threw a pillow at them, and then it stopped after... a while. Stop it!"
    That last is directed at the tabby and the calico as they seem to once again be yowl-nipping-swatting at each other once again. Not like playfighting now, like serious growling.

    And then catnip mouse darts out from between the cats and over towards the window, towards Inga and Harry. "Uh." That one from the Pastor who blinks repeatedly. Now the cats are trying to grab the mouse again! Oh dear. Why is the mouse bleeding?

    Along the side of the rectory, someone's drawn another set of runes... only this time in chalk on the white siding of the building so it blends in. If the Mouse could be seen, you'd see it rubbing up against the walls of the living room opposite the runes.

Inga has posed:
"So the runes outside are written in what I think is chicken blood. They seem familiar...not are not of Norse or Saxon origin. I think they are a Call to a spirit of some sort," she informs Harry, following the trail to the next set of runes. If not for the charm upon her brown she may have missed them. She frowns as she examines them. "How odd...where is Ms. White?" she asks Harry.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    When the cats start fighting for real it seems to take Snow by surprise, and her eyes widen slightly. "Do they always fight like that?" It seems serious, and well... they were playing before? Isn't it strange when it escalates this quickly? But when she looks closer at the mouse she can't help but blink, doing a double take. Are her eyes playing a trick on her? Or is this real?

    "Mister Dresden!" she calls. "You should really come in here!"

    It's best to keep her distance from the mouse for now, though she does look around for something to grab. Just in case she needs something to defend herself with. There's magic about, after all!

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The runes start to resolve themselves a bit more as Inga closes in, the chalk lines becoming more clear against the siding. Not Norse, not nearly. But close enough that Inga can puzzle out... some of the words. It's a calling not to the gods but the Spirits. But the translation's off. Closer to... demons than spririts, maybe? It looks to her like this would work good finding jotun or something awful like that. Who'd write this on a church?

Inga has posed:
Inga mutters to herself as she puzzles through the translation. "Most certainly a calling for spirits--and not the helpful sort. A destructive being," she muses.

Inga hears Snow cry out then. Well, that answers that question. Inga gives Harry a look, then turns to move to enter the building.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry snorts and sighs and walks to the front door of the rectory. "Pastor, I need you to invite me inside."
    "What? Why?"
    "Just do it please."
    "Oh, then please come in and fix this!"

    Harry lets out a breath and like he's walking through a sheet of plastic, steps through the door of the old rectory, smecking at his lips distastefully. He walks over to the cats and the bleeding 'mouse'. He sighs and grumbles, and rubs at his face. "Well this is bad. Snow take a good /look/. I mean /look/ at the mouse."
    As he says this, he's helping corral the cats into a place that isn't pawing at the bleeding thing that's depserately struggling to get away from the wall.

    Looking at it more, the 'I'm A Mouse' effect fades... The 'thing'... is a dewdrop fairy, a puff of snow for hair. She's missing a leg.

Inga has posed:
Inga follows to the rectory, blinking in confusion as Harry asks to be invited inside before he enters. What..?

Well, Inga does the same, followig his lead. Assuming she's given permission, she enters.

That sure is a lot of Jesus. Inga can't help reaching to touch the hammer pendant around her neck.

Then, down to the 'mouse'. A small gasp escapes her throat. "Is this the creature?," she asks. Missing a leg. Oh dear.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    When Harry enters Snow is watching the mouse intently, still not entirely certain what is going on. Though she follows closely behind Harry as he walks up to the mouse. And when he tells her to look at it, she does, leaning closer to peer down at it. And then her jaw drops.

    "Oh dear...!" she gasps, then kneels down and reaches a hand out to the poor fairy. "What is going on here...?" she asks, keeping her voice soft as she reaches out to carefully pick the fairy up if she's allowed. At least to get her away from the cats and tend to her injuries. This looks bad though...! "Inga, can you do something?" she asks of the witch.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    'Allowed' is pretty much a thing because once Snow's actually got her hands on the fairy and is able to slide it away, she comes free... like if someone had stuck a magnet to her little back. She doesn't even struggle as Snow carefully holds her, a little trickle of thin blood staining the Fable's hands.
    But clear blue eyes gaze up at Snow, and the little thing squeaks angrilly, if weakly. "Unhand me! I will curse all of you, I will! Turn you all into toads and your eyes into snails! Hnn hnnn." Well that seems to have taken the pep out of her as she slumps against Snow and looks up. "Are they gone?"
    Harry's got his arms full with the Calico, who seems to be trying to invade his duster intently for something. The Tabby is struggling at a hold on his collar, trying to get back over to White.

Inga has posed:
Inga moves over to Snow as she scoops up the fairy gingerly. "I have never healed a creature so small, but I can certainly try," she replies. It would not take much blood, certainly. Of course, she's not sure her magic can grow back a limb, either...maybe if they could find it? Reattach it? Honestly, healing with blood magic is still a bit new to Inga and she's not sure the breadth of its capabilities. Still, she will certainly give it her best shot. Inga draws her knife again, bringing it to prick her finger as she begins to chant her spell. The droplet of blood turns to tiny cloud of crimson mist before it surrounds the little creature, infused with healing anima.

The creature speaks. Understandably, she is indignant. "Please allow us to help you, vettir. I hope my magic can be of assistance," she says, then looks over at her shoulder to see Harry struggling with a cat. She almost loses it and laughs out loud. It is an unexpectedly comical sight.

"I believe someone was actually trying to call a jotun...and called instead of winter-spirit." WHY would someone try to call a jotun here? Maybe the pastor had pissed off someone?

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The Fable is careful as she lifts the small fairy, her fingers gentle and taking great care to not injure her further. Even when she lets out that threat Snow rises to her feet, not minding the blood as it hardly matters now. Not compared to the fairy's distress and injuries. "We mean you no harm, we wish to help you. Mister Dresden is keeping the cats away from you."

    Inga is allowed to look at the poor fairy, hopefully her magic can do something. Blood magic seems potent, at least it was when they were fighting off that dragon at the Farm. Though she looks curiously as the witch speaks. Vettir? Ah, of course, Inga hails from the north. As for her theory?

    "What makes you believe that? Could you understand the magic circle? It does seem like whoever did this did partake of alcohol, which might explain why they failed." But indeed, why would they try to call a jotun to this place?

    Snow turns her attention briefly to the pastor. "Would you have a clue regarding this? Can you think of anybody who has anything against you or the church?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    You'll have to excuse Pastor Westphal, he's just seen both a fairy and a witch and magical spells and is sort of lamely holding on to the tabby cat... who seems to be calming down again, now thatthe dewdrop isn't in sight and injured any more. Mean kitties. "Bah bah buh, no? I just joined the church several months ago after the old pastor passed. This is honestly my first posting as a full pastor are you doing magic? Wha-what is this?"

    Okay. So maybe not the pastor directly?
    Harry sighs and looks over at Inga and... stays out of this. They girls have that side of things handled. "Pastor Westphal, sorry to break things to you, but I'm sure you'll be able to explain this away somehow. I'll get someone you can talk to about this." I'm sure Father Forthill would love to explain things to a Presbyterian.

    The Dewdrop gets enveloped by the mist, and that little stump of a leg stops bleeding at least, but... it's likely one of the cats has swallowed the rest of it. She puffs and huffs and looks like she's got a little color back in her cheeks, or as much color as a winter fae gets. Those blue eyes turn the color of lake ice, and she blinks up at Snow. "AH! A Lady! And... oh oh I am sorry, I did not mean to get caught, I was... there was some bread out on the counter and I was pinching it and then MAGIC happened and I was stuck and those AWEFUL MONSTERS ATE ME." She feebly reaches for a little tiny pigsticker on her belt and feebly tries to take off after the cats.

Inga has posed:
The witch looks to Snow White, nodding a bit. "I could understand the runes more or less and figure their intent--I wonder if they are from a time more recent from my own, or did whoever wrote them do so poorly? Anyway," she says, looking back to the little creature. She seems to be doing better at least, so Inga repeats the spell. "Do not worry, we will keep them away from you--and perhaps, ah, secure a prosthetic for you," she says, looking to the leg. Goodness she could snap a knitting needle in half and it would still be too long for the diminuitive creature. "So you were caught in the spell--it was not meant for you. Someone made an error," she adds, frowning thoughtfully.

Inga turns to Harry. "Shall we investigate further? There may be more to the trail. If not...I imagine we will disrupt the Call?"

Snow White (600) has posed:
    So the pastor has no clue, it seems. Snow merely nods, though her main focus is on the snow fairy. Luckily Inga's magic seems to work, and well... it isn't surprising that the cats ate the poor thing's leg. "There is no need to apologize," she assures the thing with a sad smile. And the sad tale does not ease that smile either, it rather causes Snow's expression to grow more concerned. Only to blink in surprise when the fairy attempts to crawl out of her hands with her weapon drawn. "Wait!"

    Snow shifts her hands and carefully holds onto the fairy. "Do not do that! You are injured!" And then she heads towards the door. "I will take her outside and away from the cats," she says, looking at the others. "Perhaps there are other clues nearby, but we can't ignore her either. "Who are you, and where do you come from?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    And cupping her hands on top of the fae is more than enough to stop her from getting too far, as the efforts to get up and murder cats take more out of the poor thing than she's got. Wingls flutter and tickle at Snow's palms as they walk the fae outside. Muffled voice. "...You can call me Frostglint. You do not get my real name, mortals."
    Harry moves into a closer converstation with the Pastor, whose eyes are getting as big as saucers as he looks between Harry and the girls and the blood stains on his carpet and all of it. A genial wave at the girls, though. "Yeah, bust it up, but make sure we can remember what it looks like. Take notes but be careful about it."
    He's sure his Ace Witch can manage to copy the runes without activating the spell again.

    Frostglint's efforts fade and she sighs with relief as they head back outside. Something about the chill in the air refreshes the pixie. Little glowing eyes peek out of the holes in White's cupped hands. "May I come out now?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The Runes... pulse faintly, dully as the girls make it back outside, reacting to either the witch or the fae or Snow or something. The spell is being triggered again, though Frostglint doesn't seem to be moving with the Fable and the Witch in posession of her.

Inga has posed:
"I am Inga," she tells the fae. "A pleasure to meet you. I am sorry it is not under better circumstances," she says.

Inga looks to the runes again once they are outside, trusting Snow to take care of little Frostglint.

Inga sets to memorizing the set up in her mind. Seeing as she was not accustomed to writing things down to remember them, Inga's memory is a muscle well-trained.

After a moment, Inga nods to herself. "Very well, I'm ready. I caution you to step back a way," she says, motioning Snow back so that any rebound energy doesn't catch her and Frostglint.

Inga sets to work then, looking thoughtful for a moment before she draws her knife again. This time, a much larger wound is opened as she draws the knife quickly down her inner forarm, slicing the the vein. Blood wells quickly, rising from the wound and hovering in the air as it pools. Inga's eyes grow lidded as she begins to chant, using her knife to direct the blood, arm moving as if she were stirring a cauldron. The blood forms a circle that moves to cover the magic circle already placed as Inga begins to fuel her blood with anima. She motions widdershins to disrupt the flow on the circle, speaking spells of banishment in a melodic voice.

Hopefully no one is randomly walking by at the time.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "Frostglint it is then. You may call me Snow," the Fable says softly. Perhaps it's the cold, but it doesn't really surprise her when the winter weather is far more suited to a frost fairy. And when the little thing makes her request Snow seems far more willing to go along with it, opening her hands and keeping them flat to still support the tiny creature. If she wishes to fly she is free to do so, as Snow is not about to restrain her now that she is obviously feeling better. It's not like the fairy is their prisoner.

    The runes do seem curious though, and Snow turns her attention in that direction, watching with baited breath. She does as beckoned though and steps back to not get in the way.

    Just how much blood does Inga have? And how does she prevent herself from getting too anemic? It's a curious thing indeed.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    A truely impressive display from the Witch, blood magic welling up and engulfing her as she calls up her full power to undo the chalk runes...

    There's a flicker of energy that feebly attempts to stop their destruction, before the chalk is overwhelmed by blood and is washed away. Both women will get a scent of... ash, funeral ashes to be precise, before the jotun trap is obliterated and replaced with a swath of blood.

    Frostglint flutters her wings, watching intently at the efforts, before she leans up to look at Snow White, suddenly realizing something. "AH! You're not a boss! Ah, m-my boss I mean." She hops up, tries to stand on those hands but forgets she's missing a leg and falls over on her butt. "Ah! You... imposter! Why are you here like you're my boss when you are clearly just Cold and Strong?"

Inga has posed:
The wound she opened in her arm is already beginning to heal, the flesh visibly drawing together at a remarkable rate. That should at least help answer Snow's unspoken question. The rest? Uh...Bees did it.

Inga looks to the splattered blood against the white building, leaning on her staff as she purses her lips. "Hmm, that might be...a bit noticable, yes? Ah, well. Harry will call in people to clean it up," she says, shrugging, turning now to move back toward the first set of runes.

Inga looks to Snow and the fairy, raising a brow. "Cold and Strong? Ah...you are a fae of the winter court, yes? A thane of Queen Mab?" she asks. Maybe, if they're nice, she'll put in a good word for Harry.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    "No, I'm not your boss," Snow clarifies for the little snow fairy, then shits her fingers to help steady the little thing. "I was not pretending to be your boss. Snow /is/ my name. And we were here because we were told of the strange things happening here. We found you, and thereby we are helping you. Simple as that."

    But at least Inga has finished her work, and she is right. Harry can get somebody to clean this up, and perhaps they will learn just who did this so hopefully it won't happen again.