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Latest revision as of 22:25, 7 February 2015

Birth of a Monster (Squad)
Date of Scene: 07 February 2015
Location: British Isles-548
Synopsis: Taro, Psalm and Seras Victoria meet in order to discuss Hellsing's newest project...
Cast of Characters: 181, 246, 399

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    Getting hold of Captain Victoria had proven surprisingly difficult. Even with Integra's direct influence in play, the pretty blonde woman (who is actually not a vampire!) had been reluctant to return to home base. She's here now, though, and looking surly and irritable with it.

    Integra has had to return her attention to other matters, and so a meeting room within Hellsing Tower has been made available for Taro and Psalm, but she's much higher up in the building. Seras wrinkles her nose delicately as she waits for an explanation as to the reason for her being here. "This place always smells like fags." She complains. Meaning, of course, cigarettes. Because Britain.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Miss Songsteel is here, looking slightly wore for wear from last night. There's a glint in her eyes though as she leans back in her chair, looking over to Seras with a grin. "You're looking lovely as ever, Miss Victoria. And it does, just be sure to remember that Integra likes her cigars and she Is Allowed, so."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro has not yet told Sir Integra that she should consider giving up her smoking habit. Made a note to himself to consider a cybernetic pulmonary transplant in several years' time, yes, but not suggested she should quit.
    "At least the view is nice," Taro remarks neutrally. Sometime between his last meeting and this one he's removed his uniform jacket and draped it over the back of his chair, but otherwise he's still wearing his Hellsing uniform. "Good afternoon, Captain Victoria, Lady Psalm. Thank you for coming, and apologies for making you travel." Polite words, even said with some sincerity.
    Though he doesn't eat himself, he did politely ask Ms. Greene if they could have a light tray of something or another (his exact words) along with tea for their meeting. Which may or may not mollify Seras and may or may not be to Psalm's liking, but at least the effort was made. He'll let the two of them help themselves to refreshments if they'd like them - and pouring a cup of tea for himself - before getting to business.
    "Sir Hellsing I and I were discussing this morning about the potential of Multiversal threats that the Hellsing Organization could face, either here on home soil, or during adventures abroad," he explains. "It would be for the best if everyone, from Director down the chain of command receives some training on how to counteract threats outside of the traditional scope..." A nod to Psalm, "Which is in part why you were asked to this meeting as well."

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    A light tray of cucumber sandwiches and some tea is indeed provided, and Seras pours herself some tea while turning up her nose at the sandwiches. She nods her head to Psalm, though, and moves to sit down at one of the chairs as Taro speaks. The look she gives him is a little quizzical - she's still not entirely sure what the point of Taro and Nine is, but if Sir Integra said they were necessary, they were probably necessary.

    "That makes sense." She says, at last. "We've been in this Godforsaken place almost a year now, and we still haven't mapped out all the Warpgates. People are getting in, and people are getting out. There's only so long we can keep getting lucky. Sooner or later, we're going to have to go after someone across worlds, or something big is going to happen here."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "'But Taro,' she says, 'I'm not a monster.'." Psalm snickers and plucks up a sandwich as well, before flicking her hand and... a plate of what looks like baked fish and bread hummus appears on the table as well.
    The bard then leans forward with a grin. "You can thank Solanda for that. She is an excellent Servant. But yes, I am not a monster, but I can certainly bring some with, if that's the case. Or is it my magic that you're after?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro does his utmost to not flinch when a meal appears on the table courtesy of bard and servant, though it does momentarily break his train of thought. While he personally has...issues...with magic, it is part of the fabric of the Multiverse. And, he must grudgingly admit that the art has its value.
    A small shake of his head, and then the android resumes. "Barring another Oblivion Incident or its relics, the Multiverse will not be going away. Thus it is only a matter of time before someone or something intrudes," he says in agreement with Seras. Then, attention and gaze shift back to Psalm. "I believe that Number Nine and I will be filling the 'monster' part of the equation." There's a note of wryness in his tone with those words. "Though in reality, the idea is to train Hellsing operatives effective measures against threats that Hellsing has not yet met. Your knowledge of magic and the effectiveness with which you wield it is what's of interest. To demonstrate, to teach, and to train. If you are interested and willing, that is?"

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    Seras eyes the fish suspiciously for several moments, and then raises her eyes to look at Psalm once more. The young Captain is staring over the rim of her teacup, but then she remembers where she saw Psalm before!

    "Oh! Yeah, you helped us when we attacked that Union diner." She says, setting the teacup down again. She hasn't actually met the mysterious Number Nine yet, but she's seen him in action from afar, and she's read the reports. Hmph.

    "I suppose if we're going to have a witch on the team, one who knows how to watch our backs is a good deal." She says, "And we did alright last time. It isn't SO different out there." Seras pauses, considering her few deployments against Union elites. "You just have to shoot them a bit more than other targets, as a rule."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "Well there's a little more to it than that, but the idea remains the same, young lady." Psalm plucks up a piece of bread and spreads the hummus a bit, taking a bite. A moment to consider her response, and the bard leans forward. "There's more to threats than simple combat effectiveness, durability, or things of that nature. You'll need to be aware and have excellent intelligence."

    A glance over at Taro. Education. And then back to Seras. "Tell me, Miss Victoria, have you ever been under a geas? Had someone cast a hex on you or your men? Seen them turned against one another?" Another bite, and then she continues. "I know you've fought unnatural super-combatants before, but what about the more subtle forms of combat?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    If Seras wants to hear about Number Nine, she should talk to Perkins. Or to the other handful of people who have spent time in the Golem and the Android's company. But not to the commissary staff or the takeaway place around the corner, unless she wants to hear about how much he eats...
    Taro takes a sip of tea while Psalm speaks, his hands cupped neatly around the teacup even as he sets it down. "There are other threats as well, or an entirely non-supernatural nature...do you have any idea how to cripple or deactivate a combat machine-drone? Have you ever had your own equipment malfunction or fail due to a rampant virus?"

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    "Actually, yes." Seras says. Her jaw clenches tightly at the memory of it. "Bathory was her name. She clouded most of our minds and drained almost all of Integra's blood before she came to her senses and was able to stake the woman. One of the few True Vampires we've managed to kill."

    That was to Psalm, obviously. To Taro, she gives a more circumspect look. "I already said I agree that it is a good idea." She says, reproachfully. "I suppose I'm the one who is supposed to pick our people for this project?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    It's even a name Magatha has heard of, and there's a twitch of her lips as she takes a cup of tea. "Then you've some experience on that front. And yes. You've got access to the top of the field in your United Kingdom, the best of the best, and I'm sure Integra's got the cash to throw around to hire the best of the best."

    Maggie sniffs and hums a little tune though her nose, conjuring up a rather plain looking dossier wit hthe crest of House Deneith on the front. "I'd suggest my own company, of course, but I'm sure there are other consultants you can find as well."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro's normally mild frown deepens somewhat at the mention of Bathory. While he's had no direct experience with any iteration of her, he did read that After-Action Report and later analysis.
    He nods to Seras. "If you would, please. You have been here far longer and know your people far better than I do. Outside of Squad One and R&D, I have had little direct interaction with them. Besides which, I am..." A small shrug of self acceptance. "...I do not expect to have the same kind of interactions with them as you do."

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    "Neither of you are Christian, you'll both have ... issues, for a while."

    Seras actually sounds a little apologetic about that. The woman's usual, hard demeanor fades just a little bit as she admits it, smiling faintly and nodding her head, "What sort of size of squad are we looking at? I usually deploy with Browning and Rose, so that's three. They help transport and load the Harkonen. There's a few veterans of other missions outside, but some of them were pretty shaken up by the experience. That bloody plant woman..."

    She meets Maggie's eye, remembering that. "Thanks, by the way."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A wink back to Seras, before Maggie mmmhs. "No Christians, no. I can bring with adherents of the Soverign Host, of course, though those would be Warforged. Think your men could deal with Mechanical Priests?" A grin.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Being an ordained priest in another relgion is something of a conversation-stopper around here, yes. He makes no apologies for it, though he has been discreet about it while in Hellsing's territory.
    Taro accept the unvoiced apology with a small nod. "My suggestion was for this squad to be available for rapid field deployment in case of incursion. We would need for it to be large enough to be able to support itself, but not so large that we and our equipment cannot fit in one or at most two transport helicopters." His gaze lowers to his teacup as he considers. "Veterans of a mission 'outside' would be preferable, of course, but my own preference is for those open-minded enough to accept that not all realities are like this."

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    "They'll deal with anything they're told to deal with."

    Seras nods seriously at the next few criteria. "Alright." She says, "The Harkonen will take up most of the room in that case, and I think one is more sensible than two. Two helicopters means twice as many inbound targets."

    There's a kind of twisted logic there; if one of them got shot down, the confusion and chaos could jeopardize the second team. If there was just one helicopter, and it got shot down, the second team would be coming in to a more certain situation. Because they'd all likely be dead.

    "Open-mindedness isn't exactly on the standard quality list, but I'll do what I can." She looks to Maggie, then. "Will you need any equipment space?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie shakes her head at that. "No, if I am hired, you'll get a cadre of Warforged, the standard troops under my command. Tireless, well disciplined, cordial, soldiers. The don't need to eat or drink, but they'll do so to build squad morale with the rest of your men. I'll pick out a few of the more gregarious types."

    A sip of tea. "The mix will be good for the team. More than one sort of soldier means that if something affects one bunch, you'll still have other folks who might not be affected and can exfiltrate the disabled men and regroup." A look. "Your Monster Squad, while mortal, should not be treated as fodder. They will need to be very highly trained, and we can provide that. Valuable. Disciplined. Treat them like it. They'll take the hard jobs and they'll know that. But they can't be bog standard."

Taro (399) has posed:
    "It is one thing to be told to 'deal with it'," Taro says, "But it is another to not to need to be told this. It would be best for the group as a whole if each of us is willing to accept this kind of challenge without the need to be so ordered.
    "Number Nine will take up the space of two," He goes on to note. "While in theory I can fly on my own, it would be better to include me inside the transport than out of it." A pause. "Also, if I may advocate Operative Perkins for a spot in the squadron. He handled himself quite well during that mission in Scotland."

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    "Hellsing does not HAVE fodder."

    The rebuke is a little bit sharper, perhaps, than is strictly necessary. Given the way some Multiversal warlords treat their soldiers, it is hardly fair to blame Psalm for making the caveat; but this is an island which has been under siege for years. Whilst Integra has done as much as she can to bolster the training, numbers, equipment and other miscellaneous resources that Hellsing had to hand, it is never enough. They are always stretched thin; every loss is felt keenly.

    "So. I have a team of three. Four including Perkins. We're at six with nine, seven with you Taro, eight with Maggie. Do these war-forged take up much space?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "As much as a man, heavier depending on build, but count in 3 more for a squad of 11. Platoon level, and as much as I'd reccomend for this." Maggie takes a slice of fish and makes a sandwich with the hummus. "I'll have the Forged stay here. As I said, call them soldiers, mercenaries, consultants, whatever, but they'd need to be Hellsing as much as Deneith for this to work. Melee and defensive specialists, a spell caster or preist if you'd want as well."

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Eleven seems a reasonable number," Taro opins, then looks to Seras. "Would you find that acceptable?" Deferring to her judgement here, apparently. While it may be his idea, what he said about her before is true. Her acceptance of said idea would go far in convincing the others of its merit.

Sir Integra (246) has posed:
    Seras considers the options carefully. She hadn't expected native forces to be outnumbered almost two to one, but perhaps it is for the best. Her lips purse as she thinks, "It'd be good if we could get another two of our guys in there." She opines, "But it'd probably be too cramped. We'll need some guys in reserve, anyway. And I wouldn't take another spellcaster." Her eyes meet Maggie's meaningfully, "We'll have you, right?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles. "You'd have me. And we'll wake several more of your men for reserve, of course. We'd need to contend with training injuries and such, even with the forged. They may be made of wood and metal and stone but they are certainly mortal."
    A look to Seras, and Psalm nods. "That will do nicely, I think."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro nods at this. "Reserves would be ideal. We would also want additional men and woment that can later serve as trainers for the other squadrons. Ultimately we will want everyone down to Ms. Greene to have some basic training...but that is something to be discussed another time."
    He's not in the habit of smiling, and the closest he manages now is a small crinkling around the eyes and a faint upturn at the corners of his lips. "I believe we have the foundation now, at least. We can work out all of the specifics later. I know that you both have other duties to attend to, and I would not want to keep you from them longer than necessary."