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Team Magma Attacks the Wailord
Date of Scene: 08 February 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Nurse Joy (of Team Magma) tries to help the Team disrupt a Wailord migration. Then, all hell breaks loose.
Cast of Characters: 513, 553, 653, Lyria Mason, 710

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     The sea just east of Slateport City is a rather important area. With Slateport being a popular port, various goods are shipped in through this route regularly. Swift currents make it hard for all but boats and some Pokemon to get through easily. Adding in the fact that there are various islets in the area, it's a bit of a strange route to head through. Yes, important for shipping. But, sometimes dangerous to sail through, if you don't know what you're doing. At the least, the islets are beautiful. Though each one is small, a number of Pokemon live on them. Some of them have monkey Pokemon, like Aipom or Mankey. Some even have wild boars like Tepig. And, though small, some of the shallow bits of water between the islets allow Pokemon to move from one to another.

     But, chaos is underway on this route. A large net has been put across the passable sections. While it is not capable of stopping ships from sailing through, various Pokemon are having trouble. Particularly, the large whale Pokemon known as Waiord. To make it even more troubling, these Wailord are being /attacked/. Various members of Team Magma are staging themselves on the islets, and using their Pokemon to attack the Wailords. Most of the attacks, currently, are being done by grass type Pokemon. Seedots, Roserades, and Shroomish are launching waves of Bullet Seed at them. Some of the Pokemon being used by Team Magma are fire Pokemon as well, launching bursts of Ember at the Wailords.

     Amongst the group is also a Nurse Joy, currently dressed in the Team Magma uniform. Despite being a Nurse sworn to help injured Pokemon, she has released her Torchic. It is launching bursts of Flamethrower at the Wailord, occasionally.

     Nurse Joy also has a sack of Pokeballs near her, as well. There must be fifty Pokeballs in it. Maybe more.

Sindragosa (653) has posed:
    Above the chaos instigated by Team Magma, an immense and unpleasant creature can be seen flying in a slow figure-eight pattern. Cold radiates from its skeletal frame in a constant chilly fog. The membranes forming its wings are in tatters. Only a little flesh still clings to its bones in rotted scraps. Its spiny tail lashes the air like a long, furious whip. The great horns curving back from its skull look like the wicked blades of ritualistic swords.

    Though it should be dead, this creature is very much alive, the fire powering its horrific existence flickering in its chest and sunken eye-pits as a roiling, hateful blue fire.


    As it loops, the skeletal dragon lets out the occasional echoing roar. It also seems to be getting some enjoyment from skimming the waters and using its frigid breath to help pen in the helpless Wailords.

    It is not very cautious about who else is caught in the path of its freezing blasts.

Finna (513) has posed:
    In this world, most people who wanted to navigate the water would take a boat or maybe a Pokemon!

    Finna's approach has been quite different.

    From the warp gate, she's transformed into a seagull to go swooping around the harbor and take an aerial view of the situation. And once the aerial view's worth had been established...

    High up in the air, she transformed into a dolphin! And came plunging down into the narrows' waters snout-first. Approaching low and using natural sonar and sight together, she's hoping to figure out just WHAT is going on...

    And maybe the best way to deal with the net...

    "The things I keep jumping at helping with...." But well, the Union pays her!

    ... And seeing the wailords in person, she can't help but feel sorry for them. But still, aren't they gonna fight back?! Ugh...

Ri (710) has posed:
Seems like today is a big day for things that should be dead but aren't. Also animal-like people. Because here comes the risen spirit of a sunken ship in humanoid form, with a pair of SHARKS on her hands. She appears presently as a soggy mass of black hair floating around a pale face that only has her glowing-blue eyes peeking above the water's surface. She blowing bubbles as she swims along, lost in thought and lost in... Uh... ...Geography. She just kind of started cruising through the oceans and wound up here somehow. It takes her some time to realize anything is even going on. The giant ice bone dragon is startling, and the Ri-class heavy cruiser of the Abyssal Fleet raises more of herself above the waves, preparing the two horrific bio-mechanical shark-things on her arms.

"Enemy...!?" she mutters agitatedly. Then she sees a dolphin.

"ENEMY!" she yells and dives beneath the waves once more, starting to speed after the weird dolphin! Because clearly a DOLPHIN is the major threat here, right? It's unclear if she's even aware there are Wailords and Magma Lords and Nurse Lords and whoever else around. She'll probably become more aware of this when she gets closer. For now, the chase is on! ...Whether Finndolphin even knows she's being chased or not!

Lyria Mason has posed:
Finna was not the soul person from the Union to respond to this she was curious about a lot of things in the Extraverse, notbaly often related to forigen sea fairing cultures or cultures that did take to some level of it even if they were not as intune with the water as her people were. So here on a small seedo like craft she pauses for a moment staring at the whale like creatures being assaulted in a very barbaric way she doesn't seem to be pretty happy here at all she has half a mind to star busting skulls here but she's going to try to get a feel for things but something doesn't feel right maybe it's Ri but either way she sees there could be a lot more trouble as her small craft gets closer to the problem. Lyria however had a feeling she was going to ahve one of those days...

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     The skeletal dragon in the sky actually somewhat gets the attention of Team Magma. Because, well. It's a skeletal dragon in the sky. It is obviously /not/ a Pokemon. A number of them are, temporarily, distracted. Pointing up to the sky, talking about the dragon. But, the moment it starts /helping/ them? Yeah, they're happy about /that/. Some of them are even shouting encouraging words to Spinestalker.

     The dolphin goes unnoticed, at least by the Team. The net is fairly strongly made. Bits of it even seem to have metal threading, though it is still mostly just /really/ solid thread. But, as Finna is under the sea, she'll be able to see: The Wailord are the only thing being attacked, but the other Pokemon under the sea are having problems as well. Various Luvdisc, Corsola, Tentacool, and others are getting caught in the net. Most of them are smart enough to get out of the way, but with the really powerful ocean currents flowing through here, some of them just /can't/.

     The ship and the ship (Yes, the humanoid one and the more-normal one) go mostly ignored, though they are noted a bit. They aren't after ships; they're after the Pokemon.

     And, Nurse Joy starts throwing Pokeballs at the Wailords. Specifically, she is aiming for the ones that seem like they have been weakened the most. There are a /lot/ of Wailord around, too. But she only goes for one at a time. Trying to make sure they are captured, before moving onto the next one. It's a slow process. And, once a Wailord is caught, she just... Lets the Pokeball float there, until it moves along the water a bit and eventually gets caught in the net as well.

     Joy smiles. It's a fairly calm one.

     "It'll be /so/ glad to make sure these things are out of the way... Urgh, I hate Water Pokemon."

Sindragosa (653) has posed:
    Spinestalker cocks his head in curious reaction to what's happening below. As the Wailords begin to disappear -- caught inside what he takes to be some kind of magical imprisonment -- he ceases his looping flight and backwings to hover in one place only a few dozen feet or so above the active Nurse Joy. He watches the Pokeballs fly from her hand; watches as the Wailords, one by one, are struck and banished away to another plane. After five or six repetitions, he gets a feel for the rhythm.

    Just as he dips down to interfere, however, movement elsewhere catches his searing gaze. Spinestalker's neck curves toward Lyria and her engine-powered vessel.

    The dragon beats his wings once, and gives chase.

    His ear-splitting roar once more shakes the scene in advance of another icy torrent he releases from his fanged maw. The breath strikes like a sweeping laser beam, cutting a zig-zag blast radius across the ocean's waves in a manner meant to screw up anything Lyria tries in terms of evasion.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Hunting a hunter is never easy. The moment something unusual starts churning the waters while Finna's scoping out the situation with Sonar, she sends some pinging clicks Ri's way and...

    Then gets visual contact...

    The dolphin blows out a bubble-ring at the Ri-class! A mesmerizing little thing to watch as it ambles, wobbles, and distorts through the water, just like a smoke-ring through the air.

    But that momentary visual distortion's all Finna needs to go zipping up through the water and into the pod of Wailord to hide.

    A few seconds later.... a new human form breaks the surface. Pale skin, long black hair parted down the middle. Glowing icy sea-colored eyes, a modest but form-fitting outfit, her shoulders bearing thick pauldronous metal growths bristling with miniature cannons, hands ending in two thick bulkheads filled with rows of miniature ship turrets...

    It's a Ru-class battleship!

    Except not really. Only the appearance has been mimicked.

    But this should be confusing enough for ANYONE looking on, because this silent Ru-class is now running across the water towards the middle of the net.

    yes. RUNNING across the water...

    That might be kind of odd.

Ri (710) has posed:
That bone dragon icing up the water is making it a bit difficult to navigate, as are the huge masses of pokemon clustering up against the net more and more. But who cares about navigation or obstacles when have a single-minded desire to KILL ALL THE JEDI I mean dolphins I mean ENEMIES, YES, THAT IS THE THING. She can't fire her guns underwater, and while Spinestalker may be aiming for Lyria, Ri certainly doesn't know what side the skeledragon is on, so she dives as deep as she can in the relatively shallow waters, and then emerges once the danger has passed!

...And hits her head on ice! ...So she surfaces somewhere else a few moments later, looking around wildly for enemies. Thankfully, it seems the skeledragon and his sneaky ice breath are headed after some person in a boat. When next she tries to locate her target, she is seeing some kind of glowy ring thing that makes her freak out and take aim! ...But there's nothing to really take aim on, and the sudden appearance of another Abyssal Ship causes her to startle.

The power-white girl turns this way and that, sweeping her shark gauntlets across the area, then holding them up awkwardly, almost... Cutely in her confusion about what to do next.

"Ah... Sister! Wait! There are... Enemies!" Ri calls after the 'Ru-class' as she starts heading towards the net and the wailords in pursuit of her fellow Abyssal. Then she catches sight of a brightly colored ball, and the water flying out behind her as she 'skis' across the surface settles somewhat as she slows to a halt. She reaches down with one of her shark gloves and tries to pick up one of the pokeballs in the gauntlet's 'mouth'. It slips out of her grasp. "-Ah!"

She tries again, very carefully, seems to have a hold of it, but then it squeezes out between those gruesome teeth. "--AH!" She is completely distracted now. There are no enemies that she can see, though those people on the other side of the net might count once she remembers that they're there. For now, she has completely fallen for Finna's deception, and become distracted with the all-consuming need to pick up a pokeball.

She tries with both gauntlets this time.


She may be there awhile.

Lyria Mason has posed:
A Levitani Geomancer out upon the sea? This was going to get perhaps more than a little crazy but she'snot making to violence just yet it seems Finna's up to something. She pauyses and spys an horrible thing a dragons's corpse that has been defiled in such a way someone's animated dragon's corpse. While not from her world it's still something that angers he and now she finds she's being chased with icey breath she leaps off her craft along ith six small mechanica spider like things that freeze the portions of the surface of the water. She lands on the larges of this and starts making several hand gestues as it starts to move from some wave that has no right /forming/ the way it did it's posssible she's using some kind of magic. She shifts her body and bit and massiove spiles of water burst out of the ocean trying to strike the undead dragon.

"Back to your grave!"

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Unfortunately, Nurse Joy learns on the radio that the dragon is, in fact, /not/ on their side.

     But, thankfully, the dragon is being attacked by water. Which... She is a /bit/ annoying, to see Water being used for Team Magma's benefit. But. She and the rest of Team Magma will take it.

     But her and the rest of Team Magma are also puzzled by the two Abyssal Fleet people, who she doesn't know at all. But, after a bit of being puzzled, they get over it, and get back to their operation.


Finna (513) has posed:
    "It's fine, sister!" The 'Ru-class' calls back. "They aren't that much of a threat. These landlovers need a lesson... for trying to block our passage! The waterways ARE OURS!"

    And with that... a silvery gleam flickers along the turret-wall-arms, and she brings them both down towards the top of the net.

    With Essence-empowered strikes, she hacks at the net. It will certainly take more than one or two blows, but there's a tremendous cutting force behind the Claws of the Silver Moon. Even metallic threading won't resist that for long!

    Yeah. Finna's plan is to just stat hacking the net apart down the center and letting the currents and struggling animals do the rest.

Ri (710) has posed:
Ri abandons the pokeball when the radio reminds her of what she was doing before. The reassurance from the Ru-class momentarily had her relaxed, but the realization there is still a DOLPHIN out there somewhere has her lifting her shark gloves and pointing them around. Whale things!? ENEMY! The jaws open, exposing cannons within. Cannons that start shooting high-explosive artillery shells at the wailords, as that is where the dolphin disappeared into! That must be where it is! Also the wailords are probably enemies too, right!?

She telepathically informs the Ru-class that there is a VERY SUSPICIOUS DOLPHIN on the loose and they should TEAM UP to kill it and also everyone else here. Unfortunately, Finna is not actually an Abyssal and isn't going to get the message. Which Ri might noticed eventually, but right now she is just unloading on the pokemon. ...Not quite what Team Magma was after, but still helpful, right? ...And maybe the explosions won't make the errosion TOO much worse, right?



Sindragosa (653) has posed:
    Spinestalker's struck from below by a sudden wave of gushing water. It strikes him hard along his right flank, crumples his wing in an odd angle, and sends him careening in a reckless, out-of-control dive off to the left. Some of the water spraying and dripping from him in his wild spin sparkles in the air as frozen flakes and icy shards before it melts and falls back into the ocean.

    Before Spinestalker hits the ocean, too, he manages to twist out his right wing again and to put himself back into wobbly flight. His tail smashes through some of the ice floes Lyria's made for herself; that's how close he's come to a messy landing! Bellowing an unhappy roar, Spinestalker beats his wings, rushing up into the skies to rejoin the wispy clouds.

    Blue circles of magic appear at random on Lyria's ice floes in Spinestalker's wake. As he breaches the clouds, these circles unleash jagged pillars of freezing ice all around Lyria, who'll have to be quick to avoid becoming frozen solid, herself.

    One or two of these circles might manifest near the Team Magma members, too, though it's unlikely anyone important will be at risk.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     As the Net is cut at, it begins to slip. Some of the smaller Pokemon are now swimming up, to prepare to make it past the breach. The Wailord are too large to get past it, just yet, though.

     But, at this point, Nurse Joy /sees/ that 'Ru' is trying to cut the net. "Oh no you /don't!/ Go, CAMERUPT! Torchic, Camerupt, use Flamethrower!"

     She releases her Camerupt. Her Torchic and Camerupt stay /away/ from the actual ocean, where the tide shouldn't reach them, and then begin to shoot bursts of Flamethrower straight at Finna. They are aiming for her center mass, trying to just take her out as much as possible.

     As for the Team Magma people caught in the circles of magic? Most of them immediately leap out, but the majority of them are still too slow even if they notice. The ice gets the ones in the cicles, freezing them a fair amount. Their fire Pokemon work on melting the ice as much as possible.

     Also the explosives are totally contributing to the erosion, causing bits of islands to break away and fall into the ocean. Not a /ton/ since that is what she was going for, but still some.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria is dealing with a undead dragon once that seems to have a lot of ice powers. She's not sure what Spinestalker is, or what world it hails from, but she's planning to try to kick it's ass. She seoes see Spinestalker drop but she's not going to consioder it out and this is likely what saves her. The ice is smashed and the drones are forced to skitter to get out of harms way? Lyria meanwhile is still surfing around doen here and she attemps use the water to shield her self from the incoming barrage of ice, it works but it prevents a counter attack.

"So ... that's how you want to play it?!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Shit on a stick--" escapes Finna's mouth - in Ru's voice and appearance of course - before she's slammed hard by all of the flames. Had it struck her head-on without any protection that would've been EXTREMELY bad. But if nothing else Finna's quick-witted and nimble. She reacts instantly... by just giving up on this 'stand on the water' thing she had going in favor of letting gravity run its course. So although the water churns and boils up, some of it vaporized, it also shields her from much of the flame. She goes tumbling backwards from the sheer force of the heated air however, the form of 'Ru' scraping and skidding over the water. But then... as the trickster rises, that illusion MELTS AWAY in a shimmering silver light to reveal Finna's damp human form, her hair and tail both completely soaked. "Well this is just chaos on all sides, isn't it?"

    Then, instead of an image enshrouding her as before... her flesh actually starts to change the moment she leaps into the air. In a scant few seconds she's gone from maybe 5 feet tall young foxwoman to around SIXTY FEET OF BAT-WINGED SHARK. An enormous creature that could eat a Great White for breakfast and have room for more is now FLYING over the water and down towards Nurse Joy and her Pokemon. But not directly!

    No, Finna's goal is to force Team magma to abandon the land and hit the drink through a few flybys and body slams!

Ri (710) has posed:
Wounded or possibly even slain Wailords continue to be attacked with artillery fire, magic circles are causing ice to form everywhere, Lyria is sending up columns of water, pokemon are breathing flames, and the Ru-class turns out to not only not be the Ru-class, but to be a FLYING SHARK! Now, ordinarily Ri likes sharks. A lot, really! They are one of her favorite things.

But this time, the transition between fake-sister and winged shark clearly revealed the deceiver for what she is.

The Ri-class heavy cruiser flagship is furious.

So furious it almost seems like the menace she is radiating is making her loom up over this battlefield! ...Larger and larger, until she is casting her surroundings into shadow! ...And apparently she is, because steadily Ri continues to grow, taller and wider, until the bikini-clad, corpse-colored, blazing-eyed Abyssal Ship, with her arms still encased in now-gigantic bio-mechanical horrors, stands approximately 610 feet tall.

In the booming voice of a giant, she yells, "ENEMY!" She lashes out with one of her gauntlets, its jaws snapping open, water running in streams from its gaping maw and sharp teeth. Now Finna gets to see what it's like for Ri to try to pick someone up in her 'hands' from the perspective of that pokeball from earlier.

It's pretty terrifying.

Sindragosa (653) has posed:
    What's this?

    A sixty-foot long bat-winged shark?

    With Lyria left reeling in the wake of Spinestalker's magical assault, the Frostwyrm is free to contemplate the battlefield, and he can't help finding Finna's latest transformation to be intriguing. After all, it's bigger than he is, and as a dragon, he can't help but find that an offense to his presumed superiority.

    Lyria's given a moment to gather herself. Finna, on the other hand...

    Spinestalker SWOOPS down from above and buffets the bat-winged shark with the wind of his passage. Streaking past Finna in a frigid, bony blur, he races to get to the Team Magma lines before Finna can. Somewhere between Finna and Team Magma, he flares his wings into a hard, hovering stop, twists mid-air, and draws a deep, rattling breath into his non-existent lungs.

    Another blast of icy breath rimes the wind and churns it into a frozen tempest.

    This time, Spinestalker isn't trying to /attack/ Finna; he's just creating REALLY BAD flight conditions.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Team Magma, including Joy, are quickly recalling their Pokemon. They can't really bring their Fire Pokemon into the ocean! That'd just be cruel! But, after a short bit, they can get back on dry land, a bit, due to the GIANT ABYSSAL SHIP. The grunts here? This all... This is more or less completely above their paygrade.

     And now the Dragon is attacking the giant shark too.

     The Joy is still trying to throw Pokeballs at the Wailord, but it's mostly an in vain effort, now. Though, a lot of the Pokeballs are flowing past the net. The caught Wailord will likely end up in Slateport, soon.

     Where, of course, a handful of Magma operatives are ready to pick them up.

     The clouds of mist and ice and all of this over the top stuff is beginning to drive the Joy crazy, though.


Finna (513) has posed:
    Sometimes, murderous intentions are so thick they're palpable. Such is the case when Ri's transformation catches Finna's attention. The enormous shock diverts from the terror efforts to watch, and is thus caught off-guard when ICE BREATH turns the efforts to go flying into an awful hell - the bottom circle really.

    With numbing cold slamming through her and freezing pretty much everything around, kicking up fog and mist and more... she decides this flying thing is not the best idea.

    But not quickly enough! The flying shark hits the islet with megaton-force, plowing up a nasty trench. The fact that it's not asphyxiating, considering it has gills, is made even more questionable by the fact that THICK, SHAGGY, BROWN FUR erupts from the shark skin in a hurry. It's the fur of a Wooly Mammoth!

    The bat-wings just suck right up into the Siaka's body as if they never existed... and in their place, MAMMOTH-FURRED lizard legs form beneath the creature, lifting it up. Yes... it's lower/rear parts and posture now STRONGLY RESEMBLES a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    With mammoth fur.

    And it uses those legs to take a flying leap the moment Ri closes in. The LEAPING TWO-LEGGED SHARK is silent, swift, but...

    Too darned big to avoid Ri entirely.

    Right as it seems the jaws are gonna get her though, something FREAKING WEIRD HAPPENS.

    There's a flicker-FLARE of silvery light and Finna's whole body appears to warp and weave like water, flowing through the teeth and around it, like how water is pushed away by a stone hitting a lake.

    The moment is surreal and sure to cause brains to blink.

    By all appearances, that attack did NOTHING to the strange creature.

    It certainly managed to avoid being completely ensnared, as it slips out of Ri's grasp and down to the misted-over narrows. "CATCH ME - IF YOU CAN!!"

    The Shark maw then speaks in a growly tone, CHARGING on both legs ACROSS The water to CROSS THE NET...

    Definitely hoping Ri's gonna follow.

    There goes the net, if so. She hopes.

    Only those looking very closely will see that no, she did not get away unscathed. Blood's trailing her in the water and she's limping nastily to one side...

    So what the heck just happened?

Lyria Mason has posed:
A flying massive bar wingged shark? Okay that feels like something from back home now that she thinks about it and she's got time to recover from Spinestalker's attack she shifts her stance agiant his time she turns the winds agianst Spinestalking into jagged trearing bolts of force hopeing to do a number on what left of it's wings, then again foul magics likely keep it aloft the more she thinks about it.

Ri (710) has posed:
The wooly sharkrex thing manages to evade Ri's grasp. "--AAAAAHHH!" she roars as she fails yet again to pick something up. Just like that damn pokeball! Ri is a berserker when she fights, unless she has specific instructions that she can understand and follow. The enemy is the enemy is the enemy. No diplomacy, no negotiation, no discussion, no recognition at all. Her single-minded pursuit of her prey is almost shark-like. But just as sharks are not mindless eating machines, and have SOME ability to respond to changing circumstances, Ri's fury is subsumed in the goal of destruction of the enemy. She is still mad as hell. But her expression is practically as cold as Spinestalker's potent ice breath when she raises one of her shark gauntlets, and aims at the fleeing Finna, regardless of who else may be in the way. Brilliant, glowing blue light begins to emanate from her 8-inch Triple Cannon. It almost looks like a swirling ball of shining water, if not for the plasma-like sparks streaming towards the cannon barrels.

"...I smell blood." she states with eerie calm, just before she unleashes a powerful blast of cerulean energy towards the fleeing Lunar. It might wind up breaking the net, or it might not. But wherever it lands, it's likely going to blow up big time.

Hopefully it won't catch the super friendly and nice ally Spinestalker in the blast or anything. Because that is definitely Ri's primary concern right now.


Sindragosa (653) has posed:
    The frosty torrent whipping the tropical atmosphere into an unseaonable blizzard comes to an abrupt end as that same gale is turned back against its creator. The membranes connecting his wing bones into a fascimile of function begin to tear and unravel. The dragon himself lets out a ROOOOOOAR of vexation -- and probably pain, if an undead monstrosity can /feel/ pain -- and struggles to remain aloft. Yes, he's given some supernatural aid when it comes to flight, but something like this tests his magic's limits. Blue fire swells within his bony chest as he instinctively tries to fill his air sacs -- long decayed away -- by taking a deep breath.

    Spinestalker won't stick around to get nuked in Ri's assault. Focused on retreat, he musters his strength, beats his damaged wings, and twists around into a shaky getaway. His shadow passes over Team Magma, uncomfortably close to the islet where they're still standing.

    Soon enough, he'll be a distant speck.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Nurse Joy looks at a member of Team Magma standing next to her.


     He nods at her.


     And Team Magma starts to run the hell away, most of them going along the shallows of the islets they're on, on the path to the boat they took here. They even leave the remainder of the big bag of Pokeballs.

     Yeah, they wanna get out of here.

Finna (513) has posed:

    As the shapeshifter continues on her dash for the waters that've been netted off, she spots the incoming blast and decides to ditch all of the shapeshifting. Her human form returns moments before the blast strikes...

    But when it does strike, her Moonsilver Essence claws meet it. The blast halts in midair briefly before the detonation. Apparently...

    Apparently, from the way it splits out in two directions behind Finna in a v-shape, she managed to split it in two!

    ... Will the net be able to take that?

    either way... when the explosion's over with and the smoke clears, Finna's still standing. Albeit just barely. The arm that did all that work is scorched and charred and so is much of her outfit and some of her hair.

    She's now hopping further and further back though, hoping to lure Ri into a chase to ENSURE the net's destruction.

    And maybe trip her on it.

Ri (710) has posed:
Skeledragon is leaving, Finna seemingly got hit, Team Magma is fleeing, Ri is distracted. She raises her other arm and aims it towards the rapidly-departing Spinestalker, but then turns it on Team Magma and their boat instead, then she aims her other arm towards Finna, then her head turns to look towards Lyria. "Enemies! ENEMIES! DIE! DIE!" She doesn't know who to go after. There's too many people fleeing, too many targets. She tries aiming both arms in different directions, but can't shoot at an enemy she isn't targetting! ...Well, she can, but her accuracy will be crap. Which is evidenced by her deciding to shoot anyway, unleashing a storm of bright yellow, fire-blazing artillery shells in every direction, blowing up lots of things and causing huge waves and sprays of water, and not really hitting anything in particular. The net might break up, or it might not, but with all those pokemon gathered near it, whether Ri walks into it or shoots it, a lot of them are probably going to die.

This is not an ideal plan if Finna wants to preserve their lives. At this point, just not presenting the titanic monster from having any more targets to shoot at might be a better idea. But hey, the net is probably damaged sufficiently now anyway with all those explosions going off. Not like pokecorpses aren't going to be washing up on the shores for weeks regardless thanks to Miss Shoot-em-all-and-let-the-Admiral-sort-them-out.

Either way, if people get far enough out of her immediate area, even if still visible, she'll settle down, lower her arms, and start 'wading' out of the area.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "...Thiiiiis isn't working." Finna decides. And from there she slams a foot into the water, knocking enough straight up to veil her from sight... and when the water tumbles back down.... she's...


    Is that illusion again?

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason watches as her plan works and there's quite a confident grin on her face as she watches the dragon start to fleee but she can't celebrate for long. Tht was a heck of a battle al things considered dragons and now she sees Ri and there's a look of horror on her face almost as bad as when she saw the frost wyrm. She sees her calling out to die, that's when she start dodging and she thinks it's time to go, she doens't think this ship is going to be after the sea life and there's no reasont o remain she summons up her small craft again, the spider drones cling to it and then? She takes off as fast as she can go!

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     With the net destroyed, and the Abyssal fleeing, and the chaos over, the ocean is... surprisingly still, now. At least, relatively. The Wailord are able to continue their migration, and the Pokemon are otherwise free.

     Someone will have to clean up the Wailord corpses caught in the crossfire though.