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Team Aqua Attacks Camerupt
Date of Scene: 10 February 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Team Aqua attempts to attack a number of Camerupt, and various people come to figure out what is going on.
Cast of Characters: 43, 276, Alexis, 513, 553, 626, Lyria Mason, 706

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     The area around Hoenn's largest volcano, Mount Chimney, is mostly forest land. Several streams start near the snow-covered peak of the mountain, forming from melted snow, until they eventually merge together to create some rivers that move through the forest land. This is a place with a large number of wild Pokemon living in it, especially to the south and west of it. Even the desert on its east and the volcanic ashland to the north are home to a number of Pokemon.

     But, on the western side of the mountain, some chaos is going down. For the past week or so, a number of Camerupt have been causing problems. Their digging into caves have been causing new holes for magma to leak out of the volcano and become lava. Many of these are messing with the paths of the rivers in the area. And, to make matters worst, the Camerupt are hanging around some of the smaller streams. Sure, they're just getting drinks of water, but. Their body temperatures are making the streams evaporate at a fast rate.

     And, this is where Team Aqua are coming in. The water is being evaporated. Water Pokemon are losing their habitats. So, the Team will step in to put an end to this problem.

     At the moment, Team Aqua is making its attack. Three grunts, two male and one female, are standing nearby. With them is the Nurse Joy of Team Aqua, in her own Team Aqua uniform. the grunts, at the moment, are using their Poochyena to try and herd and scare the Camerupt. The Aqua Grunt, though? She has sent out her Mudkip. And, it is launching bursts of Water Gun towards the fire type Pokemon. Though they are more evolved than it? Water is still /quite/ a danger to the Pokemon.

     They have only been up for this for a brief bit, before everyone else arrives. Also nearby are a number a number of Pokemon, curiously watching what is going on. Mostly Snorunt, Skarmory, Teddiursa, the sort of thing that would live on a mountain.

Alexis has posed:
It wasn't her Hoenn but it was a region Alexis was familiar with either way, so it was worth coming to take a look when word starting to get out that Team Aqua was seen nearby. Which, after learning Team Magma had been up to antics the night before, didn't really surprise her. The two competing Hoeen groups had a tendancy to try and upstage each other.

She just had to remind herself that these were just some group of pokemon rights extremists, and not the water titan worshiping cultists she was use to. At least hopefully it wasn't.

Well only way to find out is to look, and that is why Alexis is cruising over the Chimney area on the back of her Salamence.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    It is a well known fact that Howlings are primarily ground combatants and don't fly all that well (if at all; Kari doesn't fly period...). Today though! She has been lent a wingull named 'Gulliver' by Team Aqua and a tiny little Team Aqua uniform that's kind of stretched over her Dire Wolf armor. The wingull wheels about in the sky above the camerupts, with Kari clinging on for dear life as she launches tiny little grenades at the heels of the fire pokemon.
    "BOOM! BOOM! Get along doggies!"

Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
Pirates, and Pokemon, both awesome things. And Morgan Vale is going to get involved with both. This is why he's dressed in a Team Aqua uniform, chains slided over it, on both his wrists and his ankles. A single, empty Pokeball lies at his waist on a belt, as he moves in with the rest of Team Aqua.

Morgan's job is to help keep the other Wild Pokemon away from Team Aqua's mission, and possibly as a personal goal, catch one. He's learned how it works in the basics, so he's just going to beat them up until one is weak enough to be captured.

Which is why he's marching at a group of Snorunts and Skarmory, chains slightly chilly and swaying back and forth, and hands /very/ cold. "Alright, now let's see which one of you is going to be my faithful Doommonster...!"

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
There was another blotch of color in the sky tagging along with Alexis. Though 'tagging along' wasn't quite right, since the blur of color was taking the lead ahead of Alexis and her Salamence. And then looping around them in a quick circle that, although rapid, was downright lazy for the pegasus that came along.

Whether it was out of curiosity or boredom, Rainbow Dash was along for the ride. Maybe a mix of both. And maybe an excuse to get out of the winter weather. Her goggles were still fogged over from the rapid temperature changes, forcing her to pause to push them up as she comes level with the dragon pokemon.

"Ssooo let me get this straight. These guys want more lakes and stuff by getting rid of all the ground?" Dash wrinkles her nose, "Whose comes up with a featherbrained idea like that?" She does a quick aileron roll, and begins to descend. "Now if they were out for getting rid of flag poles, I'd be totally down for that!"

Lyria Mason has posed:
So here is Lyria aggin looking into the world with creatures knowna s Pokemon, she wonders fo a moment about this place but hey she's not alone a mechanical serpent like thing is moving along after the previous day's events she has to wonder about this place but hey there's more to learn. The Terrain is certainly interesting but it seems Team Aqua is already on the move and she pauses. Pirates? Seafairers so many of them inland right now? This was very curious to be certain as she moved to get closer. She had no idea this was crazy cult level stuff /yet/.

Finna (513) has posed:
    After getting herself nearly bit in two, Finna needed a few hours to herself hiding Elsewhere to recuperate and pull back together. After hiding outside reality though... she went to Lavaridge town and snuck into the hotsprings. She's been hanging out in Lavaridge learning the local customs and checking in on rumors for a good half a day now... so when someone at the Pokemon Center starts waving their arms over something on their Buzz app or an LCD screen with the news (whatever really) her sharp ears picked up on it.

    "Ah.... not again. I'll check it out but..."

    But she's exhausted and spent most of her energy and enthusiasm yesterday. even if she's physically intact, her spirit needs recuperation time!

    So when she arrives, well...

    It's without a lot of fanfare. She just swoops in as a red-tailed hawk and perches on one of the few trees bordering the river. Luna bless low-hanging limbs!

    "Soooooooo one of the two loves land life, the other loves sea life..."

    Yes, the red-tailed hawk's TALKING as it waddles sideways along the branch until its weight gets the thin limb dangling WAAAAAY down...

    Whereupon the bird flips around to hang upside-down like a bat, conspicuously about three feet behind Aqua Joy!

    This is not weird AT ALL.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    On a recommendation from a completely different Nurse Joy, one that is quite certainly not part of THIS event, Kyra had come to Lavaridge to visit the famous hotsprings. She's just conveniently in the area when shit starts to go down with Team Aqua and the great Camerupt rustling.

    She comes out of sheer curiosity, a bystander to the madness that is Team Aqua-but a well-armed one at that with the very visible very shiny rifle slung across her back. She observes the operation with clinical interest-beastmasters using their own beasts to drive back wild beasts. But as she watches, she spies a familiar face.

    "...Morgan?" She intones from her spot up by the treeline along the banks of the stream. "You're helping these guys out? -no wait, lemme guess, they're paying you, right?"

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Team Aqua is fairly obvious from the air, so Alexis should be able to notice them fairly quickly. the water based attacks hitting the Camerupt are causing clouds of steam, which make a good way to spot them. Team Aqua, at the moment, has not noticed the Salamance soaring through the sky. Rainbow Dash isn't noticed either, partially beacause they don't expect a lot of problems from Pokemon in the sky. Lyria is also unnoticed yet, due to the fact she isn't making a big commotion or anything.

     Morgan is intimidating enough to scare away most of the Pokemon. But, one of the Snorunt waddles forward to face him. Despite the fact that they are Ice Pokemon and not Fire Pokemon, they still somewhat care for the Camerupt. Sure, the Camerupt are destroying Water Pokemon homes, but. The Camerupt also help dig out caves for wild Pokemon to hide in.

     And so, the Snorunt lets loose an attack! ...Which is basically just a small bit of ice being tossed at Morgan.

     The Grenades from Kari are causing some problems to the Camerupt. The explosions are tearing at them a bit, and making an already bad situation worse. They're panicking due to the loud noises as well. Some of them are /trying/ to shoot ember at Kari, but such a small target is hard to hit, and Team Aqua is keeping them well herded.

     Finna is noticed a bit by Nurse Joy. Mostly because she is a hawk, nearby, and talked briefly. She turns to look at it. Her eyes slowly narrow at it, as if she is wondering what is happening.

     "...Did anyone else hear that hawk talk?"


     Joy just stares at the hawk for a second more.

     One of the male Team Aqua members turns to Kyra as she arrives. He was about to say something, but then Kyra spoke to Morgan. Ah, a friend of the guy they hired? But, after a moment, he speaks up anyways. "HEY, girl. We're trying to deal with a natural disaster these things are causing. So stay back, we don't want you to get hurt in the process!"

Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
"Have I met you?" Morgan stares at Kyra for a minute, before placing her voice. "Ohhh, you're that Kyra chick. Yup, they're paying me. And I get to be a pirate, plus catch a Pokemon. Sweet deal, righ-" ICICLE ATTACK. As the Snorunt lets loose the ice at Morgan, a bit gets into his eyes and blinds him...but most of it is suddenly blocked by the chains around his wrists flying upwards and blocking it. Steel type resistance! The chains begin to shake like crazy, and they stop being cold. They likely realize their foe is using ice.

And then, the chains INITIATE BATTLE, the leg chains dragging Morgan to the side as the arm chains dash forward at the Snorunt to smack it in the face. Morgan just frowns as he allows the chains to use him as a ragdoll. "Well, that got them set off. Ragdoll mode, ACTIVATE!"

Alexis has posed:
Yup, steam from Fire types getting hit by Water attacks is like painting a big red X on the spot from the sky. That Mudkip packs a punch. Then again, Camerupt are really weak to water due to their dual typing as well. "That about sums it up Dash... Ah, there they are. Don't go rushing in too headstrong, eh? There is a small chance they can be reasoned with." Even if she doesn't have particularly high hopes on the matter herself.

She gives the Salamence a nudge with her heels and he pulls up briefly, only to dive downward moments after. Large wings spread out both to brake his descent to a reasonable speed, and so when he hits the ground they're already spread to shield the Camerupt from some of the water attacks. In his case it's mostly an annoyance. He just gives the Mudkip an Intimidating scowl.

Alexis puts a foot on his shoulder and half stands to be seen from his backside. "Alright, which one of you hooligans wants to explain why you're given the local 'mon a hard time -this- time?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Wanting to see life flourish is a great thing!" The hawk exclaims the moment Nurse Joy LOOKS AWAY, just adding to the weirdness. But then the hawk hops free of its perch and lands on Joy's SHOULDER.

    Finna is very careful to not dig her talons in and hurt her, however, which leads to a precarious balancing act that no natural creature would manage.

    "But are these beasts not also part of nature? What is the root cause of their expansion?"

    She's adopting the tone and words of one of her several tutors from the Wardens of Gaia.

    Maybe she pays attention to things more seriously than it appears.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Who the hay are you calling headstrong?" Rainbow Dash lets out a snort, "I'm totally chill!" Some of the time, anyway. "I'm not going to kick their flanks yet anyway." She flicks her wings out as she soars in overhead, backwinging as she comes in to hover over the group.

Despite staying in one place, Dash's wings begin to beat harder. Strong gusts of winds pick up under them, attempting to deflect some of the projectiles and water away from the fleeing fire pokemon.

"And it better be a good reason, or else!" That's her not being headstrong.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Camerupt used ember! Kari's mount dives about trying to avoid the flurry of angry attacks, with the shinki stopping her bombardment for awhile as she tries to keep ahold of the little wingull. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" If her visor wasn't over her eyes, she would have very wide eyes right now!
    A fiery attack catchs the little shirt that Kari was given, and the shink risks trying to put it out with an oversized paw, but this doesn't work very well, resulting in the shirt getting caught on the claws and ripped off. Kari flails her arm wildly trying to get the flaming striped shirt off of her gauntlet and only succeeds after a moment's effort.
    The pair seem to have gotten away relatively unscathed as Gulliver levels out and then banks for another pass through the camerupt. This time Kari's shoulders open up to reveal a pair of lasers, green beams lancing out to harass the camerupt even more.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's fine, I deal with angry wild animals all the time. I'll be alright." She gives the Team Aqua member a double thumbs up. "Though those things look kind of big, you might need some stronger water."

    Kyra frowns at Morgan, "Didn't you come to voyeur at my lesson with Orphen? Jeeze." A pause, "...huh, so how much are they paying you? Because I think there might be a way to do this a bit easier..." As Kyra starts to reach under her hoodie for something contained therein, Morgan is suddenly jumped by a WILD SNORUNT and starts to flail.

    She jerks backwards as Morgan's chains suddenly go CRAZY and start acting on their own, hurling him around like a puppet. "Holy Carbuncle!" Kyra exclaims, pulling that mystery item out of her hoodie-it's a needlegun. After a moment of fussing, she withdraws a dart from under her hoodie and sticks it in, taking a shot at the snorunt. It's slotted with a tranquilizer-unfortunately, a very strong one that she's been experimenting with in preparation for Razer.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason gets some information on Team Aqua and Magma, from Alexis and gtet the basic idea. It seems they got two crazy elemental cults going at it right now. So she's moving in her drone, Remora seem to be getting into thing as it move on ashead of her. She's now trying to get in close to deal with this madness. The Seas are imporant yes, but? Without land there's not where to harvest materials for ships, or even for non levatani to live, right? She's got her arms folded as she arrived while her drone hisses, she's not making an attack yet they might listen to Alexis right?

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     The chains smack the Snorunt straight in the face, causing it to tumble and roll back. It gets back up again almost immediately, though. It tries to shake the pain off, and it gets a determined look in its eyes. There is a bit of a wicked, evil glare to them, for just a moment. And then it leaps forward, trying to surprise Morgan by biting him on the head. It just kind of opens its mouth, and tries to clutch onto him. If it gets on, it's going to try and /stay/ on, too.

     But, it is at /this/ point where it is hit with the tranq-dart. The Snorunt is beginning to fall asleep at a rapid rate.

     While still biting down.

     With Alexis asking what is going on, Nurse Joy will actually be the one to explain what is going on. She'll also explain to the strange /bird thing/ too. But, this Nurse Joy is a lot calmer than a lot of Team Aqua, so she is willing to explain.

     "These things have just been moving out of their normal habitat. They're usually living higher up on the mountain. When they come down to the rivers, it blocks them off, evaporates the water, and gets rid of habitat for Water Pokemon. Like, /some/ of the land Pokemon start living in the old riverbeds, but it still leaves the water Pokemon S.O.L.! Plus, like. People have /asked/ them to leave. If the water is blocked up, the snow's melt will back up, and then it'll come down /all at once/, eroding a bunch of land into /more/ streams, and bringing more of it into the ocean. We just want to keep the problem from getting /worse/!"

     The lasers from the Shinki help a lot. Even though the Camerupt managed to get a hit in on her and the Wingull, the Camerupt are still somewhat freaking out. The Team Aqua members are trying to keep this next part on the down low, though. They turn to face towards the people talking, but their Pokemon are still helping Kari herd the Camerupt. And, as Kari attacks with the lasers... Team Aqua tosses a Pokeball at the ones she attacks.

     A Confederate Elite, even a little one, can really help speed up the 'weakening the Pokemon' part of capturing, it seems. They are being caught fairly simply with her help.

     And, in return, the Camerupt are shooting some rocks up at Kari, trying to hit her with stones. These are a /bit/ bigger than the embers, and a /bit/ more pointy!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"That doesn't give you guys a reason to go beating them up like that!" Rainbow Dash retorts, folding her forelimbs over her chest. She glares down at them, but coming from an adorable, flying equine - Even one as awesome as her- it probably isn't as effective as she'd like. "That just makes you guys look like a bunch of-Hey!"

Dash stops abrupty, a flash of movement catching her eye. She twists around to face the team Aqua member as the pokeball is thrown. Then in the next instant, her wings come down in a rapid flurry. She speeds straight at it, intending to try and kick the pokeball out of the sky mid arc.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis leans forward a bit to rest one arm on her knee as she listens to Aqua Joy's explaination. Environmental issue, terrible follow through. More or less what she expected. "Well okay now, see that is a problem. You're right that they're in the wrong place and displacing other pokemon, probably don't realize they're causing trouble." Camerupt aren't exactly the brightest pokemon. The unevolved Numel is one of those pokemon known for it's obliviousness even.

"But," she continues she she stands back up on her Salamence's shoulder again. "Really, is just attacking the Camerupt for being here the best answer?" She waves one hand up towards Mt. Chimney. "Did anyone think of going up there to see if maybe there's a reason they came this far down? What if something pushed them out of their own turf? What if the real disaster is up there and your attempts, if weirdly well meant, are just extrabricating the problem?"

Stormfront actually turns his head enough to give her a look at the large word. ".. What? I heard Glitch use it a few times."

Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
Snorunt unleashes super bite. Somehow, it gets over the chains, landing on Morgan's head, and chomping down, all as it begins to fall asleep. And it hurts like a bitch. Morgan begins to trip, as the chains fly up and begin shaking his head to get the thing off. Suffice to say, he's going to have a killer headache when this is over.

The chains begin to whack at it on top of him, trying to drag it off and just beat it off him. When it finally gets off him, though, the chains just stop after another smack. Threat unconscious/badly beat the shit out of. Morgan makes sure it's still alive, before grabbing the pokeball from his belt, and pitching it at the Snorunt. "Alright, you're mine! Go, pokeball or whatever the fuck I'm supposed to say!" And then, he briefly turns his attention to Kyra. "That is a very convienent tranquilizer rifle, /Stalker Girl/." He believes her, but he's totally going to take advantage of this for his own entertainment.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Complicated messes... guess there's no helping it. I'll just go ask one of 'em what the deal is!" Dropping the Wise Bird tone, Finna takes off and waggles her tailfeathers at Nurse Joy!

    And the odd thing she ends up doing is swooping past one of the Camerupt, gently scrapes it with a talon juuuuuust enough to draw blood... and pecks once. or at least appears to. Really, she's just getting a drop of blood. It's all she needs.

    Then the hawk hops a distance away and--

    ... And shapeshifts into an IDENTICAL Camerupt. At least in form.

    Finnarupt bellows once and then starts making NOISES at the nearby Camerupt, the essence of the wild lands flowing through her soul, ears, and animal throat.

    She might be just making Camerupt noises. Depending on how Pokemon work in this world that might be the species name! It doesn't really matter.

    What does matter is that the other Camerupt are being 'asked' a very simple question.

    'Why is this territory better than the old territory?'

    Lunars have a way with creatures that even humans would think incapable of communication.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Frantically, Gulliver takes high into the air as the pointed rocks come flying at them. One of them catches Kari and knocks her off the Pokemon! Well, hope that gravity assist helps her out in the fall.
Kari manages to right herself a bit, a huge gun materializing in her arms as she falls. It's a bigger than the shinki herself and has the word "Bark Bark!" scrawled across its barrel. She points it at the ground towards the camerupt and fires it multiple times as she descends, the .32 shinki-scale cannon sounding off with a series of cracks.
    The point here is that Kari is using the recoil to slow her fall and change her trajectory into somewhere safe.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria is unaware of the broadband chatter at this time so she's just acting on what she's got here. She listens for a moment and she listnes at least to the Team Aqua She's not sure if they are insane oe this is how their world works. The extraverse is a pretty insane place after all, right? She's going to trust in Alexis leadership at hthis point. She tilts her head a bit.

"That is a good point what could be driving them down from their normal range? If your willint to stop and come with us to see just what's going on further up I don't se ea reason to fight."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    So that Broadband exchange of accusations just happened. It was bad enough being mistaken for Morgan's girlfriend-though understandable. She did just provide him with a SWEET ASSIST against the pokemon trying to eat his face. But to be called a STALKER?

    Kyra looks mad, her hooded face flushed bright red with anger-it's very visible since her skin's pretty pale. "It's a /needlegun/." Kyra says petulantly, unzipping the front zipper of her hoodie. Beneath is clearly where she keeps her gear, including a pair of bandoliers that criss-cross each other, carrying darts and ammo. This is done so she can load another dart.

    "Though if you're so /interested/ in the tranquilizers, I /could/ give you a taste." Kyra mentions with a menacing glint in her eyes.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Rainbow Dash is managing to knock the Pokeballs out of the middle of the air with some ease. This is causing some anger in the grunts. They glare at her. A couple are even having their hands on the Pokeballs with their Pokemon inside. But, they don't attack, just yet. Because, even though Team Aqua is a lot more rough and tumble, they herad about the chaos that happened yesterday to Team Magma. They don't want a repeat of that.

     But one of the Aqua grunts sees Finna transform.

     "IT'S MEW! CATCH IT!"

     He throws a Pokeball at Finna.

     As for the Camerupt's reaction, the /largest/ of them just looks at Finna, and grumbles a bit. It's obviously pretty mad at this whole situation.

     "Camerupt!" <The mountains are too full. We came to find new places to live. We don't care what else is living there. We just want new land.>

     So, apparently, the mountains are just getting... overpopulated. This is, in fact, actually incredibly similar to the reason the Wailord were acting up, though no one will know /that/ because no one asked.

     Joy sighs a bit, "Yeah, we were /going/ to check out what was going on higher up in the mountain, but like. Team Magma has a pretty strong presence around the actual rim. So who even knows what's going on. Or if the Camerupt is even telling the truth." She just shakes her head a bit. This is a fair bit frustrating, for a number of reasons. But at the least, she knows they are /trying/ to talk, today.

     As for Morgan, the Snorunt is in the Pokebalk.

     Shake. Shake. Shake.



Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
Morgan's head hurts. It's going to heal fast and any actual damage has already started healing, but it /hurts/. He bends over to pick up his brand new Pokeball, however, as somewhere out there in the far spaces of the Multiverse, a nickname screen pops up. "Going to name this thing Grin. Alright, girl, let's let you rest a bit." He puts Grin's pokeball on the belt, as he turns back to Kyra. "Police! POLICE!", he shouts mockingly, before very quickly moving over to the Camerupt stuff to get a mission report, approaching Joy. "So, what's the situation? They budging?"

Finna (513) has posed:

    Finnarupt snags the Pokeball in her teeth?!

    ... and then turns to WEIRDLY GRIN at the grunt. It is INCREDIBLY disquieting because of the SHARKTEETH ASPECT at first glance. At second glance the Camerupt has normal teeth. So what the hell was that sudden insight?

    "Camerffff!" It's hard to talk with a pokeball in one's mouth. <You can only have what you can defend!> A simple message, unmistakable too.

    And then Finna shapeshifts back to her human form in clear view. The Pokeball transitions from her teeth to the tip of a finger where she manages to set it spinning with a wrist flick.

    "I've not known animals to be very capable of lying. Maybe Pokemon are smarter. But it seems something like overpopulation or a distance shook them up enough to migrate. Well, if they can hold the land they want then it's theirs. If you force 'em off then it's yours. But the problem's up in the mountain. And if you don't deal with THAT... this will keep happening. Soooo... what will you do?"

    Twirl twirl twirl goes the Pokeball...

Alexis has posed:
Alexis raises a hand to rub through her bangs for a moment. Of course, Team Magma would be lurking around a lot. A lot of fire pokemon, a possible connection to Groudon depending on who you ask. So much for hoping maybe trying to actually talk would make this easier to resolve. Stormfront does turn his head a bit in the direction of the Camerupt talking to Finna-rupt, and rolls his eyes as Grunts start mistaking her for Mew. Idiots. Even he knows the difference between Mew and shapeshifting offworlder. Maybe. Never actually seen Mew.

"Okay, so the Camerupt are moving out of their normal habitat." She pauses to shoot a look at Joy briefly. "I doubt how much you'd care if it wasn't for the water sources being disrupted, but that's not the point." Alexis dismissively waves off that part of the matter. Population issues she can entirely believe, it was a prime reason for migration in the first place. As most experts and they'll suggest the reason pokemon like Clefairy are found at Meteor Falls is population migration. Unless you ask Seymor. He'll claim they came on the meteors that crashed there centuries ago. "But if you just chase them off from here, they're gonna go somewhere else. Are you gonna follow them -there- and harass them too? Or do you really only care because there's water involved?"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari manages to slow herself enough that she lands squarely in among a Team Aqua grunt's satchel full of pokeballs, knocking a bunch of them out. She peers up at the grunt, who is likely surprised, and waves with a gauntleted hand. "Hiiii~!" she says. She notices the pokeball thrown at Finna, and the pokeball that Morgan Vale threw. She thinks for a moment... Well, the Team Aqua guys did try to catch one before that winged pony knocked the ball away... They probably want to catch them too...
    Kari grabs one of the pokeballs from the satchel of them with both claws and hucks it at an injured camerupt. "Oomph!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "There's no police here! Only Aqua!! And the Union Elites here aren't putting you as their priority, Morgan!" Kyra singsongs deciding, fuck it, if he's going to act like she's a crazy stalker-THEN HE WILL GET THE CRAZY STALKER. "Maybe you can beg your pirate friends to help!!"

    Morgan heads to join the rest of the Camerupt and Kyra runs after him.

    "Seriously, though." Kyra does not put away her gun. She might be waiting for the opportune time to cap Morgan, "Finna's got a point. Usually overpopulation issues will sort themselves out naturally but if it was caused by an unnatural thing in the first place then you might want to deal with /that/. Treat the disease, not the symptom."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
They glare at Dash, and Rainbow Dash glares right back. She folds her forelimbs over her chest, eyelids half lidded in her best 'don't mess with me' sort of glare. Again, not the most impressive glare ever. But considering that she just zoomed from one point to another in a very short amount of time, maybe not.

And then someone chucks a pokeball anyway. Dash was too busy glaring at them to notice it until it's too late. "ALRIGHT! Who threw that!?" She turns that glare accusingly around the surrounding group of Aquas, forehooves readied in front of her like someone getting ready for a boxing match.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason uhoh as someone sees Finna transforma nd they talk about her being a mew and to catch it. There's a bit of an amused look on her face she knows it's not going to go the way they thing. However there are more imporant matters going.

Then we can go take a look in some fashion? I have no problem with this. I still recall what they were doing to the sea life eariler."

SO she's a bit biased to the water but can you balem her? Her people are tied to it. She does however join the group as they start to make to head way she orders Remora to go ahea dan several small spider like drones deploy fgrom the larger drone.

She thinks about going along as well but hangs back with Alexis for the moment should things go bad? She'll need backup, right?

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy just sighs at the group. Frowning. "We have a plan! We're going to capture them and give them to the local authorities! A /lot/ of plans were submitted on how to deal with this stuff, and like, relocating them was one of them. But instead they just decided to /wait/, with their main plan being 'Well we can talk to them if they become a problem for /humans/'. So we were gonna catch them all, and /force/ the relocation!"

     Nurse Joy is getting a bit huffy over this. She's obviously annoyed. This is such a simple matter! She looks at Finna, frowning a bit.

     "And... If Team Magma is causing this problem up there? We're going to head up there and /force/ them to stop whatever they're up to! Bah, they cause /so much trouble/."

     A glance at Morgan from Joy, and she just sighs a bit, "Not yet... We were going to get this wrapped up /so soon/, too. ...You'll still get paid either way, though. Also if you need help with that new Pokemon, I can teach you sometime."

     A glance at Lyria. Joy likes this one. "Well, if you're offering to help, that'd be great. But. We'd probably need to investigate another day. It's a /long/ way up the mountain, and we'd need to prepare well for taking out Team Magma up there! ...Cause even if they aren't responsible, they'll still fight us away anyways."

     The Aqua Grunts are not one who are going to accuse an ally. And Kari is an ally in this situation. So they just kind of shrug a bit.

     "Wasn't any of us. I didn't see any of us throwing one."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari hides as Rainbow Dash looks ready to fight. People she can deal with. Horses that can fly and talk, maybe not so much. They're kind of big even for being a person. So she ducks into the satchel. She hears Nurse Joy explain what's going on as she hides among the bottom of the satchel with the pokeballs.
    Oh! So they _are_ going to capture them! Kari was right! She pops up from the satchel and starts throwing more pokeballs in the direction of the Camerupts. "We're gonna find you new homes! With water! And grass! And little white pig things that bite people!" she says cheerfully as she starts hurling pokeballs at the herd of pokemon. Fairly indiscriminately too, so anyone near the camerupts or between Kari and the pokemon is probably going to get beaned with one of the little spheroids.

Alexis has posed:
You ever see a dragon facefault? Because that's what Stormfront does at Joy yelling about relocation. Fortunately since he's very european dragon-like in form, it's just smacking his face to the ground via serpentine neck. Don't worry, the ground was probably hurt more than he was, Salamence have extremely hard heads from the youth leaping off cliffs trying to fly as Bagon.

His body doesn't move much so Alexis can still stand there as she slaps her hand to her face. "Augh, why didn't you say you were trying to relocate them in the first place?! That's different than chasing them out!" Sigh. Communication issues, of course. She rubs her temples a moment, then looks back up. "While I don't particularly care for your methodology, at least you've kinda got the right idea. Any idea where you're gonna relocate them -to- though?" She's starting to get the feeling it's less the idea and more that it's been terribly thought through.

Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
"Getting paid either way is fucking swell. Tutoring will be great, but what do we do about this first? Over for the day? I got a Pokemon, I'm pretty good with this." Morgan stretches, staring at Kyra as she follows him, before looking back, grinning at her. "Look, if you wanted me to pay attention to you, you didn't need to go to /such violent measures/, sweetheart."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
When none of them fess up, Rainbow Dash hmphs. "I got my eyes on you guys," She says, pointing the tip of one forehoof to her eyes, then to the Aqua members lurking around. She then turns back around to try and pay attention to what is going on between Alexis and Nurse Joy. But that's when one of Kari's thrown pokeballs BONKS her right in the head. "OW! THAT'S IT!"

Regardless on whether or not they're actually working together at this point to relocate the pokemon, Dash starts darting back and forth to try and block the flying pokeballs from sucking up more of the Camerupt. Kick, punch, wing-smack! And also getting a few more pokeballs to the body!

If this were quidditch, she'd probably make a decent keeper. But Seeker is more of her position.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra lowers her needlegun and reaches over, sticking her hand in Morgan's face and pushing him away. "Shush, the /adults are talking/ about this actual problem."

    She takes in a breath, trying to push down her anger at the death god and his teasing. "And hey, if there's a good place to relocate them to, I wouldn't mind giving a hand to doing so. Just to, you know. Help." Unlike Morgan she wasn't asking for money for this. Briefly, she glances over to Alexis. "And I could make it go really fast-" she ducks under a stray pokeball bucked away by Rainbow Dash.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "...You guys and the Magma group are so much trouble..." Finna grouches out, head in hands all of a sudden. She snags the Pokeball up again to halt the spin and pockets it. A grunt is now out of a bit of pocket change apparently, given how cheap they are.

    What she intends to DO with it, when she's not a trainer... is anybody's guess...

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    In an instant, Kyra's mood veers back to enraged /precisely/ due to the comment in which Morgan insinuates that she's unattractive. The hand drops away from his face back down to the holstered needlegun. Turns out that Kyra is a pretty quick draw.

    The gun is pointed at Morgan.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy siiighs, "Of course we have a plan! Some of them can live in the desert. There are also some islands and stuff we can put them. Or, heck. Orre. There is a /lot/ of space there where these things could thrive, or heck! Some of the people there might even just want then as pets, for who knows why. So yes, we have a plan."

     She looks towards Morgan, and shrugs. "You've been helping a lot, so really, we just wanna reward that. Team Aqua... Well. Unlike Team Magma, we are a Team who feels it is /incredibly/ important to have strong bonds and alliances!" This is, of course, a lie. Team Magma and Team Aqua are pretty similar on this front.

     She pointedly ignores the comment from Finna. She does not like being compared to Team Magma, at all. But, she goes on.

     "Now, will you guys let me /capture these things/? You can even /help/ if you want. I don't care! I just wanna get this over with before it becomes a /complete/ mess."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "I'm at least going to look into what the trouble is Miss. I'll see how things go I'm not making any promises here but given you were willing to talk and stop? I'm going to see what I can find."

She has no idea who throw sthe ball either and her drones can run for a bit though Remora will come back far sooner than the spiders who can be out in the field for a few day so sniff out trouble.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Somehow through all of the arguing on the radio, Finna's decided to sliiiiiiide over Morgan's way. Moving with the grace of Lunar Essence her steps are strangely subtle and sinuous and easily skip between cycles of thought. Before anyone knows it... she's slithering straight up Morgan's front like a weaving cobra.

    Mischief glimmers in her icy blue eyes. "Quiet you!"

    The next moment...

    One hand slips behind Morgan's back and she leans into him, tips him back and DIPSMOOCHES him good and hard!

    And by all signs she's enjoying the hell out of it!

    Of course when she lets go he'll have to worry about staying on his feet himself because she just drops him when it's over, licking her lips.

    what the heck was that about?

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    It's kind of a game, right? See if the pony can not block one. But, Kari is not a fast shinki or particularly clever and Rainbow Dash manages to block all of Kari's shots. After Kari has run out of pokeballs to throw, so she climbs out of the satchel and drops to the ground. "Oomph!" Then she kind of leaps/bounces over to the Team Aqua Nurse Joy and hops up onto the pokemon trainer's shoulder and sits there precariously. She peers at Kyra, Finna, and Morgan through the thermal imager in her visor and looks confuse. What are they even doing? That just looks weird in the IR. *click* Oh. That's what Finna and Morgan are doing. She cheers Finna on.

Morgan Vale (706) has posed:
DIPSMOOCH ATTACK. Morgan doesn't see it coming, and stares right at Finna as it happens. The venom works, but much more mild than normal, Morgan being resistant to most toxins. When Finna drops him, he quickly begins to step backwards, shaking his head as he stares at her. "You're not my type, lady." He seems kind of out of it, but the chains start to shake and rattle. They don't do anything; it seems to be a defensive warning instead. "But that was pretty damn smart. I knew the ladies liked me!" He does quiet, but not by much, sadly.


Alexis has posed:
Alexis gives Stormfront a nudge to get up off the ground. "Com'n big guy. You can help carry some of them. Let's get these camels somewhere safe so we can worry about things on the mountain." She huffs into her bangs. "Don't really like it, but I'll feel better about it if we keep an eye on them doing so."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra lowers the needlegun once Finna intervenes. She relaxes, just a little, though it doesn't seem like Morgan was knocked out by that as Kyra would have done with her slotted tranquilizer. A vaguely annoyed look remains on her face before she suddenly edges back when Finna threatens her with the same fate.

    "I'm just..gonna be over there. Helping. Yeah." Kyra waves her hands around rapidly before edging off the the camerupts. She helps, of course, by staying far enough away and using her darts to induce Sleep. Or sedation. They're still of extra strong make since they were mixtures meant to deal with Razer.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
When the balls stop flying, Rainbow Dash is still in the air. She's got a couple of welts from getting a few balls to the head and chest, but she doesn't look that much worse for wear. She does look exhausted though, breathing heavily from the effort of trying to stop all of those balls. "Hah!" She breaths, wings beating a little more feebily, "Can't get through me!" Then slowly, she starts hovering down to the ground, finally landing on all four hooves. "Just... gotta catch my breath, that's all."

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     As things calm down a bit, Joy relaxes a bit more. She is trying her best to ignore what Finna just did, and so, she turns to ignore her a bit. And gives an order not to share the video of that. Because one of the Grunts had a camera on their suit, hidden. She sighs a bit, though, but finally cheers up.

     "ALRIGHT! In this case, we've gotten a lot of help! Let's capture these Pokemon, and send them somewhere else! Alright.... Pokeball, go!"

     She starts throwing Pokeballs, as do the other Grunts. Also, she gives Kari a little bit of a pat on the top of the head, because, well. Kari was doing a whole lot of work, tonight! Team Aqua owe Kari a lot, too.

     Lyria's scouting drones will, eventually, find some things on the mountain. There are, in fact, a lot of Team Magma members hanging around the caldera, and they've made a few little cabins up near it their bases. And, over the next few days, she'll see what the Team Magma grunts are doing; mass breeding Numel, the camel Pokemon. The large number of them is pushing away the Camerupt and other Numel in the area. Team Magma doesn't release /all/ of them, though, but the majority of them are still, in fact, released.

     Joy, though? She'll be spending these next few days, or however long it takes, to relocate the Camerupt to somewhere else. PLaces inland. With no water around. Where their damage can be minimized.

     It will be interesting when this comes to a head, though. When Team Magma is assaulted by the Union. Possibly the Confederacy too, if Kari vouches for Team Aqua. Thsi could become a mess.

     And the Joy of Team Aqua looks /forward/ to this.