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Encounter in the Hangars
Date of Scene: 09 February 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Deployment
Synopsis: Working on his bike in the Union HQ, Brooklyn runs into one of the newest members of the team.
Cast of Characters: 684, Corona Arclite

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
The Union's hangar bays are full of all manner of vehicle. Gundams and Jaegers stand the size of skyscrapers, towering over everything, airships and battleships galore. And of course there's plenty of room for smaller vehicles as well. One such garage has been taken over by the gargoyle known as Brooklyn, and at the moment there is a sporty looking black motorcycle up on a lift. This thing is definitely modified to fit it's rider, though. The main mechanic that works on it, the smaller green gargoyle, doesn't seem to be around at the moment. Probably off trying to figure out how to build his own Jaeger at this point. Brooklyn is under the bike, tweaking something with a wrench.

He also appears to have a pair of headphones on, listening to some kinda music or something while he works. He prefers the big DJ style headphones with lots of bass, really helps to get him in the zone.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona has always been a more hands on sort of girl, so it's not a surprise it didn't take the foxgirl long to just start poking around the hangers again. The big robots were a bit out of her league, but there's plenty of vehicles and stuff to look at, peer over shoulders and bug various mechanics with questions about. This has always been how she learned, instead of reading books and that sort of thing.

She's also really good at scrounging up the spare parts that other people don't think they can use anymore. Like the length of corrogated hose she was slung over one shoulder, a chunk of sheet metal tucked under the other arm, and the large wheel she's kicking along to roll in front of her. Until it wobbles off to the side, and before she can kick it again it rolls away and thuds against the side of Brooklyn's little work area. *THUMP*

Corona gives it a nudge to roll it away from the wall again, then sticks her head inside. "Sorry 'bout thaaand boy ain't that a piece of work there!"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
The thud against the wall actually manages to get Brooklyn's attention as he's able to hear it over the music. He pulls his headphones off and slides out from under the bike, looking at Corona as she pokes her head in, "Well hey there.." He says, as he leans against the lift holding up the bike, "You like it, huh? Totally custom made. Me and my rookery brother built it up from a frame."

He's not the type to steal the spotlight from Lexington, since Lex did do most of the work, but he's still more than happy to show it off to the fox while Lex isn't here.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite lets out a low whistle. She gives the wheel a bump to knock it on its side so it won't roll off again, then sets her other things on top of it and ambles into the shop proper. "Custom made, eh? Looks like he knows his work." She wanders to the other side and hunchs down a bit for a look. "Doing some tunin' up then?" She hasn't even flinched at the fact that he's not human or anything really animal like. Or possibly hasn't really noticed yet. Considering there's a nice shiny machine sitting there to distract her.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Oh just tweaking things here and there." Brooklyn says, "We just installed a nitro system on the bike. Should really give it a kick, but we have to be careful so it doesn't, you know, explode." He says, shrugging his wings a little bit, "You're that new arrival, right? Uh..Corona. I just saw your introduction video." He offers her one of his talons, "I'm Brooklyn. Resident defender of Manhattan. Well and anything else that needs to get defended."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Uuuh, yeah. Nitro kinda does that. Explode, I mean. Reason they use it in dynamite." Corona leans a little to the side to try and look farther down the bike. "Are ya usin' it just for combustion or trying to vent the blast out somewhere like a rocket? Cuz that's gonna need somewhere to go an.. huh? Oh!" The vixen quickly scrabbles back to her feet when she realizes he's going for introductions. "Ayup, that's me!" She grabs the offered talons in one gloved paw and gives it a hearty shake. "Loadstone's one an' main machinist, just checkin' out some of the other stuff folks are usin'."

That's when she finally takes note of the wings folded at his back, though she's got to almost stand on her toes to peer over his shoulder. "Not to be nosey, but just what sorta critter are you?"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"It's actually nitrous oxide. It's a gas that gets pumped into the engine alongside the normal air to create a bigger internal blast, which forces the engine to run faster. You don't see it on motorcycles too often 'cause they use smaller engines, but Lex figured out how to make it work." Brooklyn replies, as he shows her where the nitrous tank is installed on the back of the bike.

To her second question, he grins a little bit, "I'm a gargoyle. We're kind of a rare species, I know. Even here in the Multiverse there don't seem to be a whole lot of us running around."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite lets go of the handshake to take a few steps to the side and get a better look at the wings. "Must be useful, wings. I gotta jump and climb to get up to most high places." Then she comes around from behind him to walk up on the other side of the motorcycle again. "So fer increasin' combustion then. Huh. Yeah. Can't ignite much of it at once in a small block like that." Tail curls at her heels as she squats down to get a closer look at the tank again. "Might wanna double-check yer chains and such if y'all haven't yet. Make sure they're gonna be able to take the additional strain from that increased output. Or the extra heat that baby's gonna be making."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"We actually replaced the chains with some high torque belts." Brooklyn replies, "Gives us increased performance even before the nitro system was added." He replies, "Less worry about them dropping or breaking during the increased torque created by the engine, too." Brooklyn pulls something out of his pocket, a little handheld device, and taps a couple of things on it, before he turns it towards Corona, "This is what the bike looked like when we first got it." He shows her the picture of what looks like a frame and a rusted out engine with a couple of rims, "Found it wrecked in a junkyard, figured nobody would miss it."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Folks underestimate what y'all can find in the scrap. One man's junk, another man's treasure and all that. Hell, I melt the depot's scrap myself and reforge it," Corona replies as she saunters over to take a look. Then back at the bike. Then at the pic again. "Hoo dowgie, you'd never think it's the same thing now..... neat little pictobox there too."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Yeah these things are pretty awesome." Brooklyn says, as he puts the handheld back in his pocket, "Lex took existing designed and made them work with, well.." He holds one of his talons up, "Not exactly designed for regular human phones. Plus we had to figure out a way to access the cell network since we can't just walk into a store and buy a phone." He laughs a bit, "Though we do have Elisa to go buy us stuff...Well normally." He shakes his head, "She's been missing for a while, but I figure she's with Goliath and Bronx so she's fine."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Hey, look at the bright side." Corona holds up one of her paws with the heavy leather work gloves that have been reinforced with protective panels across the backs and metal capped fingertips. "Don't gotta wear these just for protection. Or to smack someone. Lotta folks need a good wompin' to keep 'em in line."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Oh trust me, I know a thing or two about wompin' people to keep 'em in line.." He says, "You'd think after a thousand years frozen in stone we'd get a vacation but no sooner did me and my clan wake up then it was right back into the fire." He shakes his head, "Though the Multiverse opens up a lot of opporitunities for me. I'm trying to take advantage of the ones I can."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Sad but true fact... 'bout pretty much anywhere. Always folks like that. Tryin' to take advantage of the decent folk. Of course, if a smack to the face ain't 'nuff..."

Corona trails the comment off with a snicker as she grabs the handle sticking out of the sling across the back of her belts and yanks it out. She flips it over her hand to grab the action and let the momentum snap it forward to cock the lever, letting it linger there just long enough for it to be seen that it resembles a sawed off shotgun of some sort. Then snaps it back and flips it again to properly grab it.

At the same time she stomps her foot down on a piece of scrap lying on the floor to flip it into the air over her head, point the gun and pull the trigger. Instantly it's audible that the weapon makes a hum more like a small generator than a loading breech, and then a short burst of greenish-blue energy crackles out of the barrel. The plasma scattershot shatters the plate into a dozen small smoldering pieces clattering to the floor as Corona blows the vapors off the barrel, then twirls it backwards twice to rest it against her shoulder with the saftey back on.

"Fo'get diamonds, shotgun's a gal's best friend on the frontier."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
The gargoyle looks very impressed at the weapon's impact on that scrap metal, as he looks at what remains of it when it hits the ground, "I've seen energy weapons before but nothing like that. Most of the ones that Xanatos makes fire a concentrated beam. That was definitely something spectacular." He whistles a bit as he looks over the rest of her get up, "Not really much for weapons myself, but you know, when you're stronger and faster than most people, you don't really need 'em."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Yeah, that's kinda the thing." Corona lowers the sawed-off to her side and levers it open so Brooklyn can see what would normally be the ammo load is actually a tiny generator with a crystal in the center. "Pulsarium's high ionized output makes makin' stuff like plasma easy. But plasma don't look goin' in a straight line unless it's got somethin' holding it together. So she may pack a whallop, but the range is limited. Sorta." A jerk of the wrist clicks the weapon back shut. "Farther away ya can hit more targets, but it don't hurt as much."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"I bet Lex would love to take a look at that thing." Brooklyn says, "He's always been the techie of our group. Loves figuring out how tech works and putting stuff together on his own. He's adapted to it all really well. I think I've done a good job of adjusting too."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite reachs back to slide the sawed-off back into its sling. "Sounds like, circumstances aside, he'd make a fine engineer. Less discoverin', more finding the ways to make what other folk discover -usable-." Corona gives her head a bit of a shake. "Ya have no idea how often I gotta explain that difference to folk. I ain't no damn scientist!"

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Yeah, he'd take that as a compliment, trust me...There was the time he got the Pack's helicopter up and running /and/ made it laser proof, something they hadn't even managed to do." He opens his wings for a second, "Helicopter's are useful for us because we can't actually fly, just glide. We just get pretty good at gliding on air currents, and there's a lot around New York."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite whistles. "Don't use aerocraft much on Brimsteel because the windstorms and ash clouds get too thick for 'em. Clog up the engines somethin' fierce. There is an ol' prop plane frame sittin in the scrap yard, but ain't found an engine workin that don't choke yet." She reachs over to give one of the wings a tug, spreading it open a bit. "But there's plenty of heat thermals from the volcanic activity. Y'all would probably be able to glide hither and yond no problem in the badlands."

Corona hmms, then tugs the wing a little more out. You know, a glider wouldn't be a bad idea though...

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
He doesn't seem to have a problem with her tugging his wings to take a close look at them, "You know maybe you could improve the frame with some multiversal tech? Just thinking out loud but I bet there's something you could find that wouldn't choke out in the ash clouds.." Though if she's thinking glider that could be doable, "Do you have any kind of rockets or something you could use to get it off the ground? You know, launch it with solid rockets and let it glide on thermals once it's in the air.."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite gives a hoot as she slaps Brooklyn's shoulder. "That's a great idea!" She may not be extremely strong but she's got a good hearty swat at least. "Wouldn't have to be a big rocket, either. Just enough to off set the weight of the user.. and I ain't all that heavy."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"How much weight are you thinking with the frame and you? Any kind of weapons on it? Or would you just use it for recon?" He asks, "Xanatos may be a heartless bastard, but he has some of the best tech. He uses these thruster packs on his gargoyle robots to make them fly." He motions to his back with a hand, "It could be something similar to that."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite gives Brooklyn a mock hurt look. "Doncha know to never ask a lady her weight?" Then pulls a small sketch pad out of a pocket of her vest and flips it open a few pages. Scribbling follows. "Thinkin' mainly just for getting off the walls or a movin' train quickly. Keep it light and the frame could fold much like yer wings do, hide it in a backpack or somethin'."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
Brooklyn laughs a little bit at her comment, and then he turns around so she can get a look at the back of his wings, "Put it on some kind of deployable rig so it can fold out when you tell it to? I think something like that could be really useful...Better than storing a hang glider around everywhere you're going to be." He hmms, and spreads his wings out to full width so she can get the full picture of their size, "Well either way I bet I weigh more than you do so you probably wouldn't even need to make them this size."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite takes a hop back as the wings spread out to keep from getting smacked with them. "Oh yeah, you'd have no trouble glidin' the hot winds with those." She grabs her goggles from around her neck and pulls them up over her eyes. "Just hold still a moment." She rotates the rim around the lenses, which as it turns out actually has two small telescoping lenses instead of one, allowing them to function like a microscope. "I wanna get a good look at the apex joint." Chuckles a bit as she leans close to look, then scribbles out a simple diagram on her pad. "Ya'd be surprised how often the stuff they make machines do actually mimics the way real livin' things move."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Not a bad idea." Brooklyn replies, "I mean if evolution figured out how to do it, no reason to not mimic something that's already been proven to work artificially.." He says, though this makes him think of the steel clan, "Well as long as you don't intend to replace the originals with the artificial versions."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pfffts as she tucks the notepad back in her vest pocket. "Ya don't replace something that ain't broken!... Make it better, sure. But no need to ditch the original."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Hey you'll never hear a complaint from me about making something better." Brooklyn says, as he motions to the bike, "Plus I've gone out of my way to make sure I adapt to the human world as well as I can. New clothes, new hairstyle...Figure I'd be better off if humans found out about us if I could already be on their same level."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pulls the goggles off and lets them hang down around her neck again. "Noooot quite ready for changin' duds. I'm dressed the way I am fer a reason." She picks her stetson off by the brim and smacks it on the workbench. Except instead of crumpling like a normal cloth or leather one would, it emits a dull ring from the safety shielding. "And since I'm gonna be doin' the same sort of work." The hat is properly returned to her head and straightened out.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"I gotcha. Well, gotta dress for the job, I suppose." He says, with a grin, "With the environment you're in, I suppose it makes a lot of sense to dress like you do...For me, I suppose I live in a city, and the vest.." He taps a talon on it, "Helps stop bullets and lasers. Trust me, that's extremely useful."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite grabs the edge of her vest and holds it open. There's a few strips of material affixed to the inside, though a bit of a gap between seams to keep it flexible. "Oh don't I know it. Just gotta improvise a bit, kevlar's too dang expensive for a frontier pay."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Understandable." Brooklyn replies, "Elisa's a cop, though, and she got me this vest from the Emergency Service Unit. It's basically a group of cops who are trained to deal with situations normal cops aren't trained to deal with. Kinda like me and my clan, when you think about it. We're trained and better equipped to handle a lot of the stuff that New York isn't prepared to deal with."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Same here, when ya think about it. Defendin' important things so other folk don't gotta fret themselves over being safe fer the night." Corona wanders back to the front of the shop, picking up the length of hose and stuff she had been carrying before. "Just can't count on the Rangers bein' nearby every time someone decides to try an' take the Depot out."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Same thing...New York has a lot of cops, but they're spread a lot thinner during the nights when me and my clan are active. Makes our jobs even more important." He grins, "You should come check out Manhattan sometime. I think you'd like it."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite steps on the edge of the panel to lever it up and grab the other end with her hand. "Only if ya do the same sometime. Hehehe. Spook the seven hells outta some longhorn rustlers, that'd be a hoot and a half." The panel is tucked under her arm. Eyes the big wheel still lying on the floor. "Bah, shouldn't found a spot to just stash stuff instead of carryin' it around all day."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"You could store it here if you want. We've got plenty of extra space and it'd give you a good reason to come visit again." He says, with a faint smile, "Especially if you're gonna be doing this often. Though I will warn you there's a good chance that that Lexington might build a robot out of your scraps while they're here."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite laughs a bit. "Only if he don't mind me takin' it apart again to see how!" She gives the wheel a shove with her foot to push it off to the side. "Or use it to carry junk around. Robot would be good for that too. Certain electronics don't react well to the ionic wave pulsarium gives off though, he'd better be careful or it might just blow up on 'im."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"I'll make sure to warn him." Brooklyn response, with a laugh, "Though it wouldn't be the first time something had blown up in his face." He hmms a little bit, "I'll make sure to keep my eyes open for anything you might be able to use, too." He adds, motioning to the side where she's putting her stuff, "Though I'd warn you not to store any food. My other rookery brother, Broadway, would make short work of it."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tosses the other things back on top of it. Then turns around to sit on the edge of the wheel and lean back against the pile. "... Right, leave the kibbles and booze at home. Bad enough watchin' greenhorns try to ride a mechahorse drunk, don't wanna see what one of yer brothers tryin' to FLY drunk looks like."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Huh, definitely never seen that happen." Brooklyn replies, as he considers it for a few, and he ends up laughing at the thought, "That would be hillarious though. I might do it if I can make sure they'll be safe in the end.."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Somewhere away from buildin's to crash into. Or birds. Or other flyin' stuff." As she musing Corona opens one of the pouchs on her belt and pulls out a small flask. "Don't worry, this is just cactus juice. Ain't fermented enough to be the hard stuff." But being in a flask at least makes it look authentic as she uncaps it and takes a few gulps. The pulls up the end of her bandana to wipe her mouth off afterwards. "Water isn't always easy to come by outside of hotsprings and oasis, so ya learn to find other things to quench yer thirst."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Survival is important, especially in a harsh environment like that." Brooklyn says, as he grins, "I am pretty excited to check your world out...If you need help, give me a hollar. I'm always down to helping out the Union whenever I can."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tucks the flask back in its pouch and buttons it shut. "Sure you'll get your chance soon 'nuff. Especially once the new railway is finished and the warpgate will be used for shippin' stuff back and forth. Between the bandits and the Confederwhatever ya call em, things might be getting right busy."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Well I'll definitely be there." Brooklyn says, "As long as it's not daylight back home at least." He says, "My species, we...Well, we turn to stone during the day. But only when it's day back home.."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite scrunches her nose a little. "That's gotta be a pain in the tail. Wanna do something, nope, gotta be stone. Not the -weirdest- thing I've herd though." She stretchs a bit, and then hops up off her seat. "That bein' said, I should probably mosey home and make sure they ain't broke nuttin' important. It's been quiet with the rail laying.... almost too quiet."

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
"Yeah..I know what you mean about that.." Brooklyn says, "I hate when it's that quiet. I'd rather know what my enemies are up to." He says, as he hrms a little bit, "Head on outta here. Just lemme know when the rail's finished so I can come on down."