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Latest revision as of 07:00, 10 February 2015

Finna and Team Magma Joy Discuss Happenings
Date of Scene: 10 February 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Finna asks Team Magma Joy what exactly was even going on recently.
Cast of Characters: 513, 553

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     The Nurse Joy of Team Magma is, honestly, a bit surprised. After what happened yesterday, she is completely baffled one of the insanely large creature things would want to come and talk. But, still. She figures /something/ is up. And so, she agrees. She wants someplace private, without a lot of people. Which is why, of all places, she picked the Lavaridge hot springs. No one is there this time of night, and Team Aqua usually stays out of Lavaridge, mostly out of principal. It's a Fire type city, mostly. A place wher elots of people would be more supporting.

     Joy is in the hotsprings already, wearing a one piece swimsuit. It's honestly rather modest, and white in color. Her hair is still up as well, though she doesn't have the nurse hat, or her Team Magma hat, on at the moment. She sort of leans against one of the rocks in the hot spring, sitting in the water, waiting.

     Her Pokemon are, in fact, nearby as well. They're in shouting distance, in case Finna tries to pull something. Because Joy is a bit paranoid after yesterday.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Normally you'd have to go through a building to get to the main hotsprings.

    Normally you'd be walking down a predictable path to get to the hotsprings.

    And normally you'd probably take your time entering the hotsprings.

    As usual, Finna violates ALL the normal rules when she appears.

    "Yahoo!~" A quiet but happy yell marks her arrival a mere moment before she actually appears. Probably Joy's Pokemon might've spotted her but...


    Face-first she dives into the hotsprings like an olympic athlete from a huge diving board, wearing a two-piece the color of her eyes. Only a desire to not weird anyone out too much keeps her from skinnydipping because honestly, she doesn't care. Bathing is bathing!

    ... The DROP FROM THE SKIES however is entirely unexplained however. Besides a small splash and a rather large mess of rippling waves she manages to not really disrupt anything...

    Or go splat on the ACTUALLY QUITE SHALLOW bottom of the pool.

    Instead she just rises up to her neck, clamping down on the urge to leap out because AAAAAAH A BIT TOO HOT TOO FAST. "Y-y-y-y-yeeeei a bit too quick, should'vegotteninslower...!"

    But once she's wiped her eyes she ends up casting a friendly grin Joy's way. "'eeeevening!"

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy... immediately facepalms. She sighs, and tries to move on. She looks towards Finna, shaking her head. "Hot springs are not normally known for their depth. What's more, there was a door." The comparisons between Finna, and the more wild and radical members of Team Aqua, are coming immediately.

     She remains looking at Finna, though, just watching for a moment. Finally, she speaks a bit more. "...Good evening. Now. What, exactly, are you wanting to know? I'm hoping this isn't just going to be a lecture over what happened yesterday. Really, I'm still a bit sore over it."

     And, another moment of a pause. Just long enough of a pause for Finna to start talking, but for Joy to interrupt her first. "And. I heard you were talking to my sister, today. Was it something about /that/?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Lecture? No no.... just some questions. See, everything went WRONG then. I wanted to ask what was going on after getting a look at everything but uhh... well, you saw all the other crazy things that showed up. Big nasty dragon-thing, that ghostgirl with the guns... didn't really have much chance to get detais about WHAT you guys were trying to do... I just got back from doing the same questioning to your sister!"

    Then Finna starts rubbing at the side where Joy would've maybe remembered she got CHOMPED. except Joy never saw the blow actually LAND...

    "Wasn't my best showing, that! Oh.. the name's Finna. Champion of my world's Moon Goddess. Nature's rather important to us!"

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy frowns a bit. She is still unsure of Finna. But, Joy feels she has /some/ edge here. She, in fact, did see the video, and realizes that Finna has some really skillful illusions. Joy will ahve to keep this in mind. Of course, there is no camera set up here, for obvious reasons.

     "...I kind of put together what happened. She sounded /happier/ with you guys on the radio, I heard less signs of fighting. At a guess... Pokemon were probably destroying bodies of water, right? Urgh, I /hate/ that."

     She sighs, considers. Will Finna really believe her? She may as well try.

     "Well. What happened yesterday... Okay. Let's put it this way. Those Wailord? Their migrations were causing problems. There are /waaaay/ more of them than usual. Too much competition for food. Which has lead them to start doing competitions of strength. Things like tackling islands, harrasing the Pokemon crossing from one island to another. Even just the massive amount of them still around? That many of them is causing a /lot/ of erosion. The things are being total menaces, which is why we captured so many of them."

     She sighs, turns around, and leans against the rock. She is a bit pissed at Finna's part in letting them get through.

     "Some of our guys /did/ get the Pokeballs. The currents lead to Slateport, so those we did capture, we were able to get ahold of. ...We still think some random fishermen may have gotten some, though. But like, from what we got on info in the Wailord? There are a /ton/ of Wailmer, their earlier form, appearing all of a sudden."

     She slams her fist into the rock.

     "And we /figured out why/, too. Arghh... Fricking... STUPID TEAM AQUA. They have this island base? They've been /mass breeding the things/. Probably trying to cause more erosion, to force resources away from the land, to interrupt sea travel... Argh, I hate Team Aqua /so much/."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Mass breeding.

    Finna makes a very disbelieving face... then promptly slaps a hand into it. "Ah....hah....heh...."

    She folds her arms a moment later. "I wasn't about to let a bunch of creatures get shot behind a net. Maybe you folk had a decent plan but the dragon showing up...." Her shoulders sag. She still finds it hard to believe that even happened.

    "Believe it or not that's about the same problem going on where your sister was. Bunch of Camerupt roaming down off the mountain. Asked them about it. They weren't too clear but it sounds like overpopulation for some reason. So they were messing up the terrain and blocking and drying up streams... you called it. Investigating the mountain's still pending... don't suppose your gang knows anything about it? Volcanoes and the fire types seem like your style!"

    Then she makes a face. Weirded out face. "...Can tackling a rock really break an island...?" She's finding this hard to envision...

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     "Nah, we're not doing anything up on the mountain."

     Does Finna have any charms to detect blatant lies?

     She sighs, though. "Camerupt, though... They're a fairly important Pokemon. They, like... Well. When they dig into the earth, lava comes out, and it helps form new land. It also helps spread volcanic ash to the area, making regions more fertile. And they often abandon caves, making them /really/ safe for wild Pokemon."

     She sighs. "More of them around is a /really good thing/. Heck, as magma leaks to the ocean, it even creates more land for humans."

     "And as for tackling rock, well... These are rather small islands. But, the more they're chipped at, the more they erode. The current through that area is insane, too, which means any damage done gets wiped away faster... It's a lot of factors, adding up."

     She glances back at Finna. "But, of course, when you guys decide to deal with /Team Aqua/, you decided to talk first. For me, like. Attack first, ask questions later. Seriously? I mean at least /one/ of you attacked the dragon that decided it was wanting to kill us, but."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Eh." Finna's response is simple at first. She doesn't hae near the energy of the other day. In fact she seems a bit tired after that spurt of early energy. That might be the hot springs though. They do that to people.

    "Today no dragons or ghostship girls showed up, and I wasn't mostly on my own. When the Wailords started getting shot as easily as spearing fish in a barrel? And your group defended the net? Just what did you EXPECT would happen?"

    She glares a tad. "Sea life or land life, I like all of it." Then SMILES. "Nature does a pretty good job of sorting itself out most of the time."

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy shrugs a little bit, before turning to fully face Finna again. She kicks her legs up a little bit, mostly to let them be out of the water for a bit. "Well. If we didn't get rid of the Wailord, things would get worse. And, newsflash. We were chased out of there before we /could/ capture all of them. Which... You know what that'll do? They're still going to be out there, causing problems, until we can /finally/ round them up. Sorry if I'm a bit... /bitter/, though. Yesterday was an /embarrasing/ defeat."

     A smirk. "And... Sea life and land life are both important. But. The Land only covers thirty percent of this planet. Cities are getting overcrowded. Farmlands are running out, slowly. We need to increase the amount of land. Or... Humans, and land Pokemon, will die out, due to a lack of space. The ocean is mostly empty. It doesn't need to be larger."

     And, a frown. "Besides... While Nature /can/ take care of itself... We are simply trying to stop Team Aqua's interference with that."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "That argument only holds water- pardon the pun- when the world itself isn't stucck to a bunch of other ones... and there are tons of alternatives. Some of my people have done breeding projects to adapt humans to the oceans. They're part-beast but it works!" yeah that's not... the least-bit weird now is it?

    Finna makes a consternated face, then shakes her head. "... somehow I get the feeling both of your teams are just going to screw up whatever balance there already is... and now I see the scope of the problem! It's over my levels..." Blargh is apparently the best description for her expression.

    "And I saw a floating city out that way!" She points in the general direction of Pacifidlog.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy shakes her head. She leans back, and simply looks upwards, towards the stars, for a brief bit.

     "Pacifidlog is a good start. But, cities like those can only support so many. It takes a lot of resources to make something like that which could support enough people..."

     A determined look is on her face, though.

     "But, even if things are out of balance... Team Magma will put things back in balance. When half of the world is land, our goal will be completed."

     "All that stands in our way is Team Aqua."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's still rubbing her head. "Six or seven out of ten parts water to land sounds about right for Creation too. Nobody's complained about it before." She is SO CONFUSED by these idealogies. Its' probably the dumbest thing she's ever thought about.

    "Wonder what my tutors'll make of this... ugh. I dunno what to tell you. Except... sorry there wasn't any chance to try talking first the other day. I wasn't out to maim you people, just scare you into running off. Didn't work so well... you've got nerves of steel."

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     Joy shrugs. She moves to sit on the rock a bit, and then look down at Finna. It's a subtle thing. Being above someone gives you a but more power, and shows she is confident and relaxed. As far as the Joys go, she, and her sister, are probably some of the most... cunning of them, let's say.

     "Your world probably doesn't have to worry about population levels yet. The time where come where it will. But... Well. You'll see."

     And, a bit of a smile. While she is glad to be told she has nerves of steel, well.... Some of it is faked. She was a lot more frightened tonight, and yesterday, than she let on.

     "If you think I have nerves of steel? You should meet Tabitha, Courtney, and... Well. Especially, our leader, Maxie. Team Magma is... Quite a force. We hold ourselves in high regard. To flee over that would be unbecoming of us."

     A smile.

     "And. Was there anything else? Or can I continue enjoying my late night hotspring?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    With that, Finna springs up to stand tall and... shakes herself off much like a dog might. HOW she's mastered that motion, particularly without having fur, is anyone's guess. It does wonders for the tail though.

    Quite eerie seeing a human do that though. But perhaps Joy can see the ears and tail! Perhaps she cannot.

    "Tabitha, Courtney, and Maxie, huh? Might just do that! Well, you answered everything I asked for so thank you!~ Guess I'll go investigating more about this population problem..."

    And then she hops up onto the fence with a weird FOUR-LEGGED PERCH, transforms into a seagull... squawks once at Joy and then just takes off.

    God. She can become normal animals too.

    Maybe she's a mouse in your house.

Nurse Joy (553) has posed:
     And with that, Joy slides back into the water, to relax more. She siiiighs.

     She'll have to report this development soon. She isn't sure what these people are planning, but... It can't be good.

     But for now? More relaxation time.