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Latest revision as of 18:27, 10 February 2015

Along Came a Spider.
Date of Scene: 10 February 2015
Location: Asian Plains
Synopsis: Juri Han sneaks into Konoha and makes off with a mysterious technique scroll. Rock Lee tries to stop her, but unfortunately, things don't go as planned for the Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha!
Cast of Characters: 102, 678

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    The night is dark in Konoha. The impassive faces of Hokage Mountain look down on the village with a cold, emotionless gaze. They are the spiritual guardians; the literal rocks which anchor The Village Hidden in the Leaves to their past, and serve as a beacon for their future.

    They have also done precisely nothing to stop Juri.

    Sneaking into Konoha on her own would have been unthinkable, but with the assistance of Hanama Ryou, it had been possible. He knew a way past the outer walls with minimal sentries, and really, once Juri has gotten IN, she's not too concerned about making a mess again on her way out.

    The sound of breaking glass shatters the peace of Konoha's streets, and immediately, the alarm is raised. A silhouette of a woman is visible, for a brief instant, against the moon above - and then she's gone, bounding across rooftops in a mad, gravity-defying dash towards the front gates, and freedom. A satchel looped about her waist betrays the reason for this - a heavy, green-wrapped scroll poking through the top. Almost... as though she WANTED the keen-eyed ninja to know what she's got. It just isn't as much fun if you don't rub it in their faces.

    "Oh my!~" She coos, grinning, as the village goes into panic below - several kunai already burying themselves where she was a few seconds previously, "And I was starting to think you were all tucked up in bed~."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Many of the best ninja are away at the moment, searching for Madara on various missions. Even the Hokage isn't here right now. This is the reason that the exact location of Konoha has been kept a secret from people within the Multiverse at large. But obviously this isn't always possible...

Soon after Juri jumps from where she'd just been attacked, Lee lands on the roof in front of those kunai, crouched slightly as he treats to determine where exactly she's going. "Stop right there!" he shouts, reaching into the pouch on his leg to pull out a kunai of his own, tossing it at a far higher speed than the random mook ninjas who were chasing her. She might even be skilled enough to notice the thin wire attached to the loop at the end.

"I am Rock Lee, the Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha. I will not allow you to get away with stealing that!"

Juri Han (102) has posed:
If there's one thing that Juri is good at - it is noticing things. There's a flashed warning in her eye, and she turns. The darkness is no real impediment to the Feng Shui Engine - and the purple glow in her eye betrays that there's ~something~ strange going on there. She has to move quickly, though!

Pivoting, the kunai passes within an inch of her face, and she completes a backwards roll, straightening up to face in Rock's direction. Standing on the edge of the roof, her lips quirk up in a sneer. "Beautiful Green Beast, huh?" She repeats, and then shakes her head. "Sorry. You look more like a poodle than a beast to me. Come back when you've practiced fighting as much as doing your hair."

As she speaks, the lesser ninja continue trying to stop her - which you would think would be easy given that she's stood stock still, but as she plucks one flung kunai out of the air - without even looking at it - and uses it to send two more shuriken sparking off into the darkness... maybe not.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"But your hair is incredibly beautiful, surely you have spent far more time on yours than I have on mine!" Lee accuses, dropping the wire and charging forward. He leaps toward her and tries to aim his foot at her face, going for a knockout blow. HIs movements are quick, but at the moment obviously not as quick as her's.

Juri Han (102) has posed:
"You noticed that, huh?"

Juri's eyeline is filled with technical data. Most of it is, frankly, useless, but there's enough to tell her that the young man's technique is... good. Very good, really, but not quite good enough. Going straight for the knockout blow? That's just bad sportsmanship.

At the last moment, the devil-haired woman crouches low, letting Rock's leg sail over her head. Then, she aims to grab him by the ankle.

"You know, you shouldn't rush into these things. You've got to take your time."

With Rock so close, the other ninja don't want to risk hitting him by accident - this is not a concern for long. If she's got her grip on the younger fighter's ankle, she'll FLING him at the walls to Konoha village - intending, really, to send him bouncing and tumbling to the ground. Either way, she'll follow - but in a more controlled leap that'll have her alighting catlike atop the village walls.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"I am attempting to end this, I do not want to hurt someone with such beautiful hair!" Lee states right before she grabs his ankle, and he finds himself flying. With a -thump-, he's sliding down the wall. He had a brief moment of unconsciousness, but when he's back, he slams his foot against the wall and launches himself toward her.

The combat data would definitely suggest someone who has ridiculous physical conditioning, the problem is that, currently, it's not on par with her's.

He lands on a roof, then stumbles and reaches back to rub his head. He's still reeling from slamming into the wall. "Give that back and leave! I will not allow you to leave here. What village are you from?"

Juri Han (102) has posed:
"That's really none of your business."

Juri's smile could not be more infuriating. Straightening herself back up to her full height, she stands side-on to Rock. One hand rests on the scroll, the other hangs loose by her side. She looks... really quite relaxed, though that glowing purple eye of hers only burns more intensely as she scrutinizes her opponent.

"Word of advice? If you're going to stop someone, stop them. You're never going to win a girl like me over with words."

And with that said, she steps backwards off the wall, in a controlled, graceful arc towards the ground.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"The elegance of your movements led me to believe that you were a reasonable person!" Lee admits as he jumps after her, then two more kunai are tossed down at her when he jumps down over the same wall. They're attempting to wrap wire around her body, but once again, they're not quite as fast as she is. "I cannot tell what village you are from!"

Juri Han (102) has posed:

Juri actually laughs at that, and uses the kunai to slash through the wire. A flare of bright purple power helps to make sure there's less chance of an unfortunate accident with the flashy move. "Alright then. Let me show you how reasonable a REAL Beast is."

It is cruel, really, but Juri hasn't made a single offensive move at all so far. When she does go on the attack, it isn't with testing strikes, or even an attempt to knock Rock out all at once - nothing so merciful.

In one instant, she's standing facing him. In the next, she's behind him. A trail of bright purple light joins her eye in the first position to her eye in the next, and in one simple movement, she aims to smash her knee brutally hard into Rock's kidney, wrapping her arm about his throat at the same time to keep him in place.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"So your name is Juri Han!" Lee says after holding his finger against his ear for a moment. But when she slams his knee into his kidney, he shouts and freezes long enough for her to wrap around his throat. He struggles, having an -incredible- amount of strength, far moreso than a normal human. But she seems to know just the right way to grab and hurt him, and he seemed to know just the right way to underestimate her. "There is no way... that you...can escape here..."

Juri Han (102) has posed:
"Tch, so you've been reporting this as we go? You know, I really can't stand a snitch."

Holding him tight isn't easy, the guy really is stronger than he looks - which is very impressive, since he LOOKS pretty strong - but the Feng Shui Engine helps to make up the difference. More infuriatingly, it means that Union backup is probably already on the way - his allies on the ground don't seem much help, but the Union have successfully made every other mission she's engaged in ... infuriating. "Oh well. I guess playtime is over, then."


Releasing Rock's neck, he has a split second before Juri twists upwards in a spinning cartwheel, her heel aiming to catch the younger fighter in the /other/ kidney, and fling him into the air before she breaks into a sprint.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Lee goes flying into the air, yelling in so much pain that eventually he falls entirely unconscious before he lands on a random roof. She's still pursued by the random mook ninja, who start to shoot fireballs and manipulate electricity and whatever else they can manage at her. But right now, it seems she'll get away scott free.

Juri Han (102) has posed:
Dealing with low-level ninja isn't too great a challenge. Though the scale of the energy they are mustering is impressive to behold... it isn't overly strong, and she can counteract the flames by answering with her own.

The only nuisance comes when she goes to meet up with Ryou. The man was supposed to be her guide back out through the forest; instead, this time, it seems that Konoha's ninja found him when she wasn't there to defend him. Rather than interrupt their confused gathering, the devil-haired woman merely hisses with irritation, and slips back into the shadows.

Which means that Rock will have a little more to go on than just a name. There's also the missing ninja, and the strange headband she'd had made up for him - although Juri doesn't deign to wear one herself, the forehead protector is a band of dark purple cloth, with a steel plate and a staring eye. A symbol which the Union database should be able to cross reference with a particular organization...