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Lute and Neva Date
Date of Scene: 10 February 2015
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Lute takes Neva on a date, and plays Magic: The Gathering with her. Then she spontaneously combusts.
Cast of Characters: 188, 644

Lute (188) has posed:
     With most of Lute's dates, he has been waiting outside the resteraunt. But for Neva? He is waiting inside, because he had to get things set up. He isn't actually sure if they'll go through the plan to play Magic together or not, but, he still picked the location based on it. Though it is a fancy Italian resteraunt, it is also one that has a bit of a strange purpose: It is a place where people play Card Games with eachother as they eat, with the tables laid out /very/ carefully to minimize food on the cards. Lute is laying out the dice for the Life and counters, and making sure the mats for the cards are both, of course, appropriately laid out.

     Lute is, of course, hoping that Neva will show up in something he sent her for the date; a really revealing gown. But, who knows. Odds are, it /won't/ happen. With things laid out, though, he takes a seat at the table, waiting for his date to be escorted to him.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Normally when Neva thinks about guys like Lute, smug jerks too into themselves to give girls like her the time of day, she thinks she'd have not even bothered to show up, much less in a revealing outfit that he picks just to get her to show off the goods.

    So how is it that she suckered herself into giving this guy even a remote chance in hell, by showing up to the restaurant IN the gown that he picked for her to show off the goods? It might be because she's gone on very few dates with any guy who showed half a modicum of interest in her... Which is not as many as she'd have liked.

    So Neva approaches the table, escorted by the waiters to the table, blushing as she hauls her backpack with her, the one where she's got all her cards, and ahems, "Um... Hi... So, you're... Lute?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is, in fact, surprised that she wore the outfit! The smile on his face at this is quite obvious. He nods, smiling. Lute himself is wearing a suit that is fairly form fitting, though of course, not anywhere near as revealing. Though, it does match hers fairly well, otherwise!

     "Yeah, I'm Lute. Nice to meet you in person. And... Wow. that dress really /does/ look good on you."

     He gets up from a moment, moving to help her to her seat. He'll even do the whole gentlemanly 'kiss her hand' thing before he pulls the chair out for her. He then sits down to his own seat.

     "So, how have you been? Like, I'm sure I couldn't of been the only guy asking you out, so I'm guessing you've had a lot of guys courting you this month?"

     He gets to work, shuffling his deck on the side. It is, in fact, sleeved even.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva can't help but blush as Lute compliments her, and takes a moment to let him do the gentleman seat drawing and hand kissing, unable to help herself as she smiles and sits down, "Thanks... I've been good. 'Walking around, seeing the views. Plenty of stuff to see when you can just waltze across planes just by thinking about it.

    At the question of whether she's been asked out, she averts her gaze and just replies, "Oh, not really... I hardly paid it any attention."

    In lieu of continuing on the awkard subject of her dating life or lack thereof, she spies the deck being suffled and asks, "So, how much interest in Magic do you have anyway? I mean... It seems like Pokemons are your thing more than card games."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute honestly does, in fact, look surprised. "...You don't get a lot of attention from the men? I'm... surprised." And it is, in fact, honest. Yeah, there is some flattery intended there, but he does think that Neva has a bit of that nerd charm. But, this being Lute? Well, he finds a /lot/ of women attractive, though still, for their own unique things.

     He shrugs a bit at the card game question, "Well, I'm not super into it. I mostly got into it because I stole a Black Lotus. And I mostly did that just for infamy. But, still, like. It /is/ fun on occasion? But I'm not super into it."

     Even though the table is big enough for card games, it isn't too big for Lute to try and stretch a leg out a little, to play footsy. At a point, a waiter will be by to take orders, as well. Lute orders the fettucine alfredo.

     "Though, for you... I assume you're a lot more into it. I mean, you /do/ get powers from it, right? How does that work?"

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "Oh, it's not big deal..." Neva replies, just sort of waving off Lute being surprised. "I mean... I get guys asking me out from time to time, I just... I dunno... It just feels kind of mundane somehow." She just shrugs, being careful not to spell out of the dress as she does.

    When Lute explains, she nods slowly, "Well, congrats. You're mighty infamous I guess. Not very popular on the radio, though. You don't seem as dumb as everyone makes you out to be..."

    Then Neva feels a sudden footsy attempt, and there's a moment where she freezes up, before shifting her feet away, and coughing as she answers, "Well, yes and no... I'm a Planeswalker, which means I can tap into the mana of any plane and use it for all kinds of magical shenanigans." She waggles her fingers in illustration out of habit of being over the top. "But for some reason I need the cards to bring most of it out...I mean, I can cast a few simple spells without needing a deck, but they're just one drops..." She pauses, "I could probably summon an actual Black Lotus, actually, just because it has zero mana cost... Maybe.." She shrugs. "Still, even with the deck, what I can cast is limited to my library, and I have to follow the motions of the turns to get the mana up and running."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods at Neva. A little sad the shrug didn't have the effect she was trying to avoid, but alas he will pretend he is a gentleman and not wanting that. But, as for his reputation... "My reputation is... a bit of a shame. Yes, I date a lot of women. But. I really care for all of them. And some people have a problem with the fact that I have a wife? But, like. It's an open marriage, thing, and in the Multiverse... Monogamy isn't the /only/ relationship method."

     Of course, Lute probably just dropped what was a /big/ date killer, right there. The whole 'marriage' thing gets in the way.

     But, as Lute finishes shuffling deck, smiles a little.

     "Well. Even though your power has limits? It's still fairly useful, and interesting. I mean, you can summon creatures, right? It's like what I do with pokemon, but taken up to eleven."

     As Lute shuffles the deck a bit, he considers. He sets it down on the table.

     "...So, idea, to make the game more interesting. If you win, I give you the Black Lotus. But if /I/ win? You keep dating me for a while. Deal?"

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    While the whole Marriage thing would definitely kill any romance that was possible, Neva is really not here to be romantic... Well, the idea was nice, but the reason she was here was at LEAST about being nice, despite Lute's apparent flaws.

    Neva does however comment, "Well, yeah, most human societies kind of have a thing about a marriage being sacred, what with religion and all. Also, you come off as kind of smug when you go about bragging about how you've got so many dates." She shrugs once more. No spillage still. Must be taped on.

Then the Wager, which piques Neva's interest, and she can't help but grin a little, "Wait, you're putting up the card just for a shot at getting me to date you more? That card is worth a fortune."

    She bites her lip, before reaching to her backpack and pulling out a deckbox, and slides her own sleeved deck of cards out, and grins, "You're on... On the caveat that if you cheat at all, I am literally gonna fry you."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, leaning forward. He puts his own deck forward, so she can cut it.

     "Well. I wouldn't want to cheat. But... Yes. It is, in fact, an incredibly expensive card. But, let's be honest. Being able to continue to romance you is priceless in comparsion, right? Though, you know. Maybe you'll decide to go out with me more, even if I lose?"

     Lute has been practicing his romantic skills a bit, it seems. These dates must be helping!

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "You really are big on the whole 'romance' thing, huh?" Neva comments as she shuffles her deck idly. She considers the possibility about continued dates with the guy, before smirking, "We'll see about that."

    After a bit more shuffling, she puts the deck down, and tells Lute, "Cut the deck, please." She then grins, "Getting the Black Lotus off of you is basically Highway Robbery if I win, so yeah... I might, just to be nice."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute cuts Neva's deck, smiling.

     "Well... At least you're fairly reasonable. But, it's good to know that I might get to spend more time with you, win or lose."

     And, after his own deck is cut by Neva, he'll draw his cards.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva collects her deck and then proceeds to cut Lute's deck, before drawing out seven cards to start with. She blinks a little, glaring at her hand, before muttering, "Crap, not enough land..." She proceeds to shunt her hand into the middle of the deck, and shuffles it once more, before dealing herself another hand, and hmms, "I guess I can play with this..."

    She then glances to Lute, and asks, "Pass or play?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs, "You may go first. It'd be the gentlemanly thing for me to do, after all."

     He looks at his cards. Oooh, such cool pictures.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva hmms a bit, before pulling a card from her hand, and dropping an Island into play, before gesturing, "Your turn."

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    What began as a doable hand for Neva proceeded to become increasingly infuriating, for she was five rounds into the game and her hand full of cards. Yet no additional lands have come out in her favor, and the frustration is really showing on her face, "Oh come on Deck, you've got to be freaking kidding me..." She growls and lowers her hand and gestures to Lute, "I end my turn."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles. "Well. It's going well for me, so far. Just gotta draw something to get rid of your wall."

     Yeah, Lute is surprised it is going well. Look at all those monsters on the field! Plus, he drawed his awesome card that costs zero mana to cast! YAAY!

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Another round goes by, Neva does nothing considering her hand has no more islands in it to work with, rolling her eyes at the glee Lute's got over his stupid Ornithopter, and as she groans in annoyance as she's forced to discard a Scourge of Fleets into the Graveyard once she has a full hand. Then the Giant comes out and sends everyone attacking her.
    With only the Murmuring Phantasm in play to block anything, she sends it to block the biggest thing that doesn't kill it and hopes for the next turn to play out better. "Okay, I've got eight life left, I can do this..." He ends the turn and she finally draws THAT THIRD FREAKING ISLAND. "FINALLY!" She plays the Island, taps her three lands, and then puts in.. "Wall of Frost! I can block your stupid giant now! That should give me enough time to mount a defense! End turn!"

    And then Lute puts the Blood-Toll Harpy into play... A Flyer... Neva goes wide eyed as he declares his attackers, and she proceeds to send her blockers about, "Six damage... I... I've got two life left..."

    He ends the turn and she bites her lip, reaching to her library and drawing the top card of the deck, hoping to hero it out... She stares at the card for a long moment...

    "I... I concede.."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute actually has a bit of a look of surprise on his face. Wait, really? She concedes? Lute smiles a bit, though he tries to not look conceited about the win.

     "It... was a good game. I think thats probably beginner's luck, though? ...But. Honestly? You'll get another chance at getting the Black Lotus from me, one day."

     He picks up his cards, and put them back together. He sets them in the deckbox again. And smiles.

     "Well, then.. I guess this means we'll be going on more dates? I hope it won't be /too/ miserable for you, really. ...It won't be for me, at least. I enjoy your company. And wow, are you beautiful."

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva doesn't show Lute her hand, and just puts on a grin, "Well, yeah, you're pretty much a complete newbie. I wasn't going to just stomp you in a casual game... Beginner's luck and me going easy on you, so yeah, I kind of had that coming."

    It kills her to have to lie about how poorly her game went, but she'd rather fib about that than admit she just did BADLY. So she just puts her hand down and shuffles her deck so the guy doesn't actually see her hand and slides it back into the box. "Besides, what's a few dates? You're not a bad looking guy either..."

    He keeps calling her beautiful, and she blushes a little before waving a hand, "You don't have to say that so much, I'm not that great."

Lute (188) has posed:
     At this point, Lute... gets up out of his chair. He moves next to Neva, and leans down to her, on her level. Smiling. And he speaks, quite honestly.

     "Oh. But you /are/ great. You are... beautiful. There really /is/ a lot of beauty to you. Plus, you have power. /Great/ power. I like that, too."

     He he moves in. To give her a quick kiss, on the lips.

     "Seriously, you are like, one of the most beautiful women I've ended up on a date with this month. Which ranks you amongst the most beautiful in the Multiverse."

     ...Yeaaaah that's probably not the best compliment, but who knows?

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva blinks at the suddenness of Lute's movements, her blue eyes gone wide as he gets in close, and she finds herself captivated as he says things no guy she's met has said to her before. "You... Don't mean... I..."

    Before she realizes what's happening, he kisses her, and she's too frozen to react.

    She doesn't even pay attention to anything else he says at this point, as her brain just locks up on an instinctive flight or fight instinct, as she focuses on a different plane, and she VANISHES from where she's sitting, Planeswalking away.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute pauses. Looking around.

     "...WHERE ARE YOU, NEVA?! You didn't spontaneously combust, did you?!"

     He runs around the table in a panic, looking for any ash remains or stuff like that. ARGH WHAT IS GOING ON.

     This panic will probably last for a bit at least.