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Latest revision as of 22:53, 15 February 2015

A Night at Castle Batula
Date of Scene: 15 February 2015
Location: Chateau de Mal <CM>
Synopsis: Faruja and Strawberry journey to Chateau de Mal to meet Echo, they find... a wetbar?
Cast of Characters: 152, 640

Faruja (152) has posed:
Thanks to the well-timed intervention of one Toph Beifong, Faruja Senra doesn't /immediately/ go storming Echo's castle. No, instead of storming, he's dressed in a three-piece, ruffled suit complete with a tophat. Beside him, in a rather clingy little black dress and high heels, is Acolyte Strawberry, a cheerful smile on her face and one arm around the short nezumi's neck.

She's giving him a hard noogie. "...And would likely have ended up in that dungeon, being drained dry or /worse/ things!" Ends the Acolyte's tirade against her superior's foolishness. Let go, the pair walk up the rock way from the flowing planetary plains and onto the teleporter pad. Pmmmph!

Away bunny and rat are whisked away to the lovely home of one Echo Delacroix. 'Scouting'. Certainly.

Echo (640) has posed:
     The exterior of the castle is well, foreboding even in the daylight, if any lingers. The rocky path of the base leading up to the crystal castle as it rests on whatever remains of the mountain it was uprooted from is winding but short, leading to what appears to be a front door. It might just be darker as one gets closer, due to some magical glamour. Suddenly it would seem quite spooky, the outside of the castle giving off a kind of glow as the viera and burmecian make their way there.

     And that large wooden door, banded by metal (rusty, of course) would creak open, with all the flair of a gothic horror movie, revealing...

     The foyer of the castle was there, but the contents might have been... confusing. Instead, there was a long ring-shaped bar, backlit by a lamp illuminating countless colored glass and crystal bottles, the stools themselves occupied by at least a dozen cheering vieran girls of many hair colors and skintones, though they were all clad in bathing suits and smoking hot lingerie.

     "HI INQUISITOR SENRA, COME IN AND JOIN US!" they all seem to alight with cheering, grinning expressions and motion for him to come in.

Faruja (152) has posed:
By the time they're at the front gates, Berri is clinging to Faruja as that creepy feeling increases. Faruja tries to cut a brave figure, but that quivering tail is not helping things. The pair, with their sensitive ears, wince at the rusty metal gates as they open wide. Stepping through with a brave swagger, Faruja is just about to call out!

Until there's a dozen viera in outfits that simply send the two Churchies into a blushing little fit. Faruja especially. Nose bleeding, a handkerchief is applied even as he /stares/ at the number of bunny women arrayed before him and asking him in.

"E...erm. Good day, Ladies! I...Is the Mistress of the House in?" Pause. He motions to his compatriot.

"And allow me to introduce Acolyte Strawberr...Berri." Peeer! The vieran woman is grinning like an idiot. Faruja sighs, and grabs her by the dress.

That's about when Berri trips, bringing both herself and Faruja into an awkward jumble towards the sea of viera before them! If they're not recovered, they might just go swat right into the bar!

Echo (640) has posed:
     All of the vieran girls cheer as the two are sent stumbling by Berri into the bar, heels clicking (all of them seem to be wearing high heels of some variety, of course) and usher the two onto stools. Strawberry's side is soon joined by a dark-skinned and pale haired viera while a blonde and fair skinned one clicks up to join Faruja, vieran arm-candy~

     From behind the bar comes a pair of large, white-furred ears and black hair, literally rising up from behind the bar as if from the floor.

     "Good evening and welcome to my home, I hope you leave some of the happiness that is so evident in your face," it's Echo! and she's maining the bar in a red silk cocktail dress, her large white wings behind her shoulders, rustling a bit.

     "We're so glad you could join us, father!" the viera on Faru's side pipes up, the one on Berry's side hugging closer to her, arms going around shoulders on either end.

     "I see you have met the girls, would you care for anything to eat... or drink?" the white ivory fangs of the bat woman are quite apparent now over her red, bottom lips, the two girls seeming to huggle closer to distract the two.

Faruja (152) has posed:
By now, the good Inquisitor is starting to think that he indeed misunderstood things. These women look happy and are certainly...friendly. There's a cute blonde bunny at his side, arm about his shoulder, causing Faruja to relax. That blush remains, but he's surely smiling. Berri, for her part, seems utterly distracted by her newfound vieran companion. Even the arrival of the bat doesn't phase her. There's a look of nostalgia and far less pure things. Berri's arms are about her fellow viera, seemingly lost to the world.

Faruja is slightly less distracted, even if his tail is swishing a bit. He /grins/ at the batess.

"...Ahh! Lady Delacroix! Please, allow me to apologize for my behaviour. I am prone to...misunderstandings. Ye certainly do not /seem/ to be holding anyone here against their will." A glance to a few of the viera, one of whom who huggles close. Unfortunate timing. After quite a distraction and much stammering and apologizing, the rodent looks back in time to miss those fangs.

"I would not mind a drink or eight. Berri...?" Pause. Sigh.

"More for me then. Right, to business before pleasure! Thank ye for your hospitality, my Lady, but I /must/ ask ye what ye intend here. Do ye perform any dark magics or keep people without reason?" He questions.

Echo (640) has posed:
     The batwoman standing behind the counter even appears to be wearing a pair of fashionable sunglasses, shades, at that, even indoors, in this... castle foyer, which is seemingly lit by braziers, besides the large lamp behind the bar. Strawberry looks quite distracted at the moment, as her dark-skinned companion leaned in for a kiss so Echo's attention seemingly turn to Faruja.

     "Inquisitor," she nods politely, sliding over a crystalline wine-glass with what looks like some kind of blue liquor in it. Probably not poison, probably.

     "Keep them without reason? do I keep any of you here against your will, girls?" Echo looked around to the women assembled there, apparently for some kind of cocktail party, all shook their heads.

     "Noooo!" they all said in a matter of fact way, before resuming their activities, drinking, giggling and apparently having a great time. "As you can see... aheh, there is quite a lot of mirth here, already..." she grinned as she noticed what was happening with Berri, then turned her eyes back to Faruja, reaching a velvety white-furred hand to remove her sunglasses, her fingernails long and tapered to points and ever so crimson. Soon Echo's yellow eyes were focused on the burmecian, her pupils dark and fairly large thanks to the low light in the room.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Berri, for her part, seems to have well fell into the swing of the party as well as her fellow vieran friend! Two bunny ears are straight up in the air, completely lost in the kiss.

Faruja peers as all of the bunnies echo their party-mistress. A sigh escapes him. Then, he'll take the drink, and down it in one gulp. If she /did/ slip anything into that drink, he's pretty screwed.

"Good. Then you may well be the woman you hold yourself to be. Do you simply travel worlds in your...quite lovely...castle and assemble beautiful women for parties? Or do you have an occupation?"

He'll move to take her hand this time, and plant a proper kiss upon it! Seems he's gone from 'angry inquisitor' to 'proper gentleman'. He'll even request a drink for the viera at his side, offering a toast!

Echo (640) has posed:
     The drink he'll find is making his head swim, and is quite... intoxicating, seemingly in more than one way. But that's okay, right? That blonde fair-skinned bunny at his side seems even moreso beautiful than ever after he's slung back that drink, as women are wont to do.

     "Oh but I am," Echo replies to him, nodding her head. Letting her hand be kissed, the fur is quite soft and clean, she continues.

     "Oh, I do not travel in it, though I do make it move from time to time," useful information perhaps, if Faruja can retain it through the haze of booze and hot viera babe.

     "I'm glad you are feeling fine and at home here in my castle, won't you two both spend the night? We'd love to have you... for dinner," she nod-nodded quickly.

Faruja (152) has posed:
The Inquisitor at once seems both far more relaxed, and yet warmer than he was before. He looks at the glass. "Now /that/ is a glass of wine! More, if you would, please!" And happier, too, it seems. The pale viera gets a companionable squeeze: or at least that's his intention, given the chemicals now flowing through him.

Ears perk, brain taking in the information. The rat is certainly good at holding his drink, but how many can he take and actually keep it in his head? That tail of his swishes, the male leaning into the bar and peering into the bar-woman's eyes.

"How generous! I think..." A glance to Berri. The rat blushes again, and looks away.

"that would be for the best. Mmm, perhaps after a few more drinks, let us tour your home, hmm? It is utterly lovely, I wouldst like to see it all if the Lady would be so kind!" He's positively in social-call mode by now as he offers over his glass for a refill.

Echo (640) has posed:
     "Delighted," Echo walked around the rather large ring-shaped bar, which had somehow sprouted up in the middle of the foyer floor. A careful set of eyes would be able to see the red carpet that ran down the stairs and across the floor, the bar having come up just alongside it. There is a click-clack of high heels and Echo comes around, holding another full drink for Faruja. She was indeed in a full-length red silken dress, a plunging neckline exposing white furry cleavage and a long slit up the left side of the skirt, rising to the waist. 6-inch scarlet stiletto heels at that, aiding her rather anemic height. She was only just a bit over 5-feet, after all.

     "If you'll come this way, girls, please entertain our guest," Echo snapped her fingers lazily and more of the girls would crowd around Strawberry, the brown-haired bunny becoming the center of the fun for the moment. "Walk with me," Echo gestured a hand or an arm out to the inquisitor, before leading him around the first floor.

     The rest of the palace was quite dark, lit only here and there by braziers, at times only the sound of Echo's clicking heels and the crackling of solitary candles broke the silence.

     "Here we have the dining room..." a long wooden table, fitting in an equally long and cavernous room, Echo quickly ushering Faruja on before he might notice the dusty skeletons resting in a few of the chairs.

     "And the conservatory... I was going to knock this wall out here, to make one big... err, we should probably stick to the upstairs, for now," she turned and would lead Faru back to the foyer and the stair, to a passing sight of the many vieran girls passing Strawberry drinks and playing games of truth or dare.

Faruja (152) has posed:
With a drink in hand, Faru sips it as the delightful vampire batess slinks from around the bar. His mind by now can't quite process /why/ the whole setup seems strange, but he nevertheless escorts his slightly taller compatriot with all of the respect of a proper gentlerat. Nevermind he's stumbling a little by now thanks to that empowered alcohol, turning it into half-escort half-trip upon every now and then. The male's blush is constant now.

"Absolutely /lovely/ dress by the by, my dear!" Cheekly little rat will even feel the material a bit. "Ahh, silk! Is it not the most glorious of materials?" Definitely sloshed, this rat, and he's only getting worse as time goes on.

Isn't there someone he should be worried for in his overly-hospitable open-bar containing creepy flying castle with an abundance of beautiful women? Nah, he must be just overworked. His intent on gathering intel is certainly working, at least, even if he's missing the finer details. Like skeletons.

"My, my, you certainly have more than enough room for guests! I cannot /wait/ to see what is on the menu tonight!" He quips as they pass by, oblivious and joyful at the turn of events. So far? She seems like a very nice bat indeed. He should make social calls here more often.

Siiip. "Ahh, stargazing! A most honorable artform! Why, some of our scholars attempt to divine God's will through them. I can send ye a few papers on the subject if ye like!" Then they're back to the foyer, and it's off for more drinks, Faruja nearly tripping over an errant viera. For her part? Berri is giggling and in far worse shape than Faruja. Down another drink goes!

"Soooo...truth, huh? Do I have anyone I like?" the viera blushes, eyes dashing about as she notes Faruja. Eeep.

Berri's mumbling.

"G...give me the dare!"

The Inquisitor thankfully doesn't catch any of it. "Ye enjoy thineself, Berri! Methinks this place is quite free of corruption! That said, I hath done ye a dishonor. Is there any way I might repay ye, Miss Delacroix?" Asks the rat-man honestly. Indeed, drunk as he is, his shame is quite ernest!

Echo (640) has posed:
     Mmm, such delightfully trusting and naive guests Echo has this eve, no doubt she is counting on them to be exhilirating... and delicious. "Indeed, it is," Echo exclaims, noticing the rat's hands getting a little curious and wandering over her dress, and only grinning in response, as if she has something quite worse than that running through her mind at the moment. "How is that drink, milord? do partake of more," the bat lady grinned and those fangs of hers were even more prominant now, as if excited and descending further over her ruby red lips at the idea of unaware and hapless prey.

     "Oh yes, amples pace..." Echo holds the rat's hand as she clicks up the stairs, more careful than usual as she was helping support part of his weight. It did no good for all of his blood to run out after he cracked his head on the stairs, after all.

     Strawberry by this time is being invited to a game of twister in the servants quarters with the majority of the vieran girls, the bat and mouse disappearing up the stairs. "Repay me? oh no dear sir, you don't need to do that..." she grinned a little, leading him to the top of the stairs and showing him the guest bedrooms. They're dark, a bit dusty, though excellently furnished with wardrobes, carpets, vanities, and elegant 4-postered beds with lace curtains. Seems as if there has been... quite a bit of care of making the rooms enticing.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Abso-bloody-lutely!" There's another in his hand, and tail for that matter. Rather than savoring them, Faruja is two-fisting the drinks like a champ. One might wonder what his liver is made out of.

"Oh, please, call me Faruja my dear! Perish the formalities, methinks ye and I shall be he best of friends!" /Definitely/ sloshed if he's being nice to a vampire bat. He doesn't even notice any Horrible Magic about the place thanks to all that drink. Poor thing is flushed in the fur indeed, though managing to walk normally, if slightly stiffly from such powerful booze.

Faruja does wave to his compatriot, currently entangles with the blonde viera that was accompanying him. Wobble, trip! Down they go in a pile of bunny. Berri giggles adorably and like an idiot.

"Ahh, that's the happiest I have seen her in weeks. Thank you, Echo." The bat-woman gets an outright hug for making his compatriot so darn happy. If drunk. Normally the rat wouldn't think of being so open and forward. But he hardly cares right now.

Once into the bed, the male grins! "How magnificent! And so spacious!" Gently pulling from the bat-woman, he immediately goes to inspect the wardrobe. Swiftly followed by leaping into the bed. Pomf! Roll roll. On his back, he's grinning.

"/Do/ tell the girls to run a nice, hot bath when they're all done. I wouldst like to relax a touch before dinner!" Surely nothing could go wrong.

Echo (640) has posed:
     The vieran girls giggle quite vapidly as well, the lot of them collapsing in what might as well be a snuggle pile on the parlor floor (thankfully padded by a moderately sized rounded carpet). They seem to be having fun, at least!

     "Mnn, it's such a lovely night, don't you think?" Echo asks as they pass a window, for some reason the moon is in full and shining through the window. How long had they been in her castle for? hadn't it been noon or afternoon when the two embarked on their journey? "It does put one in the mood to drink a little..." Echo muttered under her breath.

     "Still, we must feed you, and then there shall be a bath, oh yes," Echo put her hands on the rat's shoulders, from behind, as if leading him a long. "You must be clean for when you bed down this evening, especially your nape," Echo laughed a little herself, impatiently gnawing at her lower lip with a fang.

     Of course, when Faruja simply goes and jumps onto the bed and sprawls out, she sighs, face palming.

     "Oh well, screw it," and she dives after him.

     Darkness settles in.