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Latest revision as of 23:16, 15 February 2015

Kohai Beverage Consumption ft. Jinx and Sanary
Date of Scene: 15 February 2015
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: Jinx get to meet Sanary and chat a little bit before business calls
Cast of Characters: 39, 491, Sanary Rondel

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Sanary may have gotten here first, but it's Jinx who's making an entrance. The Loose Cannon comes into the bar by kicking in her prefered door, beatboxing her way into the Tavern carrying somebody's wallet. It's probably not hers. "Hellooooooo Miss RONDEL."

    She's looking around for a blind lady.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary Rondel had been feeling her way about the room, mostly tapping on the edges of booths and navigating around tables to avoid directly walking into anyone. It would be just her luck, however, to be finishing her loop around the bar just in time for the door to get kicked open right into her face. She staggers back and slips on a bit of spilled booze, landing flat on her back not too far from Jinx.

"Erk...H-hey, Jinx. You got stuck in here, too?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And... Jinx actually blahs at herself for knocking her fellow squadmate over. A little huff and puff as the skinny girl holds out a hand, then blinks and grabs at the medic's wrist to offer a stronger grip up. "HI! Sorry, didn't think you'd be right there! Stuck isn't the word for it though. It is a tavern!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The blind girl takes Jinx's hand and gets up fairly easily, but still somewhat dazed from the fall. "Ah, don't worry about it. Happens a lot." She chuckles lightly and brushes off the back of her coat lightly. "So you got in here on purpose, then? Huh... Any idea if they've got any good food around?" As if on cue, her stomach rumbles just a bit. "I was planning on heading back to the citadel, but if this is a bar..."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The young cannon... actually seems more than a little helpful, getting Sanary over to a table. "Yep! I mean, it's not like sitting at home in my couch chugging wine coolers but it does the trick!" Jinx's grin is audible as she shuffles around to sit across from the other girl, glancing over at the grease stained paper menus tucked behind the napkin holder. "Uh, though, I'm pretty sure you can order whatever you want."
    Funny, it doesn't fell like Jinx is wearing her usual 'nearly nothing' outfit today. There's sounds of actual cloth and such.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary follows Jinx over easily enough, even seeming somewhat confident in her footsteps with someone else to handle the actual vision-part of walking. "Not sure what the difference between wine and a wine cooler is, but sitting around definitely isn't bad sometimes." A relaxed smile creeps across the girl's face, her hand drifting up to stroke her chin as if she was some sort of wise beardman. "Don't know if I should eat too much. Gotta meet with Souji and Gaius later since they were both wondering about home stuff for some reason."
She shrugs and leans back in her seat, the now-beer-stained white coat dangling off the back of her seat. "Do they have ribs here? Haven't had that in a while. Been eating nothing but bread lately..."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    They do indeed have ribs, as a nice waiter comes over to take both girl's orders. Jinx gets... miso soup and something that sounds suspiciously like fried veggies. And also some hard cider.

    Orders up, and Jinx leans a bit on the table. "I dunno. Souji really isn't a sort of guy who brings anything like that to meetings. I mena, he might PAY for it depending on where you go, but potlucks aren't his sort of thing. I never met Gaius." A little shrug, and the skinny girl spins in her chair. "So you heal people wbut you're blind. I mean, tht's cool. Do you get to see people like magic or shit?" She waves a hand around her own face and makes spoooooooky noises.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary slips the coat off and lets it droop over the chair, still wearing her usual shitty brown tunic on underneath it. It actually looks clean for once, so that's... Something. "Good to know. Definitely gotta eat up here, then. Gaius is a general in... Some army where they call him a Legatus. Nice guy, but a little... Stiff, I think?"

She reaches up to adjust the eyepatch idly, a light laugh escaping her as she shakes her head. "I wish. I pretty much just focus, aim at where I think the person is, and hope I don't miss. Like... From here, I could probably aim at a specific injury if you tell me where it is. But..." She points off to the side at the far wall suddenly, wobbling just a bit before regaining her balance. "If you're over there and I don't know whether to aim high or low, it won't be as strong."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    "A hands on sorta lady. I'm okay with that! I mean, that's gotta be rough trying to handle that in combat, but for a nice slow time that oughta work well." Jinx grins. "And let me tell you, if some of us get in a fight, we'll need that sorta crap. Waaaaaay too easy to get murdered around this stupid place without a decent way of coming back."
    Jinx's eye eyes close a bit as their drinks arrive, and she takes a long pull from her bottle of cider. "So how'd you lose it? Something awesome? Did a pirate stab you cause he was jealous of your pefect vision?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary smirks. "It's not too bad if there's cover to fall behind. Kinda sucked when my squad left without telling me which way to run, but." She shrugs and taps on a knuckle. "I used to fight with an axe before the blindness. I'll keep everyone going, though, so just don't get yourselves killed and I'll take care of fixing the rest."
     Sipping at her water, the blind girl lets out a hearty laugh and shakes her head. "Nothing like that. Pretty much a rescue gone bad. Bad for me, anyway. Because..." She taps on the eyepatch. "Arrow right in there." She gestures to the exposed eye next. "This one was just a dud from the start."
     Sitting forward in her chair, Sanary picks out an ice cube and slips it around on her palm idly. "What about you? Heard you blow stuff up, but how? Magic, being part dragon...?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    "OH MAN THAT SUCKS. I get shot with arrows all the time but I've never got one in the eye. Usually they aim for my heart or legs to stop me runnin'. REALLY ANNOYING."

    But then Jinx is asked to explain herself, and.. oh. oh dear. She HAH'S! And plants one foot on the table, the other in the seat of the chair, and poses. "JINX, STANDS FOR JINX. DUR, and I /shoot things/. A LOT. Like ALL THE TIME." A happy, happy noise from the Cannon, before she looks down to Sanary. "With GUNS. All sorts of guns and rocket launchers and flame throwers and and and it's a LOT."

Ahri (491) has posed:
"I fear the day she runs out of ammunition," comes a somewhat familiar voice. Somewhat because one person will recognize it, and one, most likely, won't. It was early, she was hungry (in the normal sense, Jinx, shush) and she found herself taken to the Grill instead of out the front door when she had been going wherever she was going to go. This place, though? Not a bad alternative. "Who are you introducing yourself to now, Jinx? Hmm~?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     The blind girl sits up slightly at the sound of a foot hitting the table, then starts snickering in amusement as Jinx speaks. "Long range fighting, then... Should make my job easier. Good thing I can't see now because if that's your foot up there..." She trails off and gestures at her eye, then between Jinx's legs. Or at least where they would probably be if her other foot was actually on the ground instead of the chair.

     Hearing another voice coming from nearby, Sanary turns around slightly to at least give the appearance of trying to maintain eye contact. "You're a friend of Jinx's? Sanary. Good to meet ya."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    But nope. JINX isn't wearing her usual 'nothing at all', but rather a slightly radded 80's style garish neon polo shirt and a pair of long jeans. And her bangle/leash.

    Ahri's voice though, gets her to squeak. "AH! That's where the HEXTECH comes in. BULLETS FOREVER. I mena, Souji's gear does that too. But. Sanary, this is Ahri, she's another camp in the League! Ahri, this is Sanary, she's our new blind healy chick for the Feds."

Ahri (491) has posed:
"Oh~ How nice. Getting to take care of Jinx when she gets shot up or cut up... as that happens a lot." Ahri muses, teasing a bit. "She's right, though. A member of the League. Kinda wander about and help on behalf of the League now and then. Get them a good rep around this ... really big world. Its really big."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"That's the plan. Could even reattach fingers and stuff if it ever comes to that and they're still there. Gotta ask what this League is, th-" Sanary blinks slowly before touching a finger to the back of her ear, an awkward frown crossing her face moments later. "Aw, shit. Duty calls. That meet I mentioned earlier and all." Slipping her coat back on before getting up, she finishes off the rest of her water in a long draw. "Sorry to bail so soon. Definitely need to meet up again and talk more, though. Be safe, Jinx. Ahri." And so she makes her abrupt exit!