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Latest revision as of 06:04, 17 February 2015

Lute and Fuki's Date
Date of Scene: 17 February 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Lute takes Fuki on a date to the Safari Zone.
Cast of Characters: 188, Fuki

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is currently waiting out in front of the Safari Zone. He wasn't really sure where was best to take Fuki. But, it hit him as she reminded him. She has a pet monster. So, a place where you can see pet monsters is probably a good idea!

     He waits outside the Safari Zone's gates. Even from the gates, though, one can see the zoo area just inside.

     Lute is wearing his normal outfit. This date, well... He imagines it is going to be incredibly casual. He doesn't even know Fuki that well. He is used to her in the tiny body. The only thing he knows of her is that she is quite violent. But, still. This is a good chance to get to know her more!

     Plus, she reacted well to the human-scale body. She actually seemed touched. So, already, she is probably going to be a bit pleased with him, which gives him an early game advantage.

Fuki has posed:
    A date.

    Fuki's first reaction to the request was a bit off putting but, considering the effort Lute went through to get this human-like body for her, well, she decided to go for it. Clad in the same outfit that came with it, that school girl's outfit, Fuki strolls up towards the Safari Zone's entrance, the only modification on this body was an embedded necklace with a sapphire at the tip and three flashing lights. IN her left hand was a small basket, a treating smell coming from it, meats and bread.

    "I'm still not allowed to cook so I decided to bring some food for you." The voice is a bit softer and more ladylike than Fuki's original tone, however, her inflections and mannerisms are still undeinably the Shinki's. "I do hope you'll enjoy it, I have not tested eating with this yet." A smile is bright upon her face, "Ready to go, Lute?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at Fuki. Wow. Yes, he bought the body, but still, it looks good on her, to put it one way. She carries herself a bit differnetly than he imagined, but still.

     Lute, being Lute, moves in to give Fuki a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting, unless stopped. Smiling, still.

     "Glad you could make it. And glad you brought food. Though, if you need to learn how to cook, I can help you, sometime, okay?"

     He moves to take a hand to hold. Smiling.

     "Ready if you are!"

     And, whether the hand holding is accepted or not, he'd lead Fuki inside. The first Pokemon on display are some Slowpoke. They're kind of just lounging on rocks near a pond. Not really moving, at all.

Fuki has posed:
    "It's not that I don't know /how/ it's just Master won't let me." a pause "He doesn't want me to boil myself or tempura myself." she gives a light chuckle, freezing just a bit at the quick cheek-kiss. She blinks slightly, not stopping it of course. "So that's a kiss? Not as bad as I expected."

    "I could not just 'not' show up, that would be rude. I try to honor all my arrangements, even if they're simple outings. I do hope you will enjoy the sandwiches, roast beef. I heard it was good for dates like this."

    She takes the hand in her free one, following alongside her date, "And I'd be glad to accept more methods on cooking, Lute. Consider that an invitation in the future." Following along, she looks around at the surroundings, the Slowpoke draw her eyes a bit, "They look kind of lazy. Do trainers really use them?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute ponders, considering, "Well. It makes sense if your master doesn't want you to get hurt or damaged. Though... What does he think of the fact that you are dating? Is he okay with it, or what?" He is really just curious, more than anything. He's fine with her breaking her Master's rules.

     "And... That was a kiss, yeah, but a pretty simple one. If you want an impressive one, I'll show you later, okay? Don't want to overload you."

     Also, he doesn't want to make it /too/ awkward, or at least, not just /yet/.

     "I like roast beef sandwiches, so it should work. But yeah, I'll be sure to teach you how to cook. I lived on my own for quite a while, so I'm really used to it."

     As for the Slowpoke, he shrugs. "They're not /commonly/ used. Most people use them as pets because they are cute. But, well... Just like any Pokemon, they can be trained /very/ well. They can launch incredibly powerful attacks with water, they have psychic abilities, and they can take quite a beating. So, even though they look dopey, don't underestimate them."

     He looks towards Fuki a bit, "What kind of Pokemon would you like to see? They have a lot here. Though, I don't even know this, but like. Do you like monsters for just combat, or do you like having pets like your couerl?"

Fuki has posed:
    "I... I haven't told him, I don't want to shock him that I'm doing something a normal human girl would do." Fuki gives a small chuckle, shaking her head, "I'm still a grown Shinki, only three now. Master lets me do a lot on my own without checking in."

    Rules? What rules? Rules are for chumps and programs. Wait. "The only thing he said is to not let anyone grab the sapphire. It's housing my CMS and is what's letting me control this thing. It's... quite an interesting experience being this tall." a light nod at the kiss comment, "Perhaps I may look forward to it."

    Look dopey, don't underestimate them... like a certain trainer that she's in company with. "I see, I'd like to see all types, honestly. The cute ones, the feirce ones... even those dopey ones. They remind me of a certain person." a pause, "Oh? My coeurl? She's a pet and a combat companion, I guess similiar to your Pokemon though, I don't know how well you get along with yours." another pause "I guess quite well since they did not leave you."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at Fuki, "Well, don't worry too much about him not knowing. I'm sure he should understand. Does he have any other Shinki, though? Or are you the only one?"

     Lute ponders a bit, "Well. Maybe when we leave, I'll give you the really good kiss, then, okay?"

     Lute nods a bit, "Well, then, let's look at a lot of the Pokemon. Maybe even I could teach you to train and catch them sometime? I mean, the Union doesn't know you have a full body yet. You could trick them into thinking you're a Pokemon Trainer maybe."

     He continues along with her. The next area has a few Nidoran, male and female. They're kind of hopping about, play wrestling and whatnot.

     "These guys are cute, but they get really big and strong. Also, they're pretty poisonous, so it's dangerous to touch them... ...Though, almost all Pokemon can learn how to emit a toxin."

Fuki has posed:
    "Of course, I don't plan on telling him." Fuki gives a smile back, and a nod. "He has roughly twenty three other Shinki that aren't me that he's purchased. He's a collector. He frets when I go on missions because I'm his most prized possession and I've costed him a good hundred thousand credits with all that I've been doing."

    "Alright. I'll agree to that." a smile comes to the Not Shinki, another nod coming at the suggestion from Lute. "That is actually a brilliant idea. And with how easily this body is modifiable, I could even make it not look like myself only larger. Though, I hope the Pokemon would be okay with an artificial human being their trainer."

    Fuki nods, watching the Nidoran play, "They're adorable, though perhaps I should see their bigger forms. And maybe I'll show you the Behemoth I've caught."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles. Well, if he steals Fuki's emotions away from her Master, he is fine with that. If she ends up feeling romantically interested in both of them? He is fine with that as well. But, his hand moves not to just hold Fuki's hand, but to wrap around her waist a bit. Hey, he has been having ridiculously good luck with his dates recently. He may as well go for broke as far as gambling with romantic prospects. "It's fine if you don't wanna tell your master. I mean, in your position, I wouldn't. He probably worries about you a lot. Sounds a lot like a dad, huh?"

     "Well, I'll teach you Pokemon training. And yeah, next time, maybe we'll just meet your behemoth together? Or we could do that soon, at least. Behemoths are supposed to be fairly tough, too!"

     "Though, as for the Nidoran's larger form... They eventually become Nidoking or Nidoqueen. They're fairly powerful ground poison Pokemon. But, well. Even though this place is kind of a 'zoo', it's also like a refuge center for Pokemon. The Pokemon here are mostly those who were found hurt in the wild, nursed back to health, and willing to live on display until they go back to the wild. So, not a lot of super powerful fully evolved Pokemon here."

     He guides her to the next pen, still rather happy. This is fairly casual, but talking about Pokemon is something he absolutely loves! The next pen has a voltorb rolling around it.

     "...Ah! Now here is an odd one. Looks like a Pokeball, and is often mistaken for one in the wild. The similar design is a coincidence, but like. If you see one of these in the wild? Be careful. They explode."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki blinks slightly as she gets that hand around her waist, she ponders this implication and gives a very subdued nod, scooting herself slightly closer to Lute.. "Well, he /did/ purchase me." she comments back, a chuckle coming to her. "So yes, he is a father of sorts."

    "I'd be glad to learn then, anything that can help my arsenal of abilities to help the Confederacy. And with you, the primere trainer of the Confederacy, I know I'll be in good hands." she gives a light nod, "And sure, you'll just have to be careful... he doesn't take kindly to anyone but me, and even doesn't care for me most times."

    "So, a rescue habitat for them? I didn't know you cared that much about the Pokemon like this. Forgive me being honest here but I thought you just used them as tools and didn't rightly take care of them." a pause, "Once again, pardon me being open about that."

    Fuki loves absorbing information, especially about her allies, "Eh? So, don't touch it and hopefully it won't explode. Got it. It looks kinda cute though, I wonder if you could throw it like a grenade and have it explode..."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is happy that Fuki isn't freaking out about the arm around her waist. Yeah, this is going really well, with her even scooting closer. He's a bit surprised about this! Though, maybe it's because he is the first man who has treated Fuki as a woman, and not just an object of destruction?

     "I'd be fine around the Behemoth. I mean, I trained Mr. Crabs, I totally can handle a Behemoth. It's just a matter of knowing how to get it to like you."

     And, Lute shrugs a bit, "Well. They... /are/ tools for fighting. But, at the same time, they're people, too. They have their own thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Plus, my Pokemon are, in fact, my friends. Heck, I'm even making sure Giratina is fully adjusted before I use him in combat."

     A bit of a somber pause.

     "...I feel guilty about Registeel, though. It is a Shadow Pokemon, which makes it a complete monster and only a tool for battle. But, I can't bring myself to change him. He's more powerful this way, and... It is all he ever knew. It might be better for him if I purified him? But.... Eh. It's complicated."

     He looks at the Voltorb a bit more, chuckling, "And yeah, these guys can be used as grenades. The attack Self-Destruct will knock them out, but not kill. Some people have used them for wars before, too. But, well. If you are unkind to them? They'll explode at /the trainer/."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki looks up towards Lute, nodding. She's listening intently to him, tilting her head slightly. There was more to this man than she thought it seems. "I did the same with Keesha. I made sure she was comfortable with me and commanding her around before I fully took her on as my own."

    "I'm glad you take care of them, Lute. Though, do you think your Registeel would be even stronger if it was purified? I mean, perhaps the corruption may be hiding away true strength." a pause "But this is all conjecture and theories. Something my little digital brain likes to do."

    She gives a light chuckle at the thought of using the voltorb as grenades but the comment about exploding at the trainer causes her to cringe. "I think I will stay well away from Voltorb..." she looks around, pointing to a bunch of birds, pidgeys. "Those are cute."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shakes his head a bit, "Well... Let's put it this way with Registeel, too. The longer a Pokemon is a Shadow Pokemon? The harder it is to revert. And I've been using it a long time without reverting it. Heck, we didn't even know it was possible for a bit. But... Well. It'd probably hate me for using it as a Shadow Pokemon for so long. ...But we'll see. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to."

     A glance at the pidgey. "Ah, yeah. Those are Pidgey. They're all over the place. One of the most common Pokemon, but not to be underestimated. When they evolve, they even get big enough to carry their owners on their back. ....Though your Shinki form could easily ride even a Pidgey I think."

     A pause, considering, "What kind of animals do you like the most? There might be a Pokemon around similar to one. I know my way around the Safari Zone pretty well, so I could take you to see a Pokemon like that type of animal fast."

Fuki has posed:
    "I see. Well, don't pressure yourself or that Registeel." Fuki nods, thinking a moment, "Perhaps that there's a world out there that can ... purify even the most corrupted ones." she gives a light nod and ccontinues on.

    "Probably, they look small enough. I may have to try one time!" she gives a big grin and leans in closer to Lute, thinking at the next thing she'd like to look at.

    "Well, I like to see dragons or fairies. Mythological is nice to see at times."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods, "Well, Dragons I can show you easily. The Safari Zone doesn't have a lot of Fairy type Pokemon. But it does have some Dratini!"

     He continues going along with Fuki, to a pool of water. It's a little bit hard to see into the water. But, after a bit, a dratini leaps out of hte water, fairly majestically, before it splashes back down. Lute smiles, looking at it.

     "Dratini. Eventually evolves to Dragonair, then Dragonite. A relatively rare species, it takes a /long/ time to train and evolve. But, if you get one... It can be incredibly powerful, and it makes up for all of the effort."

     He pulls Fuki a bit closer to himself, so that they're touching quite a bit.

     "...You don't mind all of this physical contact, do you?"

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki watches the Dratini splash out of the water, a look of shock on her face going into watching the pokemon make a graceful motion. "Oooh, so that's a Dratini. It's pretty." she nods, smiling, leaning in more.

    "I may have to see about taking care of one of those if you don't mind. Do they give them out to Confederates?" She give a light suqeak as she's pulled a bit closer than normal... a slight bit of pink hitting her cheeks. "No... I don't mind at all."

    In reality, this reminds her of her Master's touch, its actually caring... "I always took you as a doofus and someone very unreliable, Lute. Perhaps, I've changed my mind at all of this."

Lute (188) has posed:
     The dratini continues to splash around and play. Lute continues to hold Fuki rather close. He's still a bit surprised by this. All of his luck recently. Even Fuki is appreciating him, and she disliked him in the past? This is still an amazing surprise.

     "...Well. I don't know how much it means coming from me, Fuki, but. I've always appreciated how hard of a worker you've been for the Confederacy. How motivated you are."

     And, he shifts. Pulling her closer, into more of a body to body hug. Smiling, down at her. The dratini, still playing nearby.

     "...But, well... I'm glad your opinion on me has changed."

     And with that, he slowly leans in to embrace her with a bit of a kiss.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki's leaning her head upon Lute's shoulder, that basket still in her hand. "Thanks, Lute. I try my best because it's for my Master." She looks at the Dratini...

    The Pokemom still splashes around, pulled closer towards Lute, her head turning to meet his. "It has. Perhaps you can be a great guy."

    Her cheeks flush, is this really happening to her? She's not treated as a doll, she's treated as someone... a person.

    She let's the kiss happen, dropping the basket, her arms moving around Lute's back. She may have to do this slightly more often.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just takes a moment to enjoy the kiss. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, this being, well, /him/. But, he got a body which is meant to feel like a human, at least superficially. And so, even though her lips are mechanical, they still feel real to him. He slips his tongue in a bit, even, letting himself enjoy this as much as possible. His arms just stay tightly wrapped around her, pressing his own body against her's.

     When he finally breaks the kiss, he looks at her, smiling.

     "...So. Did you enjoy your first kiss on the lips?"


Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just takes a moment to enjoy the kiss. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, this being, well, /him/. But, he got a body which is meant to feel like a human, at least superficially. And so, even though her lips are mechanical, they still feel real to him. He slips his tongue in a bit, even, letting himself enjoy this as much as possible. His arms just stay tightly wrapped around her, pressing his own body against her's.

     When he finally breaks the kiss, he looks at her, smiling.

     "...So. Did you enjoy your first kiss on the lips?"

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki is enjoying this herself, the Shinki masquerading as a Human enjoying her first date and her first real kiss. She closes her eyes from the kiss and only pulls slightly back from it from when the tongue enters. "Mmm... I did read up on dating practices... this... is a bit much for a first date, Lute."

    "however... I did enjoy the kiss, Lute. Thank you... " Fuki looks away a bit, pulling her arms in tight.

    "Thank you for treating me like a human."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs a bit, "Ehhh, some people even think just kissing on the first date is a bit much, but hey. Yeah, whatever you want to set the limits as is fine. I understand." Really, though? He /doesn't/ get it. He doesn't get why people don't act on their impulses, and ignore social norms and morality. But, that is also part of why he is fine with dating Fuki, as well. And part of what makes Lute 'stupid'. A complete lack of understanding of normal human behavior.

     "...Why shouldn't I treat you like a human? I mean, I treat everyone like humans. Why shouldn't I treat you like that? Yeah, you're a robot, but that doesn't make you less of a person. It doesn't make you undateable."

     A shrug again, "Though, still. I hope we can keep dating a bit? It'd be fun getting to know you better, anywas."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki gives a light nod, "Perhaps I missed that section." she gives a light chuckle. "Though, I think I would like to do this again and I don't seem to need to use the Tanuki suit I have to knock some sense into you." a grin, "A woman's gotta be prepared."

    She hmms softly, "Well, I'm not normally four five and look like I'm in my adult years, Lute. I didn't expect the true person treatment so this was... a treat for me. I think I'll keep this body for more things like this and... as you said, perhaps to fool the Union some."

    "Shall we eat, I don't want the food to go to waste."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, "Well, eh. Size doesn't matter. Though... I'm going to admit, giving you a human-sized body on that front /helps/. But, still, evenif you were tiny, it'd still probably work out? ...Though I guess it's still the gift that prompted it."

     Lute shrugs, and smiles.

     "...But, yeah. We can sit here, and eat it. ...Can that body eat food? I didn't check the specs fully cause I don't really know robot specs at all."

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki shakes her head, "No, I've tried looking at it and there's no real food conversion in here. I don't mind, however, enjoy it. I spent good money on this roast beef so it should be delicious. I even got some cheese, should be in the small cooler container."

    She moves to sit down, smiling, taking a look at the pond. A Dratini. Maybe she should make that her first once she learns from Lute.

    "Lute? Thank you. This... was one of my favorite days."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute sits down. And, of couse, he is sitting down in a position where he is leaning against Fuki a bit. He grabs for the roast beef sandwich, smiling, taking a bite out of it.

     "Mm, this /is/ good. Though... I have to say? I'm having fun too, but I'm glad you're enjoying it, more than anything. We'll make a lot more memories together, okay?"

     He puts a hand through her hair a bit, ruffling it.

     "...Well. I do hope you'll become one of my girlfriends."

Fuki has posed:
    "Mmm. Sure thing, Lute... to making more memories. Though, I'm not too sold on the girlfriend part. Friends, though, I can do." she smiles a bit, Fuki giving a watch between Lute and the Dratini, leaning back to rest on her hands, today... is the best day of Fuki's life.