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Latest revision as of 05:45, 22 February 2015

Date of Scene: 21 February 2015
Location: Mojave Wasteland (NewVegas)
Synopsis: Johnny and the crew uncover the secret of just who the Redhead is
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, 627, Starbound Flotilla, 673

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Nero's face screws up in a scowl at the group as he points at George and the group. "What's it going to take to get my whore house unfucked?"

    A panning shot of the den of spycraft in the walls of the Gomorrah, with everyone listening to the holotape on Johnny's Pipboy, with a focus on the one-time pad in Souji's hand.

    Poor dead Mike in his NCR fatigues, with the hole in his face, and that note sealed with a kiss. 'meet u @ v21 tomorrow nite'.

    Johnny and ED-E lean and wait outside the Vault 21 Hotel, a time lapse of the Courier watching the ebb and flow of people moving in and out of both the Monorail and the Hotel.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    It's been a week or so since the fiasco at Gomorrah, and Johnny's invited everyone else back out to the Strip for another job. This note is a little more cryptic this time. "On the trail of Little Rat, bring your caps, we're going gambling."
    Tonight, Johnny's waiting inside the main lobby of the Hotel, apparently looking for the rest of the folks who are on their way out to help. The Courier's ever faithful buddy ED-E floats gently over by the main counter where a perky blonde lady in a Vault Jumpsuit types away at a computer. She occasionally sends furtive glances over at Johnny, who is doing his best 'sleeping sheriff' impression he can manage tonight.
    The Room is rundown, but clearly not Vault Made. Or if it is, someone's murdered the now familiar entry room of the Vault, which may be likely since the Vault Door itself makes up the very top of the sign outside. There's plenty of room for all of the people shuffling in tonight.

    (OOC: Here's the room! http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/c/cb/Vault_21_gift_shop_interior.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121009193206 )

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George is here. He's the one leading the charge. He never really outright said anything about it, but he knows his subversive espionage and, for some reason, the rest of the core Flotilla has acknowledged that. He's wandering through town, hands in the pockets of his grayed jumpsuit, as he moves towards Vault 21. He's ditched most of the rest of the core Flotilla today, leaving Albert, Biteblade, Moonfin, and Pavo out of this encounter. Only Seft accompanies, since both George and Seft don't stand out too much in a robot-saturated area like this, though she looks like some kind of baffling Legion/securitron mix since she's wearing her armor today.

    George is savvy; he'll have already gone and traded around for some caps if he can, at the local stores, pumping a bit of raw materials and freshly manufactured goods into the local economy to snag a few caps to his name. He'll walk in rater confidently, immediately heading for Johnny and taking a seat near him with a relaxed posture. "Alright, what do you got for us, Johnny?" He speaks in a low sort of tone. He figures initial interrogation or similar things have already been done here, so he's going to seek a briefing first and foremost. Gambling? George knows how to do that, but he's not sure quite yet how that fits. Seft is wandering in with her usual robotic motions, and she tries to defuse any rising tensions that might be associated with the group with a few friendly beeps and a short, respectful sort of nod, before standing nearby to wait for the rest of the group.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji stands out in the wasteland. Not just because he wears a suit, but because he seems untouched by the wind-blown dust. He is clean where everything around him has an edge of decay. Even the briefcase he carries with him in the entryway of Vault 21 is spotless black leather, clasped closed with the locks engaged. The perceptive notice there are no keyholes on the clasps, just a faint circuit-like pattern. It is either completely nondescript or extremely ominous depending on what genre you think you're in right now.

He looks over the decayed, yellowing light and the kitschy souvenier area at the reception desk with a neutral gaze as he approaches, nodding to both Johnny and the woman behind the counter. "Greetings." He states, simply as he looks to Johnny. He figures Tallbranch will give some kind of indication as to what needs to be done.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has had a lot going on since then but here she is once more and she s looking to Johnny as she comes in. She seems more confident than she was in her other trips. She seems to be taking in things and she's a bit behind George in her arrival. he takes a moment to greet him and Sef.

"George, Seif and Johnny."

She's not much to say as she listens to wht likely about to be said she's also dressed for gambling too from the looks of it.

"Mr. Murasame."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Once more Rory seems to be dressed in wastelander attire, including a wide-brimmed hat! So she appears like some kind of old west tomboy. Except there's a lot of bright colors and it's quite stylish and luxurious. What kind of fashion guru around here would've designed this getup? (Indeed, none did...)

    New to the outfit is a holstered six-shooter she probably doesn't know how to use very well...

    She's TRYING to fit in anyways, but her face is simply too naive, her long hair too clean... even so...

    She's sticking by Kotone, hoping she didn't make some horrible choice by adapting her attire on her Muse's recommendations.

    "George, Seft, Johnny! ... and... ah, you're out and about in unusual places, Mr. Murasame!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The blonde looks up with a kind face to the robot lady and holds out her hand. "Hello! I'm Sarah Weintraub. Welcome to the 21! What can I do for you?" Her grip is firm and warm and there's a mirth to her face that seems to be sorely lacking elsewhere in the Mojave.

    @THE REST:

    Johnny tips his hat up a bit as ED-E floats around to hover near Seft. A little digital blurb of data to the robot, as she gets all of what Johnny's about to say in a rather gossipy tone. ED-E is sassy.
    "Right so, Sarah here says she's got information on our mysterious redhead, and that she's supposed to be here tonight for a poker tournament. Your guess is as good as mine as to why she picked the 21, seein' as there's other tables on the Strip. No offense, Sarah."
    The blond smiles. "None taken, Johnny! Just letting you know she's signed up under the name Susan Dawnhill. Looked a bit NCR, if you ask me. Not really sure why you're looking for her, but there you go." Her eyes brighten. "Oh, do they need the tour of the 21, Johnny? I don't get ot give that to offworlders that often!"

    Johnny's shoulders slump a little bit, and he looks to the others. "You want to the Tour?"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The slump is not promising. Nor is the decor. IF the tour was going to be any good, the place would not look like the remnants of a war-torn waste-OH WAIT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS.

However, the tour will help establish him as being a visitor and not being there with an ulterior motive. "Very well. I will see the tour." He says simply. The others can come with if they want, of course.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Makes me miss old Murray." George chuckles briefly. He gives a quick nod to Seft, and she gives one back to him, then she focuses more on the lady, giving her a firm handshake with one cold, whirring robotic hand.
    "Greeting. Hello, Mrs. Wintraub. I am Seft, it is a pleasure to meet you." She gives a few nods. "Grateful. If the individual we wish to meet is not likely to be active for some time, the Tour would be appreciated." Her eyes flicker towards the door. "Concerned. But if there is less time available, I would like to have the tour after, rather than before the meeting, if it is acceptable for you." Then she's looking back to the woman. "Cheerful. I would certainly like to learn more at some point, if my friends do not find it objectionable." All perfect feminine synthesized monotones.

    George leans over a bit, obscuring his motuh with a hand while he scratches his beard with one hand, and talks to Johnny and the others near the bench in a low whisper. "She's hanging out here. That means she needs something. Might be trying to link up with Michael's contact, maybe one Cachino hooked them up with. But it looked like a seduction deal. Might be she's pulling prey off of Vault 21 to build up for a run off the Strip."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa doesn't think so with Rory's muses she's looking a bit wastelander herself but cleaner though it's got a less 50s vibe than one might expect but then again? She's alway leaned a bit more sleak tech but still she's here and she grins to the rest as she seems to be in a good mood. She looks over to ED and nods to the bot for a moment before sh follows along.

"I'd not mind the tour if it's not trouble." %R No she's got no idea about the toury as she looks overt to Seft and George. Then to the lady working the hotel.

"Hello to you as well."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    If they're all going to be hanging around in this place, seeing the locale and building a map is only smart. "The tour, sure!" Rory abruptly declares.

    "This is one of the Vaults like the other one, right?" She asks Kotone a moment later. "I don't see any Nuka cola dispensers though..."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Johnny's voice gets low like George's and the man grumbles. "I don't like a person who's already shown they can get into secure systems being around a Vault. Even a dead one like the 21 has secrets and mysteries hidden that could spell trouble for the Strip if they get found."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Sarah smiles brightly. "Well it shouldn't take too long, really, there's not a lot of the Vault left to see, so come on! We'll all be heading down this way, after all!" And indeed that does seem to be the only entrance down into the hotel itself. Which makes it a perfect place for Sarah to watch over who's coming in and out of the facility. The main door opens up a she leads the folks downwards into the Vault. Souji hasn't been inside one yet, but for Rory, Kotone and the Starbounds... this is a much different experience than the Nuka Vault. This is clean, it's bustling with people, and it looks extremely well maintained. The main entrance opens up on a wide hall, which looks to be connected to a glassed in atrium with artificial lights, and a main floor with table games, a selection of slot machines, and more. Sarah smiles as she leads people down. "Welcome to the 21! This used to be one of the Vaults, and it still is in a way. Who knows anything about the Vaults?"

    Sarah's going into her patter with the Tour Group as Johnny tips his hat and heads down to mingle into the crowd. There' banner's and signs hanging up in the gambling floor. "New Vegas Invitational Hold 'Em Tournament". There's likewise a wide variety of people minging, waiting tables, and a number of games already running.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    For whatever reason Rory appears to be intent on speaking with Souji this trip. She slinks away from Kotone to instead walk next to him! "We ran into another Vault some time ago. The residents were very peculiar people." Her tone is low and quiet to not disturb the explnaation. "This whole world is. I'm suirprised they do this well."

    "I know they're shelters!" She answers Sarah. "... And one of them was full of Nuka-Cola! .... that's about it. How does this one differ?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Yes but this one seems to have fared far better."

She can only guess what was done here given what they found with the cola cult vault after all. She tries to not think about it and how badly they screwed up there. She could only learn, from that right? She looks to Sarah as she moves to follow and she blinks.

"What happened to the rest of it Sarah, if I might ask?"

Did something happen to the lower levels? She suspects she was about to find out. She does see it's clean it's lived in and quite nice.

"I know a little."

She doesn't voice the rest given what she's thinks of Vault Tech after the previous vault. She does however look at the various gambling games it was a curious little hotel and Casino. With Rory bringing it up.

"They were unlikely the original, given all there was to drink was nuka cola."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Mmm. Vault-Tec and RobCo were working together, weren't they? If that bitch is after a decryption key, this would be the place to get it." George hisses a bit, with a tense tone. "I'm going to have Seft keep an ear out for anything in the walls." He stans up now, as if none of that tense chatter just happened. "Alright, tour it is, looks like! Let's take a look around." He follows along.

    Seft is the one who speaks up here. "Curious. I have some experience with the Vaults, but only one. During the incident, I was informed that the creators worked with a tendency towards instituting unusually varying conditions." There's a few whirring clicks. "Eludicating. But I did gather some baseline data. They were designed to shelter humans from nuclear blast and fallout long-term." Just a quick summary for Souji's benefit, too.

    There's a few quiet whispers from George, and Seft is beginning to activate scanners and sensors, sweeping for any hidey holes, hidden tunel access, and similar structure that fits George's understood parameters of subversive espionage hideout. Maybe she's only a regular customer to access something like that? But while that goes on, he acts a tourist, a little. "So, you said not much left, right? What happened, lose track of it? Wouldn't surprise me if you could, considering the weirdness we got at the last one." It's just a jokey mirror of Kotone's query here.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's far down into the crowd now, and can be seen mingling with a few of the upper crust people in the crowd. Politics.

    Sarah's voice falters a little bit at the series of questions. Alright, these people knew quite a bit about Vaults. "I... that must be Vault 18, then. We only ever got word of that place once this place was opened back up to the public again once Mr. House woke up and... ah."

    A bright look on her face, hopeful. "Vault 21 wasn't a control vault, but we all thought it was. All conflicts inside the Vault had to be resolved via gambling and games of chance. And it worked out all very well for us. Until Mr. House won the rights to the Vault in a blackjack game." That gets her shoulders to slump. "They took everything useful out and filled the bottom levels in with Concrete. BUT, we still get to keep the upper levels of the place as this fine hotel and Casino you see here!"


Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji follows Sarah, walking along. The interior of the Vault seems to be far less objectionable to Souji than the general ruin through most of the Wasteland. He looks over, brightening imperceptibly as he experiences a nice clean Vault. He follows along, looking to Rory as she addresses him. "You did? I see. So these facilities are present in other locations in the Wasteland, protection from such an event as what happened to this world." Seft confirms with with their analysis, and he nods once more.

He does not ask questions at the moment, but he does look over at the tournament area. That seems to be the destination. Sarah brings him back to the tour with her deft interjection. "Ah, and that explains the current state of affairs. So the lower areas are completely inaccessible, then." He ponders this. Why would a spy want to come to this location at this time...

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    ED-E slinks in behind the Glitch beedle beeps a bit, and then... Offers a data connect. It is surprisingly robust for this level of technology, actually, and is offering to boost her scanning capacity... for a favor in the future.
    Great, even the robots wanna trade.
    Even without ED-E's help, there's really not a lot ot see just yet up here. Power seems to be fusion/geothermal, and also being supplemented from the Hoover Dam. The people here are invariably human with a few mutations here and there from the Mojave. There's life signs the next floor down, spaced out into what are likely hotel rooms. Utility closets, power taps, a data line somewhere downstairs... that sort of stuff.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Plotting the map points with geological data of north america, using the locations of Vault 21 and 18 as standards... assuming good building sites match between worlds... there might be well over two hundred Vaults." Rory points out to Souji. How she figured that out, THAT fast, without being an expert in architecture is worth wondering about.

    Or maybe she's just making some rough estimates.

    But this brings a question up. "WHY would anyone block off access to a robust underground facility meant for shelter and safety?! ... The location would've been very useful for emergency shelter, storage... all kinds of uses. It was... blocked off?"

    Then she blinks a few times.

    "Oh. Waging all conflicts with gambling... you say it really did work out?!"

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    A few uneasy beeps. "Somber. Vault 18 is now empty." Seft says, a bit ill at ease thinking about the exodus of that un-recovered tribe. Then there's a buzz like clearing her throat. "Impressed. That sort of problem solving sounds somewhat risky. You seem like very lucky people, until the end there." A few more melancholy tones there too. The story is a little bit like that.

    George says, "Huh. Kinda jerk move, but gambling's gambling, I guess. Looks like you guys made the best of it you could." He's gonna lean on the glass from above as he chats, peering down and employing the full extent of his SYNDICATE INTUITION. Alright, he thinks. If I were a horrible traitor going after NCR targets in New Vegas casinos, who would I be after here...? He's going to pick any likely targets out and keep an eye on them later. For now, he's also looking into the probable routes to that data line, to keep an eye on those too.

    If there's more tour to tour through, he'll follow along. Otherwise, time to head down, he thinks, better to get set up early. Seft, for her part, has accepted the Enhanced Sensors perk with no particular objection to the favor, authenticating the pseudo-contract and keeping attentive as the group progresses to any extra data.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Sarah smiles. "Inaccessible as far as I know, yeah, unless Mr. House decided to do something silly down there, but johnny has assured me he hasn't, so, that's nice. So, at Johnny's insistance, I've gotten everyone who wants a seat in the tournament a seat. It's going to last a few nights though, so if you want to stick around on the Strip, think about the 21 for your hotel needs. We do have a few vacancies!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Sarah smiles at Rory too. "Maybe more? They never told us how many there are, and if anyone actually knows, they're either dead or not telling us!" She nods a bit. "And the gambling did work out pretty well. I've heard tell that even a few of the control Vaults didn't turn out as well as us, which is saying quite a lot!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    SYNDICATE INTUITION? You filthy tator. Well there's some people down there in NCR dress uniforms, because of course there are. The number of bars and stars on the outfits don't show anyone of particulary high importance, though someone is wearing the distinctive outfit of a Ranger. That's interesting.
    There doesn't seem to be anything up here on the main floor that would need the support of a hardened data line, though.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone is following alopng on the toury, Kotone does turn her senses up to higher than normal she might ick up something right? She moves along looking to Seft for a moment who seems to have the same thing in mind she does. Hopefully they will find out now. She listens to Sarah as she works to ansqwer the questions.

"So a society based on random chance? That's certainly different. I see, sounds like MR house has reasons to fill it up but he seem willing to let you convert the rest after."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    There's a little sync, and then...

    If anyone knew exactly what was going on in ED-E's little head, they'd be shocked. The robot is actively scanning for hostile actions and predicted agressive intentions in the crowd at all times, a constant low level scan using predictive software and low-level AI programming.

    There are two people in the crowd that are known convicts, based on NCR criminal records, one for fraud and theft and another for felony assault. Both are male though, and are currently in a game.

    No sign of the Data Line up here. Or anyone that might be a redhead.

    There are two active Pipboys in the Hotel right now.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji glances over to Rory with an appraising look after she produces that number. "... Interesting. And you are capable of plotting them to a landmass map, I presume?"

There is a look back to George and Seft, with a pause, and then looks back to Sarah. "Indeed. I will be looking forward to the tournament. When will it begin?" He replies. "I regret to inform you, however, that I already have accomodations at the Ultra-Luxe."

Because he's dignified and rich as hell, and has no problems with enjoying hanging out with other dignified, rich as hell people.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The cyborg's senses will pick up less than the Eyebot's, but still quite a bit. Aside from the stuff already visible in the facility, there's a familiar radiation signature coming from the catering areas. Quite a lot of stored Nuka-Cola, perhaps, or something more.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "yes and no." Rory answers. "It's all based on math. If you know how many of something exist in a given area you can predict how many would exist in a larger area, assuming nothing else changes. Extrapolate using the best possible land... which would be areas with little geological activity, assuming priority goes to locations with more agricultural potential... that's the conclusion I came to. It may be very off! Don't Vault-Tec's designs seem... erratic?"

    That's polite for 'UTTERLY BUGNUTS'

    But she slips back over towards the others... in this case, Seft!

    Where she's joining the search. Facial recognition software borrowing her senses will quickly detect 'redheads' and failing that, marks down 'females whose hair color cannot be determined.'

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Well, the kid did look pretty rich, and she's not actually surprised. "Well, Marjorie runs a nice ship over there. I'm not surprised, really. But! We've got plenty of gifts up in the store if you want a souvenir! The suits are very popular. And the Tournament is already underway, but it is still in the first round, so you're welcome to pop in." Sarah's smile continues, though these offworlders are digging a little bit at the vaults. Hnnn.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George is going to keep an eye on the Ranger. In part because maybe that's a target. And in part because maybe that's someone else after the same Redhead. He's going to be ready to opportunely trip him if it turns out to be the case. George has no love for House but this is the job he's getting paid to do, and he's not gonna let the Redhead's stolen data get to the NCR.

    While he's busy keeping his eyes firmly on the floor, he's asiding, rather casually, in a somewhat silly tone, to Sarah. "Aw hey, thanks! Haven't gambled since that time a slot machine gave me haunted money." Eyes are out. He's ready to go. "We've got some digs, but I'll definitely be sticking around. This place reminds me of home, just with a lot more wall between you and dying! The other place, it's great and all, but not my style." The bad jokes seem almost incongruous with his intense focus.

    Since the tour seems mostly up, George is gonna head down now, most likely, unless the tour's not over. Time to mingle, be innocuous, socially hidden in case their target gets here soon. Seft is polite as always, giving a brief wireless thanks to ED-E and to Rory as well for their additional help. George will focus on people leaving for the data line, in that case, and he tells Seft to watch out for them. That other Pipboy, though... Just two? One's Johnny... Or wait, is that the Hotel and not the Casino? Do the vault natives here have Pipboys as well? Seft double-checks signals with Sarah's current location, and will be sharing outputs of analysis shortly.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    @SEFT, quick:

    Sarah may have been relieved of her Pipboy at some point. She is not currently wearing one.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is keeping qwith Rory and listening to the tale at this point but the tour seem to be reaching it's end at this point, or nearly so, she looks to her for a moment and nods she now looks to Sarah and wonders about her lack of pipboy, she's not going to press about it however. She does however thinks she wnts to get in ont eh games.

"So it does seem like this place has some interesting history and do you ahve any suggesting about the games here?"

Meanwhile Kotone's dialed up her sense maybe shge can hear the sound of machinery or such that might be hidden away and of note or maybe evne some people talkin who kows

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"They do seem somewhat different than I am used to." Souji agrees with Rory, nodding pleasantly to disguise the fact that he has zero experience with long-term inhabitation bunkers.

"Perhaps I will purchase a souvenier after the tournament." Souji replies to Sarah. "We will see." He looks to the torunament table and nods. "I will need to attend if I am to join the tournament. Thank you for your time." He turns and moves to the torunament floor, seeking out a seat to join in on the ongoing process of playing cards for money.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    "I'd love to keep chatting, but I've got to go back up to the desk, people are probably waiting to get in. Thanks! Come up to the gift shop! Tell Johnny to keep his meeting!" Hmmm. That's a little cryptic.

    Sarah seems to be trundling off at this point, leaving the pair to themselves and their scanning. Still no redheads down on the floor. Lots of browns and blacks and the occasional bottle blondes. The blondes are easier to pick out though, obviously.

    Kotone isn't going to be finding any special machinery and as for listening, there's a lot of talk about the NCR, and about the games themselves, but the din is being kept away from the actual area where the poker is being played, for obvious reasons. NO CHEATING.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Seft notices the lack of Pipboy on the one vault native present. She's not going to speak up, but her eyes to display a wireless link signal as she silently communicates the data over to George, and then the rest of the group. George is going to be keying his Matter Manipulator to focus on proximity readings for that signal here. He won't be focusing on that, though, he doesn't know for absolute sure that she even has a Pipboy. But it would make perfect sense for someone in her profession.

    Seft's checking now. Is she in the crowd around the floor? Near or in the poker game? Can she get some kind of bead on that wireless signal at all, with two relays going at once?

    George, meanwhile, focuses on something besides hair right now. Clothes. A full wardrobe swap would be awkward. He's looking for anyone happening to wear any pieces of clothing of the same style that was found in that hidey hole before, and beginning to run his subtle, monitoring social scan as he gets out into the casino proper, trying to find the odd woman out here based on a combination of clothing and probable movement vectors vis a vis the NCR and the routes to the data line.

    He's also checking. Is the Ranger likely doing the same? Or are they just here casually? He needs to figure if that's a target or potential trouble.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    George and Souji will find themselves in the 'Casino' which seems actually more like an afterthought at this point. It's like how everything in Vegas needs to have gambling in order to snag some of that sweet profit from suckers. The Poker Tables are certainly not a permanent structure.
    Crowds and such are mingling, the din of NCR rich folks and military personnel rubbing elbows with some professional gamblers and the average thrill seeker here to gawp at the crowd.

    You are ushered to a table by a very attractive young lady who smiles and brings you a drink and hands over a stack of chips and offers to take that briefcase please, no extra objects at the table. Hrm.
    Your fellow players are an elderly couple who seem to be on some sort of date, a young intende looking kid wearing sunglasses inside so people can't see his eyes, and a more gregarious young brunette lady in NCR fatigues who waves cheerily at the young man. "Oh hey, we were waiting to see who our fifth was. I'm Emmy, those are Edith and Bill, and the kid hasn't told us his name yet. Welcome to table 12."
    He's dealt in and the game progresses.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa nods to Sarah as she departs and she wonders about that, however she'll pass the information on. She doesn't find anything hardwrewise but she picks up a few bit about the games and the NC but there's no major stuff, Kotone doesn't intend to cheat that would cause trouble and possibly cause them issues. Which would be bad.

Sghe does however turn to Rory and says "Shall we go get into the games a bit, Rory?"

She knows they are somewhat a distraction tonight. She's fine with that and they might pick up other info too. She dials her hearing back to normal and gestures for Rory to follow her.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The crowd, as was stated before, is a mishmash of people, the usual Strip fare with some gambling junkies and more than a few big fish swimming in the bunch. If it's the Ranger you're focusing on... is another lady. She's currently chatting up a Chairman from the Tops. She's built like a truck though, and looks like she could punch a deathclaw in the face and make it cry. Probably not your spy.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "I think we'll have to." Rory decides with a nod to Kotone. She's linked up with Seft and giving all scanning data but so far no luck!

    At this point she's hoping Kotone or Seft will benefit more from what she's seeing than she is...

    This world's culture is just too weird for her to follow!

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The Pipboy... one of them is in the crowd and one of them is downstairs, probably in a hotel room. George hasn't walked past the signal yet though, but it's a decent sized crowd. There seems to be more people congregating over in the direction of the kitchen bar. Someone is buying a round of drinks for the house after being knocked out of the tournament. That's effectively splitting the crowd in two. Easier to isolate in a few moments.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    As the two head down a flight of stairs into the 'casino floor', they pass by something quaint. A corkboard, filled with various fliers and notes and handbills tacked to the surface.
    Some of the advertisements are clearly dating back to the time the place was still in active use as a full fledged vault, but there are newer ones. 'Learn to gamble better from the pros!' 'For Sale: all of my crap so I can bu a ride out of here' 'Ave Maria!' Oh, hey, sheet music! That seems to be an advertisement for singing lessons with S.D.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji nods, and provides the briefcase to the woman. She might find some interesting things happening should she attempt to open it.

He sits down at the table and arrays his chips with a defy flick of his hand. His poker face is impenetrable, likely because he almost never changes expression in general. He bets conservatively, but exploits weakness when he senses it. "Greetings. It is a pleasure to meet you all." He looks over the group, and considers Emmy, Edith, Bill, and the mysterious NCR woman in turn. "My name is Souji. I look forward to the competition."

After examining his cards, he glances over at the woman in the fatigues. "I do not believe I have seen you in the area before." He says. A clear opening gambit to get the woman to start talking.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    TRAITOR SENSES TINGLING: The Chairman she's talking with is a snake, but he's not hunting the Ranger. Maybe trying to get in her armor, but not kill her. Though, as the crowd starts to drift into a larger spread, there's a lady in a baseball hat who seems to be locked on to the Ranger awfully tight. Staring wise, even from over at the bar, as she sips from a Nuka-Cola. Non-descript. A lovely white and blue polkadot dress. Sensible shoes.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Hey... what's this?" Since she's used to all of this kind of stuff being posted digitally, strolling past an actual bulletin board with notes stuck to it momentarily bewilders Rory! But she scans through the assorted postings in a few seconds, recording everything. But what catches her eye most is that one post. 'Selling Everything to get out of here.'

    She doesn't need to get any closer to read fine details. She's quickly scanning now for contact information and other details and even recording the handwriting style.

    Which she'll compare to the recorded image of the note that the group saw earlier about a meeting at the v21... if possible.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Ranger's not closing in on their target. Alright, good. George drops that agenda for now. Either she's not after the spy or they're too lazy to be worth watching. Rory and Kotone are busy with other stuff. But that's one of the targets, and George was scanning for people moving in on that. And those are the casual-style scavenged clothes. Possible match on their objective. But... One signal in the hotel, and one in the casino floor?

    "Seft. Ten meters ahead, baseball cap. Pipboy signal?"
    "Professionally. Attempting to lock on, stand by."

    Both are whispering very quietly into radios. Seft's visor lights up with little spinny processing indicators as she attempts to see if that pipboy signal is strong there. She's also checking to see if the hotel one is moving. Basic test: Is the hotel Pipboy one someone left behind to come up to the casino? She's also checking on what Rory and Kotone have found. George intends to move in and ask her if that's her "SELL EVERYTHING" ad, since she looks like she might be intending to skip town. And it'll give him a good chance to get her away from these NCR.

    Of course, he doesn't know whether or their target even has a Pipboy, but if she's got one, he's going to be a lot more motivated to test if she's the one looking to skip town.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had been thinking ot go down to the drink people to see what she could hear form lose drunken lips. Also given Kotone can't get drunk they could find some play there, she also was sure to spot the ad at about the same time as Rory and ponders she has an idea forming at this point as shw looks over to Rory.

<<HEy Kotone I got an idea we could pose as buyer to see if we could confirm whom it is.>>

She look back to rory and she's also got the the information as well.

<< This should be useful you got antway to look at it closer, Rory?>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Souji's partner across the table is happily chatting. She seems to be relishing the attention. "Souji. What an interesting n-OH. You're from offworld aren't you? WOW. I never actually thought I'd meet someone here that's like that, I mean, I figured there might be some here for this, it is a pretty famous tournament... well, here in the Mojave."
    She's grinning as the sullen kids deals them out. Souji's got a pretty okay hand, actually, enough to bet on and not immediately pitch.
    Edith's eyes go wide though, and she smiles at Souji. "Oooooh, offworld! How are you handling the radiation, deary? It's not too much for you, is it?" Bill just grumps. "Dammit woman, we're here to play cards, not hit on boys." Edith tuts. "He's just grumpy because the young man is taking our money."

    The sullen kids doesn't talk, just grunts.

    The eyes of the lady in the polka dot dress suddenly sweep over to Souji's table, locking on head of the Zaibatsu. This woman is hunting.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The sheet of paper is easily photocaptured. This one is definitely had written by a person down on their luck using an old wax pencil or something similar, but it's not the Rat's handwriting. Maybe someone else did that for them? Either way, the note is to meet someone down in the hotel itself, or talk to Sarah to get contact info.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The woman's attention has turned out of George's line of sight and over at the table with Souji at it. That's good, he can make an approach now. The crowd is even thinning out a little bit to make his way easier.

    Seft, the Pipboy is definitely over by the bar now. The one in the Hotel is moving around downstairs, and has just changed rooms.

    Johnny is definitely not in the bar crowd.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji continues to play conservatively, but it looks like he is making steady gains. "I am not from this land, that is correct." He replies. He seems to be fully capable of handling cards, however, demonstrating some amount of manual dexterity as he works with them and the chips. "The radiation is not a problem. I have been advised as to the requirements of safety, though this area seems to be comparatively clean. The benefits of the protection of Mr. House, I am to understand." He comments, switching a pair of cards around in his hand. A bluff, or is he organizing them? It's impossible to tell with that stoic face.

He responds then to the NCR woman. "How long have you been serving?" He asks. "I have heard that this area has been under significant tension."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    With all the sounds and flashing lights and none of her usual mesh options for focusing... Rory's as discomcobulated as always but it's WORSE in this place. vegas is maybe the worst place to be suffering sensory overload!

    Briefly she closes her eyesto... recalibrate, in a sense. Then gazes at the posterboard again.

    <Anything by Susan Dawnhill...?>

    IS there anything up there?

    <Also, where did Sarah go?>

    After a brief check with her Muse...

    <The gift shop. And something about a meeting with Johnny?>

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Well there /is/ a note up there from someone with the initials SD.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa :is just going to follow Rory at this point.

<<Ya she mentioned for us to tell Johnny if we saw him later to not forget about his meeting.>>

She seems lost in thought and she pauses and goes to look at the note with the SD initals which is a pretty good clue all things considered. She ponders for a moment.

<<She works the hotel and it's open so she's not likely to vanish during operation hours if we need to see humm hey look at that one.>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Also that music is awful, the notes don't go together, who wrote this crap?

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    This appears to be musical notation, human in origin, but very poorly made. The time signature is all out of place, the notes are poorly spaced and irregular. This sounds like it would be a mishmashed garble of audio spliced into a hideous string of bluh.
    Sort of like a handshake between two computers if they were using a dialup modem

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George is about to move in and ask about buying all of the woman's stuff. But, no!! Suddenly, data is changed, thank goodness. They manage to get the proper data from Kotone and Rory. George's approach changes. First, he plans and schemes on the radio. He knows about traitorous planning and scheming. Though, this is going to be a little elaborate, even for George.

    It is time to execute a legendary Triple Agent Turnabout Capture.

    George doesn't speak directly to her. He simply wanders, with utmost social stealth to somewhere just near her, practically over her shoulder. "Ave." He whispers, very quietly. And then begins to whistle bits and pieces of the melody he got from Seft as he steps forward, past her. Sounding very much like a computer network. It's an unpleasant whistling. He puts his hands back into his pockets, making just the suble outline (with his fingers) of a small, concealed pocket-pistol, if someone was especially looking for it, and he looks at Souji as well. The posture he shows is very clear among spies: "DO NOT speak to me. This communication must be wordless." And he's going to wait. He's going to wait for Souji to inevitably make copious amounts of /cash money/ in the tournament game tonight. Or at least do well until he gets busted.

    He then approaches, once Souji's showing his financial savvy in full. He leans down quietly whispering. "Got this in the bag, boss. Time for us to cash out." The scheme has several parts, all working in tandem right now. First, he appears to be part of... Whatever contact group the Rat is in contact with. Wordlessly communicating: "We're here to deal with the same problem you need to deal with." He also gets to appear to be betraying Souji to her, as he tries to lead Souji to a more isolated part of the hotel complex. That's the double agent part.

    The triple agent part will be based on if she follows. And Seft following her.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The lady's back goes very stiff as she hears... Ave. The western pronunciation, but the right sort of word to get the lady's attention. The woman's shoulder shifts to quietly move a bag higher on her grip, but she doesn't make any quiet moves, instead turning to smile cheerily at George.
    The eyes of the hunter are immediately gone, and she murmurs. "Well, hello there. Sorry, I was just very intrigued by the game. Drink?" She smiles, reaches into her bag... and there's suddenly a bottle of Nuka Cola in there that wasn't there a moment ago. She hands that over to George, and murmurs. "It's all in the bag."

    A flirty wink though, as Souji manages to get through the first round of the tournament. There's cheers and clapping all around, and someon on the overhead calls for a half hour break, and also come enjoy the lovely dinner catered by the Ultra-Luxe!

    That should give Souji a chance to get up and stretch his legs.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The first break is called. Souji looks over his winnings, and George leans in and whispers to him. His response is a simple nod. "I believe I will take a break for a moment." He loads the chips into a case so he can carry them with him, slipping it casually into his coat. He stands, and follows George as he seems to request. There will be time to cash out in a moment. Remaining on task is the most important thing at the moment.

He will have plenty of time to get back to the table and continue fishing for information while playing poker.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The crowd is starting to fill up once more out on the top level as the people who are pulling out of the tournament start to shuffle out and around. The rest of the hardcore gamblers who didn't get bounced out are still in the roped off area for now.

    More people, more jostling, more crowd.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has done what she can to help out the others ont his mad plan so for now she's just going to fade intot he crod a bit to watch the whole thing play out. She trusts the others cna handle this and she's going to enjoy the show. She's shifted into tourist mode more or less.

<<So here we go Rory, we just keep falling into things like this, at least we're not bored, right?>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    @SOUJI, S

    And as Souji gets up, the woman whispers at the ear of George, the same quiet murmur. "The boy is another of the offworlders, get rid of him while I secure the target."
    And there's another of those horribly phony smiles that George is ever so good at, and she winks, heading towards the direction of the ladie's room and the stairs down to the Hotel.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    <Not bored. Very confused.> Rory answers shortly over her messenger. Handy, being able to send messages through nothing more than a thought!

    Already however she's analyzing and considering the actions that she just took and all the mistakes to be avoided next time and thinks she overlooked which must be considered next time.

    Main lesson: Pay attention to initials!

    "How would anyone know who to look for just based on initials...?" Well, it's pointless if this is just for getting the attention of a messenger and being deceptive, isn't it?

    Just as she's pondering these matters, things get jostly and squeezed! "A-ah! Out! Out of here. Too.. many... people..."

    At this point Rory's primary concern is just getting somewhere WITHOUT SO MANY PEOPLE!

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George takes the Nuka Cola but continues mostly not talking, and may not even drink. He's not sure at the moment what's in it, and that may seem amateurish. Boy, he sure hopes whoever the fuck it is she's been in contact with is the kind of be crypic needlessly. The main crowd is headed towards the Ultra-Luxe. Alright, that's an opportunity for isolation, and the Rat should know it. George, for his part, seems to make a... Small show of speaking to Souji, presumably deterring him from heading back to the Ultra-Luxe himself. While he does this, he actually talks to Souji. "Alright, got the target ID'd. We're gonna head out, but not all the way." He says, his gestures, tone, and posture completely dissonant with his words, because of how he's faking for a distant observer.

    He has acquired the trust of his target. No, not Souji! The other one! He's acquired that one's trust. Now he just needs to get her into position. She had HUNTER EYES before. She seemed interested in doing another killing before he'd interrupted. He knows how this goes. She's got another target here. Once it looks like she's out of sight, George's actions change completely. "Alright, we got this. Thought I could get her to go after you, but no dice." Then, over the radio, "Alright gang, home stretch." He pulls out a knife and nicks himself several places. "Here's 'Murasame's Dead'. Great fight with that sword, man." He laughs. "Alright, downstairs. Seft's got our directions, we're gonna close in, quietly if we can."

    And now it's time. George and Seft head DOWNSTAIRS to the hotel, still using ED-E's enhanced sensors, inviting the others who want to help. They've marked their target for everyone else's networked gear, and the pair intend to close in around that target before she can secure hers, but only after they find out what that target is, what door the Pipboy signal stops at. Then George, apparently having been cut up Souji's blade, will approach with a really, really smug look, like a man who just murdered a dude who had a katana. The target of this scheme... Down here, maybe? They need to know what it IS first.

    The others are invited, if they wish, down into the hotel area, but asked to circle around and stay out of line of sight, just for now.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Good job killing Souji, George. Top notch, well done, that kid didn't stand a chance to your Robusting. The Pipboy signal shuffles down down down the stairs into the Hotel region, getting actually awfully close to what must be Johnny's signal.

    A hotel room with a note on the lock. 'Out of Order - Repairs Notified'. There's sparking and cutting noise coming from inside the room. George's KEEN GREYSUIT intuition tells him the note is BULLSHIT or else someone actually closed the fucking panel from the inside of the door they just hacked.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji gets pulled aside out of sight and told that he's supposed to be dead.

He reacts to this about the same way he reacts to everything else, with a calm stoicism. He assumes George knows what he's doing, which is probably faith left over from their recent meeting. This means he can't appear until they have acquired the true target or else George's plan will be ruined.

He stays out of sight, using the information from George and the others to move into position in the more empty areas of the hotel so he can move should it be needed.

Even if he doesn't go in directly, he can still offer support, after all.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gets the word over the comm it's time to go mosey on town as asked by George she also get the idea of live campture too. She's not one to kill unless she's protecting herself after all. She starts to move to support while looking like she's going about on other business she has the sense to take it slow to now but her body is primmed for action. She keeps out as sight as best she can, she wishes she could have worn her Thermoptic cameo today but even it while sutiable would stream off world too hard.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George creeps up on the door. He's roughly familiar with Vault-Tec doors now, having figured out their wiring on the Overseer office door and committed it to memory. Seft tosses him the rather fancy, weathered laser pistol she acquired in the last adventure here, which he levels to one side and prepares.

    He'll be heading in first after hacking the door open, assuming he can. Okay, a little too late for the faked out entrance. He's gonna need to go in guns-blazing. If he can get the thing open, he's gonna be first in, pointing a gun at anything that looks like the Rat. If she goes for a weapon herself he will not hesitate to, at the very least, shoot her in the arm, or leg. Seft is hanging back, but intends to be keeping in arms reach of the traitor.

    She'll inform Souji he can come down too, if he wants. Looks like they don't have any option but to blow cover now, unless they want her to get to her objective before they can get her.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    To the Vault 21 basement! It's as good a place as any to get free of this crowd and somewhere she can gather her thoughts better! Right now the AGI's mental agents are all jumping around in disorder!

    First however, she's going to find a seat somewhere near the stairs to just take some time to focus...

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    It's now that Johnny makes his appearance, one eye entirely swollen shut, blood coming out of an ear, and possibly with loose teeth from the looks of it. The Courier's taken a beating from somebody.

    The door hisses open and... and the girl in the ball cap has her hat on backwards, sitting on the ground in a kneel, working at the Pipboy now firmly strapped to her arm. The machine's got a lead into a frayed and spliced datacable. Not one of the heavy backbones, but just enough of an open to get her where she's going, apparently.
    She flinches at thedoor opening, single takes at it being George. "Ave."
    And then doubletakes at the laser pistol, and Johnathan Tallbranch just in view behind him, blocking her escape. And simply raises her hands, calmly sitting there like nothing's happening. "Well. Fuck."
    A tangle of red hair falls from the girl's hat.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The door to a room at the Lucky 38, with a sign on the front. INTERROGATION IN PROCESS
    Johnny and George crowded around a table with Jennifer, who's sitting calmly, her Pipboy still on. Jennifer speaks. "Did he even tell you he wants to kill House?"

    A look across all of New Vegas from the Cocktail Lounge, and Yes Man simply observes the vast Mojave. Jennifer's voice. "Did you know you're working for a snake?"

    A closeup on the woman's face as she smiles, Pipboy light turning her face a sickly green. "You jerks don't even know the world of pain you just stepped in."

    The Lights of New Vegas Sparkle. "GLORY, HALLELUJAH"