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Lute, Helena, and Kyra Go On A Date
Date of Scene: 23 February 2015
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Lute takes Kyra and Helena on a date at a same time. Quite surprisingly, it turns out really dramatic and with lots of hurt feelings.
Cast of Characters: 188, 626, 643

Lute (188) has posed:
     This is probably either the best date Lute will have this month, or the worst date. Or perhaps some combination thereof. After all, he isn't sure /what/ it is, but he is under the understanding that Helena and Kyra likely have some sort of history together. And, his imagination goes wild at guessing at what that history might /be/. At the least, Helena really seems to like the idea of going on a date with Lute and Kyra at the same time! Of course, Kyra has no idea.

     Lute is currently waiting outside a club in Southern Urbania. The club is, specificaly, a really awesome techno rave club. It is the sort of place that would normally be 21+ on most Earths, but here, well, it's just a lot easier to get in and get booze. So, rather popular with the teens.

     Lute gave Helena and Kyra both different times to meet up. Mainly so that Helena will arrive just after Kyra, so that Kyra can be surprised by her arrival. Lute just leans against the wall of the place, waiting for them to arrive. His outfit looks like rather standard club fair right now. Skinny jeans with a bits of tears in them, and a tight t-shirt that shows his lean form and his muscles. It's worth noting: He obviously doesn't have any Pokeballs on him. His pants are tight enough they would be obvious in his pockets. All he has is his wallet. So, yes, he came 'unarmed', as it were.

     And so for now, he just hangs back, smiling.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's honestly not sure what to expect. Lute mentioned a "surprise" earlier which made her just a little more anxious. He'd also finished beating up some guy he went to beat up because a "cute chick told him to do it." So maybe all the agression was out for the night? Nonetheless, she's come prepared but with no real interests to pick a fight with the guy. It was just, go in, have date, and that's it.

    Kyra is at least punctual and, having researched the place he told they'd be meeting, realized it was a club of some kind. She dressed appropriately...which meant she dressed in her usual punk style but without any trace of her Alexander Academy uniform. No backpack either-just her hoodie. Before she enters the hood of the hoodie is flipped down. Inside she wouldn't need to be shielding her face from the sun anyway.

    It actually takes a bit of searching on Kyra's part to spot the trainer. One hand is lifted to give him a wave. "Uh. Heya Lute."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena was told to arrive second, because Kyra would be properly ~boxed~ in between Lute and herself.

    Helena is also a awful person, but more than willing to /enjoy/ herself. She walks in a bit after Kyra finds Lute, her red eyes taking a quick around the floor. The music was not very different than a lot of clubs at home, her adoppted home mind you. The outfit Helena arrives in is...interesting to say the least. In bright light it is dark to clash with her albino skin. However, in the darkness and perhaps dark light of the club the frills of her outfit glow, and with that parts of her dress glow, long lines and runes of strange symbols run down the outfit, giving her a 'witchy' appearance. Her hair is actually allowed to be free of any headdress, and she has long white hair, tied into long loops that still manage to stretch down her back. She moves, a grace in her steps..

    She moves like a preditory creature, moving to sneak up behind Kyra.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute waves to Kyra, smiling as she comes over. Since she is Union, and this is more casual of a club location, he is under the assumption that it would be best not to give her a kiss on the hand in greeting. And a kiss on the lips is right out, because as he has begun to learn, women always kick him in the crotch for that on first meeting. Or run away screaming. So instead, he just sort of blows a kiss at her.

     "Hey, Kyra. Nice to see you. How have you been? You ever been to a techno club before?"

     He just chats casually, still smiling, and giving a knowing look to Helena behind him. A smile and a nod to Helena, which probably would be a bit confusing.

     "I've already paid the cover charge, so let's head in, shall we?"

     He holds a hand out, offering to take Kyra's. He doesn't /expect/ it, though. He's also still trying not to look at Helena /too/ much, so Kyra can be... properly surprised in the manner Helena wants. Whatever that is.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Good thing too, Kyra would take serious issues with getting kissed by a guy that she wasn't dating. That she didn't already have a crush on, at least (and there were quite a few). Kissy faces from Lute don't really intimidate her and as she draws closer she notices he's definitely without his pokeballs-effectively unarmed from what she knows about pokemon trainers now. This does put her at ease just a little bit. "Been alright. Actually, yeah, I've been to a few clubs like these before. Usually as the one up there though-" she points towards whereever the DJ may happen to be sitting.

    Kyra has not taken the 'detect Helena' feat. Besides that, she being a thief means she's extra sneaky anyway. The white mage is completely oblivious to her presence.

    She looks at the offered hand, considering for a long moment. It might surprise him that she's actually going to take it and be a halfway decent person tonight.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Then without warning, Kyra's other hand is taken.

    "Ah so then it's a date I see." She giggles with glee, because this could go so many ways south, but also perhaps right...it's hard to say. She doesn't care that Lute's armed or not, and she is as dangerous as she can be. However, Kyra knows Helena is more dangerous in other ways...as she moves just SLIGHLTY closer towards Kyra.


Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just /smiiiiles/.

     "Hey, Helena, glad you could make it, too. And... You know, I haven't met you in person before, but not quite what I was expecting. Not that I'm /complaining/, either. I /love/ your style."

     A smile at Kyra, "And well. Surprise! She wanted to come along too, and I've been meaning to go on a date with her for a while, so. Perfect, isn't it? I hear you two have been pretty close!"

     Lute waits a moment. He would be taking them towards the bar inside, but well. He just /has/ to see Kyra's reaction. And doesn't want to overload her /yet/.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Being pretty pale to begin with, it's hard to tell when Kyra's face goes white from fright. She doesn't think too much of that other hand being taken by someone at first but then she hears Helena's voice. Her jaw drops open and not a single sound comes out of her mouth for a few seconds. It's perhaps a reflection of the scream of terror going through her mind right now.

    "...Helena..." she finally squeaks. "I...oh man, that's right, you wanted to go on a date with him too, didn't you?" The sheer terror slowly drains away by force of will of the white mage. "....yeah, we have some...history."

    There's a vaguely guilty look on her face at that.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Oh you could say that.." Helena grins, wrapping a arm around Kyra's shoulder. "Come now, Kyra, now's not the time for shyness...it's just you and me.." A pause, "Actually, Souji set us up...as punishment for one of us." She grins, and looks towards Lute, "Oh do you now? I bet you say that to all the ladies...and given how many DATES you go on.." She grins, not judging, but just stating the obvious.

    "No need to worry about things like that now Kyra...lets just do whatever is fun, and whereever the night brings us."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just smiles a bit more. This... This is going to be fun. He can see the surprise in Kyra's face. She looks so happy to be reunited with an old love! Yes, Lute is absolutely not getting at all why this might be a horrible thing. But, with Helena putting an arm around Kyra's shoulder, Lute moves his arm around the back of Kyra's waist. Hey, they might as wel lgang up on her.

     "What kind of history? I mean, obviously you two are /some/ kind of couple. I can sense the chemistry between you two pretty easily!"

     A smile at Helena, "Well, yes, I /do/ say that to all of the girls. But, like. Why would I go on a date with a girl who is outside of my taste? I mean, I'm not going to flirt with just /anyone/, after all."

     A smile at Kyra. At this point, he's guiding them all to the bar, where there is a board posted up on the wall with all of the various drinks. He speaks, rather casually and smoothly, just like he usually does.

     "Though, Kyra, I really shouldn't leave you out, either. You're quite fetching yourself. I mean, wow, you're pretty hot too. The three of us must look like /quite/ a trio, huh?"

     Yes, he does have a bit of an ego about his own appearance, too.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Helena's arm rests there for a moment which earns a grumble from Kyra, "It's not shyness, it's-" Then Lute puts an arm around the back of her waist and it officially becomes too much loss of personal space. With a nervous laugh, she spins away to face them both, back to the rest of the nightclub for just a few moments. "Well, we were kind of a couple at one point. It's a long story proooobably not worth telling." There were still some parts of that story that Kyra felt kind of bad about too!

    But guided inside, Kyra retreats until her back is leaning against the bar. She lifts her arms and rests her elbows on the bar behind her. "Oh yeah." she says dryly, "I bet we're the hottest threesome in the whole club. So, you gonna get us drinks or what, Lute?" Kyra makes zero reference to age here-not that she didn't suspect Lute of already knowing what it was. She did have to fill that out on the charity date entry card.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "She was originally dating me to get at her parents, I think." Helena says, "She didn't realize I was being serious, so now I've been chasing her skirt for a while." Helena says, willing to tell the story flat. She puts a hand on her hip as Kyra breaks away, sighing a bit.

    "But alas, it has grown cold." She says, waiving a hand, but with a underlying tone that she might actually not be as whimsical about this.

    "Sadly, my dear Lute, I was used and abandoned."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at Kyra, just a little bit. But then he gives a sad face to Helena. He assumes that Helena will go along with things a bit more than Kyra would. And so, he tries to give her a comforting hug. Sort of the whole 'offering a shoulder to cry on' thing.

     "Oh, there there. She probably didn't /mean/ to play with your heart. But, well. There is a /bit/ of hope, isn't there? I mean... If she didn't have /some/ feelings, she wouldn't of called it a 'threesome', would she?"

     Yes, Lute is using Kyra's own words against her. But, he simply smiles at the drinks thing. "Just tell them to put the drinks on my tab. Order whatever you like. Everything on the menu is good!"

     Lute sighs a bit, though, patting Helena on the back while still (probably) hugging her. "At least I won't use and abandon you."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...it wasn't the only reason..." Kyra mutters as she looks away, an irritated frown on her face. "And you better watch out, Lute, Helena can get pretty possessive. She might take you all for herself." Not that she expects such words are going to deter Lute of all people. In fact, she's far more interested in what his reaction to that might be.

    Then he drops that threesome line and Kyra immediately gets flustered, "I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like...there are three of us and from a purely mathematical standpoint that means we're a threesome! In the strictest sense of the word! Not the OTHER definition!"

    Just for that, Kyra whips around and studies the list of drinks. She only recognizes a few and decides to order the second most expensive one.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena orders the most expensive one, while letting Lute feel her up.

    "Please, I am hardly possessive. Protective, towards people I care about maybe, but hardly possessive. I mean, geeze, I totally was all for a threesome with Kamon." She grins towrds Kyra.

    She sighs, leaning against Lute who is more about trying to get some, but Helena is okay with this. After all, Helena lives for pleasure.

    "Now, a threesome...perhaps we need someone who is more into such things, Kyra." She grins.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just shakes her head at Kyra, "Ehhh, I'm a pretty good judge of character. I don't think Helena is the type who would stab me in the back. Besides, she already knows my romantic situation. I'm seeing a bunch of other women at once, plus I'm married. What's the big deal on that?"

     A shrug. Of course, he's not moving /too/ much at the moment, because he's letting Helena lean on him.

     "And look, 'threesome' isn't a term most people would use unless they were /interested/. And I mean, I'm like almost /certain/ you are interested. ...Probably in Helena more than me, though. Let me guess. Your boyfriend didn't want you having a lesbian lover on the side?"

     He is /assuming/ Kamon is a dude from what Helena is saying.

     And a smile, "...Really, though, I think I /would/ be a better third than your boyfriend. ...Though, if you wanna keep seeing him too, that's fine. Seriously. What's the point of dating for just /one/ person? You're going to fall for others, too. It's just human."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena interjects, "Someone who /gets/ it." More text to be picked up by the POT.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Okay, protective, but I think you're possessive too!" Yep, not a deterrant to Lute. "Though maybe you would make a good pair with Lute. Tastes and tendencies...well I don't mean stab you in the back. More like, I dunno, kill you with kindness?" Helena-style kindness. She pointedly doesn't say a damn thing about Kamon but she definitely remembers THAT awkward moment. She doesn't want to drag the poor guy into this conversation.

    That drink can't arrive fast enough for this. She puts her face in her hand. "It's not a relationship I'm having right now. With Helena that is. I mean, it's something I'd have to discuss with Dominic because I'm not okay with multiple partners if my partners aren't okay with it. It's just polite! Besides, I'm not all that interested in a bunch of partners right now. If you want to do that, Lute, go right ahead! More power to you, buck society's social mores, and so on."

    This pretty much also marks the first time she's EVER brought up Dominic.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    There is a subtle shift in Helena's tone and manorisms. It is subtle, but at the same time...cold.

    "Ah...right." She says, stopping to lean on Lute and faces the drink she holds. "Dominic...Masoch. Such a prestegious family, able to take care of you without being /inproper/. I mean, certainly, we wouldn't want anything TOO rebellious. Just the right kind of rebellious that can slowly be tamed and brought back into proper relationships...and a nice productive relationship that will create exactly two point five children, so your parents can be proud, while you thumb your nose at them."

    "I mean, ceratinly, we wouldn't want an improper relationship with a low class adopted child."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute was /about/ to comment to Kyra, about the whole breaking the norms of society thing. And then Helena steps in. And Lute is getting a much bigger picture of the situation. He really didn't think this was that intense! Lute will, of course, let Helena lean on him still. He is basically not going to protest to any non-painful physical contact.

     Lute just stares at Kyra. He actually looks a little bit more harsh than he usually does.

     "...Oh. Your world is one of /those/. Where the bonds of society are /so/ tight, like a noose around your neck. You're going for prestige due to society's pressure, instead of actual /love/? Wow."

     "You're a bit of a coward, huh?"

     Lute's tone loosens up a bit, and he even smiles a bit. "Really, though. We could /help/ you with that, couldn't we? Disconnect you from your family, while making sure you still thrive. Sure, your parents would disown you, but hey, you'd at least be /free/."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Magical Final Fantasy High School love triangles are /serious business/ and don't you forget it.

    Perceptive enough to notice the shift in temperature, so to speak, Kyra instantly realizes that revealing Dominic's name has been a big, big mistake. She'd mostly been keeping the whole relationship between the two of them because, well, it's /their/ business and what would the multiverse care about it? But given the social calculus involved, it actually wound up hurting Helena a little which actually makes her feel a little /bad/.

    "Helena, it's not like /that/, I don't care about his prestigious family or his alleged status. You know he's a black sheep, right? A disgrace to his parents? And I'm not out to-"

    Oh no, now Lute's getting in on it too, which is actual cause for worry.

    She straightens, making a face-yeah, actually, she really would /like/ to get disowned and be freed from certain obligations. It was tempting. It was /really/ tempting. "I'm only going to say this once. My relationship with Dominic has nothing to do with wanting power or prestige. I have no desire to carry on the Hyral name, marry, and spawn further Hyrals. I really am attracted to Dominic."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Right, and you were really attracted to me." Helena says, sourly.

    This is...a bit odd, because Helena was fairly laid back about multiple partners and stuff. Now..?

    She stiffens about all of it, "The only difference is truly, a matter of family." She says, perhaps a bit more bitterly than she wanted. However, Helena is angry, and it boils...unlike others who scream, for Helena it is always a slow boil.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute, at this point, takes a /small/ step back. And doesn't say anything. He can feel the tension in the air.

     This. This right here?

     This is going to be a cat fight. And he knows better than to get in the middle of it.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Well I /was/!" Kyra blurts out. "Not when you get all sulky and cranky like THIS! Damnit Helena!" She stands up and turns to face her at the bar. "I'm telling you, family has nothing to do with it! It's all about the /person/. If Dominic was some adopted orphan like you it wouldn't change how I feel about him right now."

    Kyra, on the other hand, seems pretty upset and flustered at being put on the spot like this.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena takes a drink, it is long and pointed. Perhaps it is to decide what to say, or to put herhead in order..

    The drink is finished and it comes down finally. She notices Lute retreat, but she ignores him for the moment. Slowly, she turns to face Kyra fully, "Was." She says, "Love is not something you fall in or out of. You are or you are not...you accept their flaws, and their strengths."

    "You accept the whole, reguardless of the dark times...infact it is possibly the most important thing to be with them in those times. I suppose, this was always one way, upon hearing this."

    Helena just stares at Kyra coldly, there is no emotion in her voice. "This is what I hate most about people you and yours are. You THINK you understand friendship, love. You haven't had these things tested, you haven't LOST them. Yes, perhaps I am these things. I have good reason, I fought very hard to control them and to better myself around you..."

    "And truly it was wasted, it seems. I was head over heels for a selfish little girl too caught up over her family."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is incredibly torn. He does not want to toss fuel on the fire. He doesn't want to get their wrath directed to him. But, this could just as easily happen if he /doesn't/ say anything. He pauses. Pondering.

     "...Have you asked Dominic about dating Helena too? She doesn't seem that clingy, really. And, you're... not really doing much to prove that you don't have feelings for her. I mean I keep seeing all of these little signs? I mean it sounds like you aren't /opposed/ to the idea of loving more than one person, but you're less certain about him. He might be into it, too."

     Lute ponders. Damnit, how to defuse this situation where it won't explode? ...He might have to do something stupid.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...well...you are right about one thing, I guess. I guess I did use you to get at my family since I knew they wouldn't approve of us. But turned out there was more to it than that but...I don't know anymore, I guess." Miserable and feeling like crap, Kyra sits back down on a stool and rests her head in her hands.

    "Can I go, Lute?" Kyra mutters, "You'll enjoy your date with Helena more if I'm not around." Then he starts talking and Kyra looks up at him. There's no...hate in her eyes, just a weariness from tanking all this drama of her old relationship being dug up. "I haven't brought it up to him yet. I could. But it doesn't sound like it's something Helena wants to resume now /anyway/." Part of her wonders what the reaction would be.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute quickly throws in a bit of speech, especially since Kyra seems receptive.

     "You could maybe even talk him into a foursome?"

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Slowly, Helena stands, not even hearing Lute.

    Helena has ISSUES with things like this, perhaps there are things deeper than she appears to be. Perhaps things are KNOWN.

    She leaves, she is completely done with this, this hurts her, and Helena does not like to feel pain.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I...thought you weren't into dudes, Lute?"

    Kyra stares silently as Helena leaves the bar and heads out of the club. "-hey, hold my drink for a moment, Lute." she says quickly and runs after the necromancer. "Helena-! Helena, wait-!" She reaches out for her, perhaps against her own self-preservation, trying to grab her wrist, trying to spin her around to face her. She wants to look her in the face, eye to eye.

    Though she may not be so sure about what exactly her feelings were for Helena right now, she couldn't let her just walk out like that without saying something-or at least one last something.

    "What I did was wrong." she says to her, staring straight at her face, "And I'm sorry."

Lute (188) has posed:
     "I'm not into dudes, but hey, anything to get in on it."

     Lute just holds Kyra's drink. And while Kyra is running after Helena, he is secretly phoning Souji to let him know about the situation, and to make sure Helena is okay when she gets back home.

     He also takes a sip of Kyra's drink, because it could be considered an indirect kiss. He does this while she isn't looking, of course.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena's hand is grabbed...dispite everything she represses her initial response to this, which has left more than a few people with broken wrists...or worse.

    Helena takes a breath, and says nothing for a long time.

    "It is far too late for that, no isn't it?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra knows what Helena can do when provoked. It's a risk she's willing to take to get ahold of her before she walks off angry forever. Her eyes fall away from hers at her response which indicates that her apology seemed to have no effect whatsoever.

    "It doesn't have to be." Kyra lets go of her wrist.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just waits and stares. Maaan, really, how can inviting someone's ex girlfriend on a date with their ex backfire so much? He siiiighs. But, what is reall worse to him? They /should/ be friends. They should probably be lovers. But the tension is too much right now.

     So Lute tries to diffuse it.

     "NOW KISS!"

     He shouts this over to them. At the least, their anger will be aimed at /him/.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena rumbles, looking at Kyra, "You have made your decision, haven't you?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Shut up, Lute!" Kyra suddenly yells, glaring over her shoulder. Her face has also gone bright red again at this shouted suggestion. Were Helena not so angry and hurt right now, she might have even acted on it.

    "My decision of what? Picking him over you? Are we even sure that is the decision? Helena...either way, I want you to know that I am sorry for my initial motives in the past."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just continues to hang back. Sadly, the situation is not defused now. He siiiiiighs, and turns to the counter, facing the bartender.

     "...Can you get me the hardest drink on the house? I think I'm going to need it."

     The bartender just nods, signs of pity on his face. The bartender isn't even planning to add this to Lute's tab, because, seriously, sometimes you have to pity a guy.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Then what is your decision, because it seems plain to me that you have no intrest in me Kyra." Helena says, still chilly. "Is it love that drives you now, or guilt."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's quiet for a very long time. "There are things I love about you, Helena. But to be honest, what I'm feeling right now is guilt." She seems to wither a little more on the inside. She did what she could, nothing she's saying is getting through, and right around now she felt like giving up: "If you don't forgive me then I understand." she says hastily before she turns away, heading back for the bar.

    Kyra scoops up the drink that Lute had been watching and downs it all in one long, long swallow.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just looks over at Kyra. Yeah, really, he wants to just do /something/ to make her feel better. He isn't sure /what/ he could possibly do. But, he has just sort of comitted himself to being totally ineffective in this. He gives a sad look to Helena, and waves to her. Assuming she is going to leave, with that. He also mouths the word 'sorry' to her. He obviously feels really guilty about this.

     "...Need another drink, Kyra? Or a shoulder to cry on? Like, I know what I do when I feel down, but like. Not sure it'd work for you."

     A siiigh.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena is gone once Kyra turns away.

    There is really nothing for her here, not after that honesty.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra places the now empty glass on the counter and sinks down into the barstool again. She seems VERY unlike herself-or at least what Lute may have heard of her over the open broadband. "I'll take another drink. But humor me, though, what DO you do when you're feeling down, Lute?"

    At least for Lute she doesn't seem to be blaming the drama on /him/ for bringing Helena around. At this point she's thoroughly convinced it's all her fault.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods, and motions the bartender for another drink. Kyra will be given one fairly fast. Lute, though? He turns to Kyra. Shrugging.

     "Well, one thing I do, for starters, is this."

     And he moves to embrace Kyra in a kiss, even dipping her down. Yes, he is literally trying to sweep her off her feet with romance.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    She snatches up the other drink and takes it in, drinking that one pretty fast too. The sooner she forgot about the next few minutes, the better, frankly. Of all the dates she's been on-and Kyra is no spring Chocobo when it comes to dates-this was by far THE WORST.

    She sees him move at her out of the corner of her eyes and startles. Shit, she didn't have the countermeasure ready! The kiss connects and she's lifted from her chair. One of Kyra's hands moves to wedge itself against Lute's forehead, pushing away.

    "/Timing/, damnit!!" she protests, attempting to right herself. "I don't need makeouts when I'm this freaking upset!!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is pushed away. Blinking a bit, as it happens. Mostly because yes, she is forcing himself off her, but /not/ kicking him in the crotch. An unusual change of events. He smiles, though, as he straightens up.

     "--Wait, your complaint is /timing/? Would you be /fine/ with me making out with you at a different time, then, when you're not upset?"

     He looks honestly curious. Plus, again, it will get her off of her bad mood a /bit/ he thinks.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Apparently nobody briefed her on the crotch-kicking requirement! Though more specifically, she is friends with a lot of guys and is fully aware of the gravity of getting hit there. But if her first action hadn't worked, she might have resorted to something a bit more /dramatic/.

    "Ha ha ha." Kyra laughs dryly, "Nice try. No, actually, I'm kind of just not into you, while I'm on this huge honesty kick today." She rubs a hand over her face. "Still, timing does matter, just keep that in mind on your next date, alright?" Well, it improved her mood a little bit but she's still feeling really crummy from the Helena drama by the look of it.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just shrugs, "Well, hey, to be fair, you asked what I did to feel better. Sometimes it just helps. Besides, you /do/ seem a lot happier, right? Hey, something to be said about not caring what others, or society, think, right?"

     He chuckles just slightly, "She'll calm down, though. And I told Souji to make sure she calms down and doesn't do anything rash. This /might/ surprise you, but like. She and I think very similarly on some of this stuff? ...But I'm a bit more understanding that a polyamorous lifestyle isn't something /everyone/ wants? I don't get /why/ you want it, but, hey, I can respect it."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra looks thoughtful for a long moment. "Well...part of it was that I'm not too big on the whole marriage thing. Man, it just seems like your life is over when you do that. Well, most of the time. Like you've got your own thing going on." Just mentioned but not dwelled on by the white mage. "But I guess my other reasons for it are pretty selfish so I will keep those to myself." She seems a little surprised to hear Souji being namedropped again-granted, he did help Lute get his latest godbeast.

    "What's with you and Souji anyway? Are you guys friends? Or is this one of his business ventures." Maybe Souji was interested in pokemon?

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs, "Souji is just a pretty chill guy. You know, like. I've talked to him a few times, we get along pretty well? He's very cool. Heck, he's the one who set me up on a date with Helena. I /think/ his main interest is in my Pokemon, though? Not sure why. Though it could also be that I'm just a /huge/ Multiversal figure in my own way. He might have plans for me? I dunno."

     Lute takes a sip of his drink, and then looks at Kyra. He smiles, lifting his left hand. Showing his ring finger.

     "Marriage isn't the end of life, especially not for couples who really have it together. My wife and I have this whole open marraige thing going on. You /are/ going against society a lot, but like. Seriously. Screw society. The more freedom, the better."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    ".../he/ set that up?" There's a dark look on Kyra's face at that. She might need to have words with Souji later for arranging that unpleasantness. Not that he could have envisioned her encounter with Helena would have turned out that way. ...could he? "There has to be some reason. Maybe he sees you as inspiration. Where he's from, everyone is always working to innovate things."

    She drains another third of her drink. "Well, not for you maybe. Like you kicked those rules to the curb and I can respect that. Still, I've got no rush to get married to anyone. And I'm /all/ about the freedom."

Lute (188) has posed:
     "He set me up on a date with Helena. I heard she liked you, so I arranged it so our date would happen at the same time as mine with hers. So, yeah, my idea, not his."

     He ponders Souji. He's still not a known Confederate, is he? Hee, better not ruin it.

     "Well, he seems completely opportunistic, so he definitely has something in mind for me. I think he knows I'm similar to one of your world's Beastmaster things, so that might be it."

     Lute chuckles. "Well, you don't seem free to me /yet/. Cause if you were, Helena's thoughts about why you're chosing a higher class man wouldn't have affected you."

     A pause. Hrm.

     "...Are you /sure/ you don't wanna make out a bit? Seriously, I won't tell anyone. Sometimes just a night of forgetting troubles can help too."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra drains the rest of her glass. "You're very similar, Souji's right about that. Except it's rare to find a Beastmaster that can control more than one monster at the same time so your pokemon are interesting in that way too." She seems at least willing to accept that as suspect as it was. There was still no proof to back up the wild idea that Murasame was working with the confederates.

    Kyra reddens a little at the thought of that argument, "It's not about his class." she whines. "I wish she'd at least believe that...! -no, that's alright, Lute. Thanks for the offer, though. I think the drinks on you are enough."

    She can't help but laugh at that, though. Lute was persistant and it was funny.

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Well. I guess I'll believe you, but she still won't be convinced I bet. I mean, like. The /only/ think I could imagine would just be publically denouncing your family and their tradition? But that's not really necessary either."

     Lute also shrugs a little. "You'll give in to the makeout offer. One day. Trust me. I have experience in this stuff. ...I'm not trying to brag, I'm just trying to say, like. I've been around the block a few times."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Hmm." Kyra looks thoughtful. "That would be a rather direct and to the point way of dealing with my family. Could even get them to disown me. Maybe. Or it could invoke an uglier reaction. Something to consider, I guess."

    "Oh yeah?" Kyra turns and prods him in the chest with a finger, "In case you hadn't noticed, /I/ have experience too you know. Odds are still looking like I /won't/. Save your makeouts for your girlfriends." She pushes her second empty glass over the bar.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute considers a bit more, "Well. With the Multiverse? You can just emancipate yourself. Become a Union or Confederate citizen, ask the people of the faction to legally be disconnected from your parents. Might screw up your connections on your world, but it'd give you more freedom /otherwise/."

     A grin, "Well. I still bet I've had more girlfriends than you boyfriends. ...Though, I will say this. You were one of the ones who reacted /least/ poorly to me kissing them anyways. So yeah, you're at least a bit more comfortable."

     Lute, though? He /really/ thinks that Kyra is holding herself back to much. Just a /small/ push, in the right direction, and she can be free of the normal constraints of 'being only with one person.'

     Lute sets down his drink, and then turns to Kyra. He takes her hand, and kisses it. Yeah, he can definitely get away with this, he thinks.

     "Well, it's getting late. I better head back now. I can escort you back home if you want, though."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...I'd have to give that some serious thought. I still want to finish school and get my doctorate." Kyra admits, knowing Lute will at least understand that seeing as he allegedly has some kind of Pokemon Professor degree.

    She looks a little shocked for a moment at the kissing thing and then draws herself up haughtily, "Only because you caught me off guard! I have countermeasures on hand that you wouldn't have liked if things went TOO far!" She'll leave him guessing as to what those might be.

    She'll also give him that /one/ concession with the hand-kissing if only because this didn't turn out as awful as she was expecting. Or...well, at least not awful in the way she was expecting but awful for different reasons. "Nah, I can get myself home. Thanks, though."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods. He tips a pretend Fedora.

     "Well, then, good evening, mi'lady."

     He's being this to purposely be a bit silly. Smiling, and he walks away, waving goodbye as he goes.