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Latest revision as of 07:00, 24 February 2015

Defender of Love Aftermath - Lute Healed By Sanary
Date of Scene: 24 February 2015
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: Lute has Sanary remove several bullets from him, and tend to his wounds from fighting the so called 'Defenders of Love'
Cast of Characters: 188, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     It took Lute some time to get back to the Confederate's medical area. But, he is glad to finally be there. It was a long trip with Mr. Crabs. But, even once he gets there? He had to tend to Miko first. He helped her get to another medic. And, after making sure she was safely tended too? He headed off to find his own room in medical.

     As such, he's currently waiting in one of the medical rooms, sitting on a hospital bed. His shirt is off, due to his injuries. They're... pretty bad. Bullet holes in his chest, and a rather deep shot in his right arm. There are some signs of healing already being done to him. The wounds aren't closed, but they aren't actively bleeding. But, still? He is in a lot of pain.

     He siighs, waiting. He knows Sanary was offering to help with the wounds, so he is already assuming she'll be here soon. As such, he just waits patiently for her.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Getting back to the Citadel's medical facility was... Actually rather uneventful. It did take Sanary some time to actually find the warp gate just to get here, but that was about it. Finding Lute's room gave her a bit of trouble, but only as far as actually locating his room without crashing directly into one of the roaming medical bots.

    "Hey, Lute. You holding up alright?" There's sympathy in her voice as she speaks, approaching the bed slowly with a chart in one hand and several towels in the other. She feigns reading the chart before holding it out to the man on the bed, trying to give him a reassuring grin.

    "Brought a snack. If... Uh. I don't know where I was going with that." She rests a hand on his face lightly. "Where's it hurt? Besides... Everywhere?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles, despite the pain. Yeah, at a guess, Sanary is totally not used to taking care of people in medical. So, he just remains calm, and tries to hide the pain, for now. Let her worry a bit less.

     "I'm doing alright. I have several bullets in me still, though. I had some healing done to me, but I've still got holes in me. ...I also lost some teeth. I'm not sure you can heal those, but I think someone here in medical can?"

     A shrug, even though Sanary can't see it. "At the least, you've been practicing getting bullets out, right? So, might as well do a practical test. I've got them in my right arm, and in my abs."

     It is a lot harder to act not in pain than it may seem. Sanary probably knows this, too, from her own experiments with having bullets inside of her. But, Lute is hoping she doesn't catch on. He likes being tough, and doesn't really want to give in to the pain of what happened.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The blind girl winces slightly at hearing about the extent of Lute's injuries, her brow furrowing slightly as she trails her hands over his upper body slowly. She's trying to be careful, at least, and finding his injuries is fairly important if there's any hope of actually treating them.

    "Nn. Probably can't do anything about the teeth since my healing doesn't.... Well, maybe." She shrugs lightly and pauses at feeling one of the bullet wounds on his midsection, keeping her finger hovering over it while grasping at a nearby tool tray.

    "Well, we can worry about the teeth later. Let's get these out first. I've... Got more practice than last time, if that's what you're asking." A beat. "... Out of practice dummies, not myself. Need something to bite onto?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute pauses. "...Oh. I thought you had tested getting yourself shot in a simulation and were testing taking the bullets out of that. But... Eh. Sorry, my mistake. And... Yeah. Something to bite onto would be good."

     He tries not to wince as the bullet holes are found. The areas around them are, of course, rather sore. And while some of the damage has been fixed, they still hurt a lot. Sanary could probably tell this a bit, though. Despite his best attempts, Lute is still letting out some noises of pain.

     "If you can't do the teeth, no problem. There are a lot of ways. Just... Got uppercut pretty hard."

     At this point, though? He just waits for whatever he is going to be offered to bite onto.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"I did. Just not again after the first time." Sanary chuckles. "It was useful that one time, but doing it again would just suck."

    Taking the charts off the clipboard, the healer raps it against her head a few times before handing it to Lute. "Not much, but I don't think any of these things'll be good idea for you to shove in your mouth." She nudges the various tools on the tray for emphasis before picking up a pair of thin tongs. She's even holding it properly!

    "I can try, but I don't know if healing them is the same as fingers. We'll find out soon." She takes a breath to start channeling the energy into her free hand, not directing it just yet as she steadies the wound. "Sorry." She then starts the process of spreading the wound, extracting the bullet with the tongs, then directing the healing energy into it to mend and soothe the wound. She's fairly quick and even efficient at it, although it probably doesn't make it feel any better.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute takes the clipboard. Yeaaah, he supposes this will work. He bites down hard on it. And, his bite only tightens up as the bullets are pulled out. It's not the /worst/ he's had, though. He's had some wounds healed very painfully. The healing as the bullet is pulled out helps a lot.

     His eyes close tight as the bullets are pulled out, though he looks at Sanary a bit. He's honestly fairly amazed. She's blind. Yet she is doing incredibly well at pulling the bullets out. He can only imagine how good of a healer she'd be with sight as well.

     Still, he just tries to bite down more, and not focus on the pain. Which is basically impossible.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"That's one out. Only..." Sanary purses her lips slightly as she taps a finger on one of Lute's sides, then the other. It doesn't give her a particularly accurate estimate of the number of bullets in his body, but it's at least a way to guess just how much surface area there would be to check.

    "... You know what. I'll just keep working on this and finishing can be a surprise." She chuckles weakly in an attempt to reassure him, inhaling through her teeth after a moment before reaching for his face to give him a light pat on the cheek. "You'll be fine, okay? We'll be done before you know it, and you'll be able to sleep in your own bed by tomorrow. Probably."

    Smiling again, she returns to tending to the next bullet wound. "Not like I can do the paperwork to keep you here, anyway." And the next. "Those robot things'll figure it out eventually." And the next.

    "...Huh. This one's shorter than the others." Aaaand the next.

Lute (188) has posed:
     One by one, each of the bullets comes out. Lute wishes he could respond, but he still has to focus entirely on biting down to focus. But, one after another, the bullets come out. The worst of them? The one on his arm. Because it went straight to the bone.

     But, assumedly? Though it will be the most painful, it'll still get out okay. Finally allowing him to let go of his bite on the board.

     "...Thanks. Really. It hurt a lot, but like. I've had a /lot/ worst. You could really be one of our best medics, huh?"

     He siiighs, leaning back a bit. But, he reaches out, trying to grab Sanary's hand a bit.

     "...So. Can you stay here for a bit? Or do you have other patients to tend to?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"And... I don't feel any more holes here, so that just leaves the arm." Sounding rather pleased with herself, the broad grin on Sanary's face only widens at the compliment. She's sweating somewhat and her breathing heavier than she had been since starting, but her spirits are still quite high.

    "That'd be pretty sad, wouldn't it? I've only done this... Like... Three times before. And two were on dummies!" She laughs lightly while wiping the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve, not paying much mind to the whole sanitation thing and getting blood on her everything. "But patching up your own injuries really helps. Definitely reocmmend it if you ever stop in the trials room."

    Moving to Lute's arm now, the healer feels along the arm carefully, eventually stopping once she finds the entry wound. "Unless I get a call for anyone else, I've got nothing else going on, so.. Yeah."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just smiles, "Well. I don't actually plan to be a medic. I have... a lot of my own skills. I'm not going to try and learn more skills. One can only master so much, right?"

     A sigh. He's glad she's willing to stay a bit. He /hates/ being alone. Also he really hates having bullet wounds healed.

     "...Well. I'm glad you can stay. You've been very kind to me. You also seem to be getting pretty popular with a lot of the Confederates. Which, really? Is good for you."

     And, it's worth noting? Despite Lute really wanting to spend a lot of the night with Sanary? He's looking a bit tired. Loss of blood does that. So, odds are, he'll drift to sleep fairly soon.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Eh... Makes sense. I don't plan on learning the complicated shit behind healing, that's for sure." The healer smirks as she puts a bit of healing energy through the wound to soothe the area without restoring too much of it, but enough to feel around the wound and the rest of the arm.

    "I-I'm just here for the job. Not for you or... Whatever." A bit of redness colors her cheeks at that, her 'gaze' focused on the wound as she prepares the tongs and steadies her breathing again. "It's surprising, yeah... Half-expecting it all to explode in my face, honestly. Some of 'em will die in a flying boat crash, the others'll get caught in an earthquake during a volcano. Or I'll just lose my hands." She laughs at that, but there's a hint of worry in her voice even at the joke.

     At least it doesn't linger in her mind for too long. She still has the last bullet to deal with, after all. "This one's gonna suck. Feels like it's deep in there, so start biting and think of... Pigs with pants."

     ...Really? Was that the best she could come up with? At least the egg sandwiches were edible. Either way, she set to work on the last bullet, struggling quite a bit more with this one just because of the odd location of the shot and how deep it is.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles a bit, "Well. I admit, I wish you /were/ here just for me. But, hey. Still glad to have new medics. Plus, you're a /lot/ cuter than some of the medics we have! So, there is at least that."

     "...But, you shouldn't be so down about having friends. It won't backfire. Yeah, we're in war, but the Elites don't die often. They... they /do/ fall on occasion. But not often."

     He would pat her head to calm her, but, well. Instead, he'll settle for a slightly odd comment.

     "...Did you know your cheeks get /really/ red when you are embarrased? You're pretty easy to read, you know."

     And, then, he bites down on the clipboard again. Wincing, trying to think of /anything/ else. It really doesn't help, though, because this is a really deep wound. But, he'll just bare with it.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The medic squints slightly as she manages to make contact with the bullet with the tongs, the tongs having some trouble actually getting between the flesh and the sides of the bullet itself. After roughly a minute of trying to nudge the tool in betewen occasionaly bouts of soothing-focused healing around the wound, Sanary sighs lightly with some thinly veiled irritation.

    "This one's really gonna suck. Really wedged in there. So... Might wanna add some pillow to your mouth." Will it really hurt that much? It's not her arm, but she can definitely imagine. She waits a few more seconds for Lute to presumably do that before getting the tongs right in there with less regard for his comfort than before. It's nasty, it's painful, but...

     She does get the bullet out fairly quickly after resorting to that. She also gets to healing the area even faster than the other wounds, her hand and his arm practically radiating with the healing energy as she pumps the energy in. By the time she finishes, she looks like she's ready to fall over.

     "That should... That should do it. Would've been easier if /someone/ wasn't paying so much attention to his healer." She shoots him an embarassed glare about that last bit, although it's not an entirely hostile one.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute lets out a sigh of dissapointment as he puts the pillow in his mouth. And this is followed by a muffled scream of pain that lasts for the the length of time it takes to come out. He is biting down so hard, that the clipboard is even breaking a bit.

     And when it is finally out, he lets out a sigh of relief, and just collapses into his bed a bit. He turns to look at Sanary, taking the clipboard and pillow out of his mouth. And, though there is some lingering pain, he can at least relax a bit, now.

     "Well I'm /sorry/ I am getting so smitten by my healer! It's not my fault your so cute. ...Not that I'm blaming you, just like. Well. You /are/."

     At this point, he moves his finger into Sanary's hair, rubbing the top of her head a bit.

     "Thanks. It... really helped a lot. Like. It still hurt, but? It could of been a lot worse. And I feel better now."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary grumbles quietly at the head-rubbing, drooping slowly into her head is resting on the bed itself. "Well, don't get used to it. I'll be getting new weapons and more training soon, so don't freak out if I end up becoming bulky and shit." She huffs slightly before deflating again, seeming rather content to just rest her face on the bed.

     That, or she's just really tired. Between the heat and slight dampness of her head and her drooping eyelid, it's probably the latter.

     "It's my job, isn't it? If I can't fight the way I am now, I might as well make sure other people can. " A tired smile crosses her face.

    "It's not that bad, actually. Much better than home, at least. Glad I could help."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute? He just chuckles. "Hey, I like strong women. In fact, like. It's my preference. The fact you wanna get better is just /great/. And if you need training help? Call me. I'll spar with you anytime you want. ...Though, don't feel bad about being a healer, too. You could pretty much turn the tide of a lot of battles!"

     "And... Yeah, it has to be better than home. You're from the countryside. So much more /luxuries/ around here. ...Heck, have you visited the Pleasure Palace yet? It's the section of the Confederate base dedicated to worldly pleasures. Food, wine, games, almost everything someone could want."

     He notices she is getting sleepy. And, well, it just so happens he has a bed. While this will hurt him a /bit/? He reaches down, to grab her under the armpits, and to pull her onto the bed next to him. Smiling the whole time.

     "...Look, this bed is big enough for both of us. And you're drifting to sleep almost faster than I am. So, like. Hey, we may as well share, right?"

     He's grinning rather happily, despite the fact he probably did some damage to his wounds on the inside, pulling this sort of stunt.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Sparring, eh? Couldn't hurt. I /am/ kinda curious about that really loud thing from the other day. Not the loud part, but what the thing's shaped like." If nothing else, getting a closer feel of Lute's Pokemon would give her at least some experience if she ever needed to fight some on her own. "And you've gotta toughen up yourself, too. Can't hide behind 'em all the time."

    The healer laughs, then shakes her head. "Not on my own. The food's great, but I do wanna see what else they've got." She pauses for a moment, then raises an eyebrow with a groggy smile. "I could go if you're paying..."

     The smile fades quickly and is replaced by a bewildered yelp at being moved from the floor to the bed, not having enough stamina to really resist it at the moment.

    On one hand, there's punching him. On the other hand, there's sleep. A difficult choice, but the latter ultimately wins out as Sanary lets out a weary yawn and curls up on the bed despite still sounding mostly coherent. "You know I'm getting you back for this in the morning."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute moves to wrap an arm around her a bit. Not /too/ much. Partially because he doesn't want to be too grabby. Partially because he is lucky to get this far. And, partially, because he is holding her with his right arm. He doesn't want to use it too much.

     "...Well. I know it is in fact a terrible idea to piss off the person treating your injuries. But you know what? Yeah, I'll manage whatever you dish out tomorrow."

     "...And yeah, I'll take you to the pleasure palace sometime. It'll be fun. And for our spar... I probably won't let you feel what they're shaped like until after the duel. I mean. You're going to be encountering all sorts of things. You'll need to figure out how to fight them without knowing how they're shaped."

     He yawns a bit. He's beginning to drift off a bit.

     "...I... yeah. I'm going to just pass out due to exhaustion now. But, I hope you don't get back at me /too/ harshly in the morning."