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Latest revision as of 03:34, 27 February 2015

A Kure Outing
Date of Scene: 26 February 2015
Location: Midway Fleet Base <MFB>
Synopsis: Mikase and Rider hang out in Mikase's home town and discuss various things. College, history, and more.
Cast of Characters: 112, 281

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    Downtown Kure, Japan. It's late afternoon and students have filtered out to the streets, either shuffling home to get started on homework or finding places to hang out with friends before getting started on the same.

    One such case is Yamato Mikase, the girl from Kure who lives on Midway and fights aliens for the Union. Today's course required she attend in person, and she'd already had a chance to catch up with her friends. Now strolling down the main street, bag held in both hands, she pauses at a red crossing signal and looks skyward thoughtfully.

    "..So Natsuki's gonna work at the museum this summer.. She'll love that, I bet." After a moment, she turns to glance over her shoulder. When she finds nobody there, the tall Japanese just sighs and returns her attention to the road. She does, however, raise her voice, "Could you stop doing that and just appear? It's creeping me out."

Rider (281) has posed:
And that's when the redhead fades into existence behind the taller girl. "And here I thought you wouldn't want to be seen in public with me, especially in places your friends from school might catch sight of me." Possibly to Mikase's relief, however, she's dressed casually today, rather than in her captain's coat. A pair of jeans and a button-up shirt (with the top few buttons undone, of course - it is Rider after all) along with some calf boots. She still stands out because of her bright pink-red hair and the scar on her face, as well as quite obviously being a foreigner... but perhaps it's not quite as bad as usual this way.

"So what about you, Mikase? Any plans for the summer, or does that military commander have you all stolen even more than usual?" She tilts her head slightly, one hand coming to rest on her hip. "Between that and the Union, it's like you never get time to relax. What if someone from my GRail War shows up? Though..." Her free hand comes up to tap a finger against her chin. "We're not inside the Moon Cell. I don't know what would happen if I lost out here."

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    "They already know I hang out with foreigners," Mikase admits with a sigh, "They'll probably assume you're with the First Fleet somehow, a Maiden like me or a regular officer." Like that bearing would ever pass for military in this day and age! Looking up thoughtfully, she says, "I have a few days here in Kure, and since the class is already over, I'm actually a bit free."

    Bringing up the Grail War gets her all thoughtful again. After a moment hte girl glances towards Rider, "Then we just won't lose. I'm not some harmless wand-waving wizard, after all, I can pull more than my fair share in a fight."

    After a bit, she seems to realize something and turns, changing the street she wants to cross, "--Let's go this way, there's a place I want to visit. But what did you mean by Moon Cell?"

Rider (281) has posed:
"Now they'll think you hang out with -weird- foreigners." Rider pauses for a moment. "...weirder?" After all, there are lots of weird people in the Union. "I'll make sure to only embarrass you moderately if we run into someone you know, then." By the playful grin she gives, she's probably not kidding.

"Mmm... Masters usually take a support role. Don't remember any of them ever joining the fights themselves in the Moon Cell... but my memory's a bit hazy of that time." Blue eyes glance away, and Rider's expression grows uncharacteristically serious.

"Oh? Where's that?" Rider keeps stride alongside the tall Maiden, tipping her head enough to peer up at her. "You know, the Moon Cell! The one I... never actually told you about because it never came up. Huh." Hands clap together. "Guess it's about time, then! From what I've seen of some of the other Holy Grail Wars around, ours is pretty different. For one, it takes place up there." She lifts a hand and points up toward the sky. "In a complex on the moon. The Moon Cell. Was completely by accident that I ended up outside of it."

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    Mikase thinks this over with a little 'hmm', "Elasaid is pretty weird. I think the only normal people in my life are Rosamarie, Natsuki, and my parents." There's a wry sort of laugh at this realization, "What's one more weirdo?"

    Her hands shift, carrying her bag behind herself now, arms folded behind her back, "This Moon Cell sounds more like a gladiator arena than anything. I think it's better that you're not stuck in there. You're the sort of person who would rather be free, right? Even if it's unusual."

    A glance to either side, and then Mikase scurries across the street, "There's a place nearby that I haven't been to since before I became a Fleet Maiden. It'll be fun to drop by and see what's changed." On the opposite side she doubles back up the street at a swift walk. Before long, Mikase points, "GameFeast! They're a restaurant and a game center."

Rider (281) has posed:
"Speaking of which, I've yet to properly get to know the other Fleet Maidens. Or meet Natsuki. Or your parents." Rider doesn't expect those two to actually happen anytime soon, though. It's not like she can pass for a school friend.

"Eh... sort of. There's an ocean up there, too. And a school. But it's weird. Whole thing is actually inside a computer." Rider glances up thoughtfully. "Maybe I'll bring you there sometime to visit. I'm sure I can find out how to go back, and I heard these warpgates can even get inside virtual computer worlds. The ocean there's not nearly as nice as a real ocean, though. It lacks... well, reality. The salt sea breeze isn't something easily faked, you know?"

When the way is clear, Rider crosses the street along with her Master. "Oh? A glimpse into Mikase's sordid past? I'm looking forward to it!" Despite the difference in strides, she has little trouble keeping up with Mikase as she moves. One of the perks of being a Servant, perhaps. "GameFeast? ...huh, that sure is a thing." The look on her face says 'Japan sure is weird' but she seems interested anyway. "This is a place you used to hang out when you were a cute little middle schooler?"

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    "I'm keeping you as far from Natsuki as possible," Mikase states flatly, "I'm pretty sure you'd give my family the wrong idea, too. So that's not happening for a while, at least." A sidelong glance, and she adds, "As for the other Maidens, I thought you wanted to keep our connection on the downlow? Or did that change?"

    She absorbs what's said about the Moon Cell, but doesn't speak on it right away. But the idea that it's all in a computer is ... weird, given what she thinks she understandsa bout Heroic Spirits. At the very least, she nods, "Nothing beats the real thing, whether it's food or the sea."

    Calling her past 'sordid' causes Mikase to flinch. Whirling on Rider she stresses, "I-it's not sordid, it's an arcade! Lots of students spend time in arcades!" But yes, Japan is weird. Composing herself, Mikase straightens her posture with her eyes closed, "And for your information, I was a perfectly average sized girl in middle school. This..." clearly meaning her current height, "...happened the year I turned sixteen." Wait, how old is she now? Wasn't she 18 a year ago? Doesn't that make Mikase 19?

Rider (281) has posed:
"Well, that just makes me want to meet her even more now!" Rider may or may not be plotting something... though it would take some doing if Mikase ever expected it. "...what kind of idea -would- I give your family?" There's no mischief in that question, either. The answer may tell her more of just what Mikase thinks of her. "Mmm.. that's up to you. It was for your sake, you know. I'm not the most reputable person. And I did shoot that captain once, even if he got better."

Rider loudly claps her hands together once, letting out a brief laugh. "Now that I can agree on! Virtual food... you can just tell it's not real, though there was that one girl who was really good at making food that tasted like real food... I think she was an NPC."

The flinch causes the Servant to blink... then smirk. "Hooo? I was just making a joke, but were you really a bad girl back in the day? Now I want to know your secrets!" When Mikase talks about her height, Rider lets out a soft whistle. "That's some growth spurt. But you know, you carry it well. You've grown up really pretty."

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    "She's a little silly," Mikase admits with a shrug, regarding Natsuki, "And she's an even bigger Fleet Maiden otaku than I am. The joke goes that she shattered windows the day she found out about my pact with Yamato." She glances upward in thought, "That was for my sake, huh... I thought there was something you just weren't telling me." One eye closes, the other fixing on Rider, "IS there anything you aren't telling me?"

    Once inside GameFeast, Mikase brings her bag forward and opens it to retreive her wallet. She already has a GameFeast card in there, but she approaches the counter anyway: "One card with this amount on it, please." Money is handed over. After the exchange, she holds the card out to Rider, "They don't use coins for the game machines anymore. You swipe this card instead."

    The building itself is clearly two separate places that decided at some point to combine. There's a first floor restaurant, a wide doorway, and then a first and second floor arcade. The first building's second floor: Also arcade. Unlike what one might expect, though, it's an actual sit down restaurant though the menu is probably comparable to Denny's.

    "Jeez..." Talking about her youth again has Yamato glancing aside in embarassment, "Just when I start accepting how tall I am, you go and make it awkward again.." Fixing her gaze on Rider again, she insists, "And stop teasing me, you know that's wrong!"

Rider (281) has posed:
"She sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to meet her." Rider grins at the girl... then pts a hand on her hip. "Of course it was for your sake. If I wasn't thinking of how it'd make you look, I'd be drunk right now, in fact. You saved my life, remember? I'm not gonna repay that by ruining yours. At least not too much." She visibly recoils at that one-eyed gaze, though. "Erk. Uh... maybe? There's lots of stuff I don't tell you! I wouldn't want to worry you or anything." Yes, she'll definitely buy that reason.

Oh, good, a change of subject matter. "Huh... wait, this is for me?" Rider peers at the card for a moment as she takes it. "You know I've never played anything like the games in here before, right?"

She looks up from the card and quirks an eyebrow. "What's awkward? There's nothing wrong with how tall you are. How'm I teasing?" She actually seems genuinely confused on that point.

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    Mikase lets the subject change, though she'll follow up on that oddly evasive comment later. For now, she just points, "That's why I filled it for you. So you can try out the games and find the ones you like. We can also get a bite to eat here." And since Mikase hasn't deployed in the past two days, she might not eat the place out of inventory.

    To that purpose, Mikase gets herself some potato wedges. Collecting the order, she huffs lightly, "It wasn't about how tall I am. It's that you keep insisting I was a bad girl. I was totally not sukeban and you know it. My mother is a shrine maiden," She holds a wedge--basically a fat french fry--out to Rider, "It'd basically be impossible."

Rider (281) has posed:
"Well... thanks, then!" Rider flashes her Master a grin, but shakes the card at her. "But don't think this'll get rid of me. If you didn't want me to be around, you shouldn't have called me out of spirit form. I'll come along and try what you're playing."

For her own part, Rider gets an order of takoyaki. After popping one in her mouth to chew, she tilts her head curiously at the girl. "I dunno, you can be bad without being... you know. -Bad-. You didn't ever want to rebel, just a little bit?" As the wedge is held out to her, Rider leans over and bites it right out of Mikase's hand. "Mm?" A wordless, chewing offer is given as she spears one of her takoyaki with the accompanying toothpick and holds it up to share.

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    "I'm not trying to get rid of you," Mikase says with a sigh. She uses her fingers to pluck the takoyaki to avoid this turning into too damaging of a scene for whoever might be walking by, "I just thought it might be a fun hobby for you aside from stalking me all day."

    Badness and rebellion. With a sigh, Mikase shakes her head, "I'm the responsible one, remember?" The takoyaki is tossed into her mouth and she chews on it, giving Rider a chance to speak up on that point.

Rider (281) has posed:
"...oh." Rider glances down at the card again. "...hey! I -do- go off on my own and do stuff. I don't stalk you -every- day, you know." She stabs the now-empty toothpick into another ball. "Besides, how else can I watch over you, huh? I know you can fight on your own and all, but keeping you safe is part of my job. Part of what I am." She points at Mikase with the takoyaki ball. "I can leave you alone more if you want, but it'd take a Command Seal to summon me from far away if there's ever trouble."

Giving the girl a shrug, Rider smirks. "Okay, okay. I'm only mostly irresponsible. But point taken. I've just known a few very proper people in my time who secretly wanted to just let their hair down and go wild, so to speak. How could I ever fault you for wanting to do the same from time to time?"

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    "Other people don't turn into a battleship," Mikase comments casually, "I 'let my hair down' on the enemy with forty-six centimeter guns." There's a defeated little sigh, "Though I suppose you're right. I don't want to push you too far away. And to be honest," A sidelong glance towards the pirate, "I do kind of like your company. It's nice, I never really feel alone, even when you're invisible."

    Eyes closing, she settles back a bit, "It's nice to have a few days to relax, too. This is my last year in high school. I need to pass exams and worry about getting into college by next year, it's going to be a lot of pressure on top of what I have with the First Fleet and the Union... So having you around will be nice."

Rider (281) has posed:
"Other people aren't my Master, battleship or no," Rider counters. "Besides, I--" Pause. Blink. "...wait, really? I... huh." She glances down slightly. "I always thought you just put up with me, I didn't know..." Reaching up, she places both hands on her head and ruffles her own hair. "Aw, I'm way too sober for mushy stuff like that. You're no fair, Mikase!" As if in protest, she uses her toothpick to spear one of the girl's potato wedges. It's what pirates do!

"College, huh... Are you planning to go right out of high school, then? Too bad there's not much I could help out with there. Studying isn't really my strong point." She scratches at the side of her head. "But I guess I'll.. be here." Rider mumbles to herself a bit, shaking her head. "Just when I think I got you figured out..." She then blinks and snaps her head up. "Wait, out of high school means you won't be wearing that cute uniform anymore, won't it? I guess I'll miss that..."

Mikase Yamato (112) has posed:
    Mikase blinks, "Wh.. Mushy stuff?" Eyes closing tensely, she waves it off, "No, no, it's a friendship thing! Don't think too much into it, it's not a confession of love or anything like that." It's not even the false line used by a tsundere! Picking up an un-stolen potato wedge, she gestures with it, "You've been a good friend. Putting up with my ... I guess, 'uptight'-ness, compared to how you prefer to live."

    About college she shrugs, "It's like when we made our contract, I won't ask you to do things you can't do. My marks are pretty good anyway, I'm not worried." Mikase easily bites the wedge in half, "You'll be here to drag me outside when I'm studying too much and neglecting other important things." A glance and a smile, "Keeping me from transforming into some cave-dwelling hikki, you know?"

    "Ghh--" Mikase glances down at her school uniform, "C-cute.. It's just a school uniform..! I guess if you didn't grow up with school uniforms, the perspective is different." A sidelong glance, "Did they even have military uniforms in your day?"