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Latest revision as of 05:06, 28 February 2015

Winter's Last Hurrah
Date of Scene: 27 February 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: An impromptu snowball fight erupts in Dun Realtai, and battle lines are drawn!
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 20, 206, 346, 367, 481, 482, Inga, Sir Gawain, 603, 641, 691

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Clinging to the western face of the stark stone hill it climbs, the village of Dún Reáltaí is a tough place full of tough villagers, in turn led by a tough lord. Sir Bedivere has managed to transform himself from a man bereft of purpose or life to an able and determined overseer of these indomitable and independent people. In transforming himself, he's helped to bring this land back to life.

His work has been tireless and nearly non-stop, often sacrificing his health and his rest for the sake of these adopted people. He was not born in this land, and he did not know this village before he assumed stewardship of it some months before, but that does not sway his purpose in the least. Yet any man must have some rest to go with his work, or he will be old well before his time.

At the moment he's leaning against the ruined fountain, arms folded over his chest as he watches a group of village children about half a dozen strong play in the snowy square. They romp through the snow and throw snowballs at each other, laughing and shrieking as their mothers look on from further on the edge of the square. Smoke rises from the chimneys of the surrounding buildings, casting a cheery haze over the bleak winter sunlight.

Their play brings them gradually closer to their pensive lord, and it all happens quickly.

One of the women leans over to warn her child not to horse around too close to the lord, a boy of perhaps eight cocks his arm back to throw a snowball, and...


The wet, white ball smacks solidly into the side of Sir Bedivere of Dún Reáltaí's head.

For a few seconds there is utter silence in the square. All eight children look up, mouths agape, and the boy who threw the snowball gapes even wider than the others. His mother wrings the front of her dress in obvious anxiety.

Bedivere reaches up to brush the snow from the side of his head, grimacing when some of it dribbles down his collar, uncomfortably cold.

With great dignity, he bends down. His gauntleted hands clumsily manage to scoop up a handful of snow, which he straightens with, calmly packing into a rough sphere. He holds it up to regard it for a moment, tilting it this way and that, as though admiring the curvature of its edges. The children watch him in evident confusion, and so does the woman.

And then, with almost inhuman speed, the knight's arm cocks back and he hurls the snowball, straight for the boy who had hit him.

White powder flies in all directions as the boy is knocked flat on his back by the missile to his shoulder; he stares, stunned and winded, his expression one of confusion.

Total silence reigns for about five seconds.

And then, in a shrieking and gleeful horde, the children immediately stoop for their own snowballs. Their sudden volley is given with such bloody-minded enthusiasm that, with an undignified squawk of alarm, Bedivere is forced to duck behind his cloak before he's completely soaked through by the salvo.

The children are laughing, but that's to be expected. They're children, after all. What might be a little more surprising, though, is the fact that their lord is laughing right along with them, behind the shield of his cloak.

Looks like it's a nice, light-hearted day in Dún Reáltaí. After all, there's nothing that says light-heartedness quite like a spontaneous snowball fight in the middle of an uneventful day, is there?

Sir Gawain has posed:
The enemy is engaged in battle with younger soldiers. This will keep him distracted. A stealth maneuver should be able to take him out without being found...

Except Sir Gawain is not a stealthy person! Grabbing a rather large snowball a bit away from the others, Gawain charges, dressed in a heavy jacket, a beanie, and wearing a pair of mittens. "FOR GLORY!"

With a rather huge smile on his face, the knight rushes Bedivere, attempting to pelt the snowball at Bedivere's head, before quickly ducking to scoop up more. He laughs, speaking towards Bedivere. "Sir Bedivere is capable of laughter! Truly a winter miracle!~"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
This is beyond weird. Maybe she shouldn't have come. But then again, Bedivere, or Buddyvere as she calls him, does need to lighten up at times. And even if winter is so not her preferred time of year, it might not be too bad to stop by, right? It can't hurt!

However, it can be weird as hell. Not to mention not exactly as Toph imagined. Perhaps the winters in Gaoling are milder. Before her departure Jarvis had been inclined to warn her, and also to remind her that a certain miss Potts would be ever so cross should she do something as stupid as playing outside in snow without being properly dressed. So the blind girl had found her parka and scarf, as well as proper winter pants to keep her dry, and mittens to keep her small hands warm.

Though... the final piece of required winter clothing had quickly made the conversation escalate. All in all, Toph had not been pleased when she left Malibu.

The very ground shakes, and perhaps Bedivere might recognize these signs for what they are before something erupts from underneath the ground, and the somehwat familiar shape of a certain earthbender is thrown up into the air, her yellow scarf fluttering in the wind. Though she does look a bit more pudgy with that warm coat on, doesn't she? But the scarf isn't the only thing hanging around her neck, Tied together by their laces she brings... winter boots.

Which she might have wished she was wearing when she lands in the snow, her eyes going wide as the cold spreads. And it even elicits a shrill shriek before Toph falls over onto her back. "AAUGH! Freaking cold!" she complains, and she stays on her back as she reaches up to untie her boots. Though the mittens give her some trouble. Grumbling she bites down on the mittens, yanking them off before she begins untying the knots so she can put the boots back on again. There was no way she was going to walk all the way from the warp gate, and she can't bend underground with boots on either!

This better all be worth the hassle of wearing footwear!

Saber (346) has posed:
Another crisply cold day in Dún Reáltaí, though for a change the sun is out enough to allow for the village children to engage in antics which would have been unsuitable during the heavy snows. But spring was finally approaching, though it often felt like a distant thing over the last few months, where nearly everyone had huddled inside around their hearths. Anyone with any sense, anyway...and some had doubted that of their new lord as he had frequently gone out in that very weather to perform this duty or that. Fortunately, there was one to whom he would listen when she scolded him about jeopardising his health so. His king, now the lady of Dún Reáltaí though somewhat embarrassing misconceptions.

Yet, it had worked out in the end, and allowed Saber to monitor him more closely for any signs of relapse. Much of his slow recovery was, in part, her doing. And she was, in fact, about to inquire about that when suddenly, her knight found a snowball lobbed by accident at the side of his head, which was soon enough answered in kind.

She hid a grin. Finally. Finally, his spirits were beginning to truly lift.

In contrast to the Knight of the Sun, the King of Knights could be a stealthy person when she wanted to be. Creeping up on the troupe as their assault was already in progress, Arturia swiftly gathered up her own missile, packed it, and launched it at her nephew. And in what was probably the second great shock of the season – perhaps even Gawain's existence – his stoic king was grinning, even laughing, with a shout that he likely never would have expected from an old game. "Rogue in the castle!"

So much for all that quiet, kingly dignity once she reverted to the tomboy she had been in her childhood.

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
To go from one wintry locale to another has not exactly been the biggest of changes for Irisviel and Illyasviel von Einzbern. But while the climate may not be all that unusual, particularly in the case of Iri, who has only ever BEEN to these two places, unlike her daughter, everything else has been different. There have been so many new faces, so many new foods, sounds, experiences... Even just going from one castle to another is a huge difference when you've spent your whole life nowhere else. But Kiritsugu had warned them to be cautious about leaving the castle, had wanted Illyasviel watched at all times, was out trying to find a better place for them - a safer place - where the Einzberns couldn't find them or get to them.

And knowing what she knows, it seems that she might not be seeing this castle again for a long time - if ever. With that in mind, seeing Illyasviel standing by a window, gazing out on the snowy landscape and the village forlornly, Irisviel takes it upon herself to modify Kiritsugu's instructions a little. As long as she's watching Illya and they don't go too far, everything should be fine, right?

The white-haired woman bends down next to Illya and asks, "Would you like to go play with the other children, Illya?" Illya looks up, startled, blinking her big red eyes as she looks at her mother as though trying to comprehend the straightforward question. Iri giggles a little and just smiles.

Illya's own expression changes slowly to a broad, open-mouthed smile as she takes in a breath and then lets out, "Yes!" with an energetic nod.

So it is that, a little while later, Irisviel and Illyasviel, mother and child, homunculus and hybrid, person and person, are making their way towards the village all dressed up in warm, fuzzy white dresses and hats, with Illya rushing ahead despite her mother's calls to stay close.

Illyasviel should enjoy this time while it lasts, Irisviel thinks. She should form happy memories. Because who knows what the future will bring?

Kirika (481) has posed:
Kirika's always been fond of snow, but Dún Reáltaí's winter has come to convince her not to be so quick to embrace the cold. The vixen trudges through slush and snow, leaving tracks in her wake as she tries to keep warm through fire magic and thick clothing. Her hood is up, and she wears a cloak over her thick hooded coat while she approaches the settlement.

Laughter and shouting are heard from afar, and Kirika observes the scene for a while as she spies Gawain laying about with snowballs hurled towards Bedivere. She tries to suppress a laugh, but eventually the kitsune giggles as she begins to crouch over amid the snow like a huntress.

Her vulpine heritage betrays her as she creeps through the snow, and eventually she strikes with snowballs formed by magic and by hand towards both knights. It's hard to really describe why Kirika opts to join the fun, other than just a need for a change in pace.

That, and the kids seem to love it when the foxy lady (either of them to be frank) is around.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Flutter~. The subtle sound of flapping wings might be audible to those who had good hearing, though it was largely stealthy to those who didn't. Nasa came flying into Dún Reáltaí, her wings flapping behind her as she held a basket in both arms. Nasa had brought food to Dún Reáltaí before, which means she now had somewhat of an attachment to the location. Those who she brought food for always tended to stay in her mind, at least occasionally.

Today, her basket held a few different types of edible mushrooms and some berries that she had been cultivating, many of them magical or otherwise 'fae'. Which of course meant that they also had all sorts of interesting flavours. Like the buttercap mushrooms, which taste almost like they've been buttered. Almost. The sight of the snowball fight causes Nasa to flash a grin as she flies above the group of people, her gaze flitting from person-to-person as she takes stock of who all is here. Let's see. She recognized... Kirika, Toph, and Saber. The voices of Gawain, Shirou, and Bedivere.

All in all good company, and children! Yes, children! She suddenly wishes she'd brought sweets. Children were always amusing when you gave them sweets. Regardless, though, she alighted somewhere nearby the snowball war, carefully setting the basket on the edge of a wall or somesuch else that was convenient. "Nasa greets~. Did bring snacks~." She says cheerfully, lifting a hand to wave towards the various people. And then she unceremoniously scooped up some snow to form into a ball with a grin, which was quickly flung at Kirika!

Inga has posed:
The wisewoman has returned to Dún Reáltaí, and per usual, she has come to see how everyone is fairing. A large basket was packed full of brews, salves, herbs, and common charms that are often requested of her by the villagers.

The white-haired wisewoman backs out of one of the dwellings, wrapped in her blue cloak with white fur (its...fox fur...), her hood down for the time being. "Apply the salve every four hours or so if possible and the rash should go away. If it does not improve do tell the Lord or Lady to contact me. I'll check back in a weeks time," she says. The villager, a woman who's child has a diaper rash, nods vigorously, thanking her. Before Inga can leave, the woman begins to wring her hands nervously. Inga pauses from turning away, leaning in a bit to here the woman's quiet, hesitant question. Inga gives a knowing nod in response, opening her basket again and pulling out something wrapped in a small cloth bag. A quiet exchange takes place before Inga leaves with well wishes and a smile.

Just in time to see Sir Bedivere being pelted with snowballs by village children. Well, isn't that a sight?

Snickering, Inga slowly approaches, navigating the snow carefully with the aid of her walking staff. She raises a hand to wave toward those gathering. "Hail, friends. Sir Bedivere, Lady Arturia," she greets, bowing her head lightly to the lord and lady.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Almost buried by the initial deluge, Bedivere cautiously glances up and over his cloak at the phalanx of village children. One of them already has a snowball packed and ready; the same one that had thrown the first snowball. Or at least thrown the one that had struck Bedivere.

Further in the distance, the village men and women are chatting animatedly amongst themselves in hushed tones, occasionally pointing and gesturing towards the Elites – and the particular Elite that is, ostensibly, their lord and master. Playing like a child; who would have thought it? After all, it's not really within their expectations. Anyone else would have ordered the child punished for such grave trespass.

But not Bedivere.

Abruptly he finds himself knocked upside the head by another snowball, much larger and from too far over to be from one of the children in front of him. The force of the blow almost lays him out flat; but he manages to keep his balance by crouching low. Crouching, because he's already gathering up another armload of snowballs, packing them as fast as he can.

Several are flung at the village children, some of them even finding purchase with the satisfying PAFFT that only wet snow can give. One or two are lobbed in the direction of Gawain – oh, yes, don't think he didn't know who threw that – with a little extra force than the ones thrown at the children. Bedivere stays low, all the better to keep a smaller profile to hit.

"Rogue!" he echoes, taking up Arturia's cry. "Rogue in the castle!"

In other words, GET 'IM.

Another salvo of snowballs. He scoops up and packs a few more of them, carefully patting them into place with gauntlets that are already starting to soak. They're not aimed haphazardly – he is in fact a fairly decent shot – but there's always the chance he might hit some of his erstwhile allies and fellow Elites, after all...

He misses some of the more recent greetings, but that's because he's busy trying to bury Gawain in a deluge of snowballs. All the while he's creeping back towards the ruined fountain which, while useless as a fountain, nonetheless provides excellent cover.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Oi, oi. So why're we here, Centurion?" Comes the gruff voice of a dressed-down mi'qote Trooper as she peers at the ever-growing snowball fight from atop one of the nearby village rooftops. Similarly dressed down, in a black blouse, skirt, and leg warmers, Yari Takane holds a cup of hot chocolate that she sips gingerly. Steam slowly rises as the pair watch.

"Intel." Her tail points at one Sir Bedivere, who's being the assault-ee of children, Saber, and Gawain.

The mi'qote sighs. "Boring." Complains the kitty-soldier, while Takane scans the field. The two certainly stick out up there.

The gather group get scrutinized from afar for now.

"...It's amazing a man like that can still laugh. Paranoia rots the heart." Yari mutters to herself. Her compatriot frowns.

"Or he's just a jerk! Hmph."

Sir Gawain has posed:
Gawain has been designated the Rogue. That means it's him versus everyone. As he's pelted, he falls down, seeming to be defeated...but in reality, he's scooping up as many snowballs as his Servant strength will allow him to carry! And then, he stands, roaring in laughter, as he unleashes his Noble Phantasm.


Which, in actuality, is not a Noble Phantasm, just Gawain flinging snowballs like crazy with awful aim but wide spread. The ones he throws in Arturia's direction are a bit stronger, she's a Servant, she can take it. The ones being targeted towards Bedivere and the children are mostly normal strength, however. A few likely will miss, and an errant one seems to be flying straight at Yari's Mi'qote subordinate!

"You will never defeat me!~", Gawain roars, as he grins strongly. He is having a blast. While blasting people.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Huh? More people are arriving, and Toph luckily recognizes most of the voices from around her, even if she can't see with all the snow on the ground in addition to her feet being covered for once. "Hey, Nasa!" she greets her fellow Unionite, though she looks a bit confused. "It sounds like people are having fun at least, it..." A snow ball sails over her head, and the blind girl turns her head sharply. Of course when Bedivere calls out she can't help but hear it, and as Toph finishes trying her shoes on she gets on her feet. Ick, she still can't get used to this feeling...!

But even if it's covered with snow, the ground is still there. The very ground she helped stabilize last year. Kicking down, Toph launches herself through the air again, aimed for where she heard Bedivere by the fountain, and off she goes!

Of course... it's tough for her to know if anybody else is in the way. Or if Bedivere has moved.

Kirika (481) has posed:
Kirika isn't quite noticed by Gawain and Bedivere, which is good. The kitsune stealthfully manages to evade a few peltings her way from the kids as well, giggling as she returns fire towards them. A snowball also is sent flying towards Gawain as she gets in close.

*BOOMF* Then Kirika suffers a snowball to the face, smacked hard as she suddenly realizes Nasa's here as well. "ACK! Nice to see you as well, Nasa." The kitsune grins a little, shaking frost from her hair before she flings snowballs back at the fae.

Sadly Nasa's direct hit leaves her blind as some of Gawain's snowballs hit home as well, striking her in the back repeatedly. Squeaking in surprise, Kirika eyes the sun knight. "I believe a truce is in order...for now." She giggles, winking to Nasa before she returns fire at Sir Gawain.

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
As Illyasviel hears laughter and the sound of shouts and talking, she simultaneously wants to run faster to get to where everyone else is... And also wants to go back to the castle. Her foot falls slow, her tiny boots eventually ceasing to crunch powdered ice, and then she just stands there hesistantly, watching everyone else have fun. Children her own age? She has never met any before. She doesn't even know if they ARE her own age. She doesn't know what they like, or how they talk, or really ANYTHING. Her education mostly consists of what Kiritsugu has taught her, and what her great grandfather has taught her - and the latter has mostly to do with Grail Wars and magecraft (which she remains not very good at).

As she stands there, one mittened hand to her face to keep her nose and mouth from freezing off, Irisviel manages to catch up with her. She puts a hand on top of Illyasviel's hat-covered head and says, "Don't worry, dearest. There's many stranger people here than a little girl."

Illya folds her arms, frowning, and huffs. "I'm not -that- little!" She is pretty little. Significantly underweight for her age too, despite eating healthily.

Irisviel, for her part, looks up eventually and notices Bedivere and Saber, and their antics. She is surprised, to say the least. Her white eyebrows are up as she just kind of stares. Then she bends down and scoops up some snow herself, packing it very carefully, like she is making a dumpling instead of a snowball. Then, with a grin that shows she too can be rather childish, she pulls back her arm and throws it! ...At Saber, not Bedivere, because she somehow feels the former will be more forgiving, even if the latter has demonstrated a heart warming degree of good-spiritedness. She is truly glad either way that the lord of the land has begun to heal some of those wounds she had seen in him. The non-physical ones, that she couldn't do anything about.

Illyasviel gapes for a moment at her mother before deciding that if her mom can do it, so can she! She puts together a snowball carefully like her mother just did, though somewhat more amateurishly, and then sneaks towards the broken fountain, attempting to ignore the caution that Iri showed by climbing up onto it and tossing the snowball right towards the back of Bedivere's collar with a wicked grin.

She doesn't recognize most of these other people, but the dirty young girl in winter clothes ellicits some surprise from her when spotted. Did she just erupt from the ground!?

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The great Knight Gawain's errant toss is like a stone hucked from a sling! Only made of frozen water! POMF! The blue-haired kitty-Trooper shivers, growls, and stands up. She shakes a fist!

"Oiiiii watch where yer...WAH!" It's about here that Yari gently pushes her subordinate off the rooftop and into a snowdrift. A pair of kitty ears and a tail sticks out of the mass of snow like some kind of strange snow-kitton.

"Need to work on your discipline, Trooper." Mutters Yari, before hopping down to haul her compatriot out of the snow.

"Well thrown!" She'll call out to Gawain, before she takes stock of the others.

Her kitty compatriot snaps a lazy salute.

"I'm gettin' warm and changed, Centurion!" Back to the Inn she goes.

Leaving Yari to consider the epic battle before her. But someone interesting catches the lizardy-woman's attention. Walking over to the strange being, Yari will bend down just a little.

"I don't mean to be rude, Miss, but what are you?" Asks the Centurion. A glance to those snacks. Her tummy grumbles a bit.

Saber (346) has posed:
It's a challenge to greet and return greetings in the middle of a snowball fight, but somehow Saber managed. Glancing up and waving first to Toph, then to Nasa as she approached on wing – and with more food! – next to Yari – though she might not especially like being spotted when she was performing 'intel' – and last to Inga. "Ah, good day, Lady Inga. Pardon our distraction..."

...And would have greeted Kirika, but she had decided to directly target Gawain. And her next missile whizzed past her as Saber aimed it for the designated "Rogue", who had unleashed his special "Noble Phantasm". Actually, he was just a terrible shot as always. "Hoh, I can see why you would never have been summoned as an Archer!" she taunted, even as a few of his shots did manage to land from his Gate of Snowballs, smacking her with the extra force. And just as well, since normally she could dodge them if they hadn't been. "Prepare yourself, Sir Knight...!" she started, but for an unexpected interruption before she released her own volley.

As a snowball from an unexpected direction hit home and smacked her against the back of her bun, she turned only to gape slightly in astonishment at her assailant. For a fleeting moment an almost sad smile crossed her face before it melted into a more mischievous one, stooping low to pack more loose missiles and fire them off at the older homunculus.

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs, nodding to Saber. "It looks like fun is being had so–"

Suddenly, the greatest earth bender of all time is flying in her direction. Inga's eyes widen, but there isn't enough time to get out of the way! Inga makes a rather undignified squeek, flailing as she goes down and into the snow, the wind knocked out of her by flying Toph.

She might be short and still a child but she's denser then expected!

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Word of salves causes a small perk of Nasa's ears, her gaze flicking towards Inga curiously. Nasa had a particular interest in such things, so that caught her interest. The fur-lined cloak also caught her interest. Was that one a hunter-healer? That would be interesting, maybe she could talk to her later. As Inga approaches and greets everyone, Nasa dips her head in a polite semi-bow towards her. "Nasa greets~." She says cheerfully towards Inga, "...Does want talk about salves with later!" She says cheerfully!

The call of rogue in the castle gets a quizzical look from Nasa! "... Rogue in the castle?" She wasn't in the castle yet. Why were they pelting Gawain in... oh it must be a game, and Gawain was the 'rogue'. After a few moments of mental examination, Nasa gives a small nod, feeling that she'd grasped the situation. Man she was glad she was not a target right now, because her skin and clothing were not exactly easy to hide against the white snow!

Wait. Intel? Nasa's eyes flick towards the people who were watching the snowball fight. Sharp eyes focus on the Mi'qote as sensitive ears twitch and turn slightly towards them. Nasa wasn't sure she liked that, but soon enough she was distracted from trying to watch and listen to Yari and her partner, as one of Gawain's poorly-aimed snowballs hits her rather dead-on, causing her to stagger briefly. Mainly in surprise.

"...ROGUE IN THE CASTLE~!" Nasa calls out, giving a grin as she gathers several snowballs to toss in Gawain's direction, throwing fairly hard... but definitely not nearly as hard as the Servants, as she has spindly little elf/fae arms. Toph is flashed a grin, those sharp teeth catching the light briefly. "Yes~! Lot of fun is to being had~." Nasa says cheerfully, Toph sails off though, not too surprising, really. Nasa's gaze briefly follows Toph, but is pulled back towards Kirika at her response. Also at the snowballs flung at her, which Nasa moves to carefully dodge some of them! ... Needless to say, she still gets hit, though she manages to weave through some of them! "...Is glad does not feel the cold." Nasa mumbles quietly.

Oh hey the person Nasa was interested in walked straight up to her. Nasa shifts her gaze up towards Yari, her wings fluttering briefly as she watches her silently. The lizard woman is regarded curiously for a few moments, Nasa examining her and trying to pair it up with her knowledge of various races. In the end, she comes up with 'lizardwoman'. Yep. Totally accurate. "Nasa is to being Dark Elf and Faerie half-breed, is Child of the Moon and Guardian of The Wilds. ... Race is to being nicknamed Pit Faerie, but does not to having actual name." Nasa says with a helpless shrug. Lazily, Nasa snatches up one of the mushrooms from her basket and begins to nibble away at it contently.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Too bad that Toph can't see people waving to her right now, but at least she is getting into the spirit of winter festivities, right? Right.

As she expects a much longer ride it does take Toph by surprise when she crashes into somebody, and the air is knocked out of her as she and her unlucky landing ramp for the day crashes into the snow, white whirling up. The blind girl pushes herself up though, blinking and looking confused. "Did you move, Buddyvere?" she asks, her mittencovered hand moving to search for a shoulder. Wait... this person feels a bit too small to be a man? Bedivere is tall. And he does not have boobs.

"Damnit, how are you supposed to have fun with all this snow anyway?" she grumps as she gets to her feet.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Those violet eyes are flicking hither and yon, silently taking note of everyone taking part in the snowball war. And war it is, having progressed from a one-sided skirmish of eight children versus the castle lord, to eight children, the castle lord, and several visiting Elites against Sir Gawain of the Round Table. Fortunately, Gawain makes for a very flamboyant and unmistakable target, and the fact that he's a Servant means he can survive the worst Bedivere can throw at him.

And Bedivere has a pretty good throwing arm. Actually, he has a surprisingly good throwing arm, and it's almost suggestive of certain melee weapons that function better when thrown – he could probably hurl a javelin or spear with respectable strength... but for now, a snowball is a stinging enough missile, and one that he proves himself pretty well capable of wielding.

Bedivere has meanwhile made his way to the fountain, crouching behind it and raking a pile of snow into a makeshift curtain wall, filling in the crumbling stone with packed snow. He keeps low, eyeing his 'opponents' with avid interest.

The village kids can handle the charge. He'll be the tactical snow sniper in their midst.

Well, except for the snowballs Gawain's hurling. Some of them find their mark, and one of them manages to crunch right into Bedivere's face. He makes a face, spitting snow, and that primes him to catch a snowball in the back of the collar from Illyasviel. He doesn't even think; he just snaps off a snowball in the direction the cold wet came from. It's not too hard, but it's going to be a stinging rejoinder if it hits the child homunculus.

Bedivere slowly pops up behind the fountain, and gathers up another snowball. And then he rams the thing right at Gawain's face.

What? He's a Servant! He can take it!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
And she's been spotted! Yari gives one of her patented quirks of her usually neutral look, offering a raising of her mug in greetings. She pauses, and can't help but chuckle as she observes King, Lord, Knight, and the children and Illya having so much fun.

"Is that what peace is like?" She mutters to herself, before remembering her fairy compatriot.

The lizard woman's just about as curious. "'Pit Fairy'. I've heard reports of people like you. Mmm. But you don't feel like them. Centurion Yari Takane, XIV Legion of the Garlean Empire. It's a pleasure." The cup is transferred to a tail, and after remembering customs, she offers a handshake instead of a salute.

Then she's looking back at the battle.

"Fight, fight! Victory comes to the bold!" She encourages of the children, fist pumped into the air. Then she coughs, blushing a little.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
SO where is Inga, ah there she is and Ing would find that Someone whose just a bit taller is coming up behind her. Toph would be able to feel the vibrations of Kotone which are far heaver than her build should be. Well given her cyberantic nature that's pretty clear still she looks a lot better than the last time Inga saw her the whole uncanny valley thing.

"Inga! Hey It's good to see you and hello Toph1"

Inga has posed:
Inga is indeed much smaller than Bedivere, at a dimiuitive five feet tall. She is also considerably more curvacious–as Toph seems to have noticed. Groaning, Inga blinks several times, her vision swimming. At least the snow had provided a softer landing than would have been had otherwise. "Unnng...no, I am most certainly not Bedivere. Hello Toph," she groans.

Sitting up, Inga looks over toward Nasa, blinking, still getting her thoughts back together after that collision. "Hmm? Ah, alright, certainly," she replies blearily, reaching around through the snow for her staff. It seems to have gone flying out of her reach when she'd been knocked over.

Hearing her name, she looks over to Kotone, smiling softly. "Ah greetings Kotone. Do you see...my...staff," her sentence trails off as Inga stares. Kotone looks different, significantly enough to be noticeable.

Right, she's gotten a new body.

A new body.

It shouldn't be so amazing to her, considering, but it is.

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Iri does not even have time to form another snowball, because she's still grinning and waiting for Saber's reaction. When it comes, she is completely unprepared and lets out a high-pitched, mirthful cry as she starts being pelted. She tries to shield herself with her arms but that's a losing battle. So she decides to sacrifice some of her snowball points by taking the hits while forming some return fire of her own.

Her hat gets knocked off her head by one of the projectiles, but she pays it no heed for now. Personal belongings are nice, but not the most important thing. The barrage of Gawain's is truly amazing. By some definition of the 'amazing'. But she isn't sure she has met him before. His voice sounds familiar though. Have they spoken on the radio? When she manages to return two snowballs, one in each hand, with poor accuracy, she notices just how MANY people are involved in this. There appears to have been some sort of accident since at least two people are lying on the ground, and there's the eight children, and then there's a dark-skinned woman who looks almost like a homunculus herself, and then there's an individual of a species that Iri completely fails to recognize, and... She's a bit overwhelmed, really.

And that distraction leaves her open to taking another snowball! "Aaah! I surrender! I yield!" she lets out, laughing. She has been oddly filled with energy since getting this close to Saber - well, she knows the reason why - but her strength is still not up to the task of long-duration snowball fights.

Illya, on the other hand, gets socked right in the face with the snowball from Bedivere and knocked on her rear. "Owwiee..." she lets out as she wipes the stinging ice from her face, and then sits up with tears at the corners of her eyes. But these are not sadness tears. They are not even pain tears. They are -justice tears-. And justice will be best served by joining forces with those kids over there, maybe! Along the way to running to join the other children, she stops to look at Toph and Inga again in surprise. Then she finally figures out who Toph Beifong is.

"Aah!" she lets out, before pointing at Toph. "A giant badger!"

Inga remains a mystery.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Gawain is, in the end, truly outmatched. He's up against a Servant, a tactical sniper knight, some Elites, and worst of all, a group of children. There was never a chance of victory for him.

As the snowballs fly, Gawain attempts to tank them and grab more. But the mixed might of Bedivere and Arturia's powerful throws sends the knight to his knees, and he shouts out, "Rogue down! Rogue down!". He's roaring in laughter, however, enjoying the game quite a bit.

Kirika (481) has posed:
The madness intensifies as Kirika is beaned across the head again from further snowballs. She might be holding back to keep from injuring the kids, gently tossing missiles of her own in vague directions. She only really throws hard at Gawain and Saber anyways, if only to amuse herself, and snowballs are hardly the most dangerous thing she could use here.

Her aim is however pretty bad, at least when throwing stuff left and right. The vixen eventually sneaks away from the chaos, leaving a parting gift in the form of a snowball tossed into Gawain's face once again. "HAH! The rogue is felled! Victory for Dún Reáltaí!" cries the kistune with glee, before giggling and running off.

She seems to take a break by stopping near Toph and...is she grop—

Already she's getting flashbacks of how little regard kitsune have back home for things like personal space, things that got her in trouble when she visited man's world time to time. "I...having trouble navigating I see, Toph?" she asks sheepishly, before bowing herh ead towards Inga and others. "Well met, wisewoman." Her tail flickers side to side as Kirika's crimson gaze eyes Yari and her companion troopers, confused but otherwise content to speak with the earthbender and wisewoman for now.

"I heard your birthday was coming soon, Toph. I am still working on finding a proper gift to send, but hopefully I will have something in mind soon." She smiles, bowing her head to the girl. "I must congratulate you on your thirteenth. I was your age when sensei gave me my first sword, before Kinugiri had been forged anyways."

Saber (346) has posed:
Indeed, the Knight of the Sun had no chance. Free with her laughter now at both Iri's and Gawain's defeat, Saber dusted off some loose snow from her parka. Surveying the battlefield with calm, she considered another target...but what would the once-Marshal of Camelot do if his king designated herself as the 'rogue'...?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
With shoes on for once and thanks to the heavy snow it's rather tough for Toph to see anything. Which is why she crashed into Inga in the first place. She does hear Kotone's voice though, and she blinks even as she gets to her feet. "Heya there... how do you people do this?"

And even as she gets on her feet Toph holds onto Inga's arm with a sigh. "So... are people just throwing snow around or what? Where did Buddyvere go?"

And why are they yelling about rogues?

Another familiar voice, and Toph turns slightly towards Kirika. "You try seeing if you have your head covered," she scoffs. It would be the same deal. "It's so freaking cold, and Jarvis wouldn't let me leave before I brought the boots with me, talking about frostbite and gangrenous toes and other crud..." Ugh. When Kirika talks about her upcoming birthday it seems to cheer Toph up, and she grins. "Oh yeah, you better come! Maybe Goldie will order a dirt cake this year as well. Either way we are having barbeque, and lots of fun! And I'm turning fourteen." Not thirteen, that was last year!

"Where's everybody anyway?" she asks.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Nasa's eyes flick over the lizard woman silently for several moments, a subtle glow coming from them as she suddenly meets her gaze. Nasa's eyes were somewhat intense, and it was almost like being looked at by a hunter that was sizing up its prey. Of course, her demeanor seemed to completely contradict that, as her head tilted curiously, ears perked almost like a cats. "Oh? What does Nasa to feeling like?" She asks curiously, her wings fluttering behind her several times. "Yari Takane, XIV Legion of Garlean Empire..." She muses over that name, committing it to memory, before dipping her head into a slight bow. "Is Na`Sabal-Une Fang, Guardian of the Wilds." She says, head straightening up afterwards. "Is nice to meet you." As Yari turns to cheer on the 'troops', Nasa's gaze returns to the snowball war.

And Inga! Inga responds to her. Sweet, she can talk with a healer about healing stuff. Nasa was quietly excited about that, though it didn't show outwardly. "Good. Though will wait, so that you can to enjoy the fun." She says, eyes scanning the ground as she keeps an eye out for the staff. It should be easy to spot in the snow, right? After a few moments of searching, she seems to decide that it got buried slightly. That and Toph probably could find it easier than her.

As the Rogue goes down, Nasa suddenly gets a rather devious little grin, zipping towards where Gawain fell. "THIS ROGUE WAS TO JUST BEING THE DECOY!" Nasa calls out, moving to quickly attempt to help Gawain back up, before lifting her hand, several snowballs floating in the air around her. After a few moments, she releases them, sending them flying in more or less every direction. Similar to Gawain's 'noble phantasm' but with magic, as Nasa has puny arms.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari leans in to Nasa, nose only an inch or two away from the shorter flying being. The ninja slowly grins, eyes narrowing.

"You...are a hunter. That look in your eyes. Be good. No prey to be found here little one." A little pat to Nasa's cheek, and she leans back up.

Sipping her hot cocoa, she watches as Nasa declares herself a rogue! Yari can't help but openly chuckle as she watches the continued antics. No snowballs from her yet, but it's hard to toss one with a tail.

Inga has posed:
Well, better if Toph holds onto her arm than what she was previously holding! Still, maybe she should use her freakish kid muscles to help Inga back to her feet while she's at it.

Inga smiles to Kirika. "Greetings Kirika, I hope that you are well," she replies before looking back to Toph as her birthday is mentioned. "Ah, yes. The anniversary of your birth is approaching! Mm, I am looking forward to the party. Thirteen hmm? Nearly a woman. When I turned fourteen I was learning to make my first blood sacri–ah, there it is!" she exclaims, finally locating her staff in the snow.

With it in hand, she begins to pull herself to her feet.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
And instead, there's someone towering over Inga, a familiar grump in his voice, helping her up to her feet. "Okay, who's knocking my partner into the snow?" A grumpy look around the party a Harry Dresden bats at his duster with his free hand, knocking clumps of snow off the surface.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Bedivere, for his part, plunks down on the edge of the ruined fountain once the rogue is felled. The children are quick to turn on themselves, the lanky lord of the castle momentarily forgotten, and Bedivere takes advantage of the moment's peace to wring out part of his cloak and shuck off his soaked gloves, carefully trying to squeeze the water out of the leather. His hands are absolutely colourless from the cold and wet, and he'll be lucky if they're not ruined, but that was well worth it.

For now he's quiet, surveying the battlefield, taking note of Nasa's self-declared status as Rogue.

After a moment he replaces his gloves and throws his cloak back over his shoulder, apparently despairing of ever getting the water out; they're going to need several hours in front of a hot fire to really dry. Or himself, for that matter. Nothing more to be done, for that.

Smoothly he sinks back out of sight, disappearing behind his snow-and-stone fortification of the old ruined fountain, which has been augmented with packed snow for walls. One can imagine he's scooping together a whole stockpile of snowballs while nobody's paying attention to him.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "We manage by controlling our falls one step at a time, Toph. I'm Kotone, you might hear me the odd time but you seem to be a staple of that channel."

She might not have caught that Toph is blind or on the other hand know just how she sees. She does listen for a moment.

"Frostbite is no laughing matter no. Humm so a birthday comming up? Well happy birthday!"

She does seem to mean it. She looks over to Inga for a moment as she speakls about blood ritual magic she looks a bit uncomfortable for a moment but her happy exptression returns.

"Hey Kinga, Kirika."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Don't worry, Inga. Toph has no interest in any of your bodyparts except briefly borrowing your arm. And by proxy your functional eyes. And yes, she does begin helping Inga up to her feet, though she doesn't brush either of them free from the snow that got whirled up when they fell. Though Inga's comment does cause the blind girl to raise a confused eyebrow. "Is THAT what your people call it?"

The familiar voice of Harry makes Toph snort. "Hey, it's not my fault she got in my way! This snow and these shoes make it hard to see!" she complains before she reaches out to offer a punch to Harry's arm. At least where she thinks he's standing.

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Illyasviel is continuing on her way towards the other children when she determines Toph is a talking badger. Then she backs up while continuing to face Toph, keen to any of her badgermole tricks. Eventually she runs back to her mother since Bedivere seems to have retreated for now, and she isn't sure if the other kids can get him out of his well-fortified position.

Irisviel, for her part, is seating herself wherever is convenient and out of the way of further snowball battles. One never knows when they'll crop up again. For now, she is simply content to watch and enjoy being with everyone. Even if by proximity.

Saber (346) has posed:
The matter of a new target was solved quickly enough when Nasa designated herself as the next one. Arturia stifled a giggle with her hand as the next round began, watching briefly for a few moments before withdrawing enough to observe Bedivere wringing the cold water from his soaked clothing. Had he been on another patrol and about to begin another one, the jade-eyed knight would have started fussing at him and demanding he go dry himself off before the fire first before he insisted on working himself to death, plying him with tea which might or might not have been spiked with a sleep-inducing drug. He was still bad at delegating responsibility, something she continued to lecture the violet-eyed knight about frequently. True, he was getting better about it, yet there was always room for improvement.

But she was not about to cut things off when Bedivere was finally starting to live a little. Instead, she withdrew for the moment to spend some time with someone whom she had once called a friend...and, in her timeline, dead five years ago, before Saber had Unified.

"Irisviel," she greeted with a faint smile. "How have you been faring?"

Inga has posed:
Suddenly, there is the dark shadow of a wizard towering over her! ...and helping her to her feet with Toph. Inga looks back, a bright smile appearing. "Toph crashed into me, but we're both quite alright," she replies. She lets Toph hold onto her arm, letting out small laugh. "The crippled shall lead the blind, why not," she says.

Back to Toph, Inga looks puzzled. "Is that what my people call wha..." she begins, then realization clearly dawns in her eyes. Inga laughs agains, shaking her head. "Oh, no no. That isn't what I meant–that happened around the same time though, I do believe. Or was it thirteen?" she muses outloud, then waves it off, dismissing the thought.

Inga reaches over and casually tugs on Harry's duster. "You just missed quite a snowball fight. If another breaks out I name you my champion," she informs him with a grin.

Inga looks back to Kotone, blinking. "So...this is the....new...body?" she asks. Do you talk about this like getting a new dress? "It's lovely," she says, then immediately feels idiotic.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The lizard-woman looks over as she spots Inga. Yari's eyes actually seem to bulge for a moment. Horror, then a scowl graces her lips as she looks the woman over. Lighting up her pipe, she puffs away to calm herself.

"...Babarians." She mutters lowly.

But the little blind girl leading her does get Yari's attention, and the woman can't help but idly watch the two. Her tail flicks about curiously.

But there's a beep from her wrist, and with a button press, a floating green screen appears Yari's eyes close, and she keys up her radio.

"Troopers, time for extraction."

Then, Yari starts off towards the inn to gather her own things. She pauses, and turns about.

"Lady Saber! Mmm...thank you. I think I'm starting to understand 'peace' here." Then, she turns around and marches off to war.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Well, now that Nasa was all done with her sizing up of Yari and a bit of posturing, she flashes a sharp-toothed grin towards her. "Is good eyes, seeing that~. You are interesting." She comments towards Yari, her gaze briefly distracted from the children and Heroic Spirits. Which she makes sure to make up for by sending a couple of snowballs pelting towards the lizardwoman.

As the children seem to turn on each other though, Nasa's gaze flicks between them. Was she too intimidating to throw snowballs at? Was it because she was a strange faerie-thing? Nah Nasa was totally just being a bit silly because surfacers were still strange to her. And likely she was strange to them! Still, she flashes a playful grin towards the children, scooping up snow in her hands to begin to toss crude and hastily-made snowballs towards the children – likely much lighter than Gawain and Bedivere did.

However, for the most part... the snowball fight seems to have slowed down, and people have turned to chatting for the most part. Except the children, of course. Nasa's gaze focuses mainly on the children for now then, though she did briefly flick a look towards Illya. The internal 'I want to take care of things' switch that Nasa had flicked briefly. She debated going over to her – but decided that she had declared herself Rogue, so she would make sure to be the best Rogue she could be! Magic begins to swirl around Nasa, snow picking up briefly. Mainly to try to make herself a giant target. "Wonders if this rogue will get away with wandering the castle and learning all the secrets~. And stealing all the traps~." Nasa says with a playful grin.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
Harry takes a punch from Toph, before shaking his head. "Be careful, Grasshopper. Don't be blamingthe tools on poor performance." He snorts and helps Inga ll the way up, taking a moment to brush her off. "And you now I'm a damn champion already. I AM the Winter Emmissary." Herolls his neck a little bit. And dusts Inga off some more.

Illya von Einzbern (641) has posed:
In another Fuyuki City, far away from here:

"We're lateeee!"

Illya von Einzbern grabs Magical Ruby and bolts to the rooftop of her school. Once there, she lifts the wand and jumps off of the rooftop at the same time, but then soars into the air as Prisma*Illya. She then bolts - well, flies - out of there.


Er, Magical Girl. Right. That thing. The thing that most everyone knows about. Illya stops flying up at a low point of the avenue, still staying in her Illya form. It means she doesn't get cold. She finally makes her way to the gate itself, pausing at it.

"Uh... papa? Hello?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
"Besides, it's not like I did it on purpose," Toph huffs. Though she can't help but turn her face away when Inga laughs. "I don't need info. Really."

Harry's comment does elicit a groan. "Okay then, let's stick YOU in a dark cave without any sources of light and see how well you move around!" she dares him. Though she looks a bit curious when he talks about being a Winter Emmissary? "Huh? What's that? Do you take care of cold stuff or what?" Though speaking of champions... hmmm. "If it wasn't for all this cruddin' snow then I would be a champion myself. Okay. Somebody else be my snowball champion for me. I can be champion the rest of the year when we have mud ball fights."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Slowly, so slowly it could be missed, Bedivere's head rises up above the low wall he's crouched behind. In this, his pale hair works to his advantage; it's not a whole lot darker than the snow all around him. His eyes are fairly light, too, and they narrow as he watches Nasa, the new self-avowed Rogue in the Castle.

Very suddenly, there is a snowball streaking from behind the fountain, right for Nasa's head, and the knight is gone again – a flash of white cloak; crunching snow, and he's fetched up against the side of a building, clutching his snowballs close and eyeing the progression of the battle.

One or two of the village kids seem to have broken away from the main group and joined him, whispering loudly as they ask him what to do. He crooks a finger and points it at Nasa, handing them snowballs. Several of the ones being focused on directly by Nasa flail when they're fired upon, scooping up snow and retaliating in kind; while the two with Bedivere opt for a sneaker and more thorough retaliation.


Or, you know. Snow.

Also, one or two of those snowballs might fly awry toward Harry when he mentions being the Winter Knight, because poetic justice.

Inga has posed:
Inga is brushed off. Thoroughly.

She looks over shoulder at Harry, raising an eyebrow. Communication through glance.

Inga looks back to Toph. "Heh, no I imagine you were well informed on those matters by your parents," she says. Poor Toph. She doesnt know Tony that well, but she can still see that as having been embarrassing (and probably hilarious).

Snickering, Inga looks to Harry. "Indeed, I expect you are well equipped to champion me in this matter," she says, reaching down to pick up a bit of snow, forming it into a ball. Maybe she'll throw it! Nasa seems to have declared herself the new 'rogue'? Well, alright! Inga packs her snowball tightly and pulls back, ready to throw as hard as she can!

It sails about ten feet, then plops into the snow. No where near Nasa.

For the briefest of seconds, she pouts.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Ing nodding a bit.

"Thank you I'm pretty happy with it."

Inga's comment doesn't seem to have insulted her but it seems to have made her think as she looks withdrawn for a moment.

"Your right I think I have become too comfortable with it, with you putting it that way." She smiles a bit now.

"I'm ast least more useful now and I'm not going to let my own hangups deiny me what's needed to help people, you know? Still I'm glad for the chance to catch up with you. So how have you been?"

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Irisviel smiles when Saber approaches and greets her. "Good afternoon, Saber! I've been well, thanks to all of your efforts! I'm sorry we haven't spoken since Illya and I took up residence here. You know how cautious Kiritsugu is." Yeaaaaah.

Illyasviel comes scampering up and latches onto her mother's arm. "Mama!" she says insistently. "Can't you use your alchemy on the snow?"

Iri pauses to look down on Illyasviel in confusion. "Well... I might be able to-"

"Couldn't you make a great big snow cannon like..." The tinier homunculus throws both arms up above her head and lets out a sound-effect to emphasize its bigness. "...That big! And then it could shoot snow balls like..." PKEW PKEW PKEW. Yay sound-effects. Television does wonders for children, doesn't it?

Irisviel holds up her hands trying to get her daughter to slow down. "Easy, easy... Don't you think that might upset the people living here?" she asks. Illyasviel looks around. This way. That. Then back to her mother. "...It might mess up their houses, you know!"

"Ohhh... Well..." Illya props her hands on her hips and looks thoughtful. "...I'll just go get a Servant of my own to throw giant snowballs." She looks up at Saber, as though just realizing she's there, and smiles brightly. "Hello, Miss Saber!" Then she goes running off to find a Servant apparently. Because that's going to happen.

Illyasviel sighs in a mix of amusement and weariness. "Exposure to the world has given her some unusual ideas..." she starts apologetically, before noticing a small voice among all the other sounds going on. Somehow. Her wine-red gaze is drawn towards the gates... Is someone she knows there? Is her mother-sense making her aware of their newest arrival!?

The OTHER Illyasviel, meanwhile, stops by Gawain and lets out another, "Aah!" Then she crouches down next to him and says with fascination, "A dead body."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
Pff. Paff. Harry's duster and the back of his head take a pair of snowball hits but... he stoicly ignores them unless they come part and parcel with rocks inside of them. The Wizard grumps at Toph. "Winter Emmissary. I'm... hmmm. I owe a rather large debt to Mab, the Faerie Queen of Ice and Darkness and she likes using that by making me do her petty investigation and diplomatic work with mortals cause she can't be bothered."
No, he doesn't sound happy about that.

He also sighs at Inga. "What, I was just making sure you weren't goona get cold. Gosh." And then he reaches down, crooking an arm to scoop up a glove full of snow, packing it tight. "I thought all Vikings knew how to snowball fight."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Sharp eyes watch the battlefield – but they were focused on the children, not on the fort that Bedivere was hiding behind. She was doing her best to dodge the children's snowballs, a somewhat self-assured smirk on her face. "Hah, is that to being the best you ca–" Paff. Sniperball right to the face. Nasa gives a splutter as her footing is briefly ruined, taking a couple of steps back as she wipes the snow out of her face. Her eyes narrow slightly, she almost looks furious as her eyes skim for the source of the snowball. But in reality, she was just focusing. Her demeanor seemed to change, hands falling loosely to her side, her legs spreading out slightly.

And then more snowballs hit her from various directions as the kids continued to pelt her, lifting her hands to shield herself as best as she can from the snow, her eyes lighting up as she gives a rather happy smile. She was definitely enjoying it, which was evident by the tinkling fae-like giggles that escaped the faedrow. "Ack hey!" Nasa says, her hands shifting to send snowballs flying back towards the children. An eye was kept roughly on trajectory, noting where the more accurate snowballs came from when she could.

Nasa pointed roughly in Bedivere's direction, attempting to send a trio of snowballs flying towards him magically, the drowfae laughing as snow continued to hit her. "That was good shot! But will not catch Nasa by surprise like that again~!" She says, grinning cheerfully. A monster of the depths, a drowess with training to fight well! ... Nah, just a fae having fun. Meanwhile, Inga threw a snowball! Which Nasa noticed! Nasa got ready to dodge as Inga got ready to throw! And then... Inga's snowball falls short. Nasa briefly sits there in stunned silence at that. "Ah, uhm... to try putting body into it more. Like uhm. Surfacer baseball. Use good leg to balance on, bad leg to help with momentum, put body into a little..." Wait was Nasa giving pointers to her enemy?! ... It was just so pathetic, she couldn't resist. Poor Inga.

Illya was then nearby Nasa, as she had taken up position next to the 'fallen' Gawain. "... You are in middle of battlezone..." Nasa murmurs towards her, her eyes focusing on Illya for a bit. Which likely gets Nasa hit by several snowballs. She's doing her best to be stoic, and is doing a good job of it due to her resistance to cold and such. Rather unceremoniously, Nasa shifts her hand. Several moments later, and there is now a protective wall between Illya and the incoming snowballs. "Stay behind cover. Nasa will protect you." Yes. Illya has activated Nasa's protective instincts. Which won't last long likely with how many snowballs Nasa's been taking. Speaking of which, Nasa shifts her gaze around a bit, seeming to think a bit. "...How does know if rogue has been defeated? Is there like... hit system or something?" She really should have learned the rules before claiming to be the rogue.

Saber (346) has posed:
Briefly nodding to Yari as she was called away – likely to something Saber would not necessarily approve of, but the ninja would need to find her own path to a life she could live with – she turned back to the homunculus with a slight smile. Did she, indeed. "In truth, that is not entirely unlike my marshal. His duty was to protect me, and in spite of how circumstances have changed, he still considers that his duty has not."

Rather disturbing that Bedivere and Kiritsugu possessed some startling similarities.

Carefully, Arturia stifled a laugh, hiding her smile behind her gloved hand as Ilya asked for a snow cannon. She remembered watching her with Kiritsugu from inside Einzbern castle, musing to Iri how that cold demeanour around his Servant dissolved when it came to his daughter. "Hello, Miss Ilyasviel," she replied to the greeting before the younger homunculus ran back off to find a Servant of her own, smiling a little as she watched her go. "It is good to see her playing with other children," she noted, reassuring Iri. "Another miracle of this place, perhaps."

The Servant nodded to Harry, having noticed that the wizard had joined Toph and Inga. It was fortunate for him that the winter guardian of this particular place was a relatively peaceful human-turned-fae rather than the mercurial Mab, and won't be demanding that he perform errands for her. Besides, that job fell to the lord and lady here.

She did nothing to hide the fond smile as she watched the marshal snipe at Nasa from his position, nearly grinning when some of the children joined him in his continued assault. It was terribly amusing for her to watch him use his feared tactics in a simple game of a snowball fight, she had to admit. "It is good indeed to see everyone enjoying themselves so."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
"No comment," is the only reply Inga gets from Toph, who narrows her eyes.

So Harry is kinda helping out a queen of ice and darkness? That sounds like one hell of a deal. "Well, it could be worse," she suggests. He could be doing some real dirty work instead. And that wouldn't be any fun, now would it?

Are all the others still throwing snowballs? Toph blinks where she stands, listening intently. "So... were we going to eat food or something? Or just throw snow around?" she asks. She can hear the others well enough... and also Bedivere. Heck, why not try this again? Worst case scenario is only that she will crash into somebody or something else, right? So Toph lets go of Inga's arm, a determined look on her face... and then she stomps her boot covered foot into the ground and then off she sails again, this time more towards the fountain! Earthbender away!

Inga has posed:
Inga grumbles, regathering her dignity.

She turn to Kotona, shaking her head, eyes widening slightly. "No, no. Do not take my akwardness as some sort of moral criticism. Honestly...its...no more strange than what happens to me," she says, trying to hide her discomfort for that.

A playful glare is aimed Harry's way as he reaches for a snowball. Uh oh. Inga reaches for more snow as well. "Perhaps I'm only good at short range!" she informs him, reaching up and to smoosh snow in his face.

Serves him right.

Then Nasa is giving her pointers on snowball throwing. Inga's cheeks flush red with embarrassment. No one was suppose to have noticed that! "Tch...there's no good leg, they're both bad," she grumbles in reply, reaching for more snow. "However," she begins, quickly packing a snowball. She tosses it lightly in the air at about the same time she mumbles "wind" in old Norse.

This time, the snowball goes flying with the force of a professional pitch.

"Hmph," she says, then looks back at Harry. GRIIIIN.

Then, Toph blast off at the speed of...earth? Inga just blinks.

Illya von Einzbern (641) has posed:
Illya floats through the gate. Floating, because she's a magical girl and can do that. It keeps her out of the snow. She immediately beelines towards Kerry, but stops about halfway there when she spots Saber and then Irisviel next to her and what what. She blinks a lot.

"Wh— ... mama?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
"It could always be worse, Grasshopper. I could be the Winter Knight and literally at her beck and call, by force of magic and power." He grumps and...
And stoically takes it in the face from Inga who reaches up to slam dunk snow in his nose. He manages to close his eyes, but just... rocks back on his heels a bit.

And then he sighs, letting snow melt off his face, looking around a bit. "Right, I guess I deserved that, didn't I?"

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
"Yes," Irisviel offers in agreement. "I don't know yet what is to become of the Grail War, but if possible, I'd like for Illyasviel to grow up as a normal girl." But she knows it might already be too late, given the 'programming' to fight in a war that lies dormant within her daughter. Before she can say more, however, her mother-daughter telepathy turns out to be accurate after all. Initially surprised by the appearance of another Illyasviel - especially in that kind of outfit - she quickly puts the pieces together and realizes this must be one of her other daughters. The one she spoke to before.

She is quick to smile and hold out her fuzzy-sleeved arms, welcoming a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you, Illya!" she calls out cheerfully. "That outfit is so cute~!" The floating thing is kind of amazing, but she'll save gushing over that for once more proper greetings have been observed. Like HUGGING, because there is no Illya in all the worlds who is not her daughter.

Meanwhile, the younger Illyasviel is in the middle of a battlefield, and thus remains unaware of the imminent confusion lying in wait for her. While Na`sa protects her, Illya crouches behind her and forms snowballs, while calling out encouragement. "Don't worry! Illyasviel von Einzbern won't let down her protector - not even a rogue!" Then she passes up snowballs to the drow, providing her with ammunition without having to stop protecting the tiny homunculus.

Team work!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is in a fiarly good mood she shakes her head at Inga.

"No I didn't you just made a point on something I need to keep track of. Well that's true you cn pull yourdself back togehter I admit. That is something...so I salvaged a ship a while ago I want to show it to you sometime."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Inga's response was a bit surprising for Nasa. She'd assumed it was a 'one bad leg' situation. Both bad though? That was kind of embarassing to have assumed like that, now! And then Inga whispered in that old norse tongue. Nasa could not understand it; but what she COULD understand was the prickle of magic it caused against her magical resistances, causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. Nasa shifted quickly, preparing to get out of the way of Inga's throw – but she'd felt the magic just a moment too late, and it glances off of her side. "...Is one way to get around it, yes." Nasa grins widely towards Inga. This time she neglected to keep track of if her mouth was open or not, so people may or may not get to see that mouthful of sharp teeth that Nasa had. Creepy~.

And the one that Nasa was protecting was now passing snowballs to her. Nasa shifts her gaze down towards Illya, regarding her quietly for a few moments. Nasa then flashes a grin and reaches to take the snowballs passed to her, moving to slip behind the cover with her. Magic is left behind in favor of teamwork, Nasa throwing snowballs at the other children with a gleeful little laugh. While she was an adult, since she was so short... she probably seemed like a child herself. Many knew better, but the children and Illya may or may not! "Rogues to make the best allies, when you are their friend. Is pleasure to meet you, Illyasviel von Einsbern. Nasa is Na`Sabal-Une Fang. Can just call her Nasa, is easier~." Nasa says cheerfully, keeping an eye on Inga and others that were possibly able to get a vantage point over her behind the makeshift cover she made.

Inga has posed:
Yes, that would be just terrible Harry, wouldn't it?

Totally not forshadowing.

Inga giggles a little at the look on Harry's face. The extreme grump! "Oh come now Harry, have a bit of fun," she says, her smile slipping. "Is something the matter?" she asks more quietly.

To Kotone, Inga nods. "Yes it is...ah..not..well, I do not really understand how it works. It is unnerving," she replies. Then, a curious look. "Oh? Very well. I hope perhaps I will not be the cause of its destruction, this time," she comments, glancing away briefly.

Illya von Einzbern (641) has posed:
"Mama!" Illya promptly throws herself into Irisviels' arms. It's not her Iris, but it's still her Iris, so it still counts as her Iris. "Why thank you! I enjoy it. Don't you, magical Ruby?"

The Kaleidostick leers. "It's better when she installs into the cards."


Inga has posed:
And Inga most certainly looks quite satisfied when she beams Nasa with a snowball, nodding to her, grinning.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Oh don't worry about it you should be fine, inga."

Snowballs eh? She seems to have an idea s she goes to make one and she wits till Inga is distracted then she strikes Flump! It's a snowball fight!

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
Harry just grumbles a bit more. "No, nothing's the matter, i just didn't expect you to Larry Bird me there." He sighs, and rolls his neck a bit and then shakes his head to toss the snow off. "I'm fine."
He rubs at Inga's hair, before looking to the rest of the field of combat, and slapping the tip of his staff into the snow and dirt at his feet. "ATTENTION, Dún Reáltaí. I AM MAGUS DRESDEN, AND THIS BATTLEFIELD IS MINE." He's bellowing and grumping even, pulling up all of his I Am A Scary Wizard powers that he can. For the kids.

It's only a little Fozare, shoving a wave full of snow dust at the nearest gaggle of kids.

Inga has posed:
Suddenly, Inga is taken by surprise by a snowball from Kotone. Her mouth opens in surprise momentarily, then closes, thinning into a playfully fierce line of determination. She flicks up snow in Kotone's direction, then nearly jumps when Harry lets out his Scary Wizard Voice. She turns to look toward him as he uses his magic to fling snow at the village children, breaking into a peel of laughter. "What is a larry bird?!" she asks, stealing his moves (that he taught her) to blow snow his way, just as he'd done.

Unfortunately perhaps, Inga doesn't yet have the same control Dresden does. He might fall over this time!

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
That grin from Inga got a grin from Nasa in return... who totally grabs a couple of snowballs to lob at Inga. Though a small flicker of magic would cause each of the snowballs to split like a MIRV missile into several smaller snowballs, aimed to strike Inga more or less all over with a bunch of tiny snowballs~. Wide area attack! Nasa was totally probably taking it too far, really. Also Nasa was gradually beginning to feel just how soaked her clothing was getting. She may not feel the cold so much, but wet was definitely a sensation she could feel... and she was wearing a fluffy sweater. She was starting to get weighed down by snowball wetness, ack!

And then Harry begins to start going 'I AM A BIG SCARY WIZARD'. And Nasa does what is only natural for a Rogue. She targets Harry, beginning to throw several snowballs at the wizard, sped up by a brief burst of ice magic. After all, it's the rogue's job to take out key dangers to the rest of the party. "TO NAUT FEAR! THE ROGUE WILL TO DEFEND YOU FROM THE EVIL WIZARD!" Nasa says, standing 'tall' and 'strong', her presence much larger than her actual stature! Of course this probably just gets her beaned by several of the children's snowballs, because she was totally still the rogue. Still, she continued to target the Wizard! Because it was the rogue's job, even when 'hated'~. Hero-rogue?! Hero-rogue that just made herself into an even bigger bulls-eye probably...

Saber (346) has posed:
For her part, Saber remained unsure precisely how Iri's Grail War was going to progress after Unification. Her own had ended only moments before her reality suddenly came crashing into the multiverse, abruptly freezing time at the point just before she returned to Camlann. The Holy Grail had consumed the Einzbern completely, the artefact manifesting only briefly as she fought Archer, mere moments before Kiritsugu had issued his final command. What could have been prevented, she wondered, had they but known how it would all end?

They now had that chance, and Arturia hoped they could be dissuaded from its pursuit and find some other way to achieve their dreams...or discover new ones, such as she had. Irisviel was a mother, wishing for her daughter what no doubt any normal mother would; an ordinary life where Ilyasviel could be a normal girl. Perhaps it was not entirely possible...homunculi were not made to last beyond their purpose of fulfilling the ultimate goals of the Einzbern family. But Irisviel had Avalon, which might have been acting to lengthen her lifespan. And if that was the case, Iri wouldn't think twice about bequeathing the Noble Phantasm to her daughter. But even then, there were problems. Which one would inherit Excalibur's scabbard? From how she hugged another version of Ilyasviel and treated them equally, that was going to prove difficult.

But maybe those questions could wait while they forgot about their cares, if only for a little while. "It is said that the Holy Grail is capable of granting any wish. I no longer believe that. However, I do believe that where it cannot, the multiverse can...or grant us what we need, if not what we necessarily believe that we want."

Her faint smile returned as she watched Nasa and Ilya team up. "I never imagined such a place as this, and yet, it was granted to me. Therefore, the life you wish for her is very much possible here."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
OH GODS. Harry gets as far as CHALLENGING EVERYONE EVER and tossing off a few waves of snow before Inga winds up and tries out her own version of Fozare. He can't pronounce the norse she just used, but he can tank it.
Wait no, thee other thing. He topples over into a snow bank, and yelps.

He also manages to lever himself up, before Nasa's split push snowballs smack him in the face. Then he's back in the snow drift. Ded.

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
"Hm!" Illyasviel affirms solemnly. "Then you can just call me Illya, Nasa!" She then packs up an extra special snowball - part snow, part slush, part small rocks, part mud. She considered putting a rock in the middle, but while she can be vindictive, she isn't THAT mean. "This one I will call the Ultimate NasaIllya Snowball Trump Card Special! If anyone gets too close, it will chase them off back to their holes!" This is the most fun she has in a long time. Even if she is taking it kind of too seriously, it's still a game. And playing is important for children. Even adult drow who can be mistaken for children.

Meanwhile, Irisviel hugs Illya gladly, rocking back on her seat as a result of the rushed glomping, but not quite falling over. She becomes aware of how cold her head is getting as a result of the loss of her hat, but is more concerned with the excitement of 'meeting' her daughter. "My, you've certainly grown haven't you?" Despite having not seen this Illya before, it still FEELS like she is seeing her after a long time of being away. She can guess at how she looked when she was younger easily enough because, that younger Illya is right over there making hyper-slush balls.

She looks surprised when she hears a voice speaking up and searches around for it until identifying the kaleidostick. "...Ah! Ruby, is it? Installing into... Cards? Sorry, I don't quite get it." Even if she is a slightly dirty-minded homunculus, she can't quite make that phrase out to be anything worthy of a yell of 'pervert'. Instead she pokes at those feathery little ear-thingies on Illya's head because they're soooo cute, and asks, "How have you been doing, Illya? Have you been eating well? Getting to bed on time? Taking care of yourself?" Mothering begins!

She goes silent as she listens to Saber's words, and considers them seriously. Her smile never leaves her, but it's slightly less happy and more... Melancholy. "You may be right. If one tries to obtain everything, one may wind up with nothing. Being happy with what we're given might be the best way to make the most of this gift we've been given." She was willing to accept that she wouldn't live to see her daughters grow old. She was willing to accept that she was going to die for the sake of Kiritsugu's wish - a wish she didn't really understand, but embraced because it was important to her husband. And yet here is another Illyasviel, older than Iris would have lived to see if things hadn't changed so drastically. There is definite wisdom to Saber's words, and Iri can see, understand, and appreciate that truth.

But what she does with her life isn't necessarily about her happiness. She is glad for these opportunities, but if Kiritsugu chose to pursue the Grail, she would still go with the plan regardless. Because she knows it's important to him.

Now, however, it seems that isn't the plan anymore. And despite herself, she is glad for that.

Meanwhile other-Illya looks over to see if her mother is watching her and Nasa snow ball battle and their imminent triumph over the forces of Inga and Harry and whatever other ruffian crew is against them, only to find there's... There's... Some OTHER Illya sitting in her mom's lap! She stands up, even if it means leaving cover, clenches her small fists, and frowns. She has built up a healthy stock pile of snowballs for her new drow friend, so she calls out, "Nasa! Cover me!" Then she starts dashing across the battlefield, back towards her mother, shielding her face and yelling determinedly in her fiercest little girl voice.

Then she skids to a halt upon coming across Harry and yells in shock, "Aah! Another dead body!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has caught Inga with a attack but it seems that her fine as she's now caught hard on with a snowball. She shakle her head a little bit tryiong to get the snow off.

"Oh so this is how you want it all right then."

She doesn't go all out but it's clear the snowballs are comming for inga and then Harry! Maybe other people might get caught in the cross fire!

Sir Gawain has posed:
A figure rises from the dead, covered in snow...that figure is Sir Gawain, who is bored of playing dead. He picks up a snowball...and tosses it somewhere randomly very hard! He has no idea who he'll hit, if anyone, but he's back in the game, as he shouts, "Nasa! I'm on your side! Go rogues!", before running off to find her.

Sir Gawain has defected to the dark side.

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs brightly, letting out something akin to "SKREEE!" as Nasa uses her magic now, splitting her snowball into smaller snow...bullets!? Inga is rightly pelted, the dress she wears beneath her cloak gettng soaked through. Oh boy, wet wool! Wet wool is pretty heavy.

Harry falls as he is targeted with attacks on several fronts. She can't help but laughs loudly when he bowls over into a snowbank from her attempt at his spell. She feel bad, as it wasn't her intention, but the hilarity wins out. "Oh, my champion has fallen!" she wails melodramatically, trudging over toward him, only to trip on her sodden dress and fall right on top of him into the snowbank. "Get up and defend me, my champion!" she laughs, tugging on Harry.

In some small corner of her brain she wonders if she's drunk, to be acting like this.

Kotone gets her again and Inga snickers. "Get Kotone!" she shouts, the lobs another snow ball with the aid of a bit of magic.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Hwa ha ha, victory! Nasa defeated the wizard! Wait that wasn't supposed to end that quickly how did that happen?! "The cleric does to have to seem to have dealt critical damage to the wizard before the rogue did to finish it off... d-does that to making the rogue a killstealer?!" Nasa says, frowning a bit as she thinks on that. Maybe she's been introduced to the wrong part of the internet... why would she even say something like that normally?!

And then Illya makes extra special snowballs with rocks and stuff in them. "A-ah, Illya, that kind of snowball is bad. Could to hurting someone." Nasa says, smiling. "Appreciates your thoughts behind it though." She says softly, giving a small nod. And then Illya says to cover her! Nasa gives a small nod, understanding the seriousness on her face and the situation! "Siyo, will cover you!" And then... as Illya runs, suddenly snow begins to shift beside her, forming a shield of snow and wind around Illya as she runs! Until she runs into Harry. And then the magic falters as Nasa ends up just losing it, laughing as she plops into the snow, shaking her head a bit at Illya's antics.

She pauses briefly, when Gawain stands up and stops playing dead, looking up at him from an upside-down position with a grin. "Sir Gawain~! Understands~. The rogues shall to winning the day, and then we shall to prove that the rogues are the true good guys, yes!" She says, quickly standing with a resolute look! ... That falters quickly when she realizes that her sweater was soaked through. "S...sir Gawain... Nasa-rogue ... does think... she is defeated..." She says, plopping down to her knees in part because of the weight of her sweater but also for theatrics. "Defeated by ... own sweater... so heavy... remember Nasa... as hero..." She says, before flopping forward into the snow. Oh god why did she do that, that just made her sweater MORE wet. That was a terrible idea. Nasa can only make a somewhat muffled noise in response to this, that sounds mildly discontented and annoyed. Mainly at herself.

Were Nasa able to see it, she would probably be reveling in her victory over Inga. Instead, she just makes a vaguely muffled noise as she shifts to work at getting face-up in the snow instead of face-down, because a faceful of snow does not really help with that whole breathing thing, which Nasa needed to do to survive. She was not an aquatic elf!

Sir Gawain has posed:
The partnership with Nasa ends quickly, as she is slain. "Nasa! NASA! NO! I will avenge you! You are a true hero!~". Gawain roars a battle cry, stifling laughter, as he he scoops up a hefty pack of snowballs. And then, he turns to Inga and Harry, a confident grin on his face, as he lets them fly.

Despite his crap aim, he's aiming at two targets in a wide spread. He's likely to hit at least once. And when his blitz is done, he's quickly moving for cover before restocking.

This is war.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
It doesn't take long for the erstwhile Sir Bedivere to return to the festivities. He had, at the behest of no one but his own sodden misery, stolen away to return up the hill, interested in a change of clothes. He had hung up his cloak, replaced the sodden gambeson he'd been wearing under his blue steel, and then once he'd gotten hold of a dry gambeson, he'd replaced the chain shirt and other lordly trappings, and made his way back down the hill.

So it is that he returns now, slightly drier for his efforts, managing to somehow materialise behind Saber. While he's never been one to focus on subterfuge, he's always had a knack for moving silently when he really wanted to; Bedivere and Lancelot could have switched their roles, in many regards, and performed their duties just as excellently.

Well, at least he has the good grace to clear his throat quietly, and let Saber know that he's there. And, without having to say it, to show that he's been well-behaved and changed into something slightly less likely to give him pneumonia.

Hopefully Saber's instincts will kick in, and he won't have just given her the fright of a lifetime.

"I do hope I did not miss much," he states, with quiet dignity, as though he were not just playing in the snow with a dozen of the village's children like an overgrown youth.

There's a hint of mirth in his eyes, though, even if his expression never changes.

Illya von Einzbern (641) has posed:
"Oh, right, hold on." Illya sideyes Saber.

She then pulls out the Saber card from her wallet, showing it wordlessly to the King of Heroes for a long, curious section. The black and white card shows a figure visually similiar to the woman Illya's standing in front of.

"Oh, right." Illya says, a bit carelessly. "I can utilize the cards to turn into a form of the Heroic Spirit shown on the card! Miyu looks like her when she transforms-" She points at Saber. "We can use 'calibur and everything!"

Saber (346) has posed:
It had been many years since she had assumed the role of Knight to Irisviel's Lady, but Saber did not hesitate. Lifting the white-haired woman's hand in hers in a gesture harking back to the days of chivalry, Saber gazed up into her garnet-coloured eyes with what was for her a broad smile. "We shall find a way," she reassured the homunculus. "There are many things possible in the many worlds which exist beyond ours, things which would not be otherwise possible in our own. Where once we were bound to the rules of our world, we are free. Surely there is a way to ensure you all live long lives as people, rather than short existences as tools for the sake of obtaining something unworthy of all your effort."

Saber let her hand go, looking back out at the antics of the citizens and guests of Dún Reáltaí. "This is a haven...more than I ever could have hoped. Camelot is gone, but to be granted a second chance...I never would have thought myself worthy of it. Yet, it is here."

Indeed, the Servant could easily sense the approach of her Master, just as he could sense hers, without the need for preternatural senses. She said nothing to his change of attire, at least, not out loud. Ah, good. I am glad to see that you have changed into some drier clothing. Praise! As opposed to nagging! Yes, the marshal has done well.

The jade-eyed knight indicated where Gawain was swearing vengeance for the fallen rogue, chuckling softly. "It would seem the true rogue has fallen," she quipped. "sir Gawain has once more taken up the noble banner."

Wordlessly, the Servant blinked when the older Ilya flashed her card at her, with an image which was eerily similar to her. That ability was certainly not something she was familiar with. Turning into the version of the Servant on the card? The confusion on her face was apparent; it was a wholly unfamiliar concept to her.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Yay! Nasa is a hero! Actually this was probably one of the first times she was actually called one, so it was a bit odd for her. She carefully turned over so that she was face up, moving sluggishly and tiredly. "Right, right... true hero..." Nasa mumbles quietly, blinking a few times as she lays in the snow, slowly struggling for a few moments. After musing on it for a bit, Nasa slowly began to push herself back up into a sitting position... before shifting over again so that she could begin to crawl towards the main group of people once more. "...Nasa-rogue surrenders... requests help." She says, before flopping down into the snow once more.

She totally meant help with getting the sweater off, but she ended up not really specifying help with WHAT. However, the fact that she was wearing a soaked sweater might let people figure it out fairly quickly! Now if they actually want to take it that way is another matter entirely. She kind of left it open-ended and such, really! Either way she kind of idly listened to the conversation. Because it was interesting. Also because it was something to do while weighed down by her own sweater, which probably weighed almost as much as her right now.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
Nope, Harry is quite dead. Dead and buried and lying there in a pile with Inga on top and a cute girl poking at him with a stick, most likely.
Though arms come up and hug Inga, and Harry smooches her lips quick. "Hi. I'm cold. Wanna go get food inside?"

Inga has posed:
Inga is also rather soaked, her dress hanging heavily on her. She returns Harry's kiss quickly, snickering. "Yes, absolutely. I think I need to dry off," she comments.

She looks over to Nasa, snickering. "I think Nasa also needs to dry off. Come, lets make peace and go drink mead!" she suggests, letting Harry yank her out of the snow if he would be so kind.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Oh, they're dead. Gawain did not realize this, as he drops his newly picked up snowballs. "I won! Last man standing! Rogues win!", he cries out. And then he heads over to Nasa to offer assistance getting up and to the castle. "Let's celebrate our victory, hero, with hot chocolate!~"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Where is Kotone it seems the kids have burried her in snow and she's trying to get out from under it. Woops

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Without warning something goes flying through the air again, this time coming towards Gawain!

Suddenly he has an earthbender clinging to his back. Of course, she's partially covered by snow and some of this should be getting in contact with the man's neck and maybe dribble downwards. "About time we get some hot drink, I'm freezing!" Toph complains, not about to let go.

Saber (346) has posed:
"Hm. It would appear that the war has finally ended," Arturia commented with a light hint of amusement, shaking her head at Gawain's...well, being Gawain. And with its conclusion came the promise of hot chocolate and – to Bedivere's dread – mead.

Secretly, she didn't mind so much, though she dared not admit that to her poor marshal, given how horrified he was the following morning.

Around her, it seemed that was the broad consensus, to head indoors for some drying, thawing, hot beverages, and more subtle relaxation. Now it was the turn for the lady of Dún Reáltaí to make the announcement ending that part of the day's impromptu festivities. "All are welcome as guests to the Great Hall, and to the hospitality of Dún Reáltaí," she pronounced softly, yet her voice seemed to carry with a regal command. "Our hearth is open to all."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
"Nasa needs to remember that sweaters and snow to not go together in future." Nasa mumbles, resolving to never wear a sweater when it was raining or snowing again with a resolute nod. "Going to make peace and drink warm things does to sound good to Nasa, too, though." Mead sounded better than it should. But that was largely because it was sweet, and Nasa had the strangest craving for sweets lately.

Nasa happily took the help from Gawain, because standing on her own was difficult! She carefully gets up onto her feet, before unceremoniously reaching down and pulling her sweater off and beginning to squeeze out some of the water in it. Luckily, she was wearing a tank top underneath the sweater, so she remained kind of modest without the sweater on! "...Is unsure that does to winning if you are last one standing after getting up after falling..." Nasa mumbles towards Gawain, playfully sticking her tongue out at Gawain. Meanwhile, her wings flutter a bit to try to dry and get some of the snow off of them.

And then suddenly there was a Toph pouncing the person who just helped her up. Nasa's gaze snaps towards Toph, about ready to defend Gawain! Until Toph talks and Nasa relaxes, her sweater hanging limply from her hands. "Where did you to disappearing off to, Toph? Did hide in snow or something?" She asks curiously.

Nasa's gaze was returned to Saber as she spoke though, watching and listening to her curiously. Nasa gives a small nod towards her, making her way towards Saber. In spite of her currently likely less than standard wear for Saber's time, she did recall the customs of the time. She shifted into a polite bow towards her, murmuring softly. "Nasa is pleased to accept your hospitality, Majesty." She would straighten up, before turning to quickly make her way to the great hall because drying off sounded quite good right now. The sensation of wet crunchy snow was not entirely pleasant!

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Bedivere shifts slightly until he can stand directly beside Arturia, peering down at the cards as they're indicated. One pale brow arches, although it seems he must not be quite aware of the siginficance of them. The War of the Holy Grail, after all, is not actually something he has a great deal of experience in, and only happenstance has forced him into the role of a Master.

He folds his arm, frowning slightly. Transform into the form of a Heroic Spirit? Whatever it is, it must be some manner of magic.

"Hmm." This, in response to Nasa and Gawain, as she glances over to the fallen 'rogue,' voice noncommittal. He watches them for a moment more before glancing back to Arturia. "We shall see how that battle unfolds, then."

...did he just hear the word mead? And did the tall, stoic knight just shiver a little? Totally because of the cold. Yep. Totally.

Inga has posed:
Inga drags her water-logged and now shivering self inside to the great hall, her cloak soaked and most of the front of her dress as well. She is glad she remembered to put some clothing in agartha for occasions such as this.

Inga offers to let Nasa borrow something. "If nothing else, I think I have a sweater that may well work as as a dress on you...and some dry stockings," she offers.

Inga will first hang her cloak to dry before heading for a room to change in. First things first. She likely will not suffer any permanent damage from cold, but its still pretty unpleasant to be soggy.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Gawain moves into the great hall, smiling all the way. He's helping Nasa as far in as she needs help, and he may or may not have a blind earthbender clinging to his back for safety. Once he reaches the keep, he waits for those two to get situated, and then goes to take off his beanie and jacket, revealing a t-shirt underneath. Quick winter to summer clothing GO. "Is there a prize for winning the competition? If so, I vote mead!~"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Inga would be followed by a very dreneched but good spirited Kotone ad she looks to her firned.

"I need to get something dry myself or I'll have to sit by the fire, least I can't catch cold right?"

She could shut her tactile senors off but for now she gets wht she can off that won't leve her indecent at the very least she also grins at Nasa and says "Hello and still hard to take that there are Knights of the Round table running about."

Uhoh Gawain it's another fan.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Bedivere is a little slow and stiff to trudge back into the great hall, but that's probably just because he's unreasonably cold. It's still unreasonably cold, which is to say it's probably 'closer to just below freezing' instead of 'a depressing margin below zero.'

At least the sun was out.

As to the pale-haired knight, he settles in front of the fire, wrapping his arms around himself and waiting for the warmth to seep in.

"Help yourself. There is a store in the buttery, for the village-folk." That is to say, Bedivere won't touch the stuff himself. And the buttery would be the cellar, so named for the types of casks, or butts, used to store the liquor. Behind the kitchen and downstairs! "Anyone else who wishes for some are welcome, as well."

Fortunately, the hearth is easily a third the length of the room; a truly colossal feat of engineering and masonry, and there's wood burning all down its length. It's nice and toasty! Bedivere is all the way on the left, which is closest to the front door, huddled up until he regains some measure of feeling in his hands again.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Finally inside! The blind girl keeps on clinging to Gawain's back like a koala until they are safely inside, then she lets go and falls back off of his back, landing on her feet. "Whew!" The first thing she takes off is not her scarf or her mittens, no. Off her boots go, and Toph kicks them off after loosening the laces, looking rather relieved as she kicks them off. "I don't care what you get as long as there's something warm to drink! And a fireplace to warm my poor feet by!" she declares. "And aaah, I can see again!"

Why, she's practically beaming as she wriggles her toes, all while taking off her wet outer clothing. "Buddyvere, what's for us who don't want any buttery stuff?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Nasa smiles lightly towards Inga at the offer. "Ah, maybe... though, uhm... to maybe naut worry about stockings. Nasa does to not usually wearing shoes or socks anyway." She says, carefully pulling off the shoes and socks she mainly only wore because they went with this outfit, and reasons related to Addie, her friend who was now off doing her own thing or whatnot. Nasa debates a bit on what to do, before happily taking the offered clothing.

Nasa somewhat followed after Inga to change, though would likely make use of a different room, or compartmentalize it by use of glamour. Not for herself, but for the people who cared more about modesty. Soon enough, she came out wearing a sweater that was too large for her, coming down low like a sweater dress, and the arms have been carefully rolled up and pinned in place to allow Nasa to be able to make use of her hands. Unsurprisingly, this looks utterly ridiculous, but Nasa didn't seem to care too much.

"Nasa can to help dry clothing off as-needed with water magic, if is wanted. Though fire maybe is preferable in long run because does also warm you..." Even if she wasn't bothered by hot or cold all that much, she still knew that warm was pleasant and cold was unpleasant for most people. "Hot cocoa does to sound tastier to Nasa than mead right now. Is not in mood for self-poisoning at moment." She murmurs with regards to the alcolholic beverages.

After a while, Nasa makes her way over closer to Bedivere, kind of hovering in the air as her wings fluttered. "So. Is to having fun snowball fights part of knight virtues?" Nasa asks playfully towards him, though she was legitimately curious of his response. She only vaguely knew him, but from how he talked on the radio, she also had a small amount of respect for him. As much as one could have for someone you barely knew, at any rate.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The knight blinks somewhat owlishly. 'Buttery stuff?' It takes him a moment to realise she's talking about the liquor, and he shakes his head.

"I have ensured that other things were imported. We have a large store of clean water, if that is your preference, and also a number of ciders and juices that are not alcoholic." And several that are. "Whatever is your preference, Lady Beifong."

A brisk clap of his hands summons one of the castle servants, and Bedivere quietly instructs them in what's needed – she'll return a few moments later with a tray laden with various beverages, all separated based on whether they're alcoholic or non-alcoholic. The tray is left on the large table running down the centre of the room for people to choose their beverages accordingly.

Included on that tray is a rather large selection of hot chocolate, hot tea, and even one or two different varieties of coffee, although perhaps darker and bitterer than most might be accustomed to.

Some food is left as well; scones and other light things, things that are nice and warm after the cold outside.

"Help yourself," he adds, with one of those familiar restrained smiles. Which abruptly falls away when he's grilled by Nasa, and he offers a faint shrug. "No, I should think not. But it is good for the morale of the people, and they are often in sore need of morale through such a bleak season."

Saber (346) has posed:
At the side Sir Bedivere was the Once and Future King of Britain, though now she was more than content with her role as lady of Dún Reáltaí and chief worrier over its lord. Without so much as missing a beat, she snatched the fur-lined cloak up and dropped it over his shoulders...and amusing sight, perhaps, given that he towered over the petite knight by over a foot. Fortunately, with his hair dry he need not worry about the embarrassment of her fussing over drying his hair.

"We also have had hot chocolate brought in, as well as tea, both black and green," Saber answered Toph, with a quick aside to servants to bring those out for their guests, along with the hoped-for mead and spiced hot wine. Which again, Bedivere need not have worried; hot chocolate was ordered for the both of them.

She chuckled softly at Nasa's question, nodding at Bedivere's answer. "Aye, well. Knightly virtues are what it means to be a knight, but it is not all of what we are."

Inga has posed:
Oddly, Inga is fairly sure she hasn't been formally introduced to Sir Gawain, though she supposes it is enough they know who eachother is. "Mead, most certainly," she says. She looks to Bedivere, waiting to see if he winces. Aw, disappointment. "You should have a bit, it would warm you up quickly," she comments. He'll say no. She's teasing.

Inga goes to change, ducking into a room with Kotone and perhaps Nasa. Once the door is closed, Inga begins to get out of her sodden clothing. "Yes, wool is quite heavy when wet," she grumbles, reaching for her belt pouch. It is a small pouch, but as she reaches into it, her arm clearly disappears inside up to the elbow. This is still astounding to Inga, and she has no idea how it works. All she knows is that it leads to the world tree and she cache there. She begins pulling out articles of clothing. "Here Kotone, hopefully this will work for you..." she says, pulling out red sweater and a long skirt (because Inga does not wear pants or short skirts).

Nasa is indeed given the sweater. It'll work.

This leaves Inga with a bit of an...interesting outfit to wear, as she doesn't keep all her clothes in Agartha...

So, Inga reappears in a black hooded sweatshirt that is large enough on her to come down to her knees. Since Nasa had refused the dry stockings, Inga wears an old fashioned pair of white stockings as well. She feels a little bit ridiculous, but returns with all the dignity she can muster.

If there is still a chair by the fire to be had, Inga takes it with a grateful sigh as the warmth begins to infuse her bones. A glass of mead is accepted with thanks. "As always, your hospitality is without peer," she says to Bedivere and Saber.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Huh, Nasa can dry stuff off? Toph turns her head a bit and grins. "Could you dry mine before I head home? And some warmth would be nice, my feet are cold from being outside!"

It's easy enough to decide on a hot beverage too. "Hot chocolate please!" the blind girl replies to Saber, and she gladly accepts a mug from one of the servants and enjoys how it warms up her hands. Though she does have something to settle as she raises her hand...

And points it directly at Bedivere. "I told you, Buddyvere," she begins in a determined manner of speaking, "to call me by my first name." Yet Inga at least is right. The Lord and Lady of Dún Reáltaí have indeed been hospitable and opened their doors. And sure, playing in the snow isn't something Toph can enjoy all that much, but it hadn't been too bad. Especially not now with hot chocolate and decent company. "Buddyvere does need to smile more and learn how to relax and have fun, after all."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Bedivere barely has time to wince before Arturia's own fur-lined cloak is uncerimoniously dropped over his shoulders. Murmuring gratitude, he tugs the garment more securely about himself, hunching his shoulders a bit to warm himself up. Fortunately, that roaring hearth is a blessing.

So he huddles in the cloak and huddles a little closer to Arturia; grateful, perhaps, for her timely intervention in a detail he wouldn't have thought to see to himself. He is indeed an excellent host when it comes to other people – but never for himself.

"No, thank you." Predictably, he says no to Inga.

He does blink a bit when Inga reaches into her belt pouch and her arm vanishes up to her elbow. In fact, he stares quite blankly, blinking a few more times.


But before he can comment the conversation moves on. Well, okay, then.

"Then you will call me by mine, in my own hall," Bedivere responds serenely to Toph's accusation. "My name is Bedivere. I will thank you to use it, if nowhere else, then here in my own hall."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
"Thinks that knight virtues should to include that. Keeping morale up and making sure children are happy is very kind." Nasa says, giving a quick and somewhat firm nod towards Bedivere. "And sharing with friends and outsiders alike is also kind. Maybe even little generous, welcoming everyone to play~." She says with a somewhat resolute nod.

Saber's response also gets a perk, tilting her ears towards her as she listens. "Oooh, so is also a person on top of being knight, is good too. Like how Nasa did to technically being rogue, but was just because of fighting style, not because is thief or shady type." Well okay she was totally a shady type in race, but she tried not to be in action! "Mmm..." Nasa shifts her gaze away again, "Supposes that would to being common sense though, that would be people in addition to knights, eh-heh."

When Inga arrives in the somewhat ridiculous outfit, Nasa gives her a curious look. Well, that was uhm. Definitely different. Nasa looked down at herself for a moment, before looking back towards Inga. "...Is really okay that you did let Nasa borrow this? Is fine if Nasa does just use glamour, does not to being made uncomfortable by the cold..." Nasa murmurs softly.

Toph's request is given a quick nod from Nasa, who lifts her hand. She quietly murmurs a couple of words under her breath in the Sylvan tongue, before quickly drawing all of the water from Toph's outfit. Which then kind of hovers around Nasa while she debates what to do with the water. "Suggests sitting by fire for warmth, Nasa is bad at spells that do to involve heat and fire." Nasa murmurs softly.

Finally, Nasa claimed herself a cup of hot chocolate, before plopping down cross-legged onto the floor near the fire, turning carefully so that she was facing away from it, instead looking up at the various people in the room quietly as she sips at the chocolate. It was more or less quiet observation at the moment, as if Nasa was debating what to do, or not entirely sure what to do in a social situation.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is very happy to acceop the spare clothes to let her other clothing dry out. She got no issues with full on skirts, she just often would make a mess of them with mechanical work after all. So she ducks away to go change for a moment and hten find a place to dry her soaked clothing she also does wonder does Inga have a bias against Pants?!

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks toward Nasa, her words surprising. One could practically see her train of thought go chugging on through. She gave away her clothes to someone that didn't actually need them!? Both of her outfits? Now she looks ridiculous and that could have been prevented? AAARRG.

Inga lets out a sigh. Too late now! Enough mead and she won't care anymore, right? A small sigh, cheeks flushed slightly, she hides behind her mead until she's managed a neutral expression once more. "It is alright, Nasa...too late now," she says with a small laugh.

Well, at least Toph wouldn't notice?

Inga smiles more at seeing Bedivere scoot closer to Arturia. Ah, so things have developed some there, have they?

Back to Nasa. "So...you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Saber (346) has posed:
Inga was awarded a light smile, and Toph would be able to hear the modesty in Arturia's voice. "We but try," she replied, sipping at her own hot chocolate and doing her best to get Bedivere to de-thawing. He had always been terrible at looking after himself, but she was now able to pick up the slack. It might have caused him embarrassment at first, but he had acclimated to it well enough. And he was placing her up on a pedestal less; certainly an improvement! If Ingla only knew...but that was perhaps better left for her to wonder about.

"We would not be terribly good knights if we did not keep to the most basic of our laws..."

Nasua earned another light chuckle. "Ah, well that was a game...I played it frequently with my brother and my second-in-command, occasionally...though quite obviously in secret. It would not have been a very...kingly thing to do." The redness on her face might not have been entirely from the cold.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
What? No, don't do that! Believer's response catches Toph by surprise, and she even lets out a slight whiny sound. Don't appeal to her in that way! Now she's tempted to feel sorry for him, if only a little. "But it's a nickname! Friends give each other nicknames, you were being all formal and crud!" she protests.

It does help with Nasa drying off her clothes by extracting all the water, and she offers a polite nod of her head. "Thanks, Nasa." Why yes, sitting in front of the fire does sound like a stellar idea. So she walks past Inga and reaches out for her arm. "Let's go sit in front of the fire, girls." That means you too, Nasa! And no, of course Toph doesn't notice. Clothes don't exactly have the mass nor consistence needed for her seismic sense to pick them up.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Looking up from the mug of hot chocolate he'd been handed – such a luxury, and such a delicious thing, unheard of in his day! – Bedivere furrows his brow at the mention of such a game.

"Sir Lancelot? Truly?" He seems almost puzzled by the mention of the tall, somber knight doing anything that didn't involve scowling. "I would not have imagined that of him. Or you, my lady," he adds, arching a brow. Not 'my king,' or 'my lord.' 'My lady.' "Interesting."

Those mild, violet eyes level on Toph. "By the same token, it can be seen as a form of disrespect. A knight has little but his name, his word, and his service; to have his name mutilated so is something that could easily be seen as a sign of disrespect." It's also annoying, but he doesn't say that. "I am not being formal. I am merely acting as I have been taught; with respect, and consideration."

He doesn't get a chance to answer; she's already gone. He sighs and turns back to the fire. "Lord God," he murmurs under his breath, "but I wish she would but use my proper name. It is wearisome..." But she probably won't stop. This is Toph we're talking about, after all.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Nasa tilts her head curiously at Inga as she watches her facial expression silently. After a few moments, Nasa lifts her hand slightly. "If is fine, then... hm. Maybe Nasa can..." She shifts slightly, quietly beginning to draw forth a glamour to make Inga's current outfit at least look like Inga's usual outfit. Though it would only be appearance, Nasa not bothering with any other senses than sight, so Inga would likely be very aware it wasn't her usual outfit. "Ah, was just ... curious what kind of salves and such you do to use, Nasa does to making potions. Is it to being more fantastical salves that do to involve magic and magical ingredients, or is to being salves that do to involve things like st. john's wort and willowtree bark mixed with fat?" Nasa asks curiously as she looks at Inga.

Nasa's gaze flicks up towards Saber, who was listened to rather intently. So far, Nasa believed that she liked this lady-king, even if she found it weird that she was called a king. "A game? Oh, does mean the Rogue in the Castle? Did seem interesting, though was unsure how did know if had lost or not... beyond that when could not move from own sweater being heavy." She gives one of those fae-like giggles, tinkling and amused. "Does enjoy it." She says with a quick nod.

Nasa was a step or two ahead of Toph it seemed, as she was already by the fire, she had practically made a beeline there! Even if she could use her magic to dry herself off, she was letting her hair dry naturally using the warmth of the fire. "Is welcome, Toph! Though is already to being by the fire..." She murmurs idly, her ears twitching thoughtfully as she sipped at her hot cocoa. Mm. Sweet things. Why she liked it so much was weird to her now, but she liked it nonetheless. So she decided to enjoy it.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now in a skirt and sweater she doesj't seme to mind she's just happy to not be dreneched now and she's spinds a bit commeiung to Ing and to Nasa. "So how do I look?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
Harry wanders out into the hall, likewise wearing one of his sweatshirts, carrying damp clothes and his duster... which gets a lot more care than the clothes. "Okay, so I think I got most of the water off of it, and the spells aren't messed up."
He looks up and smiles cheerily though the whiskers. "Did I miss anything?"

Inga has posed:
Inga would steer Toph over to a seat by the fire of course. The hot chocolate smells so amazing she might have to switch to drinking that. The amazing, delicious, incredible food that is chocolate is still relatively new to her. Indeed, something her and Bedivere are not used to, being from similar backgrounds. Which is to say, another world. The past.

Then a glamour happens, without the use of any magic that Inga can see. She could change the way others see her perhaps, but the level of glamour Nasa employs is amazing, as is the casual way in which she accomplishes it! Inga's eyes widen as she appears in her usual style of dress. "Really...it was quite alright...but thank you. That is remarkable magic!" she replies, looking down again. She knows she's not actually wearing it, and if she concentrates she can see through the glamour...still. Impressive.

"Most of my salves are of the healing nature. I make salves, brews, charms...while I have magical healing and it is very effective, I like to use more mundane methods as well. I have all the knowledge, I would not want it to go to waste. I do use herbs in magic as well, in various ways. You brew potions as well? Interesting. To what purpose do you usually use them?" she asks.

Inga looks up as Harry arrives, changed out of his wet clothing. Hmm, would he see through the glamour? "There's mead and hot chocolate...Nasa and I were discussing salves and potions and what not," she answers, motioning him over.

Inga glances toward Bediver and Saber as Lancelot is mentioned. She purses her lips thoughtfully. Surely, the stories must have gone differently than what she knows...but by how much?

Inga smiles to Kotone. "You look nice Kotone, though I must ask for my clothes back when you're finished with them," she adds with a jovial smile.

Saber (346) has posed:
It seemed so decadent, to be able to both live in a manner they were accustomed to in a castle more in keeping with their own era, yet also with many modern marvels. The keep was warm thanks to modern insulation, and the hot drink was one which had been introduced to their country only centuries after their own time. Arturia felt downright spoiled at times, especially with several of her knights already returned to her.

"Aye," she affirmed. "Training in the woods well beyond Camelot, where no suspicious eyes would see. In those 'hunting trips', we had little need for masks."

So she had let her mask down even then, though only rarely, and it seemed only her best friend had been the only one who had seen her mask slip other than Sir Ector and Sir Kay.

Saber chuckled over the mutual protestations between Toph and Bedivere, where formality clashed with informality, but the reaction was amusingly similar. "Hm, well, she means no disrespect," the flaxen-haired knight soothed him. "In her way, that is honour, to bestow these nicknames...as embarrassing as they can be."

With a nod, Saber smiled slightly at Nasa. "It is," she confirmed. "Though...this was the first time I have ever played with with snow," she admitted, chuckling softly. "The previous time was with cutlery. Sir Lancelot was in a playful mood at the time, as we had both been reunited under favourable circumstances."

The reunion before that, of course, had been facing him in the Holy Grail War after he had been summoned as a Berserker, and that battle had ended tragically.

"It was indeed fun," she agreed.

Finishing the last of her hot chocolate and handing the mug off to a passing servant, she stood, urging Bedivere to his feet as well once he was done with his own drink. He was holding up well enough, but she was not about to let him catch yet another illness from the cold and wet. "It has been a most enjoyable day," she told the small group. "However, I fear that we must retire for the evening. However, you are all free to stay as long as you wish...it is a day for getting to know each other, after all. There are hot baths as well as guest quarters, if the hour draws too late for you to return immediately."

With a slight but warm smile, the Servant bowed slightly, her arm folded over her torso. "It has been good to see you all. May the rest of your eve be pleasant." And with that, she departed, her marshal in tow after her.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Ahah. I had wondered where you had really gone." Bedivere keeps his arms folded beneath the fur-trimmed cloak, eyes hooding. "More often than not, you had returned without any game whatsoever. While I can certainly understand having poor luck, it seemed to hound you like nothing else."

Sharp eyes, his. Although something seems to dim in them, slightly. For so many years he had longed to see what lay beneath that mask, and it was ultimately Lancelot who had been given that privelege. Still, his disappointment is muted, at best. It was good for her to have that outlet, even if it had been denied to him. "I am glad," he murmurs, then, in response to Lancelot's forays into the wilds.

A brow raises, faintly, but he doesn't seem inclined to be swayed on the count of nicknames. The simple truth is that it is, to him, a disrespectful annoyance; he, who had been accustomed to nothing but the utmost respect from the soldiers he had commanded. Maybe it's a result of the political climate he had been forced to navigate in Camelot.

"On that I must respectfully disagree. I would prefer she refer to me by the name..." If it were any other situation he might say 'by the name his mother gave him,' but that wasn't the name his mother gave him. It was the name he chose for himself when he remained in Camelot. He sighs through his nose, momentarily annoyed, mild as it may be.

He glances aside. "My brother and I did, once upon a time, before we left Dál Riata. But it was long ago. Very long ago." He manages a tentative smile. "But I agree. It was enjoyable."

He climbs to his feet, weary after the exertion of slogging through snow and being assaulted by a dozen of the village children. It's tiring. "Indeed," he murmurs, bowing his head to the others. "I thank you for coming. Inform the servants if you should require anything, and they will see to your needs. Good eve."

The knight also bows, with a faint smile of his own, before turning to take his leave, filing up the stairwell behind the King of Knights.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
Nasa glances towards Kotone, tilting her head a bit. "You to look like a surfacer, so uhm... normal! Nasa thinks? Also outfit does to not look bad on you." Nasa says with a firm nod. She was bad at complimenting, maybe...

"Ah, uhm. Is not that remarkable. Glamour is to just being inherent fae ability, illusions. Can do more complex illusions, but is unnecessary in this case, and does take more energy." Nasa murmurs softly in response to Inga. As Inga speaks of the kind of healing she does, Nasa listens rather intently. "Nasa does usually to making healing aids. Is mostly stuff like painkillers and stuff to help person's own... uhm... what is word... what is word... me...me-ta-bo-lism to help healing faster." Nasa says with a small nod. "Also does to making vicious poisons but is to not being a potion, even if is made similar way." She says matter-of-factly, as if it were unimportant.

Saber is given a curious look. "Has not played with snow before? Must to not have been able to go out often in winter... does remember first time encountered snow. Was pain. Did have to try very hard to survive that winter, but luckily had managed." Nasa murmurs with a nod. "Yes! Very fun. Ah... does hope that does to having fun evening, Lady King." Nasa says with a little bow of her head as Saber departed.

As Bedivere begins to take his leave, Nasa stands up and gives a relatively polite-ish bow back at him, smiling cheerfully towards him. "Was pleasure to play with you, Sir Bedivere. Appreciates you for having us over~." She says cheerfully as she straightens up. Afterwards, she would resume her seated position, because she was quite content with sitting. For now, at least.

Inga has posed:
Inga nods to Nasa, smiling lightly. "It is remarkable to me. Suppose...a lot of things are," she comments thoughtfully. The things that have happened to her have been remarkable. The things she can do. Mostly, they are overwhelming. She goes without thiking about some of the more troubling aspects when possible, for sanity. "I can change what people see...charms of concealment, chargs to strike terror into an enemy...but your illusions...you did it so effortlessly! It is impressive," she informs her.

"Mmm, well that is good then. Perhaps we should swap recipes and secrets," she says, smiling. "I would like to learn more about medicine as it is done in the future–the present–the–" Inga sighs, exhasperated, giving up. "Anyway. New techniques. Surgery and the...the drugs that are given to put people to sleep. Fascinating."

Inga turns and bows her head to Saber and Bedi. "Goodnight to you both, sleep well," she says, bidding them goodnight.

Yaaaawn. Seems tiredness is catching.