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Latest revision as of 18:56, 28 February 2015

Davina vs Goliathia
Date of Scene: 27 February 2015
Location: Fall
Synopsis: Kaede and Audrey face off over a disagreement on the Broadband.
Cast of Characters: 312, 652

Kaede (312) has posed:
    It was a challenge. Made in a moment of passion, but Kaede isn't one to back down, especially when it was her own big mouth that got her into this mess. The little shinki sits perched on tall rock out in the middle of nowhere, this area of 'Fall' not frequented enough to warrent any kind of structure. Just open terrain.

    She's waiting for her opponent, while sipping on a jellycan, her equipment already summoned and ready to go.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Audrey is not a petty person. One would certainly argue she's a lot of very awful things, ranging from 'obsessed with Souji' to 'probably an assassin and a killer hiding behind the fact her job makes it legal', and passing by 'sociopath'. But petty, not really. She's here to shake a Shinki a bit, not to cause a giant incident that'll get even more heat on Souji. That'd kind of defeat the purpose.
    Though in all honesty she'll probably enjoy it.

    The late teenager, in her dark blue military overcoat reinforced with metal, armored gloves and sheathed gunblade to her side, arrives by the nearest Warp Gate and the good old fashioned 'use your legs and get there yourself'. She only did minimal research on Shinki, due to an overload of work, so Kaede'll have the advantage of being something she's never fought before. And tiny at that.

    Reaching the rock Kaede uses as a perch, the Heritor gives an idle salute. "You must be Kaede. I trust you'll live up to your end of this and that you have no traps set up, just as I came alone. I do not intend to kill you, but I suggest you have a pick up on stand by. I do need to demonstrate I won't tolerate idle threats on my employer."

    Posture posture posture. You could replace all that with 'blah blah'.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede's visor flicks up as her tracker picks up Audrey's approach. "Y'don't give me much credit do ya?" she grouses lazily. "Why'd you think I picked this outta th'way place? So we could do this alone, without interferance." she adds, standing and turning to look up at the hume.

    "I don't do traps, I do honourable fights... though I /do/ sometimes use sneaky tactics~." she says, grinning behind her helmet's lower plate. "C'mon then! Lets get this started, y'wanna take th'first swing, or should I?"

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "I'm merely confident. No offense intended," Audrey clarifies, as she stretches her arms. The armored gauntlets click, and actually shrink into sleeker ones, which give the general appearance her hands are robotic rather than big bulky powerfists. One hand comes to rest on the gunblade's hilt, even as it stays sheathed.

    "If you wish to prove me wrong, you have the chance to right now. I will acknowledge you Shinki are made for battle, and so I'll show the care and respect that warrants." Buuuuut... "You may strike first. You have an advantage-- I have not had time to research your capabilities or schematics. Make the most of that."

    Her posture looks pretty battle-ready-- in general that's something that's always true. She always seems to hold herself straight. Paranoia or insecurity, maybe? Could just be training and awareness.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    The sound of jets powering up fills the air, small and tinny due to the size, but up she floats as her jetpack streams heatwaves from the exhausts. "Alright then! Here I go!" states the Shinki, as a pair of curved blades appears in her hands, resolving from prismatic light.

    Kaede is a High Speed type, meaning her frame isn't as rugged as some others, but she's /damn/ fast, and with a cyan blur, she's all up in Audrey's business, aiming for weakspots in the Heritor's defenses.

    Now, a Shinki's blades are small, but they're razor sharp! So this might be a 'Death by 1000 cuts' situation.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Speed. Of course she should have expected something that small to be fast comparatively, or they'd never be able to get anywhere in time. Holes in Audrey's defenses are fairly few and far between, sadly-- her clothes seem reinforced, just moreso where there's actual metal plates. Her head is the only exposed part, not that aiming there isn't viable. The dozens of small cuts are difficult to defend against by their nature though, so aiming for weakspots isn't too necessary.

    Cuts and tears form in the clothes, while a few streaks of blood are already gracing her cheeks. Audrey focuses her magic inward, sealing up the injuries as she unsheathes the gunblade. It hums immediatly, magic flowing through her arm and into the weapon.

    The blade is electrified, making even a graze capable of inflicting harm. She doesn't flail it about, and instead makes a precise strike with the blunt side to try to bat Kaede away.

    "I wonder how many weapons are on that tiny frame of yours."

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede is a mechanical being, so that slap sends a surge of electricity through her frame. The impact alone would have likely caused severe structural damage, but the coursing current makes part of her body actually explode out as the circuit overloads and pops.

    The Shinki sails through the air, lifelessly for a moment, before she 'rolls' and arrests her speed with a few bursts from her jetpack. "Ow." she states plainly, before that grin can be spotted again, her mouth visible below her faceplate. "Oh, you'll find I'm /full/ of surprises!" she replies, flaring her jetpack again and charging straight for Audrey. This time though, she doesn't go for melee range immediately! One blade flashes out, and is replaced by some kind of blaster, made obvious in its purpose when it starts to spit pulses of yellow-white energy at the hume.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "Good. I would be disappointed if you could not at least somewhat live up to the noise you made," Audrey says, readying herself for the next strikes-- which turn out to be blaster fire. The Bolt cartridge is ejected from the gunblade, replaced swiftly by an ice one. The Heritor makes a cut through the air, which solidifies into a layer of ice. It tanks a few of the shots, but the following ones breach through, especially if Kaede just charges right in. The shots singe her skin and damage her uniform, and she's forced to take a step back.

    "Tch. Like fighting a Cactuar."

    The gunblade is swung, this time attempting to cut the Shinki with ice. But with her other hand, Audrey withdraws a spear from within her coat, obviously using typical RPG hero inventory physics. The long weapon's speartip is shaped like a snowflake, and its greater reach is being used to try and deny Kaede as much dodging room as possible.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede is going full pelt chasing after her blasts. The slash is dodged, the outer edge of the ice sheath frosting one of her jets and making it stall for a moment, while the spear gets much closer, though the Shinki jinks up at the last moment, landing on the haft of the weapon and running down it.

    On her descent, the other blade dematerializes, to be replaced with a small buckler-type shield. Four of those same blades then materialize on the blaster and shield, two apiece, as she leaps and goes in for melee again, stabbing and slashing with her blade-bristling equipment. "I dunno what a Cactuar is, but I think I like 'em!" she chimes singsong... what a weird little robot.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "An annoying monster that attacks with a thousand strikes," is Audrey's answer, even as Kaede comes in with her many strikes. The cuts and tears are as before-- though slowly, the damage to her reinforced clothes starts adding up, if Kaede tries to aim where it's already cut a bit. Skin starts being exposed here and there, but blood seems pretty hard to draw on her body. Reinforcement magic of some kind?

    Easy to tell this sort of assault will eventually get rid of her armor at least. Just a matter of aiming right.

    Rather than keeping backing away, Audrey tosses the spear aside, pulling a one-handed axe out instead. The gunblade slices again-- for a feint. The icy blade isn't intending to hit, but to open the path for the axe.


    It flashes-- the strike is massive, but non-elemental. It attempts to inflict the Addle status effect, which vaguely makes it harder to aim. Though it also hurts, since it's an axe.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede goes flying backwards again, this time it takes her a moment longer to recover. "Tch, scrambled my targetting system..." she grouses, dismissing her helmet to let her short grey hair fly free in the wind. "Doesn't matter!" The Shinki is starting to look worse for wear though, paint missing from the impacts, gouges cut from the hardened plastic of her chestplate and some of her jetpack.

    She dismisses her weapons, to summon a much larger one! If her last weapon was a 'Blaster' This one is a 'Rifle'. She sights down it with her 'bare optics', the weapon whirring up to life, before unleashing a large bolt of blue-white energy!

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    A larger weapon. Better not tempt fate and take it to the face, God knows what that'll do to someone. Audrey's gunblade is sheathed in an instant, the axe stuffed away-- likely back into her inventory, along with the spear. Or on the ground. She brings her arms together and crosses them, bracing for impact.

    The bolt of energy slams into her forearms, ripped through her sleeves and impacting the sleek mechanical gloves. They seem very difficult to damage, but that sort of hit can damage the muscles and bones without needing to actually pass through.

    While she's at it, though, she goes from Brace to Chakra again, her injuries healing-- red streaks close, but she can't do anything about her clothes. Her fists clench, and she pulls one arm back.

    "Do not think distance will save you."

    A punch is thrown-- literally. Audrey's punch in the air produces a spark and flash of blue-white light a foot away from the Shinki, which attempts to impact with the strength of the punch. It's not quite a rocket fist, but it's the next best thing.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    CRRK! The auric punch slams directly into the Shinki, sending her flying backwards once more. She falls out of the air, and slams into a rock, as pieces fall from her damaged body... there goes one of her jetpack engine blocks, a leg... but she floats back into the air after a moment. "Gotta admit... you're better than I thought!" she compliments, beaming brilliantly. She then goes for something ballsey.

    Charging another blast, she fires it off, then instantly changes to the Blaster with blades, surging forwards on that single engine block while firing bursts of blaster bolts to mix with that larger one. Finally, once she gets back into melee range, she goes about her business... that being slashing at weakened areas of Audrey's armour, trying to punch a substantial hole!

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "And the man you threatened is better than I am. Frankly, I question your willingness to get injured over a childish, stupid creature you've likely never even met." Though the chatter isn't that distracting, the fact Kaede comes in with countless shots and then a strike up close means she needs to focus on that. She's slipping up, allowing hits to connect for the sake of talking. This is rather unprofessional. The shots themselves do the usual-- they single and burn clothes. Charging in melee allows the blade to finally pierce through the armor and cut deep into the Heritor's chest, but the same magic from before is used to seal the injury before it bleeds too much.

    Audrey produces a longsword out of her coat. It glows purple-ish once she grasps it fully. Several strikes are delivered with it, and at the peak of each swing the sword lets off another ominous pulse of magic. Gravity warps, trying to lure the Shinki towards the incoming blade, as if (well, it pretty much is) the sword were generating its own attraction.

Kaede (312) has posed:

    Kaede gets smashed by the blade, pulled back in and CUT IN HALF, before she manges to half dodge and glide along the final sweep, rolling in the air unsteadily. The severed lower half of her body hits the ground, and a few exposed wires show from the bottom half of her severed torso. It'd be a gruesome sight, were she biological.

    "It's not over the... whatever he was! It was because he was being a meanie mcmeanpants for no reason! It didn't even concern him!" she replies adamantly. "It's the principle of the thing!"

    She then resummons a blade, and the buckler shield with its own blades, pulling whatever power she can muster for one final run. Pouring power into the remains of her jetpack, she surges forwards, then redirects that power into her arm motors, turning the remains of her frame into a flurry of slashing, stabbing pointy ow.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "It did not concern you, either," Audrey responds.

    "That loud, annoying child has been using the Broadband like a preschool classroom for almost an entire week. It was inevitable someone would call him out, especially as he started spouting pointless, empty philosophy and calling it wisdom."

    A hint of annoyance is in Audrey's voice. She has few hot buttons, but that childish noise hits one of them. She should really focus on the Shinki though. Countless rocket-powered slashes come her way, hacking into her exposed skin. Blood stains her coat plentifully, and after five seconds of suffering that flurry of blows, Audrey actually leaps back and out of melee range, giving that up for the sake of not getting hacked into tiny pieces. This time the injuries don't close. Too many, maybe, or she's spent too much magic on doing that already.

    "That aside," she continues. "If the child was not open to critism on his behavior, perhaps he should not be using the public radio. It is public, after all. You cannot speak on it and expect everyone to agree with you. It is a chaotic, worthless frequency, but those who use it at least acknowledge that."

    She suddenly blurs-- with a flash steps, she reappears before Kaede, one arm pulled back. Black magic gathers around her hand as she swings it for the Shinki. "Lifebane."

    It's just a powerful punch, but one that can inflict Doom.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede isn't 'alive' for Doom to take effect... but the punch alone is enough to knock the remaining jet block from her rigging, and send her spiralling down onto the ground, where she lays. "Battery level critical... structural integrity compromised... combat efficacy down to eight percent... I'm done, you win." she concedes, looking up at the Heritor. "Ally Kaede to Union... I need a pick up."

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    In fairness, Doom will tick on just about anything. On the other hand, it's pretty easy to resist. Misses a lot, too. Good try, but people just have that damn much willpower.

    Audrey withdraws her fist, adjusting the gloves and glancing around. She doesn't see the need to pursue this any further. It'd just cause a mess. She made the statement she wanted to-- took some injuries, but that was expected. Shinki aren't defenseless, after all.

    "I'll be taking my leave, then. I should rather not be here when your allies arrive. Take of this meeting whatever you will. Thank you for your time."

    She'll adjust her coat, make sure the gunblade is sheathed in right, and then make her way off to where one of Magister Twilight's Ponies is waiting. An easy way out is appreciated.