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Sangheili Pirates
Date of Scene: 01 March 2015
Location: Void - Space Ways
Synopsis: Space Pirates find an unexpected surprise on their latest prey.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, 38, 513, 571, 661, 686

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The United Earth Government reassumed control once the war with the Covenant was over with, and their first priority was to try to restablish contact with lost colonies, and begin to restablish colonies whereever they could. Unfortunately a lot of the worlds that had survived the war were still faced with numerous problems, the least of which included attacks from Covenant remnants and human insurgents who wanted to break away from the UEG, quickly resuming hostilities as soon as the Covenant had been beaten.

    Rebels from the world of Tekan IV have established an alliance with some of those Covenant remnants, and together they have been raiding shipping lanes between Tekan IV and Harvest, the first human world that was hit, where efforts to re-terraform the planet have been going slowly. The equipment from Tekan IV has been a huge help to the UEG and losing these shipments has been devesting enough that ONI has assigned Noble Six to the job of ending the attacks.

    The ship that they have taken for this mission is a standard UEG freighter known as the UEGS 'Here's To You' It has no weapons, minimal shields, and the most advanced thing on it is the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine, allowing it to go into slipspace. This is why ONI has figured the pirates have someone on the inside. There's no way for them to know when a ship would come out of slipspace if they didn't have advanced knowledge of the travel route.

    Right now the ship is in slipspace, but instead of the usual cargo of terraforming equipment, the ship contains something with a bit more punch to it. Noble Six, wearing her new War Master armor, stands in the cargo hold, looking through the weapons she brought with her, "Alright folks." She says, turning to face the gathered Unionites and Syndicate operatives, "If they follow their standard MO, as soon as we drop out of slipspace, they'll fire a warning shot across our bow and demand that we kill our engines and allow them to board. We're going to do exactly that. Those of you who can pretend to be crew members, I want you to escort them to the cargo hold after they board, where the rest of us will be waiting to ambush them.

    Six pauses for a second as she looks around to the group, "We want the leadership alive. ONI suspects that there is at least one high ranking insurgent on the raiding party at any given time. We want him alive. Same goes for the ranking Sangheili, the ship master. Everyone else is expendable."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Well if you were looking for someone to fit the part of 'unwitting deckhand' it's hard to get mroe unwitting looking than Johnny. Get rid of the armor, put him in a goold old jumpsuit and rub grease all over him, and he's just another guy, afterall. Save for the Pipboy of course.
    The Courier winks at the folks present, the drawlin his voice deepening. "Aint nothin' to it, really. Just gotta be pur-sway-sive about things." He fiddles with the UEG standard boardign pistol on his belt, the sort that won't punch through multiple layers of bulkhead. "Gotta give them something to do. Disarmin' a fellow makes you feel safe, after all."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Why is Finna here? Probably to justify her Union membership. Gotta do something heroic once in a while! ... Even if it's in that dreaded space place again...

    "A real turnabout! What do you call this, reverse piracy? Arr!" The foxgirl might've been watching too many movies because as she twirls around her clothes reform into a classy pirate lady outfit including a RIDICULOUS skull and crossbones hat!

    But the very next moment she executes another fanciful twirl and has donned a uniform like those worn by the crew, and shifted her posture and demeanor entirely to rigid and military. She snaps a salute and switches to slightly accented english. "Order acknowledged. Play prey! It's fun time!"

    ... Maybe not with the best grammar, but she's learning fast.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Sheeeing as Nemesis is probably the least human of the group, "I think I would be best being with the ambush," she notes, taking a look at the rest of the group that had been gathered to assist Six with this pirate affair. "I cannot stand pirates, however. I look forward to making sure their days of thievery are ended. Quickly." A pause. "Any preference to weaponry? I do not want to inadvertantly cause a rupture in the hull." Another pause. "Or worse."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis was the first to get an invite to this, thanks to a little contract she has going on with the ONI given her working relationship with Noble Six. The cyborg looks the part of a crewman with her current clothes, her coat removed to reveal the blue sweater underneath, and she loads up her issued weapons. These include an M45 tactical shotgun she finishes loading up, giving a solid pump as she racks the tube. As sidearms, she carries an M6G at each hip. Just to be safe, her EM-GASH rifle is kept on her back, but the output's been adjusted to avoid tearing holes through the ship's bulkheads as well.

    The cyborg hands her partner an M7 personal-defense weapon after loading it up, and then musses up Kotone's hair. "Short controlled bursts, remember." She reminds the younger cyborg.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has good hardware in her body, Kotone's armory? Is not so well stocked as of yet but well one thing at a time? She'd seen the contract she'd accepted. She wanted something to get her mind of the events of the nightbefore and this job seems to be it. She was happy to help, she also very much clad to look like she is one of the crew herself. IT fit well enough and she acdept the weapon nodding for a moment.

"Controlled bursts, and I know don't leave my finger on the actual trigger."

Then her hair is messed up by the elder cyborg, this gets a short ack out of the younger one before she settles down. She is however got her self patched in with their employer primissions to the ship's datanet, so she can better help deal with the ambush of the pirates.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo came on this trip too, mainly because he lacks the need to breathe so he's in less danger if he gets thrown out into space. Slightly less, of course-- there's always collisions, getting too close to a star, falling into an engine, et cetera. But still less. And he does know non-lethal techniques. He just doesn't use a gun, that's all.

    The plan from Noble Six is heard, considered. And he nods when Nemesis speaks. "I think I should stay with the ambush force as well," he agrees. "I don't exactly look the part of a crew member." If nothing else, the mass of long purple hair would give him away. To say nothing of the whole 'techno samurai' thing he's got going...

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The crew of the ship, there's still a few of them onboard, send out a message over the ships broadcast system, "We're approaching the point where we drop out of slipspace. If you guys have a plan, now would be a good time to get into place." Comes the voice of the ship's captain, as the few Marines onboard begin to move into position in the cargo hold.

    Noble Six looks around at everyone, and nods to Nemesis and Gakupo, "I agree. I'm staying in here as well. Last thing we need is them spotting a SPARTAN and bugging out early. We have somewhat of a reputation."

    Six herself moves into a position in the cargo bay, "Alright folks, places. Remember, try not to shoot anybody until we get them into the cargo hold." She looks at Alexis, and if she didn't have the helmet on, would probably be winking.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has not seen Noble Six in while hse hope sot catch up with her later. She does also make sure she's got a fe wother things. She moves to hid the weapon for the moment and she's done a fairly good job at hiding them. She also takes the rounds as well and the addtional weapon. It's also very likely she's got a combat knife hidden on her. She looks to Noble six grins faintly an seems to be making ready n9ow, she's knows the plan and she pens up her cybercom to anyone she can contact that's allied.

<<I'll handle what I can on the info war side of things once we get the pirats aboard, if I could get into their ship's systems...>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny smiles at Finna and the rest, before whistling a bit and getting into character. He's moving into place to start movingand loading and unloading crates and gear and such for the jump out of slip.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis gives Six a little grin before she stuffs her guns into a bag first, wanting to appear unarmed for the moment. "I'm going to have to keep these here until the shooting starts. Kotone, keep your weapon concealed as well, that's what the M7's good for." she says, giving the younger cyborg a significant glance. Kotone will also recieve one of Maaka's pistols and a few magazines. "Eight rounds of hollow point ammo. Make 'em count."

    Then, she synchs onto the radio board as she holsters the other pistol, making sure it's concealed. Changing out the ammo beforehand from HE to something less destructive was a good move, given the ship they're on.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
A simple nod is given to NOBLE Six before Nemesis would move to wherever the spartan would want her to be. Cargo hold, right? Right. Armor's on, weapons checked, drones droning, music thundering. All good!

Yes. Music. She has a headset on. Constantly. This is not going to change. Don't worry, she can still hear everyone. Promise.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    "Mhm," Gakupo agrees to Noble Six's statement of staying in the hold. "Good idea. They won't be expecting any trouble or resistance." They'll need to hide, unless he can so a convincing enough impression ofa doll or animatronic to fool them. Not something he wants to take a chance with though. Ultimately he finds a place in the hold as well, somewhere he can wait, and watch and listen for the battle to begin.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna dusts her hands off and does a little buttwiggly dance in place briefly, adjusting her outfit. Apparently she's having fun! Kind of crazy given what they're about to be up to, but...

    If you can't have fun while risking your life to some degree, you're not living, she'd probably say.

    Canny observers can just watch her tail wagging expectantly however. If anyone can see it!

    "Don't you worry, I've got it covered here! Ahem..."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa ha:takes the ger from Alexis and nods, she's packing a few other htings, Kotone was prone to taking less lethal weapons with her, but that was just her way really. She seems reayd she hides the m7 and likely also has a combat knife on her somewhere. Even with her lesser training her new body would let her overpower the average human or evne possibly elite. (the species). She now moves to fall into place for the planned ambush.

<< Just a heads up if we can get me into ther pirate's ship's systems I might be bale ot make a real mess or even keep them from running. Hell I might be able to pull files.>>

This goes out ove rher cybercom to the comms of her allies just of note.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Everyone is moving into position, setting up and getting ready. Things are going exactly the way Noble Six had planned up to this point. Now if things will continue to go that way, who knows. There's a slight lurch as the ship comes out of Slipspace, and alarm klaxons immediately begin to go off, "They just fired on us!" The captain calls out, "Yes, we expected as much. Shut down the engines and let them board."

    Anyone on the bridge would get the broadcast from the Covenant ship, "Kill your engines and prepare to be boarded." That would be the voice of the Covenant shipmaster, who is broadcasting to the UEG ship. The captain does what he asks, the engines shutting down and the ship slowing down. The Covenant ship pulls up alongside it, and a Phantom flies out, aiming to dock with the UEG ship.

    Noble Six comes over the radio, "I want two of our undercover team to meet the boarders and escort them down."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Showtime. Alexis claps Kotone's shoulder before she radios Six back, "Ko' and I got this one, Six. Don't worry." She says calmly. She's fought Covvies before, when she first met Six on Reach. The Sangheli don't give her much to fear, no more than any other enemy. As she discretely hacks into the UEG ship's bridge software to watch the ship's arrival, she makes her way towards the docking back.

    "Time to play nice, let's not keep our guests waiting."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny, for his part is now going through the motions of a proper hostage/captive. He's moving slowly into the open and presenting absolutely no threat to anyone, hands far away for the very obvious pistol at his belt. No sudden moves, nothing as the pirate board the freighter.

Finna (513) has posed:
    When the pirates come aboard, well... Finna's made her way to the docking zone, dressed like a crewmember. Apparently unarmed, her weapon holster's quite empty! And for the moment, she has short brown hair. At the sight of Covenant intruders she affects a face full of fear, disgust, and reluctant determination all at once. All tense and stiff, worried about what these pirates might just do.

    Very few words are likely to be exchanged here. But she'll do her job and escort them...

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    When the announcement about being fire at comes, Gakupo narrows his eyes. Not long now. He places his left hand on the sheath of his sword, using his thumb to push the blade out of the sheath just a little. Enough that it would easily come out of the sheath when pulled. He doesn't fully draw it now. It's not time yet. For the moment he waits, listening for the moment the pirates make their entrance into the hold.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
    At least Nemesis is paitent. Her head is bobbing, ever so slightly, to the music being pumped into her headset, but she's paying very close attention to everything that's going on. Her drones are feeding her a wealth of information, and one of them is hovering right above the door that she expects the Sanghelli to enter through. No need for her to say anything. Instead, she's lifted her weapon, which is what amounts to a Morrigi energy rifle, and is just waiting for the go signal. She's aware she's a pretty big target, even has her wings spread a bit. Anything to make her seem that much larger, and that much more intimidating..

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is glad for the confidence that Alexis has in her, because some times she don't. Playing the bystander however is something she can do very well. She falls in step with Alexis frinning for half a second before she now moves to fall in line. She's not fought the Sangheli before herself so she has only what her employers told them. She does also moves to track the arrival via the same way Alexis is.

"Right, lets get this done, shall we?"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The Phantom docks and the hatch opens, as three Elites, several Jackals and a handful of Grunts step out, along with about ten humans wearing what looks like reclaimed UNSC army gear, "Alright, who's in charge here?" Says one of the humans, an older looking guy who steps up in front of the aliens and humans.

    He seems like he's the target they're looking for, that they need to keep alive. None of the Elites have the right armor on the be the shipmaster, if Kotone and Alexis were paying attention. That means he might still be on the Covenant ship.

    The group will need to go ahead and take out the enemies on board, and then worry about taking out the Covenant ship. One job at a time.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's hands go straight up and he drawls. "Hooo there partner, ain't fightin', nothing doing, this shit ain't worth my life. Uh, I uh." He twitches a bit, hands still raised. I am armed, he's trying to indicate to one of the pirates. Please disarm me, his bodylanguae practically screams.

Finna (513) has posed:
    And Finna decides to fall in with the group after raising her arms to show that she's unarmed, maching along reluctantly! Who wants pirates in their cargo bay? DRRRRGH, not her!

    The hands don't stay there, however. Although she's not holding any weapons, she balls her fingers up into fists and keeps them at her side.

    Is that a hint o silvery light flickering from between her fists...?

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    "Captain's in the engine room still." Alexis answers, holding up her hands as the boarding party comes. She raises an eyebrow as she spots UNSC-equipped men along with the aliens. It's strange, but these guys must be Insurrectionist if she knows her intel right. The cyborg's golden eyed stare is enough to make it clear she isn't the cowering type, even to these people.

    "This way." She tilts a thumb towards the engine room, before she begins ot lead them away. Johnny and Finna for a split-second get a wink from Alexis, before she begins to lead the aliens and pirates along.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The plan is in motion to send a team to hijack the Phantom and take it back to assault the Covenant ship. Meanwhile, the leader of the boarding party is lead to the cargo bay. The door opens up, and the boarders step inside of the bay, spreading out to the various crates and equipment that is stowed.

    Noble Six triggers the trap, and the door to the bay seals, trapping them inside with the defenders. Noble Six steps out from her cover, shotgun in her hands, as she raises it, "By the authority of the UNSC, you are under arrest. Drop your weapons and surrender and you won't be harmed!"

    The response to Noble Six's order is a shot fired from the leader's pistol, which lights up Noble Six's shields, "It's a trap! Get 'em boys!" He yells out, as all of the crew that's with him suddenly sweep into action.

    One of the Elites turns on Alexis as the order to attack is given, and bullets and plasma blasts begin to fly as the pirates start to engage the Marines. And therefore shit just hit the fan.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Pirates! The moment that they start firing on everyone, the larger form of Nemesis surges forward, wings snapping back to give her just a little more extra speed, and then she's trying to run right over the first pirate she finds. Probably a Sanghelli, and probably not a bad thing considering they're probably used to being bigger than their opponents. NOT TODAY. "Dustling mongrel!" she yells out before actually trying to put a number of shots into him at short range, her harpy drone firing from another angle at the same target while the other two data drones try to keep tabs on the other pirates in the room, wanting to warn their owner if anyone else turns on her.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Annnnnnnnnd that's the fuckin' cue.
    Johnny's Pipboy flashes brightly, and from the depths of the device springs forth... a massive black staff. The Courier slaps the base of it into the deck and from the end springs forth a wide, flickering, hateful looking purple energy blade. The Protonic Inversion Axe.

    And with that, the courier swings it, lumberjack style, at the first guy between him and the Phantom. "WRONG FUCKIN' DAY, BOYS."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had stuck with Alexis until she was given the order to break off at this point she's going to go hooik up with Johnny and Finna so she breaks off as she's well not neede needed here, right?. With that in play she now knows what to do, and that's where she goes for her hidden weapon. She got the pilot she's got out and she's not picking her shots as she dives for cover, she does this with speed no unagumented human stock human, from this world should be able to do.

"Sorry you were the prey all along! Then again it's assholes like you that made me what I am!"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo hears Noble Six's commands to the pirates, and takes that as his cue. Leaping out from his cover, he draws his blade. He wastes no time with speaking speaking, but instead merely and takes the first attack he can, a slashing attack at one of the pirate's arms. He's trying to disarm the pirate. Literally.

    It's to note that his sword makes a sound like a woodwind instrument when swung through the air. The rainbow-patterned blade picks up a vibration as it is swung, which gives it an almost vibrosword-like quality. The frequency isn't nearly that high but it should protect the blade from the plasma attacks well enough. Which is good because he may have to parry shots, since he lacks a long-range weapon.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "haha!" The moment the trap's sprung, Finna finds herself behind the group and in a perfect position. She sways about happily and calls on her shapeshifting powers one more time... while bringing that glittering fist up and about. With a loud ring of rasping steel she draws forth a pretty straightforward sword of a make strikingly similar to some viking weapons. But at the same time... her outfit shifts to show more skin than not, becoming cerulean blue silks - semi-translucent except where absolutely required it not be - including streamers wrapped around her arms and an assortment of glittering jewels... like some kind of dancer from the east.

    Or the Southeast, if you live in Creation.

    "En garde ya scoundrels!"

    And with a leap she sends herself flying up onto the nearest pirate's shoulders and attempts to RUN ACROSS THE WHOLE GROUP, ONE HEAD AFTER ANOTHER, and knock them all off balance!

    Then land in clear view with a twirling flourish...

    Sword raised.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Cue the fighting. Alexis growls as she draws her pistol. Raising it, she fires upon one of the grunts, popping cobalt everywhere as she then focuses it on the Elite approaching her. She attempts to bring it to bear, firing repeatedly before she goes into close quarters, drawing a combat knife in hand.

    Yes, she's going in close-quarters with a massive eight foot alien soldier. Crazy doesn't begin to describe it as she slashes at the alien's throat.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The Phantom's entrance was being guarded by a human and two Grunts. He didn't like Johnny and Finna hanging around, and he really doesn't like it when that Protonic Inversion Axe cuts into his chest and takes him out with a single swing. Who would have thought in a world of guns that a melee weapon would be one of the best you could get your hands on?

    Finna manages to take the Grunts by surprise as she bounds across them, and Kotone sweeps in and finishes the whole thing off. With the guards out of the way, they have a free path into the ship proper, but there'll be a lot more guards deeper inside. They're not expecting to get attacked, so most of them are unprepared.

    Inside of the cargo bay, things aren't going the way the pirates expected. Nemesis' arrival is met with surprise as she drops in on the Sangheili. He is used to being the biggest on the battlefield, and her shots blast into him, causing his shields to flare. He roars out in pain and surprise, and busts out his energy sword, swinging it in a wide arc at Nemesis.

    Gakupo's movement causes the pirate to lose his arm, but the injured man is shoved out of the way by a Jackal, the alien wielding a shield with it's plasma pistol and trying to blast Gakupo Kamui with the weapon.

    Maaka is in melee combat with an eight foot tall alien monster. It has a plasma rifle and it is trying to blast her with it. The alien tries to smash her with his free hand to disarm her from that pistol in her hands, and stomp her with one of his huge feet.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Energy Sword, eh? While Nemesis would love to get her hands on that weapon, defending herself right now is so much more important. In a fluid motion, the Morrigi holsters the energy rifle, brandishes a not-at-all-mundane-spear, and proves to the Sanghelli that even simple weapons can be a pretty big issue! Stab. Stab. Overhead swing. STAB. STABSTABSTAB. On and on. It's a flurry of attacks! Lets see if the Sanghelli can keep up.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis may have a good grip on weapons, but she's disarmed all the same by the Elite's manuevers. She grunts in distress, before she's knocked off her feet by a kick to the gut. "Oof, shit, okay that's not good..." She mutters, rolling to evade the Elite's fire as she attempts to reclaim the pistol. It's knocked out of reach by an errant boot, and she grunts again in annoyance.

    Once again she goes into close-quarters, gun or no gun, and she charges the Elite with her knife in hand. This time she grabs onto his arm, using as much strength as she can to break it before she retrieves the plasma rifle. The weapon is a bit unergonomic, but it does the job as she levels it into the Elite's face. The weapon jerks in her grip as she fires it over and over until the Elite is felled, then goes to reclaim her M6 with a roll. She holsters the pistol, for now using the plasma rifle as a weapon as she goes to grab her duffle bag of guns.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's charge through the docking clamps into the other ship takes him through a convienet dark spot and when he comes out the other side, he's wearing the Mark 2 Stealth Suit, the sleak armor shoving energy and med-x into his motions. That Axe twirls a bit as he heads for the front of the ship, presenting the most threatening figure he can. "THIS IS A RAID! I AIN'T WANT TO SEE A GADDAMN ONE OF YOU RAISIN' ARMS AGAINST US OR BY ASIMOV I WILL REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR FUCKIN' TORSO."

    The Axe crashes into a wall and starts dragging a red-hot line through corridor.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    THIS is where Gakupo gets his true strength-- defense. He never stops moving. Redirecting his own momentum to the side, he raises his sword to 'swat' the blast back at the Jackal who fired it. Perhaps that will give his attacker something to deal with while Gakupo ducks to the side and makes to try to cut into the alien's leg.

    Finally he speaks. "Surrender," he instructs. "Do so and be treated fairly. Continue to fight and be cut down."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Anyone focusing on Finna's upraised sword is probably in for a surprise. With the grunts going down, she wastes very little time charging past them and taking on a surreal silvery-blue aura through the effort. And yet her footsteps seem lighter than air, almost entirely without sound as she zips down the corridor quickly enough to kick up a small gale in her wake! WHOOOOOOOOOSH!

    She's still in that utterly revealing and somewhat extravagant outfit, but after rounding a bend seems to have added the RIDICULOUS PIRATE HAT to the outfit again.

    "Well now. Let's play a game. If I'm the pirate queen though, what does that make you?" She asides to Kotone, eyes on the ramp.

    ... It might be a bit too early, but she slinks down to all fours, does a really weird crawl up the ramp and into the ship and... once she spots the nearest pile of guards, launches herself in a vicious pounce. One Grunt she'll just pounce. A few others? Well, KNIVES go flying through the air courtesy of a flick of her tail!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa helps clean up on the ship then is moving on as she follows up with the others she does not yell at the pirate at all she looks to Ginna for a moment tiling her hes a little bit. She doesn't like wher this is going but it's too ltate things are going nuts, she moves to keep her allies covered as she attempts to remotely poke the local network, it's alien it's unlikely but hey she can try, right? She alao chose to speak up.

"Wait pirate queen?"

She shakes her head now is not the time.


Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Nemesis' Elite is trying to fight back with the energy sword, but has never fought something like her, and is soon overwhelmed by the blows that his shield can't deflect. Of course now she has to deal with a bunch of Grunts running towards her, trying to save their mortaly wounded compatriot. The one in the lead is covered in several glowing blue spheres for some reason. Weird.

    Alexis would manage to grab the plasma rifle, and the Elite tries to slam his fists into her, but is met with a hail of plasma fire from the weapon, combined with the earlier pistol shots, his shields drop, and he drops shortly there after. Now she has to deal with the incoming fire from several of the Jackals, however, and some old fashioned bullets from two of the pirates with assault rifles.

    Johnny, well, Johnny is a force to be reckoned with when he's not facing off against a bunch of guys who weren't expecting to get attacked and haven't even gotten their weapons out of the armory. Aliens and humans alike scatter, trying to get away from him, but as he approaches a wide open are of the ship, he would find the shipmaster has come to face the invaders himself. Energy sword crackling in his hands, the large Elite points at the enforcer of New Vegas, "You dare to step upon my ship, heretic? I will cleave your body limb from limb!"

Remember, that's the guy we want alive.

    Kamui's blade flashes and moves, and he's able to get behind the Jackal's shield and strike a blow on the alien. Of course Jackals are not known for their surrender, and the alien tries to assault Kamui again, while another jackal, this one with no shield and two arm mounted blades, tries to attack from behind.

    Finna and Kotone both will have to deal with the few defenders who do still have their weapons, a mixture of aliens and humans who have opened fire on them. Of course Finna's knives make short work of several of them without an issue, but still more are breaking and running, trying to get to the armory. Kotone may have to cut them off.

    Also where is Noble Six during all of this? The SPARTAN is in silver and blue armor, it's not like she blends into the background. Except when she does. The leader of the pirate forces will soon find himself with an invisible blade pressing against his throat, as Noble Six decloaks behind him, placing her shotgun on his shoulder and firing a blast into one of the pirates with it, "Tell you men to stand down and we will spare their lives. If you don't, their deaths will be on your head."

Nemesis (661) has posed:
If there is one thing Nemesis knows: If you don't know what it is that's coming at you? Keep it the hell away from you. Her harpy drone starts firing like mad on the suicide-grunt, and a moment later her rifle is out, unleashing a lot more blasts on the glowing grunt. This isn't going to end well, is it?

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis beans one of the pirates over the head with her plasma rifle, firing away until it overheats. Tossing the weapon away, she rifles through her duffle before drawing her own shotgun. A pump is heard as she chambers a shell, then she blows away an unlucky grunt before noting the pirates and Jackals. She tosses a flashbang at the feet of the human pirates, then runs to take over behind a large shipping container.

    The cyborg leaps atop of the container, aiming to leap upon one of the jackals in order to knock him to the ground as she vaults over another of the alien soldiers, whacking him across the back of the head with her shotgun's buttstock in a bone-shattering impact.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo's not expecting an attack from behind him. He is a follower of Bushido and tends to assume people will act honorably until they don't. While it might or might not say something about his intelligence that he didn't expect dishonorable behavior from PIRATES, the fact remains that he hadn't been expecting it. He's concentrating on redirecting the momentum of the attacker before him, and suddenly he takes a slash across the back, and he yelps in surprise and pain.

    The blade does not strike flesh and bone, but plastics and metals. The stench of burning fiberglass and plastics greets the attacker's nose. No blood comes out, but cooling fluid instead. And the injury sparks and crackles as if it had been a machine struck. Which, well... since it WAS, that kind of makes sense.

    But perhaps the unexpected response to the Jackal's target not bleeding-- and more importantly, NOT DYING-- will give Gakupo the moment he needs to turn on the Jackal who attacked him from the back. There's a scowl on his face. "Coward!" he growls as he strikes. He's not aimingfor the arm this time. No, he's aiming for the NECK!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Sees that she is able to deal with the defender well enough she's also very fast she's dodging at high speed she's clipped a few times but there's no blood coming from her, she gets nothing on poking the network oh well she hadn't expected much out of that she however does move to take dsown anfd a few grunts are lucky to end up with broken limbs as she now heads after the people moving for the armory and she's moving very fast she could keep up with a car and she's going to clothes line the guys going for the armory if she can, or otherwise trip them up.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny snarls a warning. "Boy, I ain't even gonna challenge you on the religious implications of that remark. I am gonna tell you I ain't about to let you do that."
    The Courier slams the blade of the PIA into the decking, sweeping it to mark a line in the metal. "I am Jonathan Tallbranch, majordomo of New Vegas of Terra, and I fuckin' challenge you for this ship."

Finna (513) has posed:
    It may well be that Finna would rather face the men while they DO have their weapons. But that's only if she were on her lonesome and feeling daring - it's just not a challenge otherwise!

    But there are other boarders on her team to consider. LIke Kotone down there.

    "They're not gonna surrender until you've knocked a bunch of 'em into a wall!" She advises Kotone. "Speaking of which..."

    She decides to do just that. While still glowing with divine might, she goes flipping down a wall and spins around upon landing in front of a few of the grunts and humans.... only to deliver a SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE kick with enough force to probably do EXACTLY what she just explained needed to be done.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Nemesis' plan to get away from the Grunt is a smart one, as the shots take it down and the grenades explode, taking out two other grunts in the process. She's in the clear for the moment, thankfully free from her attackers.

    Maaka's shotgun goes to work, both in melee and at range, none of the pirates seem able to keep up with her blstering speed as she moves through them. Their numbers are dwindling quick, as they weren't expecting Elite resistance.

    Kamui gets hit by the alien from behind, but it seems the alien is just as surprised when he finds plastic and coolant instead of blood and bone. He has no time to react, however, as the blade slashes and the alien now stands about eight inches shorter, before the body falls over.

    Tomoe beats the majority of them to the armory, dropping several on her way. Their crew wasn't even a full crew for a ship this size to begin with, so their numbers are already dwindling rapidly.

    Finna's own attack knocks the whole group in front of her back into the wall with enough force to knock them all out cold, and put a fair sized dent in the wall in the process. Seems like she's cleared that section out entirely.

    Between Finna and Kotone, it's left Johnny and the Shipmaster to duel it out. The large alien listens to Johnny's statement, and the challenge for the ship, and unleashes a deep laugh, before he lunges at Tallbranch with the energy sword, intent on driving the blade downwards into the smaller human's torso.

    The commander feels Six clench her arm, and the blade cuts his neck enough to draw blood, "Okay okay!" He calls out, "Everybody drop your guns! We give up!"

    Anyone who was still alive, upon seeing their commander in peril and his order to surrender, does just that, dropping weapons and putting their hands up. Seems the pirates on the ship, the few that weren't killed outright, are surrendering.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Not one to believe anything where prisoners are concerned, Nemesis actually backs off as the grenades explode, proceeds to poke each grunt with her spear to ensure they're done, and then switches to her energy rifle to keep a bead on the commander that Noble Six just got to surrender. "Wise move, dustling," she growls, glancing at the rest of the survivors.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny just smiles up at the Elite, the axe coming up to deflect the fatal blow into the decking, but not without a slashing cut across his arm sends blood across the room. There's a snap-BEEP from the Mark Two, and the suit closes over the wound with a sudden blast of Stimpack, sealing it up again. Johnny's eyes sparkle.
    "Heya, sweetie." And then he drops the axe, letting it stick into the floor as he draws back his right arm into a straight punch. Only, there's something on that hand that wasn't there a moment ago.

    It is a Power Fist. And it is locked and loaded as Johnny twists he whole body into a right cross aimed right for that segmented jaw.

Finna (513) has posed:
    At first Finna looks about ready to go barging into the next room to knock the rest batch of whoever for a loop. Maybe by assaulting them from the ceiling to change things up a bit. But then surrender announcements start going around, so she dusts her hands off... and does a little twirly victory dance in front of Kotone! "See? Knocking them into the wall works wonders!"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo only stops moving when he hears the voice of the commander telling his men to surrender. He had whirled about to deflect an attack from the Jackal that he had initially been fighting. However, that command should have the Jackal surrendering, if he's smart enough to listen to his commander. Gakupo still remains on-guard despite the command.

    The wound in his back still sparks occasionally, and whenever it does he winces. But he holds position, waiting to see what the pirates will try to pull next, if anything.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Is moving with Kotone, she figures Johnny can handle it. Right? IShe changes on a head and stops them from evne making it to the armory. She's more focusing on take downs than lethal kills. After all she's just not that ruthless also there's always information, right? Someone might know something or be willing to talk too if you don't be too much of a bastard either way when all is said and done she's dusting her hands and debating looting the armory a bit!

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis is surprised by how fast it takes for the pirates to be routed, as she only ceases combat the moment Six confirms the surrender is genuine. With a shrug, she boots one of the Jackals to the ground, racking her shotgun for dramatic effect. "You heard 'em, try anything and your brains will be painting the deck and bulkhead." She growls, leveing the weapon towards the Jackal's head.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Johnny's arm takes the hit and the shipmaster smirks. And that smirk is the last thing he does, as that blow comes in with the full force of Johnny's already substantial unarmed fighting talents, mixed with the force of the power fist. The ship's commander goes flying from the force of the blow, crashing into a wall and slumping to the ground. Well, he didn't /explode/, so he's probably still alive. Looks like Johnny just won the ship, as everyone else throws their weapons down in a heartbeat. Seems these pirates weren't as tough as they were made out to be. Probably why they were attacking unarmed ships.

    Noble Six secures the commander's arms with a pair of plasteel zip ties, and takes him and anyone else who doesn't need medical attention to the makeshift brig in the other cargo hold. Those that are alive and wounded are treated by the Corpsman, and those that are dead have their bodies policed by the Marines.

    Once Six has secured the prisoners, she makes her way back to the group, "Excellent work everyone. Good coordination and execution. That's one major threat to the UEG and the UNSC taken care of, and after ONI gets through with them, we should have a good indication of where their base of operations is. This isn't over with yet."

Nemesis (661) has posed:
    The spartan is treated to Nemesis' best impression of a human salute. Its not exactly a hard gesture to immitate. "I will try to keep myself available should you need to lash out at these mongrels again. I have a severe distaste for piracy and would enjoy assisting you further with this. If you need, I could pull in a favor or two if we need larger ships or back up, if required."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    And Johnny, triumphant, stands, the arm that just right crossed the Elite now hanging limp at his side. "...Dangit, I'mma feel that in the morning." He growls, and unhooks the Power Fist, letting it vanish back wherever it is he puts things.
    A sigh though, as he picks up the PIA with his good hand, deactivating the blade and slinging the staf over his shoulder.
    Damn it feels good to be a marine.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Eventually Finna makes her way back to the right ship... and promptly LEAPS ON KAMUI'S SHOULDERS, grinning broadly for everyone to see. "Kinda messy, but that was a good workout! Looks like nobody got killed, too!"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo will help with the securing of prisoners and bringing of injured to places they can be cared for as best as he can. He does register Noble Six's warning, though. A nod, and he offers shortly after Nemesis does, "I'll help too, if there's anything I can do. I don't have a lot of resources to offer, but I can help in combat."

    Suddenly he has a FINNA on his shoulders! "Ah! What--" He sees who it is, and chuckles. "Be careful, my back is open. You might get shocked." There's some bare current there from some exposed wires. Wouldn't kill her, but it wouldn't feel nice either! "I'm glad you're okay, though." He's glad everyone is OK, but only Finna is sitting on his shoulders.