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Lute Takes Sanary Out For Steak
Date of Scene: 27 February 2015
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Lute takes Sanary on a date for some steak.
Cast of Characters: 188, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is currently waiting outside a steak resteraunt in Southern Urbania. He is dressed the same as usual, and waiting around casually. But, recently? He sent Sanary an outfit, so that she could have something a bit more fancy to wear on the date. Nothing /too/ fancy, but still fairly nice. A nice black dress, albeit a bit low cut and somewhat revealing. He didn't /demand/ she wear it, but he still sent it to her, suggesting she wear it on the date. Though it is not overly immodest, for Sanary's time and world, it might be considered a bit less than modest.

     But, for now, Lute still just keeps hanging around. But, this time? He sent a cab for Sanary. So that, hopefully, she'd be able to get there a bit more easily this time.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    To say that Sanary was excited would be an understatement. Real steak from a real cow? This sort of opportunity wouldn't come again for at least another three or four years, so the healer wasn't about to give it up over something minor like not knowing how to put on a dress.

    Sure, she does show up a little later than could be considered fashionably late, but at least she shows up dressed... Mostly properly. The dress does show off her body much better than her usual attired, especially around the curves of her hips and legs. With the cut of the dress, it's also much easier to notice that she's wearing bindings around her chest. They're not so tight as to cut off circulation, but it does give her some sense of modesty despite the dress.

    And of course, there's that axe dangling from a rope. She also seems to be moving somewhat awkwardly in the dress as she approaches Lute, rather self-conscious about the garment. "Hey, Lute. Uh. Do I have this on right? It feels really... Breezy."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, and moves to take Sanary's hand. He leans in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, you're wearing it right. Sorry if it feels a /bit/ drafty. That's more along the lines of what a lot of normal clothes for the modern world are like. ...Okay, it might be a little bit skimpier than some, but still. But come on, let's head inside, alright?"

     He starts to lead her inside, smiling. "So. Have you had steak before? And, well. How have you been since we last met?"

     He thinks back to that. Though the bullet healing wasn't fun, parts of it were. He just smiles, thinking back to it.

     He also realizes that at some point he's going to have to tell Sanary that large portions of the Multiverse have it where steak isn't a super rare commodity.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Letting out a relieved sigh, Sanary holds Lute's hand easily enough without much flinching or awkwardness compared to their last meeting. She still jumps slightly at the kiss on the cheek, but not enough to mess with her ability to speak. "Good to know... Er. Really? Huh. No wonder people get injured so much around here."

     Laughing lightly, she nods and follows Lute in closely, keeping her free arm out to her side to gauge how much space there is. "Twice. Once when I was ten and again at thir... Fourteen? Fourteen." There's a slightly distant look on her face as she speaks about that, shaking her head a moment later to return her focus to the present. "Good stuff, but anyway. Lots of stuff going on. Weapons training, I'm going to this Academy now... How about you? Any more crazy shit or are things calming down?"

    She even sounds worried at that last part.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute guides Sanary in, where they are promptly seated, and where of course he pulls her chair out for her to sit.

     "Well, the dresses aren't made for battle. There are some that are more armored, but. You shouldn't wear this one into combat. I mean you look gorgeous in it, but hey, you still look gorgeous in your normal clothes, too."

     He sits himself down, smiling across to her. "Well. I'm guessing both of those times were special occasions, then? ...Bah, I should probably just tell you now. Steak isn't super rare in the Multiverse. Sure, some places have less of it. But. Especially being with the Confederacy? You could have steak almost every day if you wanted. ...Might get tired of it, though."

     Lute chuckles a bit, "Also, I've been pretty fine. Had a spar with Ri yesterday. She's one of those ship spirit things, in the shape of a girl. She was helping me with combat training for ocean battles. ...Though things kind of went crazy."

     He pauses, considering for a second before speaking, "...Can you read braille, by the way? Or should I list the menu options aloud for you?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Armored dresses... Right. I should actually look into armor some day. Maybe-uh. I'll have to take your word on that one, you know." Sanary snickers lightly and adjusts one of the straps, a bashful smile forming on her face. "It doesn't feel half-bad wearing something lighter like this once in a while, either.

    "Yeah, steak's something we pretty much only had if the traders actually brought it from the inner country and everyone else didn't buy all of it first." She goes quiet as Lute explains the difference between her home and the Confederacy, her head tilting sideways slowly at the notion of having steak every day. "I... Don't know if I'd get tired of /steak/. Steak is... Like... The perfect food."

    She goes quiet, looking rather distracted for a moment before snapping out of her meat-thought-induced stupor. "Ah, with the Tentacruel? I should try fighting that and her one day. Gotta get used to fighting more non-humans if I'm gonna really get anywhere working here." She smirks confidently at that, although it fades quickly at the question about braille and reading.

    "Uh... Can't do either." She clear her throat almost immediately after saying that, shrinking back in her seat slightly at that. "Listing the stuff would be better, yeah."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute reads off the menu options, one after another. Not surprisingly, all things on the menu are steak of some kind, with a side. It takes Lute just a moment to go through all of it.

     "...Well. Pick whatever sounds best. I don't care about the price here. The money Duke got from the bank robbery is /more/ than enough to cover resteraunt costs for a year, with that gold brick he stole for me. Though... steak can get tiring. It's pretty good, but like. If you eat rice every day, you can get sick of "

     "And... Yeah. I was fighting with my Tentacruel and my Giratina. My Tentacruel, Kaelin? Well, since he lives under water, he's good for sea battles. Especially with my main goal, which is to sink a Fleet Daughter. One of the ships in the Union. But, fighting non-humans can be tough. Take Ri, for example. She grew to a /massive/ size. Larger than most buildings."

     Lute pauses for a moment, before pulling out a Pokeball. He opens it.

     "Go, Kaelin. Let Sanary hold your tentacle for a bit."

     And, of course, the Tentacruel appears. It gently puts a tentacle near Sanary's hand. The tentacle, of course, feels incredibly squishy and moist.

     "Just reach down a bit to touch it, if you want."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The blind girl listens intently to the menu items, sucking in the beginnings of a trail of drool every now and then. She doesn't do a great job at hiding it, of course, what with how loud she is, but at least the look is there.

    "You sure? Hmm... I didn't even know there were so many different types of steak. Thought it was just a pig thing." After deliberating for a while, she decides on the skirt steak (rare) with fries (steak). Because steak.

    "Aah. So there's different Pokemon for different types of fighting... Definitely gotta fight them one day." Brimming with determination, she raises an eyebrow at the command to Kaelin, listening to the creature for a moment before grasping a tentacle lightly.

    "Ohoh... This feels really... Something. I can see how this could help in a fight, though. Ever try giving him some knives?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just chuckles a bit, "There are a lot of different cuts, based on where you get the steak from the cow. ...Though, if you want to go fancy sometime. We can go to one of the places where they kill the cows on the spot. Gets you /really/ fresh meat."

     He orders some steak himself. Sirloin, well done, with fries. He just smiles more, looking at Sanary.

     "Well. Pokemon are like animals, so they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And they have powers based on them. So, as a water Pokemon, Kaelin has a number of water attacks. It's also part poison, too, so it can use a number of poisonous attacks. Don't worry too much though, he only poisons when I tell him to. And... I have given him weapons before, but I don't do it often. He's strong enough without them."

     A smile. "Next time we meet, let's spar, then. My Pokemon versus you. ...Though, I might use some of my weaker Pokemon if its just training. Have to teach you the basics first."

     Lute lets out a bit of a yawn, stetching a bit. Under the table, his legs stretch as well. Mostly just to play footsy with Sanary.

     "So, how have you been doing with the axe? Getting better at blind fighting? Though, got to like axes as weapons. Nice, simple, and can do lots of damage."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary's eye widens slightly as she lets out a low blowing noise vaguely resembling a whistle. "Sounds really fresh... Definitely. Er.. If it doesn't cost too much, anyway. I'm gonna start feeling bad ifyou keep paying for all this stuff."

    Laughing easily, she rests back in her seat and nods slowly as Lute continues speaking. "That sounds good. Water doesn't sound like it would be great for fighting with, but... Neither does a freaking bell. Don't feel like you have to hold back, though. I can take it."

    She lets out a confused noise at feeling Lute's foot on her leg, raising an eyebrow slightly before lifting her own foot to match his movements. "What's this..? Ah. Yeah, I've been training with Yari for that. It's still giving me trouble, but I'm getting... A little better at it. Very simple, but I like it that way. Much more comfortable than swords, anyway."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just nods. To go with it, though, he makes a bit of a confirming noise. Sort of a positive 'mm' sound, "Well, if you're feeling guilty about me paying? Don't. Really. I'm the one who offered, anyways. Besides, I've been active a long time. I'm not... /rich/, but I'm well off enough that I can support dates with a lot of women at once."

     He sighs a little though. A bit of a worried noise comes with it as well. "Well, if you say I can use my full force, I will. But don't feel bad if it is a bit one sided. I've been at this a /long/ time. I'm... actually one of the stronger people in the Multiverse, now. So, just keep that in mind. Though, yeah, water may not seem like its powerful, but when the burst of it is strong enough to break steel? That's when it is a problem."

     "Good you're doing well with the axe. I've been trying to think of good people to send you to for training, but Yari will work. ...For some reason I really want to help you get powerful, though. But, well. It can take a while."

     He also smiles at her own attempts to play footsie back. He better explain. She's from an older world, after all. "Well... Just so you know, what I'm doing right now is called 'playing footsie'. It's just rubbing legs in a flirting manner. Because body to body contact is awesome."

     Yeah, he can be a bit blunt on explainations at time.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "still... I'll treat you to /something/ eventually. At least once. You gotta let me have at least that." Smirking slightly, Sanary pats the axe at her side before resting her elbows on the table. She would pat his hand if it was there or, alternatively, pet the table. Nice table.

    "I'm not expecting to actually put up a good fight or anything. But if I get hit with it, then I'll know what to expect if I face something like that later instead of just being afraid of it. And..." The smirk grows wider. "You did say kisses helped with pain a while back, remember? This'll just be a way to help me get stronger by getting used to big hits."

    Glancing down in the general direction of... Well, the table, she purses her lips slightly before focusing more on actually rubbing their legs together instead of just poking at his ankles.

    "This /is/ pretty... Fun? Does feel nice, actually."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just smiles a bit, continuing to rub legs. "Yeah, it's pretty nice. And it's something a lot of girls wouldn't do this early in the relationship. ...Though, you don't seem to be like most girls."

     At this point, he casually calls back his Pokemon. The food arrives at this point as well. Lute apparently /has/ been researching how to help the blind on dates a bit, though, so he helps Sanary grab the fork and knife without cutting herself.

     He speaks, quite happily, "Well, after you get hurt, I'll be sure to give you /lots/ of kisses, alright? But, I won't tell you more of my team's capabilities, to make sure you stay surprised with the fight."

     "By the way," Lute says, after a bit of pondering, "Have you been flirting with or dating other Confederates? Or is it just me? I'm fine either way, just curious. I mean, it's not like you're the only one I'm dating either, so."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "R-really? Oh. Uh. Should I stop, then? Or...?" Although there's a look of uncertainty on her face, there's also a hint of mischief as she brings up her other foot to try and hold Lute's leg in place between that and the first leg. What's the purpose of doing this? Who knows. She definitely doesn't, but the reaction could be funny.

    "Heh... Sounds like a plan. I'll figure out how to defend myself as they come, and... Well see how the whole thing goes as it happens. No point planning it all out ahead of time." Taking the utensils, she does appear to know how to use them somewhat, although her technique is definitely lacking. Instead of holding either one of them to cut parts of the steak off neatly, she's mostly stabbing it and ripping off bits before eating them. As barbaric as it looks, however, none of the food actually leaves the plate.

    "RRmph.. Ohthisisgood. S-so good... Uh? Oh. I went to Vegeta's thing a while back. That was... Something." Sne snorts and hits her chest a few times, takinga deep breath before trying some of the fries. "And a date with.. Orphen? For the Charity Date thing. Felt kinda... Weird the whole time and I think we left without paying. But he got me ice cream, so that was good." She seems rather pleased about that last part. "Other than that, though... Nope. Should I be doing that more?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Feel free to keep going... And, well. There really /isn't/ a need to date other Confederates, unless you /want/ to. I'm mostly just curious. Trying to get to know you better. But... Yeah, Vegeta kind of made an ass of himself I heard, and I don't know much about Orphen except he was stupid enough to try and attack Dracula's castle without really knowing it was Dracula's castle."

     A bit of a sigh. "Just don't get too far in over your head with the battle stuff. Wanting to experience a lot is great, but. Getting too hurt won't help too much. But still. I'll do whatever I can to help you."

     He eats his steak a bit more, smiling as he watches her. "Also, I'm so glad you like the steak. If you ever want it, though, let's go again. ...Or, maybe you could just come to my place sometime, and I could cook you some up. You know, if you'd be interested."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    THe healer hums quietly, then pulls her chair in a bit to get a little more maneuverability for her legs. "Gotcha. Higher or lower? Because... Actually." Why choose one? She's got two legs in place, anyway. The first leg starts moving higher while the other moves lower, her own seating becoming a little more precarious with neither foot actually on the ground.

    "Yeah, I kinda came in on end of that... Party just before things went nuts, but he seems alright. Gave me a little... Raptor thing? Really useful for helping me find stuff around my room if I drop something. Or getting the door open. Kinda worried I'll end up stepping on it some day, though. And... Uh. Isn't Dracula a big name around here or something?"

    Letting out a content sigh, she takes a moment to just stare off into space for a moment before getting back to eating the steak and making quiet noises each time. "Don't worry. I'll be alright. We'll be in the training area, so it's not like it'll be too bad even if I do go overboard. And... I know."

    A faint redness colors her cheeks at that, although it fades quickly as she picks up a fry and a piece of steak. "That would be good, yeah. I could even try making something for you, if that's the case. I might not look it, but I can make some pretty good omelettes."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just laughs a little bit, "You're really overthining this footsie thing! Just do what comes naturally, alright?" He doesn't move his own legs much right now, because he's trying to let her figure out what she likes first.

     "...Yeah, I heard about the raptor. Just, if it is problematic, let me know. I'll help make sure it stays trained. And, yes, Dracula is a big name. He's the guy in charge of the Confederacy. You really should make sure to know this stuff. It's pretty important. He is... a league above the rest of us."

     "Well. I won't worry about the training, then. But..." His voice seems fairly happy. He notices her blushing a bit, too. Hrm. Has she ever even been to a guy's house before? Probably not, he guesses. "...Well, if you want to make an omlette, I'll look forward to it! We'll have to do this soon, too. My house is kind of in a place in the middle of nowhere in the Multiverse, though. In a city, but not a huge one. A desert place. But, I'm sure you'll like it."

     He smiles, moving a hand forward to rub the back of Sanary's.

     "Trust me. I bet you'll have lots of fun, there."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Wha..? I-I was just following your lead. Mm.. We'll have to practice this more, too." She's definitely putting a little too much focus into the process, although she does relax after that instruction and settles for using Lute's thighs as foot rests.

    "Wonder if this'll... Ah, we'll see. He's behaving and I've been feeding him leftovers instead of buying fresh bread each time, so it should be fine." She nods slowly at the mention of Dracula and taps the side of her head with a grin. "Hey, I'm not /that/ dumb. I don't remember his title or whatever, but I knew he was up there. Just not.. /Up/ up."

    "Your place sounds like this one place I ended up in a couple of days ago, actually. Hot, sandy, and lots of sand boats. Definitely gotta do that, yeah. I'd show you my place, but it's kinda... Shitty." She giggles somewhat awkwardly at that last bit, although she recovers somewhat at the hand rubbing. She doesn't put her free hand over his just yet, however, opting to pop another chunk of steak in before doing that.

    "... So good. Rrmgh. Hands are a lot easier than the foot thing."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just grins a bit, "Don't worry about it. We'll practice more, though. We'll have lots of time for that, alright?"

     And... then the talk of feeding the raptor bread. He sighs. "Well, leftovers are probably best, but it should mostly eat meat. They're predators and they don't... usually eat anything plant based. We probably should take him hunting sometime, though, to make sure he stays happy and exercised."

     And then the talk of his place... He laughs, "It's really not a lot to write home about. I mean, the city I live is nice, but there are no sand boats. Heck, not even a lot of Pokemon. It's a very barren area. Though, I'll take you over sometime... And, well. If your own place is shitty? You could always live with me, at least for now. I mean, we're still pretty much just casually dating, but. I'd always welcome someone into my home if they need place. Especially someone as hot as you."

     A smile.

     "But, for now... Well. Let's enjoy our steak a bit. You'll visit my place soon anyways."

     And so, they enjoy their steak a bit.

     Just like Lute said they would.