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F:NV - Glory, Hallelujah
Date of Scene: 28 February 2015
Location: Mojave Wasteland (NewVegas)
Synopsis: The New Vegas crew confront and interrogate their spy and Jennifer reveals the existance of the Wild Card on the Strip
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, 627, Starbound Flotilla, 673

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The din and madness of the Poker Tournament inside the Vault 21 continues around Souji, looking stern and stoic behind his stack of chips.
    Kotone and Rory in front of the corkboard with the notes from around New Vegas, focused on that sheet music.
    A slightly dead faced George whispers in Jennifer's ear. "Ave."
    Jennifer being walked into the Lucky 38 by Raul with a bag over her head, trailed by Johnny and Boone. And then a door to a room at the Lucky 38, with a sign on the front. INTERROGATION IN PROCESS

    The Lights of New Vegas Sparkle. "GLORY, HALLELUJAH"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The redheaded spy Jennifer sits calmly, handcuffed to a table in a dimly lit room. She seems quite at ease despite Rose of Sharon Cassidy standing behind her with a shotgun, with an itchy trigger finger should she try something.
    Johnny is standing just out of the brightest light in the room, looking stoic and stern faced with his arms crossed.

    The spy flashes a winning smile at her captors and then shrugs a bit. "Alight, so, we doing this talking style or am I about to get dragged into a blacker box than this for some good old fashioned enhanced interrogation?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Things just seem to go wrong in Vegas, and she's starting to wonder if this is something inate to the city, no matter what world it is in. She's not sure but once more she's here for the questioning and she does have some things she can do to deal with their little problem. She knows this might get messy but given whom this person could be dealing with and what they done already? Well ya she's not happy but she's hoping they don't need to let Biteblade chew on them for a bit to get what they need.

She's there suited up in light body armour from her world not that it would look a lot like armor from this world. It looks a bit mroe like a body/stealth suit deal however Kotone's got her arms folded and she's just looking at the spy, she's also not blinked /once/ since she started looking at her.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    This time it's George and Biteblade here, as the primary representitives of the Starbound Flotilla, with Albert off to the side as an on-call comp-sci expert to help puzzle out what's been done here. George got out his red jumpsuit, it's harder to see the blood on him that way. "That's gonna depend on a few things. First, on how quick you start talking, and then second, on how much Johnny's planning on having me keep one hand tied behind my back."

    George is well aware of how espionage works. But he's skeptical that the modern post-War spy has anything like the same level of training that the vast organizations before them had. First thing he does is plant his stun baton on the table and lean forward. "So we'll start from square one. Tell me what you were after at the Strip's data lines." Best we get this show rolling quick.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji was enjoying his time at the poker table, but pleasure must always yield to business. When George comes up with an interesting method to catch their target, he left the table.

It paid off. Sort of. It ended up being more complicated than it needed to be, but that's a not uncommon sin in espionage.

Souji makes a mental note for later. He stands there before Jennifer, his arms crossed and his expression stoic. "It would be recommended to make this easy on yourself. There is no need to engage in... advanced techniques if you choose the logical path."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    @George & Souji:

    Jennifer rolls those pretty eyes of hers, before gripping her hands together on the table, letting her Pipboy tap against the metal lightly. "Well, really, anything I could get my hands on. Securitron info lines, storage and cached information on Vaults, codes for the gates, where Johnny's got all his crap stashed." She smiles over at the Courier and blows a kiss. "He doesn't know about half your spots yet, you know. You're doing a good job covering your tracks."
    A blander look at Souji and George, and the spy leans in. "Do you guys really know who you're working for, anyways?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    This is NOT Rory's ideal way to spend her time. But she tends to go where Kotone does and is too deeply involved to pull out now. Comrades stick together!

    So while doing her best to keep a straight face she's seated next to Kotone with both hands on her knees...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is here mostly as muscle she suspect she also knows full out torture will get a victem to say anything and not what you want. OR what they think you want to hear. She doesn't know aht to do here but she stands back and looks menacing. She also knows htis person is likely a killer. Sha also suspects Vegas is also a bit of a tech hot bed given a lot of it's intact pre war technology and someone might be after that. Mr. House? Just runs Vegas as it's always been. Someone else might have other ideas, worse ideas.

<<Rory you got a way to check her voice for stress levels Or something along those lines??>>

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "We're working for Courier Six. Same as he works for us sometimes. That's the way the deal's cut." George says, without skipping a beat, and with an authoritative tone. First rule of interrogation: Exude power and authority. Pour it out of your pores. Sweat the stuff and beam it out of your eyes, saturate the room and make it impossible to ignore. Biteblade paces with a predatory posture from the other side of the table, but keeps quiet, and partially out of the shadows.

    "That's what you were looking for. That's not what you found, right? Something got a bit of interest from a third party." He spins the baton around on one hand, and it crackles as he does. "You needed to /get out/. I saw your work. Cachino, Mike. Set them both up to cut your losses. One in the head, one in the cred. Dropping ballast to get out quick. You'd been working the Omertas for a long time, I can tell. You let that go. Find something you weren't supposed to? Or did that King really spook you that bad?"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji seems utterly unmoved by Jennifer's flirtatious ways. Literally, he doesn't even move. "I always know who I am working for. The question is, do you understand who you are working for." He replies, just as blandly. He gestures. "Please, George. She will understand we only have her best interests in mind soon enough." He looks back to her. "If you want to leave New Vegas, it can be arranged. Perhaps even farther, if you wish. There are places where the water is clear and the food does not try to kill you. If you want out, you can get out. We can make it happen. It will, however, require full cooperation and disclosure."

Stick and carrot. Stick and carrot. He doesn't even look at the others present besides George. He only wants Jennifer listening to the authroitarian and the, um... businessman. Pay no attention to the hackers in the background.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    @George & Souji:

    Johnny grumps from his spot near the wall at 'who you are working for'.

    Jennifer's eyes go wide though, and she giggles. "Oh man, Cachino. That dupe was all about his penis, you know that. Literally the easiest one out of the bunch. Mike less so, he was sweet on me. That took a while to get. BUT. I got my access in that tunnel. And I got the data I wanted, for a while. Then you guys fouled it up and that dumb King fouled it up. What was his name again? I don't think I ever got that. Oh well."
    She smiles over at Souji. "You're wrong though. I wasn't looking for information on House, we've got plenty of that. Mr. Not-At-Home. Can you guess who we wanted, Mr. Murasame?" She's well informed at least.

    Then the good cop comes in, and the woman's face sours. "Oh, really. And where's the Union and the Confederacy and your stupid Syndicate if the places that we come from don't matter, hmmm? If they're nothing important there? Just plain old rocks with plain old problems and people willing to work to get what they need?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa sits there looking for all the world as window dressing or muscle, but that is not the case at all. She's busy doing work on a digital level she first up opens a connection to Rory so they can link up their hardware, thankfully from her experiance over the soda murders? She knows roughtly how to connect to the local hardwre far better now. She's all but ready for Rory to make their attempt on the data. She hands over all the data she has on the local system to Rory, for connectings and such.

<<I'm very impressed how far they pushed this code and hardware it's a tech tree that died out on my world qutie a while ago. Still we need to focus on getting through I'm ready.>>

She also knows to take this slow she doesn't want to ahem set off an alarm right, so she's wiating on Rory but is more than ready.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George ceases spinning his baton abruptly. Second rule of interrogations: Do NOT allow the subject to settle into anything. Make context and then break context. Set up a rule for your behavior and then defy it. He plunges the baton down on the table and it begins to spark in an intimidating way. "We're the ones asking questions here, not you. This isn't a game, so don't start playing." He says, harshly. Meanwhile, Biteblade seems to suspect something. They glance over to Johnny, squinting a bit. Biteblade tilts their head a bit, long leaves rustling gently. She seemed like she was looking into Johnny, when she spoke up about his stashes, and apparently important secrets about him. That's one possibility... What are the others?

Rory White (673) has posed:
    <I don't personally. There is software for doing that, but it'd be easier to just check their PipBoy for evidence! ... Should we be doing this...?>

    Oh well, kind of a bad time to be questioning what she should be getting herself into. She's with friends who probably know better, right?


    Once the connection's established with Kotone, Rory starts moving through the entire range of protocols she has to establish a connection with the PipBoy!

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Where the hell do we start? There's a handshake, much like you'd find on an old dialup BBS terminal. Unicode derivative, maybe COBOL or something awful and old and ancient. This thing, for all its tech level bullshit, is running on a masterfully designed program on AWFUL FLASHED SOFTWARE.
    Seriously, there's data repair and self-diagnostics built in out the wazoo to keep these things working for over 200 years. The data itself will take some time to navigate, once you get past basic vitals which it's happy to hand out over the basic connection. Looks like it's expecting some sort of medical interface at the basic level.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Perhaps you were looking for information on his lieutenant, Mr. Tallbranch." Souji replies simply. "Something tells me that those ideals are not something you are holding to as tightly as you claim, considering your recent actions and activites. What do you believe you are accomplishing for the local environment by doing this? This is not the kind of action that someone who claims to have 'plain old problems' engages in."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
<<GIven the only other way to get at it would be to cut it off her arm, I'd rather do it this way all right? Let's get to this. If we can get the information we need out of it we don't need to keep quesitoning them>>

Kotone does ID it as very much like COBOL damn they done a lot with it. She's impressed with how the thing keeps repairing it seldf her world could learn a lot about that. Still well to the old BBS handshake the data, they get is interesting there's a medical feed which she brings up on her HUD, to see what she's got there, and anything else.

<<This stuff is old, it's like someone took early gen code but refied it ot the point we could learn from it's self repair systems for the code. Humm I got a medical feed I'm patching you in if you want it.>>

Kotone's being Cautious and she just keeps wtching the spy and the whole questioning unblinking.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    @Souji and George:
    "Well I can certainly tell you that this isn't about loyalty. I got paid for a job and I'm doing it. There's stuff here you can't imagine, you know. Things that are long gone, that Old World tech that Tallbranch likes so much. The stuff that he's got in h-"

    A horribly gleeful smile crackles across Jennifer's face as that baton comes down. "Oh my stars. He... he didn't tell you, did he? HE DIDN'T TELL YOU?" She laughs and laughs and laughs, and then sits forward. "Jonathan Tallbranch intends to kill Mr. House and take over the Strip for himself. And he can do it tonight if he wanted to."

    Well, that's gotten... the barest of reactions out of Johnny. His poker face is amazing. Cass on the other hand has little in the way of such things. The sound of a shotgun racking for intimidation and she presses the barrell to the back of Jennifer's head. "Shut the hell up. Right now."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    There's an ominous quiet.

    George, Biteblade, and Albert look at each other briefly. The whole group isn't here, but the voting bloc is easy to establish and they're of a very general consensus wordlessly and immediately. "I work for Johnny. I don't work for House." George says, with a tremendously meaningful tone, taking only that brief moment to look between them all before he's right back on the core issue. George immediately has decided that he prefers this plan. Deposing authority in any capacity is something he will almost always back, and as such, he immediately backs Johnny even more.

    "So you're gonna tell me who's your line to your benefactors, because nobody's gonna be helping you now. Not them, and definitely not House. You make a claim like that, you're only walking if you make one hell of a case." He won't press Johnny to confirm or deny it, for the most part because he knows he was pretty damn evasive in Johnny's position, back in the day.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji is also ominously quiet, though perhaps for slightly different reasons than George. He looks over to Tallbranch at the revelation, and his reaction is noted. Or perhaps, lack of reaction. He comments offhandedly, "You do understand that you are playing an exceptionally dangerous game, as you have made assumptions about where our loyalties lie."

Souji does not seem to be particularly for or against House /or/ Tallbranch. Perhaps that will be a discussion that will be had... /later/.

"And since you have chosen to play this game, you have put yourself at exceptional risk. Your only hope now is to reveal everything, as I guarantee that the others present, have /very/ little interest in leaving you intact and you will need to make a compelling argument to achieve that."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Jennifer's eyes stay crazy like that. "Well, I figured you guys worked for somebody on the Strip and that... confirms things." She grins, and clears her throat. "Laboravi legionis legio officina pro me. Ave, gloria Caesar." I work for the Legion, and the Legion works for me. Well this just got complicated.
    At least for Johnny, whose face is still a statue, even as Cass is threatening to murder their captor and possibly, you know, blow right through her head and get George and Souji all messy. "See, I figured Johnny's already working for that snake robot of his. The one who's been fucking tailing me all month. He didn't tell you that one either, did he?"

    At that, Johnny grumbles. "You know he had to, when asked."

    Souji and George both get a look. "What, I figured Tallbranch would have had me murdered and shoved in a ditch like all the other people he's 'handled' for House. I'm surprised I'm even alive at this point."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    If Rory was operating like a human, it would take her several minutes to go through her files - really old files - for information on these systems.

    In her case she finds it seemingly instantly (super-accelerated thought mode is great, isn't it?) and loads up her Kaos AI, a hacker-helper to oversee.

    <Medical information? These were made for people who'd live in Vaults.. does it want biometric authentication or or is medical output--> We're about find out aren't we?

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    As it turns out, it's looking for both. Fudging a false medical connection is easy enough, it's looking for something called an Auto-Doc.
    The code slowly opens up and unravels its secrets, enough that the screen flickers a bit. Jennifer's eyes don't move from looking crazily at George, but she's aware now, and moves to try and fiddle with a knob. Cass's shotgun presses harder against the back of the spy's head. "Give me a reason, shithead."
    Jennifer's hand moves away from the Pip Boy and she places both palms flat again on the table.

    The next level is... communications. There's a number of radios tuned in right now. Frequencies that are common enough. Radio New Vegas, Black Mountain Radio. Mojave Music Radio, something playing jazz, and then... there's an entry for a radio station that's not broadcasting a signal.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is going to play along with Souji and the rest of the group on this. She's also remaining quiet as she works the data, she hears that she works for the legion. They are pilliagers, they are slavers. They are the sort of horrible nightmareish scum like the villains of post nuclear war movies she's seen. The worst thing is these guys are real. A lot of her concerns become far less about this, if this lady is in bed with the Legion? This changes a lot.

She contiunes working the code along with Rory. However thanks to Cass? Well she won't be stopping them getting the information she needs. She's now got an idea of what to look for, she sees hte various signals and humms pauses.

<<You looking at this? Rory all these stations are local for the most part but this one channel's got /nothing/ going over it. Why would it be on her bookmarks? Could it be for sending or reciving something?>>

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George puts his own stun baton to the side now. "I don't particularly give a shit about the robot." He does, but he just needs to ask Johnny about it later, he is willing to assume Johnny will give it to him straight. "What I care about is the data you're pulling, who was getting it from you, and who you've been telling this bit of gossip you were dropping just now. Whether or not it's true, I'd rather know who knows." While George eases up, Biteblade doesn't. The implicit hostility towards Johnny is making raise their leaves a bit aggressively, and they bear all the intimidating carnivorous teeth in their knifegash of a mouth.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    <<Copy it, we'll listen from now on! It might be used for receiving instructions?>> Rory muses over the connection. She's less interested in the radio however... and more on any personal files and notes.

    So she starts attempting to get access to whatever filesystem this thing has...

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    There's no way of telling what's on that empty channel. Broadcast has been specifically disabled for her.

    Going deeper, the data unravels more. Another level unravels notes and messages she's left for herself. Lots of bitching about a Yes Man, lots of bitching about being hot and frustrated about being trapped on the Strip, and some happiness over 'paydata'. Just what sort of place is this lady from?

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"This explains much." Souji removes a tablet from his coat and taps at it, flicking through data on its surface with a gesture. "Caesar's Legion, military occupational force, tribal organization under the charismatic leader 'Caesar'. Modeled under historical military organizations and noted for partaking in slavery and graphic execution methodologies."

He looks up to Jennifer. "And you had been caught. Logically, with their ruthlessness to their foes, their behavior towards failed agents would be even moreso."

He sets the tablet down on the table, which has a picture of some poor asshole being crucified. "The Legion is not the only one who can gather information. It does not hide what it is except when it has to. I find it almost... refreshing, in a way."

He sits down at this point, folding his hands and just letting the tablet sit there with the image on the screen. "Having your brains splattered across the wall would be a comparative kindness, I understand. But if you know who I am, then you know I am capable of putting you outside the reach of the Legion. My previous offer continues to stand. If you work with us, you can not only survive the next few days, but live out a pleasant and healthy life with a chance of gainful employment."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    he redhead's crazy eyes fade a bit at 'contact'. "Well I'm fuckin' dead either way, so. It's Vulpes Inculta. Johnny's met him. Johnny, what did he do to Nipton?"

    The Courier's face doesn't flinch a bit. "He put the town to the sword. Put em to a lottery. The winner lived. Second place had both legs shattered and beaten to a pulp. Third and fourth were enslaved. The lucky ones were beheaded. Everyone else was crucified. The mayor was burned alive on a pile of tires."
    "And why did he do that?"
    "Because they transgressed against their fellow man."

    Jennifer smiles. It's that crazy smile again. She's already dead.

    And Souji catches the rest of it, before she's even past that point. The pretty eyes flicker and flutter a bit, looking between Johnny and George and Souji. Cass's shotgun barrel is a cold comfort, that's for sure.

    "...What. You... ha ha ha ha what, you... I..."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa sees that broadcast is off which means its for her to /get/ information of some sor over, however they hit the notes and there's a lot of them about Yes Man. She pulls copies but the term paydata? Why has she heard that before, from someone over broadband. She's staring to wonder now. She continues to dive for info and does try to take a look for this pay data to see what it is.

<<So there you have it she's working for utter psychos, paydata I think I heard the term before and that's odd to find it here I'm starting to wonder if she's even from this world.>>

She'll keep digging for now and she watches the spy just up and start to totally lose it, too. She also will keep to look out for more data on Yes Man, visual information too if there is any.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Sounds like a jackass." George says, intently. I mean, he is pretty intimidated by the creative torture, but it's still something he keeps completely concealed in his deceptive personality. "Fine. Where do you meet him? And does he know about this shit with Johnny? Anyone else?" Lady, I'm really hoping you don't have a blabbermouth, George thinks.

    There's a glance from Biteblade, to Johnny. The plant-person seems to have the impression they've gotten what they need here. Might be a smart time to cut things off? Biteblade seems to be essentially awaiting and approving pre-emptively any decision Johnny might come to, about this being over with. With a dagger abruptly in one hand, they seem prepared to deal with killing her as a default solution here. I mean, she does kinda work for horrible, evil slavers for greedy cause. And she's looking more and more nervous, like she's running out of material to extend her time...

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The Pipboy... does have a tracker. It is not a very powerful one, but it is there. But it's not active. It's... triggered. You'd have to be in range. But, the Frumentarii managed to insert at least one spy into the strip. It's likely there are others. And it's not like the Legion has to just roll up and knock the place over with a Legion.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji grimaces as Johnny describes what happened to Nipton. "This is a dangerous man, then, which means it is even more important that you work with us."

He taps his fingers together. "If there is anything else we should know about your assignment, let us know. You will be escorted to the Warpgate. From there, we will provide transportation to a place where you can begin a new life."

He pauses. "There is a possibility that I can find a place for you within my own organization If you are interested. Your work ethic is commendable, and you will find that the benefits of working with me are significant, not the least of which is that my organization does not enslave others, treat their employees as disposable, or use barbarism to achieve their goals."

There's nothing else he really expects to get out of her. The focus now is on getting her out alive.

He does so hate losing good material.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Jennifer has two extremes to deal with right now.

    George has a murderous plant woman who wants to kill and eat her.
    Souji is offering cash money and a chance at life.

    "Done. Get me off this radioactive shithole and I'm yours, Mr. Murasame."

    Johnny looks coldly at the redhead. "Answer the man's question first. Who knows about Yes Man?"

    Jennifer's face lights up again. Oh man, she might make it out of this. "Vulpes told me about it. Said he knew about Benny's plan to take over the strip himself. Then he murdered you and took the chip and plan for himself. Then you killed him. Now you've got the robot. He didn't tell me how he knew."
    Johnny's face screws up as more of his plans are spilled to the Syndicate. "...Fuck."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa finds there's more information that she can from the pip boy however at this point that she agress to work for Souji. Okay she's not a fool she's not sure what to think on this but she gets Souji is the sort ofd man who needs people like this. What she knows is poltical situation on his world can be like Middel Ages of Europe. She thinks it's best to not ask about that, but hey she can live with this for the most part. She's spilling info that will hurt the legion. She knows that much but Yes Man?

She now moves for hte first time and she moves her gaze to Johnny, questioningly. Johnny wants to topple a stable power in a post apoch wasteland yes she's got questions. Also the level of intel skill the Legion has is /scary/. She's however still digging for data still.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George grimaces. He was planning on having Biteblade kill Jennifer, but he wasn't especially invested in it. He doesn't have a grudge or anything. That's just how this particular side of the Flotilla operates in high-tension situations like this. "Fine. That's about all the questions we've got." He glances to Souji, and seems to contemplate his decision, but then doesn't comment on it or show a judgement. Well, with that out of the way, it's almost a bit of whiplash when George suddenly goes back to his more casual, faux-friendly posture. "Great! Well, hey, look at that. Said you'd need a hell of a case, and there you go! Now, my job offer as Floran chow, this probably has way better benefits than that."

    A few chuckles. And then he's looking over at Courier Six. There's a long, poker-faced moment of consideration, and then a firm nod. George will not be spilling anything here, at least. Nor taking any position of opposition. Just two traitors, going about their work.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji nods. "Done." He stands, picking up his tablet (an mPad) and puts it away. "I am ordering in an operations team to act as your protection. You will be brought to a safehouse, where you will be given time to acclimate and make decisions on what you wish to do with your future. I look forward to learning more about you as time goes on." He gestures. "I believe our job is done here. Is the tracking system disabled?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Johnny's voice is calm. "Back off, Cass."
    The cowgirl steps back, removing the shotgun from Jennifer's head. The spy's shoulders slump, and for the firsttime since she's met the group, she looks like... just a lady, perhaps.
    "Also the Pipboy stays here. Sorry, Souji."
    Jennifer's sigh is long suffering, but she slides her fingers to the biometric release latch, and... unclips the device from her arm. There's a little snap of pain in her eyes, and her left arm goes numb. But the Pipboy deactivates and falls apart in halves, clunking to the table. Johnny nods, and tosses the keys across the table. "Uncuff yourself. You're Murasame's problem now."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The Courier also acknowledges George's look, and sucks at his teeth a moment. "Well. This is awkward."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa takes a moment to double check but does make sure the tracker is off line and hse now speaks up for the first time.

"The tracker's off line, at this point it was short range, I suggest if you intend to keep the pipboy have it swept and cleaned up for any little gifts the Legion's left on it."

She nods once to her she doesn't quite like it but to her she can sleep with the info about the legion that's likely going to be into the hands of the enemies of the crazed band of raiders. They are raiders no matter what they /do/ far as Kotone is concerned. Kotone is going to keep a copy of the data she pulled right now. She's wary about whats going on with all this LEgion bit nad now with Johnny. She knows she's in very dangerous situation and she knows it, a very dangerous situation. She had just sought to solver a Murder she's stumbled across.

"Yes it very much is Johnny, Sin City is seemingly very alive and well here."

There very much is a hint of fear in Kotone's voice, she's not sure if this is about to turn into a blood bath with her and possibly Rory being the targets there of. Given the spy's reveals? It all depends on Johnny's character at this point.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji nods. "Excellent. Come, Miss Jennifer. We will meet the operations team and proceed from there."

He pauses, looking to Johnny. "We will speak later, Mr. Tallbranch." He comments, and then turns away to head out with Jennifer.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George gives Courier Six a friendly grin. "Plenty awkward, yep." He says, in a friendly, easygoing way. He's not going to make a big deal of it, though. Both he and Johnny are both the kinds of people who need to handle things like adults. The Pipboy is considered, but since that'd be at least partially redundant for George, he's not going to bring that up, and he'll let Courier Six handle what it goes to. Seft might be able to analyze its physical case for evidence of its origins later!

    "Looks like we're done here. Got about all the data we'd need." George says, glancing to Courier Six one more time. "And a happy end for everyone! Isn't that nice?" He's going to hang out here, ominously twirling his stun baton until Jennifer's off the Strip, but this seems resolved in its core.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The Aces and Eights is packed with Syndicates, with Johnny sitting at the dinner table, a map of the Mojave projected on the surface. "Right, if we're going to do this, we're going to need to take care of things."
    A group of Fiends patrols outside Camp McCarran. Powder Gangers at the Prison. Mutants filling Vault 22 "We're going to get rid of the chaff."
    The Boomers fixing up their artillery. The NCR Sharecroppers, already working on Starbound plants. A group of Kings smoke outside the School of Impersonation. "We're going to need to make some friends."

    Yes Man laughs at a joke told by someone in a shadow. "If we do this... we're going to do it right."

    A panning shot of the Mojave Wastes from the top of the Tops. THE HAND THAT YOU'RE DEALT