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Reboot: EP 4 Down By the Bay
Date of Scene: 06 March 2015
Location: The Grid <TG>
Synopsis: The Party heads down to Argon's docks to meet up with a contact. They get some interesting information out of a program named Cutler? However they encounter a creature that has no right being on the Grid, which raises some disturbing questions.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, Staren, 626, 673, 686, 707, Corona Arclite

Deelel has posed:
Accessing Archived Data

After a talk to Alpha and his little band, Deelel and her companions had a lead to a contact in the Argon City docks it should just be a simple chat right?

Argon was even with the occupation forces a sight to behold, a clear sleek city, constantly light up up. The people, the buildings, for this is a land of endless night with no stars. The Highway was much like a human one save there was no exhaust to choke on as Deelel leads the group on their light cycles to the docks, the intent was to arrive after normal working hours given the Dock's unofficial function. A place to meet, out of the way, given the ever changing mazes of cargo containers even the military had a hard time keeping tabs here, yet here they were. Deelel's bike derezzes and she steps upon the ground once more seemingly happy as she looks out at the city in the distance.

"I never tire of home no matter how many times I met this, you know this wasn't all Flynn's work a Basic was also behind a lot of this. He's since retired from the line line so far as I know."

She was totally proud of it this was something a Basic did without only the vaguest input from a user most of the time. She shifts ed a bit and started along the docks towards the mass of cargo containers even as the massive cranes loom over head. Is this what data packets are in her world?

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pulls up next to Dee and derezzes her own cycle, twirling the baton in her hand a few times before holstering it (so to speak since it just sticks there) at her side. "Mighty impressive, that's fer sure. But we ain't exactly here for sightseeing." She pauses, looking confused. "Or 'round here would it be called site-seeing?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ha ha I see what you did there." Kyra's own bike pulls to a stop. She has less gear on her than usual today so she's either clearly not expecting trouble or can't really explain carrying her many guns in this world when only Clu's military has anything remotely resembling guns. It means she'd have to rely on explosives, magic, or the ID disc if something happened which was bad news all around for all sorts of different reasons.

    Then again so far they'd been pretty good at running away, right?

    "Anyway, do we have a name for this guy? I forget if we do."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu is in her Grid gear again, the circuit-styled armor over the sleek bodysuit, with her modified helmet allowing her ears and hairtails to flap around in the breeze on her lightcycle ... not that there's much breeze, the fairing is JUST high enough that the slipstream doesn't get much of a grip on anything. Which is probably just as well.

"So this is where you're from originally, Deelel?" she asks as she parks and derezzes her cycle. "I mean, this region - the docks and waterfront." She unslings her staff from her back, the rings jingling softly (and with a more electronic sound than they normally have) as she gets her accustomed grasp on it, looking as if she's leaning on it while staying ready to bring it to bear against any opponents who might show up.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "The Cycles are fun!" Rory's quick to exclaim. After all, her thought process can keep up with the incredible speed which she's almost never experienced before. WHOOOOOOSH! Off she goes!

    "What's the plan, Deelel?" She asks after derezzing the ride in turn and taking stock of her surroundings. Mapping software? ON. She's at least got that going for her!

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    It really looks like a real-world dock. This is the thing that shocks Gakupo the most, how much it looks like a real world. Even if it's made of 1s and 0s, it's remarkably real. At least it seems so. Anyway, he's following along, stopping and derezzing his bike when the others do.

    Corona's pun gets a snicker, and he nods! "Good one," he replies, still snickering. Kyra's question is a good one, and he looks to Deelel for its answer. But Xiaomu's question gets his attention too. It's also a good one, mostly out of curiosity.

    He's kind of quiet on the trip, mainly because he's looking at the 'water' on and off. It really is pretty...

Staren has posed:
    Staren is making some effort to fit in -- instead of his normal clothes, he's wearing a bodysuit in the style of the locals, although he still has his belt, bandana, and his bag at his side. He doesn't even appear to have his ears and tail! "I certainly would love to learn more about how this place works when it's /not/ being controlled by a tyrannical warlord..." he mutters, as he looks around. Then he turns to Deelel and holds his arms out. "How's this? Can I pass for a local now? I'll tell them I'm STARENN, Science, Technology, And Reverse-Engineering Neural Network."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel laughs out loud at Corona's pun and seems very happy with it.

"Nicely fone I have to admit. No we don't have an ID for them yet, just a place to meet. We need to be on our guard but can you fault anyone for acting vs Clu? Who wants to keep their name unknown. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but law is handled by checking the suspect's ID disc, at the time index of the crime. We don't do Lawyers."

An objective criminal justice system? Or close to it? Could be. She looks to Xiamou.

"Yes, I'm from Argon my official function and job is working at one of the clubs here, also doing public art. However I don't like what they are commissioning these days. I lived here for the majority of my life which has been more than several hundred cycles."

However she does hear Rory's question and she thinks for a moment.

"We're to meet up with the contact hopefully get what we need and head on our way. They may want something in exchange and given we don't have currency per say here it will likely be favours or possibly hardware of some sort."

The towering mass of the cargo containers are before them, however Deelel seems to have a map as she looks at a glowing holographic construct before she heads in to the maze. She then turns to the group.

"Oh yes Xia's the only one who might be able to call me kid."

DEelel looks to him for a moment.

"Very old and formal but it works."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "What's old and formal? The outfit, or the name? And... who is the contact, what sort of thing might they need?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite looks around for a moment. Then turns her head to look at Deelele's map, memorizing it fairly quickly. "Alright then. You talke the low road and I'll take the high road~"

At first it sounds like she's just quoting some old lyric line. Until the cowgirl leaps, rebounds off the side of one of the cargo crates, and grabs onto another to climb up on top. Once there she crouchs down as far as she can. Fortunately she's small and has a very low profile when she does so. "Hehehe, just like runnin' the walls back home," she murmurs to herself as she scampers along with the group, now able to be their eyes and ears from a higher vantage point.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah, that kind of bothers me, actually." Kyra says in regards to the ID disc recording everything they do, "I mean if someone grabs one of our discs, they'll see us meeting Turing and the survivors. Not only that but they'll probably see us leaving at one point and we don't need to let them know they can get out, right?" She pauses, "...though I can't say I dig not having the ability to lie and get away with it here."

    Fooey on all the EVIDENCE.

    "Out of curiosity, Dee, what ARE they comissioning you to do in Argon city these days?" Kyra asks, following after her as they slip into the maze of cargo containers to meet this mysterious person.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Just stick with a name, you needn't explain anything!" Rory advises Staren. She ends up nodding to Deelel's explanation of the law system and plan. "it makes sense..." Not that she likes it.

    "Here's hoping it goes well!"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"How long is a 'cycle' compared to non-Grid time?" Xiaomu wonders, following fairly close behind Deelel as she heads into the maze of cargo awaiting transport. She's keeping her eyes open, and looking towards the top of the stacks around us. She's trying not to LOOK like she's watching out for trouble, but you can never be too careful - and given the whole cybercloak-and-lightdagger thing about this particular meeting, and the necessity of navigating through the maze to get there, leads her to suspect that a little paranoia is probably healthy.

Plus, well, there's still a piece of her that's happy at any excuse to play tourist whilst in the Grid with her allies.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo looks up in surprise as Corona startsrunning over the tops of things. "Oh, be careful," he warns, "someone might see you." Kyra's mention of the ID discs gets a nod. "We'll just have to make sure not to lose our discs, that's all. Easier said that done maybe, but it's really our only recourse."

    He also nods in agreement with Rory's statement to Staren. "I've been using my regular name," he points out. Quietly, "...Then again, I kind of AM a program, so I guess it works out. But no one's been hassled over it yet that I'm aware."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says to Staren.

"The name."

She however is distracted soon enough and she doesnt quite get the song reference and she watches for a moment.

"Oh really I'd love to see that later."

She notes at the comment about wall running. She keeps moving along keeping to the ground she pauses for a moment and she looks to Kyra for a moment shrugging.

"They'd have to know the time index to /check/ and not even Clu's people do it without cause normally. It's not a thing to go through everything normally that would be likely if we were captured.

"A replacement Statue of Clu, someone blew up the old one they put up when they came into down."

She looks to Xiaomu

"It can refer to units of time but the analog would be? Years."

Basics don't really /die/ of old age and neither do ISOs.

"Flynn is far older tan I am."

It doesnt take too long, maybe 15 min to reach where they are going Deelel however as she arrives activates her helmet for the moment as it rezzes about her face. She gestures for everyone else to do the same.

Given Corona's actions she's spot a program whose got blue lines, and is masked himself.

"We're here, as we said we were, now where are you?"

Gakupo would pick up something interesting he'd get the sound of someone was coming and have time to give people a heads up. Also yes Xiamou Deelel said she's hundreds of years old, maybe subjectively given time differences.

A bit passes and a suited figure is approaching now the group and looking the band over. Also the program that arrives is likely the same one Corona saw.

"Greetings programs, I take it your looking for information you think I have?"

Staren has posed:
    "Just Starenn then." Staren replies. "I wonder if we could forge false data on our discs."

    He puts on his helmet as asked, and waits. He cocks his head to the side as the suited figure approaches. Letting the others speak.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pauses to peek over the top of the crates with a grin at Gakupo. "And if they see me before they see you I can lead em on a wild groose chase." No, that's not her accent. She really did just say 'groose'.

One can only imagine Brimsteel having some kind of weird mutant goose-like alien beast.

Oh look, there's someone else. And he doesn't have the creepy colors that Clu's flunkies did, so he's okay, right? Color designation makes a lot of sense to her. Then again, she's use to dealing with gangs that tend to coordinate their getups much like urban ones have 'gang colors'.

As the others approach she practically hangs down from atop the crates. "Nice shade of blue, program. Don't worry, we're not with the 8-bit losers cluttering up the database."

What did she do, read a book of computer terms just to have lingo to use?

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu turns to peer at Staren for a moment, then turns her attention back to the approaching program. Her ears are perked up a bit, staying alert for any audible hints of trouble - or other details of interest that might catch her attention, particularly while her eyes are occupied sizing up the new figure. "Well, that's what we were told, yeah - that you could help us," she grins.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ah. ...still, that makes getting away with things pretty much impossible if they know when to look. Can't say I enjoy that." Kyra mutters, "But he's right." Kyra motions to Gakupo. "Hold onto your discs." Which is why she's doubly worried about using them as a weapon like most Programs seem to do.

    A sour look comes on her face when she hears Deelel's being comissioned to make another big Clu statue. "Lame. And a waste of talent." With a nod, Kyra then activates her helmet to block the view of her face completely.

    "Hello." Kyra says, speaking with a digital warble. "We came here under the impression that you knew a thing or two about an 'Anon.'"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory rezzes up the helmet! NO reason to show her face. But what an odd feeling to have to hide herself...

    She turns about to face the helmeted stranger... and nods once. "Well, hope you have!"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Seeing Deelel rezz her helmet into place, Gakupo does the same. It covers his hair somehow, so he doesn't look too terribly different from the rank-and-file Basics that populate the world. Corona points out that she can distract any pursuers, and he nods. He doesn't venture more in response to that, but there's some worry there in his expression.

    Given, though, that he is a music program, he needs to be able to analyze sound and be able to tell what it is. The footsteps are picked up, analyzed. "Someone's coming," he says quietly. Probably not before anyone else heard them too, but the headsup, such as it was, was offered anyway.

    For the time being he stays behind the rest of the group and keeps quiet. Ordinarily he'd be putting himself forward to serve as a 'face' in this situation, but he's trying not to drawundue attention to himself. Though he's keeping a close eye on the situation, watching to make sure things weren't about to go pearshaped. Hopefully he'd have warning if so.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel mnods to STaren for a moment she looks at Staren over his comment, there's a bit of a look of horror on her face, but that's hidden for now. She knows what that idea entails. With Gakupo's warning along woth Corona's it's time to get ready for their contact.

The masked program actually laughs a bit at Corona's joke, it's also proves a point. Not a lot of Clu's men have senses of humor, same goes for Tesler."

The program pauses for a moment at Xiamou but Kyra gets his attention.

"Anon the hero, he fought against Clu even after Tron, fell and Flynn went into hiding. He's also the one who stopped the virus Abraxus."

The program notes a band on his arm rezzes up, it's a holo construct but it got a projection kinda like a male ISO symbol. It's not the real deal but a basic wearing that?

"I came here hoping to exchange information. I'm looking for this Rengade, he might be Tron. Anon though some say he was killed, others say he took refuge in the outlands. I may have more but what do you have on this white suited Vigalntie?"

Rory gets a look over, as does Gakupo there's something about those two and Deell no they seem right the others? He's not so sure about but for now he waits simply to see what they have to say he also seems to be considering something.

Staren has posed:
    Staren doesn't know he's suggesting anything horrible! He also doesn't know anything about Tron.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"A sense of humor? Purdy sure this one's clean folks." Corona pulls herself back to the top of the crate wall, hunching down there once more while the others talk with the contact. Someone has to be the lookout, after all.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu's rezzed her helmet up too, of course ... not that it hides her ears or hairtails THAT well - it probably just gives her kind of a hood or headscarf type arrangement that covers them a little better.

As far as the additional details that are coming out from their 'contact,' though, she's mostly listening and taking copious mental notes. "Can't say as I've heard much about this vigilante in white. Sounds like the sort I'd love to meet, though ..."

The downside of her helmet being rezzed up is that her grin is only audible, not visible.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh yeah, we know our Anon lore." Kyra speaks up, though privately appreciative of the reminder. "What we're interested in is where he might be hiding, you know?"

    However, when the mysterious program speaks about exchanging information and indicates his target, Kyra tenses up and looks over to Deelel. "Uh. Unfortunately, I don't think we have any information on the Renegade." She doesn't even know who this guy is talking about beyond what he just told everyone.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "It's the first I've ever heard of them." Rory exclaims straightforwardly, shaking her head... but then looking to Deelel - hopefully they'll have more knowledge than her! Because Rory is... not a local, obviously.

Deelel has posed:
The masked Program thinks for a moment he's going to have to take a chance here he thinks but not quite yet. He does note Corona's bit about humour.

"Tesler's forces do seem to be lacking in that, yes."

Xiamou is looked over for a moment.

"Not a lot have outside this city I'm going to assume your not from this part of the grid like myself."

He thinks for a moment as he looks to Deelel.

"Trust is a rare thing these days."

Maybe he had info on who Deelel was as he pauses to reveal his helmet and his face becomes visible, if he was human it would be safe to say he was a man of African decent with a flat top haircut. ID's Cutler."

Deelel pauses for a moment and reveals herself. Cutler seems a bit shocked.

"Wait your that Deejay from the club..."

Deelel smirks a little bit before she replies.

"Guilty as charged, so now we both can sink the other, we can do business a bit more easily right? Look we're looking for Anon, as for our dead Renegade I can give you what little I have on it but the fighting style does appear to be at /least/ a System Monitor's. If it's not Tron? Someone evaded Clu and got some hefty upgrades."

"I'm hoping if Tron lives? He can help rally the other who still are fighting back and maybe get programs off the light line. Find if you'll help me I'll help you find Anon, if you help me find the program I'm looking for later? As for your friends if they don't want to take off their helmets it's fine, we're even right now I think."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Resistance against pains in the ANSI come from all walks of life," Corona chips in at the guy reconizing Dee's 'day job'. She's listening to the conversation just below her, still camping out atop the crates watching and listening for trouble. "Every little bit and byte helps, right?" Okay she definately had to look up terms just to use them now. Idly she takes out her baton, tapping fingertips along the length.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra slowly shakes her head to confirm that, no, they were not from around this part of the grid. There is an exchange of names, recognition of Deelel on Cutler's part. After a moment she too lets her face be seen, not that she's recognizable. A name isn't offered.

    "So do you actually have an idea where Anon might be?" Kyra asks skeptically-then cringes. That last Corona pun /oh my god/.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu shrugs gamely at the suggestion to de-helmet, and lets hers vanish, shaking her hair/tails out again. "Gotta come up with a better way to deal with that ..."

She grins at Cutler. "Good to meet you, I'm Xiaomu. Always nice to have new friends around." She shifts her staff to her left hand, freeing up her right to offer a handshake. "It does sound like we've got a bunch of shared interests."

She's trying not to break up snickering at Corona's play on words.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    And then something unexpected happens.

    Rory begins to laugh! It's a very strange sort of laughter. One born of the knowledge that this is a time she needs to laugh and should laugh!

    But none of the physiology that drives a person physically TO laugh.

    Kind of disquieting in a few ways.

    Thanks a lot Corona!

    Rory does end up revealing her face briefly, smiling at Cutler, but puts the helmet back up quickly.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo very much understands the need for trust. Thus, as Cutler removes his helmet, Gakupo does as well, derezzing the thing away. His hair's pretty distinctive, long and purple, bound into a topknot and side-tails with glowing blue fasteners. He also offers a polite bow. "My name is Gakupo," he offers as he bows.

    He can't help but snort a laugh at Corona's words, though he covers his mouth in an attempt to be polite in the conversation. But it was funny.

Deelel has posed:
Cutler nods to Corona about that.

"You are right on that it does."

Deelel sees Kyra reveal her face and Culter seems presently surprised he only expected maybe one other program to reveal their face. Kyra's question is answered in short order.

"Yes I do."

The puns that Corona made are amazing but not quite as san draining to Deelel given she's a program. She pauses at Rory as does laugh and reveal her self. Things seem to be going pretty well and Gakupo, also trusts Cutler as well. He seems pleased at this point.

"Right so the plan is I help you find Anon, I'd like to ask him why he's been laying low so long if he's alive still myself."

Xiamou, Gakupo, and Rory hear or pick up something moving about , there's a small group, they are smaller than a program but too big to be grid bugs but in this maze of crates it might be hard to figure out what else is out there. Clearly though something is out there and close.

"You seem to have quite the crew there it seems, Deelel. Now we can't do this today, I'll need to get some supplies for the trip, energy, a light craft that can operate in hte outland and some other basic supplies."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu's ears perk up, tilting a bit as she tries to pin down what the source of movement is, before she smooths her ears back down and re-rezzes her helmet. "We've got some kind of company ... maybe an animal or a .GIF or something."

Yes, she actually phrased it that way. She shifts her staff to a two-handed grip and starts creeping in the direction she thinks she heard the movement from, staying extra-alert as she goes ...

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite turns her attention from the conversation when Xiaomu slinks away after noticing something. "Better check that out, just to be safe." She hops over the crate tops and follows after the other foxgirl to investigate.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Hearing the approaching something, Gakupo speaks up, "Careful." The warning is also given to Cutler. So said, he gets that helmet back on and makes sure his face is covered. He turns in the direction of the sound and waits. A pause and he looks at Cutler again. "Stay safe," he offers. Whether Cutler intends to leave before the whatever-it-is arrives he'll still need to be careful. As will everyone else.

Staren has posed:
    Ah, so this guy knows Deelel. That's a good thing, right?

    Staren shrugs. "Light line?" He doesn't know what that is. "Sounds to me like if you're looking for someone to help free this city, we want that too anyway." As everyone else bares their face, he, too, retracts his visor. "Starenn. Science, technology, and reverse-engineering neural network." He decides to be formal in hope that the quirk of formality will distract from not knowing what the light line is, which he just realized is something he shouldn't have revealed.

    "Better check what out?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra slowly nods at the exchange of information, glad Deelelc here had something for the other program on the Renegade. Strange that this was the first time hearing about this guy. Alone in her face showing, she shrugs, still not offering a name. It wasn't really important right now, was it?

    Xaiomu mentions company so Kyra phase shifts her helmet right back on.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "I think we should go." Rory states quietly, now growing worried and looking around several times. Her awareness of the situation is a bit uncanny at the moment, and it's leaving her worried.

Deelel has posed:
Culter pauses at Staren's name for a moment.

"Don't hear names like that much anymore. That or Flynn was getting really formal when he compiled you."

Then comes the waring. At the warning Deelel does indeed also bring her helmet back, as does Culter.

"Grid bugs here are unlikely and .gif...that was a really bad joke."

Deelel now moves off just after Xiamou, going for her light disc. She doesn't arm it yet, Cutler's also got his he does however whisper to Deelel where their next meeting will take place. Deelel nods and continues to head ahead..

As those who head to see what's going on.

As everyone creeps the small group of things seem to be pulling away from the sounds of it, there's a blur of shadow moment as it heads /away/ from them deeper into the maze of cargo containers.

"I don't like this, this isn't the style of Tesler's troops..."

The things seem to be running and one might catch another sign of shadowy movement again but it's fleeing deeper. Just what is going on here?

Deelel gives a look to Kyra, even if her face can not be seen, somethings got her on edge.

<<Your right if we can't confirm this quickly we need to go out own ways and meet back up after we're ready."

Corona Arclite has posed:
<<I'm gonna hazard a guess that ain't normal, then.>>

Corona crouchs down for a moment to shift her stance and flex her legs, then takes off sprinting across the top of the crate walls, leaping across the gaps for speed instead of bothering to follow the corners and take more time. <<Gonna try and get close 'nuff for a better look.>> Or she runs out of crates to keep her vantage point on

Staren has posed:
    Staren just gives Culter a blank stare. He wasn't called on not knowing about the Light Line, so he guesses that worked!

    More and more people are creeping off to check something. Staren un-retracts his visor and stalks after them. 'If it was a person,' Staren whispers, 'it didn't see us meeting him. Do we need to chase it? If it's not a person... what's it matter?'

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu has no idea what those little critters are, but she gives chase as fast as her legs will carry her, along with a bit of parkour - wall-jumping off of containers to get around corners faster, that kind of thing. She'd love to get a better look at just what those things *are* ... but more important is to try and catch one of them, at least, for the aforementioned closer look.

This also necessitates taking one alive, so she's NOT pulling any of her weapons - not her guns, not her ID disc, nothing.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    What in the WORLD is going on? Rory's now frightened, too frightened to pay TOO much attention to details. Crawling away with the others is first on her mind, lest anything STRANGE get a bead on all of them...

Deelel has posed:
Corona gets a better look at one of the fleeing thing it's smaller than a adult but a bit larger than a young child it's like it's made of shadow almost and black. There's a faint gleam from it's eyes which is is yellow.

Deelel notes to Staren on the radio that it's not matching up with any known thing that should be on the grid. Cutler's also on edge as well if it's not Tesler's people? It could mean something else, and that something else is something no program on the grid wants to even think might be happening. Xiamou tackles the creature and she tackles it hard. She hits it hard but the thing seems to explode in a poof of black smoke. There's a few data crystals left in it's wake but nothing else.

"By my user what is that?!"

"I don't know but I suggest we don't stick around much longer, go over your ID discs later and we can talk about it."

Notes Cutler, he's not a cowards he just knows if something like this is lurking? The Black Guard might show up if an aberration was detected.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
It's enough smoke, apparently, to give Xiaomu something of a coughing fit as she sprawls on the ground. She picks herself back up quickly, though, and gives the fallen crystals some experimental poking with the butt of her staff before daring to scoop any of them up for a closer look. "Didn't think I hit it hard enough to be fatal ... this is what you mean by de-rezzing or 'cubing'?" she speculates, looking at Deelel and Cutler. "Is it gonna do us any good to take some of these crystals with us, can we analyze them or anything?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"It's like a shadow. If data had a shadow." Corona pauses thoughtfully. "Or maybe they do have shadows. Stray bits of code that got away from them and..." She stops, shuddering. "Erase that thought! That's too creepypasta to think about..." The one Xiaomu tackled just poofs, alas. "Grab those crystal girls, and lets skidaddle outta here with the others." She turns and bounds back towards the others. "Before something even less friendly turns up. I don't feel like having to number crunch through a rear port tonight."

Someone should really tell here to not overdo it so much with the word plays.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra squints. "...no, wait, run that by me again? That description actually sounds kind of familiar." A creature like that Kyra's actually seen before-but not on the /Grid/ before which is something she can't voice with Cutler right there. "...did it have big yellow eyes?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren hmms. "It left crystals behind? Taking those for analysis /seems/ like a good idea... we're /probably/ not dealing with something like the Filth again. Maybe it's--" he trails off. Right, don't talk about non-grid stuff here. "...Maybe it's some new kind of automated weapon or spy?"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo nods. "Sounds like a good idea," he agrees, to the mention of leaving. Cutler's got a point, if those whatever they were get detected, Clu's forces will be all over this place in short order. Wouldn't do to get caught now.

    However with Kyra's surprise, he notes something... recognition. Kyra recognizes the description. "What is it?" he asks quietly. A look to Staren, and he nods, remembering that now's not the time or place. Instead he listens to the talk on the radio. That should probably shed some light on it.

Deelel has posed:
Cutler pulls out at the suggestion to and the creature is gone, he however does take note of what they said.

"Keep your selves safe, End of Line."

With that he's gone and meanwhile Deelel's staring and looking to Kyra for a moment as she catches back up with them.

"It did Kyra, it did have yellow eyes."

She looks to Staren, Xiamou, Gakupo and Corona as she calls out.

"We should get going, we'll head to my home in the city figure out what to do then get off grid."

She turnsd away and headed out of the maze, just what was one of those things doing there?