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Kyra and Lute at Lumiose City
Date of Scene: 07 March 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Kyra and Lute spot each other in Lumiose City, and spend some time talking to each other while exploring the trendy spots of the city.
Cast of Characters: 188, 626

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lumiose City is a place that never sleeps. Even as night time is approaching, this beautiful city is filled with lights. The Prism Tower in the center of the town is filled with lights, and surrounded with people, as usual. Though it's already March, it's still relatively cold. It's even almost freezing. And yet, still, there are so many tourists.

     Lute himself normally doesn't spend much time the Kalos region. But, there is one thing, and one thing only, that draws him here from time to time: It is the /only/ place in the world of Pokemon that he trusts to cut his hair. And so, as he leaves the wonderful Coiffure Clips, he just looks around a bit, smiling. He's wearing a thick, though stylish, black coat, and a red scarf. No hat, though. He doesn't want to ruin his hair immediately.

     He considers. Well. He might as well visit some of the places around while he is /here/. He rubs his hands together, looking around.

     "...Now, where can I find a baguette."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Speaking of tourists...

    Kyra Hyral easily qualifies as a tourist in this case. She's no trainer but she's clearly quite /fascinated/ by a modern society based entirely around what flies as beastmasters on her world. Even now, the novelty has not worn off especially since a lot of the charm of a world's culture can really be seen in its larger cities-at least in Kyra's opinion. She's SUPER BIASED after all, feeling right at home in a large city. Most of the day here was spent in clothing shops-at least the ones that would let her in despite being an outsider. And, as teenaged girls are wont to do, she actually bought some things.

    Even now she's wearing such an item-rather than her skirt, she's gone with pinstriped black and white pants, with the white forming the small, thin, stripes. The moogle hoodie remains, however, since she considers that an important piece of her own style.

    That was several minutes ago. Right now, the white mage strolls out of one of the many cafes the city has, munching on a baguette. As she looks around, her eyes pass over Lute, move on, then swing back suddenly to squint. "Lute....?" she questions aloud. The hair DID look kind of different.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute turns over, hearing his name. While his hair /is/ different, it's recognizable enough to be him. And as for Kyra? Well. Who /else/ would wear a moogle hoodie at her age? Okay, a lot of anime and video game fangirls, but Lute doesn't know about those. Even then, though, with the hoodie and the knowing his name, yeah, Lute is certain of who it is.

     He walks over, smiling. Seeing she has a baguette. And, recognizing some of her fashion. He waves a little bit, rather casually, before placing his hands back in his pockets.

     "Hey! Kyra, what are you doing here? Tourism? Business? ...Actually, I'm guessing tourism." He says this, looking down at her clothing. Yeah, he is a bit stylish himself, so he recognizes her new clothing as being from this town.

     And, then there is the matter of the baguette. He smiles, looking at it, "Where'd you get the baguette? It any good? I was about to go get one myself. ...Though, you know, maybe I could go with you a bit? If you don't mind, at least."

     He thinks back to what happened with her and Helena.

     ...Yeah, might as well try for a date without crazy stuff happening.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Tourism." Kyra confirms, "I don't really have business around here...um. Yet. There was that Team Aqua stuff but that's not in this area." She seems just the slightest bit wary as she studies him for the next few moments. The last time she heard from him he was in a pretty bad mood. Right now, though...? Okay, he's smiling, that's a good sign.

    She jerks a thumb over her shoulder at the cafe she just exited. "It was from this place. It's pretty good, nice and crunchy on the outside. Um...hm."

    She thinks back to their 'date' as well with the sudden turn it took with Helena. She makes a face. "Maybe I should be asking /you/ if you don't mind." Kyra says dryly, turning on her heel and heading back into the cafe she just stepped out of-likely her way of saying yes. "Because not going to lie, that kind of sucked last time."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shakes his head a bit, while also dismissively waving a hand in front of him. He speaks, sighing a bit, "Look, let's be honest, that wasn't really anyone's fault. Just... Sometimes things don't work out." He looks away for a second. It looks like he's about something. He then turns back to her again, after a brief moment. "...But, yeah. The only shame is that I think you and Helena /could/ have been a good couple, but you don't actually seem to like her as more than just a friend. If... if you both loved eachother, but something else was getting in the way, that'd be more of a problem."

     He shrugs a bit, "Either way, though. Yeah, let's hang out a bit. Makeup date, I guess we could call it. ...But, yeah, since you were /just/ in there, I'll grab a baguette afterwards. I was just going to bring it home anyways."

     And, without even asking, he moves to take her by the arm, wrapping his own arm around hers. Hey, it /is/ cold. And it is technically a date! Why not.

     "So, did you manage to get into Boutique Couture in your shopping? I know it's one of the harder places to get into, but. If you want, I can get you in."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Nobody's fault or everybody's fault." Kyra half agrees. "But with Helena I'm not sure anymore. It's kind of a trainwreck and the more I think about it, the crappier I feel." Halfway in the doorway to the cafe, Kyra pauses, considering something.

    "Sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out a bit as long as there's no funny stuff-" Lute diverts her from the cafe which, true, she doesn't mind since she did just leave it. The arm-threading, though, gets a raised eyebrow. "Hmmmmm, Boutique Couture-no, those guys turned me away at the door." Kyra's face turns a little red in anger, "Something about not being stylish enough? I dunno, I think that might be a snooty way of saying that they think I can't afford anything in the store." A pause.

    She looks to Lute, ".../you/ can get in there?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, and sighs, "Well. You're doing your best, so. Not like there is much you can do to make the situation better, right? But yeah, let's not focus on that tonight. It's a bit depressing, and we're in such a beautiful city."

     He does note the raised eyebrow. But, hey, a date is a date, and a date means 'physical contact', in Lute's book at least. And then the bit of anger about Boutique Couture. He just laughs heartily at that, "Oh man, don't take too much offense at that. This city is a bit odd. The stylish thing? It's actually not about how you're dressed. ...Well, wearing more expensive clothes /helps/, but like. What it really is? This town has a culture based on popularity. So, the more your face is out there, the more people know you, and the more people owe you favors? The more stylish and in you are. And, well. I'm becoming a more well known figure in my world, and I'm well known in the Multiverse as a whole. So, yeah. But hey, let's take a visit, how about?"

     He starts leading her along, smiling.

     "...So, how are you liking the town? It's fairly big, and easy to get lost in, but like. So much to see here. Has to be something you like, here."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Silently agreeing, the subject of what happened last time is completely dropped by Kyra.

    Kyra's anger doesn't diminish that much when she gets the real explanation as to why she was turned away. "Popularity? If that's the case then how's a tourist that's never been here before supposed to get in?" she grumps. "That's just ridiculous. Or some kind of ploy to get people keep coming back again and again to this city. ...hmm. Devious." Nonetheless, she does seem to be excited at the prospect of getting into what was previously a denied area to her.

    "You're very well known in the multiverse. I heard people talking about you before I even realized you existed. It was /weird/." Kyra points out, "Everyone seems to have a completely different idea of who you are too. I mean-who are you, really, Lute? I kind of want the straight story here."

    As to the city: "I was lost most of this morning but I really didn't mind because there's so much to see. So far I like the shopping. Oh, and that juice place, that was pretty good."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods a little bit, before looking at the sky, "Yeah, it's somewhat of a gimmick to keep people coming back. But, even more, well. ...Actually, you might understand this, but. It's a way to demonstrate social classes. The higher on the totem pole you are, the more places you can get. ...But, unlike a lot of places, this is a class system where you can get higher, just by your deeds."

     The boutique is now in sight, and Lute leads Kyra to it. The doorman doesn't even say anything. He just moves aside, letting Lute and Kyra in. Lute smiles, looking around inside a bit. There are all sorts of high class fashions in here. And all of them, of course, are /stupidly/ overpriced. But, Lute also knows: They're within his means, especially with some of the stuff he has managed to get ahold of in the Confederacy. Specifically, the gold brick from Duke that he cashed? It is more than enough to buy one of these dresses.

     "...Well. The different ideas about me are because I'm a lot of things. The split personality thing doesn't help with that. But... Let's see. How to describe myself..."

     "First off, I'm a complete pervert. Second, well. I know /of/ morality, but the vast majority of it? ...I don't really /get/. I have my own ethics, if you wanna call it that even. And if there is something I want to do, or something I want to take? I do it, or I take it. ...But, even though I'm fairly casual with morality to the point of being willing to casually kill someone if I cared to? ...above all else, above even my greed, I treasure those who are close to me."

     A pause.

     "Which is why I'm still so pissed at people trying to beat the crap out of me for having multiple relationships."

     A sigh.

     "...But. As for the other side of me. Well. He's a bit more of a sociopath, doesn't care much for others, and is a lot more cold and calculating. Less emotions."

     Lute shrugs, "Can't think of anything else to say about what I think I am, though. Unless you have any specific questions?"

     He smiles a bit, "Well, glad you're liking the city. Though, I suggest checking out the museum. Also, I know this one /really/ cool hair cut place. --Oh, and the resteraunts with actual star ratings? Watch out for those. They're interesting. You basically fight battles in between courses. Usually Pokemon battles, but, hey, with the Multiverse, they're more open to a lot of different combat styles now."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...huh. That's actually kind of interesting. A nice break from the usual social class systems of getting born into political power or money. You know, where if you don't, you're SOL." A correct assumption on Lute's part at least.

    Once they reach the boutique, Kyra watches the reaction of the doorman that turned her away earlier. Nothing. Not even an acknowledgement of earlier, which she's not sure if she should be angry about. Right away, Kyra starts looking at the offerings. She's clearly interested but quite clearly shocked at the prices. "...am I reading this right...? This is like double what my Union salary is for a year."

    Listening to Lute describe himself, Kyra chimes in with a "Yeeeep, caught on to that one. Lots of people seem to remark about the whole pervertedness thing." Damn, though, she didn't want to say it out loud his whole 'do what he wanted' thing did remind her of Helena. But as she listens, she stops remarking, especially when he mentions still being angry over being attacked by the 'Defender of Love'.

    "Actually, yes, I do-how'd this multiple personality thing happen? Were you always like that?"

    She examines a hat, picking it up and turning it over again. There's another long stare as she sees the price. For a HAT. She doesn't even like hats, she realizes in that moment. "Oh, so there's no way I could get out of it with the excuse of NOT being a pokemon trainer? I'd have to fight the pokemon /myself/? Not that fighting monsters is something I don't do all the time anyway." She switches to her PSA voice, "Random encounters can strike at any time."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles, "The class system here isn't even that important. It just helps you get to more pricey places, while also occasionally getting prices cut for you." But, as Kyra continues to look through the clothes, he just smiles. "Well, the Confederate salary is a /bit/ more than the Union one. Plus, the added benefit that we can keep a lot more of the treasure we find on missions. And we have a looser definition of what we can just label as 'treasure'." He gives yet another sly smile, as he looks at Kyra, "But, if you see something here you /want/. I'd be happy to buy it for you. I'd limit it to just one outfit, though."

     And, he sighs a bit, at his perverted reputation being the one thing she heard most people say, "Well, look. I just appreciate the female form. I don't see a lot wrong with that. So what if I decide, like, during the middle of battle, I wanna feel up my opponent? It's no big deal. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did the same to me."

     But, then his split personality is brought up. He pauses, pondering how to describe /that/. "...Well. Odd story. When I unified, I lost my memories, and ended up in an alternate Pokemon world. While there, I had the skill to mentally link with Pokemon. And, I mentally linked with a Shadow Pokemon. They're basically... Insane bestial Pokemon created via lab experiments. Linking with it lead to my brain shattering. It was... unpleasant, and was supposed to kill me. But, now that I'm in the right world, and lost my linking power? I'm better now."

     "...And, yeah, you have to fight the Pokemon yourself. ...Or, not really have to. Just it's suggested. You can explain to them that you don't want to. But yeah, it's a great training thing, and a way to work off the more extravegent and rich meals."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Price cuts, you say. Hmmm. Maybe I should come here more often. Especially if I ever manage to-" she pauses and eyes Lute, "Are you trying to tempt me over to the 'feds? 'cause I'll have to decline. Most of the Light Warriors and thus my friends are in the Union. Uh...that offer, though-" the one about the outfit, "-I'd, um, have to think about it. And if I did I'd be giving back that /other/ outfit you sent."

    Then Lute goes ahead and says a thing that completely validates the constant comments on his perversion. She facepalms. "Fortunately I fight at range."

    Her poking around does come upon a skirt-a nice red, black, and white number that has a little bit of frills going on it but clearly not enough to completely deter Kyra. Just a skirt, it's not as soul-destroying for price. "So linking to this shadow pokemon caused your emotionless sociopath side? Has it kind of...stuck around or did your two personalities merge? I'm kind of unclear on that, actually. Also on an unrelated note, why the Confederacy? Are you too grabby for the Union?" She means that in both the stealing things department and feeling people up department.

    "I don't see why I'd refuse to fight them. I mean, it's in the middle of a restaurant so nobody gets seriously hurt during them, right?" She rubs her chin and picks up the skirt. "Why miss out on the experience, you know?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs at Kyra, "Not really trying to change your mind. I mean, hell, I don't even think I have much of a chance with you romantically even, because you're Union. ...And the whole monogamy thing you've got going on. Difference of opinion on a lot of things would make you a terrible Confederate. ...But, feel free to keep the maid outfit. I mean, I'm /sure/ you'd look good in it. Plus I have the money to spare for more outfits, so."

     "...Also, range never has stopped me before. You just have to get in close enough, right? Heck, there are even a lot of combat advantages to getting in close to a ranged combatant. They can't defend themselves at well up close, usually."

     He looks at the skirt, nodding approvingly. But then, of cours,e he's forced to move on and talk more about the Shadow Pokemon thing, "...Well. Yeah, he stuck around. I'm usually more in control, though. But, well... As for why /I'm/ in the Confederacy... It doesn't help out if you're a perverted sociopath who'd kill someone just to take something cool they have. I don't get /why/, but for some reason the Union frowns on the whole 'murder' thing? ...Plus a lot of the other stuff I do is repulsive to them on various levels." He shrugs a bit.

     "Well, if you are looking forward to the fight, have fun with it! It ameks the meal a lot more interesting."

     A pause, then he smiles, "So, going with the skirt, then?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You don't, no, but I don't think it's 'cause I'm Union and you're a 'fed." Kyra can't help but laugh just a little. "Me, personally, I'd go polygamous. There are other's I'd try dating right now if I could. But Dominic wouldn't like that and I respect that 'cause I respect him." She's privately proud that she'd make a 'terrible confederate' though.

    She pointedly doesn't comment on the ranged combat thing. Melee fighting IS a problem for her and the longer he doesn't know that, the better, especially if he shares it with the rest of the Confederates. There's enough healer aggro as is!

    "I'm at least going to try this on." She says in a way that suggests she's still on the fence about having Lute buy her something. Given her funds at the moment, she did have a lot she could put towards paying. "-pff, oh, well, when you put it that way, Lute, being in the Confederacy makes perfect sense for you. Be right back." She disappears into the changing room, moments pass, and she emerges.

    For this, Kyra's taken off her hoodie and the pair of bandoliers underneath it. This leaves her with a sleeveless white undershirt and three different gun holsters. "Ahh, it's as nice as I expected, dangit."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shakes his head a bit at the comment about Kyra's relationships. He just... sighs heavily. It takes him a short bit to respond to that. "...Well. I really can /not/ understand that... Being more polyamorous, and yet being willing to just be with one person... ...But..." A sigh. A really really heavy sigh. There is obviously something a bit more personal here. "...I guess I just won't I won't understand that ever." There is a passing look of anger, rage, and hatred on Lute's face. It's not aimed at Kyra, at all. He's looking aside as it happens. And, it passes quickly. But. It is there, nonetheless.

     He seems satisfied with her understanding of why he's in the Confederacy. Really, though? Yeah, it's a pretty simple reason. He just waits as she switches outfits. He would /try/ to peek, but, well. This place is quite classy.

     He'd be caught almost immediately here.

     But, as she comes out, he smiles, pretty happily. "Well, it looks great on you! You can pull off some pretty stylish fashions. ...Though I have to say, you look a lot cooler without the hoodie. The holsters really help make you look cooler, too."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I...hm, I guess it's only something you'd really understand if you felt it yourself? Look, I'm sure there are girls out there that are going to go for that kind of arrangement." She shrugs a little, completely oblivious to the fact that for those few seconds, Lute had that look on his face. Likely better that way at least.

    It's a good thing no attempted peeking is made. That might have resulted in some bodily harm, even if Lute was a self-admitted lech.

    "Hah, you think so?" She doesn't remark on just how much she expected from Lute on what looked good. Sure, she could walk out in a burlap sack and Lute would go for it-but Kyra herself liked this outfit too. The real surprise is his follow up comment, "Without the hoodie? Really? Huh. I didn't think...well...hm. Okay, yeah, that does make sense. Sorry, I'm very partial to my hoodie." She disappears into the changing room again and, moments later, emerges with everything except now the hood is down and the front is unzipped to her hoodie.

    "...so I do want to get this." she admits with some defeat, "I can put all the money I have on me to it now but I don't think I feel okay with you paying for it so I'd probably pay you back for it over time, Lute."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute says nothing more on relationships. He really does not want to even think about it right now. But, still, he just looks at Kyra, shrugging, "Hey, if you like the hoodie, keep it. But eh, I just have a different taste in fashion I guess."

     But, as she speaks about the cost? He just shakes his head a bit, "Look. I don't like having people in debt to me. Besides, what do you think people would say if I bought you this, and you told them 'Lute bought be this, but he expects repayment later'. They'd think Iwas looking for something else from you, right? Seriously. Just take it. It's a gift, from me. Besides, it was my fault on the date. I invited Helena. So, this is the least I can do to make it up to you."

     He winks a bit, "Besides, I bet your boyfriend will like it."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Different styyyyyyles." Kyra says in a super exaggerated French accent. "It's part of the whole DJ persona thing I have going anyway. Kind of like a brand, you know? Growing up in a super city if you wanted to stand out, you had to distinguish yourself somehow! Though I think you already /got/ that." Kyra seems cheerful now, gleefully abandoning the topic of relationships and number of people contained therein.

    She waves her hand, "Ah, jeeze, I'd never put it like that. Said that way it sounds kind of terrible. It's like, no, okay, I don't like being in debt to people either. But....but..." Okay, so he did have a good point she did agree with: he was the one who invited Helena and that decision did kind of ruin things. "/Alright/ if you put it that way, I'll accept, but this and nothing else 'cause I don't want to get a golddigger reputation or anything like that!"

    A mischevious smile follows. Kyra can't help it. "Yeah. Though only one way to find out." She nudges him. "But I should get this and go before the rest of the adorable stuff in this store tempts me."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just shrugs a bit, "Well, yeah, style is important. A sense of identity is important. And sticking out is important. And if that's how you wanna do it, sure, go for it."

     But now, a smile. She relented. He doesn't really think he will get anywhere with Kyra, but. The more people who have a positive view of him for once? The better. It's actually something he realized recently. The whole Multiverse hates him. He uses that reputation, generally, to draw the Union towards him, and away from others. But, having one or two people who respect him in the Union? That can prove useful, too.

     "Don't worry, I won't let anyone know. I'm not the kind to brag, usually. Heck, I'd normally even ask for a quick kiss for this, but I won't even do that. Cause I feel like being a gentleman tonight. ...Plus that wouldn't help with the whole 'gold digger' thing, either, huh?"

     Another shrug.

     "Have fun with the rest of your night. I should get the last few things I need too, then go home. Wife, and maybe some of my girlfriends, are probably missing me a bit. See you again sometime, okay?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "'Usually' not the kind to brag." Kyra says dryly, her experience out in the field with this guy telling her otherwise. It was actually pretty interesting the contrast between him here and out in a fight. Almost completely different people-could be the multiple personality thing or it could just be that Lute was like an onion-he had layers.

    This may just add another dimesion to her reluctance to fight him.

    "It would! Besides, you snuck one in last time despite all that happened." she gives him a semi-stern look. "Sneaky. Anyway, you have a nice night. I...uh...see you again? Can't guarentee our next meeting will be THIS pleasant but...uh." She waggles her fingers. "See you around."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute, of course, takes a moment to pay for the skirt for Kyra. He speaks even as doing so, though. "Well, okay, fine, I /do/ brag sometimes. But hey, sometimes it is warranted, right?" A shrug.

     "Anyways... Yeah, next time will /probably/ be less peaceful. But, well. I won't hold back against you if we fight, alright?"

     He begins to get ready to leave.

     "--Oh, one last thing, though, before I go."

     And, of course, he attempts to steal a kiss from her. Again. Despite some of the stuff he said earlier.

     Yeah, this is the whole 'acting on impulse without thinking' thing again.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I won't hold back either." Kyra quite pointedly tells him. "I am so ready for the healer aggro." No need for her to go announcing that she wasn't exactly looking forward to fighting his legendary dragon again if it came to that.

    As she shoulders the bag, he catches her attention again, this time for one last thing-

    Unfortunately for him, she's actually ready for this, having learned her lesson from last time, not to mention his earlier words about himself. She sticks a hand out and stuffs his advance with an open palm to his forehead. It's not a slap or strike or anything like that-at least not depending on how fast he comes at her.

    "Hah! /Nice try/, Lute. I won't fall for that twice."

Lute (188) has posed:
     As the palm hits Lute's head, he backs off, shrugging. "Hey, you're cute. What can I say, I had to try again. ...Shame about your boyfriend. But hey, whatever."

     And with that, he sort of just casually walks out the door. He turns his head back, smiling, and waves.

     "See you. Good luck with your love life. Also, don't get killed before I get to fight you!"