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Date of Scene: 07 March 2015
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Various people use the Red Wing of the Abstractum Homeworld for reasons.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 202, 319, 347, 570

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn Lysen is here, but she isn't the only one. She's brought three of her servants along with her. Azon, the hulking, nonhumanoid demon is clicking his claws together. Vrenyn Kuhn, the wide-eyed undead warrior, is slouching at odd angles that make her walk seem unbalanced. Lialyn Earthdance, the quiet, spirit-swordswoman, is following closely at Adelyn's side, suspicious of everyone who crosses their path.

    The archmage herself pays little attention to the others in the structure. Her goal is to look at the Proto-Abstractum system. "Let's see, what have we here... Gishur," she calls out to her own Abstractum, "what do you make of this? Would this system enhance your ability to manage magical flow between my own powers and the bodies of a proto-user?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had an idea for proto units, but she needed some help here she had overclock in one hand. She was uneasy she'd not done this before and she looked to her partner for a moment.

"So Overclock I got an idea for some protounits a way to interface with alien computer systems basically. Given how the multiverse is I need to be prepared right? Whatcha think on this my friend?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Wow, what am I, chopped liver??" Mr. Welcomes, the designated guide to all this, calls out with good humor from his kiosk. He doesn't really seem to mind, though, he just good-naturedly lets Adelyn find out however she likes.

    Gishur floats down nearby, to examine the proto-abstractum crafting chambers. "Hmmm. Abstractum have the primary advantage of universal compatibility. Doubling up that advantage would be quite effective for distributing your power, Mistress. It might broaden some vulnerabilities, but I've the utmost confidence we could easily account for that with superior knowledge."

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn lightly waves off Welcomes. Sure, she could ask him, and that's something like his function here, but she's the type that puts more stock into mystical floating books than in most other objects/beings.

    "Yes, anything specifically targeting abstractum--in particular, any vulnerabilities in the network, would then be spread to the proto-users as well. We remove a certain fail-safe that would otherwise be present without their use. On the other hand, we gain a number of benefits in the process, and it should be possible to overcome any such weakness through either direct or indirect means. If nothing else, the proto-abstractum can be discarded in the case that a critical vulnerability cannot be adequately handled. Well? What items do you all suggest?"

    "If it is a weapon, clawed gauntlets will serve. For ritual purposes, as well." Adelyn is used to hearing Azon's rumbling voice, and has less trouble understanding it than most.

    "I would be at a disadvantage with any weapon but a sword, mistress." Lialyn's voice is thoughtful and serious.

    "Gimme something that'll catch the fleeing COWARDS." Vrenyn hisses, causing Adelyn to give her a second glance. "Gimme some CANNONS."

    "Perhaps a firearm, then." Adelyn turns to look at the machinery. "Well, Gishur? Do we have the resources for all this?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh, I think that'd be a great idea! Universal compatibility is one of the bigger strengths there, just get some kind of interface device and a form you can plug in, and I think you'll be covered. What's your plan?" The little module is upbeat about this, it seems very encouraging of Kotone finding methods to better herself like this.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh, Mistress, that's what I like most about this facility. This one doesn't drain our Resonance at all." The book flits over to the chambers. "The Form chamber and the Function chamber." It says, indicating each one. "Aside from the functions each provide in their basic nature -- you can't have a sword without sharpness, you know -- you need only materialize the form and manifest a desired function. I would recommend summoning mundane versions of the equipment you seek for the Form, and casting an effect into the Function chamber. Not only will you have a superior relay point for your power, you'll also craft what is the Abstractum equivalent of enchanted weaponry. This time, the materials are consumed, not red resonance."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I'm thinking something that could work with my already existing head jacks right? That would be the most simple part, also givne your normally lose have you considered about geting installed into this shell to make it harder to get us seperated?" She ntoes as she thinks a bit more on the subject.

"Also hello Mr. Smiles!"

She also gives the others here a wave not that she knows them too well.

"So anything else before Overclock or I get started.?"

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Lialyn has been glancing repeatedly toward Kotone throughout this, while Azon and Adelyn have been ignoring her, and Vrenyn has been alternately creepily staring at everything and nothing. None of them give a wave back, though the motion causes Vrenyn to crane her head back for another stare, neck at an oddly unnatural angle.

    "Oh, excellent." Adelyn says to Gishur, "Let us commence. The forms have already been decided, but--let's see--it will save room for error if you three each select the forms, I think. Azon, you first."

    "As you say. I must see these controls." The demon rumbles, stepping forward on four armored legs to the Form chamber's console.

    If nothing goes awry, the three will each use the Form chamber in turn. First, someting like a glove made for a large, clawed hand, secured at the wrist and covering each of the demon's digits with a hardy cap, sporting its own razor edges in appropriately demonic style. Second, a short, curved sword, matching form and length to the off-hand blade Lialyn already uses. Third, an M1875, Colt .45 "Peacemaker," because Vrenyn keeps binge-watching old Earth movies.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Ah, making something like that? Alright Miss, you'll want... Probably something you can plug into yourself, and then, hmmm, something wireless? Put the first one into the form chamber, and the second one into the function chamber. That'll do it for you!" Welcomes says, advising on the proto-Abstractum issue.

    "Huh, that'd be a good idea!" Overclock says, encouragingly. "If you can get a form basis for something like that, I'll give it a shot in that form machine. I'd love to have a form that's more convenient for you, though I'm betting that'll make the heat issue a little more trouble."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I'm thinking I have something along both of those lines. This should be be easy enough."

She Thinks for a moment as she pust a basic plug into one end and a wireless emitter into the other tht should be more than what she needs.

"I'd have to be altered to vent heat better wouldn't it so where would be the easist place for that you think Overclock?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    It would seem it needs MATERIAL FORMS to consume! The group would have to contribute their own instances of this equipment! Oh no. Except, abruptly, someone ELSE appears to have upgraded the Red Wing, and there's a sudden shift in the location, a flickering as it gets rather larger!

    Another Mr. Welcomes kiosk is here, set halfway into the wall. The shorter room here is wide and open, like a dojo or something similar, but several strange machines are set into the walls on the opposite end of the entryway. Each one has a large crystal sphere set into it, like an Abstractum, but none of the "eyes" are open. They're on either side of Mr. Welcomes' kiosk.

    The FORM ACTUALIZER is available, to add additional forms to your Abstractum for a cost of RED RESONANCE depending on the additional form and the existing forms. It takes the shape of a complex machine with a large glass "eye" at the front and an unusual maw of sorts, baring a variety of strange tools.

    The COMBO FRAME MANUFACTURER is here; it's much more simple. A basic cylindrical thing, with sets of little Abstractum-eye-sized frames connected to it by tubes and wires, and its own eye on top.

    The controls for the COMBAT SIMULATOR are here as well, allowing people to select a Node to use for enemies, and to configure the enemies used in the simulator based on foes encountered thus far. The control panel, like all other machines here, has the blank eye-crystal. The combat simulator itself was recent upgraded, the massive dojo-esque area now occupying two floors, extremely wide, and linked up with the Armory next door where weapon storage facilities are available and many types of non-lethal training proto-Abstractum can be found.

    The PROTO-ABSTRACTUM CRAFTING CHAMBERS have their own internal warpgates and consist of a pair of seperare rooms just off the area, with a complex control panel between them bearing the crystaline eye.

    The MATERIALS RECYCLER here is something styled after large machinery, particularly something like an ice crusher or wood chipper. The wide maw seems to have a lot of grinding teeth! Thankfully, they're dormant most of the time. It looks like it might charge your Abstractum with something from its output!

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    It would appear the new facilitieds allow the free manufacture of MUNDANE-LEVEL proto-Abstractum Forms, though they are functionless, and so a Function must be provided by Adelyn casting into the Function chamber. This covers the need to deal with physical objects for this more low-level stuff.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn looks up with a slight frown as the room changes on her. "What was that? Is something messing with the building layout?"

    It's Azon that first looks over the newly added functions. Calling the others' attention to it. Since her other plan would have been to acquire 'mundane' (unenchanted) instances of each object in any case, this saves some tedium. Adelyn directs the use of this new Red Wing function.

    For Azon's claw, the intended function is 'concentrating mana' in the claw-tips. That will let him use it for casting purposes. Secondarily, 'cutting' mana.

    For Lialyn's sword, the primary purpose may seem an odd one: 'moving earth.' But, that's Earthdance's combat style. Again, 'cutting' is a secondary concern.

    For Vrenyn's gun, what she most wants from it is stopping power, or a conceptual 'slowing' effect. Secondarily, 'piercing.' She wants to hit things hard, but she can do that by catching up to them, too.

    Adelyn isn't going to try too hard to get things exactly so. If something doesn't seem possible to work with the machinery as is, or if it won't accept as many inputs as she tries for, she'll just take the closest equivalent. She's still a busy woman with more places to be.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Delayed again...

    That was Fayt's thoughts as he arrived at the homeworld, moving twoards the Red Wing. Between stuff outside the homeworld and the other nodes keeping people busy, Fayt hasn't been doing nearly as much as he could ot help with this abstractum problem.

    Still, last he checked, his own node was reaching a tipping point, and he hasn't directly upgraded Maugris even once.

    Well, he's done a bit, maybe it's enough to do something. otherwise? Well... he'll have to wing it with what he already has he guesses.

He approaches the Form Actualizer to see what he can do with it.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Would probably want any slot like that away from the braincase, with a low volume to surface area ratio. Probably around a limb, I'd guess." Overclock says eagerly to Kotone. Seeing her considering self-engineering seems to have it in a really good mood!

    Meanwhile, Kotone's use of the proto-Abstractum production facilities here seems successful! She's able to make a UNIVERSAL TRANSMITTER to interface with systems that accept broadcasts in general.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    It looks like most functions work just fine! Casting a spell into the function chamber applies the function directly to the artifact itself, expressing it through it. Though oddly, it's all made ambiguous in its terms. The claw concentrates and cuts mana, but it seems to be a more generalized energy, potentially applying to electricity and other energy types. This is especially clear with the gun; the weapon lacks any apparent ammo and seems to shoot purely conceptual "damage" with a heavy side of slowing and piercing. The Cores are where these functions are stored, of course; they're now present on the backs of the hand, where the pommel of the sword would be, and at the cylinder of that gun.

    Fully equipped, it seems! Though now the weapons are vulnerable to things like hacking. A fairly straightforward tradeoff.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn takes her time checking over the newly created goods. Not only does she want to see that they perform as designed, but she also wants to check that they can correctly interface with Gishur's ability to channel her magic into other Abstractum, and provide a noticeable tactical boost.

    Fortunately, there is a combat simulator right here. This is the perfect opportunity to use it, so she walks over to punch in a random field/enemy selection and get in a live fire test. She expects this to take as much time is left for this trip in her schedule.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has noticed that Overclock is in a really good mood too. The thinks for a moment.

"Left arm I'd say rather than my primary one right> We can figure this out, we don't want it damaging a leg either, right that would mean moblity loss."

She finds the proto-Abstractum is very much to how she was hoping.

"So how would we get me modded and you modded for such a hook up?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Hi there!" That's Mr. Welcomes, the middle-aged man with thin, graying hair, wearing a business suit, present in the information kiosk near that form actualizer. He waves in a friendly, pleasant way, to Fayt. "Looking for any help with the form machine? I can give you a rundown on how that thing works."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt looks to the Kiosk as he hears Welcomes speak up. Awkwardly, he lifts a hand up to return the wave. "Um... Hi... and sure, how does thing thing work?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Makes perfect sense." Overclock says, nodding several times. "In fact, easiest way of doing this would be for you to just get a whole arm, like taking off the one you have now, and sticking it in the form actualizer. Might be a bit weird to do that just right here, I mean, but that's the easy way! Planning on giving it a shot?"

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko takes a little while to reach the Red Wing, having been distracted by a supply of kabayaki in the Green Wing, therefore arriving after Adelyn has already gone into the simulator.

    Mm, grilled eel.

    She already knows what she wants, so after inclining her head to Fayt and Welcomes--who she has now seen at least three times, today--she heads to the FORM ACTUALIZER. "Mn... shoes? No, let's go with something armored. Articulated plate, in lames... like my sabatons." She forms a puzzled expression. "Would it be weird to be split in two? Though, I think some other Abstractum already do that..." The concept of having two body parts that aren't physically connected is a little foreign to her, even if someone could say that it technically describes any Puella Magi. "...anyway, something boot-sized, and armored. Our focus is still protection. There are just... times when speed is important in that goal."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa takes a moment she's wigged out but nods for a moment as she looks to Overclock.

"Given the stuff from Zwei's world? Who knows when we'll have another chance to do this. IF it doesn't work we can do something about it next time right or get another arm installed."

She nods.

"Well better bite the bullet."

She heads to the form actualizer and moves to remove her vest, she's not indecent as she moves to issues several mental commands, and gets past about a dozen safety and are you sure prompts to disengage the arm. She looks at the stump for a moment and moves to place it in. Then moves to lace Overclock in as well.

"Let's go."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Ah, that's more simple." Welcomes says, grinning widely while he speaks in a very friendly tone, making gestures at the main opening of the form actualizer. "It's as easy as bringing in something you don't mind losing, and putting it and your Abstractum into the machine. The machine will extract the form concept out of it and implant it into your Abstractum's Form Matrix. They'll transform whenever you need them to! It just takes some Red resonance, which you look like you've got a bit of. So! Anything you'd like to turn your gloves into?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "It's not actually that weird! I know it's /compltely/ weird for humans, but we don't have all those fiddly nerves and stuff, we're fine being two things. I think if you manifested some armor, you could keep it together long enough for it to get analyzed. Wanna try it out that way? Just make some greaves, then stick 'em in, and then I go in after, ought to do it." Koishin seems really agreeable about all this, and pleasant, and generally supporting! It doesn't seem to mind in the least.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt tilts his head from side to side. what would actually be useful? "Hmm... I think..." He glances at his radio, some other projects have come up there. Slowly, he nods.

    And then his eyes light up, as he points a single hand into the air.

    "TO THE WORKSHOP!" With a small cough, he adds "Ok, I think I have an idea on what I need, but before I go spending what little resonance I've got I need some time to think this through and get some practice in, and I've got just the projects to handle that. Thanks for the help, I'll try to be back with something to use soon!" with that said, Fayt nearly runs out of the wing. "Excuse me! got ideas and need to write 'em down!"

    Surprisingly, he seems unusually excited for a change.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko gives a thoughtful nod, first taking off Koishin and setting the bracer down where needed, into the machinery. It does all seem a bit strange, but she tries to put this down simply to never having done this before. You can't get around some things being strange, when you've never seen them done.

    Making the armor is easy. A full suit is something she's come to be able to do in one snap of her fingers, and here she can concentrate on creating just the pieces she wants. Layer over layer of shiny, engraved steel, remarkably well-articulated for how solid it is to a hostile blow. The feet are modestly pointed, with a trade of stability to dexterity. The greaves above would wrap securely over the shins of a wearer her size, ending below the knee. Straps, hidden beneath and behind, hold everything together over the lack of a leg.

    "Nn. Yes, this should do." She places the plate-armor boots into the analyzer.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Kotone's not got a lot of red, but it looks like she has barely enough for this one form! The churning maw of the machine cradles both objects gently as they're sent within. There's a whole lot of very ominous noises and a gush of red light from the opening of the machine, before Kotone is then presented with what appears to be the same arm! Not quite, though; an apparatus installed directly into the arm can be seen, allowing the Core Matrix to slide along its length, and the glassy eye slips down its length to the elbow, peeking up cheerfully to Kotone. "Hi!" It says, using her own hand to wave at her briefly. "Total success, looks like I'm installed! We'll need to work out some more ventilation stuff later, but I think I can help with that a lot. Let's go get started as soon as you're done here!" She'll have complete control back as soon as she re-attaches the detached limb.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa seems to have just enough as she watches the process she's looking kinda odd with. She watches, in the back of her mind, the twilight zone theme is goihng off. She shakes out of that as Overclock notes it's successful she waits for a moment and moves to go get the arm and slowly reattach it, it takes some times but everything seems to work again. She flexes the hand, fingers runs everything through it's paces before moving to pull her shirt and vest back on.

"Wll in for a penny in for a pound right? At least this way I can't be ... disarmed. Also that eyeballs not going to always be there I hope?! That would be ... creepy."

She ponders on this and collects her other item she's not sure abotu this call but given what she's facing she's going to need it.

"Let's go shall we?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Overclock slips into the elbow and then pops up on Kotone's wrist. "There." It says. "Like a watch, see? That's much less issue, right?" It's got a cheerful, but good-humored look on its face at this. While it DOES encourage Kotone to alter herself, it does also want her to be comfortable. "Alright, sure, let's get going!"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The heavy analyzer equipment cups the boots in its analysis and deconstruction tools gently. When Kimiko inserts her bracer, it'll do much the same. She's got plenty of Red resonance to spare for something like this, it'd seem. Enough surplus, apparently, that something unusual comes out after a gush of red light! Two bracers and a pair of greaves.

    "Well that's... Weird!" Koishin calls out, still on the bracer. "Did it not... No, wait, hang on." The greaves disappear and the bracers now swap to being greaves themselves. "Ohhh...kay! That kinda works!" Another flash of red and it's down to just one bracer! "That's actually really convenient. Alright, I think this should help me get you a little more mobile, just let me know when you want me to try focusing on that more!" The little artifact is very eager to be a reliable partner here.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa takes a moment she's going to have to live with it if it doesn't work Overclock can be altered again and she can get a new arm right? That thought in and of itself. She nods a bit.

"It will hve to do and damn you can move anywhere on that arm right?"

She pokes at the eye for a moment and thinks this is going to take a lot of getting used to.

"Lets see if anyone needs some blue, shall we.?"

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko actually looks worried for a moment, uncertain what just happened. She's come to rely on Koishin for a lot of things, and may have gotten a little sensitive. After that moment, it's clear that it's merely "weird" without being "bad," and she waits until Koishin's done changing forms before picking up the bracer again.

    So... "Now you have a 'two bracers' form, too? And a four-piece form." That could be convenient, yes.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Looks like it! I think I can be just boots too, just in case. This is good! Must have been something really fitting, I wonder if you could add more armor... I don't have enough red left for more forms, but if you try adding extra armor, I bet you could make a whole suit of me!" Koishin says, with an eager tone and an energetic posture around Kimiko's arm. "Think about trying that, if it sounds good to you! I think it would be cool."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    "A whole suit... if you can concentrate on just pieces of it, then..." Kimiko had said that she'd like more adaptability by changing Koishin's form, and this seems like it would fit right in. It works along with her own magic, too, so perhaps she should have thought of trying this earlier. "If we have enough for that... and also for the combo frame miss Lamb wanted to make." Oh, but she hadn't asked how much was needed for that. It's possible that Eleanor isn't exactly sure, either. Well, that's troublesome.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    "If it doesn't interfere with that..." Kimiko gets back to concentrating on her magic. As before, she focuses the armor she's making one piece at a time, starting with what she considers the most important--the gauntlets. Not just for protecting the hands; the way she fights, the fact that the armor raises to points on the knuckles is occasionally relevant. Arms follow, followed by breastplate and helm, after which it becomes a littls awkward for her to hold this up in front of her without a tailor's dummy, but she continues. A mail skirt is mandatory, with yet more hidden strips of leather and buckles to not only keep the arms to shoulderst to collar, but the thigh greaves to hip to breast.

    It's all so natural to her that she doesn't think about it much until she's done, but, "All of this will work... right?" It's, potentially, a lot of forms. Sort of.

    She places the three-quarters suit into the machine, and starts this process again.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    It looks like Kimiko still has a stockpile of red, but not all of the armor can be built up yet. This might be a sustained effort over the course of several Nodes, apparently, as there's enough to get the gauntlets done tonight, but more is going to be beyond her at the moment. It looks like assembling a full suit of KOISHIN ARMOR will need to be done gradually! But with the progress made so far, it should be done long before the end of this campaign.