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At Lute's House - Miko Meets Harp
Date of Scene: 08 March 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Miko comes over to visit Lute's house, and meets Harp. And it gets super awkward.
Cast of Characters: 188, 589

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is currently hanging around at home, just casually waiting. He gave Miko an invitation over early. A bit of an 'at home' date. Something quite casual. Maybe watch a movie, play some video games. Things like that. He's dressed in his usual casual outfit, reading a book while waiting. Some chips and dip are on the table, there are some sodas nearby, and some other various snacks.

     He imagines this will be a fairly casual affair. He knows from experience that the day to day life is part of what is important in a lasting relationship. If two people can be bored together, and be happy, the relationship is /working/. He can't even count how many bored days he spent with Harp, just cuddling and watching TV a bit.

     And as for Harp, well... She's here, albeit not obviously so. At least, not yet. She's in the bathroom, putting on makeup, and getting ready. She hasn't even let Lute know she plans to meet Miko today. She's just going to be springing this on them. Harp has heard a /lot/ about Miko from Lute. And, well. She wants to make sure Miko is good for Lute. Because a lot of women have been bad for him, recently.

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko is taking quite awhile preparing. It was supposed to be casual, but she keeps hemming and hawing over her wardrobe choices. "Ah... You're sure this is the best choice?" she asks in her bedroom while posing this way and that in the mirror.

    A tiny blonde fairy with semi-transparent wings, about six inches tall, floating nearby says, "It's fine, it's fine!"

    "But, you know... Is 'fine' good enough?" Miko asks, while frowning and turning to look over her shoulder at her back.

    "It's a casual meeting, but you still look great! Go for it!" White Rose insists with a double thumbs-up.

    Miko is wearing denim overalls with a black and white-striped shirt underneath, and a pair of open sandals. It may or may not be a bit cold for this. She doesn't know how warm it is where Lute lives. But that isn't her primary concern, since she'll be indoors once she gets there. Presumably, anyway. "But... You know..."

    "What? What's the problem?" the high-pitched voice of the tiny fairy demands as she flies around and around Miko's head in circles.

    Miko puts her hands on her hips and turns to face forward again. "Aren't over-alls a bit too... Boyish?"

    White Rose slaps a hand to her forehead. "You're worried about that? Really? With THIS guy!?"

    Miko blushes and says, "Well, you know. I don't normally dress like this. It just feels weird."

    White Rose pinch the bridge of her nose and props a hand on her own hip. After a few seconds of thinking, she flies around looking at Miko from various angles, then - stroking her chin - she says, "Ditch the shirt. Just wear a 'tube top' underneath."

    Miko blanches. "W-what!? I think that's a bit -too- casual!"

    White Rose throws her arms up above her head and says, "Then wear a dress over it! I don't know what you want from me, Miko! You're gonna' be late if you don't hurry it up, though!"

    Eventually, a decision was reached and Miko ventured to the dark and forboding lair of Lute's home, wearing an alternate, higher-necked pair of overalls designed specifically for women, with shorts-length legs, and the sandals she originally planned for. White Rose has decided to come with to offer 'advice', but will remain as unobstrusive as she can.

    When the two arrive, Miko takes the time to knock on the door and wait patiently, regardless of what she may have been told about entering or not, because she is POLITE and JAPANESE and that is HOW SHE DOES THINGS.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute blinks at the knock. But he sighs a bit. Not really annoyed, more of an 'oh, that's cute, right, the whole Japanese politeness thing'. He sets down the book down, and leaps up to open the door. Smiling, looking her over. "Wow! Cute outfit. It looks good on you. You really pull it off." He leans in, to give her a quick kiss. On the lips, of course. A bit of a hug too. After the kiss and hug, he spots White Rose, blinking a bit. He doesn't remember her name, or even if he heard it. But, he still has an idea of who this is, from prior talks with Miko.

     "Oh, hey! Nice to meet you, too. You must be that friend Miko told me about. Sort of her magical girl companion thing, right? ...Or is that simplifying it too much?"

     He shrugs a bit. Really, he imagines he's unlikely to offend the fairy. Though he's pondering offering her a kiss, too. Didn't Miko call the fairy a representation of her desires and wants for her life, of something like that? So the fairy might not mind a kiss... But he just isn't certain. Eh, he'll figure her out more as things go along.

     "Just as a reminder, though, Miko. No need to knock! You can treat my home as your own. Heck, if you want, I could even get you a room here eventually. I mean I know you have a place with the Confederacy, but like. A lot of those don't always feel quite like a real 'home'? ...Though ehh, I might be thinking of things for later."

     He shrugs again, then takes Miko's hand, to guide her in. Leading her to sit on the couch, next to him.

     "So, how've you been? Keeping busy?"

     In the bathroom, Harp hears the talk. So, she speeds up her process of getting ready a bit. At the moment, she is finishing up her makeup, by applying some red lipstick.

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko smiles brightly when she sees Lute, only blushing a little at the inspection, and returning the kiss and hug she is offered. When they separate she puts her hands behind her back and says, "Thank you for inviting me over.-Oh, this is White Rose. You didn't invite her, so she can head back home if you want." White Rose doesn't tend to physically exist outside of Miko's proximity, so 'leaving' for her is as simple as going back into Miko's dreamspace until she's needed.

    The little white-haired, red-eyed fairy is fluttering next to Miko when Lute greets her. She wibble-wobbles her hand back and forth and says, "Kind of sort of over-simplifying it. I'm a Dream Pixie, the Sacred Fairy of the Sacred Scepter. I don't know all the details, but I'm an entity that lives inside of Miko's dreams. A more convenient interpreter for the Scepter than some animal familiar, because my personality and form are born from the Champion's own psyche. It keeps everything neat and orderly, without some third-party entity of dubious motivations getting involved. Like, who can ever know what a cat is REALLY thinking."

    Miko turns her head away to cover her smile up a bit. White Rose distrusts cats due to past experiences. The teenage girl then refocuses on Lute and says, "A-Ah... I'll keep that in mind. But, you know... I don't want to intrude at an inopportune time." <<Like if you have -someone else- over,>> she thinks somewhat bitterly. She knows she's not the only person Lute sees, but she tries not to think about it too much.

    Ignoring the problem tends not to work out so well, though. But at least for now, she puts such concerns from her mind, and White Rose parks herself on Miko's shoulder as the latter is guided in by the hand. Once seated, she says, "I've been well enough. I'm fully recovered from my injuries, of course. I've been looking into some problems in my home town. There are other magical girls, and some might be good allies to the Confederacy. Even some of the enemies of the magical girls might serve that role well." She also has another idea in mind, but she doesn't want to bring it up while White Rose is here.

    Because it has to do with finding a different artifact to wield, so that she's not reliant upon the Sacred Scepter or restricted by its rules.

    "What about you? How have you been doing? I heard you've had some rough fights lately. Some kind of... Berserker thing?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just waves dismissively, "Don't worry about it, White Rose is welcome too. I mean, this is a pretty casual thing, right? Not every date has to be huge and dramatic, right? Sometimes just being together with you, even if friends are around, is fine, right? And, sorry for oversimplifying. That makes a lot of sense, though. It's great that Miko has a friend to support her. Even if the supporter is... Part of her, I guess? Just another aspect of her? ...Man, it's similar to what I have in a way. I've got an alternate personality who is part of me, but he's a bit of an ass, so I hate him."

     While seated, Lute of course wraps an arm around Miko's waist. He isn't even trying the lame yawning thing. All women see through that, all the time. Even he knows this. He leans against her a bit, smiling. He grabs the TV's controller with his free hand, and hands it to Miko, "Here, you can pick what you want to watch, if you want. Like I said, casual."

     He ponders the whole magical girl thing, considering. It's a bit odd to him. Most worlds with Magical Girls only have a handful, from his experience. A ton of them in one world is a bit... odd, to him. But, he just smiles, "More Magical Girl allies would be great. The Union has a bit of a monopoly on them. ...Though, yeah, the things they fight are usually more akin to what we'd take in. But, whenever you have things to deal with in your world, invite me, okay? I'm more than willing to help."

     And then, the comment on the berserker. This... This actually gets Lute looking briefly sullen, though he's doing his best to fight it. "...I've... had the berserker thing going on for ages, and was hoping it left when I reattuned to this world. But, how to put this... It comes out when I feel complete and utter anger. I feel nothing else, go berserk, and attack anything close to me. It's at least smart enough to distinguish ally from enemy, but... It's completely bestial. I even have eaten people's flesh while in that form. It's... not pleasant."

     A frown, looking away, "...It's taken more to get me in that mode, but. Something was breaking my heart a bit. Something outside of my control. Well, how to put this."

     He looks at Miko, trying to be calm. He knows this is probably not going to be something she'd like to hear, but he needs someone to let his emotions be known to. Sure, the help with Samar has helped him focus this anger towards the Union, but. ...Oh well. He'll tell her anyways. It'd help, he think.

     "...This one woman, who I have had... incredibly strong feelings for, for some time? She told me that she might eventually enter in a monogamous relationship, with someone else. And that'd we'd have to stop seeing eachother. ...At the moment, though she's torn on if she wants to be with me, or the other guy. ...I'm not going to say who the other two involved are, though. It's nothing personal, just. She wants to keep her relationships under wraps. While people know I've been dating her, well..."

     A sigh.

     "...I may have said too much. But, whatever. Let's just enjoy ourselves a bit, alright?"

     And, then Harp comes out of the bathroom. She is certainly immediately identifiable, from her introduction post. She is quite a beautiful woman. Only a little shorter than Lute, with a face like his, but softer. She is currently wearing a black leather bustier, tight black leather pants, and black high heels. Her long brown hair flows freely behind her. And, she smiles at Miko. Harp carries herself with a bit of an air of importance and arrogance, although she seems rather casual. Really, in a lot of ways? She moves like Lute, just... feminine.

     "Hello, Miko. Sorry to surprise you like this; I've been meaning to meet you for a while. Let me introduce myself, properly. I am Lara Trieste, otherwise known as 'Harp'. Lute's wife. It's a pleasure to meet you."

     She lifts a hand towards Miko, moving to stand in front of her. She is obviously offering a handshake.

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko's face is only a little red when an arm is put around her waist, leaning against Lute and accepting the remote. She doesn't really know what to pick, so she just selects some light classical music to play in the background. White Rose gives Miko a side-long look, with a smirk, and elbows her in the cheek a bit, all, 'Ehhh? Ehhhhhhh?' But Miko just blushes more and looks annoyed as she whispers, "Wh-what?"

    Miko looks up when Lute resumes speaking, and explains the situation on her world. "Apparently the return of magic to my world has triggered a lot of old things that used to be around but had gone dormant, from what I've been able to tell. Old bloodlines of those descended from mythical civilizations, the power that had been secretly practiced by mage families for thousands of years, girls who were just born with special qualities that only manifest when there's enough magic to fuel them... And then there's been the Artifacts being discovered or, um... Re-discovered. Ones like the Sacred Scepter. They find their way into the possession of those who can use their power. But magical girls are just like anyone, really. Some believe what they see in anime and manga, and try to follow some noble goal of justice and love. Some realize their power is for them to do with what they please, and some are fuelled by... Other things, and they see magic as a tool for things like revenge or control over others."

    She shrugs and says, "There might be 'idealistic' or 'self-serving' enemies as well. But those known as Dark Magical Girls are probably those most likely to sign up with either us or those monsters. The neutral ones might too, especially if there is something to gain from it beyond just mutual protection." Miko then smiles as she says, "I'd like to show you and others around a bit more sometime soon. Maybe take you to this restaurant I heard about that everyone is going to. Having a view of Tokyo as a civilian can provide a different perspective and new insight that treating it as a battle ground or a place for military action wouldn't. A lot of the time, the threats that exist aren't obvious, so you have to watch for subtle indicators, rumors, strange occurrences, or even something as simple as an unusually popular restaurant opening."

    White Rose adds on, "Also, in places where magic is gathered, probability tends to be skewed. Coincidences usually aren't, and those of importance or possessing unusual power or a special destiny tend to run into each other - often without even realizing it or planning to."

    Miko is surprised by that, but thinks about it as she leans forward to set the remote down. "That DOES make sense, now that I think about it..."

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    White Rose continues in teacher mode. If she had a chalkboard to use to help explain, she'd use one. "Magic is basically manipulating the building-blocks of reality in small ways... Making changes by influencing just a few things, that then have a 'ripple effect'. As the ripples produced by magic bounce off of those significant to magic - by possessing it themselves, usually - they rebound into the ripples of others with magic, causing them to overlap or intersect. At those points where the ripples of two individual significant to magic meet, so do the ones who produced those ripples. The more their ripples meet, the more likely they are to directly influence each other."

    "Oh, I see..." Miko comments idly. Fascinating, but she didn't come here on a date to hear a lecture. Unfortunately, the fairy isn't done!

    "Then there's those who are Significant To Magic but don't possess it themselves. While those who possess magic cause ripples by using their power or it being used on them, some people don't actually use or have anything to do with magic, but their 'Destiny' will influence the course that magic takes. In this analogy, those who use magic are like those bugs that walk on the surface of water, and the people with a special Destiny are the bends in the river, the minor variations that make a straight river into a twisty-turny one! And so the ripple-making bugs wind up running into these people with a Destiny as they are carried down the river!" White Rose is really getting into it, and waving her arms around so much she's in danger of falling off Miko's shoulder.

    "Ah... hahh..." Miko says, sweating a bit.

    "And then, and then! There's the 'monsters' who are the Enemies, and they're more like fish who swim beneath the surface, moving through magic and only making ripples when they come up to eat the bugs-W-waaah!" And the fairy falls off Miko's shoulder before she can catch, and right down the front of Miko's overalls.

    "A-aah!" the young woman lets out before turning away from Lute to dig her advisor out of her chest. While that's going on, Lute explains about his berserker mode, even admitting to eating human flesh before. Miko is horrified of course. Not by Lute's actions, but that he has something in his head stealing his free will away to that extent. It's like her own transformations. It's like... That Midnight Shrine Maiden form. Someone else, overriding her very consciousness and taking total control.

    She turns back to hug Lute, and says, "I'm sorry for bringing that up." Then she's REALLY sorry she brought it up, because the topic of another woman is brought up moments later. At least White Rose was gotten out of there so a hug doesn't crush her. The fairy flutters nearby, brushing herself off and trying to look dignified after the spill she took. And Miko tries to hide what she feels, keep it off her face, and just hug Lute a bit tighter. And hope that whoever this person is, she picks someone else to date, even as Miko feels bad about hoping that.

    She doesn't want Lute to be hurt, but the less competition she has, the better. She 'mmm's affirmatively to the suggestion to enjoy themselves and relax. Only for Harp to come into the room, and cause Miko to let go of Lute and scramble to her feet rather swiftly. "Wh-" she starts, then she finds out who this is. Her face is red, her ears are burning, and she bows while holding out her hand to accept the one offered to her. "Y-yes. Miko Fujimoto. A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Trieste." She tries not to squeeze too hard. Harp is probably stronger than her anyway, even if she gave in to such a foolish desire.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute pauses, listening to White Rose. To a lot of people's surprise, this is the sort of thing he is interested in. How the world itself works. He ponders, looking at her a bit, "...That makes a lot of sense. Big players are more likely to encounter other big players, and then there are people who are normal who have huge effects, as well. It's an interesting magical effect, too. Though, if this is a sort of law of magical physics in your world... Well. It makes me wonder what will happen by having a lot of off-world people there. Almost every Confederate Elite is a big player. It could throw your world off alignment a bit. Turn the simple river ripples into turbulent crashing waves."

     He ponders the implications of this. Until White Rose falls into Miko's chest. Despite the fact she is turning away from him to help get White Rose out, he tries to straighten up a bit, to peek. "Everything okay over there? ...I can help, if you want."

     Yeah, he's pretty shameless sometimes.

     Lute returns the hug, of course, smiling, "Don't worry. It's fine that you brought it up. I'm dealing with it. But, at this point, if she doesn't pick me... Well. I'll just aim my rage at the Union. Because aiming it at people within our own faction would be counter productive. ...Bit of advice I got from Samar. May as well use hate and anger for productive reasons."

     And then Miko bursts up, to say hi to Harp. Lute just leans back a bit, smiling as he watches. It's actually one of his biggest fears, right now. Women he's dating meeting the woman he married. If they don't get along, he has to pick his wife first. Or, if the case ever comes along, 'wives'. Luckily, he and Harp have a very similar taste in women. So, he's /hopeful/ this will work out.

     Harp just smiles. Rather pleasantly, and calmly. Her hand shake is a bit firmer. And, she's a bit more direct than Lute, in several ways.

     "...Blushing? Hrm. Are you that smitten with me, or are you just embarrased to be caught? ...Well. My husband has told me a /lot/ about you. You're Princess Paladin as well, correct?"
     She looks Miko up and down a bit, walking sizing her up. Harp doesn't say it, but she's not a huge fan of how Miko dressed. The look in her eyes might give this away, though. But, she sighs, and acts more casually. She drops the haughty airs, at least a bit.

     "...Look, you shouldn't be embarrased. Lute's quite fond of you. And, you've protected him a lot, helped him find who he really is, and saved him from danger. I'm quite thankful for this all. I'd be glad to have you continue dating Lute. Possibly becoming... more than just his girlfriend, one day, even."

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko does not accept the offer to 'help', but thankfully it's already dealt with before she needs to reply, so it should be obvious as to why she didn't accept. White Rose hangs out near Lute to answer his questions while Miko deals with Harp. "Probably!" is the fairy's reply. She doesn't seem too terribly worried by the prospect of the disruption of the balance of the world for some reason. Hmmmmm.

    Meanwhile, Miko straightens up, her hands folded together in front of her as she is paced around, and replying, "Ah, I just... Wasn't expecting anyone else. I'm sorry. It's your home, and no matter how comfortable you are, I shouldn't be-" she pauses and then asks, "...What?" as some of the things Harp has said are finally parsed by her brain. "...A-ah, no... Not to say you aren't pretty, but I'm not... Um... Anyway, yes, I am also Princess Paladin. Or rather, she is one of my transformations."

    Miko fidgets the entire time until Harp finally comes to a stop. She doesn't normally dress like this! She prefers feminine clothing, like dresses, and skirts, and stylized battle armor! "Y-yes, well... Umm... You're welcome.-I mean, it was my honor to help him. He's... One of my closest friends after all. I, uh... Don't know if I'm necessarily his girlfriend, though we've been on a few dates..." She looks towards Lute and says, "...But I wouldn't object to that kind of relationship." No, what she objects to is having to compete.

    This is exactly the situation she didn't want to be in. Jealousy and hatred are just under the surface, and they bubble upwards when confronted with this problem. She doesn't quite get what Harp is implying with 'becoming more than a girlfriend some day', but she at least tries to keep her eyes somewhere respectful when she looks at Lute's wife.

    "I-in either case, I, uhh... Would like to get to know you better as well, Mrs. Trieste." Miko concludes. White Rose just seems perplexed by what's going on to a small degree, though not completely clueless. Maybe she doesn't know the details of Lute's situation or something.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp sighs a bit, shaking her head. She just kept casually listening to Miko. And she is seeing how /confused/ Miko is. How embarrased. She's completely not ready for this kind of thing. And, though Lute and Harp themselves are rather young, physically, mentally, they're obviously a lot more mature than Miko is at the moment. A lot more prepared for atypical relationships. She just keeps shaking her head, and then gives Lute a glare.

     "...Okay, seriously? You've been telling me she's a girlfriend, and she doesn't even know that? She's completely awkward with me around? What have you been /doing/ to this girl? She's, like, obviously /completely/ confused on what to think about you! She looks fairly embarrased to be caught with you, too! She has to be a bit jealous, too."

     Yeah, Harp is a /lot/ more perceptive than Lute. She just glares at Lute for a second more, while Lute just shrinks back. Lute knows that yes, Miko isn't comfortable wiht multiple relationships. But he hadn't told Harp this yet, or the fact he thinks he could change Miko's mind.

     And so Harp just sighs, looking at Miko.

     "...Look, I'm sorry this is so awkward, okay? But Lute /really/ likes you. And you seem like a nice girl, from what he has told me, and what he said on the radio. He pretty definitely thinks of you as a girlfriend, too. He cares for you, quite a bit."

     Harp sighs some more, before moving to just /hug/ Miko, "I'm /so sorry/ that you're falling for my idiot of a husband. ...Though I can guess what you see in him. I mean, I fell for him too, right? And I can see why he's smitten with you."

     And, then, despite all of the attempts from her to make things less awkward? Harp gives Miko a quick kiss on the cheek, before backing up.

     "...Look, if you want me to step out for a bit, I can. But. If you give me a chance? We can probably grow to be friends. Alright? I can even help you with some fashion choices, if you need it ever."

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko doesn't really know what to say in response to most of that. The attempts to be nice simply drive the nail further into her heart, making her dislike Harp even more, and hate herself even more for being jealous and hateful towards someone who isn't bad at all. Harp was here first, and aside from implied disapproval of Miko's wardrobe (and that in itself might be misinterpretation on Miko's part), Miko has no right to feel either possessive of Lute nor hateful of his wife. None.

    Especially when it's her who has the hang-up about a monogamous relationship. She knows that's 'normal', or considered to be such by a lot of people, but is it really? Can most people's hearts grow to encompass more than one romantic interest if given the chance, and it's just her who remains closed off to all but one person? Is SHE the 'broken' one? How much does she have to drag her own feelings through the dirt to find happiness? Should she cut things off right here and now?

    The speech is there on her lips. Ready to say that she can see how the two of them are happy together, and that while she still cares about Lute, she isn't mature enough to handle this kind of relationship. She could explain that she doesn't know how to love, that loving someone, to her, has always been associated with being abused by them, suffering for them, and never saying a word back. She could tell them how until she sorts out her personal feelings on the subject, until she becomes emotionally healthy, she'd like to just be friends with Lute... And Harp too.

    It's all coming together in her head. Then Harp hugs her, and apologizes, and Miko squints her eyes a bit, almost reaching up to hug back out of a sheer desire to embrace someone. She hasn't been close enough with her mother to get a hug in many years, and Harp - while nowhere near looking like her mother - is an older and more experienced female figure who Miko really wishes she had in her life. Someone to look up to, to teach her things - the right way to do them, not just following the rules laid down for her and punishing the slightest deviation.

    She is torn in so many directions right now. Love, hate, jealousy, self-loathing, a desperate NEED for affection, hope, and the despair over the idea that she might screw everything up somehow by not being able to adjust herself to fit the expectations of others.

    When she is kissed on the cheek, her eyes widen and then sink shut with tears spilling out of them. The two women quickly separate, and Miko rubs at her eyes with the back of her hands, trying to clear them. "I-I'm sorry," she offers. She is more confident in herself than she once was, but she's still fragile in some ways. It's all part of that 'emotional instability' she felt would get in the way of a meaningful relationship with Lute. Taking in a shuddering breath, she takes a moment to calm herself. Then Miko smiles a bit and lets the breath out, before saying, "I wouldn't feel right about you leaving. If anyone were to do that, it would have to be me. And, um... White Rose." She gestures to the fairy.

    White Rose waves to Harp and says, "Hi. Don't mind me."

    Miko then says, "I also think we could be friends, Mrs. Trieste. And I'd like to try. I'd like to see what comes of the effort, rather than giving up. I just..." Worry about ruining everything with her problems, and probably need counseling before she even thinks about dating someone. "...Need to try harder, I guess!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Miko begins to cry, Lute just has a absolutely sunken look on his face. Did he... did he /really/ screw this up, that much? Has he been causing Miko /that/ much pain? His only goal is to make all of the girls in his life as happy as possible.

     But, with Harp having a /bit/ of a better idea of things, and guessing at the jealousy? Harp just smiles, rather calmly. Harp really doesn't usually like people, but she gets along with other Confederates, especially Confederate women. And she sighs. She tries to lead Miko back to the couch again, "...Please, let's sit down for a bit. It'd probably be good for you." And, of course, she'd try to sit Miko down on the couch, between Lute and her.

     Lute tries to give her a hug. And, Harp tries to hug Miko as well. Lute sighs, frowning, finally speaking again, "...Urm. I'm sorry if I've been making things hard on you? ...I know this isn't your ideal situation. But... I really care for you. Deeply."

     Harp, though? She takes a moment to put White Rose on the head, "Sorry that you had to see all of this awkwardness too."

     Yeah, White Rose isn't human, which instantly puts White Rose on her 'more fond of' list.

Miko Fujimoto (589) has posed:
    Miko is guided over and re-seated between Lute and Harp. She sniffs slightly but seems to be done crying as the two both hug her. She doesn't know how to talk about her feelings still. She keeps falling back on old habits, keeping emotions and thoughts bottled up until they start to poison everything about her. Good thing that Harp is perceptive enough to notice part of it, at least. But there's so much deeper that the venom goes. She doesn't talk about her parents. She doesn't talk about her home life, or what things were like for her before obtaining the powers of Princess Paladin.

    There have been small bits and pieces dropped here and there. That she isn't close to her parents, and so moved out when her identity became known to the Confederacy at large, on top of the Union. But the extent of the damage is kept quiet. Because she doesn't even quite grasp it all herself. And here she is, with the opportunity for something positive. So she should plunge directly into this new possibly-positive thing, right? That's how you erase the negativity? The damage? It just goes away as long as good things happen to you, right?


    But she doesn't know that.

    So she puts her arms hesitantly around each of the people at her sides and says, "I... I care deeply for you too." Miko responds.

    And that's why it's hard.

    White Rose sinks in the air from the light patting on her head, because she's six inches tall and made of whatever dream fairies are made out of that isn't ultra-dense. "Wh-whoah!" she cries out before she restabilizes in the air. "Miko is someone I'm very, very close with. It doesn't bother me to share in her experiences, as long as she's okay in the end!" she explains.

    Then she flies down to settle on Miko's head, lying down and doing her best to hug some of the teenager's hair. Or at least put her arms out wide enough to encompass a little of it.

    Miko just says, "I'm sorry... If I've ruined our date. I guess I'm just not mature enough or experienced enough yet..." For this kind of relationship. "...To handle complicated situations like this."

    She smiles, looking up towards White Rose, though she can't quite see the fairy, and says, "I mean it. I'd like to become friends with you, Mrs. Trieste. And, um... Continue being around you, Lute. I guess I just have some stuff to sort out and learn about still."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just smiles, continuing to cuddle against Miko, holding her tight.

     "...Look, you know what? You'll get the maturity, wtih time. I mean, you've been experiencing a /lot/ in the Multiverse. It's overwhelming, and there isn't much time for personal growth if you get too overwhelmed. But... You can manage this, alright? You'll learn how to deal with complicated situations."

     He moves to kiss her on the cheek.

     Harp sighs, "...Honestly, as a good suggestion? Seek out a counselor. Talking your problems out with someone can be good. Lute wouldn't think of doing that even I bet." And, with a pause, she whispers to Miko, "...And maybe you and I could talk sometime. I'd probably get your issues a bit better."

     Lute, of course, doesn't hear that, conveniently. Instead, he just smiles, "...We should probably just put this behind us. Just... have some fun hanging out for a bit, alright?"