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Slaughterhouse in Boston
Date of Scene: 28 February 2015
Location: Brockton Bay
Synopsis: Defiant calls for assistance in dealing with Slaughterhouse Nine.
Cast of Characters: 20, 481, Blurr, 554, 569, 626, Lyria Mason, Corona Arclite, 725

Defiant (554) has posed:

     It's late afternoon in Boston and the sun is only a few hours away from setting. Long shadows are beginning to be cast throughout the central business district. The streets are quiet, which is strange given the time - people should be finishing work and heading home.

     It's not so strange when one considers the recent announcement: the Slaughterhouse Nine are in town.

     They're standing in the middle of one of the larger intersections of the city. Jack Slash, Crawler, Mannequin, Hookwolf, the Siberian and Bonesaw.

     Above them, atop skyscrapers and buildings, sit a variety of mechanical dragon-themed mechs, weapons and cameras trained on the group. The Nine, however, don't seem to be concerned. If anything, it's like they're waiting.

     Defiant, Dragon and the rest of the responders emerge onto the scene, and the two capes in green and gold powered armor begin to advance, Defiant's spear held ready, a pair of gladiuses in her hands.

     Jack Slash is a middle-aged man in an expensive shirt and pants who resembles that famous actor. You know the one, with the black goatee. He holds a knife in each hand.

     Crawler, on the other hand, doesn't even look human anymore. He's some quadrupedal beast with a fanged maw, acid spit dripping onto the road, claws and plenty of eyes and tentacles.

     Mannequin, true to his name, looks like a department store mannequin - no face, white limbs, but one can see the remnants of his organs that have all been neatly bifurcated in his chest.

     Hookwolf, formerly of the Empire Eighty-Eight, is a whirling mass of metal with a wolf's head. Scary.

     The Siberian is a tall, muscular and absolutely stark naked woman - her skin is black and white and patterned like a zebra.

     And finally, Bonesaw. She can't be older than her early teens, if that. Her blonde hair is curled in ringlets and her dress is stained with blood.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "The entirety of Kyra's knowledge on this particular Boston originates entirely from Union reports. Fortunately, there have been quite a few of them recently so it is easy for her to get up to speed. Due to the general nature of the world, gross power imbalance between locals and what is considered Elites, Kyra's come with a few preparations. Explosives, sure, but she also has a number of other destructive mixtures her friends will learn about soon enough if she ever gets in a spot where she wants to not cause collateral damage. Potions and other sundries, sure. Everyone needs healing, right?

    But she's also come with her riding goggles already on, half covering her face. Her usual hoodie covers the rest of her head. With the exception of the other Elites (and only a few!) nobody's really going to be recognizing her by sight here. That is, unless they've watched Tomoyo's past advertisments. Do supervillains do that?

    Clutched in her hands is a very, very shiny golden rifle which also remains attached to her via a strap slung over her shoulders. The front of her hoodie has already been parted open, giving her access to the various materials she keeps strapped to her chest.

    "...yeah. Uh. They definitely look like they're waiting for a fight." Kyra asides to Defiant.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With so many people indoors it will be easier to handle these dunderheads, at least Toph hopes so. The blind girl arrives in her usual manner, which means that the city of Boston might have to rework the pavement a bit in some streets as Toph rolls in on her earthen and concrete wave. Though it dies down to a halt as she kicks into it upon nearing the intersection, and Toph stands to her full impressive height of about five feet.

    Raising her hand in greeting she offers a brief mock salute to Defiant and Dragon. It's good that Dragon is back in shape and able to join the battle... Toph doubts she would like it if she had spent more time sitting idly by. Kyra too earns a nod of her head. For now she turns her focus to the Slaughterhouse Nine, narrowing her eyes.

    Mannequin she remembers well enough from that night when he almost killed Defiant... the others seem curious enough, but the blind girl keeps her primary focus on Hookwolf. It might be best indeed if she handles that metal...

Kirika (481) has posed:
    The difference between what is right and what is necessary is negligable in Kirika's mind, when dealing with beings such as these. She narrows her eyes as she stares down upon the Slaughterhouse Nine, her face hidded behind a fox mask as her spear's shaft dances in her hands. Manattobuki is quiet, but he certainly agrees on this front. What's needed here is to eliminate each of these monsters here and now.

    In her other hand is her shield, held close and tight as she nods to those others who gather. "Crawler is mine." She says to Defiant calmly, her ears tense and her tail flickering to one side, then the other.

    All she knows is what Defiant says, as well as reports regarding operations in this world prior. Not exactly the best way to ease someone into this mess, but Kirika isn't known for showing fear.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine touches down beside Defiant, jets of purple plasma roaring as he hovers down. They cut off about a foot from the ground, the Alchemical landing with a weighty thud. "Comrade."

     He observes the scene with visible contempt, his earrings swaying gently in the wind. The afternoon sun only serves to exaggerate his already severe features. His arms crossed behind his back, his chin up, he observes the gathering of psychopaths from the corners of his eyes, striding towards them with the others in silent judgment. Voidbane hangs at his hip, its jagged teeth yet to make an appearance.

     And then... he stops. He takes off, with another roar of his Plasma Thruster Assembly. The Alchemical leaves in search of Manton.

Lyria Mason has posed:
SO she gets the idea about things are going on with biological attacks? She's comming fully suited up in Remora due to this. The hulking powere damrour was brownish as Lyria had not yet got to painting it. Still it worked well enough and with it's magitech weapons, which could feed off her own geomancy this could be a very nice heavy hitter. The machine comes up beside Defiant and Kyra, also there's several small disks which are attached ot the shoulrs that don't match the paint job at all.

"So they want a fight is this some kind of call out?"

The armor Py7KjaG.jpg

Corona Arclite has posed:
It was funny in a way, the farther Corona wandered from her home, the more similarities she seemed to find. Like right now, you've got a bunch of folkd willing to take justice into their own hands regardless of walk of life or reason, for the sake of dolin' in out on a bunch of scumbags that the normal law either can't touch or don't wanna.

This was the way a lot of things were handled of Brimsteel, so that was perfectly fine with her.

She ambles right up with the others, and for anyone not knowing where she came from they would probably think she was some sort of cape in a crazy space-punk-western costume over being a foxgirl or something. She reachs back to pull her plasma shotgun from its sling, flips it one way to grabe it by the lever action and let the momentum cock it and start up the plasma chamber, then flip it over again to grab it properly as she stops and holds it in front of herself. Specifically pointing it towards Manniquin. And makes a 'come get it' motion with her other hand. "I'd make some wisecrack about comin' long quietly, but I hear y'all ain't the sort. So I'm all for cuttin' right to the chase if you are," she drawls out.

Though when she stepped forward in her semi-sideways stance, she also clicked the heel of her rear boot on the ground. Her tail draped in a lazy curl just behind it, covering whatever the jostle knocked loose of the back of her boot.

Blurr has posed:
    A slick-looking light blue-colored hovercar is parked on the side of the road, appearing innocuous although incredibly flashy for the moment. It looks like some high-tech super-expensive custom made vehicle belonging to an extremely wealthy person...

    Although -some- people here would likely know better. That being Toph, Bitter, and probably Kyra too for that matter. No, it's not just some car, it's actually the Autobot Blurr. For the moment he's just listening to the comm frequency as his teammates discuss a battle strategy, and sweeping the area with light sensor scans in search of any energy signature that might look like this 'Damsel of Distress' character who can manipulate gravity fields. He keeps his targeting algorithms locked on Bonesaw, however. What can organic pathogens do to him, anyway...right?

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Amongst those facing against the Slaughterhouse Nine is Ysuran. What he's wearing is probably costume enough. He has black hair, pointed ears, and is dressed in an outfit that looks like a cosplayer got loose. And he's also carrying a large, open tome in his left hand and a jet-black staff in his right. Yup. Looks like a cosplayer on the loose!

    But he has a few more tricks than the average cosplayer. There's not enough dead in this area to raise one to do his bidding. He has another means of spawning a minion, however, and does. He begins to chant, his words twisting together into unknown sibilant utterances. And before him a hunched humanoid shape fades in, as if from the shadows themselves. It crouches before the one who summoned it, swaying and hissing, looking around as if gauging the targets before it...

Defiant (554) has posed:
     "Yes," Defiant states to Kyra, his voice distorted by the filters in his helmet. He spins his spear in a slow arc, and the two-pronged head begins to shimmer with a grey aura.

     The members of the Nine are already spreading out. Jack stands there, a smirk on his face, while Hookwolf, Mannequin and Crawler begin to spread out. The Siberian remains immobile, one hand on Jack's shoulder.

     As the group advances, Jack says, in a surprisingly charismatic voice: "Bonesaw, be a dear and introduce yourself to our new guests."

     And Bonesaw steps forwards. Slowly, one foot in front of the other. That might raise some concerns and Blurr, with all of his sensors on Bonesaw, might be the first to realise.

     That's not Bonesaw. It's a child they've dressed up as Bonesaw!

     So, where the hell is she?!

     Meanwhile, Bitter slips off into the air. There's no one out on the street, just a whole heap of buildings and cars. He has to be close by - but still, with a city of this size, close by is still a daunting prospect!

     Mannequin raises a finger at Corona as she calls him out, and simply waggles it at her. Now-now, the gesture seems to say, wait your turn.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Spreading out, huh? Toph keeps on standing still, though she does raise a hand and point one finger directly at Hookwolf. "I hope you don't bruise easily, buddy. Because I'm not going to hold back," she states with her usual sense of bravado. It's a bit peculiar to feel him move, and it's not like Toph has outright used her bending like this to somebody who is made of metal. Then again, this isn't one of her allies, she reminds herself. There's no way she would hurt one of her fellow Unionites. Besides, if he's made of metal she might be able to neutralize him without killing him.

    Still... Toph doesn't actually move towards her opponent yet.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr's scans of Bonesaw reveal some disturbing information--that girl -isn't- Bonesaw. The data he just got doesn't match with the data on file. Slag it. Now they have to worry about collateral damage...but maybe he can mitigate that if he can convince her to stop helping these criminals.

    So the hovercar hums to life and moves slowly toward her as she steps forward, and a fairly normal-looking blond teen appears in the driver's seat. He hopes to clandestinely get the girl's attention while the others are distracted once the rest of the team attacks. Plus, maybe she knows something useful about them.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     If these deviants are willing to use a child as a hostage, then it must be assumed that there is no real boundary to the depths they'll sink to. Bitter Medicine is used to rooting out corruption, dissidents, and other subversives. On some level, he knows how they think. He's never dealt with this Manton before, but he has a hunch. He could be completely wrong, of course, but even that would be valuable information.

     His first stop is an office building. At the first floor, he flags down a security guard and flashes his Union membership card at him, replacing it before any details may be discerned. The Alchemical looks rather like a cape even without the black domino mask he's wearing, and he may have even made news from previous exploits with Armsmaster. (Under the name Bitter Medicine, of course--he's not exactly creative.) "I have reason to believe there is a criminal in hiding in this facility. You will contact me by radio and notify me of every person who leaves. Do not engage. Observe and report. I will be making the rounds and looking for him myself. Is that understood?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
At Mannequin's dismissal Corona just tilts her head enough for the brim of her hat to briefly shadow over her face, save for the glint of light reflecting off the lenses of her goggles, and smirks slightly. "Sorry pardner." Her 'the best defense is busting your ass first' approach to things is being applied here. "Ain't the patient type." And she takes a step back.

Setting off the small 'jump bomb' as she calls it that clicked off her boot, which causes just enough of a controlled explosion to toss her into the air without actually hurting her. Her small and nimble form flips over with ease, landing at an angle behind Manniquin.

As she lands she fires off a shot from her plasma shotgun, hoping to catch him off guard enough and close enough that the scorching hot energy will shake him up a bit. And maybe just testing for herself how tough that shell is so she can decide how to deal with it. She's a bit more practical and pragmatic than some people give the foxgirl credit for.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Recognizing Toph, Kyra gives her a cheerful-sounding "Hey!" just so she has some idea of where the white mage was standing. Seeing Blurr show up...Kyra doesn't really say much to him at all. She does give him a vaguely embarassed look. She did kind of want to take on the Bonesaw person but it was a good point made earlier-biological weapons are going to do pretty little against an inorganic being.

    Looking the rogue's gallery over she doesn't really think much when Bonesaw is pushed forward until Blurr remarks that it isn't Bonesaw being urged forward-a hostage from the sound of it?

    After a few murmurs of discussion, Kyra lets her rifle drop from her hands where it dangles in front of her by the strap. Her right hand reaches across her beneath her left armpit and works free a needlegun. With another second, she slips a dart from one of the bandoliers around her chest and slots it in. "BONESAW!" Kyra suddenly bellows dramatically. "I HEARD ABOUT YOU AND I'M CALLING /DIBS/!" With a practiced motion she trains the needlegun on 'Bonesaw' and fires a tranquilizer-filled dart at her.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Bonesaw steps forward... and the radio reveals that she is not who she is supposed to be. Plans are made. He keeps his expression carefully neutral. The shadow creeper-thing at his feet hisses, fidgetting like an attack dog pulling at its leash. But he waits, does not attack yet. There is something to be handled here, and he can't let on that he's wise to what's going on. But at the same time he doesn't want to hit the false Bonesaw, and if he aimed away from that person, he'd give away that he knows.
    So he concentrates on assisting others. More words twist in the air, hissing and raspy, and everyone friendly in Ysuran's immediate radius may end up with a small, vaguely shield-shaped thing in shadow-black orbitting them. It's designed to create a barrier of magic over the target in general and decrease the amount of damage they take.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    It isn't hard for Kirika to spot Crawler, and she raises her spear towards the super-villain. "CRAWLER, FACE ME!" She roars, dramatic addressing enhance by a spell the mask gives that helps make her be heard loud and clear across rooftops and such. Popping her neck, she then notices a shielding spell from Ysuran. Handy.

    "How considerate, friend." She tells the necromancer, before she suddenly teleports off in a flash of light and petals.

    She reforms just above Crawler, her spear aimed downwards as she descends upon him with intentions of spearing him through the back.

    The tip of Manattobuki blazes hot, the Abstractum channeling her magic abilities with ease as flesh if cleaved.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is also starting to scan now magically given the basi oc her suits powers the little spheres don't move but they do power up as she make sready at this point as she moves in to follow after Kyra she's not engaing yet but she's getting ready to look for it, she's also scarnning her suit's seemingly ready and Remora's AI is running information sorting duty at this point to bring information Lyria needs to her attention.

She's clearly a threat but she's yet to call out anyone.

Then some extraversal magic applies to her and she raises na eyebrow but she's not going to complain.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     It's hard to tell just where Hookwolf's voice is coming from inside that whirling mass of metal. He's vaguely like wolf in form, hence the name, but one that is just constantly in motion. "I'm going to gut you, Chinese girl," Hookwolf snarls, and leaps towards Toph!

     That is what seems to start the battle proper.

     Corona flips to be behind Mannequin, but the sociopathic Tinker turns like some sort of viper and meets her face to face. She blasts him, and he goes tumbling across the street and into a storefront. He's already picking himself up, casing blackened and scorched, and hurls his limbs - extending on chains and with buzzsaws in place of hands - right at Corona!

     Jack snickers as Kyra tranquilizer's 'Bonesaw'. "Hmm," he says, twirling his knives around his hands, "I suppose I overestimated how quick you'd be to dispatch one of us!" He flourishes his blades, and strikes down both Defiant and Dragon as they go to charge him - as if he'd struck them when they were still several paces away. "We'll just have to reach another accord."

     Kirika leaps upon Crawler and drives her spear deep into his back. It bites deep and Crawler growls - despite his distended, mishapen jaw, his words are easily understood. "I can /smell/ you there, girl! You think that pigsticker will be enough to stop me?! I am going to taste every single part of you!"

     And, true to his threat, Crawler's tongue - dozens of feet long and seemingly prehensile - darts out towards Kirika, and where his spittle flies it hisses and pops on contact. His flesh is already reknitting from Kirika's strike, becoming thicker, like some sort of natural armor.

     The first of the Dragoncraft descends upon Jack and the Siberian then. Jack turns, nonplussed, as the Siberian leaps upon the mech and, with no apparent difficulty, tears the dragon-mech's head off in a shower of sparks and hurls it through a storefront.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Meanwhile, the security guard just kind of nods at Bitter Medicine. "Uh, sure thing, boss. I'll do that."

     No sign of William Manton yet... But there's also no news about anyone leaving. He looks like just the sort to pass as some sort of office worker, too. If he's here, Bitter will find him.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "You'll find I don't go well without something to chase it down." Kirika growls, ripping her spear free as she tries to shield herself from the spray of acid. Her armor gives her enough protection for the moment, but had she known about acid beforehand, a base substance would've been applied across her armor plates just to be safe.

    Oh well, she has another idea for this. She swings her spear to bat away at the tongue coming for her, the Kama-yari's hooked blades along the tip providing a nasty cutting edge as she tries to back off. Raising both her shield and spear, she lunges with another stab at Crawler, this time a coating of ice covering the head that will spread to whatever flesh it pierces.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The shield from the new Unionite is welcome, and Toph offers him a nod in return. "Thanks."

    The snarl from the Slaughterhouse Nine member however earns a huff of air from Toph, and she even dares smirk. "You can /try/." Bratty and confident as always, Toph feels Hookwolf move and she is already acting accordingly. Stepping to the side, Toph reaches out with both of her hands, focusing on the metal that she feels... and throws her arms down with the intent of bending Hookwolf downwards, heck, even slam him into the ground if she can!

    "Besides, I have a name. I am Toph Beifong! The greatest earthbender of all time, and the inventor of metalbending!" she proclaims. Why no, she never gets tired of introducing herself. "I beat Kaizer's ass already, and yours is next!"

    Still, she can't help but be a bit worried about Defiant and Dragon, feeling them being struck by that Jack fellow. Maybe she can help the others if she handles this misbehaving metal monster first.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     There is one thing that outworlders should know about the Soulsteel caste.

     They are /exceedingly/ meticulous.

     Bitter Medicine does not head for the elevator just yet. He searches throughout the lobby, including the supply closets and even the bathrooms, marching down the aisle and kicking every last stall open in search of Manton, and in spite of whatever unlucky civilian might be making use of them. He inspects every last ventillation grate for signs of tampering, even those that seem too small for a man to fit in. Once the search of the first floor proves fruitless, and only then, does he check both elevators, check both shafts, and then finally take one of them up to the first floor of the office building, where he begins patrolling the aisles, inspecting each worker in each cubicle, forcibly turning them around in their seats if he has to.

Corona Arclite has posed:
It's not a lot, but it's damage, and it's counts. That and the way he still suffered the shotgun's knockback tells her more about the target than you might expect.

When he throws his buzzsawed arms at her she reflexively twists to shield herself with a reinforced glove... and the thankful additional protection from the shadow adept comes at just the right time. Just because it's magic there's still sparks flying even if it is shadow when the saws impact it, though it's still with enough force to make the small foxgirl skid backwards even if the defense spell helped protect her. She'll have to thank him properly later.

Corona reslings her shotgun, and breaks into a dash towards Mannequin. She was small, but she was also very fast. In place of the gun she pulls out her hammer from her belt, but without the time to extend to to pull length just spins to use the momentum from her dash to swing it with some considerable force for her small size thanks to the running start. "Let's see what ya made of!"

But more importantly her ears flick up and alert as she does so, listening for the vibration or other sounds the impact makes. So maybe it's more like -hear- what you're made of.

Blurr has posed:
    When the decoy Bonesaw goes down to Kyra's tranq, Blurr's holoform does something that would probably betray the fact that it -isn't- actually human. Its arm extends out of the open door, becoming larger and larger as it goes, so that by the time it reaches fake Bonesaw it's big enough to simply pick her up and sweep the hostage into the vehicle and out of harm's way. As soon as she's inside, he starts scanning for physical injury as well as any explosives--if there are some, he'll have to get them as far away from here as possible, which he's fine with because if anyone is suited to that job it's him.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    There! Once !Bonesaw is down, Ysuran sends his shadow creeper into the fray, after Jack. It has claws and is much stronger than a human! But ultimately it's a delaying tactic. In the meantime, Ysuran flips the pages of his tome, quickly leafing through. Crawler may be immune to DAMAGE. But what if one isn't damaging him, merely trying to weaken him?

    That idea in mind, he begins to chant again, hissing words weaving around his outstretched right hand, pointing the staff at the ground. He's trying to catch as many of the enemy group in the effect area. Black and purple rays of energy begin to emit from the end of that staff, trying to draw the strength right out of them.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "What? She'd down already?" Kyra calls out, maintaining the cherade as Defiant realizes that the real Bonesaw and the missing Slaughterouse Nine member are off recruiting another member while the rest are here, evidently being distracting. "WEAKSAUCE! I expected more out of a MASTER OF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE!" She even seems vaguely pouty about this which is an emotion she can display pretty well because of her visible mouth.

    Meanwhile, the friendly neighborhood necromancer casts a spell that definitely gets Kyra's attention-a dark magic protective spell which is pretty much unheard of on her world. Normally such buffs were the domain of white magic. "Hey, thanks!" she calls out, slotting a second handful of darts into her needlegun.

    These are not tranqulizers in this case. No, these are Kyra's own brand of biological warfare agents, this particular batch filled with a very, very hydrophillic bacteria designed to absorb the water right out of boldily fluids. Not only does this cause painful bloating from the bacterial load but it dehydrates the body at the same time.

    Seeing Jack Slash packing melee weapons means Kyra's going to keep her distance as she shoots him, though even then she's not sure distance will protect her from this guy.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     The massive /thing/ that is Crawler seems to slow and begin to freeze as Kirika's spear stabs into him. But it doesn't nearly go so deep this time, and the ice begins to flow and melt as it seems that Crawler adapts again and his body temperature spikes high. Concrete blackens under his feet now. His tongue - now hooked and bladed - darts out, aiming to snare Kirika around her arm! Hopefully that spell of Ysuran's will have an effect.

     Hookwolf snarls at Toph, incoherent and mad with fury, and leaps at her. He meets the asphalt a short distance from her and doesn't seem too disturbed by the impact. In a moment, the metal has seemingly retracted into his body and Hookwolf foregoes his powers as he goes to lay a serious beatdown on Toph. He's a big man, hairy, with long greasy blonde hair and a metal wolf mask over his face.

     After striking Corona, Mannequin's arms retract back into their housing. He meets her dash and then gets slammed with her hammer. Mannequin tumbles, all of his limbs popping free but still attached to his torso by chains. It takes him a few moments to drag them back into place and hop up. Still, by the sounds of it, Mannequin is made of some sort of advanced composite. It's definitely not metal or plastic.

     Blurr manages to grab the fake Bonesaw. She seems okay. Unconscious, of course, but okay. Physically, at least.

     While Ysuran catches many of the Nine in his weakness spell, Jack sidesteps out of the aura just in time. How does he keep managing to avoid things? The shadow creeper comes at him and Jack ducks around its blows, but it manages to rip open a nice gash in his arm. Jack moves to nail it with both of his knives, and then spins to catch Dragon with another blow from across the street.

     Kyra raises her needlegun and opens up. The Siberian steps between Jack and the darts and takes them without issue. So, the Siberian is protecting him. They'll need to get her out of the way - hopefully Bitter can come through.

     Speaking of Bitter, he continues his extremely thorough investigation. Manton's not in the bathrooms, not in the supply closets, not in the ventilation shafts, not in the elevator. Hmm. Bitter goes through the aisles, one by one, and spots someone matching Manton's physical description by the windows. If that's him, he's with a crowd of about half a dozen people, watching the commotion in the streets.

     Meanwhile, voices crackle over the communications channel...

     "Don't think I don't recognise /you/. You were Mannequin's pick. Armsman? Armsmaster?"

     "Defiant now."

     "You know I loaded myself with a bajillion plagues, Defiant. It can't be /easy/."

     "It is."

     "What, you'll unleash a thousand plagues on this world just to finish me off? Me? A little girl?"


Lyria Mason has posed:
The Siberian would find the powered armor moves forward and she's now locking on to the Siberian she moves head at this pint and does not bring the gun up no she pauses the small spheres on her armr shoulder pop off and form spidery like legs and skitter away from her at this point. The armor moves and she seems to be doing something it's fist but nothing seems to come of it she raises her wepaon now lines up a shot at the Siberian and gets ready to open fire with the blast from the hulking magical energy weapon, this element due to the enviorment of a city is /fire/ based. The spiders meanwhile seem to be up to something, but what?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Huh? He can retract the metal into his body? Toph blinks at that but doesn't look too worried as he charges at her. With him so close she needs to act quickly, so instead of something big and fancy she lashes out with both her arms in quick succession, the several air punches building up power as several earthen spikes shoot up right in front of her with the intention of intercepting his punches and possibly force him back.

    "You really need to work out those anger issues, it seems," she snorts. He's a big guy, but she's probably quicker than him. And with that metal mask on it will be rather easy to keep track of his whereabouts, even if he leaves the ground.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika snarls as she feels her arm snared with Crawler's tongue. Immediately she grabs ahold of the muscle, before she suddenly begins to freeze at it solid, having released her spear in the process. Her muscles flex, and when she deems it frozen thoroughly enough, she uses her shield to smash the tongue apart, roaring with effort before she flings a short-ranged spell of ice to freeze Crawler's body properly.

    All she can do is make the ice cold as possible, and when he's stuck in place, make sure he's broken apart with devestating effect.

    One may notice Kirika's arm has several sharp bits sticking out of it, cloth, leather, and plate armor messed up pretty bad as she tries to pry a chunk of bony blade from her bicep. Good thing she's got a healing factor, right?

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    It quickly becomes clear that Kyra will have to change targets since the Siberian is clearly tanking for Jack. It's easy for Kyra to recognize the covering tactics and very obvious when there are no visible signs of her biological warfare agent actually working. Sure, she could switch to another bacteria but instead she opts to start using her mixtures until she finds something that works.

    Slotting the needlegun back in the under-arm holster, Kyra yanks one of the flasks strapped to her belt. Inside, a pale yellow liquid sloshes around. The flask is stoppered by a plastic cork but Kyra doesn't even bother removing it.

    Unfortunately, for her to throw it and connect, Kyra actually has to get a bit closer to the villains-which she does, confident that Ysuran's spell will protect her from any retaliation for a few good solid hits. Once close enough, she hurls the mixture with enough force that it smashes against whatever it hits, spreading the extremely acidic mixture against whatever surface it lands on.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine spots Manton (?) and scowls. He's been embarassed before, and Slaughterhouse Nine has proven their willingness to use decoys. Before he does anything, he stands and peers at the plate glass window, using his superior perception to try and discern the man's reflection. IS it Manton? Or is it another decoy?

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Bitter's superior preception takes in the reflection in the window. If it's not him, then it's a decoy with glasses that are exactly the same, down to little scratches on the lenses. It's him.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona gives a soft snort, her tail flicking a few times as an ear twitched at the resonate feedback she gets. Hmm, composite. So while neither metal or plastic specifically, it's durable, but not necessarily inpentriable, even if hard to damage. The way his arms and legs work on those chains also gets her notice though.

"Well, yer a tough bugger, I'll give ya that much." She clamps her hand around the lever that could be mistaken for a knuckle guard on her hammer, causing the chamber imposed in the head to glow to life and crackles of plasma generated energy around it. Which she swings... not to hit him with the hammer again, but to send a blast of the energy flying off of it. It's a pretty obvious trick actually, and might be one he sees coming soon enough to dodge it.

Because it was an intentional feint.

As soon as Mannequin moves to react, Corona uses her speed to move in as well. As she clenches her free hand into a fist and hits the consealed trigger in it, a focused plasma powered cutting torch flares to life from it. That is what she lunges in and tries to strike with, aiming to slice through one of Mannequin's arms and sever the chain inside so he can't pull it back on.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Ysuran's creeperthing is quickly dispatched by Jack, but it doesn't seem to have hurt him, thankfully. Ysuran is attempting to help out wherever he can, and his keyphrase for the fight is 'every little bit helps'. This time his words twist together and his outstretched right hand glows with a malevolent red light. He aims for the group of enemies at large and tries to pull the lifeforce directly out of them. It doesn't drain much, but it can hit a couple of them if they're close enough together.

    Though speaking of that shadowy shield ... it's going to start visibly sputtering in the next few moments, and will probably be completely gone before too much longer. So those covered by it should probably get as much mileage out of it as they can!

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr checks the girl over several times, finding no explosives. It's somewhat of a relief. And it seems she's okay, so that's good. He carries her a short distance away from the fight and leaves her somewhere that looks like a human hospital. Hopefully it is a hospital.

    Once he's certain she's safe, he returns to the rest of the battle, looking for anyone who might need assistance. << I secured the decoy, anyone need a hand? >>

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     'Extreme prejudice' comes to mind, when searching for a descriptor to color Bitter Medicine's handling of the situation. He activates one of his Charms, then begins approaching the onlookers. As he moves, vents in his throat and elsewhere spewing billowy white clouds of tear gas. With typical brusqueness, he extends one arm to reach out and hit Manton with a clothesline, then uses the other to grab each innocent by the collar. Said innocents are roughly thrown out of harm's way, for a certain definition of the phrase.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Hookwolf shouts, even as Toph knocks him back and away. Deciding that it's better to just burst through her earth pillars, he returns this his metal cyclone form and goes to attack her again. It'll probably be just as effective as the other attempts.

     Crawler's tongue snaps off, shattering into a thousand pieces as it rains down onto the sidewalk. Crawler bellows and swipes one massive, clawed hand at Kirika, trying to crush her or disembowel her - or both!

     Kyra's flask strikes the Siberian well and true and the liquid bubbles and hisses against the zebra-striped woman's flesh. Still, it doesn't seem to cause her much discomfort. In retaliation, she /kicks/ a sedan in Kyra's direction! And then, when the third and final dragoncraft descends upon her, she begins quite literally tearing it to pieces with her bare hands. She laughs, and hurls the metal around the battlefield.

     Ysuran's spell catches Mannequin, Crawler and Hookwolf in its effect. They stagger. Jack, true to form, turns and slashes with one of his knives - the blade extending out like an invisible line towards Ysuran!

     Lyria blasts the Siberian with a shot from her weapon. The force of the blow pitches her backwards and through an office building. She might be nigh-invulnerable, but still seemingly obeying the laws of physics. The Siberian re-emerges in a cloud of dust and smoke, scowling. And then, as if realising something, leaps towards one of the other office buildings.

     The one Bitter is in.

     The one where Bitter Medicine has William Manton at his mercy!

     The Siberian crashes through the window, sending shards of glass everywhere, and immediately goes to /charge/ Bitter Medicine! He'll have to be fast!

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Mannequin says nothing - because he doesn't have a mouth of much of a face - as he returns to his feet. There's a moment of resistance as the chain is met by the plasma torch - it's not normal metal, certainly - before it cuts right through it. Mannequin's arm drops onto the ground.

     He retaliates by attempting to wrap his other arm, chains and all, around Corona, and then kick at her with his jagged, hooked metal feet!

Lyria Mason has posed:
The laws of physics of this world are strange and alien to Lyria, given it all comes down to magic on her world, no kidding it does come down to magic. She however does see that The SIberian is blasted awy now and that should leaves Siberia out of her hair for the moment, the weapon she has is charging however. So she's issuing orders to the spider drones. They have bene working to properly get the cover off a fire hydrant and finally do causing a burst of water, but Lyria pauses the waters direction changes for Crawler, but then the spiders get to work the water at he head of tbe burst is starting to drop to near freeing and should it impact with him? They will start trying to freeze them into an icey tomb.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's already reaching for her next flask-something with blue liquid in it-as she squints to observe her results. Well there is a chemical reaction but the naked woman hardly seems affected. Ready to move on to the next 'element' at her disposal, Kyra suddenly finds a car flying her way. Reflexively, she flings the flask upwards as it descends upon her, which covers the car in a layer of frost. Usually the liquid nitrogen really hurts when used on a living creature. Against inorganic things it just weakens structural integrity, making it more brittle, which is why when the car hits Kyra, part of it shatters. Fortunately for her, the shadow shield around her holds out just long enough so getting hit by a car doesn't immediately kill her.

    Stuck under the car pieces, she scrambles to drag herself out, bloodying herself along the ground as she does so with little concern.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl is unmoving as Hookwolf is knocked back, and Toph sighs when he returns to his metal form. "Really? You're that slow that you haven't understood it yet?" she asks as if talking to somebody repeatedly banging their head against a wall.

    "Your attacks are /useless/ if you continue doing that, dunderhead!" She changes her stance slightly, reaching out with both hands as she seemingly grips something invisible in the air, and then Toph /yanks/ her arms aside, once again focusing on the metal in his body to slam him into the side of a building. "Look, I can do this all day, but I rather not. So you have the choice; being beaten by a little blind 'Chinese' girl or you can hand yourself over to the authorities in this world since you can't play nicely!" Hey, it's a valid threat.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika growls, raising her shield as she tries to brace against Crawler's slashing attack. She feels the impact as though she just got herself struck by a speeding car, sending her flying towards a discarded van for good measure.

    SOmething might've broken, but Kirika pries herself free while her wounds regenerate. Her arm is somewhat healed now, enough at least to do some good as she discards her now dented shield. The kitsune reaches for her belt, and she draws Kinugiri in hand, the blade coating in frost as she grips with both hands.

    She charges Crawler, slashing at one of his heels before she makes a fierce cut upon the thigh, ice freezing the wounds to prevent being regenerated over, but only temporarily given his body temperature increasing so quickly.

Corona Arclite has posed:
And just to make extra sure that it's out of useage, Corona boots the severed arm as far away from Mannequin as she can. "Looks like y'all been a little... disarmed."

But while she's ditching the broken limb and making wisecracks, Mannequin recovers and whips his remaining arm and chain at her, getting it wrapped around the foxgirl before she can react to hearing the chain rattle out of his body. "Tarnation, ya dirty sidewinder!... y'know, yellin' at ya would be more fun if ya could actually talk back," she snapped while she was squirming. Though when he kicks at her, she shifts her body so he kicks his own chain wrapped around her, though the impact is still enough to shake her up a good bit. She probably would of gone tumbling if he wasn't holding her with said chain. Com'n, think quick before he uses the other one...

With her squirming she does manage to get her hand down past the chain, and yank the other gun out of her holster. "Suprise!" She has to twist her body a bit to work with the chain holding her arms, but she gets the gun aimed at Mannequin and fires off several shots from what looks like a weird steampunk cross between a pistol and some kind of nail gun.

Actually, that's exactly what the Rivet Revolver is, instead of bullets it fires off several sharp narrow penetrators at high velocity. That oughta put a few holes in him regardless of what he's made of, punching through composite armors is what it's made for.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Ysuran is, unfortunately, not exactly his world's star physical combatant. And with the shield literally having sputtered out only moments before, Ysuran has no protection against the JACK ATTACK! The blade slashes deeply into his torso, and he stumbles back with a grunt, falling to a knee. Thankfully the small lifeforce transfusion from the life draining spell should keep him going. For a little while, anyway. That's a pretty deep wound and he won't can only bleed out so much.

    His right hand goes to the wound for a moment, and then he picks up a handful of small debris from the ground. He begins to chant again, and his hand begins to drip with what's either smoke or liquid that's a foul-smelling yellowish green. And then he stands quickly, pitching that handful of debris from his hands with greater force that his thin frame should be capable of-- right at Jack. The acidic pellets fan out as they leave his hand, hopefully one will catch him in the area.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The Alchemical spots the zebra-striped creature leaping for him and assumes Thousand-Wounds Gear Form--a posture of cold, industrial menace. Shards of glass bounce off of his synthleather trenchcoat, and a fiew leave thin gashes across his face. But he doesn't move out of the way. The Siberian is as strong or stronger than he is, physically, and is near invulnerable. If there was to be a one on one fight, the cape would undoubtedly win.

     There will be no one on one fight. As Manton's mental projection crashes through the window, Bitter Medicine squats at the last minute and hefts her over his shoulder, using her own considerable momentum against her. "Rearing Crane Release!" There's an outpouring of energy, and the Alchemical tosses her twenty feet backwards and high enough to bump uncomfortably against the ceiling, easily--but then, something happens, or rather, doesn't happen. For just a few seconds, the Siberian hangs suspended in midair, clearly defying gravity. "Hungry Gear-Tooth Attack!"


     Voidbane screams through the air with a bloodcurdling wail, hungering for the essence of the living and heading straight for Manton's neck.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr gets a tip on the frequency about Crawler, the fast adapter. Well, he'll just have to find out if the ugly fleshbag can adapt -faster- than the speedster can hit. So while he is focused on Kirita, the Autobot suddenly transforms, the fancy-looking hoverspeeder suddenly unfolding upward in a cacophony of gears grinding and panels flipping.

    Out come the arm-mounted photon cannons, and he aims a series of blasts directly at Crawler's back! Let's see him adapt to -that-!

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Dragon flies toward Jack, jetpack blasting with blue fire. She swings her gladius at him, but Jack just ducks under her blow like he knew it was coming, and lashes his knives against her power armor. It holds, albeit with huge gouges. Dragon ducks back, getting some distance.

     And then, as Toph mocks Hookwolf, Jack turns and swings his knife. The edge extends, invisibly, and unless Toph is paying close attention to the leader of the Nine, he's just about to strike her across the face!

     "Shush," Jack comments, "The adults are trying to have a pleasant conversation here. There you are, Hookwolf."

     Corona gets bound by Mannequin, even as he tries to bury his clawed feet in her belly. Of course, bound up as he is with her, she can't really evade - but neither can he. The penetrators pop right through Mannequin, trailing bits of viscera and machinery. He immediately unwraps himself, limbs popping back into place, and backs off.

     Jack's strange ability might be good, but he's not omniscient. Ysuran peppers him with acidic pellets and they hiss and scorch where they hit him, although he does manage to deflect any that might've hit vital points or his eyes. Still, he shouts out in pain. "Ah! A neat trick! I haven't seen abilities like yours before!" He jabs a few long-ranged stabs in Ysuran's direction.

     Meanwhile, the Siberian charges Bitter and is promptly hurled against the ceiling. She hovers there, suspended through Bitter's power, and remains suspended there until she abruptly pops out of existence.

     At the exact same moment that Bitter Medicine decapitates William Manton. The man falls, body to one side, head on the other. One down.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     As for Crawler, he continues to slow. Sometimes, where Kirika shatters off a limb, two more grow to replace it. It's working - but slowly, and it seems that Crawler might just be able to outlast the spear-wielding woman. He just has so much flesh to freeze!

     He's just about to strike at Kirika again when he's set upon by Blurr, and the photon cannons punch great big smoking holes in his flesh. Well, that's something he hasn't encountered before, evidently. Crawler roars and charges Blurr, head low like a rhino, slavering, acidic jaw ready to take a huge bite out of the Autobot!

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr smirks as he scores a hit on Crawler. Dodging someone as bulky as that fleshy isn't going to be difficult, but he actually doesn't try this time around. The guy might be a lot bigger than a human, but he -still- has nothing on the Cybertronian.

    Instead, the speedster transforms again, his body folding down once more into the hovercar form. And then just as Crawler is charging him, -he- charges straight at Crawler, rapidly picking up speed even in the short distance between them. He's going to ram -right- into him, yeah.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hey, it's fair to mock people who look down on you! At least that's what Toph believes, and this is usual trash talk that she's used to from her former days as Earth Rumble champion. She waits for a response, to see what the man chooses. If it wasn't for the fact that she is aware of most things happening around her, she might not be aware of Jack turning towards her. But even if she notices something doesn't mean that she will be able to respond to it quickly enough in all cases. The knives the man has is bizarre, and Toph blinks, about to step back, but it's just barely too late as she feels something cut into her cheek. The blind earthbender lets out a startled gasp as she feels something warm running down her cheek, and she winces as she reaches up to press her hand against it, gritting her teeth together.

    "The crud?!" she exclaims, then she /kicks/ into the ground, raising an earthen wall behind Jack that topples over, threatening to crash down on anybody who doesn't get out of its way quick enough. "Nothing about you dunderheads is pleasant!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra crawls her way out from underneath the car, hits herself with a quick (thankfully functional) Cure spell, then climbs on top of the sedan wreckage. The golden rifle on her is gripped in both hands again as she makes herself comfortable atop the destroyed vehicle and starts...sniping her teammates with the gun?

    It's a heal laser, actually. One shot of it is pretty weak on its own but fortunately Kyra can fire the Aurumal Autodoc pretty quickly and repeatedly. Anyone in the immediate vicinity, which is more or less everyone except for Bitter Medicine, gets shot by the healing laser.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika braces to dodge the attack before Crawler runs off, moving to attack Blurr when the Autobot steps in to fire upon him. Growling, she retrieves her spear in a flash of light, sheathing her katana as she charges towards Crawler to spear him from behind. The healing laser from Kyra helps piece her together, removing shards of sharpnel and bone as she carries on.

    She leaps and tries to melt the armor plating Crawler has generated, spearing a space of wounded flesh from Blurr's laser cannon as she digs in deep, twisting the spear as she tries to get something vital inside with blazing effects. Much ouch is hopefully inflicted here.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona yelps as Mannequin tosses her to the ground so he can get his chains off of her. Pavement is not comfortable to land on no matter how close to it you where. She huffs a bit and then sits up, seeing Mannequin trying back away from her. "Oh no ya don't." She springs to her feet, grabbing her hammer from dropping it when she was chain-lassoed, squeezing the activator as she does so. As she winds back with it and barrels after Mannequin the Corona Breaker extends to its full length, arcs of plasma energy crackling to life around the head as the generator hisses to life.

While she wasn't stronger, she was smaller and faster and likely a better jumper, closing in and making a final leap much like a normal fox would pounce at their prey. Just as she is swinging her larger energized hammer she twists in her grip, so its the hooked back-spike that she heaves towards Mannequin's body aiming to catch him with the hook and throw him to the ground. Then twist around to quickly raise it as she lands, "Have a little taste of Justice, Brimsteel style!" and bring the actual hammer head, crackling with all that energy, down on his torso. The Corona Breaker, like much of her gear, was designed through breaking through armor and reinforced structure. Hopefully the combination of smashing impact and zorching plasma will be enough to get through and roast those organs inside.

Worst case scenerio, it's harsh enough to at least stop his fleeing so she can finish the job. Killing wasn't on the top of her list of solutions usually, but Defiant had made it quite clear that this was an occasion where it was the only option to stop these uncaring, unremorseful bastards.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine ignites his Plasma Thruster Assembly, the deceased in hand. Returning to the city block serving as the battlefield, he banks, jetboots roaring, dropping the remains unceremoniously in the middle of the fight. After that morbid airdrop, the Alchemical comes in for a landing near Jack with a thud.

     In a startling display of brawn, Bitter Medicine strikes a pose, his synthetic musculature tearing his trenchcoat to shreds from the waist up. The pale figure brandishes his weapon--a dark, circular thing not unlike a sawblade--and moves in to attack.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is doing something very simple she's keeping up on the pressure against Crawler by directing her drones agianst it. She doesn't have much else to say at this point hopefully she will do something of use here. Still a high profile bit like this? Is sure to get her some extraveral notice.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Even before Jack begins speaking, Ysuran is already casting another spell-- Haste. It's only through virtue of this that he manages to avoid being skewered more times than is very healthy with what he can only assume is a magical blade that acts as a bow. Which gives him an idea. But that will come later.

    However, even with his Haste he's unable to completely avoid the attacks. He manages to not get directly impaled, but they scratch his side and arms, leaving gashes there. Thankfully though, he's stopped moving by the time Kyra is shooting them with healing lasers. Healbeams! He pauses long enough to turn in her direction with a pleasant smile. "Thank you!" he calls out over the sound of battle as his wounds being to close. Good thing, too... he'd have bled out soon if not for Kyra.

    And then his 'package' arrives! He looks up to Bitter and nods histhanks. Then he looks to Jack. "You have never seen abilities like mine?" The next is hissed, "Then look WELL." He extends the staff over Manton's corpse and begins to chant, the words twisting together in the air like vile serpents. His power comes through the Shadow Weave, the dark magical web of the evil Goddess Shar... so it's not likely to be a pleasant thing to listen to. The magics begin to wave over Manton, try to weave into the corpse... and he concentrates on raising the corpse from the dead again!

Defiant (554) has posed:
     "Well, the world is hardly pleasant, is it?" Jack counters to Toph, side-stepping a pair of blows from Dragon. He doesn't, however, sidestep the pillar and it knocks him to the ground. Jack rises, coughing, just in time to see Bitter land neaby. Jack flurries out a quick couple of stabs, the blows carrying across the air.

     "More remarkably unpleasnt! Just ask Alan over here!" He gestures in the direction of Mannequin.

     Mannequin, who Corona has just crushed Mannequin's torso inside of its casing. There's the distinct flesh of burning electronics and roasting organs. Mannequin collapses abruptly with no sound, just like a puppet with its strings cut. That's two down.

     Lyria, Blurr and Kirika struggle with Crawler. The large, bestial parahuman is knocked to the ground as Blurr rams him, and Lyria begins spraying him down with as much water she can get. It doesn't help that in order to counter Kirika's blazing spear, Crawler begins adapting his physiology - the freezing effect is only quickened throughout his body! Shatter him now and vaporise the remains!

     "And I think poor Ned is about to finally meet his end," Jack comments, unconcerned. "Bradley! I think it's time for us to leave! Alan, Ned and William have gotten themselves killed! It's a touch disheartening!"

     Hookwolf growls something under his breath but, as if under some sort of compulsion, turns and obeys Jack Slash. "Now," Jack says, pulling something from his pocket, "Stand close won't you?"

     Meanwhile, on the first floor of an office building, Manton's body begins to stir, albeit without a head. He picks himself up as best he can.

     What, is Jack Slash just going to up and leave? Between the sudden death of some of his muscle, and the regenerating effects of Kyra's healing laser, it might be the best option.

     But where is Bonesaw? And Defiant?

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika grins behind her mask as she spots Crawler beginning to try and counter her flames. This is going JUST as planned, as she changes elements. Focusing her frost magic through the spear, she begins to spread ice magic throughout Crawler's body while she has speared him still. It's taking a lot of ki out of her, but she is managing the best she can as she keeps freezing enough for stage two of this plan.

    "HIT HIM! HIT HIM NOW!" Kirika roars at Blurr, once Crawler's body is sufficiently frozen up on the inside and out, and she rips her spear free. Not to be outdone, she unleashes a vicious strike at the frozen adapter, using the spear's enhanced durability to give it some extra punch as she swings it like a baseball bat.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite wrenches her breaker out of Mannequin's crushed torso, wrinkling her nose as the stench of fried flesh and electronics. Arguable which one stinks worse. She murmurs over the comm a few times, then flicks the mic away from her mouth and tucks it next to the band of her goggles. Contracting the hammer back down to its small size and slinging it on her belt, she instead pulls out a bit more normal looking adjustable wrench in one hand and grins as she crouchs down next to Mannequin's 'corpse'.

"Welp, I did say I was gonna see what yer made of, now did I?" She scans over his body briefly, than sets to work at whatever seams and fastener points she can find. "And now I'm gonna see how ya was put together, too." And starts to whistle to herself like this was any other dismantling job as she works. Personally she just wants to get a look at how those chain extensions worked, because that's a concept she might be able to use.

But it makes sense to take the mostly machine guy apart just in case he tries to reactivate himself somehow, fried organs or not. She's dealt with enough clockwork-animated zombies back home to know you just don't leave 'em lying around in one piece.

Ysuran (725) has posed:
    Ysuran needs time to weave this magic of raising the dead. He is done with the chant, but the channelling of magic is still happening. The battle may be ending, but there's no need in wasting the magic, right? Still, if someone's going to get a lst hit in on him before leaving, now may be a good time to do that....

Blurr has posed:
    The hovercar slams into the hulking Crawler with the sickening -crack- of flesh against metal. The force of impact puts some dents in Blurr's hood but the organic end of the collision gets the worst of it.

    And then Kirika starts to freeze him up from the inside out. When she gives the word, he's not a moment too late, leveling the high-energy photon streams at the enemy one last time. Hopefully none of it accidentally hits Kirika or anything.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "The world isn't pleasant because dunderheads like /you/ mess it up!" Toph snaps back, pointing her bloodied hand at Jack in accusation. Though they are thinking of escaping? "AS IF!"

    The blind girl reaches out with her arms in a quick gesture, pushing her hands forwards and up as she summons up plates from the concrete of the street that close in around the torsos of Jack and Hookwolf, intending to restrain them and leave only their heads free. "You have to go through me!" And the others will most likely only want to detain them as well, right?

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Toph seems to be attempting to restrain Jack and Hookwolf. This is acceptable, so long as neither one attempts to break free. "Resistance is futile. You will be incarcerated."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason sees how things are going with Crawler she gets the idea they need to act now the drones back off and her machine moves now sif the others are going to shatter it. She gets why it has to be done that thing. IT's a monster honestly. She arms the canon and draws upon this city it is a place born of fire, of steal, and she fires off a firy blast from the huge canon but it's going like a flame thrower as she intends to finish off the remains least the biological horror /reforms/ again.


Defiant (554) has posed:
     With a terrific 'crack!' Crawler shatters into a thousand frozen pieces, raining down on asphalt and concrete like bizarre hail. Utterly shattered, Crawler has no way to stop Blurr who levels his photon streams on each and every piece. Lyria assists with a fiery burst from her cannon, washing the flames back and forth. It's too much firepower too quickly and Crawler vanishes beneath fire and photons. Gone. After all that, it's like Crawler was never even there.

     Jack grins at Toph as she goes to restrain him. He manages to choke something out, "Well, aren't we lucky that we had Riley reinforce our skeletons?" Hookwolf growls something incoherent, thrashing against the concrete embrace.

     Jack adds, "I think not," to Bitter Medicine's question. "Now, Bradley, unfortunately this is going to hurt. Both you and me, as it turns out, but given that I can't move my arms and that this device only has a limited range. Well, I think you'll be getting the worst of it."

     Still bound by Toph's earthbending, Jack releases his grip on the device in his hand. The moment it hits something, anything, it carves a sphere out of the ground. Unfortunately for Hookwolf, the lines of the sphere intersect his left arm at the shoulder...

     ...and shear it off entirely. Hookwolf screams as he, Jack Slash, the asphalt beneath their feet, the concrete restraints provided by Toph, and anything within about three feet of them blips out of existence.

     Hookwolf's arm drops onto the road.

     Mannequin - dead. Crawler - dead. William Manton - dead. Three of the most powerful members of the Slaughterhouse Nine, all dead. It's not quite an end to the Nine's reign of terror - but it's going to stop it for some time.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Meanwhile, Corona tinkers away with Mannequin's body. It's a pretty interesting thing. Remarkably complex, like the perfect closed system. With that level of augmentation, he might very well have lived forever. And look at all those spare limbs, chains and blades he's packed into something that slender! How did he even manage that?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm not going to kill you," Toph snorts at Jack with a determined look on her face. "I'm better than you guys, and not just when it comes to fighting!"

    What device? When Jack drops the item Toph blinks, then grits her teeth. "GET DOWN!" she calls for the others, then kicks the ground and raises some earthen walls around the street nearby the others, something to protect the others from what she imagines will be a blast. Except there isn't a blast. Rather, Toph's eyes widen when she feels part of the street, as well as the two men simply disappear.

    And... is that Hookwolf's /arm/?!

    No, Toph doesn't look happy as she kicks the ground again, and the earthen walls drop down into the concrete again. "Flying monkey feathers...!" Just what was that item? And it's freaking annoying that they managed to escape.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tosses the assorted pieces of Mannequin in a pile. She figures the locals will want to do what they usually do with the parts of dead mechanical supervillians. Just looking and poking around a bit is all she needs, with time she'll come up with her own way to use what she's learned. That and she doesn't really trust leaving some of those former evil guy parts lying around her workshop. Call it a hunch.

She does pull out a journel book and scribble down some of the things she learned from dismantling Mannequin though. Good engineer always keeps notes, no matter how sharp their memory is. That's one of the few things she did get to learn, abiet indirectly, from her true father.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr watches as Crawler is literally -vaporized-. Wow, talk about overkill. Heh. "Well that wasn't so bad," he comments, even though the leader and Hookwolf minus an arm had escaped. He glances at Toph's strange expletive. "'Flying monkey feathers'...?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At Blurr's comment Toph shrugs. "What? Don't tell me you haven't heard worse before."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason lowers the weapon for the moment she has no guilt that person was rampaging and monsterous, they had no way to hold them so they did what they had to do. She lowers the weapon and now looks back to the fire hydrant and muses for a moment.

"I hate to say this but I'll need a hand to close that or we're going to get water damage all over the place...

Blurr has posed:
    "Worse?" Blurr looks puzzled. "I don't know, I just wasn't sure what it meant." There are a lot of things he isn't sure about. Like the role of underpants in soap operas.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pulls a canister off her belt and tosses it to Lyria. "Shove that in the hole and hit the trigger, it'll released a a quick hardenin' agent to plug it up until the city utility can fix it."