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Lute, Sanary, and Sarracenia In Medical
Date of Scene: 10 March 2015
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: Lute injured himself at the Rookery, and has been acting quite unusual. So, Sarracenia and Sanary visit him and Harp at Medical.
Cast of Characters: 188, Sarracenia, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is, currently, in medical. Harp has stepped out for a moment, mostly due to annoyance. She will be back fairly soon, after she gets herself a drink of some kind. Possibly some food. Lute himself, though? He's laying back in a hospital bed. Tranquilized a /little/ bit, to help sedate him. Enough that he is calm, but still concious. He is also strapped to the bed. This was in fact Harp's suggestion. Mostly as a bit of a punishment, but also because the last time Lute was here, he went on a bit of a rampage.

     But, Harp told him: Sanary and Sarracenia are coming to visit. He's... not even sure how this will work out. Even he knows he hasn't been his true self recently. Stuff has been pushing his buttons in ways he doesn't even know how to describe. And so, even as he lays down? He is a bit scared to see Sanary and Sarracenia.

     It, likely, doesn't help that he has been trying to date both of them, and he hasn't told either of them this yet. Harp, at least, noted it to Sarracenia earlier, but Lute doesn't know this.

     Still, though. He sighs. He normally would look forward to this, but at the moment? He feels awkward.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The layout medical ward has become almost second nature to Sanary by now, being fairly simple to navigate the halls leading to different patients' rooms and even figuring out where most of the simple tools are usually placed. It doesn't take her long to find Lute's room, but she doesn't enter immediately as she stands outside the door for a moment.

    "Lute? Harp? Anyone else in there?" She takes a moment to start directing the flow of magical energy into her eye to activate it, then steps inside carefully. "I bought a bag of donuts in case anyone was hungry, but..."

    She raises a paper bag, the bottom having been bitten and ripped clean off by several somethings. "... Stupid birds. Anyway."

     She rests a hand on the corner of the bed while looking him over, trying to get a better idea of his external injuries. "How're you feeling?"

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia heard about Sanary. And...it did bother her, but not as much as she expected. Perhaps because she had finally accepted that Lute was not going to change, and if she was going to give him a chance, she had to do it seriously.

     But now, it wasn't about that. Lute was in trouble. He needed help. And she has just the thing! Fried Green Mushrooms! Green mushrooms are the fabled Mario item that give extra 'lives' to the denizens of her world. When one is knocked out, they revive that person. She isn't sure if they will help heal Lute, but they should at least give him energy.

     Sarracenia is in the dress that Lute gave her, and the mushrooms are in a small lunchbox deorated to look like a mushroom itself. She has her purse, but her hammer is nowhere to be seen right now. "Oh Luu-uuute~" she sing-songs as she enters the room. She nods to Sanary, then approaches the bed. "I heard you were sick and injured, so I brought you some fried mushrooms!" the princess says cheerfully. Despite herself, she can't help but eye Sanary a bit.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, looking up at Sanary. It's a bit of a bland, though calm smile. The tranquilizers are in effect, after all. But, even with the dulled feelings he has right now, the smile is obviously a bit forced and insincere at the moment.

     "...Just me in here. Harp went to get a drink and lunch. So. Just me, for now. ...Sorry if I'm worrying you."

     His wounds are fairly bad, but not terrible. Cuts all over, some magical burns, some blunt bruises from kicks or punches. They're enough that he could probably be healed up fairly fast, and be better by tomorrow. But, it's easy to notice that the wounds look a bit worse than they should be, in certain places. It's most likely that his actions aggravated the wounds. After all, even when the battle was over, he noted a few times that he was still destroying the Union stuff there. Breaking whatever he felt like breaking, more or less. Ignoring his injuries to do so.

     And then, Sarracenia comes in. He smiles as well. Harp had told him that Sarracenia decided that he needed some hammer hits. And yet, the hammer isn't here. But, even this smile is a bit forced. He wishes he could be happier, at the moment.

     "...Thanks, Sarracenia. Thanks. I haven't eaten today, so. Some of those mushrooms sound good right now." Lute says this, despite the fact he has never really liked mushrooms at all. But, still, it is the thought that counts. Plus, these are supposed to be magical mushrooms. They should be good for him.

     "...So. How have you two been doing?"

     He says this, hoping to turn the focus away from himself.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Right. There was going to be another guest here, wasn't there? "Oh, hey Sar.. Sarracemina?" That sounded about right. Sanary hadn't heard much about the princess, but she sounded friendly enough from what little she had heard over the comms. "Good to finally meet you. Good thing you got food, covered, too. Birds are... Yeah."

    Turning back to Lute, her expression turns slightly more serious as she gives him another look over to make sure she hadn't missed anything. "Well, I've definitely seen and treated worse. Should be able to get out of here in the morning." Even with the reassuring smile she offers him, it's fairly apparent that even she noticed that something's off.

     "I've been doing alright. Classes, restoring students' buttflesh after a beast master class... The usual." She closes her eye and pats Lute's forehead lightly as she starts to focus, redirecting the magical energy from the rest of her body to her hands and into his face.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia smiles happily when Lute welcomes her mushrooms. "You should be grateful! These are rare mushrooms! They revitalize the body and mind! And are quite tasty, if I do say so myself!" She sets the lunchbox on the nearby rolling tray table and opens it up, then rolls it over. "Birds are lovely! Especially doves! Oh! And peacocks!" she says as she takes a fork from the lunchbox and spears a mushroom half before holding it out toward Lute's mouth

     She watches Sanary as Sanary touches Lute's forehead, then hmms. "Well, I have been working on yelling at my guards for allowing me to be kidnapped. It was sooo heroic of you to come and save me~" Sarracenia says to Lute, smiling brightly. "And, whatever is wrong with you now, I am sure it is nothing that a princess like me cannot help with."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute closes his eyes a bit, as the healing energy flows through him. It's a really pleasant feeling. As he energy flows in, he just has a look of serenity upon him.

     His eyes open, after a bit, "...Beastmaster class, eh? I hear the Galianda Beast Masters focus on just one beast at a time. ...I really need to check that out eventualy. ...I don't know much about Galianda, though. But, Souji, Kyra, and Helena are pretty cool. I'm not really the kind to take classes, though, more of the type to teach them now."

     He's trying to fake being normal, but his tone is obviously a bit somber. But, Sanary is helping cheer him up with the healing, and keeping things normal. And, Sarracenia is bringing him joy, too. Such rare mushrooms, for him? Does she really care about him so much? He thinks, though. He'd probably do the same for her.

     But, as the fork comes in, he opens his mouth. He has a bit of movement despite the restraints, enough that he can bite the mushroom off the fork. He chews it, happily. It's not his favorite flavor, but knowing this is a healing mushroom, and a rare one, he eats it without complaint. "...I wouldn't blame your guards too much. Not everyone can stand up to things such as that. But, well. ...I could train your guards, sometime, if you want. Help get them a bit better."

     He sighs, happily, "...Thanks for the mushrooms, though. And... There is no need to keep thanking me for being heroic. ...Though I am glad you think of me that way." A pause, though, "...And... Well. I'm not sure how much you could help. ...How much either of you can. But, well."

     A happy sigh, again. "...I'm just glad to have both of you here with me for a bit. It helps me forget things, and enjoy the moment."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary raises an eyebrow slightly at the talk of mushrooms, somewhat confused by the notion of eating mushrooms. Then again, considering everything else in the multiverse... It couldn't be that strange in comparison. She still chuckles at Sarracenia's response to topic of the birds, at least.

    "Not erally a fan of any birds I can't eat, but maybe I just haven't met any that don't try to peck a hole in my leg or... Steal my food." She's still a little grumpy about that, but it fades quickly enough once her attention returns to the healing at hand. She moves her hands down towards Lute's upper chest, keeping her own movements steady while directing the healing energy into his body as thoroughly as possible.

    "Yeah, I don't know how useful these classes would be for you what with the Pokemon thing." Another chuckle. "Couldn't hurt if you want to try it without Pokemon, though."

    The healer lets out a light hum as she focuses the healing on Lute's chest for now. "Well, you're in good hands. Between Sarranicia's mushrooms and my healing, Harp won't have to worry about a thing."

Sarracenia has posed:
     "Sarracenia!" the princess corrects quickly, then sighs and looks at Lute. "Lute...forget about whatever it is that is making you upset. You have Harp who loves you greatly, and you have Sanary and me, who both care enough to visit you in the hospital and try to make you feel better. Whatever else is happening, it can't be that bad. If I freaked out every time my hero -didn't- show up, do you know where I would be? In a mental ward!"

     Even as she is talking, Sarra has speared another mushroom and is holding it out to Lute. And, she is peering just a bit accusatorily at Sanary. Running her hands all over Lute like that. Is she taunting Sarracenia?!

     Sarra shakes her head. No no, Sanary is just healing Lute. No need to go all hammer crazy on Sanary. She turns her glare into a smile. "Of course, even if it was just me, Harp would have nothing to worry about."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Birds.. Lute considers that. He doesn't have any strong opinions either way, so he doesn't say anything. But, he should probably mention something about the donuts being stolen. "...Birds can be okay, but yeah, a shame if they steal something from you. It was probably pigeons or something. Pigeons are fairly mundane and a bit less lovely than most other birds." He does believe in this, but if he couldn't find a way to speak up that would agree with both Sarracenia and Sanary, he wouldn't have said anything. He really is desperately worried if these two will get along. It's... somewhat overshadowing his other troubles, and he is actually somewhat thankful for that as well. A bit of a distraction is good.

     "...Well, I don't have magical skill, and I know most of what they do is at least somewhat magically related as well. But, eh. I'll consider taking a class eventually."

     Lute bites the next bit of mushroom. As he chews, though? He realizes something. He sees the look from Sarracenia to Sanary. ...Wait, is Sarracenia jealous? ...Oh crap, she's jealous. Yeah, this might be a /bit/ much for Sarracenia to see just yet, especially knowing that she isn't completely comfortable with the dating multiple girls thing. He's just glad that Sarracenia probably doesn't know. Even though she does, and he doesn't realize. Though, he is suspicious, since she noted that Sanary cared enough to visit as well.

     "...Sorry. I'll... I'll do whatever I can to forget it. But, well. It's tough. But I'll manage with time, alright, Sarracenia?"

     He tries to lift his hand up a bit. He's restrained enough he can't undo the restraints, but it's pretty obvious he's holding out his hand to Sarracenia. He also gives a smile to Sanary, to let her know he is happy to see her, too.

     He ponders. He's /really/ considering asking for a kiss to feel better. But, well, with both of them here, is there a way he could say it while making it seem like it's not aimed towards either of them?

     He looks at them both at the same time, and then looks away. He pauses, speaking softly.

     "...Hey, this is weird, but. Can I have a kiss better?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Sarracenia. Right. Sorry~" Sanary definitely sounds more amused than sorry about that, a thoughtful hum escaping her a few moments later as she starts moving her hands lower to work on Lute's abdomen. "I don't know just forgetting it, though... He might be going through some personal stuff." She goes silent for a moment, moving one hand to put a little more energy into Lute's arm before continuing on his midsection. "But whatever it is, you'll get through it. Just gotta power through all the crap and... Yeah."

    Thankfully, she doesn't appear to notice the princess' glare between focusing her efforts on healing Lute and having her eye closed the whole time. Sarracenia seems nice enough, so what reason would the healer have to suspect otherwise?

    She starts working on his waist next, although she does have the decency to keep her hands a few inches away from making direct contact with him as the flow of energy continues. It's not until the mention of a kiss that her concentration actually breaks, her voice cracking slightly.

    "Wh... What? R-right here?" Sanary lets out a few more flustered grunts before sighing and shuffling sideways, her cheek burning a bright red while the faint glow returns to her eye. "Th-this only because you're injured." With that, she leans over to give him an awkward kiss on the cheek.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia is just about to hold out another mushroom when Lute asks for that kiss. She blinks before staring as Sanary leans in to kiss Lute's cheek. She watches, then...it is only a cheek kiss. That isn't so bad. So, Sarracenia leans in and kisses Lute's other cheek, only a moment after Sanary kisses him. "A princess can hardly refuse such a request from her hero." she says with a smile. "Just promise me you will try not to do anything crazy for whatever it is that has you upset."

Lute (188) has posed:
     This? This has gone /far/ better than Lute expected. He knows Sarracenia is unsure on the whole polyamory thing. Sanary seems a bit more fine with it, but still is embarrased about some of this stuff, especially inpublic. So, to have both of them kissing him, and reassuring him? It is wonderful. He sighs, rather happily.

     He looks to Sarracenia first, smiling. She has... probably the more important thing to answer, first. "...I... I can't promise I won't do something stupid, but. Well. I will be careful, alright? ...I won't put things in a situation where my princess will have to mourn her hero. Alright?"

     He smiles at her, softly, before turning to Sanary.

     "And... Yeah. It's not something I can just forget about it. But, I'll power through it, and get through it. ...I don't want to hurt you, either."

     He just looks at them both. "...I'm... so happy you're both here right now."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary finally gets a clearer look at Sarracenia as the princess goes in for the kiss, finding herself staring for just a moment before slumping in her stance a bit. Is everyone in the Multiverse that stacked? There's a faint whimper in the back of her throat before she resumes focusing on channeling the magic into Lute's legs again, the work giving her something else to look out.

    "Well... Crazy's fine. Stupid's fine. But don't go it alone, at least." Grinning confidently, she gives Lute's leg a light pat before gesturing at herself and Sarracenia. "You've got me, you've got her, you've got hArp, and... Whoever else. Having backup'll mean we don't have to worry as much, you know?"

    Returning her hands to continue their work on finishing up the last of the patch job, she turns to Sarracenia with a confident grin. "Besides, you've got a hammer, right? That's already a cutting weapon and a blunt weapon between the two of us." Laughing quietly, her gaze drifts downwards briefly to linger there again before the healer lets out a low sigh. "...Not fair."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia looks over as Sanary whimpers, but doesn't say anything as Sanary is speaking now. Then, Sanary points out that Lute has at least three people in his corner. She smirks confidently along with Sanary. "There is nothing that should give you so much worry with me around." she says smugly to Lute before looking over at Sanary. And noticing the drifting gaze. "What is not fair?" she asks, though she looks a bit smug as she suspects what the problem is.

     The princess is after all quite sure of her own attractiveness.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute, of course, sees the look Sanary gives to Sarracenia. And, of course, he realizes exactly /what/ she is feeling jealous of. But, he... is not going to point it out because he is not an idiot.

     "...Well. I... I think I'll be honest. The three you listed are the main backup, plus, well... Miko as well. So... I'm glad to have the four of you."

     Lute smiles a bit, "...Can you both stay here with me for a while more, please? Having your company is really nice."

     And, suddenly, the door opens. Harp comes in, having finished her quest for food. She looks much like Lute, except with long brown hair, and a curvier figure. Today, she's wearing a pair of jeans, and a tight black halter top.

     "Oh, hello. Has my husband been causing either of you problems while I was gone?"

     She crosses her arms under her chest, and tilts her nose up. As usual, she is carrying herself with the air of superiority.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Did she say that out loud? She had to, if Sarracenia noticed. Aw, crap.

    "Eh? Ah, nothing, nothing! Just... Thinking out loud, is all." Brushing it aside with a slightly-too-loud laugh, Sanary clears her throat before glancing around the room quickly just to keep her gaze occupied until Lute speaks up again. The smile returns at being named as one of the main back ups, perking up considerably at that boost to her confidence.

    As she's about to respond to Lute's question, her attention is next diverted to the door upon Harp's entrance in that... Tight black top. Well now.

    "... Uh. H-hey, Harp. No, they're-he's... He's been behaving." Looking back up at Harp to maintain eye contact, it's rather obvious that what confidence she had seconds earlier has already been shot again. She's still keeping up that awkward smile, at least!

Sarracenia has posed:
     "He did try to get us to kiss him, though." Sarracenia says, crossing her arms over her chest and smirking lightly. She looks Harp over. So, this is the mysterious alt-Lute. Her rival and possible friend.

     Sarracenia just giggles at Sanary's flustered attempt to deny she said anything.

     Sarracenia then approaches Harp. "So, you are Harp. That is a bit of a scandalous outfit, is it not? It is no wonder Lute was so quickly drawn to you." she says, her tone a bit haughty. She obviously considers herself superior as well. She walks around Harp, then back over to Lute before smiling to him and leaning forward over his bed to get closer to his face. "Do you want any more of my delicious mushrooms?" she asks.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp simply nods at Sanary, and then at Sarracenia. Yes, both of them seem to be speaking rather truthfully. And so, she's rather happy for that. "I'm glad he is behaving, and I apologize if you did not want a kiss from him. Trust me, I would understand if you did, though."

     But, with Sarracenia walking around Harp, Harp simply chuckles a bit. A nice, haughty, and relatively noble laugh. "Oh, this thing? These jeans are designer jeans from New York, and the top is a new design from France. Both quite expensive, of course. I admit, though, this is a bit more... casual of an outfit. I wouldn't dress /overly/ fancy for here." But, before that can be taken as a complete slight against Sarracenia's dress, she adds in a bit, "I am glad you are still wearing the dress Lute picked for you, though. It is quite fetching on you. He spent a long time picking it out, especially after the first attempt."

     What she doesn't say is that she helped pick out the design.. Or, at least, narrow down the choices a bit.

     She walks forward, though, moving next to Sanary. Placing a hand on the back of Sanary's waist, as she looks down at Lute. "...Well. Thanks for healing him as well. I made sure he got restrained so he didn't do anything stupid. ...He was considering tracking down Jinx and fighting her. Even though he is already in such a condition."

     An annoyed look on her face. She doesn't get why Jinx and Lute are so hostile to each other.

     Lute just makes a smile at Sarracenia, "Yeah, I'll have some more of the mushroom. I... should probably mention I don't like mushrooms usually, but the way these are cooked, they're delicious. Thank you again! I'm sure they're helping the healing too! ...I think I have some internal damage."

     And, of course, with Sarracenia leaning so close to him, you can take one guess where Lute is looking. His eyes move from there, to the face. And, of course, his eyes drift towards Sanary too.

     He finds all three of these women /so/ beautiful, but in such different ways.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The healer keeps quiet as the two women speak, clearly not feeling inferior at all between their substantially higher level of dress, more noticeable curves, and their overall refinement comapred to her barely fancy and completely unflattering coat and tunic combo.

    Nope. Not at all. The mention of dresses does give her reason to pause, however, and there is a faint idea starting to form amidst all the slumping.

    Sanary would keep slouching more and more as her thoughts linger on all those differences if not for the touch on her waist bringing her back to reality with a startled grunt. "Wha-? O-oh. I was wondering about that. I figured it was so he wouldn't scratch a wound open or something."

    She relaxes after a moment, her expression finally lightening up again. "I was just doing my job. Gotta keep everyone healthy so we can get back into the fight and keep getting stronger. But... Wait until you're better before getting blown up again, eh?"

    Shaking her head, Sanary takes care not to even look near Harp's or Sarracenia's chest as she turns to Lute once more. "Just take it easy until you've recovered completely. I can only do so much until your body has to take over for the rest."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia looks down at her dress as it is mentioned, then back at Harp. "Hmm. It must be the casual of the commoner." she says, seemingly idly as she moves back to her lunchbox of mushrooms. She spears one on the fork again and proceeds to feed Lute, a soft smile on her face. She still isn't certain she could accept one, or two, (or who knows how many) other women being tended to by her hero, but whenever possible she lets herself sink into the fantasy she has built in her mind.

     To her, Harp and Sanary practically disappear. It is just her and Lute, and she is tending her injured hero after a heroic battle. She conveniently forgets that it wasn't really a heroic battle for now. She has been waiting her entire life for moments like these. She is not going to simply waste them.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp sighs at Sanary, "...No, sadly, it's because he has been a bit... stupid. But. Well. We can probably unrestrain him /now/. He's at least calmed down enough for the moment. ...If one of you two would do the honors?" Despite being his wife, she realizes that it might be best if one of these two did the unrestraining. Partially because, well. She wants Lute to have happy moments with other women. To realize that, just because one woman dumped him recently, doesn't mean his life is over. Still, though, she keeps the hand on Sanary's waist.

     And then, a look at Sarracenia. She appreciates that Sarracenia is a woman of fine taste. She does not appreciate being a common. And so, with a bit of a giggle, Harp moves on to some more comments about fashion, "Ah, well. In the day and age I am from, dresses are saved simply for certain events, even amongst the nobility. While I can fill out quite a number of dresses quite nicely, well, I like to keep with the current trends and fashions that are simply too... /expensive/ for the common folk. One can find a dress at a bargain bin store for twenty dollars. This current outfit? It cost more to produce than /many/ dresses out there."

     Lute looks at Sanary, though, smiling, "...I'll take it easy, I promise. And, well. Sorry I keep coming to you with really, really bad injuries. We'll meet up for more fun things sometime soon, alright? Less 'how badly is he hurt' type of things."

     And Lute just turns back to Sarracenia, eating the mushroom as its offered. With each one, it's worth noting? Lute looks at her until he is done eating it. Smiling. Enjoying it, even though it's not his favorite food.

     "...Sarracenia... Thank you, too. ...Let's go out again sometime soon, too. Maybe dancing, again, but have it be an actual date this time."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Wouldn't be Lute if he wasn't a little dumb sometimes." Sanary snickers lightly and pats his leg lightly as she says that. "Sure. I'll get this side, then." She reaches over to take hold of one of the restraints, fiddling with it somewhat awkwardly while keeping most of her body still so as to not disturb Harp's hand. She doesn't seem to know how to actually react to her hand being there at all, although the girl isn't flinching away from it or anything of that nature. It could be a good sign, at least.

    As Sanary works on getting that restraint off, she shakes her head and pats Lute's forehead once with a reassuring smile. "Wouldn't be a healer if I didn't expect to deal with this kind of thing every day, right? Still... Somewhere with good food. MAybe that 'arcade' place you talked about a while back."

    She even offers that same smile to Harp and Sarracenia, jumping in place slightly once the restraint finally /does/ come off. "We should all go out somewhere one of these days. Maybe a... Uh. Somewhere fun."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia puts down the fork when it is suggested that Lute could be freed from his bonds. "That would be nice. But, I must see documented proof of your heritage first. That was one of my conditions, remember?" she says, smiling to Lute as she unlatches his restraints.

     Harp's comment draws a curious sound from Sarracenia. "If it is so expensive, why is there so little material? If a servant brought me a garment such as the one you are wearing, I would expect it to be rather cheap. What is it that makes your outfit worth such a high price?" she asks.

     Then, Sanary suggests they all go somewhere together. That could be fun. Sarracenia thinks a few moments. "I have heard of an activity called 'bowling' that is supposedly a proper pasttime for a group of friends. Perhaps that would be an acceptable diversion."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp chuckles a bit at Sanary's comment. Yeah, that's fairly true. It wouldn't be Lute if he wasn't dumb. But, as Sanary removes the restraints, Harp moves from just placing a hand on Sanary, to pulling a chair over, sitting down in it, and leaning against Sanary a bit.

     She turns to Sarracenia, though, "...Well. It has to do with the labor required to make it, and the amount of effort needed. The skill of the craftsman is important as well. IT also helps that the cloth it is made of is in fact a /very/ rare silk. You may feel it, if you want. It is /incredibly/ soft and comfortbale."

     And, a smile, "Besides. It shows off my figure."

     But, as for the 'group date/group hangout' idea, she just considers, "...Yes. That could be fun. Arcade, or bowling, I'd be fine with either."

     Lute sighs a bit at the heritage remark, "...Well, I put in the paperwork needed to get the documents on my heritage. I'm going to admit, I don't know... /much/ about my heritage, just that we're from old money. My parents died while I was young, so I never learned much."

     Harp /does/ have something to add with the heritage coment, though, "Oh! I don't know about your world, but since you are an alternate me, it should be similar. I descend from a family of noble blood in Europe. The family fell on hard times several generations back, due to a peasant rebellion. The survivors fled to America, and then laid the groundwork of a fine lumber business. It's truly quite grand of a history, on my side of the family."

     Lue sighs, "I... I really hope there is no problems there."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The talk of heritage and clothing gets a blank-eyed stare from Sanary, the lack of knoweldge on both topics rather evident from her general silence about those subjects. She does straighten up slightly once Harp moves over with the chair, however, hesitating for a moment before reaching up to stroke her hair lightly.

    "Bowling, arcade... It all sounds good to me." She lets out a satisfied hum as she looks over at the clothes Harp's talking about, giving the shirt a gentle nudge with the side of her palm. "Oh... That /is/ soft. If I could wear that under a suit of armor or something..."

    The healer lets out another satisfied noise while resting her head against Harp's, looking over at Lute and Sarracenia. "Ah, it's probably fine by now. If it's that long ago, everyone's probably forgot about it by now. Still..." She trails off while letting her hand drop from Harp's hair, sighing quietly after a moment. "I'm really out of place here, huh?"

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia listens to the proposed background for Lute, then hmms. "If true, then that would be an acceptable lineage for you." she says to Lute. Then, she looks to Harp again. "This dress, as well as my normal attire, show off my figure quite nicely. I am sure Lute could attest to that. And..." She turns away, arms crossing over her chest haughtily again. "...a princess does not feel of others clothing." she adds before looking over her shoulder at Harp and Sanary. They...seem to be getting along quite well.

     The princess finds herself a bit uncertain of the situation. And thinks to herself that, if Sanary were to take Lute as her husband that Harp would have the opposite of complaints. Sarracenia smirks lightly to herself, then turns back toward them. "Well, you two seem to get along famously." she says in a gently teasing tone as she offers another mushroom to Lute. There aren't many left now. Maybe three or four.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp puts a hand on Sanary's lap as well, while cuddling. And, she's happy at least /one/ of them was willing to feel the silk. Of course, she understands why Sarracenia didn't.

     "...Well. If you don't want to touch the silk, I understand. But yes, it does feel good under armor, from what I hear. I can get you some eventually if you want, Sanary. ...Though, thinking on it. I suppose I /could/ wear dresses ore often, myself."

     And, Lute shrugs at Sarracenia a bit, "...Well, Sanary met Harp the other day, so, yeah. Harp is... She has similar tastes in women to me, let's say." He doesn't want to bring up the fact that he often has cuddled Sanary just like that, because he knows Sarracenia still needs to adjust.

     But, Harp gives Sarracenia a smile, "I probably could get along well with you as well. But. You do not seem like the type who would like this affection immediately." Harp knows this, in fact, from what he heard of Sarracenia and Lute before this. Granted, even Harp knows that a large part of it was the whole 'already married' thing, but still.

     Harp adds a bit more, though, to Sanary, "...I don't think you're out of place. Why would you think that?"

     Lute smiles, "Yeah. We're all feeling like, well... One big happy family here, right now, I think."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Wh-what's wrong with that?" Sanary furrows her brow slightly while staring at Sarracenia, almost holding an irritated look for a few seconds before breaking out into another snicker. "We met once before. Her hair feels really nice. You should come feel it." She brings her hand up to stroke Harp's hair again to demonstrate, relaxing visibly while she does that. Her own hair isn't necessarily bad, but there's only so far Sanary can go without actually knowing what conditioner is. One day.

    Sighing lightly, Sanary raises her head from Harp's and clears her throat, sounding almost like a proper presenter as she gestures at the three with her palms turned upward. "Royalty, nobles, whatever." She then gestures at herself. "Pig farmer."

    Next, she gestures the same way at Harp and Sarracenia in particular. "Stacked, great curves, nice faces." She then gestures at her own fairly unnoticeable chest and hips while only blowing a raspberry as if that explained everything. Dropping her hands to hold Harp's, the healer lets out a frustrated grunt before leaning against the woman again.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia giggles at Sanary's reaction to her comment. "I did not say there was anything wrong with it. It is just surprising, especially if you have only met once." she says, smiling just a bit. "I myself have entertained the thought that my hero would turn out to be a heroine. After all, one cannot really choose one's hero or heroine or other heroic creature."

     Then, Sanary points out why she feels out of place. Sarracenia just smirks, looking Sanary over. "Well, perhaps you still have some growing to do. And, your pig farmer heritage could easily be overcome by a wardrobe that actually complimented your body. With the right clothes and makeup, anyone can look fabulous. Perhaps not as fabulous as me, but still fabulous." Again, the suggestion to feel of something is made, and again Sarracenia declines. If anything, they should be feeling of -her- clothing and hair!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp sighs, looking Sanary over. She traces a finger along Sanary's body as well. "...Look. As she said, you might grow more. Perhaps not worrying about the binding would help as well. But. You have a nice face as well. And if you feel out of place in your outfit, well. We could quite easily find a fetching outfit for you."

     And then, she looks over at Sarracenia, considering. The 'heroine' comment. Well. That, in fact, is something that Harp considers a plus in Sarracenia's favor. But, perhaps, for different reasons than might be expected. She realizes that, when one man has a lot of love interests, and eventually a lot of wives? It's best if the wives got along. And this would be helpful for that.

     And so, she throws something out, "...Oh, I'm sorry, Sarracenia. Is my own outfit distracting from yours? If you want, well, I wouldn't mind feeling your hair as well." This is said in a somewhat teasing tone.

     Lute just /slooowly/ chews the last bit of one up mushroom as he watches this. He is, of course, a man. And as most men would, he is incredibly interested in this sort of thing. So he's at a loss for words.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Oh. Well... H-huh. That's... Okay, then." Sanary clears her throat rather awkwardly, looking even more flustered than she did earlier. Harp touching her definitely doesn't seem to be making her any less fidgety, although she does sit up slightly after getting more used to it.

    The healer lets out a noncommital groan at both mentions of growing more, pursing her lips for a while before finally speaking up again. "I don't know about the growing thing, but... Choosing clothes is kinda hard for me if it's not useful for something. Like working or fighting or... Different working."

    That admission takes quite a lot out of the healer, a long sigh escaping her. "... But I guess I'll just have to trust you three to pick something out for me, eh? And... I guess I could try not binding if I'm not planning on fighting."

     There's actually a chuckle at that. Sanary breaks out into a laugh, then raises an eyebrow as her attention is directed towards Sarracenia. "Hey, yeah... If you're a princess, that means your clothes and hair must be just as soft, right?" There's a mischievous glint in her eye as she says that. Surely nothing could go wrong.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia blinks at the other two women. "I do not 'want' to be felt." she says, a bit indignant. "I am not some child that requires attention in order to feel important." she says, her tone a bit too childish for that to fly completely. "But, I will not deny others the honor of feeling my royal garments and royal hair." she says before making her way over to the others.

     Sarracenia gets within touching distance, then holds out a hand in that way royals do, as if expecting a kiss on the back of her hand. With her long sleeves and long hair, it would be easy to feel either.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp chuckles at Sanary, "Well, don't worry too much about it. We can help. Besides, there is so much about this world you likely don't even know about." She runs her hair through Sanary's hair once again. "...Things like hair conditioner." She gives Sanary a slight kiss on the cheek.

     But, with Sarracenia coming over, Harp runs her fingers along the dress, tracing up along it until she reaches the hair. She runs her fingers through Sarracenia's hair, playing with it gently a bit.

     "...So soft. What sort of products do you use in it?"

     Lute is just laying there, staring wide mouthed. Completely confused at /how this is even happening/ right now. It's not that he's complaining, he's just... Wow.

     He pauses.

     "...Sarracenia, can I touch your hair and dress too?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary gives Sarracenia a confused look between the contradictions in her words and her actions, although she does seem to understand once the princess is within touching distance. That, or she's just guessing. Either or.

    "Uh huh... Well, then." She doesn't sit up right away, humming softly at the last of her hair being touched before flushing slightly at the kiss on the cheek. Sitting up again to not put all of her weight on Harp, she takes a moment to compose herself before reaching out to Sarracenia.

    "...Oh. Whoa. Yeah, I definitely need to get some of this silk stuff." Feeling the princess' sleeve with her palm, she tilts her head slightly before moving her hand from the sleeve to her hair next.

    "Conditioner, eh? Jinx told me about that stuff. Felt like it just melted off when I put it in, though, so I never used it after that one time. But... Damn."

    The mischievous grin returns once Lute speaks up again, the healer turning slowly to regard him. "Oh, but Lute. Isn't the hero supposed to be recovering? You shouldn't exert yourself so much~" She's definitely teasing him. If the tone didn't make that obvious, the asshole-like grin had to.

Sarracenia has posed:
     "I come from the Sundew Kingdom, a land surrounded by lush, stifling jungle. Natural extracts from the plants there allow me to have the perfect hair and flawless skin that is befitting a princess." she says proudly. "Of course, I cannot take credit for the fabric of this dress. It was a gift. From Lute." She says that last part as if it gives her points over the other two. "However, the jungle also provides us with the best fabrics, so I have many dresses made very similarly to this one." She allows the other women to feel over her dress and hair until the point where it might seem weird, then she moves to seat herself on the edge of Lute's bed near them.

     "No." is all she says to Lute, a mischievious smirk on her face. She is obviously teasing him by denying him a feel.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The fact Lute is not allowed to feel up Sarracenia hurts him on a deep, deep level. Even though, honestly, he completely expected it. And, as Sarracenia sits on his bed, he is incredibly tempted to feel her anyways. But, even Sanary is teasing him, and telling him not to.

     He sighs, though. Oh well. One day. But, a smile crosses his face. An honest to goodness smile, more than he has had for a while. For the first time in a while, there is hope for his love life, and the fabled 'harem ending'.

     "...You two can sit on my bed too, if you want. ...Or even cuddle me a bit. I'm fairly fine with that, and that offer can apply to all three of you. I mean. It'd help the healing?"

     That worked earlier to get the kiss. He doubts it will work now. But, he sighs. Oh well.

     And, Harp grins. She does this so Lute can't see, but she mouths to Sanary, and even Sarracenia, whispering, 'Go ahead if you want.' Lute sadly can't hear this, or read her lips, with the position she has moved into.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    So she really was royalty. Thankfully, the earlier pick-me-up keeps Sanary from falling into the drooping state she had been in before, and she does draw her hand away once Sarracenia moves. "Oh yeah... I've still got one of Lute's back in my room. Didn't bring it here just in case... You know. Medical stuff."

    She raises her hands lightly and makes a lazy bursting motion with them with an accompanying raspberry/fart-like sound effect. How eloquent.

    Lute's suggestion is met with a light giggle, the healer adjusting her eyepatch as she shakes her head in amusement. "How subtle... Actually learned that word today, too." There's a proud smirk on her face as she says that, leaning over slightly as Harp whispers to her and Sarracenia. She hums softly as she starts to pace slowly, circling around Harp.

    "Yeah, well... More the merrier." And with that, she unceremoniously scoops Harp up from behind. Shuffling over towards the bed to deposit her next to Lute on the bed, she lets out a satisfied grunt before sitting on the bed next to them. "Can't have us doing all the work, you know. Besides, it's more comfortable with more people."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia's playful smirk fades as Lute looks actually crestfallen by her response. "Aww, I was only teasing you, Lute. Here." She holds a hand out to him as she did Harp and Sanary. "But, I am not going to-" She is interrupted as the bed rocks from Harp and Sanary sitting on the bed as well. Or snuggling Lute, although it looks like only Lute's actual wife might be doing that right now.

     The sudden shift of the cushion causes Sarracenia to fall toward Harp and Sanary, and she ends up lying down with her head in Sanary's lap.

     The princess lets out what must be the cutest little squeak ever, then quickly sits up again. "C-careful!" she says, blushing in embarrassment and looking away from the others.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Harp is a bit surprised as she is lifted, and set on the other side of Lute. But, still she settles into the position, as does Lute. Lute turns to the other girls, letting Harp hug him from behind, her arms wrapped around him.

     And then, Sarracenia falls into Sanary's lap. Lute chuckles a bit at this, and reaches his own arm to wrap around Sarracenia from behind. Granted, his face is somewhat looking at Sanary's rear, with how everyone is positioned, but he still hears the cute squeek. "...You're so cute when you're embarrased."

     His right arm, in the meantime? It reaches to wrap around Sanary's waist a bit. This way, he can cuddle /everyone/.

     And he smiles.

     "...Yeah. Let's... Let's all four of us stay together for a while, like this."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    That squeak is enough to send Sanary into a fit of muffled giggles as she bites down on her lips to keep herself from just bursting out into laughter. It takes her a moment to settle down, but she does manage it soon enough as Lute reaches for her waist.

    "Th... That was cute, yeah. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Shifting closer to the group so Lute doesn't have to reach as far, the healer herself reaches over to pat Sarracenia's back lightly while leaning against Harp and Lute lightly.

    "This /is/ pretty comfortable, anyway. Don't know if the bed'll crack with all of us on it, but... Whatever." Laughing more openly now, she alternates between running her hands through Lute's and Harp's hair while also patting the princess' back reassuringly.

    "Just... If anyone needs to fart, warn us first."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Now Sarracenia feels like the one who doesn't belong. Her pride and royal upbringing forbids her from joining in cuddling with three other people. She is not going to lie down and snuggle! She crosses her arms over her chest again and crosses her legs beneath her dress. And the pettings and reassurances that she is cute when embarrassed is only making her -more- embarrassed.

     Finally, when Sanary voices her concern about farts, Sarracenia can't take it anymore. She hops up quickly and paces quickly back and forth. "A princess would never do such a thing in the presense of a group!" she says, sounding insulted, but it is pretty obvious she is just burning off the nervous energy.

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Sanary says that, Lute simply can not help but laugh at that. He tries to stiffle the the laugh, because he knows that is /not/ something Sarracenia would like to hear. Harp, though? Harp just groans. She doesn't find it funny at all. Harp just says, a bit annoyed, "...Alright, no mentioning of that. I am fairly certain we'd all know that without it having to be said."

     Lute, though? He scoots himself, and therefore Harp, a lot closer to Sarracenia. Enough that his legs are touching hers, unless she moves her own legs away. This, of course, puts his head dangerously close to Sanary's rear. Not that he minds that much. He's assuming she won't, well. What was said earlier. He tries to hold Sarracenia close as possible while keeping her on Sanary's lap.

     "...Sarracenia, don't worry. We know you wouldn't. But. It's... It's really nice to be with you. I mean, there have been some minor hiccups, but. You, Harp, and Sanary have all gotten along so well! It means a lot to me."

     He turns to look up at Sanary as well, smiling whenever his hair is felt. Harp smiles similarly, though she has her face nuzzled into the back of Lute's head so it is harder to see. But, as Lute looks up at Sanary, he smiles, "...I do like your sense of humor, though. You need to get a bit less self concious, though. ...I find you just as beautiful as Harp and Sarracenia, alright? We'll help you, with the fashion stuff, alright?"

     But, even all of this, he thinks. Wondering. A thought flows through his head. Will this all work? He's worried about making sure they all feel loved. But. At the moment, he wants to make sure with himself. ...Is he actually falling in love with these two, or is it lust?

     But, as he continues to cuddle the two and his wife, he smiles. Yes. It's at least the start of love, here.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    There's no helping it. Sanary has to laugh. And laugh she does at Sarracenia's reaction to the topic of farts, unable to hold it in any longer. She's in an uproar, even!

    With laughter, that is. Not farts. That would be terrible.

    "Aah, come on. It's a normal thing that just happens. Ain't healthy to hold it in for too long." Wiping a tear from her eye, she lets out a content sigh before patting Harp's side lightly. "Okay, okay... No more of that, then." Still snickering quietly, she continuing switching in touching whomever's hair is still in range, eventually settling back to lay down on a clearer part of the bed as well.

    "I'll work on that. Yeah, fashion's kind of... Out of my reach right now between all the school and adjusting to everything else about this place." More chuckling. "This is nice, though. Just relaxing and... Relaxing."

    The fatigue from keeping her eye going and healing Lute seem to finally be kicking in for her, but for once, it's actually a good fatigue. Content, even.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia just huffs, her face practically red now as she keeps pacing. Then, she notices the other three getting all comfy and cozy in the bed. She comes to a stop, watching them, then after a moment she sighs and heads toward the tray table her mushroom lunchbox is resting on. "I should return to my castle. My bath is no doubt waiting for me, and I must ensure I get my beauty sleep." she says as she closes the lunchbox carefully.

     She picks it up once it is closed, then smiles lightly to the others. "Goodnight, you three." she says, then curtseys politely before heading toward the door.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute sighs. He is about to beg Sarracenia not to go, but, before he can, Harp chimes in first. Harp lifts an arm, to wave, "Goodnight, Sarracenia."

     And then Lute just smiles, waving, "...Goodnight, Sarracenia. Enjoy your bath." Lute, of course, is probably thinking about that bath /waaay/ too much.

     And then Lute grabs at Sanary, to pull her down to lay next to him and Harp, rather than just sitting next to the two. He hugs Sanary a bit. He's not really doing this to make Sarracenia mad or anything, he just wants to make sure that Sarracenia can see this is quite a normal relationship thing. That it /isn't/ weird.

     Even if it is weird.