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AWftF: The Duel Resumes
Date of Scene: 10 March 2015
Location: Void - Deep Void (East)
Synopsis: Serori and Kakarot meet to complete their interrupted duel. Once again, it doesn't go as planned.
Cast of Characters: 37, 180, 334, 663, 723
Tinyplot: A Wish for the Future

Serori (37) has posed:
Another day, another boring gray-brown planet. Like any other world chosen for saiyan sparring, it's barren, rocky, fragile, and lacking sapient life. Today's rock doesn't even have much of a water system outside its polar caps. The winds are rough and dusty, and on the colder-than-comfortable side, but that's about the extent of any weather.

Serori's little interstellar cruiser stands out like a sore thumb in a place like this. So does the saiyan herself, standing outside the ship to stretch and flex and limber her lungs and limbs. The blue battlesuit she's wearing provides a welcome splash of color, and her flickering, half-seen aura is as friendly as a bonfire. The sight of anything or anyone /living/ on this desolate backwater world is very hard to miss.

Good thing she's not trying to hide.

"All right, Kakarot. Let's try this again, huh?" The message goes out across the radio along with a set of coordinates to Serori's location.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
The coordinates are received. Unlike last time, it takes a short time for Kakarot's own capital ship to hove into view. He is standing on the front of it, his arms crossed and his cape snapping behind him as the ship grows near.

There is only a quick movement to undo the cape with one hand. A moment later, it is pullsed away, and the King of the Neo-Saiyans blurs through the air like a rocket. While before he was on the defensive, this time he's going offensive immediately, descending down upon the Queen with a spinning kick. "You've already proven you're not all talk, Colonel. I'm going to skip the formalities!" He calls with a pleased shout.

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan doesn't bring any ship, instead opting to step through a warpgate and landing atop Serori's ship as she lands. When she emerges, he closes his eyes and shakes his head idly, crossing his arms. "This looks like a horrible negotiation ground..."

    And then, there's Kakarot. Gohan's eyes rake upward toward his flagship and he shakes his head again. "I can't believe the greatest hero the Earth ever knew, a man so pure of heart that he was literally incorruptible, is a King of warriors." He stays put, not wanting to interfere with the fight. "In some ways, it's sad. But in others, it's like looking in a mirror."

Serori (37) has posed:
"That's because we're not negotiating tonight, Gohan." Son Gohan's arrival isn't unexpected. He probably followed the coordinates Serori sent out a moment ago. After shooting him a glance, she turns her attention back to the sky, and to the looming warship Kakarot brings into orbit. "Look at him. Knows how to make an entrance, huh?"

Serori doesn't disguise her satisfaction; the prospect of a good fight ignites a savage joy inside her black eyes, and spreads a wide, sharp-toothed smile across her pretty face. Even as Kakarot's spinning kick thunders against her braced forearms to loose a dust-filled shockwave across the immediate area, Serori only looks thrilled to be engaged in a fight with a warrior as legendary as Kakarot. The laughter she lets out is nothing short of sinful. "Wonderful!"

Gohan's forgotten. So is Vegeta, and all his frustrating obstinance. Serori shakes off her thoughts of Reptilon, of the Confederacy, of Dracula, and focuses only on the man who's stepped up to become her dance partner for the evening.


Serori vanishes in a blur. Appearing again behind Kakarot, she jets backwards at high speeds, wind whistling through her ears, multiple ki spheres streaming from her outstretched hand. She lets five loose, each one capable of triggering a massive explosion, and then corkscrews and abruptly shoots straight up to lead Kakarot on a little chase.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
The next large ship to descend from the sky is Vegeta's, formerly Cooler's spaceship. It lands not far from the battle, extending tiny little legs to hold it up. He doesn't exit, he sits in a chair chomping a large roast held by a bone.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     And the last ship to descend? Taylita's little repurposed PTO scout ship. She lands near Serori's ship, then exits quickly to get a good seat for the fight. She waves to Gohan and Vegeta as she lands on top of her own ship, then stretches out on her back before supporting her upper body on her arms. This should be a good fight. As long as they don't blow up her ship. Or maybe it would be even better that way, since that would mean it was an intense fight.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Gohan's presence is noted, but Kakarot knows better than to get distracted in the middle of a battle. He's pretty sure he'd feel the power levels rising if he decided he wanted to join in anyway.

In the meantime, Kakarot's eyes slide sideways as Serori appears behind him. He spins just in time for the ki blasts to smash into him in sequence. The first sphere detonates, sending him screaming down towards the surface of the planet from the impact. Each detonation follows, sending the King crashing into the surface of the planet and cratering into the ground with a colossal impact.

There is a surge of movement from the smoke, Kakarot punching upwards through the cloud and dispersing it in a circular cloud, and dusts himself off. "You're not so bad yourself." He replies with a smile.

There is a high-pitched noise as he approaches rapidly, pausing every so often as he follows Serori's path. The reason for this might become apparent as a wave of ki beams begins manifesting, screeching in from multiple directions at high speed. "So, I told you my story, how about yours?" He asks in between rapid movement and ki shots. Looks like he's more than willing to talk and fight at the same time. Taylita and Vegeta aren't addressed at the moment immediately either. If they want him they'll say something.

Serori (37) has posed:
"Born on Planet Vegeta -- " Serori grunts and writhes sideways at an almost impossible angle to evade the first ki beam. " -- low-class. I was a scout! Sent to other worlds to find out who lived there -- and to verify reports about a planet's -- nnh -- VALUE!"

Whipping around, she extends her arm to brace a pale yellow barrier against the next ki beam to arc into her twisting path. The barrier shudders and crumbles before the ki beam is fully dispersed; its remains crash into her chestplate, and send her flying backwards, smoke trailing from the cracks in her armor. Serori grits her teeth against the pain and tries to right herself before the next beam can catch up, but she's a little too slow -- the third beam lands a direct, smashing hit, and the next explosing sees her streaking toward the ground.

Lobbing a ki blast at the ground she's racing toward provides a bit of opposing momentum. The force of her own self-made blast propels her upward at a slight angle, giving her the cushion she needs to course correct.

Serori draws in her arms and legs as she quickly gathers her power. Two more ki beams fly at her from two directions.

Both are countered by the energy wave she releases with a reckless expansion of her own aura. The resulting shockwave thunders into existence as she throws her arms and legs outward again.

She blinks from view -- appears in front of him, trying to smash his defenses apart with a rain of blows. Kicks and punches prod at him in turn. Behind her, one of Kakarot's own ki beams is in pursuit. Part of her tactic is to take his attention away from the ki beam, so she can try to blink away again an instant before impact.

" -- when Frieza blew up our homeworld, I was far away. On some other planet. Can't remember what. Word didn't reach me for a long time; scouts operate on their own for months at a time, as you probably know. I was pretty little then. Traveled around awhile. Eventually came to Earth, after Vegeta'd taken it over and renamed it!"

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan allows his power to rise slightly as Kakarot and Serori exchange blows, slowly amping up his own energy. As they discuss things between themselves, he suddenly bursts into Super Saiyan, letting the full extent of his power blast out in one rolling wave. "Beat his ass, Serori," he calls, "You've got this easily!" He crosses his arms again, hovering a bit off the ship. "Oi, Taylita, how's it going?" he asks after a moment.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita blinks as Gohan goes super saiyan. She floats over to land beside him, then crosses her arms as she watches the battle. "Did you have that power last time we fought?" she asks before smirking lightly. "I think I could still take you." she says, giving Gohan an affectionate punch in the arm. "They are really going at it, huh? Is it weird seeing a version of your dad like this? I met a Goku before, and he was a pretty decent guy. Despite what this guy is trying to do, he doesn't seem like an evil warlord. Still a warlord, but not evil."

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan smirks as Taylita approaches, chuckling as she punches him. "You might be able to," he says, "But you use dirty tactics, so it's not exactly a fair fight you know." He chuckles again, then goes back to watching the fight. "It had to have happened somewhere," he says after a moment, "I mean, I ended up this way. Dad had to have in some universe. And here he is. A normal Saiyan. It's a little weird, yeah, but sort of natural too I guess..."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
"Humble beginnings, survived the destruction of your home planet." His response is completely relentless as he chases Serori down with his own ki attacks. He watches with a measured appreciation as he watches her try to not get caught in the blasts. He is most definately taking in the measure of her abilities as they fight. The moment she slams into his defenses, he responds with blurred strikes, engaging in a high-speed clash of blows, testing, parrying, seeking out a weakness in each other's guard.

The moment she suddenly teleports out of the way, Kakarot's eyes widen as he sees the beam right behing.

His response might be... unexpected. "YES!" He yells, as the beam smashes into him and drives him backwards in the air. The ki-beam refracts in all directions as he tries to power through the hit, leaving shattered armor and deep bruising in its wake.

He hangs, there, breathing. "It's been a while since I've seen someone clever enough to do that. And you've achieved Super Saiyan too, I think-"

There is a sudden pause as his Scouter chirps. "Ugh, ALWAYS when I'm having fun." He taps at it, and then there is a moment. "It's me. Yes? What? He did what?"

There is a pause, and his eyebrows dip down, his brow furrowing deeper and deeper as the dulcet tones of Vegeta are played back over his Scouter.

When that's done, he closes his eyes, inhaling deeply... And then he exhales slowly, his eyes snapping open as he smiles more widely. "I'm sorry, Colonel Serori, but it looks like our communal troublemaker has decided to do what he does best."

He turns, hovering up into the air and looking over to Gohan, who has gone Super Saiyan. He watches the man contemplatively for a few moments... And then he nods to Gohan and Taylita, before he turns towards Vegeta's ship. He hands before it, arms crossed as he silently regards the Prince of Saiyans.

Finally, he speaks. "Do you really understand what you're doing here, Vegeta?" He asks, simply.

Serori (37) has posed:
Kakarot's glee is kind of infectious. Serori even draws back to let him recover, so that the fight might continue to escalate at a good pace with neither of them flagging behind. Flashing him a genuine smile, she nods. "I didn't think I'd ever make it so far, but then someone made me think Taylita had been killed, and..." She shrugs, and shoots a glance down at the red-head. "I realized my passion for fighting could mean a lot more if I was fighting for a purpose. I've been fighting even harder since, knowing that my actions lead to a stronger future for the saiyans. Like Taylita. She's different, but she's my friend."

Shrugging, a little helpless, Serori lets out another chuckle. "The Confederacy isn't for everyone, but it gave me what I was missing. I -- "


Serori's scouter pings, and a transmitted data feed scrolls across the device's red lens. It takes Serori a moment to realize it's worth paying attention to, and that it's not just an alert from some far-off sector she can afford to ignore.

The transcription is a little imperfect in spots due to the haste of its creation, but Vegeta's message comes across clear. Serori blinks, and presses a button to play the message back a second time.

At first, her face goes white; then, it flushes red.

Rage boils through Serori's veins like magma.

How dare he.

How dare he /spoil/ negotiations before any can even be attempted?! How dare he pit /her/ empire against the Neo-Saiyans without consulting as to how it should be done?! Did he think /nothing/ of how such widespread threats might harm the Confederacy?! When he'd threatened Kakarot, she'd indulged him, but -- but, now that he's /acting/ on it, with no /regard/ for how his actions could ruin any hope for a peaceful resolution -- or the acquisition of a /powerful/ new ally --

Serori draws herself up into an imperious sneer aimed at Vegeta's warship. Fire ignites in her eyes like a sudden tempestuous inferno, and fire blazes into being around her body, her aura strengthened by her anger. The /glare/ that inferno feeds could turn a living body to crispy ash in an instant. A growl begins in the back of her throat, and emerges through her lips as a fierce, sharp-toothed snarl, a sound as hateful as it is bestial.

Fucking /Vegeta/.

Fucking /idiot/ Prince!

The first /dent/ to shake Vegeta's warship to its core isn't put there by Kakarot; it's hammered into the warship's hull by Serori's heel. She hits that thing like a meteor, all wrath and recklessness, her temper /shattered/. "COME OUT AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF, OR I'LL CRACK THIS SHIP IN HALF AND /MAKE/ YOU COME OUT!"

Nevermind that Kakarot's so /calm/ in the face of those threats.

Serori remains planted atop the ship with one foot sunken into that dent, seething, tail snapping at the air like a serpent.

And she'd been in /such/ a good mood, too...

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita hees as Gohan accuses her of dirty fighting. "Your being distracted because I am amazing is not me fighting dirty." she says teasingly.

     Then, Serori goes off like a bomb. Taylita blinks. She takes a moment to check for any new reports with her own device that was conveniently stored in her cleavage, as is the apparent norm she has observed from many humans, then blinks again. "Oh geeze..." She holds out the device to Gohan so he can read it.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
The door on top of the ship slides open, and Vegeta floats up, arms crossed, tail lazily swaying in the air as if he had no particular care if someone grabbed it. "Explain myself? There's nothing -to- explain. This low class warrior committed high treason against the royal family, and I'm sentencing everyone involved with the act to death, including the fool himself. I don't care -who- disagrees, I will not allow my family to go unavenged."

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan takes the device from Taylita and scans it quickly. "Vegeta... you're an idiot," he says softly. Handing Taylita her device back, he turns toward Vegeta's ship and takes a deep breath. What he's about to do is no doubt going to spark Vegeta's rage. "You talk big, Vegeta, but the fact still remains. You couldn't beat my dad, and you can't kill this Kakarot either. So what exactly are you threatening to do? Fail again?"

Kakarot (723) has posed:
The air around Kakarot hums with the tension of high power lines despite his pleasant demeanor. He simply watches the dismissive behavior of Vegeta, his expression unchanging, almost stonelike. "You have no authority over me, Vegeta. You cannot condemn me."

He floats another step closer. "It was not your family that was slain, Vegeta, but those of another universe. You are lying, Vegeta. You are simply using this a transparent excuse to make a grab for power. To lay claim to an empire undeterred, that you did not and /could/ not have preserved. It is behavior like this that is why my father had to rebel in the first place. His acts... And my own. They are for the sake of the Saiyan people, to give them a true path forward instead of dragging them into the pits behind egomaniacs like you."

He gestures, pointing. The air tears with a thunderous crack as he points to Vegeta. "You can work with me, or you can go your own way if you believe you have a better one, Vegeta. I would welcome your power and give you a place among the Neo-Saiyans if you would listen to reason instead of yur pride. But if you insist on this foolishness, if you would try to drag my people into another civil war where Saiyan would battle Saiyan, spilling the blood of our own people..."

There is a low roar, Kakarot's muscles bulging like the calm before a storm. "Then I will give you a fate worse than death, Vegeta. You can no longer /have/ an honorable end, immortal prince."

Serori (37) has posed:
"We talked about this." Serori's glare remains fixed on Vegeta as she prowls out of the crater she's dug. Every step she takes toward him bears a distinct predatory intent, like she's moments away from ripping out his throat. "You should have been smart enough to /wait/. Instead, you've made yourself a target! More than that -- you've endangered a Confederate operation! Are you /trying/ to push the Neo-Saiyans into the Union's arms?! Are you /trying/ to get Reptilon destroyed?!"

Serori stops in her tracks to look over her shoulder at Gohan and Taylita standing off to the side. How opportunistic might Taylita become in this moment? Eyes narrowed, she returns her attention to Vegeta, and she lowers her voice to a hiss. "Where is your respect for /me/ that you'd declare /war/ without my participation. You'd have me as your queen -- that comes with certain privileges. Or do I not matter whenever your personal vendettas blind you to your responsibilities?"

Yes, there's a certain lack of diplomatic grace on Serori's part, too. The way she's dressing Vegeta down in public is far from appropriate. And, hey, the last thing Kakarot needs is more ammunition, right? Witnessing this could give him a major advantage. As if that's just dawned on her, she presses her lips together into a hard line, and turns away from Vegeta in disgust and frustration.

She did say she wouldn't betray him, though.

As Kakarot's words and power roll across the scene like echoing thunder, as Serori's wild black hair is blown back from her face, she suffers an instinctive warning pang -- a frisson of something like fear shuddering up her spine. If this isn't ended, if the two break into violence now, everything's lost. The Neo-Saiyans, Reptilon, the hope for peace --


Serori's voice is lightning bolt to answer Kakarot's thunder.

"You agreed to give us the benefit of a diplomatic meeting. I call you to honor your word, and to keep the meeting tomorrow as promised. There is more at stake here than saiyans alone. Our people are no longer pawns in a reckless war. You can fight here and now, and destroy one another, or you can /both/ make an attempt at preserving lives. Stop this now, before you do something regrettable."

How strange it is to championing /peace/, of all things...

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita nods in agreement with Gohan, then her own aura flares and she takes off into the sky, coming to a stop amidst the other three saiyans there. "Or, you guys could all make a change and give up this path of conquest! It led Freiza to destruction, it led our people to destruction, and it destroyed whatever honor our people had!" she says, floating there with her arms crossed over her chest.

     She looks between Serori, Vegeta, and Kakarot, then back to Vegeta. "What has your pride gotten you? If you can even call it pride! I think you are just an arrogant, bloodthirsty egotist, honestly. Can't you see what you are doing? Even /Serori/ thinks this is a bad idea! And she is your strongest advocate!"

     Then, Taylita turns to Kakarot. "Your empire seems to be flourishing, but as my masters on Corlan told me, there is always someone stronger. Some day, that stronger foe will meet you in battle, and because you are a warlord no one will come to your aid. You will be destroyed. Honorable or not, destruction is destruction. We should all be working to keep our race alive! And right now, it looks like we are headed down the path of extinction!"

     Taylita huffs in annoyance, then puts her hands on her hips. "Maybe I should beat the both of you and show our people and the Multiverse that strength does not mean destruction and the loss of honor."

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"Hah! Lying? Excuses? You believe that you can escape punishment for what your family has done, simply because it was in another world? You believe that I shouldn't care because of that? Wanting to kill Frieza was one thing, but your family killed the entire royal family, including myself, as a -child-. But sure, why not..." Vegeta flashes that wicked grin that's perhaps been missing for the last few months.

Gohan didn't go unheard, nor did Serori. "-This- is my compromise." He points directly to Gohan, blue energy beginning to condense at the tip of his finger. "I'm going to kill that boy, -your- son, from another world. If you truly don't care for your family dying in another world, then you should feel nothing for this boy. He -is- a half-breed, after all. I'm going to kill him, and if you don't care even a little, if you don't even care to -stop- me, then I'll wipe the slate entirely clean."

The energy becomes more powerful and condensed, though it never grows any larger, just increasingly bright, at the very tip of that index finger. "Taylita, this man, Kakarot, his family killed -my- family. I do not -care- if they're from another world. This is not -pride-, this is not -ego-, this is about -right- and -wrong-. And I will have my eye for an eye. His son from my universe for my family from his universe."

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan smirks, then bursts out laughing. "VEGETA!" he roars, still laughing uproariously, "Are you sick, or just stupid? Go ahead! Try it! I'll make sure the Confederacy charges you to the fullest extent of their power for attempting to kill a superior officer!" He crosses his arms, allowing his aura to flare up to its maximum. "You can't kill me. You can't stop any form of my dad, and you can't even deal with his son!" His smile is wide and joyous, and he spreads his arms.

    "You've gone mad. I knew you had no capacity for reason."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot hangs there in the air, waiting, and lets Vegeta respond.

An eyebrow raises as Vegeta comes to his trumphant conclusion, and he looks over towards Gohan, already resplendant in Super Saiyan form. He watches Gohan's response...

And he gets a smile on his face as he looks back to Vegeta. "He might not by my son, but he's clearly strong enough to handle someone like you. Looks at him!" He points to Gohan. "He doesn't walk through the universe like he needs to prove anything. He is strong, and he knows he is strong. You only need to look at him to see that he is a warrior, and does no shame to the Saiyan name. However, I think you will have a hard time going through with your threat, Vegeta."

He turns away, then, and nods to Serori. "You are right, Colonel. I gave my word as King, and /royalty/ knows when restraint is necessary for the good of our people. We have bigger things to worry about than our egos." He smiles.

He raises into the air, about to leave when Taylita calls out her own challenge. He pauses, turning to look towards Taylita. He tilts his head, studying her for several moments, and smiles. "You have an interesting idea of how a successful warlord conducts themselves. You're right. There is always someone stronger. We're always looking for them. In the meantime, I rule, trying to form our people into a warrior culture of dignity and honor, with strength of mind and body. A warrior always looks for the next challenge, especially if it is stronger than they are."

He spreads his hands. "You are quick to judge, Saiyan. But you are as hot blooded as the rest of us. You want to experience the thrill of battle and gain in power in the way of our people. The question is just... Why? What do you fight for, Saiyan? I fight for the future of my people. What is your purpose?"

Serori (37) has posed:
For once, Serori finds herself agreeing with Taylita. Maybe not the entirety of the message, but the spirit of it is right for the situation. Here they stand, the last of a dying empire, brought together by luck and happenstance -- for what? To destroy one another? Serori looks up at Taylita. The look is enough to communicate Serori's grim understanding.

Is this the fate of the saiyan species after all?

None of them are thriving. The Saiyan Empire under Vegeta's rule could become powerful, if given the chance to escape war for awhile. It's too young, too fragile, and has yet to lay down any roots; without a home, without children, the empire would be eradicated within a generation.

Perhaps the Neo-Saiyans are thriving, but their existence would end in destruction, too, if Vegeta had it his way. Yes, Serori backed him in their first discussion, but that was before he went off all half-cocked. That was before she knew the extent of his rage.

But, shouldn't she still support him? Present a unified front? Not with Gohan in the crosshairs.

Serori's wrath gives way to an emotionless icy chill. Again, she draws herself up -- even hovers a few inches above the ground, to give herself some added height -- and again, she commands silence and demands respect.

"Lower your finger, Ensign. Lieutenant, lead by example, and stand down. King Kakarot is leaving; both of you would be wise to save your energy for another day."

Though her heart hammers a confusing rhythm in her chest, and though the conflict has made her feel sick inside, it's no longer the time for indulging her temper. A calm, collected, irrefutable /will/ is required, and Serori dishes it out in spades.

Lifting her fist to her left shoulder begins the traditional bow Serori offers to Kakarot as a display of respect. "If it comes to war, it will be a pleasure to fight you in earnest, King, but I still hope both our empires may be strengthened by your arrival. Thank you for your restraint tonight. I apologize for any offense you were caused, of course."

Those words could carry a double meaning. Depending on how Kakarot perceives Serori, he might pick up on the subtle threat.

Vegeta (663) has posed:
"Infuriating... typical Kakarot clownery." Vegeta lowers his hand as if he's just plain lost the will to even fire than because he's been ordered to. Then he turns around, beginning to float back to his ship. "None of you here can possibly understand what this feels like..." His fists are tight now, back turned to everyone. "None of you can understand what it is to know that this fool, in more than one world, has spat on everything that I was raised to believe and to respect. To know that this fool's -father- could kill my family, including myself, and go unpunished. I believe that the strongest should rule the Saiyans, but it was never in my vision that we would kill each other for it."

He begins to lower down into his ship, offering up one final thing. "I want my people to thrive. But I will not allow them to believe that the proper way to do that is to -murder- each other for power. I will -not- allow the crime of treason to go unpunished. There will be -justice- within my empire, and I will not let this clown give people even more of a reason to call us monkeys."

That's when the roof door of his ship slides closed, and then it immediately begins to take off.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita is as calm and cool as a mountain lake even when Serori and Vegeta start shouting at each other. And when Serori looks over at her, Taylita just gazes back, her expression a bit sad as if to say, 'do you see now?' But, she does not say it aloud. She does not want to make the situation any worse.

     If Vegeta keeps this up, he is probably going to be jailed by the Confederacy. It would be hard to run the empire from prison, but not impossible. Serori is calling for calm as well, which is good. Then, Kakarot accuses her of making snap judgements. Taylita just smirks. "I am Taylita, and I fight for the survival of our people, not just their future. A future where there are no saiyans is not a future I want any part in."

     Then, to her surprise, Vegeta makes a reasonable argument. Taylita blinks a few times, then hmms. "Yeah, murdering kids is pretty bad. But, if we take vengence for everything that happens, then we are always avenging someone or something."

Gohan (334) has posed:
    Gohan backs off his aura at Serori's words, allowing himself to fall back to his base form. His smiles fades, and he turns away from Vegeta, keeping his senses trained on him. "My apologies," he says, closing his eyes, "I lost myself for a moment." He felt, in that few moments, as though he were a pure Saiyan, but as his human logic starts to kick back in he feels ashamed of his actions. Not that he intends to let Vegeta get away with his threat against him, of course.

    He looks sideways at Kakarot, nodding slightly. "I would like to meet with you some other time. Perhaps we can discuss certain matters of our families."

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori clears the way for Vegeta's ship to take off. She doesn't watch the ship leavs; she knows where it's headed.

It feels like the weight on her shoulders just magnified about a dozen times over, but she doesn't let it show. She is unflappable, regal, and composed. Serori keeps her chin lifted at a proud angle.

"I should be getting back to the Citadel. Our diplomatic teams need to be informed of the developments. Goodnight, Taylita...Gohan."

At that, Serori heads to her own vessel, and from there -- to home.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot is silent until Vegeta finally leaves. He doesn't give a response to those words, but he does release a breath, his body relaxing. The fighting is over... for now. Taylita proclaims her purpose, and Kakarot nods. "I can respect that, Taylita. But we seem to have different visions of that that future is. Perhaps one day you will have the chance to show me what you have in mind."

Gohan then gets Kakarot's full attention, and he nods back. "I would like to discuss that with you very much." He replies. "My door will be open for you when you are ready."

He turns away, and is addressed by Serori. Kakarot also gives a bow in return. "I will look forward to whatever comes. Tomorrow, Colonel, we will meet."

He rockets into the air, and returns to his own ship.