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A Good Job, Mate ft Noble and Courier Six
Date of Scene: 06 March 2015
Location: Mojave Wasteland (NewVegas)
Synopsis: Noble and Courier have a sniper's duel of sorts, a few drinks, and fend off a couple of jackasses trying to crash the party
Cast of Characters: 32, 38

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The place? The glittering desert jewel of Primm, the home of the Mojave Express, the Vicki and Vance Casino... and the Bison Steve. It's that last structure that tonight's activities are scheduled, on the repaired but inactive Rollercoaster track that surrounds the facility. Once a place for kids to take rides while mommy and daddy gamble, the decking is a place for the guards and snipers of Primm's sheriff department hang out and defend the facility. An important job to be sure, if you want to keep the roads between the Mojave Outpost and Goodsprings clear.

    Johnny is waiting up on the decking, a picnic basket out on the wooden slats of the track, leaning up on the railing, sipping from a coffee thermos.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    It seems that this time around, Noble Six has opted to bring the armor that she usually wears to the date. If they're going to be firing off dangerous weapons, she would be remiss to not have protection.

    Emerging from the second floor door that leads out onto the deck where the roller coaster is, she moves to join Johnny, pulling her helmet off and smiling, "So this is Primm?" She asks, looking around, "It's not bad looking. Seems to have held up well over the years."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The courier smiles. He's wearing... well, not the Mark 2. Nope, today it's an armored Vault suit, from the 21, no less. Something light and tough and most of all warm. "Evening, beautiful. Ah yeah, this is... well, this is my little model city, actually. Building this one up to start pushin' the idea to the rest of the Mojave that we can rebuild and move forward... without the Legion or NCR."
    He snorts and stretches out. "Right, so, I got me some guns and some targets down range and we're going to have some beers and be cool, I guess. Gotta admit this is my first shootin' date."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    "Sounds like a fun time." She says, "I've brought a couple of toys of my own. I think you'll enjoy them." She says, as she motions to a weapons case she brought with her. She leans it against the rail and then moves to grab one of the beers, "So what else is here near Primm? Any landmarks I should be aware of?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's eyes sparkle a bit in the dim light, and he plucks up a... well it's a .306.. Not a big gun at all, but it has a night scope on it. This he hands over to Noble, even though the trigger is... probably too small for her to fit her gauntlet into. "Okay, so." He points north. "The big complex up that way is the local NCR prison. They trucked it all the way out here because of reasons. I ain't got a damn idea other than they wanted to get the criminals far away. Unfortunately there was a riot and now the bastards use the place as their own castle."
    He swings his gaze northwest. "That over there is Goodsprings. That's were I got my dumb ass shot in the head."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"So this prison." Six says, as she looks through the scope, not putting her helmet back on but taking aim at the complex, "The criminals still run it? Are you not worried they might garner enough of a desire to run rampant that they will come to the town? Or to Goodsprings? Or are they under your thumb, so to speak, like the casinos?"

    She sweeps the scope across their makeshift range, picking out several targets in the distance, "I see a lot of movement out there. Some sort of creature, I'm not quite sure what though."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny grumbles at the firstquestion. "I ain't had the men to get int there and handle it. Problem is they're all spread out now, so just goin' in there and mur-ah... Negotiatin' with the lot of them ain't gonna be the end of it. Besides, I done pissed all of em off for defending Goodsprings a long while back. Ain't like me all that much any more."

    The second question gets a smile. "Right so, you gots your mole rats, you got your geckos and you got your bloatflies. None of the critters out there are anything too hazardous unless you get caught by a bunch of them without a gun or something else to beat the snot out of them."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"All mutated versions of wildlife due to radiation exposure?" She wonders, as she reaches up to adjust the scope a bit, and then squeezes off a round. She has to be careful since, well, these guns probably aren't built for the kind of strength her armor can put out.

    Her target is a Gecko that had just poked it's head up over a burm about two hundred yards out. It seemed like a good enough thing to take aim at.

    "I suppose that's a good enough reason to leave them alone until they become a threat, but I have a tendency to...Pre-emptively strike targets that may pose a threat later on. It's why the Union and I don't see eye to eye all the time."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The little rifle barks once, and the Gecko falls over with a neat little hole through it's head, out of sight in the dark. Johnny makes a note on a sheet of paper. "Don't mind me, it's something for the youth to go out and handle, bringing in the guard's critter kills at night. Food, you know. Yes, even the bloatflies."
    He laughs though, and sighs. "Eh, I ain't one to shoot first, really. You... well, out here in the Mojave, ain't a single death that ain't a tragedy. And I mean that. They're far too few people left who are honest, and if I can make someone honest, that's a win. You kill em, you ain't got that chance."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    "I understand the sentiment." Noble Six says, as she puts the rifle back down and then takes another drink from her beer, "It brought me no pleasure to have to take the lives that I did. However when I did, they were insurgents, actively attempting to sabotage the UNSC's activities against the Covenant. I did what I did for the greater good."

    At least that's how the justifies it to herself, "So you got anything a little bigger? Don't take it the wrong way, but I do enjoy my big guns."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny grins, and picks up... a massive coilgun with a shoulder stock. "This here's my baby, the YCS/186. This here's a custom made Gauss Rifle, crafted lovingly by someone who had no right carryin' it. Some scumbag assassin come to kill me. I won this fair and square. Careful, she's my precious."
    He grins. "Have fun. Ain't gonna leave much onna Gecko though. Sorta like shootin' praerie dogs."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Noble Six very carefully picks up the coil gun and shoulders it, looking through the sights at the targets that are downrange, "Go ahead and open up that case." Six says, motioning to one of the cases she brought up, "The UNSC has something similar...But I admit I like the retro feel of your's." She says, as she hmms faintly to herself.

    Taking one of the targets into the scope, she pulls the trigger and lets loose with a blast from the coil gun, sending the shot streaking down range with devastating results.

    Inside of the case is not, in fact, the UNSC's rail gun, but something considerably larger and heavier. The Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle. More commonly known as the SPARTAN Laser.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "Iiiiyaaaaaah. Look at you, you pretty thing." The Courier picks up the Laser and grumps. "Heavy sumbitch though, damn." There's a grunt and... is that a slight whirring of robot parts... as he hefts the machine up to his shoulder, rolling his neck and taking a sight down the scope screen.
    That's just in time for the YCS to bark once, and some poor bloatfly simply fanishes in the dark. There's a SLAP of dirt and rocks and debris that are kicked up behind the bug's vaporized remains.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Hey, a girl knows what guys like." She says, with a little smirk, "Go ahead and give it a shot. It actually doesn't have any kick, since it's just directed energy, but it'll still feel weird to fire it at first."

She takes the coilgun and reloads it with another power pack, looking for something a bit bigger than a bloat fly this time to take a shot at.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "Oh I know all about directed energy. I got some good old fashioned laser rifles in a crate over there if you wanna try one of them out. So."

    Johnny grins and sights up... "Ah hell what are they doin' out here?" There's a pack of raggedy looking tribals charging up the road towards Primm, brandishing baseball bats and guns and one of them even has what looks like a Thompson .45 submachine gun with glowing electronic bits around the drum mag. "What the hell are Fiends doin' this far south?" He levers the Splaser over a bit and sets his feet to get a nice stable shootign platform, and takes aim on the one with the Laser RCW.

    A violet crimson lance of energy slaps out of the end of the heavy gun, evaporating the man's legs and cooking the ground underneath him to a heated crisp. "Fuck. Shoot the ones with the guns, that oughta spook them off. Fuckin' murderers."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Fiends?" She asks, as she sights in on them from what she had been aiming at. Sure enough, tribals with a few guns and melee weapons. A slight frown from the SPARTAN as she dials in the scope on the torso of one that has a lever action rifle.

She lets loose with another round from the coil gun, and what's best described as a meat explosion is the result as the Fiend's torso vanishes, leaving his head and arms flying off in various directions. His legs still keep moving forward a couple more steps before falling over.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "What a shit show, who the hell let these assholes... Ah, that's what they call themselves. Bucha fuckers based out of South Vegas. Murderers, rapists, jetheads, you name it, they've crammed it into themselves. Forget what I just said about second chances on these guys."

    The Splaser fires again, and another Fiend carrying a laser pistol evaporates as well, leaving behind a pile of ash. That... gets the others to notice and scream and shriek at each other in the dark. Two break away and start running north, another one just balls up and freezes in place on the road.
    From the west, lights flip on, bathing the interchange in light, and a group of NCR troopers come charging up the road, armed with M-4s and cowboy rifles. "Oh good, cavalry."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The SPARTAN puts down the coilgun and opens the other case that she had brought with her, pulling out the 14.5mm sniper rifle. Shouldering the weapon she quickly zooms through to maximum zoom and sights in one one of the Fiends that's running.

    She squeezes the trigger and fires a single round, the APFDS round streaking through the air fast enough to leave visible wake behind it as it strikes the target square in the center of the back. It being an armor penetrating round against an unarmored target, it impacts the ground a fraction of a second later, but the target is down for good.

    "I know their type. The innies would hop themselves up on all manner of things and stage suicide attacks..Or just random terrorism."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "Aint' suicide attacks is the problem. They just don't give a damn. Hold fire."
    Johnny's point is well made though as the last field still running gets gunned down by a rookie, who gets cheers and pats on the back from the CR boys before they start policing up what's left out there. The Courier sighs. "Well that ain't what I was hoping for tonight." He grumbles and takes a long swig of beer.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Yeah." Noble Six says, as she locks the sniper rifle onto her back, where it magnetically locks down, "I take it this is still NCR territory." She says, "Or at least out onto the road.." She shrugs and quickly finishes off her beer

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny sighs, pulling out a pair of packages. Cold wrapped burgers of some sort. Looks like seafood cake sandwiches of some sort. Though, again, no seas for a ways around.
    "Ah, the Mojave outpost is just up the road that way, and that's the path into and out of the NCR controlled territories. Two sides of a canyon make for a great checkpoint. And so they got interests in keepin the roads clear for their traders."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    She takes a look at the burgers as he opens them up, and hmmms a little bit, "Ah, yeah. That makes sense." She says, "That the only route in and out of their territory?" She wonders.

    "I've only been to earth once in my own world...I have no idea how the road system works.."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "Hmmmm. Think of it like spacelanes then. You guys have stations and outposts the do patrols right? So, you've got a chokepoint where you HAVE to go to get west to NCR territory. That's where you have to go to make it out and that's where they've got a military presence to guard against people trying to get past into more... lightly guarded areas."
    He hands one of the sliders over.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
She takes the offered slider and takes a bit, hmming a little bit, "So since I doubt this is actually fish, what is it?" She asks, as she grins and takes another bite. She's not worried about what it actually is, because it's still food.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johhny snorts. "Not as such, no. That's bloatfly, chopped up and cooked and made sure to get all the gross bits out. I eat them all the time, so don't worry. Heck, it's sort of a point of pride to be able to kill the little buggers and keep the meat good."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"It doesn't taste bad at all." She says, as she finishes off the slider quickly, and then drinks the beer as well, "Ah. Not bad at all." She says, with a little grin, "So that SPARTAN laser, you can keep it."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Harry's eyes lift up and he snorts. "And here I ain't got you a proper gift. Damn, alright. Uh." He plants the heavy rifle down on the track and looks up at Noble. "What's she take to charge and can I do that with the nuclear powered stuff round this place? Am I gonna have to take her apart orrrr..."
    he's beaming a bit, careful not to touch the business end of the lens.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I've got a charging kit in the case...You can probably modify it to work with the nuclear power you have here." She says, with a little bit of a grin, "You shouldn't have to break it down."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "Nice." Johnny snorts and sighs up at Noble. "Well, now I gotta think up something good to bring you next time. And maybe... less killin' fellas. I didn't need that tonight." He sighs.