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Latest revision as of 18:00, 17 March 2015

To Every Knight, A Noble Steed
Date of Scene: 12 February 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: In the best interest of keeping him from hurting himself, Bedivere teaches Shirou how to ride a horse.
Cast of Characters: 482, 560

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
There are several stables located throughout Dún Reáltaí, for the convenience of keeping both draught animals and beasts of burden bred to the saddle. Most of them are farm animals, bred to pull plows and break the hard earth, and for Sir Bedivere's plan today, that's perfect. It's in the village stable that the knight has gone, near the inn and off the village's broad commons.

He'd left a summons for Shirou, a short audio clip on his radio instructing him to meet the knight in the village stableyard.

It's there that Shirou will find the knight, standing in plain clothing, holding the reins of a very large and very docile-looking grey horse. Mud stains its fetlocks, and it looks a bit shaggy in its winter coat, but the animal seems to be nothing but gentle to go by its big, dark eyes.

As for Bedivere? He's waiting there, with the reins of the horse in one hand. His other is raised to stroke the horse's velvety nose, which at the moment is nudging at the front of his tunic, in search of treats. He's murmuring something quietly, voice barely audible until one gets closer – until it resolves itself into song, soft and low, some soothing melody, of a place and time far away.

Not really what one thinks about when they think of a Knight of the Round Table. He's more of a bard, really...

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
'Come to the stables,' huh.

After an exhausting several months of searching, working out, practicing tracing and perhaps most importantly helping around Dún Reáltaí, Shirou's surprised to hear such a mundane request.

But he shows up. In the local mundane outfit. It's full of patches - he's just lucky that getting rid of bloodstains and other gunk has been pretty easy with Union cleaning supplies. But his outfit's an utter wreck otherwise. Could probably do with some bluejeans that aren't mostly patches by now!

He enters the stables after knocking on the wall to announce his presence. "Sir Bedivere? What did you need out h—" But he quiets down immediately when his amber-eyed gaze falls across the quietly singing man and the horse.

".... We're going somewhere?"

Well, it's a decent guess at least!

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
It's a decent guess, but it's the wrong one.

Bedivere notices when his almost-squire arrives, and the song cuts itself short immediately. It's not easy to sneak up on such an observant man. The pale-haired knight had spent the better part of his life noticing things other people didn't, and it's a difficult habit to break. Even in the beginning of his tenure in Camelot, he had noticed things others hadn't – such as the secret of the king's gender, or the hundred little details about his fellow countrymen that told more about them than any direct account.

He gives the horse a final rub against the nose before withdrawing his hand, still holding the reins loosely. It's a very plain-looking horse, though friendly enough, pricking its ears and whickering softly to the approaching youth.

"Ah, very good. I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost, Master Shirou." Bedivere's greeting is friendly, though, in spite of what might be an admonishment from anyone else. "It is cold, very cold, and the sun is long since set, but there is plenty of light yet in this stableyard. I fear other businesses had my attention earlier in the day. In truth, it had nearly slipped my mind, since you are so at home walking, but there is something all squires must learn to do, and that is to ride."

"A knight is expected to be as skilled a horseman as he is an infantryman." He gives the horse's neck a pat, to which it snorts, as though utterly uninterested in the knight's speech. "More than that, I believe it would be a helpful skill for you to have, for as long as you remain a guest in this place."

"Walking will not serve you at all times, and horses are more readily acquired in Dún Reáltaí than those queer machines those of your world favour." Here he gives a wan smile. He's still getting used to the idea of riding on a motorcycle with Saber and not having a panic attack. A bit of a work-in-progress, that.

"This is Coriander, and tonight, you are going to learn to ride him comfortably. Do not worry. He is old, and slow, and not so prone to shying from things as a young horse. I expect he will be a comfortable ride for you. I suppose I already know the answer, but you have not worked with horses before, have you?"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
The wide-eyed stare Bedivere gets for a good five seconds might be answer enough on its own, but Shirou recovers. "Of course not, Sir Bedivere. Both experiences happened right in front of you." And he's rubbing the side of his head in remembrance... how embarassing.

Mordred did that just to be yank his chain around, didn't she...

He approaches though, calmly approaching Coriander on the opposite side of Bedivere... from there he'll gently pat the side of the beast's head.

"But I stopped by the stables a few times before. Riding lessons, huh. Nn! If it's required it's required."

A deeeep breath, and his tone turns much more solemn and respectful when he faces Sir Bedivere. "Please... teach me everything I need to know."

He's taking the squire thing very seriously, that's for sure.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Fortunately, Coriander is an old farm horse, and he seems to take everything in stride. That includes being patted on the side of the head, which earns Shirou a friendly nudge from the horse's big, broad nose.

"Well, if you prefer not to, I will hardly force you to. I believe it would be a great convenience for you in Dún Reáltaí, however. There is no better way to find one's way swiftly across a plain than on horseback." Bedivere reaches up and pats the horse's neck again. "But if this is what you want, then so be it."

"Before I have you climb on, I'll teach you how to behave around a horse. I have seen horses as courageous as any man, but they can be skittish animals, as a rule. Rare is the horse who is not frightened by loud noise, or sudden movement." He gently tugs the horse's head down by the reins, rubbing at the spot between its ears.

"One must never duck beneath their head to go from one side to the other, for they cannot see you while you are beneath them so." Coriander has since lost interest in the lesson, curiously nosing at Shirou's jeans pockets with enough force to bowl him over if he's not ready for it. Bedivere continues on, apparently seeing no harm in the friendly gesture. "One must never walk closely behind a horse, either, for that is another place they cannot see. Their vision is excellent in all directions save for above their head, below their head, and behind themselves, unless they should turn their head quickly. If you should cross from one side to the other, keep your hand on him, that he might know you are there."

Bedivere drops the reins, moving to pat his way from the horse's head to his flanks, carefully moving around to the other side; patting all the way. When he reaches the right side of Coriander's head, he earns a nose in his chest for his demonstration, chuckling. "It is quite easy, but something you must always bear in mind."

"Most importantly, you must be calm around them, for they sense their master's disquiet, and will take to heart any upset. Horses are wonderful creatures, however, possessed of God's grace, and the most loyal heart one could ask for. You have naught to fear by them. There are no evil horses; merely horses mishandled and mistreated by men."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
"U-uwooh—" Shirou's response to being nudged around by Coriander is to sort of grab onto the beast of burden's head and lean forward into him. "O-oi, there's nothing interesting in there..." Except maybe half a sandwhich, all wrapped up, but...

Shirou has been paying attention though. "So don't do anything to spook them. No sudden movements, stay out of their blind spots. That's pretty straightforward."

Shirou's a kind young man when you get down to it. He doesn't mind animals at all!

So he answers Coriander's meandering interest with some more patting.

"Dún Reáltaí's horses are mostly around for farm work and hauling things, right?"

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"You may not think so, but he doesn't know that." Bedivere steps back and folds his arms, watching, though he keeps a hand folded around the reins. "Let him satisfy his curiosity and he'll soon learn you have nothing to give him."

The red-headed youth grabs onto the horse's halter to keep from being nudged over, but thankfully the horse doesn't seem to mind it. If anything, he leans into being pulled away from, snorting softly, breath warm over the spellcaster's face. With his ears forward, he's probably just being friendly.

"It seems our guest likes you, Master Shirou." The pale-haired knight chuckles. "And yes, that is the essence of it." Approaching, he gestures to indicat the animal's simple saddle. "That is correct. These are no chargers of war, but plow-beasts. They are of good temperament, though, and I think that with time and breeding, suitable bloodlines could be begun. Of course, breeding stock would need to be imported... it is something I plan on doing, someday."

He gives Coriander's neck a pat, and gestures for Shirou. "Well, then, the best way you're going to learn is by doing, Master Shirou. Left foot in the left stirrup. Mount from the left side; it is how most horses are trained. Swing over, and settle on the withers – not the middle of the back. That will hurt him, after a time, and also make for an uncomfortable ride."

"Let me know once you've settled, and I will catch you if you fall."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
"S-seems so! ... A breeding program, huh? That would take a lot of time... let's see." He's not as dense as he often appears. Shirou's seen Bedivere astride a horse several times. Saber too. "Withers being... right here?" He HAS mounted a horse a few times before, if clumsily. This he does again... and this time he does shift forward along the beast's back and onto what he hopes are the withers, having seen the others ride. But once he's up there he grabs on tight with both hands before working to steady himself. "Y-yeeeow... that's tougher than it looks. Hard to believe mounted archers managed anything!"

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"At the base of the neck, slightly before the curve of the shoulders. There," the knight adds in satisfaction, as Shirou settles in and manages not to fall off. He chuckles at the comment, though. "Aye, and that is why stirrups were invented. An archer's hands are then free to draw his bow, yet he can still control his horse."

Taking hold of the reins, he steps away, letting Shirou get comfortable with the idea of sitting atop the saddle. They're very long reins, by the look of it; specifically lunge reins, made for the horse to walk at a distance from the one holding them.

"It would be some time, aye, but it would be a worthy endeavour. Any knights staying here would have good, strong chargers; a farm horse is an entirely different beast from a war-horse. He must be trained from a colt to resist noise and chaos." Bedivere waits a few moments, before turning slightly, as though to give the horse free rein. "Now, nudge him with your heels. Gently, lad, or he'll go too quickly for you. Click your tongue, if you like; some are trained to respond to that."

"I have the lead, so I can stop him if need be."