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Latest revision as of 15:35, 21 March 2015

F:NV - The Hand That We're Dealt
Date of Scene: 20 March 2015
Location: Aces and Eights (A8)
Synopsis: Part I of the Fallout: New Vegas plot.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, 38, 428, 571, 627, Starbound Flotilla, 673

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    A bunch of Syndicates fill a dark room under the Lucky 38 with Yeoman Spy Jennifer Anward looking at all of them, slightly manically. "Jonathan Tallbranch intends to kill Mr. House and take over the Strip for himself. And he can do it tonight if he wanted to."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy peels the shotgun away from the spy's head as Souji murmurs. "You will find that the benefits of working with me are significant."
    Johnny looks at the group. "Well. This is awkward."

    A panning shot of Johnny's post on the Syndicate boards fades into a sweeping exterior shot of the Aces and Eights, with ED-E inside the cockpit chatting up SAIL.


Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Tonight's planning session is taking place inside the aforementioned A&8, and the ship smells of ozone, spices, meats, and beer. Looks like Johnny's made good on his promise of drinks and snacks. Indeed, there's a table full of pots and dips and food and snacks, not the least of which is a big crock full of boneboo and chipotle chili, thickened for dipping with chips.

    Entry to the ship is by the teleporter in the cargo area. There's a dour looking man in a red beret with a high powered rifle back there. He is the security, it would seem.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
The woman known to the Syndicate only as 'Blackout' is also here, having cleared the bouncer and now leaning against the wall near a convenient corner, arms folded and posture more or less relaxed. She's wearing the usual smuggleresque outfit of white tunic-like shirt tucked into dark pants, reinforced leather jacket worn open over her shirt, and a blaster pistol holstered over each hip.

Her hair is a pale blonde, her eyes are a crisp blue, and she's watching the gathering with just enough intensity to suggest that she is in fact paying attention, despite her posture of almost feline indifference.

She's wearing a slender headset of some kind. Remote connection to whatever her ship is, maybe.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    It doesn't take long as Alexis enters the ship, removing her coat as she teleports in. The coat is hung on something that coats go on. She has an automatic tucked under her arm, and a PDW on her hip. Simple enough, but she's not here to start trouble. "Evenin." she nods to the sniper, before she grabsd a seat at the table. She places a bag of fast food grabbed on the way, giving Blackout a nod and wave as the 'smuggler' arrives as well.

    She munches a cheeseburger for the moment, idly toying with the straw to her milkshake as well while awaiting everyone's arrival.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    That slider has a slightly greasy, lobster like taste. Also fruit of some sort. Certainly not beef.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    The Rory White who's here tonight isn't quite right.

    By all appearances she seems identical. The same body and outfit she used before, but her movements are harsher and somewhat less natural than normal - and that's saying something given her awkward body language to begin with. She clumsily finds a seat and plops down.

    There's likely no doubting why she's not touching the food or drink. She's incapable of eating, the fleshy appearance is a lie.

    ".... there is going to be an explanation for this, right?" Disheartened and confused, she fixes the Courier with a pleading gaze.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka pauses. SHe stares at the slider for a moment after taking a bite, and after swallowing she tries to parse just what the hell she ate. Then she takes another bite as if nothing is wrong.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji Murasame is present, impeccable in his suit as always. His expression is smooth and pleasant, ineffable and calm. His hands are, as always, played close to his chest. The sniper is noted, probing eyes looking over the man before he turns away without a word, stepping into the common area. He procures himself a bowl of chili and some chips, arraying them with a flick of his hand in a precise fashion around the bowl, His motions are precise as he pulls up the chunky chili on a chip and takes a bite without spilling a drop on his suit.

There is a slight arch of an eyebrow as he considers the flavor and texture presented to him. It seems that he is incapable of eating without evaluating it.

With a flick of his hand, he procures another chip. "This reminds me of some Ifriti cuisines." It appears that it meets with his standards, as he's eating more.

For now, he simply observes the others and considers how this gathering is going to go down. He already has an idea of what it's about. The question remains...

Where everyone is going to come down on this deal.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
So in a place that most would assume the last place that an upstanding Union member like Noble Six would be found, we find Noble Six. Via personal invite from Johnny Tallbranch, she has found her way to this particular meeting and, not knowing the purpose for the meeting as the invite was somewhat light on details, has brought her usual compliment of weapons and equipment.

The shiny new GEN2 War Master armor is comfortable enough for extended use, but she leaves her weapons with Boone in the cargo hold before heading into the main room where the food is laid out.

    Popping the seals on her helmet, she steps up to the table and grabs one of those sliders that Maaka is chowing down on, the blonde SPARTAN taking in the gathered group quietly for the time being. Rude to speak with your mouth full, after all.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Juno Eclipse is very notably not touching any of the food. She's standing against her little stretch of wall with her arms folded, lidded eyes watching the proceeding and half-heartedly paying attention to just about everyone present. Every so often, the slender fingers of one hand drum against the opposite forearm, as though she were very slightly bored.

Her eyes drift over each person who's gotten here in turn, as though either taking the measure of everyone here. Or maybe she just has nothing better to do, since the shindig hasn't quite started just yet. She doesn't seem too interested in approaching anyone else; at least not just yet. Just sort of here, really.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    The whole core Starbound Flotilla is here, and much of the rest of the Flotilla to boot. They've teleported aboard via the Flotilla's inter-ship teleportation system, slick beams of red light darting aboard and resolving into humanoid shapes. Seft, George, Pavo, Biteblade, Moonfin, and Albert all beam aboard in that order.

    George heads on in. As is per the norm for him, if someone's left out a drink, he'll assume it's pure poison. So Seft scans it for him sarcastically and he grabs a drink. He takes a seat near the big table, facing Johnny if he's here at the moment. He gives a wave. "Heya Blackout." He calls to her. "Good to have you around, gonna be good finally workin' a job with ya."
    Moonfin, the fishman, sits somewhere near Souji, the fishman's more familiar contact, but instead of a chair, he's gotten out some kind of mat he's kneeling on. What a pretentious tool.
    Seft makes sure to sit somewhere near Johnny. The robot girl is intent on being in confronting range for this, for if it comes to that. She's taken a seat in a very mechanical stillness.
    Maaka has Albert sit somewhere next to them, though they're also close to Rory, because they always get a little protective around them.
    Pavo is also near Rory. She is doing that to make the AGI uncomfortable, though, because she's an awful troll. And possibly to take any of that food Rory's not taking.
    Biteblade has sat somewhere near Noble Six, looking at them a little awkwardly. The plant-person knows a bit about the soldier's only exposure to their group, and is a little concerned.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Boone is going to quietly relieve people of weapons as they come in, placing them in a crate in the corner as folks shuffle past. Just a precaution, of course.

    The 'common room' is going to slowly get more cramped as more people shuffle in, but shouldn't get too far off. More than enough room for people to filter past each other without jostling beers out of hands, at least.

    Johnny shuffles himself out of the cockpit after a bit, still wearing an apron and carrying a wooden spoon. "Hey there, folks. Sorry for the... ah, light on details message, but I really didn't want to spread this around in places where people can hear the details." He nods at... well, yeah, he knows everyone here personally. Everyone gets a smile.

    "Okay, so. I know... Rory and Souji and the Flotilla folks know what's up, but I've been sorta... mulling things over the last few weeks after things came to light." He sighs and takes a seat at the table near Seft, taking off the apron and spooning himself some bean dip.. "I'm looking to get myself promoted on the Strip. I ain't pleased with the way things are being run at a managerial and executive level."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Oh hey, suddenly red light. Juno looks up as the six signals of the Flotilla beam aboard, arching a pale brow. Good to have them in on this, too, although she hasn't really had the opportunity to see any of them in action. Seft strikes her as the most dependable of the group, although Albert also seems to be a reasonable sort. Hm. She'll find out tonight, she supposes.

A hand lifts in a lazy wave to the Starbounders. "How's that station coming along, George? Let me know if you've got any work you need done on that. I can take a look at those generators later..."

After that, she goes back to leaning against her wall, watching and waiting. And listening, because Johnny's starting now.

"I'm going to guess that by 'promotion' you mean... well." Juno pats one of the blasters at her hip in demonstration, and smiles an awkward little smile.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka doesn't argue as Boone grabs her gear before entry, understanding just fine the rules of this. She nods to the Starbounders and Souji as well when they join, and Noble Six gets a little grin before the cyborg seriouses up. Rory reminds her something about ice cream, albiet non-verbally anyway. Whatever, time for work.

    Johnny's lowdown on the whole situation doesn't seem out of place, and she nods. "We're finally doing something about Mr. House then?" She asks, munching her slider again. "No arguement here. Guy's a dick anyway."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
The SPARTAN is not known for her exactly loving attitude when it comes to aliens, though one might say that her feelings are well earned. However if both Johnny and Alexis trust the Starbound Floatilla crew, then she's willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    "I assume you will need to put peices in place to secure your power before you move on him." She says, looking at Johnny, "I doubt it would be as easy as walking up behind him and pulling the trigger."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Johnny's hands raise up. "Ain't... I ain't decided on that yet. I know Yes Man has been itchin to take over those systems but I ain't ready to just up and murder my boss. But..."
    He looks at Noble. "SPARTAN's right though, this ain't just as easy as all that. Mr. House ain't just a fella you walk up on and top. There's... issues."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Of course it ain't that simple. Maaka shrugs, "Figures. What's the catch with this then?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Part of the issues being the fact that Mr. House's security forces are fairly reliable and maintain a level of economic stability. Any upheaval will bring with it a host of unpredictable political and social fallback among his enemies and allies. I do not understand, Mr. Tallbranch. Why do you oppose him? What would you do differently? Very little of the Wasteland seems WORTH ruling to me... but I'm not human... your reasons might not make sense to me anyways. Still..."

    She's still giving him the look. The look that asks simply, 'why?'

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    The Flotilla give up their Matter Manipulators, for now. Johnny probably knows that's where the weapons are, so they're willing to let go of them just for a little while.

    "I'm in." George says, simply and concisely, pausing for a while to drink before elaborating. "Sounds like a good time. Good loot, better people. Might as well make a big change while I've still got a few years in me, right?" He shrugs in an easygoing way. Strangely, Seft has given him a look -- she only has one look, though -- before she speaks up. As the quickest sort of aside, he grins and nods to Juno. "Eh, you helped out enough to get us up and running quick, but I'll let you know if we need to expand."

    Seft is speaking up though. "Concerned. Johnny, I trust you, but I need your assurance. Replacing House is not all that must be done." She leans forward, intently, her digital eye-visor displaying an intent expression. "Emphatic. The Mojave is in desperate need of improved conditions for its inhabitants. I know you have a good heart, but the chaos of usurpation is something we need to counter with stabilization. And with a larger conspiracy come... Agendas." She glances back to George, uneasily.

    Albert grunts. "You will need to build military power. Local power, not just imported. A strong voice needs a strong sword. You will need allies, and they will need good equipment and better training. House holds the Strip and only the Strip. He has his machines, and every one that falls is one he will never regain. You need a faction. With the heart of the people behind it."

    Biteblade says, "But isss lotsss of people, need kill. No two way, jussst how isss. Chaotic, ruin all plansss. Sssome tribesss, won't help sssometimes, sssome won't help ever timesss. Hunt them, before? After?"

    Moonfin says, "House takes charge of the system, but that is all he is, at all times, it seems. He is his system, day in, and day out. The gap he leaves, what do you plan to do about that? I doubt we even know the full extent of duties of the man whose puppetstrings guide the dance of a thousand robots."

    The Starbounders then look at Pavo. She doesn't seem to have anything to say, glancing back at them. "What? I'm here to get paid. Don't got dramatic questions like the rest of ye, go look somewhere else." She goes back to digging into the food.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"If you think removing House from power will improve the living conditions in the Mojave as a whole, I will help." Noble Six says, "However I have concerns. Ones I'm sure you are well aware of, though. I just want to lay them out on the table." The SPARTAN takes a moment, and then looks at Johnny directly.

"When House goes down, the sudden power vacuum will no doubt leave an opening for either the NCR or the Legion to try to step in. That's my main concern."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
The Flotilla raises excellent points. They're all reasonable observations, particularly the matter of opening up a power vacuum that would cause trouble for the locols; the civilians and bystanders who want nothing to do with all of this power-jockeying nonsense. They haven't asked for any of this, and they certainly don't want to deal with the negative consequences of it.

Juno drums her fingers against her arm, considering.

"Good points, all of those." She cocks her head slightly, glancing to Johnny. "I'm in. Although I feel compelled to remind you that my specialty is intelligence and stealth." Something glimmers in those clear blue eyes; above all, she loves a good challenge. "What sort of electronic defenses are we talking, here, anyway?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    As ever, the spacebeings are perceptive. "Hnnng, see, they've got the right of it. There ain't a single group in the fuckin' Wastes that isn't going to jump on the fact that House is gone. And I ain't about to make a move that's gonna hurt the people that I already been gettin' back on their feet. Hell, giving them the bootstraps they can use to beat this dirtball into submission."

    He grumps, and pulls out the spoon again, flipping it around to push a button behind him on the wall. A holographic display lights up in the middle of the table, cut off by the various pots and chip bowls. He carefully peels out a space for his display that he stole from some place or another.
    The graphic is of an NCR trooper and a Legionnaire. "'Specially these assholes." Noble's got that one covered already. "I ain't about to move until I can be godamn sure I have control over the Securitrons, for one thing. I... I got a guy for that right now but he's been a shady fuck lately so I'm hesitant." He looks over to Juno. "As for security, you feel like figuring out a new operating system? It's a little crude, probably, compared to proper spaceman stuff, but I'll get you a terminal and a dummy mainframe to poke around in."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Rory... gets a look from Johnny. "Now we're gettin' philosophical. Though I suppose I expect that outta you young lady." The Courier leans forward. "Like Moonfin said. House is about order, and that's all it is. Underneath that bright shinin' glitterin' Strip, the Mojave's all blistering. The people ain't got the right or the ability to get where they should be. Now I don't care that I can't reach everyone, and that I can't fix the whole damn state of Nevada, but there's things I can do right here. There's more than enough power and clean water to help people right underneath this goddamn city but I can't help people without people lookin' over my damn shoulder or swoopin' in to deprive people of what they just got."

    There's an intensity in the man's eyes. "And House only cares about his Strip and his damn little corner of the desert. The War was over 200 years ago. This place may be baked but we can still make a go of it."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
The blonde pilot shrugs as she leans against the wall, shaking her head slightly. Her eyes flick to the holographic display, considering the trooper and his armour and armament, and much the same on the Legionnaire. Looks like they're going to be the welcome wagon for anybody with their boots on the ground.

"You need control of a system? Leave that to me." She drums her fingers thoughtfully, and smiles a faint little smile. "Child's play. Give me a day or so with it, and I can have something put together that should let me access it remotely. That includes the target. Depending on what I'm dealing with, I'm fairly confident they'll never know what hit their systems."

She considers the holographs again, thoughtful. "How about security equipment? Cameras? That sort of thing. If I've got eyes on the ground, that would make life a whole lot easier, for everyone involved."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Floran think, Ensseeare tribe, not good for Mojave." Biteblade speaks up, agreeing, nodding, and jabbing a hand at the NCR hologram. "Ssstrip place, isss for lotsss of trade. Economy! Floran think, Enseeare ussse all money, fight Legion. Legion ussse all money, fight Enseeare. Have to beat. But, ssstare down, make them back down. Otherwise, /you/ have to ssspend all money on fight instead."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory blinks a few times and remains quiet for a time after that. Taking time to think. Time to observe the expressions of other.

    "You're asking me to support a usurpation for a land I hardly know against a man probably only you have met and deal with amongst us all. The Argonauts are a neutral party. But I can see that the Wasteland needs help far beyond anyone the Argonauts have met before. I don't want any part in a usurpation, but I would like to try and improve the quality of life here!" She ends up shaking her head several times, clearly unsure WHAT to do with this situation!

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Order listens to the people. We're people. We'll make him listen." George says, grinning. "But, gone? What's the plan to get him out of power but just gone instead of, you know, dead? I'll stick with whatever plan you got, just wanna know what the scheme is here, exactly." No, he won't just listen. As soon as he has an obvious opportunity, George will absolutely 100% try to kill Mr. House. He is currently lying, but is very good at it.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Albert makes a low, long grunt, and turns to Rory. "White. You learn the most about the cruelty of a dictator when you stand against him. Walk the strip. Assist us in whatever ways you find ethical. You will learn if the Courier lies or speaks the truth yourself." He gives a firm nod. And then Juno and Johnny get a response. "Before I was a rebel, I was a programmer. I will keep her intrusion guarded. None will know of it, through countermeasures, or through the way that 'King' found the last one."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone has arrived and been here but she's been in hardcore wallflower mode, she's not brought any weapons with her. She's been stone cold quiet tonight non of the normal chipperness that normally is common for her. She's also just watching Johnny intently never blinking as well. Kotone has known what's up she's just been silent on the matter and frankly is damn scared all things considered.

However as things go on? Johnny's words seem to have placated Kotone a little bit, it may become apparent Kotone's been /afraid/. However she finally finds her voice after so much time.

"So you ever talked to your boss about your objectives if he's survived so long he likely plays his cards close to the chest. I get what your saying and this world is a haunting reminder of what my world nearly became. I get things need to improve here...if there's a way to get him out of power without a bullet it would be a good idea. Given the tech he's kept running here he might know a lot that could help."

At the mention of the Legion and NCR.

"The NCR at least seems to be civilized that negations would be a possibility with them and they already been bleeding for this city state. They are also trying to rebuild but holding here might over tax them and it would be better for them to make friends with the new government than have to garrison and control the region right? They are likely going to want some sort of compensation. Though that could end up being good for business here if say they were after trade deals. The legion?"

Kotone is going to say something that makes Boone very happy.

"I think the only negotiation they will take is that of a bullet."

She then looks over to Albert and Rory.

"I can also assist with this venture as well given I can just jack my brain in. While I been impressed with what the local code can do and how well it's refined I don't think it could have any measures that could harm me. Well internal anyway."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Johnny points at Rory and Biteblade. "That's your answer why, Rory. First and foremost, I've got to fix shit in the Wastes. Second, I got to fix shit in the wastes for other people. There's a lot of folks hurtin' and there's a lot of folks what need to stop hurting people, one way or another."

    Johnny grumps, and pokes at his holo-projector again, which flickers. It's a rough estimation of the computer network. "The whole system is hardened, but apparently hackable. I'd have poked at it myself but my signature for hacking is a bit... uh, heavy handed. Breaking is a lot easier than slicing." He frowns, and pokes again.

    This time, it's a a map of the Mojave projected on the surface. "Right, if we're going to do this, we're going to need to take care of things. We're going to get rid of the chaff. We're going to need to make some friends besides the NCR. They'll want to help us hand over fist if they think they'll get the Strip out of the deal. That's not going to happen."

    A firm look. "If we're doing this, we're doing it right."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I have not met Mr. House. But I have met men like him. Men so wrapped up in their own egos, so absorbed by their own tiny kingdom that they are incapable of seeing the bigger picture."

Noble Six frowns faintly as she thinks about a mission she went on early in her career, "These types of men can't be reasoned with. They can't be bought, can't be swayed from their path. They feel they are right, and ultimately they must pay for the crimes they have committed. As you said the last time we talked, Johnny. The NCR has spread too far, too fast. I have no doubt that some day they will be capable of leading larger swaths of land than they control currently...But if they are anything like the UNSC, their primary concern is the core, and to hell with the outer colonies."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Juno's eyes slide over to Albert, listening in silence as he proposes a more direct way to check the veracity of Johnny's statements. Reasonable enough, and something she would have proposed if she were more inclined towards ground operations... but she's not.

That's the kind of thing better suited to Starkiller. At least, if indiscriminate murder is your first and only option, anyway.

"Excellent," she counters, to Albert. "I'm capable enough when it comes to slicing into other systems, but it would be better to have someone covering my six. I'd welcome the assistance, Mister Albert."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    A look at Juno though. "As for... equipment. House has the Securitrons. Eyes and ears and guns all in one. The others... The NCR's got a decent intel group but they're spread thin. Souji... what's Miss Anward spilled about the Legion's operations?"

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Hm." Summer-blue eyes flick back to the Courier, and Juno shifts her weight, subtly. "So, I'm going to guess these 'Securitrons' are some manner of droid, then. If they've got some kind of governing protocol, I may be able to override them; they'd come in handy as a resource... but that depends entirely on what's on the back end of these systems."

"If not, I'll have my hands full disabling them." Fingers drum restlessly; Juno considers for a moment, eyes sliding away from the Courier and off to some middle point. "As for intel, we'll have to see."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "You might be right, Albert." Rory concedes uncomfortably, lips pursed. Argh, when did everything et so CONFUSING?

    "Though what I would do.. without calling on outside help from Reclamationists who'd love the practice, would involve starting new settlements and technological infrastructure. Power, healthcare, food production, water purification, and shelter... you would need a fortress and also policies to make banditry and raiding it less profitable than simply joining it..." Which is a confusing thing to establish, she's sure.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji has, until now, been sitting there calmly consuming the man's chili and chips, listening to the eenvironment around him and considering how it is maturing and developing.

Courier Six asks him a question, and at this, Souji finally moves, nodding. "Agent Anward, once she grew more comfotable in her new position, has been more than willing to share what she shows about her contacts with the Legion in the New Vegas environs." He comments dryly, "It is fascinating what the assurance of survival, a reasonable wage, benefits, and treatment like a decent human being will accomplish."

He gestures. "I have heard a great deal about what you wish, Mr. Tallbranch, but there is something that has not been broached as of yet." He gestures to those present. "You are asking for our support in what is functionally a rebellion. Yo uwish to overthrow the controlling power of an area and install yourself, if not as the direct leader, the power that enforces whatever social structure you wish to create. All of us have specialties and resources to help you with your goals."

There is a pause. "The question is: Why?"

He lets that hang there in the air for a moment. "You seem to have taken it as a given that we wish to assist you. What can you provide us that Mr. House cannot? What will the return on our investments be, and most importantly, treason is a dangerous game, Mister Tallbranch. There are a number of permutations of this situation that can go very, very against you. I wish to know what you have to offer in order to gain our support. You have been a good business partner so far, but this is an exceptional request, with... exceptional requirements."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Johnny looks at Souji and then grumps, he swigs his beer for a bit, and then looks back at the CEO. "I bet she had pelnty to tell you indeed. And it ain't a rebellion just yet. Not just yet. And it might not be if it doesn't come to that. House hasn't yanked on my leash yet for helpin' people, but he hasn't done much in the way of support when it comes to anything but the Strip."

    He points at Souji and the rest. "I want New Vegas to be more propserous. I know we're doin' good here and now, but this money is local only. This place could be so much more. The Syndicate needs a proper home. Now I ain't about to tell people what to do on that front, but offering a good, neutral, safe and... somewhat lassise faire environment to people is something that can be done. I ain't sayin' that can't be done unless House isn't here, but."

    "There's plenty in the Mojave that's non-vital but worth money to the right people. There's plenty that can be made if the right steps are taken. This may be an irradiated dirtball in a little speckled corner of the cosmos... But it can be ours."

    A long pull of his beer. "Also the cat got out of the bag already and I'm guessing House has figured something out already so I'm counting my cards in advance."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Pavo tilts her head at Souji. "Well, me assumption was House had a nice big coffer, and a big pile o'booty and barkers fer any scurvy dog willin' to stick the lubber in the back. Me share was gonna be good enough for me." Her beaked face gives a sly grin.

    Moonfin asides, more economically, with a few plaintive gestures, to Souji, "A man such as yourself has to understand the opportunities that rush to present themselves when those in power are deposed. 'Loot' may hold less appeal to you, but the inexorable march of progress, the slow and steady beat of the drum of advancement, I am certain the Murasame Zaibatsu could use it to expand. With our own Flotilla's services as your frontier settlers, I hold much confidence that your Zaibatsu can take a foothold as much in the Earth as it has in the stars, and find a great deal of profit for all to take." Always with the bullshit poetic wording, this fishman. And a little more encouragement of even more collaboration, too, it seems.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"If House is onto your plans, we have to assume your usual places are being watched, which is why were are meeting here, I assume." Six says, "Though if he knows, this gives us a chance to feed him false intel. No telling what he would do with it, though."

"We could lure his forces into ambushes, or at least confirm suspicions about the knowledge he has by laying out a false trail for him to follow."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Do you believe you will be able to negotiate with Mr. House to have him relinquish his grip on New Vegas peacefully?" Souji asks. "Mr. House is the ruling local power. There are few who will relinquish such power, especially after he has spent so long working to counter the multitudes of threats that have been working to court or supplant him. He is the proverbial big fish in a small pond."

There is a flick of his hand, and a coin appears in his hand, he deftly rolls it across his fingers. "And yet you offer an interesting vision of the future. But you offer only that so far. A vision. Without a plan and the leverage to accomplish those goals, you will have nothing but a dream, Mr. Tallbranch. A comforting dream, but only a dream nonetheless."

He pauses. "House will be searching for Yes Man. If he acquires Yes Man, Mr. Tallbranch loses his leverage and any hope of ending this without a bloody rebellion."

The Flotilla begins offering arguments to answer his questions, however. "Indeed. Pillage is of little interest to me. I am seeing more... long-term benefits." He nods to Moonfin, who seems to understand what he's getting at, even if they're being a pretentious git. "Perhaps if Mr. Tallbranch is willing to make some... arrangements... for the coming economic structure to my company's benefit, I could be willing to commit to such a venture."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I get you on the NCR, it's trying to reclaim too much too fast, and can't support it. So if we can talk them down? We're doing us and them a favour that will be better in the long run for Vegas and for them. Given the communication tech I seen might not be enough for the NCR to properly govern this far our right now."

She looks over to Juno seemingly more relaxed and she now start to grin.

"We got quite the collection of hackers or as you put it slicers, Blackout."

She pauses for a moment.

"Combat drones? Uggg, given the quality of weapons they are likely packing this could be an issue. Well Rory? The hydro dam near by is intact and can generate power still. That's a hell of a important thing for the region. Given some of the prewar grid's intact or has been restored since them we're a bit ahead of the game on that. Even if you have a kill policy on raiders, your typical one is going to think they are the hard ass who can beat the odds."

Then Souji pipes up and he makes some good points, Kotone is still partially trying to not /grab/ aggro here or have things go south. As so far it seems she might have had less cause to be scared as she was. Still it's good to be cautious right, she gets Johnny's sentiments too, this is a world that by all rights should be over. Yet it's people have clung on through the sort of hell she can't even begin to full understand. Either way there's problems here that need to be cleaned up one way o0r another right?

"If house is on to it why hasn't his drones kicked down the door yet?"

She looks to Souji.

"We don't know what he wants if we could offer him it maybe he would because he'd not feel the need to rule?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    "And here I thought we wouldn't be doin' this out in front of everybody, Souji." Johnny snorts and grins, crossing his arms. "Standard payments to your forces on operations completed, improved weapons shipments once this is done with. There's chips I can cash in and trade will be a little freer once we cna get more tools inside."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The Courier snorts at the discussion of the existance of Yes Man. "That slippery bastard is extremely good at hiding, even from me. He's in the system and isn't being... put to use just yet. He'll have his turn once shit does down, if it goes down." There's a look of hesitance there. He hasn't been able to kill Yes Man yet.
    A look to the 'smuggler' and Albert. "And as for the Securitrons, I'd rather not... harm them if I don't have to. They're the force that are standing between the NCR, the Legion and everyone else. That's why House has the power here, cause ain't nobody able to fight the damn things. And I've got my hands... eventually, on a whole army of the bastards."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji taps the table with one hand, the other hand still flipping that coin in his hand. "Those are more than enough specifics. I simply wished to make sure you were willing to make arrangements. The details can be concluded in private later." It's not like there's any other corporation representatives present. Right. Maaka?

He then reaches into his coat and pulls out a small folder, laying it on the table and sliding it across the table. "This is a collection of the information I have gained from Agent Anward. It should be enough to deal some damage to the local Legion intelligence operation with the proper... implementation." Said implementation will probably involve sudden and hilarious violence.

"The Legion is tenacious, but they may not be the most difficult part of this situation. The NCR is enough of a force that I would not wish to face them in direct, open combat even with full backing. You will need to find a way to bring the local forces under control... Or remove them."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
So far, the blonde pilot's been content to be a shadow in the far corner of the room, arms folded and listening quietly to everything that's transpired. Details are systematically filed away where pertinent, and so is the mannerisms of the people she's likely to be working with.

Juno acknowledges Kotone's statement with a brief look, but she doesn't seem inclined to answer. She's more interested in the conversation going on between Johnny and Souji, as though she were curious to see how it turned out. That's a lot of words.

Her eyes turn back over to Albert; and she rolls one shoulder in a shrug. "So, you said you can cover my six while I've got my nose in House's systems. You're pretty handy with computers, then, hmm?" She shifts her weight to lean against the other side, regarding the Science Ape with hooded eyes and a faint half-smile. "Would've guessed one of you Flotilla types for starship engineering, not computer slicing."

She glances over to Johnny, lifting a brow. Rather not destroy them? "Ideally, I'd be able to turn them to our side. 'Convince' them, if you will, that we're their legitimate masters. If, that is, they're set up in a way I can interface with their governances. It's all going to depend on what House's mainframe looks like." She lets her hands drop, one hand resting over the holster at her hip. "I'll prioritise keeping them intact, though, if that's what you want... but if it comes down to the wire and I have to choose between our operatives and their droids," she states crisply, "I'm going to choose our operatives."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Seft nods, with a frown to her eye-visor expression. "Firm. We must purge the Legion and their more subtle sabotage from the Strip. We must ensure they do not become any more aware of your operations, Johnny. And we must do this in a way that does not preclude future efforts to recover and rehabilitate the victims of the Legion."

    Albert takes an "at attention" stance and rattles off his skills immediately as Blackout prompts him. Various forms of encryption, intrusion masking, countermeasure prevention, proxy networking, and other similar "hacker protection" things seem to be his bread and butter. He's got a good basis in breaking into systems himself, but his greatest specialty is teaming up with another hacker and keeping them protected while they break in!

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    "In any case, I have a nice, non-partisan target of choice for the very near future." Johnny prods the holo again. This time there's a set of figures that most people will vaguely recognize as Crazy People Wearing Mismatched Shit For Armor. Noble will recognize them straight away.

    "These fucks are the Fiends. They've been giving the NCR no small amount of shit and whats worse, have driven the population of South Vegas out of their homes and into Freeside. Ain't nobody like a crapton of refugees in their neighborhood, and so I REALLY want to push these damn people out. They're... holed up somewhere in the region so it's going to take quite a bit of effort to dislodge the bastards."

    A look. "A nice, quiet neutral start to things. Lessen the pressure on the federales, get some good will started up. How's that sound?"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I think I've shown my willingness to put the hurt on the Fiends." Six says, simply enough, "I'm in, whatever the plan may be."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Slowly, Juno arches her brows at that list. It's both broad and detailed; enough so that even she finds herself pretty well impressed. By the time Albert starts rambling towards the end of his list, she's got a half-smile curling one corner of her mouth, reaching up to fold her arms again.

"Excellent." Although she gives her assessment coolly, it's obvious she does approve. In fact, it seems like she's looking forward to the challenge. "I'm looking forward to this. I don't usually have the opportunity to do that kind of work with backup. I'm curious to see your rather extensive list of skills in action, Mister Albert."

Oh look, suddenly a target. Her gaze darts back over to Johnny, and the piecemeal-armoured Fiends displayed.

"I might have a solution for that, but it depends on how quietly you want these Fiends eliminated." She tilts her head, thoughtful, some of her hair spilling to one side. "Either you rely on the people we've already got assembled, or I have someone I could bring in to help us do a bit of mopping-up."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks upon the displayed holo with unmimitgated scorn. "Savages and parasites. You will have my full support in exterminating them." He doesn't even need prompting. Maybe he's offended at their lack of dress sense, or maybe he is fine with not rocking the boat anymore now that he's made his point. Besides, murdering all of these assholes would be good for New Vegas no matter WHAT side you're on.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Stressed." Seft speaks up immediately. "Their appearance is not unlike the Sunset Raiders. But more so. Do they behave the same way? The same wanton, pointless violence?" She's the only truly good person in the Flotilla, but she'll kill these people if that's the way these things have to be. "I hold no opposition to driving them back out of the area."

    Biteblade is the next one who speaks up, standing and peering closely. "Floran think, show tribe power. Make everyone know, mean bussssinessss. Kill badguysss everyone hate, everyone know you're rough, tough, take no shit, but can be good friend pal. Floran think, bessst way to ssstart. Floran know tribal warfare. Floran not hunt enemy tribe, long time. Floran helpsss."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Much as I hate using violence to solve problems, the situation here's not one that can be approached with simple economics and philosophy. I'll have to defer to others' wisdom... " Rory shakes her head again.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa listens to Courier six for a moment she has to wonder about Yes Man, what's he actually up to? She gets the idea the drones can out muscle even the skilled combat forces of both the NCR army and the Raiders known as the Legion. She now listens to the other bit of conversation for the moment. She is going to listen for the most part the comment about the local forces.

"Military units go missing they are going to look into it."

She looks to Juno for a moment she's not going to press things with Blackout right now after all. Now is not really happy fun ice cream social time now is it?

"The code base here seems related to several code bases on my world. It can be a starting point."

She goes back to listening for a moment as Johnny brings up a problem that needs to be handled one way or another.

"No matter what happens the Fiends need to go."

There's a lot of stuff that is just right out of freaking movies here.

"I'm in n this op."

<<Hey Rory you okay? Whatever you feel these guys need to be stopped.>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The baked skies of the Mojave make the ground ripple with mirage, masking the approach of the Fiends. Ron Perlman's voice? Yep. "The Vaults were never made to save anybody. Except for a few"
    The Courier and Noble take up firing positions and rifles discharge. "And even when they did, nature conspired against those lucky few, leading to more and more bloodshed."

    A split screen of Cook Cook and Violet, and Fiends charging towards the screen. "And as the Courier strikes out to remake the Mojave as he sees fit, War returns to the desert sands."

    The imposing entrance of Vault 3, worryingly open the the air, with crucified and hung Vault Suits all over. "And War Never Changes."