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Latest revision as of 19:52, 21 March 2015

Date of Scene: 19 March 2015
Location: Neo-Fuji
Synopsis: Alexis Maaka has finally found the team necessary to get her little warpath going, and the Izunagi Zaibatsu gets its first kick in the teeth in decades from a serious enemy force.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 39, 571, 626, 627, 646, 652, 667, Starbound Flotilla, 673, Sanary Rondel

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:

    Compound: ROOK isn't much to speak of. It's more or less a small patch or land barely five mikes wide at best. It's also been mostly converted into the base itself, intended to provide a large enough landing strip that vehicles under exercises can take off and land comfortably.

    The dropship everyone arrives on lands upon a separate landing port, the umbilical leading into the facility's admin area.

    There isn't much to see, given how the Philippine weather is at its worst with rainstorms and hammering the windows, not that the guards seem to let anybody stop and smell the roses.

    "MOVE IT!" The rifle butt clonks onto an unfortunate staffer's back to urge the group along, the guards fully armored with black and blue suits sporting thin red optics. Their voices are all filtered through a vocoder, giving them a deep and menacing authority to them as they usher the group into the reception area. "Eyes front, tech heads. Do not stop!" Assuming the Izunagi company believed in human resources, they'd have a headache dealing with what the low-ranking staff go through.

    The higher rankers, such as Albert, Juno, and Kyra, are given some slightly more professional treatment. "Present your tags, face the camera please." Everyone is sent through without much delay, hopefully, though a few weird looks at cast at those using holo-guises to blend in before shrugging.


    Alexis continues her ascent in an elevator, heading up towards one of the storage bays as she finishes hacking into comms. It's a start before she gets to the RV point, at least. The elevator jerks to a stop midway through its ascent, and the cyborg cuts open a maintainence hatch before climbing up as the doors open. Intending to greet her with high-velocity rounds, the guards only find a welded access hatch and three of their comrades dead and slumped onto the ground, their commbeads and equipment stripped. "This better not be who I think it is..." One guard muses, just before an EMP charge knocks out their comms. They'll get back in contact with security in about fifteen minutes or so, given how thorough interference is down here. Time enough.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji is moving in with the tech crew. This is probably the only time anyone has ever seen him not wearing a suit. He is wearing a technical jumpsuit with many pockets. His glasses are mirrorshades at the moment, and he carries a bundle of technical gear on his back, including a tube that typically holds presentation materials. He moves crisply and quickly. Perhaps he's experienced this kind of thing before. He taps the side of his glasses when the pictures come, the mirrorshades reverting to clear. The moment it is done, he sets his glasses back to mirror mode and heads in with the others.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Why did it have to be dropships again? Maybe it was just a coincidence, but Sanary couldn't help feeling unnerved by the fact that she was riding another dropship after the last one crashed so spectacularly. This one, thankfully, lands without a hitch, but she's already rather shaken by the time her dropship lands. The healer follows the rest of the staffers in her group to blend in more easily, wearing the same tech crew jumpsuit and keeping her hair bound in a bun instead of the usual ponytail just to keep it all in place.

    At least she's looking considerably more relieved by the time guards start to usher them in. Not much acting is needed for that part, either, considering the lack of flying-deathtrap surrounding them. There's a stifled snicker from Sanary at the less-than-gentle nudge of the unlucky staffer, mostly suppressed by the relief that she wasn't getting singled out for once.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... is here. With short blonde hair. Wait what? That's right, the Loose Cannon is a dirty greasemonkey today, looking slightly manic as the guards march her through security. Her scruffy hair is stained with grease and crap, and she's... not carrying her guns. Yet.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    As Kyra is wont to do, she did some research before this mission to get an idea of what sort of clothing those here would normally wear. Perhaps in a complete opposite of her usual style, she's gone with a crisp business suit and pencil skirt, black in color, with a white blouse underneath. She's wearing glasses and all of her piercings have been completely removed with makeup applied to disguise the holes. Her hair has been combed down neatly, leaving it straight and shoulder length.

    Her attitude is also completely unlike her-aloof, dismissive, and a little haughty. It's almost as if she's pretending to be Souji for this particular mission. She looks completely unarmed but that can never been truly known with the Hyral, being good at concealing things on her body.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
Bloodrake's in full gear, including mask, as she climbs up the shaft. Her retracted spear rests on her back as she climbs upwards, following closely behind Maaka. She confirms some things about the mission, as she grips her laser-cutter in one hand and climbs with the other.

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
Having been provided the tech jumpsuit that he needed to be disguised, Grant Mason is with the rest of his team, fully dressed up and looking the part. Sure he's huge, but it's not impossible for regular old people to be gigantic. Look at various sports stars. Sure his size might make it hard to work in his job capacity some times, but he makes it work.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
It's amazing what a little hair work can do, Kotone had done at least a bit to hide her identity after all she doesn't want to be easily placed with her real look by these people. There's also no turning back at this point, she's wearing a jump suit it's not as flattering as one might expect, however sh cows at the guards complyi8ng with anything they need to deal with, even if it's a huge ass hassle. She's just a code monkey after all and doesn't want to blow things.

She keeps her eyes forward and keeps moving on in. Kotone is nervous inside who wouldn't be with what they were dealing with here. Yet the idea of this corporate cancer spreading off it's world was horrific given the information she'd found on how they operated. Either way she's playing the part of the meek code monkey very well, then again how much of this is her pretending is the question?

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Changing her hair and eye color wasn't hard at all, Rory found. An hour of letting her Synth go through maintenance and hooray, whole new (temporary) look. A few tweaks to her Smart Vacsuit's settings and she's in a normal work outfit much like those used here!

    In short, Rory's gone the same route as Kotone!

    But though she's following along with the group quietly and checking in with security, she's by no means idle!

    Her Cyberbrain's abuzz with activity. Mesh Inserts and AIs are hard at work on passively sniffing all wireless traffic to decode security keys, deduce protocols, and prepare for an eventual active connection for potential hacking later.

    Somehow this effort isn't distracting her either.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    It is rare to see Audrey without her gloves; truth be told, after so long of using them, especially since they double as a tablet PC, she feels kind of naked without them. Like walking around without your cellphone. Oh, technically the gloves aren't 'off'. They're in a bracer configuration, under the jumpsuit. She still dislikes it.

    Walking in after Souji, the dark-haired, poker-faced late teenager is wearing the same sort of jumpsuit he is, though fitted to her slightly smaller frame. Rather than a backpack, she's carrying a large toolbox, with god knows what inside.

    She is professional, and quiet.
    Except for constantly glaring at Kyra.

    Why Souji is in that jumpsuit instead of Kyra makes her grumpy. Surely the plan would have supported Souji being the one in the suit, as usual.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George, Albert, and Seft are here. George is wearing his traditional jumpsuit; not a well known fact about it is that it can swap basic coloration, and so he's matching up with the local staffers. Just enough to fit in, not enough to avoid getting a gun-butt to the head. He's learned to roll with the butting from SHITCURITY though, and when someone yells at him to move it, he takes it in a stumbling, turning way that looks like he got brutalized without really suffering a concussion. "Yeah yeah, I'm goin'! Don't gotta get punchy about it, words are fine." He says. In perfect Filipino, apparently.

    He catches up with Souji in the line and says, with a good-humored tone, "Good to see you keepin' up with the local fashions for once, huh?" He absolutely perfectly blends in with the crowd except for one slip of red cloth around his arm, with a white S inscribed on it, for the benefits of the others. Aside from that, these people are going to have a tough time catching him in the stream. He's also carrying any gear that the group asked to jam into his MATTER MANIPULATOR, ready to hand it off to them. Jinx and Grant for example, get an offer to keep a few guns in reserve for them.

    He is wearing a fake beard over his real beard.

    Albert and Seft are on the higher tier here. Albert looks like an INCREDIBLY stern old man with a still somewhat apelike face, but aside from that, his military-styled lab regalia blend perfectly. Seft is naked, which would make her nervous if A: There was anything relevant to bare and B: She hadn't turned off her embarrassment processing. As such, she looks like a very unusual assistant robot of some kind. Albert is very good at being dutiful and obedient, selectively calling up his Miniknog training when necessary to look like a typical dystopian civilian blindly obeying the orders from ambiguous high-power entities far above him. He's already presenting his tag officially and standing at attention for the camera. Seft may be in some sort of cargo conveyance system, but more likely is trying to stick near Albert. Resentfully. She really doesn't like being suborginate to him for some reason.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    The guard handling ID tags is less dickish than some of the guards, but he definitely seems bored with this. He mutters something about splices upon getting a good look at Albert's facial features, comparing him to the picture that coms up in his file before shrugging a shoulder. Everyone seems to be ushered through at a brisk pace, away from the rain. The guards also seem to get off their backs once they're inside, thankfully.

    "Welcome, researchers, to Izunagi R&D Compound ROOK, we are glad to have you here furthering our latest and greatest projects here." A simulated voice intones, coming from a receptionist at the front desk.

    Of course, sharp eyes can tell that said receptionist is just an android. It's not even a autonomous one either, just a glorified anamatronic torso attached to the floor from the 'waist' down. The effect is incredibly creepy, given its ruby red eyes and subtle lines running down its face. The reception-bot's hair looks like a doll's, and not a good quality one either.

    That just makes the near perfect lip-synch as it speaks both in English and Japanese all the more disturbing. "Please follow the safety signs, as you are assigned your position. Have a pleasant and productive day, please. Remember, idle hands are the enemy's work.~"

    Glowing signs along the walls and floors of the ultramodern interior lead everyone towards the main halls, where they will be hurdled into the REC area for on-site staff.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    INFILTRATION TEAM: (Alexis and Hywnd)

    The climb is about nine or so minutes, leading them up three sub-levels and two levels above ground. Alexis stops the climb, moving to the side as she motions to Hywnd towards a grate big enough for both women to crawl through. "This is our level. Start cutting." She says.

    There's a shudder from bellow as the elevator cable begins moving again, and Alexis mutters something very unladylike under her breath as she uneasily clings to the walls, van der wals friction and nothing else holding her in place.

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
The large man that is Mason has to duck a doorway ot geti nto the rec room, but at least they seem to be past that creepy receptionist bot. He makes a mental note to blow that thing up something fierce on their way out of here, as he rises back up to his full height once he's in a room that allows him to do so. He hates these places that're all designed for smaller, more 'average' humes. Not his fault he got good genetics.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    JINX... DOES NOT LIKE THIS SHITTY PLACE. She likes it even less as the Shitcurity shows up and bludgeons George. There's a little... she's grinding her teeth, and fidgeting with her Leash, the bangle itching to empty out its deadly contents. "Mmmmmmmhhhh. Hig George. Nice Day Isn't It." She's... shivering. Oh dear.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Animatronic receptionists! Rory blinks at this, but just purses her lips over saying anything. She's focused very hard on the efforts to crack the encryption on the local network. This might not be necessary once they reach their workstations of course! "Well then, we'd better get to work-- hmmm?"

    She's finding herself wandering into the REC area. Left and right she loks for the way onwards... operating without an AR map is very hard to work with!

    Dependence on high technology is a killer sometimes.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
There is a pause as George addresses him. He makes a hum of acknowledgement. "One has to dress properly for the occasion." He replies to George, heading in quickly. Once they enter the building proper. Souji looks over the android with only a moment's frown. He follows the glowing signs, looking to the others. "Let's waste no time. Let us get into positions and get to work." Souji says, naturally taking a commanding position even with his work clothes.

OF course, everything he says could be taken.... multiple ways.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Although Sanary probably isn't the sharpest spoon in the knife drawer, even she can see the unnatural cheapness in the robotic receptionist. She's tempted to turn her eye off just to avoid looking at the thing while it speaks, but... Keeping alert for the job trumps keeping herself from staring directly at creepy shit.

    If nothing else, she can at least consider it a way of training her poker face. She does a fairly decent job at not showing just how creeped out she is, although she's also keeping her focus on the walls, other people in the team, and just about anything but the receptionist.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    The Executive Kyra is very aware at Audrey's glaring. However, true to the person she's likely mimicing for his mission, senpai doesn't notice her. Or at least she doesn't acknowledge her because why should she be acknowledging the presence of a peon?

    The guard murmuring about splices when Albert comes around gets a withering, disapproving look from Kyra.

    It's some relief to see that their diguises and faked credentials have gotten them in, though Kyra does not relax her aloof demeanor. She regards the receptionist-robot with passing curiosity but does not bother to respond to its greeting. With her hands clasped behind her back, she strides off into the rec room. Once they have all filed in, Kyra starts unbuttoning the front buttons to her suit jacket. As usual for her, she has gear hidden underneath, though only a modest amount in this case. Seems like she might be risking magic for this mission.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa could get how bored the guards where but well you should be careful for not wanting to be bored. Bored in a job like they have means everything's going right. When they are not well? That's how it goes. She pauses at the welcome and wonders about the ID guard for a moment, there's nothing else to think but focus on the mission.

She's just playing along and she takes note about where she's going to go. She muses to her self it's not idle hands. It's the hands that must all ways be doing something she thinks. She's heading along the way she's suppose to go. She's been crunching some files on her own cyber brain as she moves checking maps and what information her cover has access to leigtly such as simple maps so she doesn't get 'lost'. She takes note of Rory's confusion for a moment and get it, Rory's so used to AR maps she's have issues with lower tech.

"Come on before you get lost."

She causes Rory's issue after a moment of thought. Given they have the same department in their cover it makes sense she'd help her co worker not /get/ lost.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George isn't one to follow the lit path and go where he's told, no way. After talking to the tin can, he immediately swaps priorities. He's heading through the halls, with no intention of going to precisely where they're being told to go. First thing's first. SHIPYARDS for this place have gotta have a lot of cargo heading their way. If Maaka's intel hasn't gotten them any awareness of where the shipyard is, George will be keeping an eye out for heavy hull materials and similar indications of where such a place might be.

    He's also using a great deal of ESPIONAGE EXPERIENCE to identify camera placement and sweep patterns, maintenance structures, and any vulnerabilities in worker behavior or security setups. He's especially got a keen eye for any particularly high-ranking folks who look like he might be able to lift their shit if he can get them isolated and beat them enough.

    A Space Syndicate agent's modus operandi is simple. Find a man with a fancy ID card, and make sure you know where that ID card is at all times. Preferably in your pockets. Everything else after that is cake. So as he wanders the halls, that's what he's most focused on.

    Meanwhile, Albert is winding up heading to a protective position somewhere near Kotone and Rory, though he keeps in line and follows orders. He can't help the wireless mind-hacking, but he's there for helping out as soon as the group gets to the point where a hardlink is needed for their extra plans. Seft keeps close as well, but she's not helping with that. She's more concerned with using her extensive sensor suite to help George out with his attempts to find the quickest route from here to the aerospace construction area. Both of them seem to have the same basic plan: They're not gonna steal blueprints or anything, George just wants to lift their shit directly by cramming all the machinery he can get into his Matter Manipulator.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    If anything, Audrey could appreciate the straightforward, get down to business approach these people are taking. The sterile environment, the proper greetings and instructions, and then it's straight to 'idle hands are bad mkay'. These people know what they're doing. Much respect. Would possibly work for, if not already employed.

    True to her luck, sadly, Kyra plays a very good Souji, and does not notice Audrey. Somehow that's even more infuriating than if Kyra insulted her straight up.

    At Souji's call, she nods and gets moving, although drops a brief, "Careful not to get the suit dirty, Hyral." towards Kyra, before following after her boss wordlessly.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    REC ROOM PEOPLE: You enter the REC area rather promptly, finding a sterile but otherwise servicable place for both research staff and security guards to hang around and unwind when off-duty. Video game consoles are set up, the TV is broadcasting the worldwide SPORTS GAME, and there are a distressing number of off-duty guards either sleeping or dicking around with a foosball table, or even just chatting over dinner from the mess.

    There is also a neebish, scrawny looking tech guy present. He seems very much out of place next to these hardassed soldier mans with their dip and their muscles and some of them still having VERY BIG GUNS holstered on their persons. His eyes are also black, cybernetic looking optics with the area surrounding them looking very irritated. The guy's hair is a mess, and he looks like he hasn't slept comfortably for nearly a week now. He also is missing a leg, an ill-fitting prosthesis attached to the stump of what used to be flesh and bone from the thigh down.

    he is scared as shit, and he ahems quietly as the little Japanese guy, barely in his mid-twenties at most, flags over the new staffers. "You the new shift? Uh, I got your assignments right here if you'll all come with me..."

    As everyone except George apparently enters, the door locks shut.

    A grate in the ceiling is kicked free, landing on one of the guards' heads, leaving him stunned for a moment as people curse and whirl about alertly.

    Then grenades fall from the open vent, followed by a shimmering shadow that crushes the stunned guard upon it landing upon him.

    "Holy shit, it's her! She's here, open fire, kill that bi-" is all one of the guards manages to squawk of before his head comes apart like a ripe melon, leaving a gory mess as the infiltrator's cloaking device deactivates, revealing a black-clad figure lunging right for the techie as he screams in horror and alarm, frozen like a deer in the headlights. Some of the guards, about three in total, pull pistols, while others rush Alexis Maaka with stunsticks. They don't have body armor on from the waist up, so these guys have some brass balls for still doing their job.

    Alexis makes a top priority to protect the techie, covering him as she levels a massive pistol. Her helmeted head turns to the 'staff' before nodding to them.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    GEORGE: George, having gone on his own in search of the SHIPYARDS, will find himself guided after consulting a map up a level or two. He'll also wind up let through despite a few confused looks by the guards he sees, until he spots one guy toting much fancier gear than the rest of the group for the moment. Judging by his tags, he's a Sergeant.

    "Hey, you the new greasemonkey, right? Come with me, we got the prototype set up for you to get to work on it. According to results, thing's got a few scratches after the last exercise or something." He motions to George to follow him, leading towards the SHIPYARDS.

    He's got ID cards that couple as keys, and also seems to make idle chitchat with George along the way.

Jinx (39) has posed:

    "YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" comes the jubilant cry of Jinx, who snarls happily into the sterile air of the chamber, and shakes her bangle once. HARD. And into her hands flashes Pow Pow, the minigun howling up to speed as she starts cackling, and hosingdown the nearest security guard.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is glad to have some cover while she can fight? She's far from a master of her new body after all. She's also keeping tabs on the information she's got. She has to wonder where George got his skills. Still though with the matter manipulator the process of theft is taken to a whole new level. Being nailed down wont' save them from that.

"All right then we should get to work..."

Kotone has her way she's got her shock gloves which are lucky for the guard she pounces enough to hopefully put him out cold rather than kill him. Still the sight of the guard dying in such a fashion is still chilling to her, but her survival drives are taking over. Still that fear is not forgot, but then again she knows with most corp's it's management more than anything else where most of the bullets should be aimed. However one thing at a time right? The gloves get one, guard down and a second one follows. They have been lucky, Kotone /got/ to them first before someone else did.

<<I want to get my hands on the ones at the top.>>

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Bite me." Kyra finally says in a reflexive manner as Stormwind needles her over the suit. "Gaaah, I can't wait to get out of this." Well gosh, the rec room is filled with big beefy guards plus a scrawny-looking tech. She observes the guards with interest, noting their nice big firearms and the degree of coverage they have by way of body armor. Exposed skin is always a plus, right?

    When the shit hits the fan and Alexis drops in, Kyra reaches into her crisp black jacket and pulls out a gun. This isn't a needlegun nor is it the Luna's Resolve. It is a normal-looking (...by Final Fantasy standards) handgun that fires quite ordinary bullets, though much quieter. She shows little preamble or hesitation as she semi-stoically tries to cap one of the guards taking aim at Alexis.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    "I would be afraid to catch something," Audrey replies to Kyra, flatly, but obviously intending to immaturely continue the back and forth. At least, until Shit Goes Down and in a few seconds flat the entire thing goes extra loud. This seems to be as good a cue as another, as the Heritor takes a defensive position by Souji, obviously intending to not allow any stray projectiles to reach her boss.

    She also kicks her toolbox towards one of the guards. With surprising strength, at that. It's filled with very heavy metal things, probably not enough to kill someone through the sort of body armor they're sporting, but probably enough to knock a guy senseless and on his ass. Or out, depending on if it hits the head or not.

    Her gloves deploy from their standby wristband forms, extending into sleek mechanical gauntlets that are barely larger than her hands normally are. Less of a clunky mechanical look and more of a sleek cybersuit look, really.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "I'll take it if you don't want it. This... Whatever uniform's not too bad, either." Sanary flashes a grin at Kyra before getting a clearer look around the rec room. She doesn't seem to mind the jumpsuit too much, at least, especially since having more options in her wardrobe doesn't hurt.

     So much for staying quiet. Still, the burst of action is certainly a welcome change for Sanary as the guards direct their attention towards Alexis, finding her own opporunity to size them size up the guards. It doesn't take her long to focus on one of the guards rushing towards Alexis that just so happens to be moving the closest towards the healer.

    Although she doesn't have any weapons on her, that's not enough to stop Sanary from suckerpunching that guard right in the jaw. She follows that up by pumping more energy into her eye, leveling a cold gaze at that dazed guard's open mouth before firing a mildly explosive laser in there.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    VIOLENCE! Sudden Violence! Rory was just starting to slightly relax when ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!

    The ceiling coming down and a grenade coming down prompts her to yelp and tumble under the nearest table in a clumsy attempt to take cover.

    She does have some weapons, but she really doesn't have the heart to shoot anyone except in self-defense!

    <Couldn't she have given a warning?!> The AGI messages Kotone.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
And all that work into being subtle, too. If things were going to break down that fast, he'd have just dispatched an assault team directly.

Oh well.

Souji adjusts a cuff as things go to hell, and tweaks something. There is a low chirp, and Souji drops the gear, pulling out the presentation tube. He flicks it towards one of the guards, before he holds up a hand.

There is a low crackle of power, as he intones, "Thunder-1." There is an arc of power, and the air splits with a thundercrash as lightning strikes the tube, arcing through it and into the guards in a chain. The strike causes the tube itself to implode, revealing the black Murasame Blade.

Souji blitzes forward as the sheathed weapon impacts the guard he threw it at with the force of several hundred pounds, and the Samurai catches the weapon up, pulling it to his side with ease as if it is almost weightless as he brings it to his side.

30 seconds have passed. There is a low roar as the facility has a high speed craft fly over it, dropping a package onto the building. Said package impacts the ceiling and crushes down into the rec room, hissing as a KIRIN supply pod hits the ground and opens up, revaling the packed supplies for the rest of Adamant Squad as well as a rack of Potions and ETHER energy drink.

Only the best in Murasame. "Begin phase 2." Souji calls. "Full release. Adamant Squad, destroy all resistance and move to secure the objectives.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    ALBERT is quick to action! The big monkeyman is going to keep himself between Kotone and Rory and the chaos, enough to shield them from stray bullets but not enough to obfuscate any return attacks they do. When Kotone closes the distance, he stays with her, keeping her flanks covered while drawing a huge SHOCK HAMMER from his Matter Manipulator, to smash down anyone who goes to circle around. Always protecting!

    Rory gets backup here, from Seft, who won't be shielding but will at least be heading in to boost scans and such for anything that looks like a data center. Their secondary objective here, the data, needs the attention of the people Albert's so intent on protecting! Wirelessly, she'll try to assist all scans and hacking going on in that area.

    MEANWHILE... George is making small talk with the guard. He's chatty, in a wide variety of languages if need be! "Oh yeah! Hear things get pretty heated around here. Better the prototypes than something the investors are gonna be riding, right?" And further jokes, going right into engineer humor to make it sweeter. But... Souji is calling in some kind of drop, isn't he? Things are about to get chaotic. There's going to be some kind of alarm going off fast. George is watching his tactical display in one contact lens, quietly whispering the countdown under his breath and attempting to slow the walk down so they'll be right in a camera's blindspot when it's time. As soon as it's one or two seconds left to the drop, George moves: Using his ROBUST hand-to-hand combat skills, he attempts a sneaky instant takedown, meant to disable quickly. It's essentially an attempt to break his escort's legs with a swift well-placed kick and then a brutal necksnap, right in the middle of his small-talk.

    Assuming at least the leg-shatter works, he's gonna grab an ID fucking fast and book it to the shipyard ASAP right after that, dashing like a madman and swiping IDs on locked doors at rapid rates.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Sanary clocks one of the guards in the face, leaving him to stumble in place before his head comes apart with a messy burst of flesh and cybernetics. The headless corpse slumps to the ground, felled quickly.

    Jinx's target isn't so lucky to have such a clean if loud death, riddled in bullets that reduces his torso, an arm, and his head to chunky salsa at best, all before he can even react to the Loose Cannon's outburst of anti-authoritarian fire.

    Kyra's target goes down quickly and cleanly, with marksmanship that gets something of an approving nod from Maaka as she holds onto the CONTACT for the moment, her gun finishing off the guard tripped by Audrey's quikc thinking. A hole the size of a baseball is left as a 12mm round punches through augmented tissue and cloth, the cyborg guard neutralized for the moment before a second shot finishes the job soon after. Kotone mops up the remainder of the guards, luckily, with Albert going unchallenged.

    Souji more or less calling down THUNDER, the pod smashes through the roof, landing perfectly in place for everyone to grab their gear once the shooting stops.

    The techie does not stop screaming until a solid twenty seconds pass, well after every guard present is very dead. "...oh my god, you actually did it." He says, looking positively nauseated as he looks around at the room. "...so you'll get the other part of this done, right?" He asks shyly, looking at the blue-haired cyborg, and her friend (Kotone and Rory) for a moment.

    "Don't worry, I got everything thought up. Everyone, gear up. Kotone, Rory, ALbert, Seft, you four are gonna take Kaz here to the mainframe and hack it directly to prevent any outside alarms from reaching the company proper. You also have a side objective; Kaz Harada here," She motions to the techie, "Wants off this godforsaken world. You are gonna be his ticket off, once his files are erased. It'll be like he never existed."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:

    Small talk doesn't last long when alarms are called, and the guard with George nearly begins making calls. Howeve,r he's stunned by a kick to the legs, and he yelps in surprise as his knee gives out. Bones break, and the guard attempts to grab his sidearm before he's grabbed by the head, and his neck is twisted at a very unnatural angle. GEORGE MELONS is not to be messed with, evidently.

    His trek to the shipyard opens several doors, mostly laboratories containing SHINY STUFF to grab later, before he finds himself in the relevant SHIPYARD. The prototype itself is under a tarp, but George can probably tell by now it's a spaceship, or at least a shuttlecraft for atmospheric landings anyway. He'll also find documents regarding specs and other technical crap, including a diagram on how it's more efficient than the leading competitor in storage space, including a micro-hangar!

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
Finally, time for action. The arrival of the supply pod is well timed and Grant makes his way to the pod as soon as it settles. He disappears inside of the pod, and the door shuts behind him. A moment or two passes as the pod does it's work, and then the hatch hisses open.

    Out of the pod steps the massive armored Adamant Golem, auto cannon coming along for the ride, "Alright. What are the rest of us doing?" He asks to Alexis, "I assume causing as much chaos as possible to keep the guards away from him.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    That worked much better than expected. A little loud, but still. Taking a look around the room, it certainly looks like all the guards have been dealt with. Sanary narrows her eye slightly at the screaming techie, a low sigh escaping her once he finally calms down.

    "Don't tell me you've never seen someone's head get smashed before. Eh... Well, good thing you weren't standing over there." She gestures towards the pod with a light snicker, approaching it to look for her own armaments. She grabs a bell and her trusty tomahawk, the latter having another bell duct-taped to the back of it because... Why the hell not?

    "So we got an actual tech team and-hey, Grant." Raising eyebrow at the Golem, a wide grin crosses the 'healers face. "I like that plan. Is that the plan?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is keeping together but in the back of her mind part of her is starting to crack. What the hell is she doing and getting involved with? She manage to not star screaming she zip ties the two should they still be alive but the thought of finishing off people who are down.


Kotone manages to say, this guy wanting to get out of this nightmare? She can not fault him at all, she got a job to do but Alexis and Rory might notice something's up with Kotone possibly even Albert.

"Let's go and get this over with."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    THIS IS FAMILIAR. Jinx cackle gleefully as her target is pulped and then skips merrily over to Grant, smiling up at the Power Armored warrior. "HELLO! Let's make some magic! ALSO BLOOD!" Pow Pow revs dangerously as Jinx's red eyes glow.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Is it over..?" Rory squeaks timidly, popping her head out from under the table to have a look around. She doesn't have her drones out and as usual, having only two eyes is disorienting and almost claustrophic. Hence why she glances around several times as if worried something nearby would change in five seconds!

    "It'll be much easier working with actual credentials..." She's trying VERY HARD to not comment on the splatter and gore right now. In fact she's skittering away from it and over towards Kotone.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    BOOK IT.

    George is keenly aware of how to deal with security. Which is to say, DON'T BE THERE when they show up. And in fact, never stop moving and make sure they have other shit to be concerned with. Madly dashing, he slides to a stop near a stack of documents, reading them over and then cramming them into his Matter Manipulator. "I'll take you, and you, and you..." He says. Then he's going to find SHIPYARD EQUIPMENT, presumably whatever fancy giant robot arms here that's used to put the ship's parts together.

    And he intends to... Point his Matter Manipulator at them. The blue beam that thing emits intends to strip the shipyard assembly area down grabbing every ounce of superior manufacturing tech he can. Presumably to make it easier to assemble something exactly like this later! This may or may not take a while. If it take a short time, he hopes to also yank the tarp off the ship and just jump right into it. Well, you know, if it was unlocked and still has keys in the ignition.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Audrey herself does not actually need any gear out of the pod, having all of her weapons in her traditional RPG hammerspace, which works out because all of them are reasonably sized weapons. Stuff like what Grant and Jinx use, that'd be harder. It also helps when your fists are your weapons; you aren't ever really disarmed.

    After barking orders at her squad, it becomes clear that Audrey and her three squaddies, at the very least, are intending to make a stand, attract a LOT of attention, and ensure the other team(s) have almost no heat on them by requiring every last stationed guard here to pay attention to them.

    For now, she takes position by Sanary. She'll be making sure their healer isn't getting hit by whatever makes it past Grant and Jinx, rather than diving into melee like she normally would.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Kaz gives Audrey a momentary glance in a mix between horror and confusion, before he meekly ambles over to the apeman and the robot girls. "Uh...hi. I guess I'm with you guys." He says, trying his best to be polite despite the tense situation here. Best he can do is be quiet, do as he's told while everyone else gets ready.

    Maaka doesn't waste time, only pausing to give ROry, Ko', and Kaz a look. "Inhale, count to three, exhale. You'll be fine." She says, until she stacks up at the door. "Alright, Mason, you're on breaching duty. Kick us off."

    She means that literally, too, as she gives the mechanized golem a nod and grin under her visor while she swaps to a PDW.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks like she's very much glad to be near Rory at this point she's clealry got some problems.She had hoped and pray this would be just a sneak in bit. However this isn't the case. She's got her orders on the she's going to head out at this poing. She's quiet and well she's got a job to do however she does note.

"Time's a wasting."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Neatly, Kyra puts away her gun, ignoring it for the next few minutes as she instead reaches for a small sack filled with lumpy, square-like objects. Upon closer inspection, as Kyra brings them out one at a time, it seems to be made of some kind of red-pigmented substance. "Wellll let's see, what hallways do we still need and what do we not anytime soon..." Kyra singsongs, dropping a cube of the mysterious red stuff just inside a doorway that had gone unused.

    She does not yet activate the magical equivalent of C4, only priming the area so far too cover their escape. Nobody seemed to be in dire need of healing yet so why not prepare? It also gives her something to do besides listen to the KIRIN squad get things done.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Albert apegrunts affirmatively to Maaka's initial orders, and then sticks right to Kaz. Keeping his SHOCK HAMMER at the ready. He's going to not be particularly offensive here, intending mostly to act in the capacity of "meatshield" here, with a side of the same duty for Kotone and Rory to boot.

    Meanwhile, Seft is shoring up on things, drawing a fancy laser pistol she got from the Mojave Wasteland region. She's got it at the ready, held up against one shoulder, and prepared to start blasting. Albert ordered her to a more melee-oriented role but she kind of doesn't like him. They stack up with the Adamants, leaving most of the work to their better-equipped companions. While they're prepping the breach, Seft breaks off from things and offers to help scatter the explosives with Kyra. Many hands make light work! "Professional. May I assist, Kyra? I have requisite knowledge of architecture, I can distribute your explosives quickly as well."

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
    Armored up and ready to go, Grant makes his way up next to Jinx, looking down at her as she revs up her minigun. His own weapon humms faintly as it starts to prepare to fire.

    He smiles at Jinx as he preps himself to fire, "I love this part." As soon as targets present themselves, he'll unleash everything he has upon them. Between him and Jinx, it'll be impressive if anything makes it through.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Let's go then. The sooner we're out the better!" Rory doesn't actually breathe, but the message is understood. She takes a few moments to compose herself and then claps a hand on Kotone's shoulder. A strange sign of physicality that she doesn't normally do!

    "Lead on! I'm... I'm kind of lost!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Keeping each of her weapons gripped firmly in her hands, Sanary remains behind cover with Audrey while keeping an eye on Grant and Jinx for the action to start. She keeps the magical energy flowing around her in preparation for healing, occasionally glancing around to make sure nothing's coming from the roof or somewhere like Alexis had when they started.

    "I need to get some of those shiny headbits that were on some of these guys. And those gloves you've got." She motions towards Audrey's gloves before returning her focus to the door, grinning widely once the bullets start to fly while waiting for a cue to start swinging or start healing.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    The minigun fire is predictably EXTREMELY FUCKING LOUD. It's lucky Maaka's headgear has audio-suppressors, otherwise she'd be deafened. The same cannot be said for the others, but that can wait, as Grant and Jinx mulch the first wave of mechanized soldiers sent to deal with the intruders. There's a chance the team just took out the only present human soldiers on-site at the moment, as Alexis smashes down the door to reveal a breaching team foiled before they could even make the order to get the door open. Ridiculous amounts of minigun fire sorta kinda decimated wave one anyways.

    Alexis storms out with her PDW in hand, firing 6mm rounds as she leads the assault team out in force. "MOVE! Jinx, Mason, make sure you two are covering us!" She says, before she begins advancing down the hallway, finishing off a pair of mechs crippled by heavy auto-fire before.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks over the prepped team and nods, turning away. He raises a hand, and focuses himself. "Haste-2." He intones, Time Magic washing over the allied team present in a flare of orange clock motif that vanishes soon after. Those affected get the luck of being able to move and shoot EVEN FASTER.

This probably turns Jinx into a tiny swath of instant hell murder, but that's not HIS problem.

Souji remains with the Apex and the Robot Ladies, his hand straying towards the hilt of his sword. "I will protect you." He says to the group, and he turns to escort them towards the computer systems that need some tender, loving violation of their security protocols.

He has not yet actually /drawn/ his sword.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Good." Albert apegrunts at Souji. And then they're out just as the assault team is. Tearing ass under the effects of HASTE. Albert is trying to pull the gang along by the hand, yanking primarily on Rory who seems especially lost. The assault team is, hopefully, drawing off more of the mecha group, but if those left behind, Seft intends to cut through the mechanical troops with sprays of laser fire as they break off on the alternate path to the data itself now, but not enough to draw too much attention. She'd rather let the assault team draw aggro.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Time to move. The loudness of all the EVERYTHING going on around Sanary doesn't go unnoticed after the first few seconds, wincing painfully as she tries to just suck it up. The adrenaline running through her helps alleviate the pain somewhat, but she does manage to pick up a mostly-intact headset from the guard she had roasted from the inside earlier before hurrying to take up the rear.

    The extra boost of speed helps her keep pace with the others as she slips the headset on, her grip on the bells tightening while she starts channeling small amounts of healing energy into Jinx, Grant, and Alexis regardless of whether or not they've been hit. It wouldn't hurt to keep some energy flowing into them just in case, anyway.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Kaz is very, very grateful as Albert more or less handles aggro for him. He grasps at his ears as the shooting begins, before he begins to nudge the hacking team up a level, going to an elevator. "Hope they haven't put everything on lockdown..." He mutters, before beginning to interface with a panel on the wall.


    Surprisngly, the elevator is waiting for them already.

    The ride is quick, and uneventful, and the team makes their way into the mainframe as a trio of six-foot mechs in tactical gear level rifles, aiming to kill. Kaz tenses like a startled rabbit, but he doesn't move an inch.

Audrey Stormfist (652) has posed:
    Audrey escorts Sanary to the best of her ability. A few bullets may connect and dig deep into her body, but between her own chakra-- that lovable, spammable Monk ability that lets you recover your own HP-- and Sanary's healing, there should barely be a trace of the assaults left, beyond bullet holes in her clothes. Oh no, not these awful clothes she never wants to wear again.

    In response, she reaches into a pocket and pulls her gunblade out. The sleek, long blade, much more elegant than anything fueled by something horribly volatile and limited in what it can do, clicks its revolver cylinder open, and Audrey slots in a purple and a yellow cartridge, respectively gravity-1 and bolt-1.

    The weapon is used to provide some amount of fire support (it is after all a GUNblade and can shoot pretty precisely, with the barrel going along the length of the blade) in the form of small lightning bolts or purple blobs that expand into gravity wells and then collapse again. Nothing that could tear something significant apart, but enough to help move along just a bit faster.

    "Do you think these people really have enough drones on hand to threaten us?" is directed at Maaka, although an occasional glance aims to keep an eye on Kyra. God knows why. Probably same old.

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
    After practically mulching the first wave of drones, the ammo canister on Grant's gun drops to the ground, and he grabs a new one off of the back of the armor and slams it into place, where it instantly rearms the weapon.

    Shifting his stance a bit, he glances over at Stormsfist as they pose their question, "I doubt it, but who cares? This is awesome!" He announces, before turning back to the next wave. His armor has taken multiple hits, but the integrity is holding strong for the time being

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx is now being healed, buffed, directed, hasted encouraged, enabled and otherwise totally fed as she starts moving down the hallway alongside Grant, her eyes glowing a bright read as robots fall before her and Pow Pow.
    Unlike Mason, the pretty pink minigun doesn't run out of ammo. Also WHAT'S ELEMENTAL AMMO LOL? MY ELEMENT IS GUN. Also it's getting hard to tell what the hell color Jinx's jumpsuit used to be at this point. Too much blood and oil and blasted robot parts.
    The temporarily blonde girl comes up to a T-Inersection, and doesn't bother to check her lanes of fire. She IS the lanes of fire, and simply walks her shots to evaporate anything that's coming down that particular hallway.

    She hasn't stopped laughing since this started.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George has broken into the ship. He has dug into his Matter Manipulator and plated it with stray spare hull plating. He has hotwired its control. He has put it into reverse. He has disassembled its docking couplings.

    He is now attempting to rocket-blast it into and through the facility towards the Adamant Squad and any robots between them, using their beacons, and intending to stop partway through. A ship is, you see, much more tough than your average research facility's walls, and George wants to help the Adamants get out as fast as they can.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Albert at this point but says nothing. She looks to Rory for a moment she looks at her and she feels Kotone's hand on her shoulder. She needed that more than Rory might know. She does something in the lift however she strips out of hr jump suit as all pretences to being anything but an invader are gone. She is however wearing another suit it's a black and grey form fitting one. A moment before the door opens she ripples and vanishes from view. She might be detected by other means but little miss hacker is packing optic cameo.

Kotone is going to make a move from the lift at this point not moving too fast but she's going to try to get behind the mechs if she can and drop a grenade.

<<Fire in the hole get the VIP DOWN!>>

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Why of course." Kyra chirps cheerfully, passing a second bag of the blocky explosives to Seft. "They don't need to be connected but they do need to be within a reasonable distance of each other." Kyra explains, holding one of the blocks of strange C4-like 'stuff' in her hand. It has a thick, slightly heavy appearance but a feel of pulped paper that has been crammed together by some process to form a cube. "I say give about ten or so feet of space between them? Preferably they should have some air between them. but if they're separated by a wall or door that should still work. I provide the charge." Kyra's eyes glitter with glee.

    She seems to be following the other teams somewhat, but far back enough that she can see them but does not get caught up in the action itself.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    George will find himself very lucky the ship is a tank and then some, the vehicle smashing through a wave unencountered yet by the Adamants. Alexis meanwhile tosses Audrey a shrug of her shoulders as she manhandles a mech along the way, snapping the spindly limbed tactical killbot's neck as she riddles a close by cousin in bullets.

    There is a lot of fragged mechs by the end of this, mech-fluid and shrapnel littering the floors as the Adamants shred anything in their path. That is however not to last, as a group of mechs flanked by two ten-foot figures armored like miniature tanks and toting miniguns begin stomping. "Oh hell," Alexis says very clearly. "GET COVER!"

    The mechs' larger buddies lead the way as they crowd the hallways, firing away as Alexis scatters for cover.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji rides up the elevator calmly, moving to step into the center of the doorway as it reaches the top. "Step back." He tells Kaz.


The doors open, and there is a blur from the elevator the moment it becomes wide enough for someone to exit. He can't use Thunder magic up here or he risks blowing out the mainframes from errant arcing. That would be counterproductive.

But there are other options.

The Hasted Murasame heir whips through the air, vaulting over the trio to land behind them. He spins, cracking his sheathed blade into the backs of the legs of the center mech with colossal force, his blade apparently hitting like a half-ton club on impact. Both of them others will inevitably turn towards him, so he inverts himself, kicking upwards towards the arms with force to divert the guns from himself towards each other. Should everything go as planned, they'll gun each other down.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Into the mainframe everyone goes! Once she's again surrounded by all kinds of crazy technology. That's MUCH BETTER! It's quieter in here and more orderly. "Finally!"

    Yup, she's getting more casual the more she hangs out with these people, that's for certain.

    But then she spots the guns pointed their way. Crap.

    Faster than the eye can see some of her fingertips unfold and fire out tethered darts. Tethers of superconductive wire. Hooked directly into her Synth's power supply.


    And of course, she also hits the deck!

    Considering this is a mainframe room, it's bound to have plenty of electric shielding. They're fielding MECHS for defense, after all. Or so she hopes!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary finds few opportunities to actually use her bells or her tomahawk while she focuses on just throwing waves of healing energy around. She's not getting as tired as quickly as she did in the past, no doubt having learned a thing or two over the past few weeks. Having the eye to actually know where to aim certainly helps with that as well, and the adrenaline coursing through her even makes her laugh along with Jinx after a short while.

    "Crazy bastards! This is nothing like combat back in..." She trails off as the larger mechs show up, not needing to be told twice about taking cover before hurrying to take what she can only hope is a sturdy-enough pillar. It does give Sanary an opportunity to use her bells, at least, as she comes out long enough to clank them together loudly, launching a pair of sonic booms at a massive mech's head.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Interestingly, the mechs are tazed BEFORE Souji turns them all into metallic chunks, the robotic soldiers falling to pieces quite nicely as his sword cleaves through their immobilized shells. They are taken down with ease, and now Kaz feels it's vaguely safe for the moment. "Th-thanks..." He says to Souji and Rory both, before he joins the latter to begin work on hacking. With a little backup, she won't need long to get through the file database relevant to this mission.

    "I think mine's..." He begins to sift through file after file, before he manages to locate his. "Aha...here it is!"

    One will notice his eyes in the file's photo that comes up via hologram are organic, as opposed to the cybernetic ones he sports now. The implications ain't pretty.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Albert and Seft focus on keeping Kaz down, and staying away from explosions and samurai shenanigans. Albert is then immediately moving to assist Kaz here, though it's primarily for supporting Kotone and Rory. He's here mostly as defensive tank here too, having apparently programmed a very elaborate series of proxy connection spoofers and a wide assortment of encryptions meant to make it difficult for anyone to virtually attack the tech-head group. They'll have to cover their own entry on their own, but Albert's got a lot of digital defense to keep that entry secure.

    Seft just keeps watch for more opposition and wirelessly coordinates their extraction with George's navigation.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gets up after the blast and pulls something tout of her webbing. She moves attach to her neck and find a port to jack into and she's going to get to work at this point looking for the data, also making sure any backups of Kaz' information get wiped, she knows just what Alexis is after, after all. So that's what she's gong to do hopefully she can find some pay data.

She's keeping as calm as she has but by this point something clearly is up as Kyra makes some world play over the radio she twitches but says nothing else as she goes through the sea of data.

Albert's support is welcome and she's got on her mind as she is crunching a lot of data right now, she's got to wonder about a few thing but whatever happens she can't even think about it till she's safe.

<<Rory lets get this done, and get out of here.>>

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Meanwhile, George powers through the base. He's going to continue crashing his ship through halls and hangars until he gets near the Adamants, after which he intends to slam the brakes, or rather, the forward rockets. Heat and pressure will be what herald his arrival to the Adamants. And then George, relaxing in a casual way in the shattered-glass cockpit of the ship, slams through a wall near the Adamant Squad! He's going to call out from within. "Heya guys! Good work, I don't think this thing would survive ramming more of those bots. You guys ready to get outta here?" It's all cheery, upbeat, almost jokey.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji doesn't care about implications. He cares about getting the job done. This means protecting Kaz and the hackers. He moves away from the center of the room as Alexis requests, watching for more Problems to arise.

"Hurry." He urges the hackers present. Sure, they just got here, but that doesn't mean they don't need to move as fast as possible.

Grant Mason (667) has posed:
    The larger mechs are proving to be a little bit of a problem. Grant has blasted several shots into one and it's still coming. But you know, there's a good reason why his secondary job is berserker. He shifts his weight and puts the cannon onto his back.

    Grabbing something from behind his back with both hands, he pulls out what would best be described as twin collapsable battle axes. Weapons that should be used two handed by a normal sized person, he wields one in each.

    Weathering the attack from the mech, Grant rushes right at it, intent on cleaving into it with those two axes and taking it down to it's component peices. Until it's time to evacuate he has to hold the line, no matter what he has to do.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Once the spaceship hijacked by George bursts through the wall, Kyra appears to be reasonably shocked by this even happening. In spite of this, she laughs. "This is great! I had no idea this would be this fun."

    After all the emplacing she's been doing, Kyra has about a fourth of the C4 blocks left in her bag. The sack and its remaining contents are passed over to Alexis as Kyra also gets out of the way of the center of the room. "Let me know when you want it to go off!" Kyra shouts, pulling her needlegun from her jacket. She fiddles with it for a second, replacing one set of darts with another she's keeping on her person, swapping ones containing green liquid for red.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "A-agreed." Rory also moves to assist Kaz - and quickly uses whatever authentication he just did to spread her digital tendrils. Once she establishes a network connection... she begins downloading EVERYTHING, starting with the requested data - well, no, the entire database that's likely to have the data.

    Things get WEIRD when she starts doing that too. Her eyes glass over and anyone using a link with her for the effort will notice her activities QUADRUPLE. As if there are suddenly four or five Rorys and they're talking with one another and coordinating with lightning speed to spoof data requests as system services and daemons.

    Like a tarantula with legs spreading across a web she plucks everything at dozens of operations per second. Two different AIs join the effort...

    Chances are she's going to get a MASSIVe data dump, far beyond what was requested. She's not just hunting down data stored locally. If she finishes with that she'll start on anything networked to this mainframe - remote offices, for instance, if she can.

    And one of her threads is working on planting an AI-backed sleeper virus...

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis gets an idea. ANd when this happens, bad things tend to follow. Of course, that is jolted temporaily as George seems to FLY THE SHIP THROUGH THE FUCKING WALLS HOLY SHIT

    Ahem. Anyway. She seems a bit rattled, but considering George just dusted up a good portion of the mechs, that's fine by her. "You mad-as-a-hat bastard." SHe laughs, watching as a BRUTE-Mech tries to pry its leg loose as it finds itself pinned under a spaceship. Said brute only gets a few wide shots off before Grant tears it to chunks. Meanwhile, Alexis nabs what C4 she can from Kyra while triangulating the exact position of the server room Kaz and co. are in.

    It takes a moment or two, with Alexis shooting her way through surviving soldiers and mechs, but she does manage to figure out a decent planting spot. She's tall enough to plant the charges with ease. "Blow 'em." She gives the order over radio.

    Kaz will be screaming like a little girl as suddenly the floor is opened up with an explosion, almost immediately after the hacking is finished and files are wipped. Thankfully nobody's seriously hurt, hopefully, and Alexis climbs through the hole made. "C'mon, let's move it!" She calls out, offering a hand to whoever wants down first.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "We're... Flying on that thing, aren't we?" And with that, most of the color drains from Sanary's face. BLowing up a guy's head from the inside while everyone else turns other guards' heads into stew? Nothing scary about that. Fighting down hallways of robots and giant robots with guns that could probably pulp them in the same exact way? Perfectly fine.

    But flying in a spaceship? Goddammit. She's not happy about it, but she makes do as she starts ushering the rest of the team towards the ship first. "Let's go, let's go! Sooner we get outta here, sooner we can get off the flying deathtrap!"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji watches as the floor blows out, and he steps over to look down at the hole. "I was expecting to leave via the roof, but very well." He says calmly. He looks to the others present, and holds out a hand. "I can carry one of you for a quick escape. Whoever wishes it, come here."

Whoever takes it, Souji pulls them close and then...

Leaps down the hole. Most of the way down, he says, simply, "Float."

There is a surge of magic around him as feathers fly in all directions, and moments before he hits the floor, they comes to a bobbing halt, similar to a hovercraft. He then drops whoever came with him. "Onto the spaceship. Move! MOVE!" He calls, and directs others there, covering the rear with blasts of Thunder if needed.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    KABOOM goes the floor. Rory's shaken out of her ZEN HACKER mindset and waves her arms around clumsily for balance. She almost topples but grabs onto a chair for balance just in time! "Wh-wah! Warning... warning needs to be made a higher priority on your list!" She shuffles through a pocket and pulls out one of her Ectos and several tiny shiny things. The shiny things she hurls around the room into inconspicuous places, while the tiny Ecto - heavily modified just for this operation - she slips between some of the server racks.

    Now that she's established a wireless, she'll be using the Ecto as a relay across her Personal Area Network. So long as she's in range...

    The three mental threads are still hard at work, as are several copies of her AIs.

    The thing's operating as a relay and nothing more. It has no local storage and once it runs out of power EVERYTHING in its memory will be wiped. And it'll also power off if anyone but Rory tries touching it.

    In short, it will become a technologically advanced brick if discovered.

    So now Rory has a bit longer to keep up the relayed download!

    "let's go, right! now!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    For the purpose of actually setting off the C4, Kyra only has to murmur a few words, clearly some kind of spell is involved. The collection of bricks glow red before exploding. Just at the edge of the room, people here can see one of the bricks Kyra placed in the halls also starting to glow red-plus the bricks beyond them. It looks like Kyra seems to be concentrating hard, a hand extended, to keep the chemical reactions from going off on those pieces until everyone has gotten in and/or ON the spaceship that George has pilfered.

    She herself backs away to it until she's just close enough to throw herself in as she releases 'hold' on the C4, allowing it to explode as nature intended.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Albert, on demand, and seeing no countermeasures, swaps to helping Rory decode and interpret things, as well as making sure the mainframe is being reflected back to backup sites now. He can tell when there's a big fish in the pond and he's here mostly to be useful. Seft, meanwhile, continues spreading those magical C4 cubes, this time making an arrangement with George, using Alexis' triangulation of their location.

    "Everyone load up!" George calls out, offering space for people to climb onto or into his stolen vehicle, now likely bared a bit by the explosions all around and no longer encased in the structure. Though likely a bit beaten by the ramming solution George set up. Kaz will be physically hoisted by Albert and tossed to Souji while Albert and Seft each offer a hand to Kotone and Rory, drawing GRAPPLING HOOK GUNS from their inventories and swiftly rappeling down while holding either one if they need it. They'll be landing right on top og George's ship, using some creative swinging. Good thing too! Right on the deadline.

    Suddenly, George tries to set it into a vertical liftoff! He intends to lift off and blast out of here as fast as he can, loaded down with the prize, the extra gear, the data, and the VIP, who he fully intends to get somewhere nice. And then, like any good traitor, he attempts to BOOK IT, and blast on off into the distance to deal with drone attackers offscreen and then settle somewhere out in orbit for a while.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Kaz very quickly grabs ahold of Souji's hand, and without delay Maaka leads the group back towards the ship. "I can't believe you guys actually went to all that trouble, to be honest. You could've just left with the ship." he says, his metallic leg making light thuds as he hoofs it towards George's escape vehicle.

    "We didn't, but we did anyway. I don't make it a point to leave people behind." Maaka says, before she grasps George's hand and helps him onto the ship when it opens up. "Everyone aboard, we're gonna have a rough exit at this rate!" She says to everyone, making sure people climb without problem and are on the ship.

    Then...the cyborg laughs. It's a creepy thing considering the light modulation on her helmet, which folds back to reveal a grinning face as Alexis hoots in satisfaction. "Fuck me, that's the most satisfying op I've run in /years./ I've wanted to do that for so long!" She says, slumping in the cargo bay as the ship blasts away. Kaz kinda just...awkwardly sits beside her. "So...you too, then, huh?"

    "You got no idea. Company's hurt a lot of people over the years, it's about time we managed to hurt 'em back." She flashes the assorted hakcers, soldiers, and others, a grin. "And it'd never even get off the ground if not for you guys, to be honest. I gotta thank you for that much."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is going to get all the data she can get so she's going to jack out at this point. She's going to let Rory do the rest at this point she got what data she could and she's making sure Kaz is not going to die, that's part of the deal and she intends to do so. She moves with inhuman speed as there's no time to be screwing about right now.

When she reaches the transport she's going to grab that hand as she drops with them though she's far heiver than she looks thabkfully she gets aboard withg no other issues.

"We didn't lose anyone, right...?"

Kotone's looking shaken at this point but she's clearly shaken badly by something or another as she moves to secure himself.