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Latest revision as of 22:24, 23 March 2015

Sleepover at Maxine's
Date of Scene: 31 January 2015
Location: Maine-2031
Synopsis: Maxine oversees Annie and Marcy's sleepover.
Cast of Characters: 279, 437, 622

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's been busy getting ready things for Annie and Marcy's slumber party, She promised Annie that she would be around more now that the holidays were over after all. She's made plenty of popcorn and there are a few PG-rated horror movies already downloaded into their TV. She's not sure how much the girls actually wanted her around, but she's ready to stay with them if they want her around.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie's been excited for the sleepover all day. She even helped pick out the movies, figuring that Marcy might be the kind to like scary movies. She's sitting right next to the door, ready to greet Marcy when she arrives. While she waits, she looks through the movie selection one more time, wondering what sort of thing Marcy might like the best. Maybe this one about a werewolf? She keeps looking back to the door expectantly.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marceline has never been to a slumber party before. She also hadn't really had any friends her own age before meeting Annie either. Her skin is kind of greyish, she has pointed ears, and two sharp little fangs... She's still actually unaware of just how unusual she would have been in a 'normal' Earth setting. Like the world before the War ruined everything. She has encountered various different people so far, all of them different from each other. Is she really more different than any person is from another? She thinks not! So her concern is not upon whether Annie's mom will think she looks weird. Her thoughts are upon her excitement at the sleep over! Simon sees her off, making sure she gets here safely, and giving her a kiss on the head and telling her to have fun.

And then she's out front, walking towards the front door, in red pajamas with black bats on them. She has a sleeping bag rolled up and carried in both arms. Hambo, a pink, long-limbed teddybear-like doll with button eyes, is wrapped around her like a backpack. She has a flashlight from the early 90s inside the sleeping bag, and some spare batteries, but wasn't sure what else to bring.

When she arrives at the door, she has to shift her stuff from one arm to the other somewhat awkwardly. "Hup!" she lets out as she hefts the sleeping bag and then knocks on the door with the back of her hand. She's so excited. A sleep over! A real one! For serious!

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie opens the door immediately at the knock, giving Marcy a beaming smile. "Hi Marcy! Come on in!" she says happily. "It's good to see you again!" Looking over Marcy's items, she's impressed by the variety of stuff she brought. Annie isn't worried about what her mother would think of Marcy either- she knew her mother wasn't the type to judge people in that way. Turning away from the door she calls out in Maxine's direction. "Marcy's here!" she exclaims.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Now that Maxine's got everything set up, they just have to wait for Marceline to arrive. It seems they won't have to wait long as there's a knock at the door. "Just a second!" She makes her way to the viewscreen just to check to see who's at the front door. She's a bit surprised by the girl's appearance but seeing how she hasn't caused any trouble for Annie it shouldn't be a problem. Annie beats her to the door. "Yes, I can see her." Her head turns downwards a bit to get a better view of Marceline

"You didn't tell me your friend was so adorable!" Her mother instincts kick in even if the girl looks a bit strange. She smiles at the girl, "Hello, I'm Maxine, Annie's mother." She introduces herself as she moves a bit closer to the children.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marcy has decided to skip some of the slang and lingo she picked up from perusing the internet. Half of it isn't in use anymore, and the other half doesn't make her sound as cool as she thought it would. So instead she just smiles and greets Annie like a normal person. "Hi, Annie!" She enters when invited in, looking around in amazement and sniffing the air a bit. There's... Some scent in the air... It smells really good, though it's pretty pungent. "I'm really excited to be here." Sniffsniff. Then Maxine appears, and Marceline looks up at her. "Nice to meet you Miss Maxine! You have a really nice house! And it smells good too! Thanks for letting me come over." She grins at Maxine, and then Annie, displaying two rows of really, really, really sharp teeth. Annie has seen them before, but they may be a bit startling on first encounter, since they look like they're probably not meant for an herbivore.

Then she goes back to smiling more cutely (mostly accomplished by just not showing her teeth) as she says, "Simon said he'd meet you when he comes to pick me up. He had to go do some job stuff or something, I think." Then she rocks back and forth on her heels, suddenly feeling awkward and out of place. "So, umm... How do these sleep-overs work, folks?"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie sniffs a bit as well, as she can tell Marcy is. "Oh yeah, we made popcorn," she explains, figuring that's what she was smelling. "I'm excited to have you here! Yeah, our house is pretty cool. But you should see Daddy Magus' tower... it's huge!" She raises her arms high over her head to illustrate. "And it's got a cool dragon on top." She grins back at Marcy.
    "Well, I guess apart from... sleeping, we do fun stuff while you're here," Annie explains. "Like, Mommy downloaded some scary movies for us to watch. We thought that might be the kind of thing you might like."

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
"Oh, popcorn. I had some of that before, I think, but it was way old and kind of dirty. It didn't taste very good." What kind of living situation was she in!? Annie knows, but still! Dirty popcorn? Ick! Marceline claps one hand to her cheek in amazement when she hears about Annie's dad's house. "A dragon!? No way!-Oh, yeah. I like those kinds of movies!" She giggles. "They're silly!" When one has lived in a world full of REAL monsters, not to mention being the child of one, horror movies can seem pretty tame. Especially when Simon made sure to limited her internet access so she can't see anything a girl her age shouldn't be. 'Talking Dog And Friends' is nooooot the height of scary.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, this is fresh. Why did you eat old and dirty popcorn?" Maxine sounds a bit concerned about that. Where exactly was she living? "This shouldn't be too terrifying, it was made for all ages." She's not going to let the girls anything too gruesome. The Multiverse could be bad enough for already at times.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie also seems a bit concerned at Marcy eating such things. "Um... do you want to tell Mommy the story, Marcy?" she asks, face a bit downcast. "It's okay if you don't." She is glad to hear that Marcy likes those particular movies, and thinks it'd probably be a better idea to talk about those than to discuss the state of Marcy's home world. "We got a lot of good movies. Like this one about a werewolf, and one with a bunch of kids who have to hide from zombies!"

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
"Oh, it was before Simon found me. We didn't have anywhere to live, but I was really hungry." She may be young, but she picks up on how this topic could be uncomfortable. Rather than explaining how she was basically homeless in a post-apocalyptic world, she focuses on the positive. She has started a new life, after all! "But Simon works with the Union now so we can afford normal food and stuff. So everything's okay! I'd really like to try fresh popcorn though! It smells sooooo good!" She listens to the movie options raptly, and then considers. Being chased by real zombies wasn't very fun. She's not sure if she'd find that one interesting. So after scratching her chin with one finger she says, "How about the werewolf one? I've never seen one of those before. I wonder if they're anything like whywolves?"

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I'm certainly glad he found you." Of course Maxine doesn't know that much about Marceline, but a child certainly shouldn't be on their own. "Sure, I made plenty of it." Maxine pours some of the popcorn into three bowls as she talks. "I've never heard of a whywolf before." She's unfamiliar with the term. Once they get seated and comfortable she starts the movie.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Me neither," Annie said, regarding whywolves. So were there whowolves, whatwolves, and whenwolves as well? Maybe even *howwolves*? It was an interesting thing to think about. In any case, she's got her popcorn, and she curls up beneath a blanket on the couch as the movie starts- offering the other side of it to Marcy, before starting on her popcorn.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marcy sets down her sleeping bag somewhere it won't be in the way, smiles, and says, "Thanks, ma'am!-Oh, a whywolf is a, uhh..." She tries to remember the explanation. "...It's like a werewolf, I think, but they 'pursue scientific inquiry' or something. I don't know. Simon seems to know about them, but that's all I know!" She hops up on the couch, gets settled, and is just... So happy to be with these two. Her friend, and her friend's mom, together, eating popcorn and watching a movie. She can barely stay still in her seat as the movie starts! Warm blankets, warm house, and the warm feelings of friends.

This is the best!

Between mouthfulls of popcorn, she says, "Thanks, again." She means it, seriously. Without the Union... Who knows where she and Simon would have been? And without the Union... She thinks Simon probably would have kept using the Crown. But everything's okay now. They're going to be more calm and normal. They're going to change their state of mind. They're going to have more fun and be less weird than the past few years combined. Everything's finally going to be fine.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"So basically scientists who are also lycanthropes then?" Maxine thinks that's a bit oddly specfic but it's certainly possible. "I don't believe I've met anyone who was both." Knowing the Multiverse it'll likely happen sooner or later. "It's no problem, I could certainly stand to meet more people in the Multiverse myself. I probably spend too much time in a lab, but that comes with being a scientist."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "That sounds... kind of neat," Annie says, while also watching the screen intently- it seems like the tension is rising. "I might like to meet one, as long as they don't try to take me apart to see how I work!" That, she thought, would be exactly the wrong kind of science. "You're welcome Marcy. I always like meeting new friends." And she's also glad to know that Marcy is in a nicer home than she once had, and that she'll have a good life from now on.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
The half-demon girl answers, "Yup!" She doesn't know what a lycanthrope is, but it's probably right. Maxine seems like she's super smart, and super smart people usually know what they're talking about. Munch munch munch. "I dunno'. I've never met one. But don't worry, I'll protect you if that happens, Annie!" Marceline holds up one arm, and pats her noodly little-girl bicep to illustrate her strength. "Simon is a science guy too. I'm sure you'll get along with him! You can discuss, like... Like..." Marceline gesticulates, and then finishes with, "...Science!"

She's seven-and-a-half. Cut her some slack. She's still being taught how to SPELL properly.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine giggles a bit at that and rubs Marcy's head a bit, affectionately. "Well, try not to get into any fights if you can avoid it." Of course she's unaware of what the girl is capable of, but she doesn't seeing people getting hurt especially children. "What field of science does he research?" She can't help to be a bit curious now that she brought it up.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Thanks Marcy," Annie says. "I think we could be a pretty good team, don't you?" She smiles again before looking back to the movie screen. She could almost imagine herself and Marcy stopping the werewolf on a rampage, somehow. Even if they didn't fight, there were other ways to solve problems, weren't there? Of course, it'd be best to avoid looking for trouble, and she'd rather Marcy have her opportunity for peace, so she wouldn't want to plan on bringing her anywhere weird. She also looked interested in what Simon studied. She guessed it might have had something to do with the mutations that they looked at earlier.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marceline's hair is ruffled. She may frown a little bit, but she doesn't really mind it. It actually makes her feel like a child. Like she doesn't have to be a survivor, and can just be a kid. She likes it. "Oh, ummm... He said he used to be an... Anti... Aqua... Antique... An-something. He studied and collected old stuff. But I think he might know more than that, because sometimes he talks about physics and stars and biowhatever and all kinds of stuff and I don't really get it. Recently he's been looking into magic too, I think, but he keeps saying, 'It makes no sense!' so I think magic isn't the same as science." Munchmunch. Around a mouthfull of popcorn, she says, "Oh mayhee itsh jusht hahd." Swallow.

Not very good table manners, but given how she's been living until relatively recently that might be expected.

"Mm-hmm! The best team! Man, and if we had Grumble with us-oh, by the way, Grumble is a talking dog, like in 'Talking Dog And Friends', only a pug and magical, and actually real-we'd be totally inVEENcible!" Her attention shifts back to the screen. "I don't know though. Werewolves don't seem so tough. We could probably outsmart one if we have to though." She blinks her eyes several times and then rubs them with her hands.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"An antique dealer?" Maxine figures that's likely the term Marceline's looking for. "And a astrophysicist...magic? It seems he's knowledgable about mny different subjects." That's certainly an interesting cross. "Well, there can be overlap between magic and science depending on the world. We don't have magic here though." She explains to her.

"A talking dog? I don't believe I've met him yet." She's pretty sure she would remember meeting a talking dog. "Well, I think it would depend on the werewolf. There's so many different types in the Multiverse it would be hard to say what exactly would be effective."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "I think he'd probably get along with Daddy," Annie suggests. "He likes magic and knowledge-type-stuff like that too." Well, as well as Magus tended to get along with anybody, anyway. "I don't think I've met a talking dog either. The closest thing I know is Andyquil..."