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Basic Training
Date of Scene: 12 March 2015
Location: The Grid <TG>
Synopsis: Given the events on Deelel's home world of the Grid? Xiamou and Deelel have struck up a friendship. After a bit they headed down to the games park in Argon for Xiamou to get a little training and to catch up on things.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 707

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had invited Xiaomu back to Argon to the games park to blow some steam off and maybe catch up a bit, while populated she'd pick a off hour when many programs are recharging between work and such. Yes basics do sleep, she was there sitting on a bench with some sort of energy shake in hand and drinking it while she waited for her friend to arrive. It was just nice to get to do /something/ normal here, at home.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
It's actually not that hard to spot Xiaomu when she arrives; no other basic has hair like hers, and she's letting her 'hair'/tails flap around a bit in the wind as she steers her lightcycle through the streets of Argon, heading towards the park.

She does, however, rez up her helmet and tuck her tails 'in' as she's derezzing the 'cycle. "Hey, Deelel," she calls out, waving. Yes, she's dressed appropriately for the Grid - just because this is a downtime visit doesn't mean she's flaunting User-style clothing.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel finishes up the energy and wavews to Xiamou with a grin on her face.

"Good to see you, my friend. It's funny, I was quite shocked when I found out you had more up time than I."

A way of saying she's older she doesn't seem put off by it at all. She does however have one and offers it up to Xiamou, yes Flynn could consume energy so she assumes it's okay.

"So I figured we could have a few games and get a bit to talk. It's not often I can talk about some things. Our friends are all so young..."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu accepts the offered shake with a grin. "What sorta games did you have in mind? Considering what happened when I tried to sneak my Vita into the grid, I'm guessing you don't mean sitting down at a monitor with controllers in hand ..."

She pauses, glancing curiously at the container. "Should I save this for after we've done some playing, or?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel grins a little bit and she nods.

"HAve it now you may need it."

uhoh this sounds like physical games. She gets up from her sear and heads out ot the arena calling out.

"Disc wars, two players."

She'll wait for Xiamou to finish her shake and get into the small almost arena like spot.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Disc wars, huh?" asks Xiaomu, her ears perking up a bit. "Anything I need to know about the rules?" She starts drinking down the energy shake, taking in the 'arena' with more interest now ...

If anyone were on the Grid who actually *knew* the old Flynn, Xiaomu might start seeming quite familiar in short order. She's not a programmer or a hacker, though - just a very avid gamer.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Yes, the dics won't be powered you score points by hitting your foe with your disc, got it?"

She'll wait for Xiaomu to get into the arena and then a force form would rez it self about the arena.

"The walls are also legal to bounce your disc off of but do not power it. That would get the guard's attention."

Deelel drops into a ready stance and waits on Xia.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"'Powered'?" Xiaomu queries as she finishes the energy shake and walks into the arena; she fishes her ID disc off its mount on her back, twirling it around her finger. She needs to figure out what you mean by 'powered' or not, if only so she doesn't do it the wrong way by accident.

Of course, she hasn't had to fall back on using her disc for actual combat yet, either ... therein perhaps lies some of her confusion.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel pauses for a moment and looks at Xiamou.

She pulls her own disc off her back, there's no hum from the edge, nor it lighting up.

"Like this. Powered is lethal as you well know."

She also triggers some command triggering pale blue shoulder guards which are translucent along with a face half visor to protect her face but not mask whom she is.

"Well you got game...?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Ah, so just like this ..." Xiaomu nods, holding her disc by the inside rim for a moment. It DOES power up briefly, the outer edge glowing - but then it stops again as Xiaomu grins. "Okay, so I have to deliberately will it to go into active mode." She nods, powering up her own shoulder guards and visor, then settles into a ready stance much like Deelel's. "So the object is to tag you without getting hit myself ... am I allowed to block?"

Although if any impact on the body counts as a point against you, that only leaves one way TO block without losing a point ...

Deelel has posed:
Deelel nodss for a moment as shw aits for a moment.


She notes she looks at her for a moment.

"Yes you can use your disc to do so but that's not as common with current gen discs."

She grins a little bit. She grins a little bit as she readies her disc, also some music starts playing from some equipment Deelel had set up outside the arena.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu nods, raising her disc in front of her briefly in a salute - and then she whirls, spinning a full 360 degrees in place before her disc flies from her hand. It might be mistaken for a wild throw, if it weren't aimed to ricochet off one wall, across the corner, and bounce towards Deelel's back ...

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is quite agile, she hadn't been built for endurance that only came with Afterus. she seems to be ready, however but she gets what Xiamou is up to and spins out of the way, as she does so her own disc launches for her friend!

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu's eyes go wide as Deelel figures it out and dodges - and the sage fox has to dive to retrieve HER disc while simultaneously trying to drop flat and let Deelel's disc pass over her. If Deelel had cut it a little closer she might have landed the first point right off the bat ...

On the down side, Xiaomu is, well, down. A good ricochet would probably tag her before she can get back to her feet; the question is whether Deelel did that instead of just going for the direct shot.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel smirks a bit at this point she's moving at high speed at htis point she doesn't expect this toi be an esy one. Deelel is trying to make for it but she's got to catch her own disc and thus she doesn't have time to get the shot. She shifts moving to drop and roll out of the way.

"With live discs it's dodge to stay alive."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
The time it takes Deelel to recover her disc is just enough time for Xiaomu to scramble back to her feet. "Dodge or die, huh?" the sage fox grins. "Sounds familiar from a lot of weapons ..."

On the other hand, most of the ranged weapons Xiaomu's personally familiar with - arrows, bullets, spells - don't ricochet the way these discs do. She glances around again, trying to get a better grip on the dimensions of the arena ...

Then flings her disc again, this time trying to ricochet it off the 'ground' and catch Deelel under her guard.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Maybe so but I'm no heavy sentry, those guys can take some disc hits that would cube anyone else."

She notes before she does get clipped and she ssmirks as a female voice says.

"Point scored."

"I'm going to have to be careful it seems."

Deelel's moving faster now ans isn't gong to give Xia a chance to recover.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
While Xiaomu's good enough (so far) to at least connect with her target, she clearly has a lot to learn about gauging the rebounds for the disc to come BACK to her - but she manages to recover it quickly, at least putting herself in the right place to scramble for it without leaving herself too vulnerable. "Hey, you've been playing this a lot longer than I have, even if I've got the edge in overall seniority," she jokes.

She gets serious again quickly, though, cartwheeling out of the way of Deelel's next throw, then doing an aerial backflip over the ricochet. "So are all of your games combat-applicable?" she wonders aloud.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is moving at daster speed and she says,

"It's been a matter of staying alive actually at one point."

She notes she's moving at this for a moment she smirks as she launcher her disc again.

"Not all but most of them can be, yes. Don't ask me ask Flynn."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Who *is* this Flynn guy, anyw--"

And a point goes on the board for Deelel as Xiaomu's attention, split by making conversation in the middle of the game, is insufficient to carry her out of the way of Deelel's next throw. It just clips Xiaomu's shoulder, but apparently it stings - and Xiaomu makes up for it with her own throw at Deelel before the latter's disc should have a chance to return.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "The creator, God, what ever you wish to call him. Save for the iso's he's behind just abotu everything here."

She sees what Xiaomu is doing. She's however a bit too fast for her. She moves with fairly inhuman speed just evading the disc by a few centameters at that, she catches her disc while her back is arched back. She doesn't even finish rising as she throws her's again.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
To say that Deelel is 'a bit too fast' for Xiaomu is an understatement; while Xiaomu's not exactly a slouch by human standards of athletic prowess, she's still trying to get used to the physics of disc tag/disc combat.

Fortunately, she's able to twist and take Deelel's follow-up throw on her shoulder, hunching up a bit so that it bounces onto her visor instead of the unprotected part of her face.

On the plus side, the sage fox barely needs to budge from THAT spot to catch her own returning disc. "Man," she sighs, her ears drooping, "if I were doing this on a screen I'd pause the game and start searching for FAQs online."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is very good at this, she's had to be or she'd be dead right? However Xiaomu is proving to be a fun person to fight she frowns a bit.

"You might want to watch that humm it's late but you never know."

They get outed and things get bad like Deelel's life is gone bad. For now however she moves to make another move but she sees Xiamou has paused.

"You had enough? I'm not ramping up too hard on you am I?

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Well, you know what they say," Xiaomu grins as she locks her disc back onto its mount on her back; her protective 'gear' derezzes as she does so. "If you can't beat 'em, sweet-talk 'em into coaching you!"

She pauses. "I *can* concede the match, right? At least a friendly one?"

After all, there ARE some games which don't let you stop in the middle ...

Deelel has posed:
Deelel smirks a little bit.

"Sure you can and I'll be happy to teach you in more detail if you like. Come on let's go hit the club, it's still operating at this hour and I'm not up ot work today so we can have some fun1"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins, "Hitting the club sounds like fun! Can't wait to see what parties are like here."

She's consciously trying not to get her hopes up that they'll have fried tofu among the snacks, though.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel grins a little bit.

"Well we have music and drink. Also dancing!"

Though singing? That is alien to the basics, but music is not either way Deelel moves to put her disc back on her back and goes to get her light cycle out.

"Come on lets go!"