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Reboot: EP 6 Does Not Forget
Date of Scene: 21 March 2015
Location: The Grid <TG>
Synopsis: With a ride in hand, and Culter's info? The party once more heads to the grid and locates Anon. He had quite a story to tell too and when all was said and done? A deal was struck but Turing had encountered ... something horribly wrong.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, Staren, 152, 626, 631, 673, 686, 707, Corona Arclite

Deelel has posed:
Accessing archived data.

After a little trip to get some wheels Deelel, Rory, Xiaomu and Kyra found some interesting little things that other programs had thrown away. They located a set of wheels which were suitable and thanks to Deelel she was able to go to Able's garage to get the light transport fixed.

So here the party was packed into a light transport, which seemed to be a wheeled civilian APC given the lack of anything more basic than a standard twin light wall. Cutler was good to his word and in the driver's seat.

"Not bad on your find there, your all pretty resourceful"

He keeps his eyes on the path as head as there are no roads here, Deelel's in shotgun looking over a holo map which is pretty damn advanced and detailed looking. The land scape it self is desolate, there's craggy formation much like rocks and it's even started to snow, it seems Flynn was into some weather simulation for who knows what reason, then again given Culter's function he might just know what Flynn was up to there.

"We're just a bit out from the location, so far, so good."

Deelel notes and she's even booted up some music from the club, hope you like techno people, as that's all your getting tonight. Deelel seems happy to have got some new tracks from the Twins. Anyone from earth might be going, wait is that Daft Punk?

Corona Arclite has posed:
Fortunately Corona was small so the limited space of the transport didn't bother her much. Nor did the music. Where she came from you got either steampunk or some bizarre space music mix of country and industrial, so techno is far from a problem. Does kind of make her wish she had a guitar or something to strum along though.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu has been humming bits and pieces of some tune as she sits back and ... mostly enjoys the ride. She's staying alert, though, just in case anything comes up that she needs to stop lounging around for. For instance, any of Clu's loyal forces, if they happen to come out this way for whatever reason.

Not that she expects this to be terribly likely, and Deelel's taste in music seems to be trumping whatever snippets Xiaomu's been intermittently humming as the ride, and the playback, continue.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo is happy as a clam with Deelel's choice of music. He may even be singing along! Quietly, though, so he doesn't disturb anyone else. Something could come out and jump the craft at any time, after all. He needs to keep his eyes on his surroundings. He's watching out whatever windows there might be in the craft, staying mostly quiet for the time being. Other than the quiet singing along.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja, unlike Corona, definitely doesn't like the music. But the ratpriest doesn't see fit to make his displeasure known, too busy alternatively praying or otherwise thumbing through a book of time magic.

"Mmm...no....nay...that would be entertaining, maybe when there art Heretics around." Shrug. He'll stick to good old time-tested methods.

"Right then! May Holy Faram bless our work this day, that we shall deliver the innocent from the tyrants of this world! Go with God my children! AMEN!"

A few words later? And the icey-woman Shiva melts into being, dropping the temperature by about ten degrees. She's always wearing a light suit that's somehow artic patterned. Espers cheat. Sitting down, she crosses her legs primly while Faruja passes her a glass of wine. Sip.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra beams at the compliment Cutler bestows upon the wheels they managed to scrounge together out of parts found in the junkyard. This isn't to say anything about what she herself dug up, which might be hidden somewhere safe in Purgos right now. "Well, you know, we had to get the right thing for the job. The Outlands are pretty dangerous." Kyra shrugs, leaning back in her seat.

    She doesn't recognize the music but she bobs along to it. "Catchy."

Staren has posed:
    Staren is fine with the music, occasionally nodding his head or tapping his foot to the beat. He's wearing his heavy armor as he waits in the truck -- maybe it's overkill, but who knows what they'll run into?

    Staren is surprised to see Faruja here. "Good to see you all again. So Deelel... what kind of creatures live here?"

Rory White (673) has posed:
    As always, Rory's rather enthused about the digital landscape. So exotic, so strange! So different from the Infosphere. To have a body and have it feel fairly 'normal' is quite a marvel.

    Just as long as she doesn't fall over again. Or bump her head. Pain sucks.

    Unstated is how one of her multi-threads is currently managing a long distance communication with a beta fork halfway across the Multiverse while her main attention is out the... window, of sorts.

Deelel has posed:
Now the out-lands are not patrolled unless there's a reason to do so. There's just little out here, energy is often hard to find or requires full out drilling options, right? Deelel seems to be in decent enough spirits as she looks ahead, they are heading towards what seems to be a small mountain range of some sort.

"So here?"

"Ya, it's a pretty good place to hide the terrain makes ground searches hard and by air risky given the terrain and weather out here."

Cutler is slowing down at this point. Cutler thinks Faruja may have a few lines miss coded but it's harmless right? Must have been an import who kept to himself.

Deelel pauses as she scopes out the mountain up ahead it's not long before the transport comes to a stop.

Up on the cliffs a cloaked program watches his eyes narrowing behind his faceplate, who the heck would come out here, they didn't seem to be fleeing Clu, no they looked like they were looking for something? This could be very bad he sends a brief signal and starts moving in, he may not have to engage them but he needs to be ready.

Back down at the transport Cutler powers things down and Deelel is the first one out, it's coldish and windy but the grid natives don't seem too bothered by it. Deelel starts to look about now and Cutler is doing the same.

"No promises this is where the information I had leads but we never had the means for now to follow up on it."

Namely enough combat worthy sorts to go check it out in case it's a trap.

Reker (631) has posed:
So yeah, it would turn out that Reker has been here the whole time. Honest. Ignore his lack of appearances. He's totally here. Hard to miss in that suit with the bright white lines on it.

For now he's actually hanging back, watching behind the group, just in case somebody or something might be planning to sneak up on them. He doubts anyone would all the way out here but you can never be too sure.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja is indeed here, mostly at Deelel's request. Being able to lay down magical Esper-artillery is always a plus in a land where magic doesn't exist. Staren gets a nod and a bow before the Inquisitor is back to praying.

When they stop, Faruja and Shiva walk out of the transport. The rat already has his Blaze Gun at his side, the icey Esper floating along the ground gracefully as she tosses aside her wine glass. Faruja's ears perk up even as Shiva scans the horizon suspiciously. The rat will keep near Kyra, in an attempt to ensure the healer of the group has some backup. Just in case.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu disembarks from the transport as well, reaching back over her shoulder to grab her identity disc, just in case anything hostile makes itself known. Her staff is currently held in her left hand: not the best choice for melee, but good enough for keeping her options open.

"So, silly question maybe, but I think it's worth asking - is this the kind of territory those grid bugs you're always worrying about would show up in? I'd have thought they'd stick to, well ... grids, or at least big flat areas."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite ambles out of the transport with the others, then cranes her head back to look way the way up at the mountains spanning before them in hi-rez. Then grins a bit in that slightly unsettling way that gadgeteers have when they think they have something to tackle an obstacle already. "Well I don't know 'bout you folks, but a bit of a climb ain't gonna slow me down." She's run up and down walls and scaffolding or down into mines much of her life, a big pile of digital rocks aren't a problem.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's not bothered by a little cold and wind. Although, that makes him wonder what aspects of the non-digital world are here and which aren't. He asks again: "Is there wildlife out here? Besides grid bugs? Are there, like, grid tigers?" he looks around, searching for any wildlife, then draws his laser rifle and looks at it for a moment, possibly checking AR status readouts.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo is surprised to see Shiva's appearance, particularly because he doesn't have magic sensors after all. However, after a moment he stops staring and turns his attention to Cutler again as the program speaks of the area. "Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we?" he remarks with a happy smile that's probably a little out of place where they could be attacked by something that will hurt them.

    When the others start to exit the craft he will do so as well, keeping his left hand on the sheath of his katana. He's ready to jump into action at a moment's notice, not just in battle, but ready to obscure his identity with that helmet if necessary.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Mountainous terrain?" Rory hops out next to... Faruja, out of a strange sense of coincidence. The bluenette peers VERY oddly at him. Odd enough to see a Burmecian. Odder to see them digitized. "It's definitely remote enough to deter a casual investigation! ... But how will WE fare much better?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's something at least." Kyra pipes up in response to Deelel's mention that after all this time she hadn't been able to follow up on the information. "If anything, we'll get to say we visited the Outlands. How many Programs get to claim that?" She seems excited enough even if they don't find Anon.

    Kyra sticks near Faruja as the ratling sidles up to her. She seems completely okay with this, knowing that Faruja is at least tanky enough to protect her if things went really south.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks over to Reker for a moment and is glad to know he's here. She knows Faruja's skills are alien to the grid and wouldn't be much use out in the populated parts of the grid but here? In the out lands it could save their lives if things god bad. For now however Shiva might find something strange there is ice here it's different someways from ice off of this world but it's ice and there's something else there may be caves or something else there.

Deelel sighs and shakes her head.

"Just programs and grid bugs."

She looks at him for a moment and the off grid weaponry. It's troubling but thankfully right now she can worry about things like that later.

She's about to say something when she pauses looking about.

"Wait I think I saw movement."

It was a lucky break on Deelel's part.

She points and that's when things become a blur of motion as a figure with white grid lines is moving rapidly they would find soon standing on a rocky outcropping is a male program, his face hidden behind the mask.

"Halt programs identify your selves and your intent."

His voice is warped and it sounds half way between normal program voices with the odd digital warble and an fully army heavy sentry like Alpha. Also it would have been noted to everyone as always don't say your a user, don't say your from off grid you can help it.

Deelel pauses and tries to size this up it's not one of Clu's people and if a program was out here they'd have to have a way to keep powered. Also that program does not seem put off about the possibility of having to /fight/ everyone here.

Though there may be some issues for Xiaomu, Corona and Gakupo the ground they are on starts to look cracked and start to give way it seems everything isn't stable and the ground's starting to cube under their feet. If they are not careful it could derezz on the spot.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"...Should've been a Temple Knight." Mutters the Inquisitor as he finds himself protecting Rory and Kyra both. Luckily, he's been with enough Templar to pick up a few pointers, and very much keeps them protected. Having an esper helps.

Rory also gets a more intent glance. "Methinks we art all hearty enough to manage a bit of a hike. Come now, if I can manage with my leg, ye can mine dear." Chastizes the priest, before a look to Kyra.

Ice caves, a Program watching them, and then the ground's cracking beneath Xiao's, Corona's and Gakupo's feet. Faruja snaps his fingers, and Shiva thrusts her hands out. She'll try to form a sheet of ice over a wide area, hopefully enough for those falling to land upon and keep them from smashing downwards! It looks somewhat thin though. Best to not stick around.

For once, Faru doesn't step up to the diplomacy bat. No, he's too old fashioned for /this/ place. He'll leave that to Deelel and the others.

Reker (631) has posed:
Diplomacy? Who's got time for diplomacy. Reker already has the weapons that he's let become his signature here on the grid drawn as soon as the weird program appears in front of them. Whoever this guy is, he's not hurting anybody while Reker's around.

"We should ask you the same thing, bro. There's like ten of us and only one of you."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods to Deelel and puts the rifle back on his back. He looks where Deelel points, and--

    --decides to let others speak first. He knows to lie about his identity, but should he lie about his intent? Deelel can make that call.

    When the ground starts to derez under him, he just manifests his wings and hovers, watching to see who else is affected, planning to swoop in and grab them if need be.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Between Faruja's Summons and the arrival of a strange progrma, Rory's on edge. "Rory. We are on search. There is no need for hostilities-- look out all of you--" But SHiva has it covered even as Rory whirls around. This place just isn't safe!

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu glances down at the derezzing ground, then gives the white-armored program a withering look. "Can I get to safe footing before I answer that?" she asks - and then she bolts, trying to find more stable ground before it can collapse out from under her. There's probably - PROBABLY - more rock under there somewhere, but the last time she was playing a 3D platformer and the terrain glitched out from under her, she got a better view than any sane gamer would EVER want of the underside of the skybox.

And she won't have the option of rebooting if something like that happens here.

"Name's Xiaomu," she calls while she's playing Death Hopscotch with the disintegrating terrain, "and we're out looking for somebody we're hoping to meet!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Oh no, cracking and breaking ground! ... Which Corona entirely fails to notice because she's already sprinting up to the outcroppings and the prospect of a good workout of a climb. She jumps up to grab onto a ledge, and true to her fox nature has little trouble climbing up, pulling herself off the original surface just as it's cubing away under her heels.

By the time she's started her way up the new figure makes his appearance. "Tourists?" she offers half-jokingly as she sits on the ledge and leans back. "Seriously though. We're not trying to shoot you or whatever and don't have the takey colors of the jerk trying to byte the system to pieces, what do you think we're doing here?"

Okay diplomacy isn't really her strong point either but at least she knows not to be a jerk about it.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    As soon ashe hears that voice he's activating the helmet and hiding his face. The program in question my already have seen him, but he doesn't know for sure, so he takes the precaution anyway. He's about to answer but the ground suddenly starts to destabilize, and he stumbles! Thankfully Shiva's ice sheet keeps him from falling too far, and he quickly steps to one side, hopefully out of danger.

    Once he's no longer in danger of falling through the ground, he offers, "Vocaloid3 voicebank GACKPOID." He IS a program, so there's no reason to tell this Program that he's not. "We're not here to cause trouble." That's all he says thuogh-- ultimately it's Deelel's show. He just wants to make sure he's not going to attack them before they can explain!

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra could say a thing or two about off-grid weaponry. What she's managed to smuggle in on her person, she's hidden very well. There's a gun on her somewhere but to the observer, it's hard to tell where, which is amazing considering how skintight those Grid suits are.

    She squints at the white-suited program that suddenly appears, demanding their identities, trying to gauge whether or not he may be a trustworthy Program. Well...he does have white grid lines. That's promising, right?

    "We're here looking for someone!" Kyra shouts back vaguely. "...as to who we are, we're not with CLU! Promise!"

    She yelps suddenly as the ground starts to give way under some of their companions.

Deelel has posed:
The program looks to Reker for a moment.

"Because I have faced worse odds and lived."

The program isn't moving to power his disc but he is keeping an eye on Reker at this point.

"Staying alive, and keeping some of the Creator's hope alive."

Deelel pauses at these comments, confident enough to not be intimated by them, but not brutal and aggressive, also the comment about Flynn does make her and even Cutler wonder. Okay they may have found him.

"We're looking for a program, a system monitor."

"Thinking I'm Tron? Sorry so far as I know, Tron's long gone. Xiaomu you have a point the terrain's unstable here part of why I picked it."

He has been on the run but pauses at the armband Culter has he peers. He's got an idea of who they are or at least what they are.

"No we didn't come looking for Tron but another, his name is Anon."

It seems the program is lost in thought.

"I might know something about him, tell me why I should say anything?"

He notices several others introduce them selves from the alien like Xia to the formal as heck like GACKPOID. He lowers his disc as Deelel watches him as he puts it on his back.

"So can you help us? There's more against Clu than you'd think."

The program pauses looking over the mostly band they clearly are some sort of rebel group he only flags a few of them at least by grid standards are combatants. The rest seem to be non combat programs taking up discs as were.

"I am Anon, come with me it's best to not talk here this much active energy will attract grid bugs sooner or later."

It's time for some Parkour fun or climbing antics but it should b easy enough to get up to Anon and follow him into what seems to be a natural cave system though the entrance is hidden.

"Look we been trying to help what few ISOs are left, and we came up on a lead about yourself. We didn't think any high ranking System monitors survived who were not loyal to Clu."

Anon pauses.

"So a resistance group I take it?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Purposely using bad grid space to an advantage. Clever." Corona does this as part of her normal work routine when it comes to getting into high places, so she has little trouble keeping up with the ascent of the digital mountain side. "Yeah, everything they just said. Clu's a big pain in the ANSI and all that." She pauses to grin at Anon at the resistance group remark. "Trying to work on something to that effect you could say." Then goes back to climbing. "Even big undertakings start with small steps, after all."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Obviously Kyra is just a multimedia program like Deelel. She most certainly doesn't look like a combat program of any stripe-not like Reker, for example. In fact, she response gets a look from Kyra, followed by an innocent grin, "Oh, are you looking to fight him like you want to fight CLU? Hm?" She actually quite enjoys his enthusiasm about going out and getting their opponents.

    "Oh yeah. We're a resistance group alright. We're all about the rebellion against's CLU's racist genocide." Kyra, parkour? Ahahaha, no, never. She climbs, though, at an average pace.

Staren has posed:
    Staren quirks an eyebrow when the mysterious program says he's faced odds worse than 10 on 1. Staren flies up after him. "A resistance group... you could say that... yeah, I guess we are. We're looking to resist CLU and help a lot of innocent programs."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Somewhere along the way, Xiaomu finds stable ground long enough to lock her disc onto her back again, and she follows Anon and the others. "Resistance group, yeah ... uh, we're the Organized Heuristic Movement."

Not really, but it's not *bad* for an off-the-cuff name for the group ... right?

At any rate, heading for somewhere safer and more secure seems like an excellent idea to the sage fox. Particularly somewhere she doesn't have to worry about the terrain glitching out from under her.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja's remarkably silent, as it seems Deelel, Cutler, and various others have a handle on things. Dismissing Shiva, the Inquisitor stands guard instead, occasionally glancing to Anon. There's suspicion in his single red eye.

So much so that a green little cat-like creature pomfs into being right on his shoulder.

Carbuncle too glares at Anon menancing. As menacingly as a tiny, emerald green one-foot tall magical creature can. It mostly looks like it's pouting.

"Call me paranoid, but methinks standing out here and discussing the matter is hardly intelligent." A quick float spell for Rory, Faru's, and Kyra's sake, and off after Anon they go.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Formal? That's one way of putting it. Gakupo's usually formal with people he doesn't know. Particularly when the person he doesn't know is liable to cube him where he stands~. Though once that passes he relaxes somewhat, releasing the grip on the sheath of his sword. A resistance group, the Program asks? "Mhm," Gakupo replies. "The ISOs shouldn't have to hide. For a lot of reasons."

    He too keeps them quiet for now though, Faruja has a point. He also blinks at the appearance of Carbuncle, but again doesn't speak. He just gets to climbing. He shouldn't have too much problem following the Program. Which may seem odd because he bears the marks of a multimedia program. But he also carries a weapon. Maybe it's for looks?

    He also pauses at Xiaomu's sudden name. And emits a quiet snort of laughter, shaking his head. That's probably good enough though. Hopefully!

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "resistance group is one way to put it!" Elated to have found Anon SO EASILY, Rory hurries up with the rest of the group. "I personally haven't come to many conclusions yet... but I do not stand for the way ISOs are treated and would see them relocated to somewhere safe at the very least."

Reker (631) has posed:
Once they're sure that's the guy they're looking for, Reker puts the batons away, "Well hell, we found him. Kick ass. But yeah, probably should get out of the open. Prying eyes and all."

Deelel has posed:
Anon listens to everyone for a long moment and he seems to be the quite sort, and he looks to Gakupo nbe contiunes to not say anyhting for the moment and he just well listens. There's a lot to say they are strange, he flags. Deelel, Culter, Gakupo and Rory as normal also likely Kyra as well. The rest are odd, are they some sleeper programs that Flynn left as another precuation? It wouldn't shock him at all to be honest.

The group's now in the cave and it seems there's some kind of lair here he watches them for a moment he looks at Xiaomu.

"That sounds about as bad as something Flynn would do. So you want the truth I have something to protect it's why I not been fighting and you have ot have questions about Tron?"

Staren has posed:
    A lair! Cool. "Something to protect? But you're still willing to talk to us. So what's the deal? You help fight if we help protect? Or... you have information or some other kind of help for us?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite stops to stretch once they get up to the cave. "Now that was a nice little workout." True to form she ambles over to claim a portion of wall and lean back against it, crossing one foot over the other idly.

Faruja (152) has posed:
And then they're in a Hideout. Faruja frowns briefly. Caves? Who are they, the Corpse Brigade?

Thankfully the Inquisitor's standards aren't voiced. "Quite honorable dear Ser, however, as the good gentleman here states.." He motions to Staren.

"Methinks this shall be a round of negotiation. What doth ye need? And what canst ye provide? I hardly mean to seem cold-hearted, but methinks both parties have only the smallest reassurances when it comes to trust."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    "If you wouldn't object too much," Gakupo replies with a nod to Anon's question. Once they're safely in the caves, Gakupo deactivates his helmet, letting his face be seen. That is a lot of very strange-colored hair the Vocaloid has, by the way. But aside from this he'll be quiet as Anon seems to want to tell them something.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Let's hear it for safe havens; Xiaomu collapses onto a nice stable seat with a sigh of relief. Even if that 'nice stable seat' is just part of the floor ... preferably one that somebody stepped on before Xiaomu sat down.

"I can relate to having things to protect," she says to Anon with a friendly grin. "But how do you protect something *without* fighting? If you're just trying to keep a secret by lying low .. well, that may work, it might even work indefinitely, but you're not securing anyone's safety for the long term that way."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Althought Kyra was no stranger to Float spells, if Faruja wanted to provide, she'd gladly take it, vice falling into the ground in these parts. The very normal-looking "media program" follows the others. "Hey, exactly what else everyone is asking. You have something to protect...out here? As for TRON, we keep hearing that he was killed. You, on the other hand, kind of vanished on everyone."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "ANy information is useful!" Rory pipes up, hurrying along and into the caves. The grid is so strange, why does it have caves?

    She glances around as if asking the very walls this question.

Deelel has posed:
Anon nods to the group for a moment.

"Yes and why you seem to want what I do. The ISOs to not be exterminated."

He notes as he listens a bit more and Deelel seems to be listening too for a moment.

"I have programs I need to get somewhere safer and given what your doing I suspect you have a way to make it happen. As for that Xiaomu? Be very good at not being found. I managed to keep them alive this long."

He pauses about Tron for a moment and moves to pull the disc off his back.

"I was unable to reach him and Flynn in time."

He pauses for a moment and flips his disc over and an he's accessing an old memory file from the local date? This is at least 200 local years ago.

It cuts to what seems to be some feed from Anon's pov it's sometimes supplemented with camera feeds he's patched into.

One can hear a man call out.

"FLYNN! Am I to still create the perfect system?"

The man looks identical to the other save Flynn is wearing more human like clothing a leather jacket and jeans with have a few light lines on them.


It's right out side the arcade they found the party found their way into when they first arrived here.

Another program is spotted lurking a man with a angular face short cropped hair and a dead look to him. He's not alone there's about a 20 other programs with him.


He lowers his hand.

Tron looks to Flynn.

"Flynn go!"

The Black Guard and heavy sentries rush Tron a program in a white light suit with a The fights like a mad man, he's brutally efficient in his take downs the first guard is turned to cubes as a disc is shoved through his torso but while out classed? Tron is out numbered. Anon seems to be getting ready to go after him, but he too is jumped and he's locked into combat with. He gets an order from Flynn, Anon complies and it cuts to a video feed at another index from a local security feed.

IT shows the aftermath of the fight there are voxels everywhere Tron is laying on a pile of them, his tors is cut to shreds and hes' got several very deep chest wounds. Any sign of him being flesh is gone there as you can see the voxels that make up his body glowing a teal. He raps clearly badly hurt he raises his head ad the only two other survivors of the battle loom over him.

"You failed Clu, Flynn will Vanish. Disappear into the Grid. He's the creator.

Clu does not seem put off by this at all.

"He can go where ever he wants. It was you I was after. With out the mighty Tron? The Creator will fall and Clu will rise."

Tron looks up and his expression become one of hurt, and utter betrayal.


Clu laughs a bit.

"What do you think Tron? I made Dyson perfect again."

Dyson moves his hand to one side of his face for a moment as if hinting it had been in far worse condition at one point.

"Dyson!? I trusted you! He betrayed us!"

Dyson looks at Tron speaking calmly but he does seem to have something missing.

"Your wrong. Flynn betrayed /us/. Betrayed All of us. Now Clu is free to cleanse the grid of the ISOs."

Clu then moves over the tron straddles his chest and drives his ID down the feed cuts out and there no idea if Tron was cubed or not but there was a scream as it cut out. Anon returns his disc to his back.

"I was ordered away by Flynn to save which ISOs I could and I carried out that directive since. I am aware of a community in the wastes but should you have a way to get them out of Clu's reach. Use it and I will then be able to do something about ... him."

There's a slight stressing it seems to be a bit personal, Deelel and Culter would likely guess why but it might not be so obvious to the others.

BGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_zqdnl09VI

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is dumb founded as she just stares there nad Anon also adds.

"I think this also proves whom I am."

A programs Memory disc doesn't lie after all.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite idly taps her fingers on the other arm as the big infodump is made. "In other words, we gotta get these ISO folks somewhere safe so you don't gotta worry 'bout protecting them, and that'll free ya up for some kicking Clu in the bits."

The whole 'proving who I am' goes well over her head though. Oh well.

Reker (631) has posed:
"Look if saving the ISOs gets us one step closer to stabbing CLU in the eye, then I'm down." Reker says. He's been sitting rather quietly while they talk for the time being, because he knows that things like 'negotiation' and 'not pissing people off' aren't his strong suit.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Yup, similarly, Faruja doesn't make too much of the memory disc, though he jots down notes anyway. He'll let Deelel decide on the course of action.

Then there's a nod to Corona and Reker.

"Save these ISO's, fight the tyrant, God's work done I say! A good old insurrection against a pack of Heretics! Or nobles." Half the time they're the same thing. By now, Faruja's /definitely/ looking interested.

Staren has posed:
    Staren watches, curiously. So that's the creator? And CLU was ordered to make the perfect system... And looks like Flynn for some reason. This is a troubling insight.

    Staren glances at Reker. "I'm for saving the ISOs whether it helps us fight CLU or not." He looks to Deelel. "Is evacuating them to safety... workable?"

    He looks back to Anon. "So... CLU was ordered to make the perfect system. Is that what he's doing? Building his own twisted version of perfect, with no room for ISOs or free will? Could we... is there any way to convince him that this isn't what Flynn... what the Creator wanted?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu sighs, actually hugging her knees to her chest. "Perfection doesn't *exist* in any mortal world, though ... perfection isn't a goal that you *reach*, it's a goal that you have to keep pursuing. There's always going to be something that can be 'improved' ..."

She trails off with a sigh. "So Clu's pursuit of a 'perfect system' can only end in a couple of ways, none of them good. Mostly we're looking at a tightly-regimented stasis, total stagnation, or utter destruction. And I'm not sure Clu is smart enough to realize that those are all bad things."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory ends up wincing terribly at the displayed recording. "... It will happen. We have places for them!" And they do at least indeed have places.

    "... So Tron... won't be of help to anyone..." THAT is depressing. Very depressing. Rory's shoulders sag and she ends up looking down.

    "He is either gone or prisoner. Neither is of much help..."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo silently watches the feed, until it cuts out. And he puts a hand to his mouth when he sees the possible cubing of TRON. "So that's why," he observes quietly. "TRON was the strongest, wasn't he? And when he fell, it must have seemed completely hopeless..." He trails off. Shakes his head. "That's why we're here, to help stop Clu."

    Xiaomu's words get a nod. "Exactly. The JOURNEY to perfection is more important than the destination, because it's along that journey that you improve yourself. And THAT is the goal, to never stop improving." He looks to Xiaomu, with a tilt of his head. As if asking 'is that right?'.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Through the viewing, Kyra is silent. The memory ends on an unpleasant note but without seeing it all the way through, without seeing that one last moment, she couldn't really be sure that this TRON guy was dead. But this doesn't get pointed out. Instead, she grins, the grin only widening as she hears Reker talk. Man she really loved that guy's directness. Find guy, /beat him up/.

    "We may have a solution. We may have a way of getting them somewhere safe. Somewhere /beyond/ the reach of CLU, but you have to trust us. You have to /really/ trust us on this one."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Yes, but if it's a large number we are going to have to finagle things."

She's still reeling at that, the System monitors were betrayed. Cutler oddly doesn't seem broken.

"If we didn't see him cubed we can't give up."

Though the injuries he suffered if he was alive somewhere? Could be why no one's heard from Tron for so long. Still some things about the way makes sense but one thing eats at Cutler how did so many System Monitors turn? The answers are the stuff of nightmares for Programs.

Deelel gets wide eyed.


It all came down to User Error?! She looked like she had suffered a shock at this.

Deelel look to Cutler.

"Until we find his Disc or actual proof of the killing blow? We don't count on Tron being dead. Given what's in Argon? It might be him, he's got the Hardware and I doubt Clu would have just thrown that out."

She looks to Xiaomu for a moment, she frowns.

"Think how he'd take to other Users? Many thought Flynn betrayed them. Threw them away for the ISOs."

"If you have a way off system. One guard it with your lives, if Clu Finds it, it will not bode well for what systems is on the other side. If you will help me get them off system I'm with you."

"Then we have a deal?"

Deelel notes this as she gets up to shake Anon's hands, he returns the gesture but it's a bit odd. It is however something he saw Flynn do once.


Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja leans back, and gives a bitter smirk. "...Were ye expecting perfection?" Poses the rat to Deelel, shaking her head. Really, the whole idea of Programs all but worshiping mortals is insane to the rodent. Then again, he hardly cares for creating life this way.

It's simply unnatural.

"Done easily enough. We hath resources, good Ser Anon." States the rat simply and confidently. The Union protecting the warpgate would be relatively trivial after all.

Staren has posed:
    Staren tilts his head to look at Xiaomu. "You say it's a goal, meant to be reached for, not achieved... but that CLU /reaching/ for it is a bad thing." Staren shakes his head, and looks around at those assembled as hs speaks. "I don't understand how people think sometimes. CLU's problem isn't that he's trying to build a perfect world. It's that his value system is so warped, he thinks /that/" Staren waves his hand in the direction of Argon, "is what a 'perfect' world looks like. If that's what he sees as right... the results won't be good no matter /what/ goal he's trying to achieve." He looks back at Xiaomu. "It's kind of depressing that you're willing to give up on the idea of a perfect world so quickly. Maybe if we had more people that believed it was possible and /actually/ reached for it... ah, nevermind." He waves a hand dismissively and turns his body to face Anon. "Yes. That's our big secret -- we have access to another system. CLU isn't the first... tyrant warlord we've encountered, but... we'd prefer to defeat him /before/ he can try to conquer anyplace else." Beat. "...So, once the people you're protecting are safe, does that mean you'll be able to help us? As a system monitor, what unique options can you actually bring to the table to fight CLU with?" He blinks and stifles a wince as he realizes what he just hinted at. "I mean... we know what a system monitor is, but theory and practice... /you/ actually have the experience of /being/ one." He glances uneasily at Deleel. Did he cover well enough?

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"That's the thing, Staren," Xiaomu replies. "He treats perfection as something that CAN be attained. He doesn't understand like we do that it's something we have to always be working towards."

She pauses, looking at Staren. "At least, like most of us do."

She looks over at Deelel and Cutler. "Yeah, just a few more programs here, no Users in this batch." She does manage a grin, although it's somewhat wan.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "/If/ there was a way off this system, you better believe that we wouldn't be letting CLU know about it. Especially if that was the best shot for bringing the remaining ISOs somewhere that they couldn't be persecuted. Of course-" Kyra smiles, "This is only in theory." Since she wasn't sure if taking them off system was the solution yet...or just the solution she wanted.

Deelel has posed:
There could be more to what's going on after all but who knows. Deelel looks to Staren for a moment listening but she doesn't comment too much. She does seem lost in thoutght for a moment.

"Yes, I deleted the virus known as Abraxus before he could spread across the grid."

It's not a boat from Anon it's a statment of fact. Anon looks at Staren for a moment says nothing but Deelel gives Staren a look that could melt iron.

However before Deelel can say something else her comm beeps nad it's Turing?

"Yes I know this is a emergancy line and guess what musix box? It is one I just cracked that file Kyra found and we got a problem! Get back soon as you can, we need to talk in person."